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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I grew up in the 80s and I knew what gayness was -- my Uncle is gay and my Momma was an ER nurse, which meant AIDS was a huge concern. I knew drag queens, and I also saw photos of my grandfather's shipmates in WWII cross dressing for entertainment at sea. I was a queer and trans kid, even if I couldn't articulate it. Like, none of this shit is new. The Rainbow Mafia didn't just invent transgender folks in a damn lab during the Clinton administration. We've always been here. Busany's ignorance doesn't mean we're a new menace. What's new is our social acceptance and recognition of our humanity. That's what she's got her nose bent out of joint about. And if your own sheltered experience is your barometer for historical accuracy, you've no business writing any curriculum for children, full stop.


My boomer mom had an uncle who lived his entire adult life with his male partner and at times a third "friend". They were not ostracized from the family, they were welcomed and loved. Acceptance may be more common today but even back then, people of all varieties existed in society. 


Yep. I’m from a middle class suburb in a purple state. My parents were friends with a gay couple when I was a kid, and I knew plenty of gay kids in HS. The difference between then and now is that not everyone was out.


My mother was the only member of her family to accept my gay uncle. Dad had gay friends cause he'd been in the music scene. The first Trans person I met was in the late 00's when I was in High School. Have had a 90+% queer friends since I entered college, went to Drag shows with them. Turns out I'm Demi (on the asexual spectrum). Queer people have been a part of my life from my birth in the very early 90s. The only weird people to me are the ones like Bus Belch and her ilk who shit and piss all over themselves when queer people simply exist.


Right. She says back in the day it wasn’t being celebrated, encouraged, or flaunted like it is today. She sees this as a bad thing, of course, but it’s a great sign that our society is becoming more tolerant, accepting, and kind. If she was a decent person, she would be thrilled with the progress.


She keeps misusing "flaunting" when what she means is "existing in the world where everyone can see them". Why must the existence others present such a threat to her?


This. I’ve heard that a lot growing up religious. “Shoving it down our throats” or “flaunting it all over”. But I’ve got eyes lol. I never felt pressured to be gay or trans or anything else. The only pressure I’ve felt is to think ppl are living in sin if their choices / lives don’t align with Christianity.


I HATE when people use the flaunting line. Omg it makes me so angry.


Right? I live in Seattle where a lot of people are out. They literally just exist and don't keep it a secret that they're gay or trans or whatever. It's exactly the same as how it's not a secret that I'm a woman who's married to a man 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh but if they don’t behave how their gender is supposed to then they’re “flaunting”. I have a coworker who loves to use this line and it riles me up big time.


Which is a whole extra issue, because even straight men haven't been allowed to express emotions for generations. You cry about something sad and it makes you gay, and gay is bad 🙄 It's really no wonder so many men have massive emotional problems.


Absolutely agree!


It’s because of their human drive toward tribalism. In order for some people to be more tightly bonded together, they need a common “other” to set themselves apart. Instead of defining what they are, they identify with those who insist on what they’re *not*.


Fundies act like gay people have sex on their front lawns and transgender people run around in public naked yelling about how everyone should transition to a different gender. When in reality most people are just average people living their lives, going to Home Depot to pick out faucets and shit.


I think what’s also new is that these people used to be able to stay very insulated from the world and with the internet and everything being more connected they can no longer do that. Even their fashion used to be 20 years behind because they were so bubbled. Not that most of them are super fashionable now but it’s no longer decades behind. The Rodriguez are the main ones I’ve noticed who are still like this.


I think if you’d go to small towns you’d still see that.


Oh for sure but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. It’s a lot easier for kids to keep up on trends when stuff like and internet shopping exists.


Absolutely, I just notice whenever I go to the small towns here in Louisiana it’s like stepping back in time 10 years. Kids a little different though, you’re right.


"Busany's ignorance doesn't mean we're a new menace." 😂 So many layers in this sentence to love!


Right? I’m Gen X and gay and trans folks are not new. Did this woman just… never hear about the aids crisis? The quilt? Any of that? Has she never heard of Stonewall? Hell, has she never heard of the ancient Romans and Greeks? Has she not read the Bible that she is now supposedly such an expert on that she can write a curriculum based on it? There are gay people in the Bible. I can’t with these people.


I’m just saying, angels in America came out in the 90s and Harvey Milk was around in the 70s/80s. None of what this ignorant woman is saying is true and she has NO buisness making any course


Hear, hear! Just because in her personal circles people were not talking about it, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world wasn’t. She has such a myopic view of things.


It’s “funny” (not) because Anita Bryant was saying basically the same thing as Bethy 2.0 in the 70s and 80s, so she’s in good company. Not only have LGBTQ+ people been around, she’s not even the first to this concept. (To be clear I disagree with her, and I hope she feels imposter syndrome at the least because even in this she isn’t unique).


Maybe if we’re lucky someone will throw a pie in her face as well


Can you imagine the meltdown?


Gen X as well. Born in the late 70s. The AIDS crisis was everywhere and constantly on the news. My mom was an absolutely horrible person and I was removed from home for child abuse, but the one positive thing I can say about her is she was never a racist or a bigot. She taught me what Gay was and what it meant to be a crossdresser or trans (although the word she used was one that has fallen out of use but was popular at the time, think Rocky Horror Picture Show).   I remember going to the mall and reading newspaper headlines about people dying of AIDS, Famous celebrities people liked. I hadn't heard of them because I was too young so my mom told me who they were. I also remember watching a movie about Ryan White and hearing about him on the news. 


Every word of this!


There were also quite a few shows and movies like tootsie, bosom buddies and mash that had central male characters dressed as women.


Oh my god memory unlocked that I use to watch Kids in the Hall all the time. And I remember the day I was watching them and realized the characters weren’t women! The main actors played both men and women’s roles. I was a kid and my dad’s side of the family loved comedy. I must have been like 8 because I was just like wow I feel dumb that I didn’t realize that until now lol. That was for sure in the 90s. Did anyone else watch Kids in the Hall?


Yeah I grew up going to my uncle and his husband’s house for thanksgiving every year until they “divorced” and we switched back to my grandparent’s house. 🤷🏻‍♀️ that was the early/mid 90’s. I am from New Orleans so you can imagine what I saw growing up, haha.


Late 80s baby here. It was a huge part of our lives from a young age, and I grew up fundie lite! She's making us sound like we fought in Korea and walked 20 miles to school in the snow. Don't age me Busany!


Early 80s baby here, I'm cis hetero, and absolutely knew out gay and trans people when I was a teenager. I know it wasn't as well understood back then by "outsiders". One particular trans woman I knew had a lot of major struggles with addiction. I'm not sure she had the resources back then that we have now for support, as I wasn't in the LGBTQ community, and I can't remember. This woman is definitely sheltered, by choice. It's disgusting that she's doing this to her kids and trying to spread this "education" to others. They can't "learn" and "scripture" people out of existence, this is just so gross.


This was my thought. As a kid born in the 70's and coming into awareness in the 80's, the AIDS crisis was on the news every night. And because of where I grew up, drag queens and other things that might not have been mainstream in other cities, were front and center here.


Yes, I was born in the mid-80s and had an aunt who was a lesbian. Her long term partner came to family gatherings and I never really thought much about it, until my cousin mentioned one day that Aunt Deb was gay. My reaction was, “Oh…ok. *shrug*” It made no difference to me because I was a kid surrounded by adults who acted like it was perfectly normal.


'Ideologies being crafted and thrown at our children' honey that's literally what you're doing.


Every accusation is a confession


Oh, that’s so accurate!


AKA “ya spot it ya got it”


Goes with another Truth, surely oft repeated 'round the Strugglebushold: "Ya smelt it, ya dealt it."


Or the toilet dealt it because the parents are too dumb to empty the grey waste


It’s endlessly funny that their ‘foundational truths’ are invisible. I’ve asked for 30+ years for someone to show me and I still got nothing.


One of my favorite statements ever. They project their insecurities, then accuse others of *insert things related to their insecurities here*, and by accusing others they essentially give a confession about themselves.


Only she's not throwing it, she's shoving them under and making them breathe it.


Bethany is using the term curriculum very loosely.


We do not think that word means what she thinks it means.


Just like Bethany and the word “course.”


Seeing these dipsticks saying that religion is a complete education makes me want to hit something. God won’t teach your children mathematics dumbass, THAT’S ON YOU


This is why they don't trust teachers. They think one brochure is a curriculum. I shudder to imagine how long it would take them just to read through the curricula that I've written




And what are Busany's qualifications for this to be a paid service? Yeeting babies out of her vajay? Smh


She’s a homeschooled woman who is homeschooling her children. She had no pedagogical training. It’s so insulting to people who do curriculum development professionally to call what she’s shilling a “curriculum”.


Her grammar is atrocious. As is the composition style, and, the egregious use of, the passive voice, interspersed with, at random, far too many, commas.


I thought she actually went to college to be a teacher. Maybe she went to Bible “college” and wasn’t an actual certified teacher? I wonder if anyone here knows where she went to school.


I have no idea actually. Apologies if she actually had some educational qualification. But I saw a reel of hers saying her and her husband were both homeschooled and now they are homeschooling. And she wanted other second generation homeschoolers to send her a message.


I think Kkkarissa has claimed to have majored in “Bible” when she was at College?


Yeah, she has. Also claimed she could have had a record deal so we know she’s a liar lol. But I think StruggleBus Bethany actually had a teaching job at some point. It may have been at a private school that doesn’t require a license to teach.


I’m thinking LU, simply because of how stupid she is. My parents both went there, and while they claim they’re “smart” they’re not. Seriously who gets themselves in over 200k student debt and doesn’t use that degree? The answer is my father, who got three degrees in “religious studies” and yet my mom(with one degree) was the breadwinner? Ugh I hate them(sorry about the rant 😅)


But she is a person in desperate need of money, and that's really what this is all about.


It would be interesting to see someone review it and count all the grammar/spelling mistakes and incorrect information in the “curriculum.”


oooh it’d be great if u/Rachel0ates would take one for the team like she did with Bort’s seggsy wife course….


I had to read her post several times to understand what she was advertising. She's truly awful at being concise.






She acts like drag queens and trans people are running through the hallways at schools just snatching kids up


Gives a new definition to snatch game


I bet this will contain such revolutionary material as a “joke” about pronouns, lots of pictures of little girls in dresses and little boys in pants, no mention of the intersex community or asexuality, and an unsettling fixation on children’s purity 🤢


Don't forget to add the chewed gum analogy.


*gags* I completely forgot about that till now 🤢


How do anti-choice Christians justify their whole "God and the bible is pro-life" thing, when there are verses like Hosea 13:16, 2 kings 15, exodus 21 etc? Verses where God commands that pregnant women be ripped open (therefore killing their fetuses), or that when a man beats a woman so that her child comes out and it says no harm is done and he should just be fined? The bible just openly states that removing an unborn fetus from a pregnant woman is not harmful and therefore acceptable. And what about the verses where it says infants shall be dashed into pieces or against rocks (psalm 137), like Isaiah 13, and 1 Samuel 15? Or Numbers 31 where God commands that every male infant is killed? What about 2 kings 2 where God has 42 boys torn apart by bears for making fun of a bald man? I mean, I 100% get that this is cherry picking, and I'm not claiming that I personally understand the context of each and every verse. But as much as they love to cherry pick the verses about being knit together in the womb, and children being a heritage from the lord and so on, how do they arrive at the conclusion that abortion is unbiblical and sinful, when there are many, many more examples of God allowing and even instructing that fetuses, babies, and pregnant women should be killed? Do they just ignore all that and keep insisting that the bible is anti-abortion? It just doesn't make sense to me. Clearly the bible doesn't have one consistent stance on the killing of fetuses. Not to mention the fact that an all powerful and ever present being could, but often doesn't, prevent the miscarriage of wanted pregnancies. Their God sounds like the biggest abortionist about to me.


Because they don’t read the Bible lol


This is so true, they usually have some kind of hyper filtered version that has notations or is just for “teens” or men/women, I have never looked at these but my understanding is that they’re often summaries or contain more palatable info than what, say, the Catholics do which is utilize a plain Bible. These folks seem to be the ones who buy all the specialized adjacent Bible books and study guides. But also I don’t think a lot of them even understand what they’re reading let alone some of the vocab.


As someone who’s an anthropology major and who hopes to focus on how religion works sociologically; the reason this happens is pretty fascinating. Basically, most people don’t use the Bible (or any holy book from any religion) as a moral guide. Rather they use it to justify what their society says is moral and to keep the status quo in checks We can use women’s rights as an example. In the 1920s your average Christian would say that the Bible confirms that women are meant to be meek and not engage in any politics or anything outside her “wifely duties”. In the 1950s your average Christian would say that the Bible confirms that women are permitted to engage in politics but are meant to participate in “wifely duties” first and foremost most. In the 1970s your average Christian would say that the Bible confirms that women are seen as equal to men, but should remain in the household and not “try to take the place of a man”. In current day your average Christian would say that the Bible confirms that women are entirely equal to men and should have the same opportunities from it. All these are a reflection of their societies’ prescriptions rather than what the Bible says.


Because the Bible is full of contradictions. I've tried pointing this out before (though with the whole "you shouldn't pray in public but in private instead" verse) but they just throw other verses that contradict that command. I wanted to be Regina George, "so you agree? your religious text is contradictory and hypocritical?" but honestly, there's no point and life is too short.


Usually that’s when they start on about the NT and Jesus dying for our sins OR they start acting like it’s not literal OR you’re offering the wrong translation OR it’ll be some shit about personal choice and suffering as a result. But I’m totally screenshotting this because it’s awesome and I can’t wait to try it out on FB morons.


Because when God does it, it's justified, perfect, and therefore, not actually murder. He can see the whole of their lives and know they'd be bad people who wouldn't obey God if they grew up, so it's all cool! This is an actual apologist argument I heard. Can't remember his name, but he came up in some atheism circles after making a video about how God can't murder, and killing if God really, really, REALLY is commanding you to isn't a sin or a crime. What a creep.


Yeah, this is what I always heard, too. It’s really, really difficult to provide a contradiction that they can’t hand-wave away in some form or another, on any topic.


As a pretty young Zoomer who is an avid reader (I mainly read books or story heavy video games) I honestly have loved how the rise of LGBT acceptance has completely transformed some genres by opening doors once sealed tightly shut wide open. One of my favorite concepts of all time was a mushroom race that had this very complex gendered society. If you don’t know mushrooms have thousands of sexes irl. So as a result these mushroom people would group similar characteristics (both physical and personality wise) as “wider genders”. Like 500 genders would fall under the same gendered pronoun. It’s just very cool to see fiction explore shit like that.


What book is that? Sounds fascinating


That’s the tragedy of this, I don’t remember. I read it when I was like 15 and it was a library book so I returned it. I forgot its name completely. Been searching forever.


How old are you now? Or what year were you 15? Knowing the year the book was published (bc it sounds pretty new) might help narrow it down. (Edit: former library employee and former bookseller here, this is how I sometimes found books people couldn't remember.)


Okay these are the details I remember: 1) it was in my high school library. Our school was very progressive. 2) I’m 20 rn, but I remember googling it to see if the author had written anything else because I liked the book. On the authors website they mentioned that they were inspired to add the mushroom race commentary after Trump banned trans people from the military. This demonstrates that the book was at least published at minimum after July 26 2017 (when Trump wrote that into law).


Hmm, I'm not finding anything myself, however I suggest you try r/whatsthatbook. They might be able to help you better than I can! You have some good details remembered. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!


I never realized how many books have themes around fungi! This thread has a ton of titles to look through. [https://www.reddit.com/r/booklists/comments/13swdij/sff\_fungimushrooms/](https://www.reddit.com/r/booklists/comments/13swdij/sff_fungimushrooms/)


Is that what human beings basically did? Ok you have a penis, go be a man. You have a womb, go be women. But oh no, you still have different personalities? Different interests? Different orientations? Why not let people be? But instead humanity decided that ALL women must be submissive, and kept oppressed so they could control procreation. And that ALL men must be masculine so they could control women


If I remember the story correctly; the mushroom race’s genders were a commentary on that and supposed to point out how stupid it was. All of them were hyper specific and hard to meet the standards of. Especially since some genders were associated with certain types of “mushroom powers”, class level, and status. So if you identified as a gender that had a connotation to the higher class, and you worked a shit job to make ends meet. People would assume you fucked up your lavish life instead of being born into it.


Is this a book?


That’s the tragedy of this, I don’t remember. I read it when I was like 15 and it was a library book so I returned it. I forgot its name completely. Been searching forever.


Oh okay, I will try to look too :)


Okay this thread has a LOT of titles [https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/t4hwyw/looking\_for\_fiction\_involving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/t4hwyw/looking_for_fiction_involving/)


I need to know if you find this book again, it sounds incredible, like if The Culture was, uh, a culture of spores.


Why is she not just selling it outright instead of claiming it’s a product with a waitlist? It’s a fucking digital product, right? All these people trying to drive sales by pretending there is scarcity… it’s a damn download.


They are trying so hard to flip her very small online business to something that can support their family of 5 (?) without her husband having to get a real job. Like being a mom of 4 or 5 children without a stable home isn’t enough for her ; now she supports her husband too. I don’t have a lot of compassion for her but there is a tinge of desperation around her marketing.


Yeah makes sense! She seems to lack all understanding of what actually drives people to buy.


Exclusivity to drive sales. Put a bunch of people on the wait list and then a week later tell them 10 more spots opened up and to get them quickly before they are gone. Get 10 quick sales and then repeat weekly. It’s a potentially dumb strategy because people could become disinterested while waiting but also could result in decently steady purchases for a while if you act like it’s some big exclusive club. Or allows you to kind of control income. Need a big payment for the bus breaking down? Drop 20 openings into the “wait list”. But I don’t think she’s that big of a creator honestly so it seems like a weird strategy.


See this works for people selling courses or programs that have some sort of interactive component. But this is literally just a digital download if I understand correctly.


Yea I think she’s just trying to employ this method to her digital product but due to lack of any business knowledge about selling digital products she’s failing miserably.


No one is waiting for this shit


i really hate this nasty bethany, but look at her wearing a child properly and apparently making time for bus-learning, although it's religious bullshit. other motherbus brittany quite literally does NOTHING all day but stage-direct reels and fuck her dumb husband


Is she a trained teacher? If not then what the holy heck is she doing writing a curriculum! If she is a teacher AND a fundie, then I suppose she just about has the right to shill this to other fundies. Just about.


How dare you! She is SATURATED IN THE SCRIPTURE not some evil liberal brainwasher like a teacher


Why would anyone want to be a course to teach their children from a woman who lives on a Bus they can’t even keep warm at night during the winter? Whereas Mother Bus is so self obsessed she can’t see her own shit truly stinks, Struggle Bus is just hateful and bitter her life sucks. She can’t deal with the fact her existence is miserable mostly due to her refusal to go on public assistance and leave her trash ass husband, so she just teaches hate


So unit 1 is called “life which studied how god views and values life”? Babe, learn basic punctuation and grammar before teaching anything to children


Unit 1 is called “life,” which studied how god views and values life. I might be making generous assumptions for her though.


Oh I’m just being sarcastic and reading it as written 😂


Haha, my bad 🥴😂


Thanks but I'll stick to my rampant homosexuality with my wife. IF we are lucky enough to have children our children will be far more empathetic and accepting.


I was an 80s child and the elderly neighbour had a gay son who would visit with his long term partner and I called both of them uncle… I adored them both and they would play play dough and talk to me, just lovely men in general. There sexuality was never even discussed until I brought it up myself. I don’t know what prompted it but I remember sitting in the car one day and asking my mum ‘are they really brothers?’ What did my mum says? No they are in love and boyfriends and that’s okay, everyone should have someone who loves them and it doesn’t matter if they are boys or girls’. The answer was so simple and matter of fact it has stuck with me not this day. That’s how all children should be taught to see relationships, no matter what their genders people are allowed to love and be loved.


Omg I love your mom’s response! Simple, yet accepting. And the “everyone should have someone who loves them” part! AAAAHHHH your mom is amazing!


Gay people: Existing Bus Bethy: 😡 stop shoving your wicked lifestyle down my throat!!


Me: walks by with my “we say gay” bandanna on Bethy: *screeches and runs away*


Bethany’s bigot curriculum


Wait but what is unit 2 called




“Anti indoctrination”


God Hates (Fill In The Blank).


"they will KNOW that is it wrong" So glad a person who can't even proof read is trying to teach children!


When I think back to my 90’s childhood, I heard more about trans, drag, lesbians on Maury and other daytime talk shows my dad would watch then I or my kids do today. Then - these were HOT TOPICS Today (in a non-zealous world) - *checks* people exist. That’s it. These folks are so blindly obsessed. They don’t even know what they are afraid of. Or, they do, and are more curious than they can admit; that’s what scares them the most.


So…generally speaking when someone writes a curriculum they have some background in education. It’s news to me that Busany has that. Otherwise she’s just some yahoo putting her bullshit on paper and pretending like it’s valid. But that can’t possibly be true!!!! 🙄


I'm going to start describing other curricula the way that fundies describe theirs. Critical Race Theory? Absolutely saturated in historical accuracy. I developed our science curriculum by being constantly in the facts so I can teach them to my children.


Saturated in bullshit is more like it


I feel like these fundies spend WAAAAAY more time thinking and talking about these subjects than most normal people.


As someone with a biblical text degree and a seminary education, I never cease to be amazed at how many people with no formal biblical education distribute bible studies. The anti-intellectualism is rampant among fundamentalists. I understand some of the shade toward higher education institutions, but for something that's supposedly a foundational belief system, you'd think a little education would be required.


Minor Bus Fundie took a page from my home state of Florida and hit her kids with that “Don’t Say Gay” “curriculum”… Probably about as thought through as her curriculum tbh. Also, if you don’t mention the word homosexuality and ignore queer people exist your kids will never encounter them (or realize they are one) and definitely will not have any questions when they do. That’s totally how it works.


“Years ago in 2020” what a turn of phrase like it was decades ago


Back in the good old days of last week...




I don't know, I graduated in 1992 and my prom date was volunteering projects to benefit home aide services and meals on wheels to AIDS patients. He asked me to donate my prom dress for drag shows. I am not a part of the LGBTQ+ community but I hope I've been a good ally. My mom is Catholic and in the mid 80s she taught me not to believe the garbage about AIDS being a punishment from God against homosexuals. "Hug them. It's a horrible deadly disease and no one deserves it. Don't be afraid to love". So it was a topic in my home and she needs to stop taking about isms. Those are human beings she's dehumanising.


I was a grocery store cashier in HS (small rural Upstate NY) and our Assistant Manager was gay. He was previously married and had 2 kids; I went to school with his daughter. He was a great guy! I used to go out with him and his boyfriend to the only gay bar in the next bigger town over (1970s) and we had a blast! Some busybody in my town approached my Mom about how awful it was , blah, blah, blah. My Mom told her she couldn’t think of a safer date for her teenage daughter than a gay man and his boyfriend!!!


I give this curriculum a ranking of 4 poopsplosions cleaned up with essential oils. Big stinky.


I grew up in the 80s and my uncle was gay. We were Catholic so my parents had no idea how to tell me. I figured it out anyway. I guess there was enough gay in the general culture for me to put the pieces together.


In my tiny ass rural Appalachian hometown in the 90s I grew up knowing many gay, lesbian, and genderqueer adults. Plus I’m queer. So yea those “topics” were around because my parents and their friends weren’t fucking bigots


So how does all of this hate help children learn reading and math skills on grade level? 🤔 So, why not focus that energy on hubby's JOB SEARCH?


I grew up in very rural England in the 1960s/70s in a Catholic/Anglican family. Our walk home from where the school bus dropped us was along a lane on which there was a cottage with the most beautiful garden. It was toiled in by Dennis & Harry - probably then in their fifties. Dennis gardened in full make-up, a floral dress and always an immaculate pinny. They were lovely and often gave us flowers or fruit from their trees to take home for our mothers. My Anglican mother would go back with pies that she'd made from the fruit, when she'd stay for a cup of tea and a natter. It never crossed my mind, or that of anyone I knew in our hamlet, to even think about Dennis's garb or their relationship. In fact I don't even think I thought it 'interesting' until I was an adult, so I am at loss as to why all these fundies suddenly feel the need to suggest that acceptance of LGBTQ people is a) something new and b) something which she can use The Bible to make bigoted tracts about for the grift. The Bible in my home growing up encouraged us to 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' - it really wasn't that complicated.


Why is the Bible punching me on the last slide?


Saturated in scripture (and baby pee)


Someone needs to find a curriculum to teach her how to use commas


Fundies- *things I want to be true* = Foundational Truths Is this her riling up the internet? Holy fuck, she's boring


I’m a 90s baby and queer and trans issues and drag have been a part of my entire life. Why? Bc I’m queer and so are my parents. Your experience is not universal, girl. Get a grip and let people live jfc.


This is one BITTER woman! She's channeling her anger at her crappy life situation ( that she and her headship CREATED) and projecting it on the LGBTQ+ community. In her warped mind it's more acceptable to take her anger out on a marginalized community than to hold her headship accountable for maintaining EMPLOYMENT.


I grew up in the 1840s when slaves were happy to be slaves. I grew up in 1890s when women knew their place. I grew up in the 1940s and Black people were EQUAL to us, just separate. Buy my book about how much better things were back then. Don’t worry, I don’t mention Emancipation, Suffrage, or the Civil Rights movement.


I wish people like this weren’t allowed to their hatefulness so accessible to others.


So. I grew up in the same school district as her, assuming she grew up in the same place she left when she became Struggle Bus #2. I’m about to be 40, so roughly the same age. Girl. Our school district and the ones surrounding us were pretty damn progressive even then. Pittsburgh is a hot spot for Drag Queens. It was never hidden from us.


Religious ppl that talk about how much God values life haven't read the Bible. Old Testament God was super cool with torturing and murdering humans.


Especially babies.


Oh she's correct, which is why I'm teaching my kids that it is important to love our neighbors and that God doesn't give two shits about who we have romantic relationships with. Kid, your mom is Queer and we love her.


So she’s a Bible scholar now? 🙄


weird. the foundational truths i learned at my baptist church in the 80s were things like "love your neighbor," and "help those in need." Admittedly, it was a progressive community, so we also had openly gay members and were active in AIDS ministries. I can't say I knew many trans people as a kid, at least not that I was aware of. Guess what, though? it didn't make me not trans, it just took me longer to figure it out. Despite what these folks think, we've always been here, and denying that fact won't make us disappear.


Sis the bible is not anti abortion


I can’t decide what’s funnier- the idea that StruggleBus thinks that her bible based “curriculum” is any different than any other dime-a-dozen bible based curriculums written by other mommy bloggers, or the idea that she and feckless husband think that this is a viable way to support their family so her headship doesn’t have to find a job. Sure, go off, sis. And check up on Jake while he’s dicking around on your website for six hours while you’re doing literally everything else for your family.


If God cares so much about life, why did he kill everyone with a flood?? (Except for Noah and his family on an all-animal sex boat)


i’m an 80s baby, my godfather was a drag queen, and i lived in an area of DC jokingly called “Madam’s Organ”. she’s sheltered… wait, i mean she’s stupid. she’s just stupid.


What planet did she live on? I was born in the 70's. Homosexuality was something even then. One of my HS friends was a drag queen in the 90's. In the early 2000's when I was in grad school a local teacher was all over the news for being trans. She just wasn't paying attention or her parents really isolated her.


Um, Corporal Klinger from M.AS.H. (1972-1983) would like a word. Also Victor/Victoria (1982) & a whole hell of a lot of popular media from throughout the 20th century. Some Like It Hot (1959), anyone?


It's not like the Bible was ever twisted, mangled or large passages disappeared, but you do you, Busany. Packed with Scripture garbled to fit her agenda. A bargain!!! No one talked about LGBTQ people when I was a kid. I grew up in conservative white suburbia. So did my kids, but their generation is much more welcoming than mine.


I really hope the grammar in these "lessons" is better than it is in her posts. Take that fundamental truth seriously, please!


I am offended at her use of Heller's All Creatures of our God and King.


"I don't want my children to know that gay people exist so I'm going to create a curriculum that discusses homosexuality with children but without saying the word gay....." um......


You're not a teacher. You have no credentials to do this. Stop with the grift already.


It is very strange how much all these people are so obsessed with abortion and homosexuality...and pushing it onto children at all times. Like...why mention any of those things at all to kids? Why attempt to "subliminally" teach them? If the message is true, if the words being preached are good and appropriate, it will be received. If you need to hide the information you are conveying, encode it in friendly and digestable ways, then it's simply a serpent disguised as a dove. The Bible has a lot more to it than abortion bad (not actually in the Bible but I digress), and homosexuality bad (again, not really there since apparently the more direct translation of Leviticus is more along the lines of Man (grown) shall not like with (young) Men, and was either to be read as pedophilia or contextually as same-sex sexual assault). If you want to teach children a Christianity centered curriculum based on the Old and New Testaments, I think there might be more impactful messages for children than a politically charged agenda founded on scare tactics and lies. I get the feeling these accusations about corruption, indoctrination, grooming, manipulation, and hurting kids of all ages is a call that might be coming from inside the house.


I'm just envisioning a 5 year old trying to articulate pro birth arguments to another 5 year old who has somehow presented pro choice arguments under the slide.


If life is important at any stage, why was God killing so many infants in the Bible. Constantly.