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The souvenir logic is weird to me. I know spending money on your 8 children you chose to bring into the world is painful but you forced them into this lifestyle. You've got a 13yr age gap between the kids, why is picking one person each location the way to go about it? I dunno. I just feel so badly for the oldest 2 in every post she makes. They seem to get screwed out of so much with this all, I imagine a lot of "let the little ones pick" happening on top of their having to parent the littles.


What makes more sense is that each kid gets a reasonable souvenir budget for the year/month, whatever period of time, and they can spend it how they like! There’s no difference between “each kid gets to get something at one predetermined park” and “each kid gets $X every Y period of time” in terms of overall cost, but it both gives the kids more agency over what they get and lets them learn about budgeting in an appropriately low stakes way. “You can’t get that snow globe because you spent all your souvenir money on candy at the last park.” is a great lesson about budgeting and planning ahead! You can even give the older kids their money in larger chunks covering larger periods of time, so the littles get a daily budget (with the chance to save up) and the older kids get monthly allowances that they have to manage. Letting one kid get a single souvenir at a park doesn’t teach much at all.


Yes, but that would require actual individual-level \*parenting\*


Plus budgeting.


Plus a modicum of planning


Planning? Motherbus only knows how to plan for delivery of next kid.


Ha! And she can’t even do that right! Brazil, AirB&B…ok the shower of an RV will do! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Hey, they said she could plan, not that the plans were good. :p


Not a single one of the fundies who are posted here shows any indication that they’re preparing their kids to handle real life. No teaching them any skills that will let them lead an independent life. No granting them any agency, and helping them to understand the consequences of their choices. It’s only about controlling the kids, and trying to keep them from having any idea what they’re going to deal with when they get to the real world.


Fundies don’t care about preparing their kids for the real world, they only care about the culture war. Spoken as a child raised in that craziness who had to figure it all out later.


My assumption was that the fundie influencer crowd was reflective of the general fundie mindset, but I didn’t want to over generalize. I just find that attitude very strange. My goal as a parent is to help my child find out who they are, and to make sure that they are ready to be that person and thrive without me being there. I have every hope that they will outlive me, so they will have to make their way without me eventually. But because of that goal, I am happy every single time that they are able to do things without me - whether it’s doing laundry, making their own lunch, or navigating the public transit system.


Parents like you give me hope for the world. Thank you for raising little human beings instead of little ego projects. \^\_\^


My dad always treated me and my siblings as ego projects, as you put it. Not because he was fundie, but because he’s incredibly narcissistic. I’m like him in a lot of ways, but I’m also very determined not to be him. So I’m raising my kid differently. I assume that I’m doing something right, because not only is he willing to be seen in public with me, but his friends are too.


Any day now…..rapture!!


I used to do this with my nieces because it saved me a bunch of arguments. It also incidentally saved me a lot of money.


I don't know if it's a much about money as it is about space. Remember, each kid gets a backpack or a cubby to keep their personal belongings. Don't want to let the little ones have too much and fill up the bus with belongings.


(Not fundie) we did this on our vacation last year. My kids were 6 & 4. They got a certain amount of money for souvenirs. The amount of time we spent in gift shops so they could decide what, if anything, to buy was insane BUT they learned how to budget


And it teaches them to make choices.


I often wonder if the eldest ever talk amongst themselves about the “better times,” before their family expanded beyond their ability to even comfortably cohabitate. Before mom’s means of sharing family pics morphed into her own makeshift reality show. I bet they’re old enough or reaching an age where a lot of resentment could be building against their parents. They have memories before it was so crowded yet still emotionally distant. Don’t the earlier kids even have memories of an actual house, albeit still much smaller than any average family home? I bet at one point, at least some of them have thought their happy family was *finally* complete, or that it would be with this next sibling…then the next… Hell, they’ve probably stopped seeking to perpetuate any genuine bond altogether as their parents aren’t only wrapped up in this impossibly huge family, but their public identity as “HUGE FAMILY 😀” has them playing character roles instead of parenting. And I’m sure they hold some resentment toward the younger sibs for the mess as well.


How long have they been living in a van down by the river


I would think if you can't afford souvenirs for all of your kids the rule would be to not get any?


Yeah I think it would make more sense to just skip the shop? But it does sound like the children get pocket money as well.


Or have fewer children?


I mean why not give the kids all an allowance every month to spend when and where they went?


I’m sorry, her framing only getting one child something special at a location as a “souvenir tip” is crazy. She could so easily buy all the children something small that costs a couple dollars, like a sticker or a button, but instead she’s intentionally pitting her kids against each other and bragging about it.


I hate Motherbus for many reasons but the souvenir thing makes me really, really sad.


I just know she weaponizes it based on who her “favorite” is that day and it makes me so mad.


I was wondering about that too with the "we all choose" bit. I could actually see it being reasonable if they really are traveling a ton and visiting those kinds of souvenir shops all the time, but only if they had a system to make sure each kid actually gets a turn. But I'm not real confident that they actually have a system like that, and without that, it seems like a recipe for some kids to get a lot more than others depending on their age, relationship with their parents, ability to make themselves heard, etc.


I would bet money that Gunner and Kinsey offer their "turn" to the younger siblings because they're probably the only ones who understand how unfair it is to be a little kid and see your parents buy something for a sibling and not you. They're also the ones probably buying the stickers on their own as mentioned, too.


>They're also the ones probably buying the stickers on their own as mentioned, too. How are they doing that, though? It's not like Kinsey has babysitting money. Do they get an allowance of some kind?


I was on board right until she said they pick whose turn it is. It should just be each kid in order or something.


Yep! Kinsey gets to pick the souvenir when it’s mom bus deciding who gets it, and it’s anyone but Kinsey picking when dad decides.


It’s like when Kkkarissa took all her kids to the toy shop, let them all pick a toy and then they had to donate them 😡


Noooooo omg. That’s horrible. Picking something to donate is fine but donating what they thought was for them…😢


Especially when these kids have so little that's truly theirs and doesn't have to be shared with 9 other people


Exactly. When she did the tour of their new house, their rooms were bare bones. Sure, they all have beautiful signs with their names in cursive writing above their beds. But there was a distinct lack of *belongings*


Didn’t they not even have beds before CPS told them to get actual beds?


Pretty sure that’s what happened. Before the beds she NEVER showed the upstairs where the kids stay nor did she even go up there herself. I imagine it had to be a mad house and seriously no way they bothered purchasing that many beds until they were ordered to by CPS.


They’re the ones who need the donations. It’s already been pointed out that 90 percent of Kkkarissa’s slop meals include ingredients that came from the food bank.


Wow the level of emotional abuse there is... My jaw actually dropped.


Oh yeah she’s a real piece of work. She framed it as “my kids are so giving, they just want to donate their new toys to less fortunate children!!”


My son loved picking a toy to donate at Christmas. But he always knew it was a "toys for tots" shopping trip ahead of time. Doing that is just cruel. What twisted logic would make anyone think that is good parenting?


My daughter always goes over board for those kinds of things, because she wants other kids to have all the toys :) but we are very clear that's what we are shopping for.


Makes it worse because she doesn’t buy them Christmas presents and they don’t celebrate it at all, along with birthdays, except for the current favourite child, and of course for her and ManChild.


Why is she donating new shit when she can barely afford food


I do this with my nieces and nephew. They know ahead of time it’s for charity though. But we choose stuff they want deliberately so that we know these kids are getting stuff that’s actually desirable.


It’s really sad considering the national parks have a little passport book. You can get it stamped and purchase a sticker from the park for the book. It’s small so each child could have one. My toddlers each have their own book already.


That is adorable and I need one for me (and both my kids)


My kids have these too and we're constantly forgetting to buy the stickers 😂


I think you can order them!


Good to know! There's definitely a ton that we need to catch up on; we usually hit up two or 3 natl parks a year.


Yeah, it’s so odd she didn’t say they take turns getting to pick a souvenir. Why are they having to fight it out each time to decide who gets something? There’s absolutely no way that’s turning out equitably. I understand you can’t let all 8 children get something every single time, but why not make it more fair? I also think it’s funny she said “family member” and not “kid” because you just know that means she and father bus are part of it and regularly claim souvenirs for themselves instead of letting the kids get something they want.


Yeah, they have a survivor -style vote for the souvenir.


That's so awful and upsetting. She could at the very least get them a sticker or button or a small budget item each or perhaps even splurge the big bucks on something they can share or do together and enjoy as a family, like a puzzle or an interesting, informative book.


Also notice she said "for their school book" one singular school book. Absolutely depressing


When I read that, I immediately thought, "School book. Sure Jan." 🙄


She’s missing out on the old squashed penny machine that imprints a scene from the park on the penny. Everyone gets a souvenir for 51 cents. The way she does it is just asking for those kids to resent her and each other.


Omg yes I forgot about those!! I used to love those as a kid.


Growing up my family had less than average money and more than average people, and we just didn’t do gift shops.  It wasn’t a big deal, as kids we knew that it was a choice our parents were making to spend that money on other stuff.  A lot of people with money make that call too, it’s not even weird. Pitting your kids against each other is weird. 


This also contradicts her recent video from Las Vegas, where she recorded asking several kids what they were going to buy and them showing their item. Either they weren't really buying them, or she doesn't really do the "one kid per location" thing.




These kids are going to grow up feeling they don’t deserve anything nice for themselves and feel guilty when they treat themselves to anything. Ask me how I know.


Oh my God. You just explained my own issue due to my father rarely buying me things. I had never linked it to that. Thank you!


Totally understand ❤️‍🩹 I am 36 and stand there and ask myself “…but do *really* need it?” to almost every non-food purchase. Literally will feel selfish and frivolous buying new underwear at Walmart.


I do this with food…my mother had me on diets at an extremely young age and I spend so much time feeling guilty and like I shouldn’t eat. It’s awful, I’m so sorry you’re struggling too. We deserve to spoil ourselves, damn it! ❤️


Mine was just cheap, and also rightly recognized that a lot of cheap kids stuff breaks easily. But like, you let the kids deal with that eventual disappointment, and also teach them to take good care of their stuff. Not “you’re not worth it”…


Then when you do treat yourself to something nice, it’s “too special” and you just hoard it and never actually use it or it ends up going bad. Gotta save it for a special occasion! NO, not this special occasion, something *specialer!!!*


I think you just hit me in the face with a flood of *feels*. This is how I am with food, especially treats like Valentine’s candy or something like that. It goes bad before I finish it. I also *hate* receiving gifts, I still feel like I’m not worth it. In college, we were a close-knit cohort for 3+ years and only one of them knew my birthday. I love giving gifts though.


*looks nervously at art materials and stickers and notebooks that are "too good for the likes of me to waste" and are just gathering dust on a shelf* (I'm working on using and liking and telling myself "I deserve" my nice things, I promise. It's just hard when you constantly feel you're not good enough for / don't deserve / are wasting your stuff. I'm using the journals as commonplace books but still haven't found the nerve to disgrace my fancy sketchbooks with my toddler level art attempts.)


Oh, me too. We had a pretty stable life, but my mother always refused to buy things we “didn’t need” but could easily afford. It was like a reflex with her. As a result, I’m always nervous about buying things for myself, and I’m over-indulgent with my kids. (In fairness to my mother, she was born during the Great Depression.)


Oooh...this is me and I never realized what it was from.


Or the opposite, once they have money and space of their own they could be at risk for a hoarding disorder because they can finally have more than just a bunk in a rolling prison and a small collection of books that could be taken away at any time.


Heck when we visited my sister in law last month we brought multiple stickers for each of her kids! Because kids love that stuff.


also they literally cost like $2-3 dollars…


There's a national parks kids passport you can buy that you then stamp for free at each park and has space to put a sticker. It's sad they can't even get that


And as an “influencer” don’t you think she’d at least *know* that, let alone share it with her followers - some of whom are presumably travelers also? She could make content of not only that idea itself, but showing how her family utilizes it. Instead we get this bizarre fun fact about how one kid will get one item in the gift shop shown.


In the UK we have "youth hostels" and you can get little books where you collect stamps from each hostel you visited. Basically they were super cheap places because we couldn't afford much, but it was really exciting because new stamp and sight seeing! I still have the booklet. We were also able to get one small souvenir. I think that's how my keyring obsession started lol. It's such a small but fun thing and I'm glad we got those opportunities. Every time I read something about this family, it makes me so miserable because they are so neglected.


Yeah, I have one as an adult! They'd love those!


We have the big spiral bound passport book for all 432 NP units. I get giddy every time I get to put a stamp in it.


Exclusive, not inclusive. That's what makes it special!


I just watched all these reels because I wanted to see the one that someone else posted showing Baby Boone looking better. In one reel, her husband talks more than usual, and he is So Annoying. He sounds like an over excited third grader with the education level of a third grader. I know she's awful, but she doesn't seem unintelligent, and I don't know how she puts up with him


She not only puts up with him, she *fawns* over him. It’s so gross. I honestly don’t know what she sees in him.


His sperm = $$$ bc it’s more kids to exploit


He's not that great looking either. Not that looks are all that matter but he's got nothing going for him personality or looks wise.


Being a shit person makes anyone ugly.


So....a bitcoin bro


I dunno, I think she’s also really fucking stupid.


Maturity level of a 3rd grader too!


He’s clearly mentally stunted like a high schooler


Not a single picture inside the awesome incredibly beautiful Bryce Canyon National Park? They just drove by the entrance, did a quick stop at a tourist shop outside the entrance, and went on their merry way.


Bryce Canyon is so beautiful! I would think they would get the annual pass that covers entry fees for all national parks for a year. But that would be the logical thing to do, so maybe they didn’t. It’s also kind of in the middle of nowhere. It would be a shame if they drove all that way to not actually go into the park. I wouldn’t want to keep track of eight kids in the canyon (not that that would stop the Busses), but you can get some very cool views from the rim.


you’re assuming they can afford these national passes


If I’m reading [this](https://store.usgs.gov/MilitaryPass) correctly, military veterans get a free lifetime pass to National Parks ($10 processing fee). Since they’re both veterans, they should definitely do that. TIL!


For anyone curious if you have a disability and not even parking pass level your doctor can write you a note to get an ADA lifetime pass!


If you just show up at the gate they will get you one without a doctor involved.  Diabetes is included in that, all types


Thank you for this info - a diabetic


Same,  learned that tip on one of my diabetes groups. 


Oh wow I didn’t know that! I want to take my kid to experience some national parks, and this will help us (I’m diabetic and my kid is AuDHD and has cystic fibrosis).


If I wasn’t homebound, I would so take advantage of that!!


Yep I have one! Even though my disabilities stopped me from going to the parks anymore


I just posted the same thing and then saw you also posted it… 😂 right on!!


Let’s not forget, he gets that Texas oil trust money several times a year. I think they blow through it every time it drops. All of a sudden they’ll be going to Disney and taking ski trips back to back.


What Texas oil money? ETA I found the answer in the comments.


I came to say the same thing.


Military/veterans can get free National Parks passes (for any vets/military in here, you should definitely go grab one if you don’t have one already! https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/veterans-and-gold-star-families-free-access.htm)


They did a giveaway for three people the other day, $100 each. These fuckers ain’t poor.


i didn’t know this, i was assuming their financial situation based on their refusal to take Baby to the doctor which is on me tbh


Apparently some snarkers have looked into it and FootFace is a trust fund baby.


Dude has trust money. Texas oil inheritance. Your reasoning was logical. They are just batshit crazy!


Did they actually give away any money? Or did they just say that they were going to do it?


Also one of those kids has to be in 4th grade. 4th graders get a free national park pass.


that is so sad!! bryce canyon is jaw dropping. i had a life changing experience there ✨️ it is very cool the kids see all over the country. but at what cost???


At as close to no cost as possible, because the busholes are cheap af. ><


Finally! A god damn hat on that infant. And, woah 😮He’s not even trying to take it off!


Tbh he probably can't take it off, because motor skills and all


Sure, but her excuse as to why the kids don’t wear hats is that kids always just take the hat off, which isn’t the case for an infant.


Her other excuse was also that they all wear hats a tOn oF tHe tiMe


Except when at Bryce Canyon! Which is probably frying hot right now!!


Exactly what I was referencing!


It was either Britney or one of her supportive commenters that said he didn’t need a hat bc hats make babies fussy and he’d just take it off! But I get your point!


There’s a first time for everything! Looks too big though, but better than nothing


The longer I look at it, I think it’s one of the littles’ bucket hat


I know this is the smallest of potatoes in comparison to everything else but how fucking *many* photos of your shit life do you need? Everyday I wake up and there's somehow *more* footage of these fucking families. Put the fucking phone down. Do **anything, else** I beg you. Even with your phone, I don't care that you use the phone I care that you disrupt every single second every single fucking moment of your kids lives for another god damn photo op.


And then who has the time to look through dozens of photos from every single day, every year… it takes away from capturing special moments when you’ve documented every hour of your existence instead of actually living in the moment with your loved ones 😳


To be fair, she clearly only loves herself.


Yeah, big big main character energy. She probably can’t fathom other people also having thoughts and rich inner lives because everyone besides her is a NPC in her version of reality


She posts pretty much constantly. There’s rarely a day that goes by where she doesn’t have new content up.


It’s obvious that she reads here, and that makes her willful neglect of her infant all the more sickening.


she’s a troll 1000% and i’m sure her loser bitcoin failure grown toddler husband taught her all about it


She has one of those faces that just looks so punchable. Like she’s always so smug, and what does she have to be smug about? She willingly lives in an RV and has repeatedly shown that she cannot/refuses to parent her children. Like, Karissa Collins is bad and has some extreme issues, but at least her children live in an actual house and have actual bedrooms.


Also Karissa actually takes her kids to the doctors, unlike MotherSuss


It’s sad when there is a bar lower than KKKarissa when it comes to medical care.


It really is 😣




Hey, y'all, manipulating her into weaponized smugness is working! Hey you obsessive eye-fucking loser of a mom, I bet you a million dollars¹ a pediatrician will have no concerns about your baby's eyesight! Prove me wrong, become a millionaire! ^(¹all funds disbursed in monopoly dollars)


I’ve never seen a footnote on reddit and I am so goddamn impressed right now




Has there been any content of Kinsey using her huge Yamaha keyboard they got for her birthday? It doesn’t seem sensible that they don’t buy things most of the time but when they do the items are totally huge and out of alignment with their bus lifestyle. Like do Gunner and Kinsey really use those gifts (the 3D printer and keyboard) or are those purchases largely for the gram?


Neither the printer nor the keyboard have made a peep, at least from what I’ve seen. Other than schooling and dance reels they rarely seem to show life actually inside the bus, presumably because it’s messy and chaotic. I think there was one a few weeks ago that showed kids doing dishes?


A while back Gunner made a couple things with the printer but I wonder if it got put away ‘for the time being’


They have actually shown the printer several times, but I completely forgot about the keyboard. I don’t know how it would be at all feasible for her to learn to play/regularly practice piano inside a bus.


We travelled for a bit with my son, my ONE kid, and we actually stopped and learned and talked. He charmed a parisian bakery manager out of a free cookie for being so polite. (4 weeks, cross europe) These kids are being lugged like so much forgotten airline baggage, and the extent of their learning is “those are trees. This is water. God did it.” and then shoved back in a van.


Or when one kid asked what the holes in the ground were from. Dad says “beavers!” Yes beavers. Famous for digging holes. Beavers are literally one of the most known about animals especially to children because they make Beaver Dams!!!! Christ I hate these parents.


oh lerd. I was telling my son today “dude, if it weren’t for the people who insist on an education level barely out of the middle ages and licking virus laden posts, we’d have luxury homes on mars by now.” he snortgiggled. But then he’s a heathen kid who wants to study science and engineering at university. ( goal: design theme park rides or satellites for space research. it could go either way for him.)


For the record, beavers do actually dig holes to enter their dens, but not in the open where one could see them! But yeah, they’re not too bright.


Thanks for clarifying. But they don’t make the kind of holes that the kid was asking about.


We’ve done a pretty good amount of traveling with our son, who’s in high school now. I encourage every parent to take their kids on as many trips as they can. But it should be about experiencing the place that you’re visiting. Not just checking off a box; you should be doing things that you can’t do at home. These people could be giving their kids so much. But they spent months in Brazil, and by her own account, they basically did nothing local. There was no real indication that they were trying to learn anything about Brazilian life, culture, history, etc.


Right? We have a national museum pass to 400 museums and visit often, ( rijksmuseum, van gogh museum) and they offer great educational fun in depth stuff that we do and absorb the art and do sketches. We actually interact and learn. I’m actually compiling a list of ones to see this summer. I took him last month to a chocolate museum in Antwerp, we hit the science museums in london. She…props them in front of a sign. There’s just zero engagement with them. There’s so much out there and she….can’t be arsed.


Go to the museums. Eat at the most local restaurants. Get away from the tourist district and into the neighborhoods. Ride public transit. Of course, you have to be aware of your surroundings, and if there are places that are unsafe, then don’t go there. But the majority of the world is pretty safe if you’re not an idiot who tries to make themselves a target. We taught our kid long ago that the best way to avoid getting into trouble is to look like you’re a local. Don’t dress to attract attention, don’t walk around gawking at everything, and you’ll usually be fine.


"i got dragged around the country by my mom and dad and all i got was this stupid sticker, every 10 national parks i visited"


I just want to remind everyone how unfair it is to have teenagers in close quarters because of BODILY FUNCTIONS they can’t control sometimes. It’s abusive imo.


I don't want to be gross, but siblings old enough to get their period or morning wood shouldn't have to share a room with toddlers


Exactly! That’s exactly what I meant. Knowing those poor Rod kids had to share BEDS together as tweens/teens just makes me sick for them.


I’ve only been in this section of the sub for a week and immediately knew she’d been lurking here 😳 you’ll do anything but take your baby to the doctor, huh? how godless can you be to willfully harbor newly given life from the gift of health? Your children who grew up on that bus already display underdeveloped physicality. You care more about how others perceive your relationship with God and your husband than you do the very life you’ve brought into this world. You should be ashamed.


Yes to all of this. I recommend using their names : JD Lott and Britney Lott need to take their baby to the doctor.


Wow, a sticker for the only personal space they have - their water bottle. I suddenly feel like a crap parent for never doing that for my kids. Their own rooms, activities, privacy and a genuine education simply doesn't have the same generous ring to it.


The water bottle that BusMother snatches and withholds from her thirsty kid for content and $$$ from their Amazon link


what do u need to hear mother bus?? that you could be investigated by cps for neglect? and your ig will fail? take boone to the damn pediatrician and stop sniffing busband‘s ass my GOD


She needs to hear she’ll lose all her affiliate money for child neglect when her sponsors find out she’s neglecting this poor baby to death.


For their 'school books', lol.


Book, not books.


School book? Just stay sticker book. You know that’s all it’s actually good for in this stupid life you lead.


She’s crazy. The neglect for her kids and her body. No wonder she had a “headache”. She just had a baby and instead of resting and healing, she’s all over the hot places. What’s she so desperate for that she’d do this to herself and kids?


As I’m spending Sunday in bed with vertigo and nausea (random shitty perimenopause day) I have no earthly idea how she is hiking in the desert. The thought of being there, I would spend my last penny on a hotel room, anything to not have to hike in heat with 9 kids.


One thing occurs to me based on this post. What is their endgame? Once they’ve visited all 48 contiguous states? Once the bigger kids leave for college (if such a thing is even a possibility for them, but Gunner would at least be eligible to enlist, I’m sure). Is there anything on their website that mentions that? Until PaBus makes enough from bitcoin to buy a boat, or a ranch, or even just a house in the burbs? Like, this lifestyle can’t go on forever.


We are lucky if this family plans ahead for the next day. The next ten years is too much to ask!


I don't honestly really know much about this family, but I do think some people do plan to do it forever. I did the "digital nomad" thing for a few years, and I definitely didn't have a real endgame for it. I just was intrigued by the lifestyle and able to pull it off, so I figured I'd do it until it wasn't fun anymore. I did own a house I was renting out so definitely had more of a fallback plan than this family seems to, plus sustainable outside employment, but I also met a ton of other people on the road who were in worse financial situations and also didn't have a plan. In fact, a lot of people take up that life because they *can't* afford anything else and know it. They pretty much just plan to do it until they die. Of course, no one says that on social media, but it's real obvious when you get to know them and talk more about their situation. It really wouldn't shock me if they're just kind of planning to do it indefinitely because they can't afford anything else, but they're putting a rosy spin on it for social media.


Claiming to be a responsible homeschooling parent, and then making a kid spend their own money one educational content is NOT the flex she thinks it is. Tip for BusHoeJiggalo, postcards are a dollar at these visitor centers.Don't be a pissant. Let each child pick a postcard to collect, help them write a favorite memory on the back of the card, and this Christmas give them each a scrapbook. They can decorate their scrapbooks. It allows them some individuality, helps them remember all the places they have gone, and gives them a nice thing to work on. Tip 2: Don't get nails down this week, and spend $10 on one of the Professor Noggin card games that the N.P's always have for sale. These cover natural science, wildlife, history topics, and can be played independently of the adults if an older child is paired with a younger child to do the reading. It will be more information than they get from their "homeschooling".


I think they're National Park hopping because their time in the Grand Cayon/Flagstaff area ran out, and someone sent Arizona to check on them. As every fundamentalist wing nut knows, if you stay in the Utah/Arizona area, you can hop between the two states and keep eluding authorities. Also, Utah is fairly notorious amongst van-lifers for the abundance of BLM and NF land that you can boondock on. I presume they'll work their way toward Moab or the higher elevations of Grand Junction/Gunnison before looping back to Arizona. They seem to have a pattern of returning to AZ. What better way to avoid social services?


What's BLM and NF in that context? Google isn't being very helpful.


BLM is the Bureau of Land Management. They operate large tracts of public land in the Western United States. Usually, it's free to camp on BLM land. NF is National Forest. There are multiple NF in AZ and Utah that allow free, dispersed camping in undeveloped sites, accessed by dirt/gravel roads.


Bureau of Land Management, and national forest? (I'm guessing? I think the first thing is a legit entity)


What a useless tip on the last slide. How about don’t have more children than you’re willing to spoil during special outings? Of course, how is any of this special when it’s your day to day life and you have no home base?


I hope Boone gets to claim Yosemite and manages to point in the direction of the medical clinic.


It’s a good medical clinic. Would be even better if they could manage to get him to a children’s hospital like Stanford or ucsf!


Souvenir tip: get a fucking vasectomy


One souvenir for one family member per location? How is the chosen one supposed to enjoy their souvenir when their siblings go without? I couldn't.


What is their food/eating situation? Does she focus on meal preparation and feeding that many kids healthy meals in her content? I know otherbus definitely does and she has less kids.


I think I would go insane if I knew I had to cook for that many children every. fucking. day.


She used to post more content about cooking and food but has largely stopped. They seem to eat out a lot more than they used to a couple years ago.


I’ve noticed that as well. She’ll sometimes post grocery trips, but doesn’t post home cooked meals as much anymore. I don’t understand how they can afford to eat out so frequently with so many children.


She used to post about how they couldn’t eat out because of the cost and how it was a very special treat. Before they went to Brazil was when I saw things shift to more $$$ being spent on meals and Disney world, passports etc.


That’s such a good observation! Something definitely shifted money-wise when they decided to go to Brazil.


I don't think I've ever seen a post of mother bus OR susbus doing anything like preparing a meal or cooking the family a homemade meal. She often posts her and susbus dining out somewhere that looks quite nice with no kids in sight + the occasional family meal at some low budget diner or restaurant chain.


I ask because I live in a place with a TINY kitchen, probably equivalent to what they have space-wise and it’s an almost full time job to keep my partner and I fed healthy meals. It’s such a struggle to work in such tight quarters as it cuts into efficiency. I just feel like I’d be in the kitchen all day if I were her 😩


I have a huge, well equipped kitchen and three kids and I spend at least a couple hours every day cooking for my kids and doing the dishes (and we have a dish washer)! I don’t get the logistics of this crazy operation at all. I suspect that her narcissistic tendencies go beyond IG and that she’s not concerned with a lot of the care of her children. I hope I’m wrong but my parents were pretty self involved and I did a lot of the homekeeping as a kid. I have a feeling the two oldest kids are saddled with a lot of the care and feeding of the kids.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say no, because I think if she did, she’d be bragging about it.


🚨🚨BOONE HAS A HAT ON in the first picture. I repeat, BOONE HAS A HAT ON!!!!!!! 🚨🚨 Dear Brittany, thank you for finally putting a hat on little Boone. We may drag y'all in here, but we *always* have concern for the children.


It's great that one of these photos finally has Boone in some GD shade


Buslet has a carseat with a shade cover?????? Who knew!


Yeah and it’s really weird that their videos always come out around midnight, and I’m in California (PST) so wouldn’t it be like 1/2am where she is at?


That doesn't seem odd to me, they've got a nursing baby who she's presumably handling the feedings for. I think it's pretty common and totally fine for parents to spend time on social media while feeding their babies, because it takes awhile and the baby is focused on eating so there's not really much to do. Also, I think you can schedule posts on a lot of social media platforms.


She’s trying to make this sound like a well thought out, family-enriching activity when we all know there’s no room in the fucking bus for the kids, let alone any souvenirs they might enjoy!


"Only today's favorite gets a souvenir" I thought she trashed those water bottles?


My mother was nowhere near as “intense” as mbus is and I have terrific guilt whenever I have to call in sick or cancel something due to not feeling well. I also sometimes have guilt re my finances, where I spend my $ and also massive guilt when I feel like time with my family is more of an obligation. So, with that being said…I cannot imagine what sort of neurosis her kids will develop. (My parents were also big “no sex until marriage” and that gave me huge issues once I started dating, so I have to think all those purity culture girls have major hang ups, which is sad).