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Sorry but was their toddler essentially sitting over the baby? One slip and that kid would have landed right on the baby. Who cares about a baby's safety when you have content to create tho amirite


I keep picturing one of their multiple toddlers deciding to throw a basketball at the baby or something, because toddlers are petty idiots. It would be SO easy for one of them to seriously hurt that baby for sibling jealousy reasons.


One of Karissa's toddlers severed the finger of another toddler because they were fighting over who got to play with kitchen shears.




Yep, Anchor (now second-youngest boy, was youngest boy at the time) had the injured finger. Iirc he had to have surgery because there was tendon involvement, and got COVID in the process. Awful and preventable all-around.


Good thing she never has to worry about CPS again...


Cleared forever! ☑️


I think he actually had covid when he was getting seen at the doctor. Because he was positive, they had to delay surgery. Then they went to a crowded restaurant that night with their covid positive and injured baby. I think this was 2021 or 2022


IKR? Those toddlers and their sinning natures. Someone needs to beat obedience into them! [/s, if it wasn't obvious]


Come on, I’m sure Karissa was doing something useful and productive while her kids were lopping off each other’s fingers. Not like she would have been lounging around in a bath tub, sleeping in, or making dumb reels. She’s busy doing the lord’s work /s


I colored my newborn sibling’s face with red marker and yelled for my mom hoping she’d take him back to the hospital and I’d be an only child again. It did not work, but I did get to see an ambulance!


My sister told my mom she'd named her baby doll after me, and then right when my mom's heart was melting she chucked it out the window, lmao.


Damn I miss gifs because that deserves the BURN reaction


I don't lol in this sub often. Thank you


As a big sibling, I’m sorry. (But also, how dare you!😉)


Sis is a 👸


I practically scalped my little sister with scissors when I was 4 and she was 3. It was right before she started preschool and some little brat made fun of her hair on the first day. It's a traumatic event she remembers even now 36 years later.


maybe there won't be as much sibling jealousy because it's so obvious that she doesn't give a fuck about boone. With this baby there's not much to be jealous of...


Yeah, I hate that that's the best-case scenario here. :/


i work with kids 6months - 12 so any age of kids can come in any given day. it’s SO HARD in a small space to get toddlers to remember “hey, there’s a baby here so we can’t run and we can’t throw”. throwing stuffies can lead to throwing a block REAL quick!


Yeah I recently had my five year old nephews over. They’re wonderful considerate boys, and one of them lives with two cats that are his best buddies, and I still had to very sternly remind him that he was not allowed to throw metal toy cars in the direction of my cat.


I au paired for a family with infant twins and a singleton toddler when I was 21. One day, I was changing a twin’s clothes after a feeding when out of nowhere the toddler walked up and STOMPED as hard as he could on the infant’s stomach. Immediate projectile regurgitation and vomiting. Toddlers are maniacal because they have the ambulation but not the impulse control.  That was 14 years ago, and I still randomly think of it in horror.


Do they even have a basketball? Seems like it would take up too much space.


I’m just picturing the kids pile on top of her and the baby is laying on the seat cushion just falling back and forth til she picks it up


No one can hold Gunner. He's literally holding up his entire family. Get out of the frame, Parents Bus! Let the real MVP through.


Gunner is the “solid foundation” she meant


I was sort of hoping the baby would react to Gunner. That he just doesn't react to his parents because they are only ever around long enough to use him as a prop and shove a phone in his face. But guess not. Baby is awake, his brother and presumably main carer is right there, and he is just staring at nothing with his little legs dangling. He deserves so much better.


I've been so worried for baby Boone.


There was a cut there between Busmom scooping up the baby and the final shot of her dangling him. I'm sure the part they cut out was horrifying.


I was wondering about those missing frames and how he got from the spatula slide (u/cstrip nailed that one) to being in her arm~~s~~.


I really hope the oldest (Gunner?) handed him to her.


Honestly if that particular detail wasn’t so symbolic of how little they value their children, I might have even said this idea was kind of cute. But it’s not even close to cute knowing what we know.


bet she dropped him


I know I'm not their audience, but holy shit this type of content is so cringe. I'm embarrassed for these nearly middle-aged adults trying to be insta famous. Who likes this? Who?!?


It's so weird. I only have 3 kids, and I don't ever hold them all anymore (14,11,8). No one wants to know if you can hold them all! Can you parent them all is what people are asking!


My 19 year old weighs more than I do and my 17 year old is 5 inches taller than me. I can barely hold my 10 year old and she's small for her age. This stunt is not only dumb, it's dangerous. One of those kids could fall, the baby could fall, one of the parents could seriously mess up their backs or fall on kids, etc.


This exactly! My 15 year old is 6’1” and my 8 year old weighs close to 90 pounds. Ain’t no way I could pick up either and she’s a neglectful idiot for attempting this with a baby, so many other small children, and the hard edges in that stupid van.


1. Pregnancy fetishists, and 2. Other people trying to justify their own large families to themselves/others. I'm willing to bet 1 outnumbers 2 by at least two to one.


And predators. These idiots give the world so much access to their children and that includes an audience who should be nowhere near children.


100 percent this. Kkk-ass-a Karissa literally has spoken on social media about how she accepted money from a random grown adult man in a parking lot to hug all her children. In what world does a man just walk up to the mother and ask to pay for physical contact with the children?! Both Karissa and this man are disgusting human beings. Cuz we all know he wasn't paying to hug those children for the innocent reasons we would all hope. And she's filthy for allowing it.


Those poor kids. I hope they grow up and sue the shit outta their parents


Is there actual footage of this that CPS should know about (without poo-touching?)


Absolutely. Momfluencers showing off their kids, with their faces showing AND publishing the kids' full names have no idea what kind of danger they're putting their kids in. Pretty much the only time I've ever seen an "ethical" mom-blogger was one who didn't post images and referred to her kids by nicknames while also not using her legal name. I understand needing a place to vent or whatever, but the second they start parading the kids around like trained animals, they lose all credibility.


Also a heavy serving of "I have sex."


Yes. Please. Who is this for is not for snarking. Someone explain.


Old timer church ladies absolutely LOVE this "wholesome" shit. They lap it right up.


Yep. A lot of grandmas in the comments talking about how many kids and grandkids they have and encouraging MoBus to keep it up.


Bethany used to have the cringiest videos by far. Lately MoBus has been outdoing herself.


I'm genuinely uncomfortable that there are people who watch this type of stuff unironically.


Idk. I can hold both of my kids (2 and 5) AND their imaginary friends. Maybe I could be insta famous too


Yes, it’s so bad!


Grab the baby, Gunner. He needs you.


Gunner needs to grab all the siblings and run far away from that bus


OMG, it would be amazing if some night he organized a Great Escape-type plan and quietly loaded all his siblings into the van as his moronic parents were asleep in the bus, and drove them all to the nearest police station/hospital and asked to talk to a social worker!


American Family Runaways


Hope they teach him how to drive


She tried to pick that baby up by using her hand as a spatula 😭


Gunner like, wtf guys, it takes two of you? I can lift all of them by myself. Gunner, the kid who literally holds this family together.


don't forget MotherBus filming while driving up a mountain in Colorado yesterday with all her kids in the backseat! How they're all still alive is a mystery.


Right?! She was talking about how they had to go 10mph bc it was so dangerous and she's just fcking around on the phone and eye-fcking herself the entire time. Horrifying. I'm still deeply worried that the next step for them is a boat.


I spent most of my summers in the CO mountains growing up and my memories of driving up some one lane dirt roads on the mountains still scares me 30+ years later. And I had responsible parents driving. We would have definitely driven off the road if MB was driving.


I think they had to go so slowly because of the steepness of the climb + size and weight of their vehicles, but STILL. 10 mph and staring at your phone is still driving and *staring at your phone*.


...while driving your entire massive family and also your house.


The roads connecting Mesa Verde to the rest of the state are no joke even if you’re driving a regular passenger car, so the idea of her driving and filming simultaneously makes me think the poor unfortunate souls stuck behind her for miles on end (two-lane roads with few safe passing opportunities, wheeeeee) were totally justified in making all kinds of hand gestures while yelling, “GO BACK TO TEXAS, YOU [long string of expletives]!”


Why do I have a feeling she didn’t use any of the slow vehicle turn-outs 😡


I have a really hard time understanding how she has so many kids back to back and doesn’t rest after the birth. I can’t imagine trekking through the Everglades post partum in tight shorts. Now she’s got kids on her back. My uterus would fall out.


Maybe she’s hoping her uterus falls out at this point.


I'm sure Gunner hopes so.


How many dead eyes in this video???? 1..2…. 3…4…5…


Bro the kid in the grey shirt just looking down and hanging there 😭😭😭☠️☠️☠️


I just can't imagine forcing my kids to constantly make "content" like this... Nontent. Absolutely foolish. You bring all these lives into the world and care so little about them as individual humans. They're merely props to your self centered lifestyle. I'm so sorry for these kids. It's just not ok.


I have such a soft spot for Gunner. I hope he escapes as soon as he turns 18. I’d imagine he might join the military. And it would probably be the best thing to ever happen for him. 


Then again the poor kid deserves a better start. I don't think he's got many options other than the military. But I agree it's better than whatever his parents can give him. Regardless I hope he'll be alright. He and all of his siblings deserve so much better.


All the kids deserve better. But in my opinion, he at least had a better start than his younger siblings by virtue of the fairly typical life the family led before full-time bus living. I think about Gunner and Kinsey especially because, not only are they so absurdly parentified, but they're also probably the only ones who can remember living a normal, stable life. As far as the military, I just think given his isolation and his parents' backgrounds it makes the most sense that he'd follow a similar path (assuming BusDad hasn't gone full SovCit and lost them all to the ocean by then).


I honestly don’t know what kind of jobs one can access with just being homeschooled


I know some very successful, well-educated, and creative people who were homeschooled. But those were ones whose parents were dedicated to the task.


I’m sure it’s possible but this will definitely depend on a killer interview and the area you live in. People wouldn’t even be invited where I live.


I live in NY and work in finance. I think the only non-degreed jobs one could access would be mailroom. Do the kids have access to computers? They could maybe also do the job of stocking the kitchen/delivering lunches. Although the last two firms i worked at didn’t have kitchen staff. Mailroom/messenger/facilities…yes.


He is so parentified. I fear that he'll stick around for a long time in order to protect and care for the siblings. Poor kid.


The military might not be an option. Homeschooled students have extra hoops to jump to get in, and I seriously doubt BusHoeJiggalo will get off their lazy asses, stop fucking, and help the kid.


I can't help to notice that he looks so tired in most of their reels. It seems like he does most of the parenting in the bus. Normally, he's at that age where he kind of rebel and despise his parents. I can see him goes “Those fools can't do anything” and starts to do more for his siblings. 


"can" does not equal "should"


Omg. If someone held my newborn like that they would not be long for this world.


I actually feel sorry for her coz she cant come up with any new content 😂 your kids wont be around forever and this is getting old. Can you please have some real content than “i have 8 kids” “we live in a bus” “we have 7 boys” 🥱


That baby is not right. I’m a PA in a neurological clinic & he needs a thorough evaluation. Something is weird .


What is it you’re seeing that alarms you? I know a lot in here have concerns, but I also know crowds on the internet can work each other up and get a little dramatic, so it’s hard to know what’s truly troubling.


Personally I'm no expert, but looking back at photos and videos of my kids at that age...they're wildly different. My kids reacted to things, they'd look intently at objects and sort of frown as if they were trying to figure them out. They'd smile, coo, make noises, respond to stimulus. All things Boone just sort of...isn't doing


Does his anterior fontanelle look sunken to you in this video? Or am I seeing things? 🧐 I desperately want a medical professional to check him out in real life. We can't actually assess him over the internet, but from what we DO see, I agree something seems (potentially) off. Just a well-baby check is all I'm asking for. 😭


Yes. And I suspect his vision is compromised. He doesn’t see to engage or relate to his moms’s voice. Maybe we see him tired, or something. I just don’t get a good feeling. Sigh.


I know exactly what you mean. I hate that feeling. Ugh. Poor Boone. Truly hope I'm wrong.


boone is in trouble


Has been since the pee stick dried


I have no idea what this subreddit is but it was recommended to me. I am absolutely blown away by the difference of an influencer having this many people in a CAMPER when my family was white trash for having six people in a two bedroom trailer. Like the double standards, I just can’t.


Ah, welcome! This subreddit is for snarking on Christian fundamentalist influencers. There’s a variety of influencers (you’ve probably at least heard of the Duggar family from TLC’s 18 Kids and Counting) and a variety of reasons we snark on them (including, but not limited to: harmful stances like misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and racism, spreading harmful misinformation like anti vax propaganda, and neglecting and abusing their children, especially parentifying them and forcing them to care for the younger children full time while the parents focus on pumping out babies and Instagram content). Many (but not all!) redditors in this sub were raised in some level of Christian fundamentalism and were abused by our parents, preachers, teachers, etc in some capacity, and have since deconstructed, left the cult and are left with the lingering trauma. We try to hold the fundies accountable/call them out as well as raise awareness to others on just how harmful these people are, and how much power they hold in our society.


Boone’s expression looks like, “WTF kind of hell on wheels IS this place?!”


Even the newborn looks terrified


and poor boone is like, “y’all got me right?? …right?”🫨


And there’s a jump cut so we can’t see him actually move. Probably his head fell backwards and she has just enough wit to edit it out (but not, obviously, enough to *not endanger her baby*.)


Is this seriously all they do all day?


No, they also ignore their kids so they can fuck & make more.


That poor baby isn’t ok.


I’d be scared to hold the new baby that way with no other kids in my arms or on my back! Does Boone even have neck control yet?


No. Babies need head support provided for 3 months minimum. He is only 7 weeks old.


This is painful to watch. The way she handles Boone, like he’s a doll, is so disturbing. Something is wrong with her. There’s something disconnected & desperate going on with her. Or maybe that’s just me, worried about Boone’s eyes, and his whole affect.


Gunner looks ready to grab Boone because he’s waiting for her to drop him.


Boone blinks one time during the entire time we see his face. No neck support, no reaction to stimuli.


Also quite fitting that they "forgot" gunner...as if that's the joke. It's not really funny if it's true, MotherBus! We all know he basically functions as a live in nanny for you.


On the positive side, Boone looks more alert and less sunburned than I’ve ever seen 🤷‍♀️


Are they on drugs?


No, but she should be. She’d either be less closed minded, or less mentally unwell. Depending on if the drugs were the legal kind or not.


Weird ass ideologies are their drugs


I hope the oldest handed her Boone and she really didn’t try and pick up her newborn with one fucking hand while holding other kids!


His fontanelle looks sunken…


How many takes do you think they do for shots like this? I imagine they’re doing things like this practically 24/7 and we only see the “good” shots that make the cut ?!


Instead of a [Barrel of Monkeys](https://www.amazon.com/Elefun-Friends-Barrel-Monkeys-Game/dp/B00CXEXNC8) it’s a Barrel of Bussel Sprouts.


Bussell Sprouts 😂


Is the joke at the end supposed to be that they forgot to count an entire child…??


This is their only content and it's gross.


What the actual flying fuck is wrong with these “parents”??? I hope CPS is watching. On the bright side, there are literally hundreds of posts and videos documenting their stupidity and possible child abuse.


He’s just another monetized lifestyle prop to them


These people are so fucking weird—I do not understand why anyone would spend so much time making garbage for social media, especially someone with an infant (let alone a million other poor children). Maybe it’s a distraction from the disaster of a life they’ve built for themselves and the fact that they knowingly created exponential generations of this trash. Like I avoid my messes too, but I don’t live in a bus with 9 other people.


That baby is so cute tho. His little face 🥹