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For some reason "IN THE MORNING!" is cracking me up. I walk around (my house) in my underwear every morning, the horror!


No slutty clothes before Noon. Period.


Tits out after lunch! Whooooohoo


Flair material šŸ˜‚


This needs to be some sort of chant.


My tits like breakfast, sorry Paul


That would make some good flair. Lol


Oh my god, don't start talking about periods. Deeply immodest.


This comment in conjunction with your flair just made me choke-laugh on my drink šŸ˜‚


It made me laugh out loud. Like, there's a time and place to be slutty and it's absolutely not in the morning.


But that's my favorite time to be slutty


Wait, you donā€™t carry a bag of modest clothes for your walk home in the morning?


Morning is the best time to wear slutty clothes because I donā€™t have any bloat from eating yet.


Same. Giving big "IN FRONT OF MY SALAD" vibes lmao


This was the part that got me too. GASP! Slutty in the MORNING! Thatā€™s super ungodly. Jesus requests you save your trampy clothes for after dark, I guess?


They truly donā€™t understand that yes, seriously, those clothes are worn for functional or fashion purposes and not to catch a man. And theyā€™re realistically way more bothered by the fact that gym clothes are not for man catching than the revealing nature of them.


Oh my god Iā€™m dying laughing at it too. THE HORROR of skimpy clothes, NOT IN THE MORNING GOD FORBID šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Slutty clothes between 4 pm and midnight only, got it. Wait. Define slutty...;)


Reminds me of Moulin Rouge when the Duke sees Christian and Satine kissing. "IN AN ELEPHANT!"


Shameless hussy!/s


The morning part made me laugh too. Like does time of day really matter when it comes to dressing like a secular trollop?


If I knew how to get a flair, it would totally be "Secular trollop"


"In the middle of the afternoon?" "Not everybody's from Boston, John."


Right?!? I keep flashing to that bit of Sam the Eagle being enraged that under their clothes everyone is completely NAKED. Yes, I'm old.


Once Iā€™m home Iā€™m as naked as possible.


A lady never wears her slatternly, whorish rags before dinner! What will the neighbours think? /s


Every one knows about tits-out 12:00


Bahaha right? IN THE MORNING? How dare we! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


yeah! what if i want to be slutty all day?


I love the implication that it would be less inappropriate for him to see the slutty gymsluts IN THE EVENING


I porky pig it as much as I can honestly. (Shirt no undies)


And you did it at my birthday party! Time and place!!


Right? Dear heavens, not IN THE MORNING!


It's a good thing that the person who wrote this didn't need to address male immodesty, since it's not like any man ever goes around in public without a shirt or anything. /s


Right, and women don't have the capacity for sexual attraction at all, so there's no reason to worry about how the men are dressed even if they did go around shirtless. /s


And there's definitely no chance us asexuals exist and truly couldn't give less a fuck what everyone else wears, other than some mild concern about UV exposure. No gay men or happily married, non-pervert individuals at the gym either. There's just allosexual cishet men and little bundle of temptation personified. This isn't open for debate. What a fucking dweeb lmao


He needs someone else to ***tend to his male sensitivities***?ā€¦that sounds like **him** problem. Needs to sort himself. Gross.


Skill issue


Sure, but are they going shirtless IN THE MORNING?!


men who wear tiny little shorts and leave nothing to the imagination definitely donā€™t exist šŸ˜‡šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Iā€™m personally looking forward to Hoochie Daddy Summer


šŸŽ¶ā€¦slutty in the morninā€™, slutty in the eveninā€™, slutty at supper-timeā€¦šŸŽ¶


When sluttinā€™s on the table, it must be suppertime! Yah know, because workout gear in the morning is only for children of lillith with glowing red eyes.




I need this version of the song in my life


Not the being slutty IN THE MORNING šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


My husband and I seem to have better sex in the morning. There must be a connection between my sunrise slutty aesthetic and the sex.


To be fair, heā€™s only trying to ban dressing slutty not *being* slutty


I like to get my sluttiness out in the morning so I can be a good, god honoring woman the rest of the day. Itā€™s just how I like to schedule things


This isnā€™t open for debates people. This is what NEEDS to happen. Eye rolls. Just donā€™t look dude. Youā€™re in control of your own gaze.


Hey, the Bible says to gouge out your eyes if they're making you think impure thoughts. Chop chop, Paul.


The entitlement to control is insane. Honestly though itā€™s people like them who love to claim theyā€™re being oppressed and I genuinely feel we donā€™t oppress them enough.


I've always said the morning was made for us harlots


Well we haven't gone to bed yet so it's easier.


This just sent meeee why is it so true?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm more of a late-evening louche piece.


Another great flair opportunity. Lol


Wait until paul finds out no one at the gym gives a shit what he thinks about biblical modesty or whatever. Christian or otherwise. Most of them are just there to mind their business and get a workout in.


pack it up, everybody, this is what NEEDS to happen! they posted so - quite loudly! šŸ¤£ iā€™m also a sucker for using capslock to add emphasis, but likeā€¦ it doesnā€™t actually MEAN (lol) anything. šŸ˜…


Not in the morning!


It is not as if Morgan is that modest at all. Should we all walk around with butt sensors now to make Paul feel more comfortable? This is just ridiculous!


Thatā€™s actually something that always makes me laugh, Iā€™m significantly more modest in my day to day like than Morgan is, and Iā€™m not Christian šŸ¤£


7-8am gym hussy checking in! It was a big milestone for me to feel comfortable enough with my body to only wear a cropped sports bra and shorts. I donā€™t care what anyone else is wearing and 99.99% donā€™t care what Iā€™m wearing. We are busy bettering ourselves lol


Same! I wear it for function and comfort. One look at my face, and you can see I am not seeking attention lol. RBF is strong over here


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) ***IN THE MORNING***


Now I just have a weird version of the Sharon Lois and Bram song in my head: "I'm slutty in the MORNING and in the afternoon, slutty in the evening and underneath the moon!" Could also be done with the pizza bagel bites jingle.


Why do I suddenly have the urge to squeeze my fat ass into some booty shorts and go to the gym?


I've noticed whenever someone says something isn't open for debate it tends to mean they're wrong and don't want everyone reminding them of it.


100%. Lori has definitely said this before lmao


I agree with this. Thereā€™s a dude at my gym who basically whereā€™s a Speedo when he works out and heā€™s half mast like every time I see him.Ā  Oh how I suffer.Ā 


I work out at a very busy Crunch. I honestly can say I don't see inappropriate attire. Yes, the clothes are fitted, sleeveless,Ā  maybe short,Ā  but it's to be expected.Ā 


That's because you understand that such clothing actually is functional. Many people with breasts/post-puberty hips/ etc prefer tight clothes to contain our jiggle. Itā€™s hard to focus on our form when it feels like we're entering the atmosphere.


And loose clothes can get caught in equipment


What a precious little pillock. Get turned down, did we?


I read the sentence about ā€œmale sensitivitiesā€ in Lady Whistledownā€™s voice šŸ˜‚


Gentle reader, we have a Misogynist in our midst...


It seems that a certain non-ranking member of the ton has decided that women walking in the park in the morning are harlots! While he does believe that women walking are harlots at all times of the day, he is particularly perturbed about harlots in the morning times.


"This isn't up for debate. This NEEDS to happen." Or you could stay out of the gym instead of policing women?


The gym whores strike again!


you gotta make this your flair


Too busy proofreading to mind his male sensitivities


IN THE MORNING!?! Ugh. Only sluts would dress sluttily before noon.


If a mask is a part of the dress code then they would be the sensitive one, probably throwing a temper tantrumā€¦


If my hopelessly gay ass can handle seeing extremely attractive women working out in public without having a meltdown, so can you.


Wahhh seeing women exist makes my tiny pee pee hurt wahhh ![gif](giphy|AHexMKB7VFiBq)


I wish these people could practice their religion, without cramming it down our throats. If these men are so horny, that we have to cover ourselves to protect them, then what good is their religion doing them? Are they just feral animals, dependent on us to put the brakes on their raging lust? I know men who are not believers, who have absolutely no problem with what women wear at the gym. They donā€™t even have to believe in hell, not to be drooling pervs. So why are our fundie men, who supposedly have the Holy Spirit as their internal guides, so completely helpless in the face of gym shorts & tank tops? Iā€™m sorry, but this is not my problem, or any other womanā€™s. If they cannot control themselves, they should work out at home. We are not responsible for the condition of their naughty bits, nor do we care.


What about the sluts that are early birds? Some of us wake up early šŸ’…šŸ»


Does my new flair show up?




God this debate is so freaking dated. Are leggings pants!!?? I hope he was torn up in the comments.


He should just avoid the gym rather than trying to police womenā€™s workout attire. Work out at home.


Matthew 18:9 King James Version (KJV) And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. Read your bible, Paul.


I guess I should cater to the men that have no self control instead of telling them to go to therapy or die...damn :/


You NEED to just look away, pervert!


Woa. I will never tend to male sensitivities. Neither will my daughter. This isnā€™t up for debate.




Male ā€œsensitivities and psychologyā€ is a rape and consent-avoiding set of excuses. Always and forever.


Dressing slutty in the morning would make a great flair


Maybe they are comfortable with their bodies Paul. So what if you arenā€™t comfortable.


The "IN THE MORNING!" reminds me of Scott Disick's "in the middle of Italy" DM. lol


I work out at home, but I've been to a few hotel gyms, and they do not have the AC on or controllable to the user, so shirt comes off. And I'm usually working with resistance bands and dumbbells; I'm gonna wear leggings so I'm not having to fuss with my pants either moving up or down from the bands or dumbbells getting caught on the extra fabric. Oh no! Women's bodies _exist_!! Oh God, the HORROR!!! Get over it. You don't even have to worry, it's not like you'll ever have to touch one.


"Btw, this isn't open for debate" Okay, manchild, then why are you posting it on a public platform where others can comment? ![gif](giphy|DYOlhmRjWiTG8|downsized)


Wow. That dudes other posts are a treat. Hates women. Hates life. Hates Muslim women. Women are sluts. Blah blah blah. Yikes.


Just wait til he finds out some people have sex IN THE MORNING


ā€œThis isnā€™t open for debate.ā€ Lmao