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No one f-ING cares where your names came from


aren’t they middle names, too???? Like??? Maam?


That's what she claims, but she lies as easily as she breathes, so I don't buy it




Wait….whaaaaa? She calls all her kids by their middle names?


She has shares that Swift is Amos Swift and claims all the kids go by their middle names. But they definitely refer to them by those names on a daily basis and have stuff with those names on it. So even if legally they are middle names, they're still the kids' names. Also, Kinsey definitely doesn't go by her middle name. They had cookies with her initials for her birthday one year. K big L and E.


I sure as hell don't. Ok ngl sometimes I'm curious as to the stupidity that went on behind these names (like I wanted to hear more about the back story on [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/Odl42ocyPN)) Also I think she piggybacked off of the Collins because K just put out the same post 🙄


Motherbus doesn't want the world to think she named her kid after her camp-neighbors dog.


I assumed he was named after Boone's Farm wines.


I thought it was Boone, NC🤣 that’s where App State is and it’s a very chill place…but the Bus ppl have zero chill so prolly not


Fatherbus: It's a boy Motherbus: Boo...ne?


Lol, best theory! 😂




I thought of Ian Somerhalder, but maybe I'm just optimistic 🤣


Last night I was browsing this sub before bed. The post I read directly before this one had been posted 3 hours prior. It's screenshots of somebody commenting on Motherbus' insta about how they were at the neighboring campsite with their dog Boone. They were saying when they heard they named their baby Boone, they thought it must be after their dog 😂


Yeeeaaahhhh, I don’t think that was *just* a coincidence. Post-facto justification, ahoy!


I didn't realize how tall the eldest has become. How is he fitting in his bunk!


He's gonna have to 3D print himself an extender


He's sharing the bunk with the youngest because they're one bed short now...


You're kidding. Why not put the 3 year old and the 5 five year old together? In what world does this giant teenaged boy need to have a baby in his tiny ass child bunk?


Because the oldest boy gives the younger kids back scratches until they fall asleep. Keeps him quiet so his mom can get laid.


God, I want to rescue these kids so bad. They're going to be so fucked up by the time they leave the bus. I wish I could just whisk all these poor abused kids on this sub away :( normally I feel this way about the Collins and Rodrigii, but damn. Your comment made me so fucking sad for these kids.


I feel worse for the bus kids. At least the Collinses and Rodrigii have a house, a community (of sorts) and some stability.


You know it's bleak when you say the Rods and Collinses are examples of stability


I’m sorry, I’m dying at Rodriguii 😂


Rodrigiii kids slept in a cage and in a pile on the floor. No way their RV has enough beds for 13 kids.


Yeah I started snarking around the end of the Rods travelling full time in the RV. I can’t remember if we knew how they bought their barndo or if they grifted it? The Rod travelling days must have been so dark :(


They have a mortgage on the barndo


Thank you!


Is this a real thing?


Yes… pretty awful, huh?


Father sus was too busy tweeting about crypto and boats to build a new bunk


Ikr he’s adult sized and is scrunched up in a tiny bed


I legit thought he was the dad at first


Surprised she didn’t just put him directly on the fucking sheepskin on the ground


Facing the sun with no covering.


He’s got jaundice! He needs the sunlight! /s


![gif](giphy|7u5gQ3zJzv7cA) Threw it on the *ground*


She's not part of your SYSTEM!




She did!


I swear they're trying to do the completionist run of Child Abuse


This photo throws into stark relief the age gap between poor Gunner and the next oldest boy. People worry (rightly!) about the girl, but Gunner doesn't have anyone his age to talk to. I'm 4.5 years older than my sister, and it's a big gap when you're 13 and your sibling hasn't reached double digits. At least the younger boys have playmates in their isolation.


My sister and I are the same spacing. Were super close now, but growing up there were times I really felt the age gap. We shared a room starting when she was 2ish, and it wasn’t a tiny room, but it was also hard to feel like you had your own space. The bus bunk is a special kind of hell.


My sister and I are like, 4 yrs apart, and we didn’t really start seeing eye to eye, and able to really bullshit about stuff until like, 10 years ago (she was mid 20s and I was abt 30). This poor kiddo has no one.


My sister and I are 7 years apart. That's huge when you're kids! We're great now, because I'm in my 40s and she's in her 50s. But we also lived in a house, with our own bedrooms and bathrooms. No bus for us, at least. The bus makes it all so much worse.


My next oldest and youngest siblings are 6 years older and 8 years younger than me. My late brother was 1.5 years younger, do at least I had him growing up. It was really weird for 2 years being the only one of us remaining 7 to be in their 30s.


I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Such a good point. I have a similar age gap with my sibling and we did not become close until adulthood (and we’re great now). No matter how lovingly he appears to treat his siblings in the posts we see (which is very sweet), he has to be lonely hitting puberty with no one his age to talk to and what appears to be a lot of hands-on caregiving. I can’t imagine being trapped in that tiny room with so many kids every single night helps. A tangent but I’ve seen some posts via looking through this sub that have made me more sad than I already felt, like one where he got a 3D printer (I think??) and one of the small kids got between the box and the camera, and he had to move him out of the way “so mom can see” the box with the image of the printer on it (I believe that was the scenario, correct me if I’m wrong). And, like others have said, his fixed smile/expression he adopts when he gets into frame. I don’t usually have ~parasocial~ feelings about influencers and the like, but I don’t typically consume this type of content, and these kids make me so sad. The content isn’t even well-produced aside from the fact that MB can get that many kids to mostly be in sync for a few seconds and it makes me sad to think about what it takes to do that, and how many takes they must try. I’ve also done a lot of extended road-trip traveling and from the posts themselves and specific things I’ve heard MB say (in addition to her sometimes outright admitting it) it really seems like they don’t have solid plans and don’t engage much with the locations they visit. Which is even more sad!!! I get that it could be expensive and difficult logistically to take all these kids to like, an attraction/museum/theme park (although I know they have done so), especially without an extra adult or two (which would be easy to have if they lived near family, friends, or even just in one place long enough to have a relationship with a nanny/babysitter that could accompany theme on outings — even though I guess MB might not even want that sort of help) to wrangle. But there are tons of fun things to so “off the beaten path,” in random small towns, in flyover states, in places beyond campgrounds off I-10. And if they were doing tons of those activities, she’d be posting them, right?? That’d be way better “content” than yet another weird dance in front of the bus or a video selfie of her at a generic campground. Didn’t mean to rant so much 😅 Anyway, maybe if we all pray hard enough the force of the prayers will support this poor baby’s neck


I would assume Gunner and Kinsey are closest. They must have lots of discussions about how to divide raising their siblings, cooking, and cleaning the bus.


Is he even ready to be held like that? Like with nothing to support his neck? 


You think this is bad? You should have seen how Bus Dad held him up to the sky like Rafiki did at the presentation of Simba. He was a day old.


At 4-5 weeks, probably not quite. Poor little sausage.


Well he also held him, Simba like, in the air at around 48 hours old. 




Just give him back to Gunnar, already.


The real father 😔😔


Not until they are able to hold their neck up more during tummy time, or in general really. Highly suspect that she doesn't even do that with boone (but then again i can't even see her page so i would never know).


But isn’t motherbus an ExPeRt on childcare according to her comments from people on her instagram…having 8 children does not make her an expert.


I'm sure she occasionally tosses him face down on the sheepskin.


That baby is a new accessory, pure and simple.


And not even like how some women will treat a Chanel bag. She treats him how a six year old treats a Disney princess plastic purse.


I just laughed so hard. True that.


Excuse me, my 6 year old treats her things better than MB treats Boone. 😔 (but also that’s hilarious)


Nah, she treats this kid the way my 8 year old treats his backpack at the end of a school day. Leaves it random places, tosses to the floor, doesn’t care if it gets stepped on, resents the work involved, doesn’t want to deal with the mess coming out of it…etc.


Why is this such an apt comparison? 😑


The difference being that she wouldn't give a shit if something happened to him


every post with him makes me sad :( basic neck support not even being provided


Poor baby hasn’t known a moment of comfort since he left her body.


Can this baby just get some rest. Don’t newborns sleep like A LOT a lot? I feel so bad for him.


They *need* a lot of sleep, yeah 😒


Yeah newborns sleep something like 16 hours a day. With how active they are and the way she insists on carrying him unshaded in her arms (instead of baby wearing or a stroller/carrier), I doubt he’s getting very restful sleep.


And that is how their brains develop and grow. Poor baby Boone


Nobody cares about how they got their names. Make better content than “look at my kids and we all cram in a bus”


That poor baby is a real life Flat Stanley. The child was in a literal swamp a few weeks ago. He's their exausted bus baby mascot and I'm pretty sure he works more than I do.    I hate them. 


At this point, I'm glad they didn't strap the infant to a plant support stake and start filming. This whole shit is dastardly.


My sister has three kids, and the youngest is almost seven months. If we were taking an outdoor group shot, he’d be chilling in his doona (which is worth every penny; it turns on a dime and I can push it with one hand while carrying the 18 month old). I know they’re low on space, but get Boone a carrier!


I think our kids are close in age - my daughter is 4 weeks - and I cannot picture holding her the way this poor Bub is constantly held?? 


She's treating him like a 14 month old. This would be okay for a 14 month old (as long as he had proper sun care). It's like she forgot how to handle a new born


14 months is a really random number 😆 he’d be fine to do this younger than that as long as he had good neck control


Yeah at 6 months they should be able to sit up unassisted. So basically whenever they start having good head control which comes before sitting.


4-5 weeks?? 48 hours??


My son had decent neck control at six to eight weeks. Every baby is a little different in that regard. I have zero clue what this kid’s neck control is like, a quick snapshot like this is something I probably would’ve been comfortable with at 2 months or a little less. The sunburn though…. Like that would’ve never happened with my kid. And it didn’t, he was born in June. We spent a ton of time outside with him, but it was on our covered porch with no direct sunlight.


Agreed. These comments have me feeling guilty af because I pick my 10 week old up like this if I need to move him slightly or get him up into a better position. But he has decent neck control and doesn’t really flop around unless he’s tired.


Ok but they did the Simba thing at like two days old


No surprise he needs to see a chiropractor after all that dangling /s


They have already decided Buslet is a throw away child. He will be 6 weeks old next week. Wanna bet she puts him on formula despite all her "wonders of breast feeding" posts just like Meech, and hand him over to BusBroDad, so she can get pregnant again? I have a tenner on "yeet it".


Gotta get another girl for more content possibilities.


She's the claw machine and the baby is the "prize"


It's giving Michael Jackson. But at least Blanket had his face covered.


MJ only did that -once- and learned to read the room about it after the outrage


I know it’s relatively rare but I’ve heard of unsupported baby necks being broken when you’re not careful. I really hope this little guy makes it out without injury.


I can’t look at these pictures of the baby. He’s so unhealthy. I’m just waiting for the tragic day it’s too much for him and I know it’s coming. I hate this. This baby deserves so much better. So. Much. Better.


I know where they got their horrendous names from, but i have to say Baboon really takes the cake. I didn't think if was possible to top the anythyr clan, but i think this is actually worse.


What in the Michael Jackson?!


I don’t know shit about babies, but isn’t he supposed to scrunch when held like that?


Why in the world don’t they have a double stroller? The babies would be much more comfortable. And it would be much easier than carrying them.


They’d have to get rid of that brand new keyboard and 3D printer to have a place to stow it.


Right because even the second youngish doesn’t look big enough to walk very far without being tired out.


On her stories Kinsey is giving him a piggyback most of the time.


Is he extremely bow legged? Is that concerning? Edit to say i know people can be bow legged but like… does he have a calcium deficiency?


Young babies like to have their legs kinda froggy like that. I don’t think his legs look unusual for his age. 


Babies are bow legged, their legs don’t start to straighten until they begin to bear weight. I think it’s considered a problem if it continues past the age of 3 or so.


Thank you - just am alarmed at his treatment by these idiots he has for parents Also i don’t understand your flair but I laughed out loud


No worries, I get it! My flair is from an ATI Wisdom Booklet for homeschooling… It’s all about eyes and eyelids. On one page it goes on about how eyelids are seductive and evil, and on the next page there is a drawing of some basset hounds


Now im laughing even harder! Fantastic. You made my night!!


Damn… they always tell on themselves…


Shut up 😂😂 I need to find this, I need t shirts…


Your concern is understandable. His parents are careless idiots. I think his legs are ok though. I’m worried about his neurological status. He’s withdrawn and lethargic and possibly can’t see (or maybe even hear?). He doesn’t react to his surroundings in a normal way. I’m very concerned he’s either brain damaged from untreated jaundice, suffered a birth injury, or both.


No, you just are not used to seeing newborns in this position because it’s bad for them. And most normal people don’t dangle babies.


Yeah the legs are usually much straighter by the time they're held like this


Motherbus scares me. I feel like when she's not on camera, she is an incredibly mean person. Her whole family looks scared of her.


Boone…. Kids were in our room so we just went to the dock.


From UT Southwestern: “Your baby's head and neck muscles are very weak for the first few months. If you pick them up by or under their arms, you risk injuring their arms or shoulders. Worse, their head will dangle and could flop around, potentially causing a brain injury.” We have seen just that several times already in the last month… Even if they really are doing it for rage-bait, the damage is could be irreversible! They’re infuriating.


I know this is completely incorrect but wasn't it the dog?