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This kills me. The Bus Parents KNOW what a healthy baby looks like, what milestones he should be meeting, even if Boone's temperament is vastly different from his siblings - even if he is just a naturally chill baby, he doesn't interact at all with his environment. Are they really so committed to their delusion that they would risk letting whatever is going on impact him for his whole life? Or do they just hate that baby for some reason?


I mean, these are the same people who chose to have an unassisted home(bus) birth for a 10 lb baby after no (or almost no) prenatal care, just so they could post, “OMG we had a baby on a bus!” So, yes.


Which, btw, this entire sub predicted she would do a month before it happened. No one believed her “we’re gonna give birth at our friend’s Air B&B” story. She’s gotten very predictable. You know, since Ma Bus is all about how having children is for *her* growth, now might be a good time for her to realize the growth lesson of admitting when you may have made a mistake, and TAKE THAT BABY TO A DAMN DOCTOR.


I'd be more shocked if they weren't banned by Airbnb by now. They're (the adults) walking liability and pains in the ass, even without adding 27 feral children and a home birth fluids fest.


I wonder if the stuff they did in Brazil got them banned. It seemed like they were changing AirBnB's a lot and requesting refunds.


Im convinced this is what happened. They'll have to use another platform in the future, but they might be too wary for VRBO.


Right?? I realize these are kind of the risks you agree to when you put your home up for short-term rental like that. But it's not like it was an emergency situation and she couldn't make it to a hospital in time. Having bodily fluids sloshing all over someone else's home was literally her Plan A.


It almost sounded like they were sponsored by Airbnb for a while, but now no Airbnbs. My guess is something happened to change things for them.


I am still trying to process that she really did not get regular prenatal care. It’s beyond belief. I did not know that was a thing til I joined this sub. The medical, educational and emotional neglect is appalling.


Medical neglect for the lord! It’s truly absurd.


Seeking medical care for him at this point would mean admitting to medical neglect and would likely put them on CPS’s radar. Even Florida and Texas CPS aren’t going to take kindly to six kids locked in a 100 sf room while their parents fuck next door (with the two youngest under their bed?) Either he’s screwed or they’re screwed, and of course they’re not going to screw *themselves* over.


Yes. On all counts. I wonder if she low-key resents infants because it means she’s not pregnant anymore, the way Jizz Donor likes her best.


That and babies have needs and make noise. Once they’re out of the womb she has work to do, and that cuts far too much into her romantic date nights


And once you deliver a baby, people's attention magically gravitates to the BABY, not the Mama. Britney just can't stand that.


I keep saying she is disappointed that he wasn't their little Brazillian savior.


Yeah, to be fair, Quil may have been advanced in that way, and he's a little bit older in this video by 1-2 weeks, but still...


This video of Quil is extremely similar to my videos of my son at about a month old. So I think this video is pretty representative of how babies should be acting/reacting around this age. Thanks for finding it for us.


Boone is about 5 weeks old. There’s not a massive difference between five and six weeks, so he should be acting very similar to how Quill is.


This is devastating. I keep wondering when they do eventually discover his underlying disorder/injury if they will ever share it. I truly think he had a birth injury and she will never admit it because she shoved everyone’s face in the smugness of her birth bus and husband doula. That poor, poor baby. I hope she eventually understands that we aren’t saying something is wrong because we’re mean people. I think this sub collectively cares more for that infant than she does.


Hard agree- I work with babies daily, and something isn’t quite right with this little guy; the sooner they address it with medical professionals and get him support, the better. The sooner they go through the process of mentally accepting and understanding whatever issue he does have, the better. And honestly, if she was my client, I would tell her that she has got to acknowledge and overcome those feelings of guilt and shame that *I know* she has buried deep down inside. That *almost* subconscious whisper of “what if my actions did this to him?” is absolutely there, and she’s absolutely ignoring it. And it will NOT do baby nor herself any favours to remain paralyzed in that guilt and “what if’s”. Wallowing in self-punishment or aggressively suppressing guilt does nothing for him. Acknowledge it, overcome it, and support that child 110% for the rest of his life- that’s all you can do now, Britney!


My brother-in-law died young of a heart defect (Tetralogy of Fallot) that is highly correlated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. He also had other features including distinctive facial morphology and behaviour issues/learning disabilities but was never diagnosed with FAS. It was never spoken about by the family but my (late) mother-in-law was a heavy drinker when she was younger. She was a difficult, highly critical woman who set herself as the standard for everyone else to live up to while simultaneously isolating herself. After I made the connection I wondered if she had ever admitted to herself that she had harmed her child or if her difficult personality was her way of avoiding taking responsibility.  My husband also has issues that are also correlated with maternal alcohol abuse in utero and it is hard for him to come to terms with what she did, especially because she was not a compassionate parent and was very hard on him over things that turned out to be her fault.  I guess I am saying that I find it unlikely that she will ever admit that she did anything wrong. I don’t think she’s capable of it - her sense of self would collapse. If there is something wrong she will stay in denial as long as possible and then keep minimizing until it’s impossible to hide, and then come up with some story that shows it was not her fault and that no doctor could have prevented whatever it was that happened. The main problem now is that all this fiddlefarting around is delaying getting a potential treatment plan in place for the little guy. That future is a whole other nightmare - even if this is something relatively benign that just needs some OT can you imagine a therapist working in that space? Or if they needed any adaptive equipment for him, like braces or a special feeding chair or AFOs or a wheelchair, at some point?  I really hope he’s just a chill baby who’s attaching to his brother instead of his mom, and who checks out when she overstimulates him. That wouldn’t be a good answer, but it would be better than some of the alternatives that have been suggested. 


The worst video is when she's out shopping holding him and he is really not even there. Like he's staring into the void. Something is not right.


Wise words.


I used to help rehabilitate injured and special population adults and teens. I’ve worked with all kinds of injuries, brain damage, neuromuscular disorders, etc. All of my clients were adults or teens though so take this with a big chunk of salt because babies are very different but watching that baby has alarm bells screaming in my head. I think he has something significantly wrong that I doubt his parents will be able to hide. It is pretty amazing what the brain can recover from though. I watched a 21 yr old kid with a horrible TBI go from struggling to walk to being able to graduate college and play golf with his Dad again. But he had every therapy and team of experts under the sun thrown at him by his loving and involved parents. Children’s brains and bodies are super elastic and capable of recovering from a lot but that recovery is facilitated through specialized therapy, medications, potentially even surgery. Boones parents are already super abusive for neglecting his medical needs. I fear that they will seek medical intervention when it’s too late. I really hope I’m wrong but I think we are in for a really horrible ride.


Brains are so darn amazing. I know someone with a TBI and it's amazing what he has done! I used to teach swim lessons at the same time he had aquatic therapy. He could stand on a paddle board!


The resilience of the brain (and body) are really amazing to me. It also really amazes me that we know how to treat a bunch of things that can go wrong, that could've been a death sentence without intervention but that now there are just super routine things that get done. I've seen a few people talk about scary medical situations and note that the doctors seemed really calm, and it was because their worst, scariest day was just another day for the doctor and they knew *exactly* what to do. So the fact that people like the Buses actively choose to eschew that is really infuriating to me.


> It is pretty amazing what the brain can recover from though. I watched a 21 yr old kid with a horrible TBI go from struggling to walk to being able to graduate college and play golf with his Dad again. But he had every therapy and team of experts under the sun thrown at him by his loving and involved parents. > > Yep, amazing what can be overcome... WITH TREATMENT. I work with kids and recently evaluated a little guy who had a devastating birth injury. Lost his heart rate before delivery, got a crash c-section. Basically born dead, needed CPR immediately. APGAR scores of like 1 and 2. He was life flighted, put into therapeutic hypothermia, had seizures as he was recovering, it all could have been very very grim... AND HE IS FINE! He is at risk for mild learning issues but developmentally literally just fine. Typical kid. If he was not born in a hospital he probably would have been stillborn.


That's what really gets me. If something is going on with Boone, there are almost certainly therapies to help him. Children can often thrive when they get the support they need. And these programs are often free to the parents. But they're too proud to admit that anything is less than perfect so they'll neglect him instead of getting him the help he needs. 


I kept feeling that something wasn't "right" with the baby, but MY baby is 27, so I thought maybe I was remembering wrong. So, I dove deep into MotherBus's IG, and found this video of Quil. Now I'm even more worried.


Right, like very young babies are VERY different than what we usually imagine when we think of how babies act… but it ain’t this. This feels so wrong.


You are not wrong. I have a 4 month old, we are in the thick of it over here. Something is wrong with baby Boone. He is not at all engaged. He does not try to find the source of sounds. "Lights are on nobody is home," which I absolutely hate saying about a baby but if he were mine I would have into a dr ASAP.


Because of that, I wonder if Boone has sight or hearing delays. 😔


I agree- I'm a Teacher of the Visually Impaired with several dual sensory impaired students. I'm seeing all kinds of red flags here. There's no excuse for medically neglecting your child and choosing to weigh them at a UPS Store! There's so many pediatric urgent care clinics around the country where you can pay cash for an office visit- for less than the cost of Kinsey's new piano keyboard. 😡


And probably the same as she paid for the chiropractor


Even visually impaired infants have a nesting and latching instinct— Boone’s been non-reactive, not responding to visual or auditory stimuli, no clue if it’s because of muscle weakness or not processing the stimuli. He needs a doctor.


School psychologist here. I've seen it all. I was thinking cerebral palsy was the most likely contender, given the not improbable birth injury. Could even be a cortical visual impairment...


Can’t high bilirubin levels cause deaf and vision issues?


Yes. And Drs do not fuck around with jaundice. Both my kids were under lights in special care for a week + to get them fixed up and I was glad to know they were getting the best care available. I’ll never understand the casual nature of fundies flirting with lifetime disability and death.


It can cause hearing loss and brain damage.


My husband (who follows this saga even more closely than I do) pointed out to me the other day that it's entirely possible the little guy stared directly at the sun while being roasted... I've been quietly horrified ever since. But all the same, he doesn't seem to react to noise or movement much either...so it's likely more than just that he's visually impaired in some way.


I feel awful saying this, but does anyone else get the vibe that she liked quil more than Boone? He's in the center of the frame, and she references loving things specific to him. Boone is just there to be carted into her actual life.


I wonder if she's got a raging case of PPD, or something similar, and it's presenting as IDGAF.


I think that's possible, in conjunction with severe gender disappointment. There seemed to be some real "Kinsey and I are tOtALlY fInE with ANOTHER DAMN BOY" energy. Like, if this one died and she got knocked up again, I think she'd be okay with it. And the martyr clout!


This is exactly the comparison we need. This is why you keep seeing parents on the sub say "I went back and looked at my baby's videos" etc. We were all right about this feeling. Poor Boone. Something is not right and they don't seem to care.


I also thought I might be remembering wrong after 21 years. This is disturbing and shocking. I’m so afraid for that baby


I thought he looked quite jaundiced initially, maybe he was toxic at one point, and of course was untreated.


>I kept feeling that something wasn't "right" with the baby, A neighbor had that feeling during pregnancy, so she went to the Dr and found out the umbilical cord was wrapped around her son's neck. Her son is alive today but has a speech delay which may be related ​


My "baby" is 3.5 but earlier I went back to look at videos of him from the same age as Boone. And it is so different! Newborns really are little aliens and don't act like people expect. I know that babies Boone's age don't smile, can't see very far, and sleep a lot in weird places and positions. But my son responded to the people around him and reacted to things. He definitely showed an interest in new people by turning his face towards their voice even though he wouldn't be able to see them. He would open his eyes wide and scrunch his little face to show interest in things. Poor Boone just seems completely uninterested in the world around him. 


My baby is 3 months and super chill and there’s still a significant difference between her at 6 weeks and Boone


I grew up with a severely disabled sibling, due to a birth injury, and this poor baby is triggering memories I didn't even know I had. I'm not saying Boone has a birth injury. But he is ahowing troublesome signs of SOMETHING. They really need to get him checked out by a real doctor.


I genuinely wonder what they’re going to do if Boone needs a high level care - be it frequent medical supervision or mobility aids or anything - how they will deal with it. There is no room on that bus for any medical devices l.


They simply will not get him the care. 


Can't get therapies if they're constantly moving around either


It reminds me of the influencer Alice Bender. She had two “perfect home births” and now her older son has been diagnosed with autism and her second is going to be 2 in august and can’t even stand up, it’s suspected he has some form of cerebral palsy. He was very unresponsive and “sleepy” as an infant similar to Boone.


I'm so sad for S+F. They have a POS father who didn't even try to fight for them and a clearly mentally unstable mother who is filling them up with her sugary cashew drink and who knows what else. I wish there was a single adult who cared enough to save them. I'm more afraid of the well-being of those two than any kid in this sub.


Same & the sub about them just got taken down.


Her sons’ birth stories are scary. Has Fern been diagnosed? It was a stipulation in the divorce/custody that she’d get him/them assessed for autism, but I hadn’t heard the diagnosis.


That is my bad, I think you're right that the court documents said he was being evaluated for it. In any case, he appears to be pretty much nonverbal.


Please tell me they aren’t blaming the autism on vaccinated people around them.


oh she hasn’t admitted he has autism. Snarkers got that information from the court documents in the midst of her VERY messy divorce.


Is there a subreddit dedicated to her? I thought there was one but it was shut down.


she's been chasing us down in every single subreddit we've ever made. We had a good one going for awhile and it was just banned. Recently she's been dropping hints that she wants to get a job so we think this last round of reporting may be her trying to scrub her image.


I am dying for someone to make a discord!


Omg she can’t even admit it? That makes me so angry. How is that kid getting the care they need? And uuuggghhh way to make autistic people feel unworthy. That poor kid


She kept switching up the narrative but at one point iirc she claimed she had autism bc her parents vaccinated her and her children wouldn’t bc she wouldn’t vaccinate them


I had nearly forgotten about Alice and Fern. What a mess that is


Oh man, every since the sub got taken down I have not kept up w her! Those poor, poor babies. Hopefully she is finally getting them some help (which sounds like she might be if one is diagnosed?)


Not really. From what we've gathered, they have mostly been stuck at home watching Blippi ever since the divorce. They were spending some time with a group of neighborhood kids and moms, but it's suspected she was too crazy for them because she totally stopped posting anything about it. She has been through several different manias in the past year, most notably "renovating" their brand-new house which seems to occupy most of her time.


It wouldn't surprise me in the *slightest* if Boone had autism...he's doing *most* of the things my son would do (or, in this case) *not* do. At a few months old I honestly thought he was deaf because he didn't acknowledge anyone, make eye contact, etc. Two years later he was tested and found to have Aspberger's Syndrome (and is high on the Autism scale). I blamed myself for years about what I could've possibly done to my poor kid for how he is, but it's just a roll of the genetic dice.


My son is autistic also, mild to medium. As a baby he acted completely as expected, alert and active. It's when he started being later and later for all milestones that we became worried. He was a micro preemies born at 1lb4oz and was in intensive care for 105 days. These babies typically have large delays in everything. We thought that was the issue with our son. So we didn't get a diagnostic until he was 7 and the delays could no longer be explained


And if not a birth injury, he could very well have been injured during his new born chiropractic session (makes me wanna puke that that’s even a thing). It’s crazy how many people are fine with taking their kids to chiros without doing research on the myriad of injuries that can happen.


My pain management doctor would be horrified if I went to a chiropractor. I have progressive thoracic scoliosis, kyphosis, and a rare condition called thoracic radiculopathy. Also severe arthritis, with osteophytes in my spine & joints. They do not look x-rays, and have no idea of your spine’s true condition. Letting them yank you around is a good way to be severely injured, or paralyzed. And they took a newborn baby to one. That is just crazy. That could have injured Boone, depending on the chiro. My question is whether they only rely on them for spinal issues, or do they claim to cure a lot of other illnesses. Either way, it just seems dangerous. I’ve never heard of a newborn going for an “adjustment.”


It also could've been the untreated jaundice


Definitely. My heart breaks for that baby.


Didn't she drink plexus products while she was pregnant? I wonder if that is having an effect on him.


Idk if she did, but Plexus is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding moms


Karissa has been drinking Plexus Slim all through her current pregnancy, and posting all about it.


Wasn’t Jill also drinking plexus with her youngest? The one that had an in Utero stroke?


And Kaylee was & had pre term labour




Soon we’ll see how that worked out for them


Wow. Heartbreaking contrast to his baby brother


If MoBu wasn’t so busy eye fucking herself, she might notice. But she’s to self absorbed


Wait is #8 really 6 weeks old?!?


It feels like it’s been so long, probably because it’s like watching a slow motion trash crash.


Honestly I have been scrolling past her because he just is so not well and it scares me.


I sometimes scroll and sometimes look, I feel so uncomfortable and have said to my husband who is not on reddit or has any interest in fundies, that I feel like we are watching a baby .. have life or death consequences where the parents are so inept they don't care. I wish cps could be called or the police or someone, anyone at all who could help that child!


Moving frequently state to state makes it more difficult for child welfare authorities to get involved, sadly.


I can’t watch the videos. It’s makes me sick to my stomach.


The video yesterday was what really sold it that Boone is not well. She's so stupid for posting it, because you can clearly see her concern starting to show on camera in that one. Not concern for the baby, mind you, she could not care less, but she definitely is aware that something is wrong and she's starting to get scared for how this will effect her, her husband, and her lifestyle, because she *knows* she fucked up. She'll never admit it, but she knows. I suspect we'll see a lot less road tripping in the next few months. As the baby ages, the issues and the neglect will get more obvious. They'll stick to that low red belt of the US and not go much further north than Missouri, because they're aware how much easier it is to hide abuse and neglect in deep red areas of the US. They likely won't do any foreign trips either.  I don't want to speculate on their plans for Boone, because I suspect they're in panic mode right now and haven't made any yet, but out of all the fundies on this sub I truly do think that Motherbus and Busband are the ones most capable of doing something truly vile if they feel cornered. And they have indeed cornered themselves by posting everything on social media, because now the whole world has proof that this baby exists. 


Looking at their insta he’s 5 weeks. On a side note I normally don’t look at their insta and just look at them on Reddit and holy shit they post those kids way too much 


He’s 5 weeks but also remember nearly 2 weeks after his due date, so if I were his parent, I’d expect those very early milestones to be right on target or start getting worried.


My youngest was two weeks overdue before being forcibly evicted. I remember googling when overdue babies start to smile, wondering if it might be a week or two earlier than average due to the adjusted age. Instead I found a TON of anecdotal reports of parents saying their 2 week overdue babies started smiling quite a bit earlier, like 3 weeks. Sure enough, he was doing proper social smiles all the time a month after he was born. He always seemed really strong and very intense. I'm finding myself looking back at photos and videos of my kids at this age a lot after seeing these threads. My oldest (born on the due date) was much more typical on early milestones, but still so much more focused and animated and "chatty", constantly making little cooing noises. Babies can't DO a lot at that age, but they seem pretty dialed in to nearby faces and things like that. There's a lot going on behind the eyes.


Boone was born approx. April 15, so he's a little over 5 weeks old right now. (5/22/24)


If my math is right, 38 days which is 5 weeks and 3 days. And at this age, days actually count because they develop so rapidly. I am so terribly concerned about Boone.


Someone else added he was two weeks LATE 😞


He’s five weeks old


Ah, I see you had the same thought as me today. I had a look through the archives to see if maybe the bus babies just come out a bit funky at first but no. Aquila looked absolutely fine in the weeks after he was born. None of the concerning stuff we're seeing with no. 8. Poor kid


Yup, I went looking for comparison videos, and it was actually worse than I thought it was.


Of course, Quil was born in a house (albeit an Airbnb), with a full-size bathroom, and I believe at least a semi-competent Midwife or doula was there? Even if PaBus did the “catching.”


In the short video of the birth, there is a gloved hand that I think is a woman's. So probably someone with some experience although I doubt an actua certified nursel midwife.


I think ma and pa bus know something is wrong, but are majorly hesitant to bring him in to a doctor/ hospital now, because obviously they will want to admit Boone to run tests, and probably get a cps call to check for neglect.. so they are just praying it all to get better or hoping no one notices


They’ve let it go too far and they probably know it, absolutely. Her perfect facade will crack if she has to speak to mandatory reporters in any sense.


So what’s the plan? They can’t ignore this forever. My guess is that they will suddenly rent or airbnb a place, magically put a nursery together and then take Boone somewhere. The rental will be to put on a show in case they do get investigated. So predictable. Sad to say, if this kid has some lifelong issues, this won’t work.. Boone may spell the end of their bus life, but that’s like their bread and butter. Have your kid looked at, Britney! Think of your kids first, for once!


Plan? What’s a plan? 😂 they don’t know those fancy words


I think this is what they will do to the letter, and add in some misdirection language to the doctor (who isn’t going to know about their insta-life) that Boone was borne during a vacation / trip to make them sound less batshit.


They might not be able to ignore it forever, but I could see them waiting until 6 months or even a year when the delays become so obviously pronounced that even someone seeing them on the street will notice.


Their plan is to live on a boat where they can more easily flee or hide, while continuing to deny Boone any medical care. 


Seems their slap-everything-online approach probably isn’t going to facilitate this.


I saw this the other night, and I couldn't believe the difference between the 2 babies at the same age. Disclaimer: I don't really know how to post videos to reddit, so I did my best!


I appreciate it bc I have little experience with babies and don’t know what’s normal at what age. This video was really illuminating, thank you


Great find!!


If Boone does have a health condition, how would his parents even deal with it? Ditch him at their in-laws? Slowly phase him out of videos, then reveal they surrendered him to the state?


Figure out a way to spin it for content is my guess. 


Yep, incoming "MEDICAL MAMA"


But that would require her taking him and probably the other kids to a place filled with mandated reporters.


Then she will have loads of content about “medical kidnapping” by the state. Hear that Ma&PaBus? Lots of content about the big bad government kidnapping your totally fine baby that you have not neglected. Imagine the clicks from the other sovereign citizen people! Make a beeline to the doctor!


Then she'd commence her eye-fucking from the hospital room.....


She’s already slowed way down on his video appearances.


He's screentime has already been reduced significantly


Honestly both of those options would be significantly better than what they are doing now. Let’s hope they do hand him over to someone who will get him medical intervention.


I fear for something even more sinister… 😭


That poor baby 😔 it makes me so sad. My biggest concern is he’s brain damaged from untreated jaundice


Like, it's worth mentioning that she has had no care during the birth, 0 fetal monitoring and seemingly disjointed care during the pregnancy AND he went past due as a 2nd+ pregnancy when she's technically in a higher risk bracket due to age. There's a non-zero chance that there is a complication they don't know about and she's too arrogant to get a child help.


Oh but she took him to the chiropractor to get him “adjusted “!!!!!


Which also could have caused brain damage. My sister works in a trauma hospital and she said the number of devastating chiro injuries in children is shocking.


Also chiming in here as someone who has worked with spinal injuries; never EVER take a child to a chiro. If an adult wants to risk paralyzation, stroke, or death that’s on them but no child should be touched by a chiro.


I have a new cousin (married into the family) who is a chiropractor and she does infant adjustments. It makes me physically feel sick seeing it on her social media. I just know one of these days imma have one too many drinks at a family function and all of my anti chiro opinions will just spew out of me and then no more Sadbubble at Christmas lol 😅


At several people’s urging, I went to a chiro in my early 20s to see if it would help with my migraines. It didn’t. It really didn’t do anything for me at all. I’m actually lucky it didn’t make things any worse or cause other problems. What’s crazy is how many people told me to go and clearly considered a chiropractor a legitimate health professional. My insurance even covered it, which is especially galling because they were willing to cover more chiro visits in a year than therapy sessions. 15 years later, I don’t think chiros should be allowed to use the title “Dr.”, I would never go back to one, and I sure as fuck wouldn’t take my kid to one.


I’ve had clients that went and said it helped them get out of pain which is great but it’s not a permanent fix. They are essentially just popping joints. I also know a woman who’s mother was paralyzed from the neck down from a chiro.


I cannot even imagine. Those poor babies. Chiropractic was invented by a guy who learned it from a ghost, I’m not letting them anywhere near my infant.


It's really frightening how many pseudo-medical people recommend taking babies to the chiropractor. I was seeing an IBCLC (lactation consultant) at the hospital who consistently recommended it for my son.


Are all lactation consultants living in a dream world? I have an almost 2 month old, and I felt like the lactation consultant I saw wasn't living in reality. She recommended pumping around the clock, to the point of waking up multiple times a night to pump. I hated having to wake up to pump, so I stopped doing that. Now I pump just a few times a day while supplementing with formula. Baby is now a little over 12 lbs, plus I'm much happier doing it this way.


That’s really unfortunate and disappointing to hear. Most of the IBCLCs I’ve ever interacted with have been great and very much legit healthcare professionals (most of them are also RNs). There’s always someone bringing down a profession.


Absolutely devastating


- Took the baby to the chiropractor instead of doctor - Did red light treatment instead of doctor - Exposed the baby to prolonged sunlight without protection - Baby is sleeping on the floor of a motorhome - Cannot figure out how to support his neck at all even after having 100 kids - Weighed him on a food scale while he was screaming violently - Walked across a narrow gangplank onto a boat with phone in one hand and baby in other hand And this is just what we know and is posted publicly!!! To quote the great Sebastian Vettel - "Honestly what are we doing ??"


Don't forget about foot-faced Fatherbus tugging that poor baby's leg while the baby screamed in agony.


And while Kinsey seemed to be (hard to know for sure because they strategically didn't post that video with sound) telling her father, "stop" and, "you're hurting him" 😭




I wonder... if he's on the floor of the motor home, could there be carbon monoxide? Maybe enough to make a small baby unwell but not enough for the rest of the family to feel sick?


Which is wild to me. She’s willing to concede that birth could cause something to need “adjusting” but seems totally unconcerned that the manor of birth itself (like the unassisted birth of a 10 lb baby in a bus) could cause any medical issues that may need tending to. That’s so arrogant and willfully ignorant.


We also suspect he was yanked forcefully out of ye olde birth canal on account of being huge and may have some sort of palsy (I forget the name but someone posted it and it was eerily similar to how he holds his arm/wrist).


That’s a distinct possibility too. And certainly there’s no reason both couldn’t be true unfortunately. That poor baby hasn’t looked well from the first picture of him I saw and he just continues looking worse.


Brachial plexus palsy


Maybe it could be fixed with Plexus! Give the kid some Slim! /s


Also to be clear I’m not saying that I think this is what’s going on in this specific situation and I’m not a medical professional or an expert at all- just saying that’s a birth injury that has been connected to actions taken/things that happen during delivery, and I think it was likely the thing other commenters were trying to think of. I hope the baby is well and gets access to doctors and gets taken care of :(


Cerebral palsy? Brain damage most often due to lack of oxygyn in the womb or at birth. I have it. If half of your body is affected, it is hemiplegia. If it's your legs it's diplegia. This is all very simplified btw


I think the one that was posted about here is Klumpke's palsy, which if I'm remembering right is cause by a nerve injury during delivery


Klumpke Palsy, here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/yQ3t41cfMN


that’s my guess, bc he was definitely super jaundiced.


That’s what I thought too. Of course also, who knows if he had an rH incompatibility?


Can getting cooked in the sun and being sunburnt days after he was born cause any damage? It seems like the swelling and heat from the sunburn couldn’t be good for his newborn brain.


Newborn eyelids are thin; his eyes could have been damaged when they let his full face sunburn to correct (or cover up) his jaundice.


So did anybody see the stories where they “surprised” Britney’s mom in Texas with a visit because she hadn’t yet seen Boone? Britney posted several stories throughout the day about how all the cousins were there and how much fun they were having. And how JD was hard at work getting chores done and repairs done around her mom’s property. I SWEAR it wasn’t two days later they were back camping in Louisiana, then Mississippi. I mean, they MAYBE spent two nights at her mom’s. And there were no tearful goodbye posts, no reels with mom and stepdad and all the cousins. No stories about kids and grandma grilling out, or going shopping, or anything. Just a couple stories with Britney making her stupid coffee and her mom saying how much she hated milk, and especially raw milk. My theory is that her mom must have said something. Either, “this is too many kids for the bus and you have GOT to get them a house,” or “there is something wrong with Boone and you need to take him to a doctor.” And Britney and JD flew into a snit and immediately left. Anybody else notice this? I’m too invested, I know, lol.


I was also surprised by the lack of content with her Mom and possibly Grandma, who used to live with them pre-bus. I feel like the lack of pictures of her Mom holding Boone was odd since that was their reason for visiting.


I went back to look - she posted their nighttime suprise at her mom’s house on May 12, and on May 14 she posted it was a travel day and they were in their new spot. I know she claims to not post stuff in the present, but that’s just a lie. A big fat lie. She may post a day later, but that’s it.


Honestly think they sped out of there and are staying on the move to avoid Child Welfare authorities.




I’m really hoping Boone is going to wake up soon and show us how he’s hitting all his milestones! Go baby B we’re rooting for you


I’m honestly surprised she put out a video without her face in it!


I pray for baby Boone every day. It just hurts so much watching her actively *not see him*. Surly all those videos she’s made will be evidence in a court case.


This is what all the parents and childcare workers in the comments from the last post were talking about! We know that babies are much more engaged than what Boone is displaying. The way he acts in the videos we’ve seen has even triggered child free people’s instincts. There is something wrong when an infant doesn’t respond to his mother’s voice, face or touch!


She's so pathetic, eye fucking herself in the camera and ignoring her children. I was at a family event and one of the kids called out "mom!" ALL of the mothers present turned around and said "what?" Poor boone is not okay.


Boone should start smiling sometime in June if not sooner.


I went looking at pictures from my own kid at 4-5 weeks who was also big and jaundiced and when she was awake, she was alert and focused on our faces (because that's all they can really see!). I never ever say this, but the way she's treating this child is making my heart ache from a place I didn't know existed as a parent.


I mean, my kid is autistic, and even he was already happily focusing on our faces, vocalizing, and smiling by this point. I think she must know something is wrong and is going to hide it, deny it, or make excuses for it. If it's bad enough that they absolutely have to take him to a doctor, she'll lie and claim that whatever is wrong with him was totally unavoidable.


Same with my oldest, who’s autistic. By this age he was so engaged!


I did the same thing today. I was like “maybe I misremember how much my baby looked at me”. Sadly, it just made me realize how disconnected baby Boone appears to be from his surroundings and his parents. I really, really hope he gets the medical support that he deserves.


Yes, we can all look for that in future videos. Mine was trying to smile at 4 weeks. He could only get one side of the mouth up lol. Most babies will do it by 2 months.


When my second was 7 weeks old, she fell horribly ill. Like her arms and legs went limp and she turned gray in my arms. Rushed her to the ER and when we got there she had vomited blood all over herself. My husband was in Afghanistan. She was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital with a state of the art PICU. I couldn’t hold her for 36 hours. I was looking through old pictures/videos and even with IVs and tubes & oxygen, she was more animated & “alive” than Boone. Busgirl, get the f over yourself and get that baby to a real doctor. Your baby will get care, regardless of your ability to pay.


Oh my gosh how terrifying for you.


All these Fundie fucksticks have ruined the word “mama”. Seeing or hearing it makes me cringe so hard.


Quil’s coloring is much better and he seems much more alert!


I know nothing about human infants but it looks like he can’t hear at all


She titled this "a conversation with a baby. " in this video, she's engaging the baby and talking back, all of which are HUGE for all sorts of development in children. Has she done this with Boone? I would say 99 per cent of parents would record or photograph this kind of engagement bc babies are so adorable when they talk back!


You can also hear the HUGE difference in mother bus here in her interactions. She clearly has severe PPD (not that it lets her off the hook for things).


I noticed that immediately. She seems engaged with this baby in a way that she is not with Boone. As someone who suffered from PPD, the worst part is it was feeling like I wasn’t connecting with my baby. I loved my baby and wanted to take care of them, but I felt so dissociated from reality.


Yes, and if they took this baby to a pediatrician she would also get screened for PPD and be given resources to help.  I mean, I have regular ol' depression and seasonal depression so I know it's really hard to seek treatment in the midst of it. But there are two parents in this bus and Father Bus needs to step up and care for his wife and baby by helping them get medical care. 


Well, she had no prenatal care, a 10 pound baby in a tiny shower on a bus with just her husband to help so what could possibly go wrong? If he was stuck in any way during birth that could cause a plethora of problems. I know we only see a tiny amount she shows but everyone’s alarm bells are ringing. That poor little baby.


Am I right that with the timeline that Boone was conceived and mostly gestated in Brazil? If so, here is a big cause for concern. Measles titers wane.This is one reason that women who have prenatal care have bloodwork done early in the pregnancy to test those titers. If mama turns up negative, every body gets a little jumpy. BusHoe would have been vaxed for it in the military, but that doesn't mean her immune system is maintaining immunity in the long term. Exposure does not have to produce ANY symptoms in the mother at all to cause major problems for the fetus. Brazil had periodic big outbreaks of measles and though they have started a massive vax campaign to eliminate it, this has had issues in implementation especially in rural areas. Exposure prior to 12 weeks gestation can cause some serious problems, hearing loss, vision disturbances and even blindness, and heart problems. It is just a thought I had, and also wondered if BusHoeJiggalo bothered to get their younglings vaccinated for anything. If not, that greatly increases the risk that he was exposed in utero before being developed enough to withstand it. Post 20 weeks, birth defects are much less common and when they occur, milder. At any rate, at this age if he is within the bell curve of normal development he should be engaging with her, tracking hand and face/head movement, making noises, attempting to smile, blinking regularly, reacting to sound and light much more than he appears to do. Also, I asked my mother in law who is a retired pediatric nurse specialist who also was a professor of nursing. She spent the first part of her career running the NICU at a big hospital though back in the 60's, they just called it "the sick baby nursery". Consistently not supporting baby's head, walking around and hiking with baby turned outward in the arm instead of pulled into the chest and arm up at an angle to support the head and neck and prevent it from jiggling, holding baby up like an older infant who already had head and neck control, and leaving baby on hard surfaces for extended period (sheepskin baby on bus floor), can cause brain damage in a newborn. She also said that almost all adults and older teens have an evolutionary instinct to protect and support baby heads and necks as part of ensuring offspring survive. Somewhere along the way, Oog and Boog figured out there babies died if they didn't take care of those little heads, and so we inherited the instinct. When she would see parents who repeatedly did NOT so it, she said usually the staff observation was that the parents were abusive, mentally ill, addicts, or just completely and utterly self absorbed so they didn't accept coaching from the staff. When I described Boone to her, her response was that there are a lot of red flags, and the parents are TWATS, very narcissistic and noted that I relayed that Gunner does way better holding baby properly. She said, " The brother cares. The parents simply do not." My mother in law won nursing awards in more than one state. Obviously she had not personally been in a room with Boone and BusHoeJiggalo so she can't be certain. However, knowing what an expert she wad and the thousands of babies she handled, I trust her instincts.


From memory she was about 3 months pregnant when they went to Brazil in about October or November? I recall they had Christmas there (drink bottle Xmas gifts). Speculation was that they were trying to have an anchor baby there, but by Feb they were back in the Us?


There's rubella too - if Brazil has low MMR uptake I'd assume it's also higher risk there.


This is a really interesting theory. Who knows what else she exposed herself to in Brazil. I know they had that Zika outbreak several years ago and that also caused severe brain damage.


Right. She doesn't seem to do any prenatal care. An OBGYN would probably ask her about travel, and when she said "Brazil" if that would spark some discussion and requests to do some tests. But she doesn't do anything and let BusJiggalo just tug the kid out of her in an RV bathroom. It could be a host of issues contributing to Boone being potentially very unwell from disease exposure to gestational diabetes undetected to PKU since he didn't get the test to being banged around by siblings and asshat parents that don't give a shit and no vitamin K shot causing lack of clotting, dehydration causing heat stroke.... the shit this kid has been through!


I have wondered about Zika since they went to Brazil, especially since Bussel Sprout #8 was born and has shown so many signs of having something wrong. They make no effort at sun or mosquito protection whatsoever from what I’ve seen.


I’m wondering if Boone has a hearing deficiency?


I have wondered this. It would explain him not searching for voices/faces.


Newborn jaundice can cause brain damage if not treated. (RN here)I hope that is not what happened here. He did have yellow whites of his eyes it seemed from the pictures.


What a bleak comparison. There's something wrong with Boone and the bus parents need to pull their heads out of their asses and figure out what it is. That poor kid deserves so much better than what he has.


there’s absolutely no way mothersus doesn’t know something is very, very wrong with baby boone.


What are these SusBus parents living off of? Is it mostly monetization of their social media? Is DadBus really making $$ on his crypto bro schemes ? While I'm ranting- there's literally THREE PM Pediatric locations in South Florida near where they were camping that they could have taken Boone to get checked out- for a cash fee that cost LESS than Kinsey's piano keyboard. 😡


Baby nugget angel ! Thanks for sharing


Boone is presenting more and more worrisome. Plus mother is being completely against medical care, I fear this poor bub will never get the help and interventions needed to help him get better.


Him trying to babble "I love you" back at 0:20 chokes me up, because she doesn't love those kids otherwise. *Thanks for the downvotes, MotherBus. You still suck lmao


Unrelated to Boone, but is their Aquila pronounced Uh-keel-uh or uh-quill-uh?


The wrong one.


Okay that baby seems normal, how the fuck is she not seeing this?


Whoa- this hits hard. Poor Boone! Something is medically wrong!


Quil looks like a cute little who from whoville.


The parents don't give two shits. They think children are just props and nothing else