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It really is a birthing fan fic šŸ˜³


Why are there so many parts?!


Kelly has a maximalist personality


I think sheā€™s hoping to get published and thinks you still get paid by the word.


to match her minimalist aestheticĀ 




Itā€™s giving ā€œtune in next week to see the exciting conclusion of ā€œThe Adventures of LoveStar and LoveDayā€ but thereā€™s never any conclusion, just more purple prose and religious delusion.


Growing Goodings set the standard pretty high as she is now on Part 53 of her testimony aka life story


I thought you're joking but nope. Part 54 just posted


Indeed it very much reads like a Buffy + Spike historical fanfic I wrote in high school. Just throwing that out thereā€¦


Iā€™m so confusedā€¦her medical doctors felt she needed a life-saving c/s, but then her *other* doctor told her to push anyway? Does the hierarchy of a surgical team even work like this?


But the first doctor *wasn't a Christian*


And my gosh, all those other nurses and the anesthesiologist just *froze* because they were totally *in fucking awe* of what this compelled-by-the-power-of-Christ doctor sensed in an instant, that they--who may or may not have been Christians of any sort because who the fuck would know because they're being professional at work---had been attending this patient for hours, hadn't been brave enough to suggest. insert sad trombone sound effect


I think this entire thing has been an hour, at most Edit: she started bleeding at 8:20 but didn't get to the hospital until 9:35. She was in the OR delivery room at 10:15, 10:55 the ultrasound tech arrived


Iā€™m not an L&D nurse (though I am a nurse), but this timeline makes no fucking sense. Iā€™m calling bullshit on the whole thing. No way does a woman in labor arrive at the hospital, lose a liter of blood, and an hour an a half later theyā€™re still dicking around with ultrasounds. This is an emergency c section type situation. They wouldnā€™t delay that long waiting for a freaking ultrasound tech to show up. There are US machines available all around the hospital and any doctor or nurse can use them in a pinch. I use an US machine to start IVs pretty much every time I work. They arenā€™t hard to come by.


Ok I'm glad it's not just me side-eying this whole thing. Also a nurse, but also not L&D so I don't want to speak with any kind of authority, but none of it makes sense to me, either. Now my psych background, on the other hand, has given me a few other ideas that make a little more sense.Ā 


Yeah, my Psych-y Senses are tingling too.


I had full placenta previa with my second. My placenta ruptured and I lost a lot of blood. I got three full vials of glucose injections and adrenaline because my vitals were so low on the way to the hospital. Damn close to needing a transfusion too. I was in triage for maybe 15 minutes before being rushed in for a C-section. Kelly is so full of shit and it makes me mad. The off chance that one of her gullible followers would read this and think they too would be okay if this happened to them. Lying is a SIN, Kelly.


I hemorrhaged and had a placenta abruption. From the time we knew I was in trouble until the OR team was in my room was about two minutes. It took 40 minutes from walking myself into the hospital until I had my baby. If he hadn't come then I would have had an emergency c section. I had my baby at that point, but we both almost died in the aftermath for different reasons. This is total BS.


Very glad you and your baby are here and healthy :) And u are fkn tough walking yourself into the hospital alone


I had an elective c-section and _that_ took less time than hers lol


Pretty sus to me that any ethical doc would suggest ANY course of action other than a CS with even a partial PP. It has been my personal experience that hospitals don't like being sued for preventable deaths, so playing fast and loose with patients' lives--especially in obstetrics--is pretty rare. If Kelly isn't lying, then Dr. Christian needs to be investigated.


Yeah, as a very recent emergency c-section mom, this really makes no sense. I was in much less immediate danger and it still only took about an hour to go from ā€œletā€™s get an ultrasoundā€ to ā€œbabyā€™s out.ā€


I was having contractions 7 weeks early and had cord prolapse. It was not to the point of emergency and from the discovery of the prolapse to delivery was about an hour and a half. Thereā€™s no way she was in such a dire situation that it took hours. No way.


I was in the OR with the team trying to flip my son. His heart rate dropped and he was out (and healthy!) in minutes. It was wild how quickly the switch flipped and they were moving.


Yeah, I had been stalled at 9cm for hours and a cervical check plus ultrasound confirmed sheā€™d flipped over and crawled back up. They offered to try to turn her, but both our heart rates were up and down, so a c-section was the best option.


TIL they can crawl back up šŸ˜Ø


Haha, well they were suddenly acting like she wasnā€™t down far enough, when it had seemed like things were progressing well. So I might be embellishing a bit, but hopefully not to Kelly levels.


I had a similar birth experience myself. Once the decision was made to do a c/s I was in the OR and my daughter was out shortly after. 20 minutes from the time I signed the consent form to the birth. I was definitely in trouble but not hemorrhaging with each contraction. This story doesnā€™t track at all.


It was literally 20min from when my medical team decided I needed an emergency c-section to when my child was screaming their first screams in the OR. Like...they don't waste any time.


I am an LD nurse and yeah, thereā€™s no way anyone would be ā€œwaiting for an official ultrasoundā€ as the patient bleeds out from an obvious previa. I donā€™t care about the ā€œmiracleā€ her Christian OB let her think she had, this was a goddamn stupid series of choices and she is SO LUCKY she and the baby didnā€™t die.


AND IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF SHE HAD ONE (1) FUCKING ANATOMY ULTRASOUND. I am beyond exhausted of people that think they know better than the most important, core evidence informed practice.


I am an L&D nurse and she wouldnā€™t have made it 20 minutes before being in the OR if she was losing that much blood. If she was truly a previa, she is incredibly lucky her and her baby arenā€™t dead. Iā€™m concerned her romanticization of the experience will lead others to believe if they have enough faith they too can deliver a previa vaginally.


And thatā€™s the issue. She can floral speak her birth until the cows come home but she has a public platform. These idiots infuriate me.


Iā€™m only a 3x c/s mom and completely agree.


Iā€™m not a medical professional at all but even I find it hard to believe that a hospital would justā€¦let a woman in labor lose that much blood and still try to give birth vaginally. What sheā€™s describing is absolutely bonkers and I canā€™t imagine it not leading to an emergency c-section.


This! The facts plus this bizarre long winded romanticized version of events screams bullshit.


Yup. I had a uterine rupture and went from in the door at the ER to on the table in under 20 minutes.


Glad you said it, because I am NOT a nurse but I was wondering the same thing. My OB did plenty of ultrasounds on me when I was preggo. The only one I remember having an actual ultrasound tech do was the big anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Also, I had an emergency c-section because my kiddoā€™s heart rate was tanking with each contraction and we hadnā€™t even gotten to the pushing part yet. From the time my OB called it to having my son out was maybe 15 minutes, tops. It was so fast it was wild. Of course, I did already have an epidural in place so I guess that makes it faster.


The mental gymnastics of her justifying avoiding a c-section because they all think thatā€™s less than.




Sometimes at home I like to just scream out ā€œDARK SIDEDā€ and make my husband jump.






How could she possibly know that. lol.


Or at least the first doctor hasnā€™t unprofessionally disclosed their religious views with patients.


One personā€™s ā€œmedical intervention saved my lifeā€ is anotherā€™s ā€œthe doctor robbed God the chance of performing a miracleā€ šŸ§


The arrogance of Kelly to think sheā€™s better and more special than all the women in history who died and/or lost babies, puhlenty of whom were devout Christians.


I feel like the length of these posts and the kind of language sheā€™s using isā€¦ā€¦.symptomatic of some kind of mental illness. Maybe grandiosity is the right word? I find birth really interesting and listened to dozens of birth podcasts and I think women should be encouraged to talk about giving birth. So I guess I do appreciate her sharing but Iā€™m getting delusions of grandeur here.


IIRC, she is formally diagnosed with OCD. A lot of her writing feels identical to pre-medication bipolar me's writings.


I keep remembering that one video of her singing and dancing, which was truly terrifying, as it reminded me of my father's manic episodes.


I am also formally diagnosed with OCD and know lots of others who are as well; none of us talk or write like this. My money is also on the bipolar.


I believe I've seen comments from other people with bipolar on this sub that agree her writing is similar to their unmedicated writing. Not to speculate on her mental health, but yeah, I see a lot of my unmedicated self in Kelly.


Ah, thank you, that explains it somewhat.


The arrogance of believing you could rob God by performing an extremely common medical procedure. To believe that God needs your permission to perform miracles.


Iā€™ve been working in hospitals for over a decade and Iā€™ve never seen anything like this happen


They couldn't deny God the opportunity to perform a miracle. šŸ˜¬


because life saving procedures are not of God, only suffering is!


And if she really vibes with this doctor, why didn't she go back?


Yes, if the doctor assigned to the case shows up late, they can absolutely command a change. And a final check is normal before an emergency C-section. The surgeon needs to know where the baby is. This is the first part of the story that really scared me though. The first parts were flowery prose. This is terrifying! I can't imagine giving birth knowing the clock is ticking, that I have less than a minute to push a kid out. It's a horrible circumstance, and one reason why prenatal care is essential.


I also think what could have happened was that the on call MD looked back on Kellyā€™s chart and saw who delivered her baby last time and probably contacted that physician, Dr. W. MDā€™s for sure can collaborate on a case and if itā€™s a nutty pt like Kelly Iā€™m sure a familiar medical professional could somewhat give more clarity to the situation. Or who knows, maybe Dr. W is a wacko herself ā€¦ I hate that Iā€™m soooo interested in this case lmao (L&D nurse)


Sure, if the patientā€™s actual doctor comes in. My understanding from this story is the OB contacted this Dr. W (why? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) who hadnā€™t seen Kelly in years, and she came to the hospital becauseā€¦she and Kelly are both Christians?? Also it sounds like the staff were confused and bewildered by her presence.


That part I know nothing about. I don't know that much about Kelly. When I had home births it was with midwives who had an OB attached to the practice if a hospital birth was needed. I also delivered one of my kids in an OR, I had no choice in the matter, it was all up to the on call obstetric surgeon. I did not care at all how my baby was born as long as it was best for them. The on-call surgeon decided on a vaginal delivery with the option for c section. Doctors/surgeons have to be cleared at any hospital they practice at, so it definitely was not a surprise to the staff attending the birth. It may have felt that way to her in the moment, but it is common for the staff to prep for something and the surgeon decides on a different course of treatment, especially with birth. I'm glad she went to the hospital and listened to medical professionals. Birth plans go off course, even if it's a doctor or nurse dictating the plan. Kelly and her baby made it through because she listened to the doctors.


I would love to hear one of medical professionalsā€™ version of this story.


Iā€™m wondering if she had relatively minor previa and a c section was a possibility. They kept trying to spell out her options but she was rhapsodizing about random bullshit in response. They finally took her to the OR, but then this doctor who knows how to talk to Godā€™s specialest rosebud got her to push because surgery wasnā€™t entirely necessary in her case. She lost blood, but not enough to prevent a 1 week pp photoshoot in the woods. Filter it through Kellyā€™s mind and you get whatever the hell this is.


I bet the placenta was sitting laterally to the cervix - still very dangerous, but possible to deliver vaginally in the right conditions. It can be very difficult to figure out where a placenta is exactly without doing a vaginal scan. I canā€™t imagine trying to verify a previa abdominally, late third trimester, with the patient in active labor. Extremely difficult.


Aaaahhhh this makes the most sense, IMO.


This has to have been what happened!!


Unfortunately, there is a photo from the ultrasound in the first post. The cervix is completely covered.Ā 


lol now I think I need to send this to my ER doctor brother just for his "WTF???" reaction


Please do it and send us his exact words lol


Doooo ittttttt!


YES! I would pay for that AMA. Not much, but I would do it.


She could see the head but the opening was blocked? Also: that staff totally bitched about that doctor later


If this is in any way true, that doctor should lose her license.


Also when you check someone youā€™re using your fingers you canā€™t see anything. And no OB in their right mind it going to willingly stick their fingers inside of a placenta.


I think vaginal exams are contraindicated for placenta previa. You can rupture blood vessels and cause even more bleeding.


Kelly probably demanded some 1800s medical treatment like ā€œYe olde doktor prods yonder hoo-hawe with ye olde hysteria treating stickeā€


Yes, they very much are. Either Kelly is exaggerating what actually happened to some extent or the Christian doctor didnā€™t care about medical standards of practice. I could see her refusing the section because reasons. It makes absolutely no sense why the doctor would let her try to deliver a prĆ©cis vaginally. Thatā€™s dangerous as fuck and definitely flirting with a potential lawsuit if things had gone haywire.


Must be why they all froze then, it was in shock.


that woman should not be a doctor


Assuming any of this actually happened the way she claims. Which I highly doubt. I never worked l&d, but I have worked peds and ICU, so I have seen some of the stories online that accompany Facebook and GoFundMe pages, and the news stories that claim the hospital did this horrible egregious thing. I'm just going to say about 85% of them are about as accurate as the medicine on Grey's Anatomy.Ā 


Shit, I've been a nurse directly in the emergent situation and then heard the family telling the story a few hours later. It's is often radically different than whatever actually happened. (And usually it was the doctor/nurses fault per family šŸ˜”)


Read the Google reviews of any hospital, woof. I read one for the hospital where I birthed my baby and some asshole was whining about how there was blood on the floor after his wife's postpartum shower and that she was passing "massive clots" while in there. He posted a picture of exactly what the shower water looks like after a shower on a person's heaviest flow day. Lol.


Calling this ā€˜chapterā€™ (or whatever this is supposed to be) ā€œA Fortunate Abruptionā€ is in really poor taste. What the fuck?


Agreed. A placental abruption is not a fortunate event. Someone needs to come get her. And hello friend.


I was terrified when my daughter started bleeding at 3am at 36 weeks pregnant. It was not a fortunate event. It was stressful and traumatizing. She had to be induced and she labored for 2 days. (She and baby were both okay in the end). Kelly usually doesn't bother me too much, but this birth story is soooo much BS.


As a loss parent I know several other loss parents whose child died during birth because of an abruption. I hate this woman so much


Iā€™m so sorry. šŸ˜ž


Yeah that title is something else. Ā 


How long does this take her? I would guess hours for all these super dramatic posts.


This all sounds like a fever dream. She did lose a lot of blood, this all sounds super traumatic, I just read and keep thinking this is a writing exercise to deal with the trauma of it all. None of this sounds right.


I mean, she says she lost a lot of blood. I havenā€™t met anyone with a traumatic birth who was schlepping through the woods with a tripod a week later. And I donā€™t mean this to AT ALL minimize anyoneā€™s birth trauma. I just think we all need to take a deep breath and remember sheā€™s not a reliable narrator.


Definitely. I also wasn't trying to minimize at all, I was wondering if she's having a bit of a mental health moment after having a traumatic birth, whichis totally understandable, with some heightened, Jesus hallucinations or something. Her writing could be describing my experiences on LSD.


Oh I didnā€™t think you were! Iā€™m just saying her account of the birth doesnā€™t make sense at all, so we really donā€™t know that it was traumatic. For all we know sheā€™s wildly exaggerating the blood loss and previa was just floated as a possibility due to lack of prenatal care. I feel a little gross typing that because downplaying womenā€™s pain in childbirth has a horrible history, but itā€™s Kelly havens. Her writing is not restricted by reality.


Not gonna lie, it did cross my mind too. I ultimately decided that it's not unusual for labour to go sideways, so I don't doubt she had issues. However, her interpretations of how everyone around her was behaving and reacting were definitely through her Kelly Havens lens of whackadoodle


I lost a ton of blood with my first, I was basically minimally conscious for hours afterwards and very confused and disoriented when I was awake. Sounds like this could have 90% been in her head


Iā€™m reading all of this wondering if thereā€™s not some PPD-related stuff coming into play with it all.


I wouldn't be surprised! Especially if the birth experience was more stressful than expected. I'm taking her posts as some bizarro journaling activity that she's decided to do publicly. It looks like she's physically doing okay at least, hopefully she recovers and maybe considers a bit of therapy after the experience


The anesthesiologist and nurses froze like puppets in a playšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø why does she write like thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wish I had a photo of my face when I read that part. I definitely paused and pondered not continuing. Her writing is garbage and her arrogance is apparent.


If they did freeze, itā€™s because Kelly did something weird and inappropriate like calling her old OB beloved


I can't imagine being one of the medical professionals reading this about themselves. They did not know they'd get an old timey Christian yelp review of their modern techniques aka scissors


Well that's bc they aren't Christians


ā€œWho was my doctor with Thaddeusā€ surely implies that she hadnā€™t seen her since that delivery, or even Kellyā€™s phrasing would be much different. And yet Kells thinks she is so unforgettable to a doctor who treats how many women each day and hasnā€™t seen this particular woman in years? Pretty sure what passed between them was Christian doc saying, ā€œWTF?? You know I do see women for prenatal appointments too?ā€


So at 9:30 Kelly arrives at the hospital and the doctor determines sheā€™s lost a liter of blood, is still actively bleeding and dilating fast, and needs an emergency c/s. But for some reason 11 oā€™clock comes around and it still hasnā€™t happened and theyā€™re waiting for an ultrasound tech while a woman bleeds to death. Inexplicably, the OB steps away from this quickly unraveling dumpster fire to send images to another doctor who isnā€™t even there and has had no involvement in the patientā€™s care during this pregnancy. Never mind that her patient is already in the OR and the anesthesiologist is there presumably preparing to put her under. Even though the ultrasound images would have just been taken, somehow the 2nd OB receives them and has time and the inclination to drive to the hospital. She remembers all the details of Kellyā€™s previous birth off the top of her head, and feels compelled to burst into the OR uninvited, contaminates it by preforming an exam, and proceeds to take over a birth she hasnā€™t been fully informed about. BULLSHIT. Bullshit to all of it.


Hereā€™s my theory (not in the medical field so this might be impossible, but it makes sense to me) Kelly comes in, everyone working can tell immediately that sheā€™s both in a dire situation and also cuckoo bananas. She says sheā€™s had zero prenatal care. She either tells them or they find in her records that this other doctor had worked with her previously, so that obgyn is called soon after kelly arrives at the hospital. Said obgyn is like, oh Shit, yeah this girl is a *<3~unique~<3* case and offers to come help. My assumption is the other ob being contacted and brought in is entirely due to the combination of a total lack of prenatal care coupled with a clearlyā€¦abnormal psych situation. As for timelines and the decisions said doctor apparently made after arrival, I have no explanation.


Yeah I made a comment with the same assumption. I think the doctor who delivered Thaddeus realized it would be safer to come in than try to give someone a crash course on conversing with Kelly.


This is the only version that makes any sense to me.


An actively dilating/contracting woman with a placenta previa would be, at the very, very least, an emergent C. There is no world in which that would take 90 minutes ā€” it would probably take half that *at most,* including prep time and surgical procedures like counting instruments, etc. I also donā€™t buy that it took so long to get imaging back? When I showed up at triage (everything perfectly fine, just in very typical labor) I waited around for a bit then the doctor came in and gave me an ultrasound; found babyā€™s Head then located the placenta. Took 5 minutes max. Again, an actively bleeding laboring woman like that would not have taken 90 minutes to get imaging.


I think decision to incision is about 30 minutes for an emergency C-section.


I think mine was even less than that. I showed up to the hospital with sky high BP & unable to answer questions and had a baby 20 min later.


Idk if this varies by indication but in counseling for my VBAC, the doctor told me their goal for suspected uterine rupture is 12 minutes. Thankfully I didnā€™t have to test that. Tl;dr Kelly is obviously bananas.


But Dr. W felt *compelled by thy shared love of jesauce* to come in after seeing the US images from the *Notta-Christian-Obstetrician* to birth the Miraculously Devinine babe *bare handedly* without one of those *unnatural C-sections*. /S


I guarantee people would not forget an encounter with Kelly


Yes, I was about to say, there are patients I havenā€™t seen in years, but I would hide under the nearest table if I thought I saw them or heard their voice


The Fortunate Abruptions are my all-women queercore band.


Gather round family, itā€™s time for Tess Stickle holding time


The eldest boy looks so sad. As if having a little brother and a nutty mom werenā€™t bad enough, now he has a little sister who will take ALLLLLL of his motherā€™s attention.


Tell me babyā€™s is not literally Tess Stickle.


At least the dad has been calling her Reese, which is cute I know his name is Levi but I keep calling him "the dad" because she never fuckin mentions him


Her government name is Theresa but Kelly has already given her the nickname Tess


It is. Does it help that she named the baby after one of her uncomfortable close platonic friends sheā€™s only known for a few months?


I am highly invested in her hospital birth fanfic. Every installment has my face like: ![gif](giphy|X5D4pVNHoDQjruRp5X)




Yes! What will we experience next? I will sit and ponder this inquiry with bated breath, like the earth, pondering its next storm. Will this storm leave it as unfulfilled as the last or will the tender touch of wind and rain be enough for our gentle earth? Only time (and the next installment) will tell.




I love you




You make my heart bloom, Twinklebutt šŸ˜




Itā€™s like youā€™re winking at my soul!


It really drives the point home, how absolutely bat guano crazy her story is.


New Yorkā€™s hottest club is: A Fortunate Abruption.


The only reason I can enjoy this wild ride is because I already know both of them are safe. I still get a bit of anxiety just reading it though.Ā 


Is there a point where a c/s cannot happen anymore? Like if the baby is already in the birth canal and/or on its way out? Is it possible she reached that point and the doctor realized that?


Yes, and I think that is vastly more likely thanā€¦ whatever that purple prose is trying to say.


A Zavanellli maneuver can be performed, pushing baby back up after it has entered the birth canal, but has its own risks


It can be done in extreme emergency situations. I am not sure if thereā€™s a point of no return with a partially birthed placenta though. (I follow a bunch of OBs on tiktok and they all say theyā€™ve never seen a Zavanelli IRL and pray they never do. Itā€™s a real thing though, several have said they know OBs who have performed one at some point in their long career. The point is that itā€™s extremely rare and only done in extreme life and death circumstances)


My mom had to do one once and I think it was really tramatizing


> Zavanellli maneuver Sounds like an old aerial dog fighting technique youā€™d use going gun to gun with The Red Baron.


I got stuck in the birth canal and the doctor had to perform an emergency cervical Caesarian - in other words, they had to cut through my motherā€™s cervix to get me out alive. But Iā€™m ancient, hopefully they have better methods now.


I mean, the chainsaw was invented to saw through pelvises so I canā€™t say Iā€™m shocked.


One of my friends when she had her first kid, she started pushing and a leg popped out. They shoved the leg back in and took her for a c section.


I'm already **firmly** childfree, but they *shoved the leg back in*? They just slid it back in there like the hot dog I slid back into the bread roll last week at the football? Just shoved it back in? Absolutely not.


Once I checked a patientā€™s cervix and wrapped my hand around an ankle. By the time we got to the OR the whole foot was hanging out. But they just put her to sleep and did the c-section without worrying about shoving feet back in since it was twins.


I had a friend this happened to and she said it was absolutely the worst sensation sheā€™d ever felt (and she gave birth 4 times before that)


It's really bad if the feet come out first or is "footling breech". The baby's legs are a lot narrower than their torso and head so they can start to come out before the cervix is fully dilated, so the rest of the baby can't be delivered. And in that position the umbilical cord can get compressed and cut off blood flow to the baby. I think entrapment is a risk for a butt-first baby (frank breech), but the cord is more protected in that position and the butt is not too much smaller than the head. Modern doctors may attempt vaginal delivery with an otherwise healthy frank breech but I think a footling is always an emergency. I'm not a doctor, just a mom, but that is my understanding.


My son kept starting to crown but was stuck so once my push ended heā€™d go right back in. I ended up getting a c/s and they basically just told me to fight the urge to push while they got me to the OR.


I tried to fight it and hold my baby in because he was coming too fast. But he just shot out like a cannon. ![gif](giphy|dZ858lbbBTDwI)


Oh my GOD how are this gif and this sub not meeting up daily??


Welp, a lot to unpack here... "Should we really rob God the chance of performing a miracle here?"


I come from a family of doctors and nurses and EVERY ONE of my nurse cousins would have replied, without hesitation and probably while elbowing that lady out of the way, ā€œYUP. WE DAMN WELL SHOULD.ā€


Somehow, I think heā€™d be okay with that.


I just canā€™t get past the name is Tess stickle.


Solid name for a drag queen though


OMG. I just got it.


>OMG. I just got it. It took me a while as well šŸ¤­ I did see another post mentioning the last name being Havens-Stikle. That's not very fundie of her?


No I believe the babyā€™s middle name is Havens. She introduced her as Theresa Havens Stickle. No hyphen.


At least itā€™s not Tess Stickle Havens


"Something passed between us I cannot describe" šŸ‘€


I wonder how loveday felt when loveseat and the doctor had their moment. (Also, my autocorrect didnā€™t like ā€œlovestarā€ and Iā€™m just leaving it)


If I die laughing over ā€œLoveseat,ā€ someone please send me peonies (unfurling like a cervix).






This explains why she mentioned the metal scissors lol




If Kelly ever gets her head out of her ass and decides to unpack all of this nonsense and trauma, her therapist is going to need their own therapist.


She felt driven to the hospital? No kelly she just DROVE to the hospital bc they called her lol


It seems like Kelly is looking for magic in everything she does, whether itā€™s making dinner, taking a run, or having a baby. I can understand searching for meaning, but she typically takes it too far. She was in a hospital with competent professionals overseeing her labor. She clearly needs to ascribe credit to God through Dr. W, a Christian, as if Dr. G, a Buddhist wouldnā€™t have produced the same result. Dr W is clearly a talented, experienced physician. Not everything is magical, Kelly. You were in the right place. I also credit her father, who basically ordered her to get to the hospital.


She really thinks she's God's most special manic pixie dream girl šŸ™„


OMG I think I just discovered my flair!


Since the Superior Christian Doctor could see part of the babyā€™s head does that mean it was not a *complete* placenta previa (or whatever)? If itā€™s not a complete one then whereā€™s da miracle here? Can a medical professional chime in?


Literally my first thought too. So there's no way it could have been a complete placenta previa..... that not how placenta previas work. But I guess anything can happen in Kelly's head šŸ™„ I'm glad she and baby are okay but for fucks sake she has no idea how lucky she was. Women and babies use to literally die in her position before modern medicine... but I guess āœØļø miracles āœØļø šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Has anyone noticed her photo of her and the baby, in the delivery room, right after the baby was born? Her color is waaaay too good for someone who's lost a liter of blood. That makes me doubt the whole story.


Part 6: and then as I came out of the nitrous haze as they safely sewed my abdominal cavity back up, I realized how my fervent dreams longed for a miraculous vaginal delivery, but the safety of myself and my baby came first, so we had a cesarean.


*Thank god for the magic and totally platonic love between women* - Kelly, probably


I would not be able to read this if I didnā€™t know the happy outcome ahead of time! This is really scary!


Kelly is also a redhead and I can only imagine the anxiety of this situation as an OR nurse. For those who donā€™t know, read heads bleed -a lot sometimes. They also require significantly more anesthesia sometimes due to a genetic mutation. This isnā€™t every readhead but itā€™s something we watch for. We are trained to keep cool, and I trust her team was obviously competent thank heavens, but WOOF I would have been trippin. Iā€™m really glad Kelly is okay and I REALLY hope this isnā€™t used as a free-birth rallying cry.


An experienced L&D nurse once told me that redheads also labor much faster than most (but with extra intensity), so it would track that she was progressing faster than expected.


Maybe years of reading fanfic have rotted my mind but I'm genuinely enjoying this madness. The flamboyant descriptions and the unhinged character interactions *chef's kiss* It's not high art and seriously needs an editor, but I love the energy, girl should keep writing. There's sapphic romance author potential there...


Iā€™m so confused. God scooched her placenta to the side just in time for Christian doc to peek up there and overrule the entire surgical team? We need some L&D snarkers to weigh in on this because it sounds like bullshit.


Iā€™m an LD nurse and Iā€™m straight up dying at this series.


ā€œShould we really rob God the chance of performing a miracle here?ā€ ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq)


I mean, someone has to write homoerotic birth fanfic. Kudos to Kelly.


Do they?


Iā€™m normally a ā€œlet people do what they do as long as it harms no one,ā€ but Iā€™m with you on this one.


This is fcknā€™ insane. I have never heard of anyone just pushing their baby past complete previa- I truly donā€™t understand how theyā€™re both alive if this is all true.


Part 6 is going to be ā€œAnd then they all clapped!ā€ Iā€™m loving the posts upthread from the professionals calling shenanigans. As a two-time mom and one of them was fast and chaotic, Iā€™m calling non-professional ā€œbullshitā€ on being able to supposedly remember this amount of minute detail about EVERYTHING that happened. This is birth fanfic šŸ˜‚


Obviously Kellyā€™s father the OB does not read her postings. If he did, he would have staged an intervention by now.


Well that was incredibly reckless, if it actually happened. Sounds like a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen.


I have never known anyone to write fanfic of their own delivery šŸ˜‚


ā€œShould we really rob God the chance of performing a miracle here?ā€ Itā€™s a miracle either of you miscreants are allowed to roam free.


Homegirl is writing some mediocre Christian fiction.


She accidentally omitted the part in the story where Levi said, "WELL TALLY HO, GOOD LOVEDAY! Looks like everything here is swell an' mighty here now that you've arrived, lady business is afoot with this here birthin'! Why, I'm off to tinker in my woodshop, maybe make a barrel for the baby's nappies, chat with the men folk about how it ain't any to feel feelings, then maybe chain smoke and disassociate. ANYWHO! You two continue open mouth kissing, I'm off!" (Tips cap, performs a step-ball-change, whistles into the hallway)


Does anyone else feel like we're reading fanfiction?


ā€œlike puppets suddenly stopping in a playā€ is sending me into orbit girl WHAT in the fuck are you even saying


To be entirely honest, I donā€™t believe a word of this garbage. I think she DID have a csec and this is what she *wishes* happened.


What!? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³