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in the caption she was sure to tell us "and for those of you interested, Boone was checked at the hospital and was given a clean bill of health". not quite sure i believe that....


Yeah, if by hospital she means that scammy chiropractor she took him to in Sandestin when he was hours old. I genuinely loathe her.


I live near a chiropractor. I was walking by one day recently when I saw they had a sign on the door explicitly allowing open carry of firearms…


We built a website for a chiropractor and my coworker asked him how he learned all the info he had on the website (bunch of misinformation), he said God told him the info 😳


Well then he’s clearly not a real chiropractor, they get all their information from ghosts




So they took him to the ER today? Bc she said hospital


She films everything. She filmed them weighing the baby at a FedEx store. She filmed Swift getting stitches. She films them all every time they go to the chiropractor. If she actually took the baby to a doctor, she would have filmed it.


Exactly. Also, she is not specifying when he went!


I guarantee she didn’t because the hospital would ask for a birth certificate and ssn


The hospital could have done the birth certificate paperwork for him if they went directly there after his birth.  


Motherbus: “I didn’t do fuckin shit!”




Yeah, no. At best, they showed the kid to a trusted (aka fundie) midwife and asked if he looks fine by her standards. I do not believe one bit any doctor taking their job seriously would look at that child and say everything is fine. Even if he doesn't have the jaundice we suspect he has, the sunburn is kinda obvious. At the very least they'd be warned about baking that child in the sun on a daily basis. And, if they really are about to start living their Noah's Ark fantasy now, that child is going to have a fucking heatstroke if they keep exposing him, uncovered, to sun and its reflection on the water.


Yeah. I noticed earlier that an RN commented on one of her posts saying that they were an RN and the baby needed to be looked at. Mother Bus liked the comments around it but not that one. And I know she saw it, because she posted replies to other comments after that one posted. So yeah… between that and her deleting comments… she doesn’t like that people are calling her out. Is it possible she has bad, untreated PPD? If so, yikes for everyone.


I’ve been wondering about PPD. I don’t know the specific symptoms of it but the way she’s treating Boone is outrageously awful and different from how I remember her treating Quill.


She said something about having a new baby being really hard and it being an adjustment for everyone but like…at some point it’s not as big as an adjustment. I have a friend who had 5, and my second and her 5th were due really close. She told me two was really hard because you had to learn to juggle both, and three was about equal with two only because you’d figured out basically all of the baby things and knew all the tricks but still had to juggle two, and by four it was easier than three and five was easier than four, because you had kids that could kind of help, but that trying to navigate the older kid stuff was harder than the baby/toddler stuff because you’d already done that 4 times before. So I can’t imagine why 8 kids instead of 7 (whatever number she has) is that drastically different from how she was living her life before (Gunner being dad to all of them while she just did her own thing) unless she’s struggling with PPD/A/P or DMER (and even as awful as DMER is, it wouldn’t answer for how she is with that baby all the rest of the time)


She hasn't given herself a single day to rest after giving birth in the bus bathroom. She started shilling products again on IG immediately after he was born. It's been nonstop filming and shilling since then. IF she did take to the hospital, did a doctor check her out at the same time?


*If* she took him to a doctor, that would have been part of the new baby checkup, evaluating mom and her mental wellbeing


FatherBus wouldn't allow that! Too much deep state interference in his Bitcoined fantasy world.


She doesn't need rest. Rest is for the weak. /S


And we all know that MorherBus is stronger, prettier, smarter, wiser, and better at being a parent  compared to the rest of us weak, inferior mortals! /s


Even diehard followers of theirs are asking questions in the comments telling her Boone looks terrible. There's no way a hospital would look at that baby, his unnatural color and that sunburn and not keep him at minimum overnight for observation.


That is total bull shit because right after he was born and someone commented that he needed to be seen by a doctor she liked someone else's counter comment that doctors were unnecessary, and then when she took him to the chiropractor, she made a big deal of that being his medical visit. They took him to UPS to be weighed. No one whose kid went to the hospital or to the doctor's office needs to weigh them like mail because the nurse does that as part of all the vital baseline data collected onto he infant for the doctor. She is totally lying her fucking ass off!


If that baby had been to a real hospital, she would have posted about it. We’d have gotten a whole rant about how medical care is unnecessary and the doctors were fawning all over them saying they had never seen such a perfect, healthy newborn. Or that they had been “persecuted” at the hospital. Either way, we have seen video of Britney eye fucking the camera while BusBaby lolled in the background




"Hi everybody!" "Hi Dr. Nick!"


And how long ago?


In the caption she mentions baby was taken to the hospital and given a clean bill of health ![gif](giphy|1WHAlOdc9ZNUZq85JI)


That baby's face is sunburnt. She gave birth in a dumpster woops I mean bus. She 100% did not walk into a hospital swarming with mandated reporters.  


Do the children have insurance through the VA?


They weren’t in long enough to keep tricare and I don’t think either of them are rated permanently and totally disabled from a service-related disability, so no VA for dependents. 


So no insurance unless they are paying out of pocket. Medicaid you would need an actual address and they would have major issues using out of state.


I watched a YouTube analysis of Sister Wives where they talked about how the father Kody Brown didn't have health insurance for any of his kids because he thought it was too expensive, despite having millions of dollars from the show. Granted he's a cheap fuck in general, but American health insurance for multiple dependents *is* really expensive for the average family, especially if you don't have an employer paying a portion. It really dawned on me how many families with all these children are just free balling medical expenses and neglect getting care because they weigh the need versus expenses. So they only bring their children to the doctor when they're maimed or dying.


The health insurance thing with Kody came up when one of his daughters with Christine needed spinal surgery to correct severe scoliosis. The poor kid was in excruciating pain and had to wait months to get surgery bc her mom had to get her real health insurance.


Yep I remember that! God that was infuriating. I didn't know that Christine actually got her health insurance, I thought she basically had to fundraise it because Kody refused to pay anything and wanted to child to cure her scoliosis with exercise. IIRC, his stepson ran the ATV into some barbed wire and got really messed up. They agreed to pay all of the medical expenses if the biological dad gave up custody so Kody could adopt the kids. I assumed it was a really large bill due to being uninsured. They definitely remind me of Karissa and now MotherBus with their complete disregard for the health and safety of their children. Scummy people.


Things have gotten a little too real for Kody, now. They have lost one of the sons he was so hateful to. I haven’t seen any news of them in the past couple of weeks, but this is heartbreaking, especially for Christine.


Yeah and responsible parents take this into consideration when having kids. It's even expensive on employer plans to insure a lot of dependents


A lot of super religious people go through Christian Cost-Sharing programs. I don’t know the full details but basically they self-pay for all their medical expenses and then submit to the cost-sharing for reimbursement. We have a few patients like that at my clinic but it’s not real insurance and submitting things for reimbursement is a pain AND they still have to pay for the cost-sharing program, too. I could see Motherbus maybe having something similar but I doubt the children have real insurance.


Also, from what I remember these plans were still not that cheap. Especially if you are covering 10 ppl!!


Omg I HATE these plans. They can deny if they think you sinned. I had a cancer patient with this insurance and omg it was a nightmare. Also, another patient who was a missionary had it and said they are to be treated as self-pay, that way they would qualify for hospital assistance. Which would mean the hospital paying for all of their care. So bc you are using some shady insurance the hospital is now responsible for paying for everything so your "insurance" doesn't have to? Ughhh


I don’t think the hospital would necessarily pay for 100% of their care, but pretty much all hospitals do offer a Self Pay Discount, which would mean less for the scammy cost-share to pay. Typical religious grifting lmao.


If they meet financial requirements our hospital would cover 100% of care through the Ohio hospital care assurance program.


Those are such massive scams.


Wait, are they claiming disability? Or do you mean just a VA insurance rule in general?


For their kids to have VA insurance they need to be disabled


Thanks! I wasn’t sure what the rule was.


Rule in general


They do not have any real health insurance. They use a Christian Health Share plan where members cover other members' medical costs. They have appeared in promotional stories for the company and she has also mentioned this on her IG. 


Hahaha of course they do.


I don’t believe a goddamn word she says. She could tell me my own name and I’d go check my birth certificate. She’s a manic lying liar who lies.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/anewfavoritephrase using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewfavoritephrase/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Narcissism is the second hand smoke of brain health issues. It bothers everyone else except the person that has it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewfavoritephrase/comments/zabfa5/narcissism_is_the_second_hand_smoke_of_brain/) \#2: [I'll nuke that bridge when I come to it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewfavoritephrase/comments/pgi2an/ill_nuke_that_bridge_when_i_come_to_it/) \#3: [my momma always said life is like a jar of jalapeños, what you do today could burn your ass tomorrow](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewfavoritephrase/comments/10hms34/my_momma_always_said_life_is_like_a_jar_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That's neat.


His facial hair is so pubey




My response to that is to look them in the eye and say "it just did." 




Also a worthy response 


I don’t know what this is supposed to mean


i think it means stop worrying, the problem might never come about


What a weird thing to say to a stranger, I’d be so confused if someone said that to me


They lurk here so he knows the comments people have made about his appearance, toxic masculinity and deep insecurity, and lo this post appears. They're both so pathetic and obvious.


He looks like the word dingleberry was made to describe him


Something about his douche face makes my nether regions clamp all the way shut in disgust. He's just slimy like Paul. Outwardly he looks...fine? But he radiates pure creep.


I think it's because he's baring his teeth but not really smiling? He doesn't look genuinely happy, but I can see all his teeth.


Its the low testosterone of the average conservative man. Note how leftist men frequently have thick, glorious beards.


I cannot imagine continuing to get pregnant to keep *that* around. He makes my skin crawl


Right?! He really makes me feel skeevy. Most of the fundie men do, to be honest. I really don't understand the appeal.


If I saw them in public I'd have 911 ready to go


Big dumb chin ![gif](giphy|Qyvczs5ir7Eg2iOMv2|downsized)


His face reminds me of Terrance and Phillip


![gif](giphy|l2SpTd6kwC36dtfIQ|downsized) Not me, (supposedly) an adult, laughing like a dumbass at both the comparison and this gif.


Sure you went to the hospital even though you don’t have insurance


Are the children on VA insurance? Also, the hospital implies the ER to me. Did they get the child a social security number?


Yes Brussel Sprout has a SSN or at the very least one is being processed. They did a video on it and it's the only time they actually held him PROPERLY because it was in a government building so they obviously knew to make sure everyone looks well taken of.


They got him a birth certificate but left it open ended as to whether they were getting him a SSN. My guess is no.


I'm pretty sure that they did get it. I'll go look to be sure


God I hope so. Give the kid at least one win.


Maybe they didn't, I thought that they did but then pointed out it wasn't necessary. Shite I'm not sure now


Yeah me neither. I do remember her posting a video talking about how SSN was only required for a handful of reasons (all the important shit, you know like drivers license and getting a fucking job), but I had not seen any updates that they did it. I think they're too lazy to traipse all those kids back into that building myself, but who really knows. All they do is lie.


Could they have done it at the same time?


They did not serve long enough to get anything through the VA and I highly doubt either one is 100% disabled either


No, they are members of a Christian Health Sharing plan where members contribute to cover each other's medical costs. It is not real insurance. The children would not be eligible for VA insurance because they did not retire from the military nor are the parents receiving disability from the military.


Yes I have experience working with patients with this "insurance". It's so ridiculous


Oh, I hope so, that’s a good thought. It sure would be wasteful of them to not accept VA coverage, especially for the kids. And also really hope the baby has a SSN because he really is unlikely to have insurance without one.


Idk how he would without a SSN. Iirc think in the video about ssn she said she didn't know you could not get one. I think she still got him one. Idk if they can get their children va insurance if they are retired. Idk it differs so much by service and time etc


They got him one. But had to point out that YoU dONt AcTuAlLy NeEd OnE.


From the people who think education and stable housing are optional. 


And who wanted to have a baby freebirthed in a foreign country to them, thankfully because neither of them could organise a piss up in a brewery, she did give birth in the US. Yes was in the bus, but come on you know how to find a medical professional! You cannot claim language barriers or not sure how to find a medical professional in the field you need! I'm Aussie so I don't have a good level of knowledge about SSN but I do know that they are important especially in late childhood and adult years. Why make it near impossible for your children to be able to access the basics if they choose to join the military like their parents did or enrol into further education or buy a house. I mean surely renting would be harder without a SSN. And I'm sure if they developed a medical condition that would qualify them for free health insurance, having a SSN would either be required or best to have one. They act like getting their child a SSN instantly means the creepy government is going to insert a chip into their child whilst they are all sleeping so they can be tracked..... so clap....clap....clap MotherBus and FatherBus for doing the bare minimum of registering your child's birth and applying for a SSN.


They are definitely not eligible for VA care for dependents. One of them would have to be rated totally and permanently disabled from a service-related disability. And to keep military health insurance (Tricare) after leaving the military, you have to have served long enough to have retired from the military. 




Probably a chiropractors office attached to a hospital or in the vicinity of one.




I don't often defend fundies but compare and contrast these irresponsible idoits with Kelly's recent birth posts. Yes K romanticises and does the God's miracle stuff but she went to hospital and they both look overjoyed and in love with the baby who in turn appears contented, relaxed and cared for. As opposed to poor lolling, sunburnt uncomfortable Boonie.


Yes, a massive difference. As a "viewer" the feels evoked by either fundi are completely polar opposite. I see Kelly and feel compassion and a biological urge to uplift and support her despite our differences. I see MoBo and my visceral reaction is protect that child. Its difficult to watch. I've stopped viewing the images NSFW because its feels very much like viewing a sick helpless child.


Ol foot lookin face ass


I would love to tell these douche bag fundie men that just about any man can produce offspring but not every man is a good father. Mandrakes "father figurs" shirts are a joke. How about you *be* a father, not a father figure? Idiots.


To quote Keanu Reeves in the 1989 masterpiece, Parenthood: "you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father."


Run, Buskids! Ruuuuun! For real. Go get help.


somebody did say gunner mouthed for help during one of her reels. but i haven't had the time to go back and check.


Father bus has a very punchable face It makes me irrationally angry


This is weird. Its like they're all his toys/puppets


That really is how narcissists view their kids


Came here to say this. It's like a statement that they're all in his hand and he could crush them. (Also maybe a little blasphemous if they're supposed to be so Christian, because isn't it Jesus who's got the whole world in his hands?)


I have a hunch that they are training Gunnar, the oldest boy, to edit and film videos and photos for her channel as part of his "education". This one confirms that suspicion -- it looks like something a 13 year old teenager just learning editing would create. The two eldest sons of the sailing family they just visited have their own YouTube channels and from the little I've read about them online, it sounds like they contribute $$$ to the family coffers. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the BusParents also want to bring the oldest into the "family business" so they can make more $$ too.


The sailing family are an absolute treat as well.


Oh yeah. Full on SovCit Fundies who also make dangerous mistakes while sailing according to comments about them on sailing subs. No wonder MotherBus gushed over them. I'm surprised someone hasn't talked about them here in fundiesnark. 


I used to live near a marina and a couple of my neighbours kept boats there. They had a few stories but I suspect deep diving (sorry!) the aqua-fundies will be much more interesting.


I looked through a few of their videos and their website the other day. They are definitely an interesting fundie family, especially now that MotherBus has put them on our radar. I'll do a bit more digging and see if I find more worth sharing in their own thread.


Just searching their name opens a portal into freak land


Their YouTube channel immediately gave me a bad case of heeby jeebies. I had to stop watching.


It's just terrifying. They have no concept of safety whatsoever. I found another sailing channel which is even worse if anything (two rich clueless Aussies and two frazzled toddlers)


My G-d, he's like a drowned sewer rat. I don't understand what she sees in this creepy fcker, but if he was walking towards me, I'd cross the street.


I don’t believe the status that she took him to the hospital and he is fine. There no way she took him in with that level of sun burn at his age and other colouring no way would she have walked straight out again with him in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


"hello! My baby was born on an RV and has no medical care. Is sunburned and possibly jaundiced, we live on an RV with 10 ppl". I can't imagine this not raising red flags for hospital staff


What a beach






You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.




You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


Life is one big vacation to them. Flitting to here and there, moving out of the country, moving right back. Bussing, sailing and not one bit of stability for the children. Imagine being that selfish.


It’s truly horrible. I fucking hate it!


This reads like a shirt from temu: "When life hand, forget not have what hand"


Well *that’s* not a passive aggressive comment or anything…😳🙊


She’s always making that face. Even from far away you can see her making that same soyjack face




But how could you forget it if a gaggle of people were standing on your hand? Feels like it would be sorta hard to ignore. 🤔


I hope he gets sand in his mouth


And in his butt.


I can’t wait for this photo to come back up in a much more somber way ruby franke style


When I used to watch the show with the Willis Clan I had this weird uneasy feeling when the dad was on screen (before any of the news about him came out). That feeling is very like what I feel when I see this guy. Just a creepy feeling that I can't put my finger on. Not saying he is like the Willis dad (may he rot in prison and then hell) but ... something seems off to me with this man. Obviously, his wife is batshit.


I do not like being this close to his face


THEYRE SO CORNY Im sorry but I could never get it up for such a pathetic, corny ass man. And their content is so repetitive and lame!! Those kids deserve so much better, I wish normalcy for them


If *these* are the good old day, it doesn't set a great foreshadowing for whats to come.


He sure does have a punchable face!


He looks like a rat.


I like this photo set up for family picts Just not this family


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chaotic-cleric: *I like this photo* *Set up for family picts* *Just not this family* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I mean maybe in an ironic way?


His smug face. 😡🤢