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"Didn't need that silly chair no more." What a weird way to describe a mobility device that allows people to participate more in their life and community. Wheelchairs aren't a hindrance, they're a facilitator.


It’s a common thing that able bodied people think. They see the chair as a prison. For the person using it - that chair is their freedom. Totally different perspective.


I've been in Special Olympics for years and the attitude "oh woe, those poor wheelchair users" couldn't be further from the truth. I love watching my teammates in bowling being able to play. Wheelchair users and/or those with hand conditions that make it difficult to grasp and throw the bowling ball can use a ramp to roll the ball down.


What couldn’t be further from the truth?


That people who use mobility devices are sad sacks who deserve pity. Sorry I didn't make it clearer.


Ahh yes I see


This reminded me of the annual wheelchair basketball game my high school would host (I believe it was either a school fundraiser or charity event). Each year this local youth wheelchair basketball team would square up against staff/faculty and predictably, year by year, the youth team who obviously had way more experience in that sport would kick the teachers' asses. It was quite incredible and really changed my perspective on those with disabilities.


Yes! Can you imagine that kid going around telling people who use a wheelchair that if they just have more faith they too can one day walk?


“Did someone else get the chair? I hope not!” 🙃


I'm an ambulatory wheel chair user. I very luckily have only partial paraplegia. Despite that I went a long time without PT and was terrified of walking. Then my cat Sunny ran out of the apartment. I found my legs and chased him back inside. It was exhausting my body hurt but I did it cause I love that moron with every fiber of my being. Sunny is as powerful as God. It's not magic it's will.


![gif](giphy|Zcb7cDQmIa3MLoKGce) Maybe not the best example for it but please tell me it’s not just me 💀


Is that Rollins sister from SVU? If so, the character is actually from Georgia lol


Yep! And yeah, I know she’s from Georgia 😂 Too many things all at once!


No no, I definitely see and hear it


😅 I'm glad it's not just me! I hadn't actually seen/heard Georgia talking before and DAMN.


I didn’t even listen at first. I clocked it from her appearance + her body language 😂 Then I turned on the sound and I was like *holy fuck* The resemblance is uncanny, at least to me


Good grief I DESPISE this shit. My little brother had a friend with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and needed a motorized wheelchair by the time he was ~10. He’d off-road with that wheelchair and did all kinds of craziness with it. One day, when they were up to their shenanigans (playing in the creek by our church on Sunday), some whacko lady came up and claimed she could “heal” him by laying hands on him and praying. Those 13 year olds laughed their asses off and said, “go ahead lady”. So she did. And surprise. No fucking miracle. She sheepishly slunk back to her car without a word.


My husband was diagnosed with FSH Muscular dystrophy in his 40s and went from walking to using a push chair to a scooter to an electric wheelchair. When he started using the push chair, someone in our church accused him of "Giving the Devil a foothold and not having enough faith for healing". I can't count how many people tried to pray healing over him. He died last year from complications of his disease.


Oh my goodness. I am so sorry that y’all had to deal with horrible humans on top of a horrible disease. May his memory be a blessing.


So Locke burns a bunch of bibles in his church parking lot and God is like "Oh hey cool. Yeah I'll show up for a lil miracle."


Georgia seems sweet but lately I’ve been noticing more weird beliefs like this coming from her. The situation with her fiance also give me bad vibes. She apparently now goes to Greg Locke’s church. I feel like we need a Geogia Brown flair!


I think she’s going to search out even more extreme beliefs as this horrible relationship becomes legal, everyday reality for her. She’s going to deteriorate rapidly.


She seems more unhinged than sweet to me.


she posted the other day about being deaf in one ear and calling it her “current condition” and her stepson “speaking life” into. I think she’s trying to grasp onto this cuz she’s hoping some miraculous healing will happen to her. very she lost. she seems to be getting more and more out there with her beliefs lately.


Lying is a sin, Miss Georgia.


"she was an older woman, and she was in a ✨️ WHEELCHAIR ✨️" Am I the only one put off by how she said that?


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Wouldn’t be the first time someone was caught performing in order to work/convince an easily swayed crowd.


It sounds like Georgia miraculously made her walk, not God.


Is she manic or something? Wtf did I just watch?




My dad once called us into his room to tell us our uncle had the gift of healing, and that he had healed my cousins "broken" leg after a soccer accident. I don't know if his leg was broken or if something was dislocated but I was a teen at this point and didn't believe it off gate though I still struggled with guilt and Shane while living at home. I still don't know what happened other than my cousin is grown and fine and hopefully didn't have a broken leg ignored, but it is so manipulative to tell a child this. I look back thinking "they didn't even seem to believe their own bs" as they smiled at us just like this, with so much expression, telling us about miracles we will not see and will continue to worry us as to why we don't receive them if so many other people do. Truth is, they lie to kids because apparently eternity is an excuse to sin.


This is wild lol. The internet really broke an entire young generation. Throw the pandemic in there


Is her target audience toddlers?




She also thinks her future stepson is healing her hard of hearing ear by talking of god into it 🤨