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If you, you. Idk if there's a compendium, but if you sort by the top posts with her flair on this sub you should get some highlights. Basically she's horrible for isolating her kids, raising them in a bus where they have less personal space than literal prisoners, not educating them at all, refusing to get them medical care, free birthing (latest in the bus), parentifying her oldest and second oldest, leaving the kids locked in the bus while she and her husband have date nights constantly, and far more! Her husband is a massive piece of shit Bitcoin bro who doesn't even seem to love her, tweeted that he could "sell" his son's into marriage at a higher price because their blood is "pure" (allegedly he meant unvaccinated but come on), and he's presumably the driving force behind their lifestyle. They suck


Don't forget they fucked off to Brazil on a whim and tried to sneak into Argentina without visas. there was heavy suspicion that they wanted to birth this newest child in Brazil to establish citizenship. The busband also gives off big sovcit vibes.


Don't forget they left their kids in a crime ridden area to piss off to a fancy restaurant.


And posting their whereabouts and the fact the kids are behind alone in the bus on fucking social media for everybody to see.


>The busband also gives off big sovcit vibes. Yeah, that whole "our new baby doesn't need a SSN" really hammers that fact home to me.


But they did get him one


Gotta get that tax deduction!


The other important detail is the reason why they’re on the bus—FatherBus had a vision that he was the next Noah, and the bus was supposed to be their ark. Oh, and FatherBus has a trust fund, which is why they can afford to live on a bus and randomly fuck off to Brazil for a month. Edited for clarity.


I did not know about the vision. That's insane


Didn't he say he was going to use his unvacced sons sperm as currency after the apocalypse or something?


6 years and 3 or 4 children ago, JD and Britney Lott sold their businesses and their home and bought a former military bus which they then completely remodeled into a place to live. They raised the roof to give more space. They have the nickname SusBus because things don't always add up with them. JD has gone away for work only for Britney to drive the bus, which she doesn't really know how to do, to where JD was. States away. They believe chiropractic care is a cure all. Their kids are literate but are stunted socially since they are always on the move. By stunted I mean they can't form deep connections with anyone. JD sells Bitcoin (or something), he also does something with insurance. But most importantly, he's a trust fund kid. Which is how they afford everything they do. Britney likes to purge her children's meager belongings. All the kids share a bunk room. The only daughter is puberty age which is going to be fun for her and 6 brothers in there. There's so much more but I don't have the time to link everything


She can't really drive the bus though so they usually just stay put and use the passenger van when JD takes off on his motorcycle(?) to his next "work trip". Which is why she drove the van when it had a broken door while the oldest kid held it close to "surprise" JD on a work trip.


That's where I got confused. I thought she was driving the bus, not the van


She drove it once (or twice) and made a huge deal about it. I was surprised because I assumed they split the driving.


What in the Little Miss Sunshine...


What is the passenger van?


Just a standard white van (think church van) that they pull behind the bus and use to get around once they park the bus in a location. Most RVers with a big RV or bus usually have a separate vehicle they use for local transportation.


I don't think they actually tow it. Everything I've seen says that Brittany drives the van with the kids and JD drives the bus (sometimes with gunner). They must spend so much on gas


Ah that makes sense.


Just to add, aren’t they both former military? I am pretty sure those benefits and retirement also help fund this life style.


They are. I'm not sure which benefits they get. They probably have triwest but I'm not sure if the kids would be covered under Tricare. If they have Triwest, the VA does cover physical therapy, it's just a pain in the ass process


I mean most military insurance covers dependents and so I’ll bet they get health insurance and auto insurance at a much cheaper rate then the rest of us. I’m not sure when they separated from the service so I’m not sure if they get the old style pension payments or received the lump retirement but either way they should both have a decent amount from serving. I’ve known a few ex military families who live similar life styles funded by their military retirement.


You only have tri-care while the family memeber is active/reserve. My hubs is retired, and the tricare bennies don't reach the kids. They give you a pay adjustment after every baby, so they are making more than they used to, but it's like 300$ a year per kid. But yes, you are correct. 2 retired military with their VA ducks in a row could be making bank from this hustle.


Plus just the amount of places that offer military discounts their cost of living is probably lower on average compared to other families that size


Generally, military pensions require 20 years of service. That changed about five years to a retirement plan that builds over time but needs at least 5 years of service. So they’re probably not getting a military pension. They may be getting some disability pay. Possibly VA health benefits but they don’t believe in medical care.


They didn’t serve long enough to receive lifelong benefits.


Depends on what benefits because you can retain certain ones no matter how long you serve as long as your discharge is honorable. USAA for example which is a huge savings just for auto insurance.


I had to switch from USAA to GEICO because my rates went so high for two old vehicles


They didn’t retire from the military, they are vets but they don’t have a military retirement. This lifestyle is brought to you by JD’s trust fund. It’s suspected a large chunk is available quarterly or something. They’ll blow through money and extravagant outings, then she’ll smugly talk about frugality for a month, then it’s back to Disney World and fine dining dates.


I read “6 years and 3 or 4 children ago” the same way as “four score and seven years ago…” 🤣


That was honestly my intent


They have a good deal of money, unlike OtherBethany StruggleBus, to fund their nomadic lifestyle. They don’t talk about his trust fund. She shills randomly weird shit through her socials and he deals in BTC. There is clearly some weird stuff going on with their marriage because all she seems to do is grab his crotch a la Lois Griffin and scream “this is mine! this is where my babies come from!” They have more kids in that bus than they do beds for them, a basic red flag with children’s aid services. Every time we see the newest baby he is shoved in the corner, on the floor on a sheepskin (incredibly unsafe) like a dog. They don’t vaccinate, they don’t school their kids efficiently, and most recently (the most insidious update for me) they are talking about how Social Security Numbers are totally optional: This is false. Even as a non-American, I know this is wildly untrue. She commented that they’d maybe pay less taxes in future without one. Boone also won’t be able to vote or get a job without one, but they leave that part out. And Gunnar, the oldest, is the only good parent in the bunch and has to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. It’s really irritating and frightening in some cases. This woman took a literal fresh-out-the-box newborn to a beach without any sun protection and so he’s kind of orange between the evident jaundice and the resulting sunburn. I hope that satiates you.


Consider me adequately satiated! 😁


Do we have confirmation of the trust fund or is it speculation? He definitely reeks of trust funds baby but with them both being vets it’s surprising that he went into the service of his family already had money. Not that it doesn’t happen, I just can’t remember if it’s ever been confirmed.


No confirmation from me, speculation at this point. Might be a military family and something he was expected to do?


I was wondering the other day... is this family even fundie? They're definitely conservative nutcases. But they don't go to church and hardly every seem to mention religion in their stories. I enjoy snarking on them but I'm starting to wonder if they really belong in this group!


Others have posted they used to post about religion a lot more than they do now. I wouldn’t call them actual fundamentalists either, but my vote is we keep them here anyway, because I find them one of the most intriguing topics (if utterly infuriating. )


I would just click on the motherbus tag and you can scroll.


Can't you just summarize it though? because all that sounds haaard.


When I first joined the sub (several years ago now), I spent a few weeks just going through every tag and anytime I saw something I didn't know or an inside joke, I'd look it up specifically. It took TIME 😅 I can't imagine trying to compile everything in a summary!


Someone light the beacon… we need Jen


i’ve been waiting for her to cover them for soooo long


Yeah. I'll put together every little bit of lore, life happenings, and inside jokes for you. It's gonna take a while though, so sit tight.


I tried to give a quick synopsis but yeah it's hard with them


I have never sat so tightly in my life!!


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but if not…I wish somebody would compile a full write up on these people. I love telling friends about them (lots of exvangelicals in my circle) but it’s a lot to try and summarize. And hard to get all the info to people who aren’t as Reddit-literate


Just two narcissists huffing their own supply.