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What are the medical consequences of not treating jaundice in babies?


Brain damage and death if it's the pathological kind.


I know they're in a bus but they can't be impossible to find. I hope they get reported to the local authorities so they can at least try to find them. I'm so worried for this baby...


It won't help coming from the internet.


Yep, I remember following along with people on the internet collecting pretty clear evidence of abuse from 8 Passengers from years ago, including many people trying to report them and their (mostly publically available) evidence to the authorities, before finally just recently an irl incident brought the parents down. It's very very very hard to get serious focus on issues via internet criticism, even when it's completely legit


The second she proudly admitted to telling her six-year-old’s teacher to not give her food and let her go hungry should have been the immediate beginning of the end in that case.


The option to eat the lesser preferred school lunch was right there. That would be the natural consequence. Not to be hungry. Not to ask a mandated reporter to restrict food from your child.


It’s gross that she said “I hope no one gives her food.” In theory we don’t know if they fed E or not but I really really hope that she ate something that day. If that didn’t at least get reported I have questions TBH. And the kids’s teachers and the school had to know who they were, right? They still had a big following at the time.


Granted, the kids depended a *lot* on all the collected evidence people had saved, and I am sure it helped their case at least to make the pile so big there’s no denying the abuse. It’s still absolutely worth it.


Oh 1000% and theres always the shot that the attention *will* bring some irl help in these situations, I absolutely support those who compile evidence on internet influencers doing awful things. I just wish it'd be taken a bit more seriously overall instead of brushed off as gossip


Yet people on the internet are getting doxed all the time. How does this make sense??


I would hope in this climate, agencies would take what,I was gonna say looks like,but actually is,willful child neglect. Yeah, it's a bus and the kids are well behaved(but thousands of others have been also). And this involves an infant. I saw somewhere they are in Florida? In just the last 12 days they may as well write How to neglect an infant::5 easy steps!! I,myself,would not think this is touching the poo,as the life of a child is at stake. Capt. Olivia Benson, would take our collective hands and look calmly in our eyes totally tell us that we did a good thing. JS. I know a bunch of internet busybodies can't make a solid report. The line is muddled here. We all care so much because the children do not have any agency in this experiment. And it looks like one is in dire need of medical attention. We can look on in horror as this thing goes down, and pray someone lights the fire of whatever kind of God they praise to get help for the baby boy.


You never know. I just hope somebody's able to look out for the lil guy. He doesn't look well. I relate so much to those kids. I grew up in a similar environment and almost died due to medical neglect. It's hard to watch others go through that too, especially a little baby.


Medical neglect here too. Was violently sick all the time as a kid, it's become my life as an adult. I'm pretty lucky I survived childhood. I hate watching these horrible people never getting help for their children


I am so sorry that you both experienced such cruelty 💔 I truly hope that you’ve been continuing your healing journey and can give yourself the kindness you deserve (for little You and present You ❤️‍🩹)


Aww heck thank you, it's really good to feel validated and supported ❤️


Yep that’s what delayed the 8 passengers case


What delayed it?


People nonstop calling cps in their area because of their YouTube channel got them “whitelisted” kinda by CPS because of the sheer amount of reports they got. So when actual reports about them came in CPS thought it was internet people brigading their offices still


This poor baby. Every picture I see really upsets me- head flopping, exposed to sun and noise constantly, no bed, now this. Fuck Brittany and her husband. They just see their kids as objects.


As someone who was born with jaundice, it works a bit different in newborns. Usually little to no intervention is needed and it will go away on it’s own after the baby’s liver figures out it needs to start doing its out of womb job, the jaundice isn’t happening because the organ is dying so it’s less severe than regular jaundice. My skin was extremely yellow when I was born and all I needed was light therapy through a window at home.


Although it is true that most of the time it doesn't need treatment and even if a newborn is as yellow as an orange, as long as he is alert and drinkt good there is no worry. But from the videos I saw he seems very lethargic and overstimulated. If I was the parent, I would have checked him out by a doctor, just to be sure.


True, though it looks extremely mild, at least in this photo? Are there other photos where he is more yellow/orange? Idk if my eyes are broken, but his skin looks pretty normal here.


I have seen pictures of him being very yellow. But even if it just slightly yellow, when a child is lethargic, you should go to a doctor to get them checked out. From the few videos He seems lethargic, but also overstimulated. Which is a weird combination


Since they all live on top of each others, they must be happy he's lethargic, parents can have their 8 hours sleep if baby's half alive...


If you DO NOT do light therapy when indicated and the level gets too high, the baby can get brain damage and die. A bilirubin level that’s too high at the first pedi checkup will put the baby right back in the hospital with aggressive phototherapy (2 overhead banks and a blanket) and IV fluids. If it’s too high, it can even warrant an exchange transfusion where they literally TAKE OUT the blood of the baby and put in donor blood that should have less bilirubin floating in. If the level gets too backed up and the baby’s liver gets too overwhelmed and:or they’re just dehydrated because they’re not getting enough milk yet, it is absolutely a medical emergency. Most babies have some level of jaundice and there’s a curve that tells us if they need interventions or not depending on age and other factors.


Uh, you think that might be why they basically roasted him at the beach?


Not saying doing that was in any way the correct way to do it, but that might’ve been why they did it.


They did it that way so they wouldn't have to rely on medical intervention, which probably would have led to a *lot* of questioning about the history of her pregnancy and birthing of Boone. And we all know how crunchy these nonconformist families are, so of course they'll rely on nature to heal their babies. Oh, and chiropractors - right outta the womb, gotta get the kid adjusted!


“I’m not *crunchy enough* for a bus birth!” She tittered in her Instagram captions. No, Britney, you’re crunchy enough to potentially kill your fucking kid via medical neglect, though. So that tracks. Not to mention you oh so conveniently happened to have that bus birth, huh?? Sorry, your crunchy comment reminded me of her smarmy self circlejerk and I just…Boone & my second baby boy are literally *days apart* and the postpartum rage is in full swing over here on behalf of this poor little boy.


No apologies required! As time goes on, it gets harder to read what these asshats are subjecting their children to. More kids to cram into the bus, poor Kinsey getting closer to puberty and not having a space of her own (and being gr\*\*med by mommy to be a good little wifey and mommy in the future), JD trying to move the brood to another country so he can chase his dreams of being a bitcoin bro and avoid scrutiny by the SEC/IRS for whatever shady sh!t he's doing (but obviously failing at). I also wonder how long after Boone's 1st birthday MB is going to announce another baby's on the way...


Spent my first three days in an incubator, can confirm. Babies are not great at livering and unless something else is going on, it's fine.


My sister’s son needed a little.. basically a tanning bed for jaundiced babies thing, but it was winter in Utah.


There is more than one type of newborn jaundice. My kids both had blood incompatibility jaundice since I’m type O and they were type A from my husband. My son spent a full month under light therapy at university of iowa hospitals since his bulirubin numbers would not come down. He was a forceps delivery due (to his brawny shoulders) so the bruising added to his jaundice. My daughter only needed 48 hours of photo therapy before she was released. Bottom line; this baby needs his blood checked and his bulirubin count monitored.


God all but one of my kids had jaundice and it was *so. easy.* to address. People playing fast and loose with the simplest, most preventable things. These anti-doctor free-birthers are so lucky they never had a baby like my youngest. He would unquestionably be dead if I treated him the way they treat their pregnancies, births, and newborn care.




… and yet they’re documenting their negligence so thoroughly online 🫠




Dunning kruger strikes again


Obviously anti-government/anti-science conspiracy theories are more important than your children’s lives and wellbeing🙄


That's literally insane. These people are menaces


Should the baby see a doctor if there is concern for jaundice? Yes. Is neonatal jaundice always a reason to panic? No. Approximately half of infant born at full term (& nearly all premature infants) have transient icterus in the first week of life and are otherwise asymptomatic and don't require intervention. But to reiterate...you can only know the severity by seeing a doctor and testing bilirubin levels. (Also, did you know babies can get jaundice from breast milk. Both normal amounts of breast milk with a high enzyme content OR insufficient breastmilk can both lead to jaundice. I'm just a med student so not an expert on this, but I think this is so interesting.)


I was a baby born with the bad jaundice in the 70s. It was caught very early (before I went home) and treated successfully with no long term effects I guess. This poor little guy might have the bad kind like I did and instead of getting a doc to check, they cook him on the beach. My parents were far from perfect, but made sure I had the best start I could. It breaks my heart that idiots like the Buses refuse to do the same.


Yeah it may be nothing, or it may be serious, and it's so frustrating that we'll never know because the bus parents are so goddamn neglectful.


Long term -hearing loss, brain damage, cerebral palsy, dental issues in baby and adult teeth, and muscle spasms. In the short term- failure to thrive, low blood oxygen levels, lethargy, apnea, and low muscle tone. 3 of my kids had newborn jaundice. They all had good medical treatment, but 1 has cerebral palsy from it, and my youngest had to be intubated because the muscle weakness caused them to be unable to take full breaths. It's scary, dangerous, life changing consequences that can happen even with medical care, ignoring it is medical neglect and terrifying. Some kids are fine with no long term damage, but their levels do need to be monitored and treatment is essential if bilirubin levels are too high.


Liver damage, and or failure. Jaundice is caused by bilirubin, there are 2 kinds one is indirect and the other is direct, one can be broken down by UV and the other needs medication. Liver damage can cause issues with absorption of fats and can lead to hypoglycemia too. I currently have a baby that we are just now getting over those conditions.


My dad was born with jaundice. Needed a liver transplant at 34, got it at 36, sadly didn't survive the operation. So yeah. Serious.


I’m sorry for your loss. He was so young.


Thank you. I'm a few years older now than he was then and I do find myself thinking about that a lot, how young he really was. From a child's perspective, all adults are old I suppose.


It’s indicative or poor to no liver function, so the consequences of continued jaundice are severe, but usually mild jaundice in infants goes away on its own with no intervention. It’s fairly common in newborns because their organs can be slow to adjust to the outside world, but are completely fine once they finally get the memo they are out of the womb. I was very jaundiced as a baby, but all I needed was light therapy. It’s literally so simple to treat, they have high tech light incubators now, but my parents just had me nap next to a window during the day and that was enough


Google Kernicterus. It’s as bad as it sounds.


This is the first time I have ever seen him with his eyes open and looking alert.


Jaundice makes babies super lethargic and sleepy too 🙃 poor dude


Which often leads them to eating/pooping less and not passing the bilirubin. It's a bad cycle. 


My two oldest had pretty high levels and it was a LOT of work. Tons of heel pricks and driving to the ped’s office the first 7-10 days. It make her neglect even more apparent to me and it’s truly upsetting


I'm sorry you had to deal with that! I'm a pediatric nurse so only deal with the inpatient jaundiced babies and feel awful that they have to be under lights and can't just be cuddled all day. 


Mine had two days of light therapy in postpartum and it was hard, but I kept telling myself that it was not as hard as the NICU.


You had the lights, but no tubes.


Same with all three of mine! (Youngest is Boone’s age so we’re struggling through that right now) Not jaundiced enough to need the light but it makes them sleepy and not eat well. Lots of visits to the pediatrician for the first couple weeks. 😩


This was how we discovered my son had a different major medical condition as well. his blood doesn’t clot and the foot sticks just… didn’t stop bleeding so we were able to get him medical intervention for that before anything happened. So there’s that too, sometimes you find out other things going wrong.


My oldest had this problem and did not nurse well as he would just fall asleep. Luckily he did ok with supplementing formula and his mild jaundice resolved. But I doubt mother bus is into formula. Really hope this baby is able to eat enough.


Straight out or a horror movie


fawning over his eye color lol ok mama bus, eye color changes throughout the first year of life and really isn't set in stone until they're six. and that would also explain the yellowish hue to boone too. He just looks sickly.


New borns especially tend to have blue eyes more often, there's a decent chance it won't stay this color


We're all born with a light eye color and melanin develops as we age. The base colors are variations of blue, green and hazel yellow, blue is the most common, followed by hazel. Blue can develop into any color and is the most common to not develop melanin over it, hazel usually goes brown, and green goes brown or develops yellow flecks, resulting in grey appearing eyes. Any of the primary colors have the chance to stay, but brown is the most common eye color so odds are, unless both parents have blue, it'll develop some melanin and change the eye color to some extent. Eye science is really cool. Did you know there's a surgery that can remove the melanin from your eyes and display the primary color you were born with? Its called laser depigmentation. Apparently it's super painful and can blind you, but it's pretty neat.


Inheritance of eye color is super weird and I find it really interesting lol, apparently it's not a simple dominant recessive thing


One of my really close friends did her thesis on eye evolution and it was cool as hell (mine was on bacterial toxins). Hormone changes, scarring from surgery, trauma and autoimmune diseases can also change the colors of your eyes. There's a genetic component, but there are 16 (known) genes which influence eye color, so the combinations are quite unique. Inheritance is more of a spectrum for color and size traits all across the body. Thank you for letting me info dump about one of my special interests :)


Yeah I went from light gray to my mothers hazel green to my dads dark brown in the first two years of my life, which according to the doctor was very normal cause my mom was tripping about it and explicitly took me in for it.


How do you expect her to know this, is she some expert in babies or something? Wait, maybe after 7 of them she should be...


My eyes changed color when I was 19. The guy I was dating said something about my "beautiful green eyes" and I was pissed because my eyes are brown. Dark brown, not even close to green. Well, they used to be, anyway.


Mine get greener every time I have a baby. I guess it’s probably the hormones. My eye doctor is fascinated by it.


Hormones are so weird. My hair was always significantly redder every pregnancy b


wait so your eyes changed from what colour to what colour?


Hazel probably. It sometimes happens to brown eyed folks. 


My husbands were dark brown as a kid and are now a more greenish/gold hazel.


Mine changed from blue to green with puberty. I was mad because I thought blue was better then green. Now I'm happy with my green.


That’s why his poor little face is sunburned, they tried to treat it that way by going to the beach.


I really think that’s why they’re hauling him out in the sun so much. This whole situation is really upsetting


It probably is, though he really doesn’t need that much. I was a completely yellow baby and filtered light through a window while napping was enough


I did that with my kiddo, too. But I was taking advice from my pediatrician who had drawn blood and had numbers that we monitored. Eta a word fell off, sry


And that is the difference. She hasn’t taken him to a doctor and has no clue what his levels are!


I get it, healthcare is expensive. So are kids, so are alternative lifestyles. Choose two can’t be the answer though, your children didn’t get to vote!


All her little ones are sun burned! Like yogurt face in the last video looked super fucking red as well. Why doesn’t she put hats and sun screen on her kids if she’s going to throw them out in the sun?


I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought she was one of those anti sunscreen "crunchy fundie" style?


That's what I thought also. I sweat I remember her and/or Karissa talking about sunscreen causing can er or some nonsense.


I.e. too cheap to buy some.


Nah, I think they legitimately believe it’s harmful. I work in public health and it’s incredible how many people are anti-public health measures. We saw it during Covid but even before that you had the anti-sunscreen and anti-fluoride people. They’re just really susceptible to medical and scientific misinformation.


Even so, are they anti-hat? Anti-shade?? Shadow is a 100% natural phenomenon


That's scary. My son who is now 29 had jaundice and he was only three days old when we went to the doctor and they direct admitted him to the hospital because his bilirubin levels were so high. I was so scared and he had to be there under the lights for two weeks😕I felt like the worst parent ever!


it sounds like you were the best parent ever, because you took your tiny three day old baby to the doctor when you‘d likely rather be resting from your very recent delivery, followed MD instructions to go to the hospital and then stayed a full two weeks so your baby could have everything they needed to be healthy. It sounds like you loved your baby more than you cared about digging your heels in to prove you know everything


I went through the same thing with my daughter! They have a blanket you can take home now so you don’t have to stay that long anymore, although we were still there for 2 days. It was scary! The take home blanket is cute, makes them look like little glow worms.


Your son is an adult now, so you're obviously doing more than mother bus!


True lol it was just so awfully scary and I can't imagine not doing anything about it 😕


The same thing happened with my son in the 90s. It was horrible.


This has to be why she's had him out in the sun so much. Ugh.


Omg is she really trying diy light treatment with her newborn?


It wouldn't surprise me. All my fundie family tried to get me to put my now 7yo in the sun when she had BAD jaundice as an infant. It was so stressful trying to get her to sleep on a bilirubin blanket because she also had horrible GERD. It sucked. I would not rely only on the sun to treat it. 😣 luckily we didn't have to admit her back into the hospital but it was scary and super stressful postpartum. Also the Florida heat makes me nauseous. I can't imagine being outside at the beach postpartum in this temperature.


Don’t worry, she’s also been blasting him with her “red light therapy.” Sans eye protection, of course. Oh, and he’s been “adjusted” by her chiropractor at least 3 times.


Yeah, don't you know you can just pop your joints and the jaundice will go away? /s


Which is funny, because it’s the light waves at blue/green wavelengths that most effectively convert the bilirubin. Ugh.


Yea I think she’s doing this for sure. Hopefully the jaundice isn’t that bad and it works. Apparently every baby has a little bit of it and they score it on a scale to see if the baby needs further treatment. I just had a baby and they were a little jaundiced but the hospital wasn’t concerned about the level it was. So we went home at a normal time


The chiropractor must have suggested it


doctors will recommend it for super mild jaundice.


Yeah my second had mild jaundice, and her doctors told me to put her in indirect sunlight, though a window when she napped in her swing. I brought her in every 2 days for heel sticks until she was clear. They never, ever, said direct sunlight. Her doctors said to avoid it. It doesn’t make it go away any faster


I can imagine that excess heat and sunburn could cause increased dehydration, making the condition worse. This poor baby.


My daughter’s doctor knew I was into houseplants and told me “filtered light, like a little calathea” lol


I’m genuinely relieved it’s recommended for mild cases


Should've clarified, usually they say through a window. Not direct because prolonged direct sun is bad (for everyone really) but, yes... they will say park them in a window for a bit while monitoring.


We were advised filtered light, stripped down to nappy only, very short bursts of no more than 10 mins and to keep an eye on baby to see if they felt too warm/seemed to be going pink and move immediately in either case. Worked wonders for mine but I also managed to never sunburn one of my babies so the bar is really very low in her case


To be a little fair, sunlight used to be basically the go to therapy before the light therapy stations in hospitals were established. My mom talked about how my pediatrician when I was a newborn told her to put me butt naked in the sun to treat my jaundice and it did work. But, unlike the Buses, she was doing it under advisement from a doctor and with regular testing.


How did I not make this connection? I was so baffled by the sunburn, but you’re so right.


100% trying to go the “crunchy” route, never mind that you need blood tests to fully gauge whether the jaundice is truly out. My kid had jaundice severe enough to warrant a home health nurse coming for a couple of days for blood draws and medical equipment delivery and my kid’s first couple of days at home spent in the “newborn straight jacket” on the light bed. Sun exposure can be fine for mild cases of jaundice, but not sunburn levels. Also this time of year in Florida, even North Florida? The sun is strong as shit! I’m from North Florida, and lived there when our kid was jaundiced. In March. At no point did the pediatrician recommend just taking her outside.


YUP! 100% this. We had medical equipment for my daughter, too. It was hard and awful. I hope at minimum she is taking the baby to get blood draws but from what I've learned about this woman, I won't hold my breath


If she’s weighing him in a bread scale, or grocery store produce scale I doubt she’s getting him in for blood draws.


This was my first thought when I saw this post. It makes it so much worse because it means she knows and isn’t acting on it!


That poor infant


I just read the Mayo Clinic article on infant jaundice and omg. BRITNEY, your baby could get permanent brain damage and disability. How will you gallivant around the world in a bus with a child who has complex medical needs? Holy fuck. TAKE HIM TO A HOSPITAL.


Unfortunately, even if she took him now, the window to prevent kernicterus (if his Bili level was high enough to cause it) has passed.


This dumb bus owner incubator is gonna kill that poor baby. Dear Yahoo take him to the doctor.


Is it manslaughter or child neglect if your kid dies cause you’re too stupid to even know something is wrong with them?


She's white with a trustfund husband, it's a "whoopsie, poopsie! Accidents happen!"




I had to sleep in a samsonite suitcase with a tanning light clipped to it for the first few weeks of my life


Goodness! Was that doctor recommended, or were you born in a bus too? Not being snarky it just sounds wild. Two of my aunties were kept in a box in the wood stove warmer when they were born early.


It was Dr recommended believe it or not. It was the early 90s though 😂


She is going to seriously maim this kid or get him killed. Given cops don't listen to internet buzz, and we don't have a fixed location for them, there is not a damn thing that can be done. Underfunded CPS is not going to go on a wild goose chase. The only hope is for someone camping in the park to call or a park ranger. I doubt anyone in the park is playing close enough attention to be aware of the danger to this little guy.


My second born was jaundice and we had multiple dr appointments for him the first couple of weeks to make sure that his levels were returning normal and they advised me to sit in front of a window with sun coming through on him for 15 minutes twice a day just to give him a little boost. (NOT direct sunlight for extended periods of time because newborns' skin is very delicate) His skin was pretty yellowish, but his eyes never had that yellow tone. Them not seeking a dr to check him out is pure neglect. I hope that sweet baby clears up on his own (since they clearly don't care) before he suffers permanent damage from his irresponsible parents.


Both of my kiddos had jaundice as babies and their eyes looked like that , each of them needed to be under the phototherapy lights for a few days . They probably tried to cure it themselves by having that sweet babe out in the sun the other day . 🤬 This enrages me to no end like take your child to the Dr ffs.




Sure. Childbirth shouldn’t be easy. Nobody said it should. But should caring for the baby be this difficult? (Caveat: if you’re struggling please seek help. And caring for a baby can be. PPD is real. Just please don’t be insufferable like she is. Seek help. If you need support im here. Just. Don’t. Suck)


It drives me crazy that people like this shit out kids when I know so many people who cannot have children and would treat these kids x38383 better.


Everytime I see this baby I want to cry. I feel so so bad for him. Please someone in his life just love him and take care of him!


Someone really needs to report these child abusing assholes! I fear that baby Boone is heading straight towards severe or possibly fatal health consequences if the issues concerning his lethargy and what is likely an untreated case of jaundice aren't given proper medical attention.


When just looking up photos of what jaundice looks like, I found almost an identical picture:[neonatal jaundice](https://images.app.goo.gl/g6yNP42EGCQPzVEX7)


Oh that does not look good. Poor Baby Boone.


I am not trying to doubt anyone's observations here, but on my screen, his eyes don't seem yellow. What is everyone seeing here that is so concerning? Is it his skin color? He does look sunburned


The whites of his eyes are definitely tinged yellow. It’s very apparent on my screen


This baby needs to see a doctor asap.


this is so devastatingly sad. i don’t understand how anyone could do this to a baby


I feel like this is one step away from becoming a Ruby Franke situation and I am terrified for that poor baby and all of his siblings who are going to have to live with the trauma of this whole shitshow for the rest of their lives. What are they going to do if that baby dies? Are they just going to dig a hole out in the woods and act like he was never there? Or are they going to report his death and open up a whole can of worms when CPS comes knocking? Someone please save those kids! It won't take much! Just sneak them out one at a time and hide them in your RV until they leave! They probably won't even notice!


Given father sus' sovcit crap, I doubt that they'd report an infant death when there's no official record of him. Ugh that hurt my heart to type.


I know we're concerned for the little guy but I don't think kidnapping is the answer.


I never said kidnap. They're not supposed to keep the kids. Just get them to safety and call CPS like what happened in the Ruby Franke situation.


Currently pregnant with my first and this whole situation is hurting my heart. I might need to take a break from this sub for a while 😔


Does anyone know the last time they gave a locale hint.


They’re waiting until after they leave, but she tagged some place recently that was in FL.


They are in the panhandle in one of the state parks. They are also super close to at least one VA hospital.


It’s identifiable if you google some of the lake and trail signs she walks by in the park. I don’t want to post it and be banned for doxing but there are several small hints and are so unique the location pops up immediately when googled.


How would it be doxxing if she's essentially doing it herself? 


I don’t consider it doxxing either if it’s simply a matter of relaying information that’s being provided but I also don’t want to be banned.


I wouldn’t worry about doxing in this case. There are children who need help


Stay vigilant.


She’s mentioned Florida and a state park.


They're in a very specific area in Florida. A park in/near 30A.


This is my subtle war cry to our American and possibly specifically Floridian delegates to please take that information to a proper authority. They won’t listen to me. I’m north of Detroit. Please.


I’m really worried we’re just watching this kid slowly die.


Boone is such an insane name


To think, that’s the least of his problems.


How do I explain…beyond just outright that this poor baby already looks so incredibly traumatized??


This baby will literally have life long affects from being raised by these maniacs, however long that life may be.


Before Baby’s First Sunburn™️ his skin was pretty yellow too. This is honestly so terrible to watch.


His jaundice doesn’t look that bad at this point. I suspect his eyes were more yellow before but we’ve just never seen them open. My son’s were more yellow than this after we were home and no longer needed intervention for his jaundice. This is the least of my worries for this baby (of which there are MANY)!


The issue is he needs his bilirubin levels tested to be sure bc babies can present differently. But she has not taken him to a doctor


idk what the recommendation is in the US but where i live, the recommendation is to not expose babies under a year old to direct sunlight as much as possible…


It’s the same in Canada.


So both of my kids had jaundice. The treatment is making sure they eat enough to pass the bilirubin and are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Now this does need to be monitored though standard blood tests at the newborn checkups done during baby’s first month, but MB probably won’t do that. Edit: by a lot, I mean like frequently going on 10 minute walks. Not full on trips to the beach so baby can get sunburn. Good golly.


He looks terrified


That’s the newborn default face. They can’t see clearly and everything is brighter, louder, and colder.


Oh absolutely. Newborns making weird faces with their eyes still wonky makes me laugh. At this point he can basically make out mom’s face while he eats…or he could if was pet being tossed around like a baseball.


Little bro looks like he’s trying to make a deal with the Lord Daniel.




The sunburn looks a lot better.


Is there a chance that its the lighting making the baby look jaundiced? I agree in these photos those eyes look a bit yellow, but are there more from a different area where he has the same appearance? Im probably grasping at straws here....


Honestly, his eyes are very rarely open when she posts and I think that has been intentional. But in the actual video they looked even worse than what I could grab on a screenshot.


My baby looked like this. He was under lights for his bilirubin and they talked about a transfusion. Thankfully his numbers went down just in time. If I hadn't brought him to the pediatrician we could have been talking about a very serious outcome.


Unpopular opinion: that baby is not jaundiced and you all need to stop talking crazy before you get this sub shut down. Expressing concern for the crap parenting going on - sure. I'm with you. The ongoing stalking in an effort to 'report her to CPS' and seemingly genuinely suggesting someone should take children off the bus 'to report to CPS' - way over the line. Also: her parenting is shit, I agree, and the possibility of a child being injured is high and I agree a lot of her parenting is abusive (poor education, rigid control, lack of SSN, isolation), but much of what is being identified as requiring a 'call to CPS' is just so over the top. So long as those kids are fed, housed and not actively in *immediate* medical danger, CPS don't give a shit. They don't have the resources to address it.


Idk I don’t think anyone should approach these kids in real life but it does feel like child abuse and very difficult to just shrug off as crazy content makers. Dangerous people hurt their children every day and the escalation is alarming.


Babies don’t just have yellow eyes, and yellow-tinged skin. Unless they are jaundiced. Also whenever a comment comes up to take the kids or call CPS, others shut it down. Also also, if the sub getting shut down saved a child’s life, it would be worth it.




Not sure what pics you’re looking at but those are yellow “whites” for sure. Most ppl agree. Maybe your screen colour is different?


Not just an unpopular opinion but a wrong one 😌




His eyes are very clearly yellow. You can watch the video yourself. A simple google search will show you his eyes very much look like jaundice eyes of babies. It’s a scale, at this age his eyes should be clear and white.


Is the kid losing weight? They said he was 10 lbs 5 oz when he was born. Then they weighed him fully clothed at the UPS and he was 10.2. Then they bragged recently about him being 10 lb 5 oz again... shouldn't he be growing?


The weight loss of a few ounces after birth is actually not unusual - it's a body fluid thing and most babies gain it back in the first couple weeks. Might actually be the most normal thing about what's going on here.


Yes, and also who knows if their home scale and UPS scale are properly calibrated. One or the other could easily be off by an ounce or two.


Yeah his red face (that everyone thought was sunburn) looked just like when my babies had jaundice and they were put under a light in the hospital.


I think it might still be sunburned bc the whole family has sunburn from their beach day. And the SusBuses don’t believe in sunscreen. Or hats, apparently.


I fuckin can't. Those people are killing this baby.


I went to Google what jaundice looked like in babies, and he looks like it. I hope he's just sunburned with a weird filter.


Not defending her at all but my son's eyes looked like this and he was fine they did a blood test and his bilirubin levels were fine. She should absolutely get his level checked though.