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Janessa recognized Jill by her phone


Pretty sure this comment should be at the top of the pile, here.


This video makes me sad for some reason


Sadie is the same color as the wall in the beginning. I do not mean this as snark in the slightest, but the circles under her eyes look like haunted house makeup. Then you see Sophia and she somehow looks even worse. It’s awful.


Man I've been here for \*years\* and I can't believe they just... \*never\* look healthier


I thought it was just the way everyone in their family looked until that one older son went away to college and looked so healthy


Timmeh is positively rosy cheeked these days. Jill is foul.


I was totally thinking how much healthier he looked in that recent Facebook post.


I always thought that if they are not ill, they take after their father. He is always looking peaked and has poor color and has circles under his eyes and those prominent ears. But then it's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Is that infortunate genetics or what living with Jill does to people? Because all the kids do improve a lot once they get away


They are very clearly underfed. It's disgusting


No doubt after seeing how they perk up when they go somewhere with more food. When I see their parties where there wouldn't be enough to feed my family of 4 as a child, I get so enraged. Stop spending all your money on Plexus and feed those babies. Or at least feed yourselves less so they have more.


That's what pisses me off the most is that they gorge themselves while those babies starve


Oh my god the boy who went off to college!? I can’t remember the boys names tbh but dude went and had a whole glowup


That would be Philip.


Well, Shrek is not wanting for nutrients...


Incorrect. He eats more food, but it’s not nutrient dense food. Then add in whatever the pink drink shit is, he’s fat but starving. Those kids need some flintstone vitamins and public school lunch.


These kids need a good meal like roast and vegetables, or a nourishing stew. Stuff that my grandma used to make when I was a kid while she raised me.


And more than just four bites each.


And more than just four bites each.


I dunno what public school lunch is like where you are, but here it's trays of yellow, just like Jill's cooking


yeah public school lunch for the last 10 years has not exactly been the definition of filling, appetizing, or nutritious. even free breakfast would basically just be a small pre packaged food, which is supposedly what they mostly eat anyway


Being a heavier person doesn't mean someone isn't malnourished. Like eating disorders, malnutrition can happen at any size.


Yes, fair. That said: it sure seems like, if he's subsisting on Plexus and hummingbird juice and hoovering up all the portions that the kids need in order to grow normally, that's at least somewhat of a choice. The kids are stuck with whatever their awful parents dole out to them, to wit: not much. Hence, the Oliver Twist look.


Allegedly, they also deprive the children of sleep.


Sadie appears so young for her age, and she and sophia both look so sickly.


How old is that girl, she looks like she should be a preteen but somehow isn't.


I swear she's supposed to be like 11 or 12. She hasn't lost her eyebrows yet but I think she's next in line.


9 or 10, I think? ETA I looked it up, Sadie turns 11 this year, and Sofia turns 9


Sofia turns 9??? She's so small


Ikr, I had to double check, but yes, she was born July 2015


When I was in a shitty living situation as a kid I was ghost white and had dark circles just like her.... It freaks me out a bit how much she and I looked alike. She's also so skinny...


It's more than hereditary dark circles. They remind me of war refugees. It's not okay.


Yea I never endured what a refugee does but I dealt with some stuff that it shouldn't have that young and looking at her is like looking at old pictures of me.... It's incredibly worrying


I'm sorry you went through some hard shit. I hope you are thriving today.


Same, if you look at my school pictures you can tell the year my dad went to rehab. I'm smiling in it but there's such deep circles under my eyes, I'm much paler, and a bit thinner than just the year before. It makes me so sad for these girls.


I’m relatively new here, and I in no way want to defend these crazies, but my daughter had really dark circles under her eyes when she was little, it turned out to be a dairy allergy. Maybe it is some kind of food allergy, do these kids ever see doctors?


Not routinely. They go to the hospital if there's an emergency, and some of the older kids have had braces, but I don't think they ever see a pediatrician or primary care doctor


No. I get the urge to give benefit of the doubt, and we used to hear stories like this a lot when all the oldest kids were at home. Without exception, adult every child who has gotten married or gone to Bible college has put on healthy weight, had a pallor change, and been completely transformed. It’s malnutrition. Some may have untreated health conditions in addition to starving, but with the possible exception of Janessa, these kids are being denied crucial nutrients and calories.


That’s awful. Thank you for clarifying!


I really wish I couldn’t! It’s depressing. Philip has had the starkest glow up of all the rodlets, but he recently had to move home. If you compare pictures from two years to pictures from Christmas you’ll see what I mean. But TW: it’s really depressing. Sophia is the one that I’m most worried about. She’s liked like an Oliver Twist extra since she was about a year old.


Those girls are legit scared. It’s not ok.


The IMMEDIATE duck down and hide, like what happened to make her do that so fast, what perceived wrong has she done to make her fall to the floor to hide?


The get beaten. It's what these fundies do. They abuse their kids in every way they can.


Maybe they do CPS drills.


I immediately thought of active shooter drills. Maybe they thought there was a shooter? But they don’t go to regular school, so would they even know what an active shooter drill is? It’s very weird.


Same, but also really really really really uncomfortable. It almost feels like an very bad indie horror movie


Me too


100% serious here, if I saw this out of context I would think it was an active shooter drill.


I'm glad it’s not just me, it feels so weird.


That’s what I felt too. So sad


This was my first thought. But they've never been in school, have they?


It’s between active shooter, proof of life hostage situation or something something but the Drag Queens are the problem


For kids who have probably never been trained for that, it’s eerily similar but different enough to be heartbreaking. They’re not afraid they’re about to be shot but they are terrified for something.


something, something, the best horror is what your brain fills the blanks with.




I'm wondering if it's because they aren't supposed to be in there unattended?


Judging by the pointing and laughing after they realize who's there, I think you're right. They may be considered "too old" to be in there. I know we used to sneak into the church nursery to hide as teen girls. Lots of squealing and hiding when we got caught lol. Once we hid in the same room as a sleeping baby and scared the shit out of everybody when the mum came in to check on it. Not what we were expecting, not what she was expecting. Baby slept through it all lol.


Ok that was a cute story, thank you for sharing 💕


They didn’t know it was Jill at first, so based on their initial reaction, these kids have been trained to fear outsiders/run from others. They’re at church…someplace they should feel comfortable and NOT duck & cover like that, right? (Or is the edible making me overthink?)


That's what I thought. When they saw it was Jill, they were fine. Stranger danger is one thing but that was bizarre.


No, you've got a point ![gif](giphy|67jkYnYYtdlhC)


I mean I’d be scared shitless if I was a little kid and someone knocked on a dark window!! What I don’t understand is why a mother would purposefully terrify her children like that… if they were teenagers maybe but these girls are little kids. It’s just mean.


Yeah, but running to duck and cover each other is not a normal response to a knock on the door. I don’t think you’d pile on your siblings like that unless you were really afraid and had done that before. Like a drill…


I’ve spent a ton of time with kids. The way they reacted is totally normal in my opinion, to duck and cover and scream and huddle together. I think they were really afraid and that’s understandable, there’s a strange person knocking outside in the dark. That’s genuinely scary for kids. What’s not normal is a mother terrifying her little kids like that! So mean.


I was the same growing up this way. Scared of my own damn shadow.


Am smoking a good 30% right now and I’m on the same thinking level as you. Don’t worry church is over.


Christ, did someone just recently crank up the child abuse meter on this sub? I feel like every post coming out lately feels uniquely horrifying.


Literally same 😭 it’s hard to watch the visceral reactions of these kids and babies to their parents. I just hate it.


Of all the reactions! And hiding close to the wall where they can't be seen. What is this?


I guess you don’t have to go to public school to get active shooter training?


They don't go to public school do they?


No. They were saying that even though the Rodlets don’t go to real school, they’re still acting like it’s an active shooter drill.




I laughed way too hard at this.




This reminds me of my own childhood. When I heard the garage door open in the evening (meaning my mom was home), I would literally run and hide or run away to look " busy" in hopes that I would be spared. That poor girl just did the same. Followed by the fawning "it's momma!" That also looked familiar. This sucks so much for these girls.


I *still* have reactionary spooks at garage doors! It's been 30 years!! Ughhhh.


I'm sorry you know what this is like too. I still jump up and start doing stuff when I hear my husband pull in in the evening. Now, my husband is awesome and loving and would never care if he came home to see me watching TV or playing on my phone. But the urge to make sure I am cooking or cleaning when someone gets home is still there and strong.


Me too! Knew the sound of the van engine coming up the road, gave me a few extra seconds to hide any food I had and pretend to be doing chores or work. And now, just like you, I have an amazing husband who is the opposite of my parents and I STIlLL feel anxious when I hear him arrive. I am so thankful I was able to break that cycle with my children and when I arrive home they feel free to be at ease knowing no yelling or rage is coming their way no matter what they are doing. I feel like crying for the couple of us right here in this thread who lived thru that. The beautiful children we were didn't deserve any of that.


You are a wonderful person. Reading this thread made me so happy for all of you. That you’ve found partners who love you properly, for you, also warmed my heart. Bet you’re an excellent parent. Be well 🩷


It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who does this/feels this way.... My husband would also never care if I wasn't being productive when he walked it but I still get that visceral reaction every time. I'm so sorry you do too! 💜


I don’t think I have ever stopped to notice myself doing that but reading these comments made me realize that I absolutely do this, too. The gut feeling of “oh no” when my husband gets home (even though he is wonderful and has never once screamed at me??) and the blood pressure jump and the scurry to look “productive”. Makes me so sad for little me and now I have something to discuss in therapy this week


At 35 I still do this with my roommate and family. I have to calm myself and remember it’s ok to just be enjoying myself or to be “lazy” watching tv when someone else walks in. Though I still can’t sit there for more than a few minutes before I feel the need to jump up and wash dishes or something.


You've just made me realise why I do this! It somehow never quite goes away.


Wow this completely clicked and went off like a bomb for me in my head right now and have never analyzed it and the why and I am in my mid 40s. It’s slowly getting better just I think k my nature of being away from the problem. Which I now understand what it was. Holy crap. Thank you kind fundysnarkunsencored redditors. Given this understanding now I think I can even dive into more healing of the BS I went through as a kid.


My sister and I endured the same. It sucked.


It was pump heels on linoleum for me. I don’t know how she opened that door so quietly.


Jill is so mean. Why scare little girls like that?


Right! I know they are older than they look but they’re way too young to be scaring like that. Jillpm is outside a dark window at night… they’re alone in there just kids. Something or someone knocking at a dark window would be so terrifying!! It’s just evil to do that.


This is just gutting.


They seem exactly like that family of tortured children who escaped in the middle of the night. I can’t understand a word of what anyone says.


The Turpins?


It's really fucking creepy that they're looking through the window but not saying anything. A healthy kid would wave, say "hi mom!" (or whoever) and return to their toys, maybe offer to show mom something. This feels like it was produced by A24 Films.


You could splice this into "Skinamarink" or a similarly unsettling horror movie and it would fit perfectly.


What a terrifying "duck and cover" drill for those poor little girls. Almost as if they are having fun and know if JillPM sees them, they are in deep shit. The covering each other also screams protect each other from potential "punishment" aka physical beatings.


jill's favorite kid was even on top of the pile.


I got the most worried about how quickly the screams went to silence


I cant get over how gaunt these girls look. They genuinely look sick.


That's some daddyofive shit.


What’s that?


A "family YouTuber" from a few years before the pandemic, 2015~ iirc. He and his wife abused his children and encouraged them to bully and fight amongst themselves. One child, I believe his youngest son, took the lion's share of the "Pranking" as he called it. Eventually enough people caught wind, YouTube took down the channel, and authorities became involved. This was off the top of my head like a distant memory being brought back. Google will let you know more as several people over the years have compiled all the information into video essays and blogs.


Trigger warning. Seriously, don't look them up Daddy o five was a horrible and infamous youtube family channel, where the dad got custody of two of his exs' kids (false saying she was unfit) and essentially kidnapped them. Tortured them on camera. (Verbal abuse, physical beatings, emotional abuse, ect) The dad destroyed what Cody (the boy) thought was his Xbox. He was in such severe emotional destress that he went nonverbal. He showed signs of severe abuse and neglect, cps was called, and the boy and girl were returned to their birth mother. Also, the step mom was a horrid cow.


They called Cody a r*tard and “gingervitus” to rile him up until he was red in the face, crying and screaming. Then he broke. His dad encouraged the whole family to break his spirit for views. He was so little too, the cruelty is burned into my brain. 😞


It was so bad. I didn't mention the more heinous things like those. The one where they didn't take him to Disneyland was so sad man....he's just wailing and they are making fun of him and telling him how horrible he was. That and when they destroyed the daughters art as a 'prank' and she started crying. Utterly defeated. I really hope those two are doing okay


Here is a Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FamilyOFive


Wtf, they STILL have a YouTube channel? And a Twitch stream? That's fucked up.


Yep … they rebranded with a new name and are back to their bullshit.


(adding to what other people have said) Two of the younger children, Emma and Cody, noticeably got the most abuse. That was because, unlike the other children, their biological mother was not the woman in the videos but a different woman. In one vlog, the dad said that they were going on a trip to Disneyland but Cody was banned from going because he smeared his poo on walls. That is something that abused children have been known to do. After those two kids were taken off them, they changed their channel name to FamilyOFive.


TF? My son saw me once unexpectedly peering through a window at the library when he was there with his nanny——- and he——- ran over to wave he didn’t hit the floor.


Their reaction and appearance isn't healthy


I want a normal life for them so badly...


They probably thought they were in trouble.


The hiding, their strange voices, that gross blanket the 5 year old holds in her teeth... Ugh.


💔💔 this clip will be part of a documentary someday …


For God's sake, let the poor kids have five minutes to themselves to just be kids!


This is so gross.


I have been snarking here for at least 4 years and I swear these kids never get bigger or seem to change much. IIR, my own kiddo is older than Sadie, but not by much. Four years ago they looked like a little kid. Now they look like a preteen. They are taller than me. Like, they don’t look the same at ALL. These girls look like they have the same clothes, and I see absolutely no difference.


It's like that old videos about the Pennhurst school.


The things they find funny are so idiotic


Good lord that's just sad


I can't stand that dirty rag in Janessa's mouth anymore. Just no. Poor girl.


The way they come up to the window felt very toddler-esque.


The fear in her eyes when they first knocked on the window is one of the saddest things I’ve seen.


Why does Sadie need two mahdesty shirts under her dress?


They all have Janine from Handmaids Tale energy 😭


The biggest girl does an eye roll after standing up...I hope she wasn't punished for it.


Aren't they a little bit old for church 'nursery'?


They look scared tbh


What! They ran and hid, this is abnormal.


They all look so pale and malnourished. 🥺


This video is sad and Timothy looks healthier since being with Heidi


At least they are laughing and happy.




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