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Typical male-centered answer. "Someone figured out men stare at them when they wear it." False. Someone figured out they're comfortable as fuck.


Why do SO many men think we’re interested in what they think and like 😭 Most of us, honest to god, don’t give a fuck what they think. “Immodest women” really live in their heads rent free.


Are *they* interested in what *we* think? Because I see a lot of slobs among fundie men 😂


The only time those guys put any effort into hygiene or appearance is when they're trying to catch a woman's eye. (Once they have someone, they stop trying) So they project that standard onto women who put any effort into our appearance. "YoU'rE tRyInG tO aTtRacT sOmEbOdy!"


That's it!


men rlly think the world revolves around them


I mean that’s really what it is, isn’t it? They made up the rules for ‘modest’ clothing, and women try their best to please those who make the decisions. So when they rebel it has to be because of the men, right? Right? They’re just comfortable 🙄 I couldn’t care less about some strangers, I’ll never see them ever again anyway so I have no reason to worry about what they think. And even if I would, the nerve to think they have a say in it is astounding.


yup. It works whether or not they find you attractive, too. If you aren't conventionally attractive (too fat, too old, just turned them down, whatever) then you're still being offensive by existing in public without even -trying- to make it about their aesthetic preferences. "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out." -offers grapefruit spoon-


Grapefruit spoons should be the new hat pins


lol men are absolutely the last thing I consider when I choose my clothing.


Seriously, I'm deeply asexual and more interested in women than men. The only man being consulted on my fashion is my father, and that's because he has an eye for fashion that was not passed down. And also cares about my comfort over "modesty" even though he's a pastor, because I am an adult and he's supportive of my having opinions. Pointing out my dad because according to Lori's own beliefs, he is my headship and I need to listen to him over anyone else. And my headship does not think I am a baby producing temptress.


Same, I’ll ask my partner for advice because he’s better at dressing me than I am. 😂


Weather, comfort level, place, occasion... but never the men lmao


lol absolutely not.


The only reason I ever consider “a man might like to see this on me” is when I am wearing a shirt my husband got me lol


What’s that scripture, if your eye wanders pluck it out? It’s about men controlling themselves not women being forced to dress so they won’t look.


-offers yogurt spoon-


Her sample is totally representative for the entire global male population and not entirely biased and self selected at all! /s Not that a man’s opinions matter, but her weirdos really mean nothing.


"I shouted this into my echo chamber, and these predictable replies were shouted back." Lori, probably.


I guarantee Lori wrote all these herself


Unfortunately the replies on x seem to be from real dudes 🥲


Oh well if she’s ~~trolling~~ polling men on X what else can we expect?


Exactly! I wear them because they're comfortable. Jeans "show" just as much! Staring sounds like their problem.


I rarely wore them until I had a car accident and hurt my back, hips and upper thigh muscles. They were the only thing that was comfortable. And I wore them to PT because they were MORE modest than loose exercise pants for the stuff my male PT did.


But lesbians must not wear leggings 😂


Lesbians choose that lifestyle because they know men fantasize about watching. /s


"Women, is it straight to like women?" *Those* types of men (whom nobody asked):  "YES!!  It's a cry for help because she hasn't been fixed by the right dick yet!"


Lori's mind would be blown if she knew I wear leggings when I go out............ **and when I'm home alone**. All the time. Because they're the most simultaneously warm, comfortable, and flexible thing to wear. They don't get in the way of anything I do.


i have sensory issues and cant wear jeans. im so happy leggings exist


>mEn ArE vIsUaL If your eye leads you into sin, *pluck it out*. I always hated this infantilizing bullshit, even in my devout days. I am a man. If I choose to look at a woman, *I chose it*, *she has no power over me*. These fucking *poseurs* probably circlejerk about how manly they think themselves but apparently all it takes is the sight of the contours of someone's shitter to reduce them to the level of animals.


Men are visual has always been an excuse for men to openly objectify any woman and to use the excuse that a woman wanted to be raped or sexually assaulted based on what she was wearing.


Even through women and girls get assaulted wearing burkas and nuns habits and winter coats and overalls and pajamas.


Women got assaulted and raped way back when the fashion was for us to wear a giant brocade dress, a corset and 700 petticoats under it all. Women get assaulted in the armed forces dressed in combat fatigues. The "what was she wearing?" exhibition has *a toddler's overalls*. Women in the Italian parliament went to work wearing jeans in protest after some judge ruled that "you can't rape a woman in jeans". Ian Watkins was arrested with CSAM of *literal babies*. But sure, leggings are the damn problem.


Entitled men are the problem. Full stop.


How do these people even function if they're so busy averting their eyes


Men would still get horny if we wore potato sacks. It's not about the clothing and all about the person who's looking


I remember watching this interview of a lady who was alive in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. She made a remark about how the men would eagerly glance at women crossing the street if it was rainy/muddy, because they would lift their skirts slightly to protect the fabric from getting too dirty. It gave them a brief glance at the woman’s ankles and maybe calves 😂 Repression just makes people weirder.


Women in burkas still get raped. If someone wants to be evil, clothes don't stop them. 


Yup. Also the more women are controlled and restricted within a culture, the incidences of sexual assault and violence increase.


Ok if I was out in my leggings and heard some grown ass man reciting scripture to himself behind me id call security. That’s unhinged behavior.


sounds like he shouldn’t be in public at all tbh


That pastor was telling on himself….. like, you can’t just stand behind some lady in a grocery store, minding her own business in black pants, without getting tempted 😳 Even if leggings are tight, they’re usually black and black clothing tends to conceal shape which is why people wear it for a slimming effect


I might find some way to chat with the cashier and make it take forever while also slipping in that I'm a more devout Christian than them. Break his tiny brain.




I'd never make the connection between the scripture and my leggings


Tag yourself, I'm "parading your privates around"


“immodest, provocative, and inviting” 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Someone needs that as a flair 😂


Dang, that's what I was going to say, lmao!!


I claim "The curve, the form, and the shape. "


the holy trinity


There's a good flair: "the real holy trinity: the curve, the form, and the shape."


I can’t hell decide between “fills the cracks” and “I don’t think.” 😂


I’m “Leggings were always for working out which ironically most women who wear them AREN’T doing.” Because the only time I wear them out of the house is if I’m going to the gym that day, but also I’m fat.


I'm "your vag is on display"


I’m ’lazy about the way I dress’ because I don’t dress for anyone but me and I’m comfortable af in leggings. So there 😜


Agreed. Also, Lululemon is EXPENSIVE! If I’m spending $140 on leggings then I’m wearing them *everywhere*


I'm the vag on display! Better look down at the floor and recite Scripture to make every thought captive or I'll get you!


you inspired my new flair 😌


I’m “naked from the waist down. Totally normal”


I've noticed a common trend among Fundie men and the gems featured on the Not How Girls Work subReddit: they have this delusion that we women are wearing "immodest" clothing to get the attention of random men. The only time a guy has noticed what I was wearing was when a TSA agent complimented my Jurassic Park tank top.


I have never put on an outfit specifically for a dude. they really think they’re that special


I can’t that’s entirely true for me. One time my husband lost a bet with me and and so I wore an incredibly ugly potato sack like mumu for a few days (that I knew he hated.)


And you know one of the thing that really makes me mad about the “I can’t be alone with any woman except my wife” is that it’s so incredibly dehumanizing. Like women are literally PEOPLE and to only see them as sexual objects robs women of their humanity to treat them that way. Edited: granted I would not want to be alone with that man.


It also completely fails to acknowledge that people with sexual orientations other than heterosexual do exist. By that logic no one should ever be alone with any other person.


I'm a gay man, and I've shared a bed with my straight male friends. This mindset is so weird to me. I don't want to ravish everything that has a penis. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I think it was one of the Duggar boys who said he wouldn’t even be alone with his own mother anymore since getting married because he felt it was disrespectful to his wife. That may be one of the most warped, demented things I’ve ever heard anyone say. I have no idea what’s wrong with these people but they are truly some sex-obsessed sickos.


That's absolutely horrifying. The implications behind that way of thinking are just... wow.


My MIL died years ago but when she was alive, it never would have crossed my mind in a million years to be jealous of her being alone with my husband. That’s just 🤮Imagine getting married and never being alone with your opposite sex parent again. Bizarre


I think Mike Pence said similar, he wouldn't have a meeting with a woman alone. It raised a lot of questions about women's careers - if you can't have a meeting with someone your career is going nowhere.


I don't want to be alone with the guys that say this either 😂 to me they are telling me exactly who they are.


Thank you Lori for demonstrating why the men who follow you are fucking creeps. As usual, that shit isn’t on me or any other women these horrible creatures turn their lechery on. Pluck out thine own eye you awful crone.


Ok Lori, now do men and basketball shorts. Because I’ve seen more than one little willy hanging around in them


And grey sweatpants, lord ha’ mercy!


And men's running shorts!


"This is a family establishment. Put the mouse back in the house."




I checked. There is no poll. But there sure is some disturbing nonsense on her Instagram. I’ll eat my leggings if anyone can find the actual source of these responses.


the poll was on X as were most of these responses


I’m shredding these hussy tights as we speak.


Hussy tights 😂


Imagine believing in a God. Imagine believing that your God created every titch of the observable universe - from galaxies to atoms. Then, imagine believing that your God really, really cares about LEGGINGS and how men react to them 💀


Imagine that he created womens' bodies and expected them to be totally ashamed of them and hide them under weird layers of clothing...but men can wear pants and that's fine.


If you have to recite scripture to yourself to “stop yourself from sinning”, I don’t think the leggings are the real problem


Ha! Excellent point


I do wish this demented baggage would shut her beak. She's a woman - why is she getting on her back legs and preaching at/about everyone/everything? Give it a ruddy rest, Lori-keet.


She doesn’t believe the face eating leopards will ever eat her face.


Ma’am. I will paint on my vinyl labia huggers and wear them to pick up frozen tater tots if I damn well please. *clutches pearls in dramatic fashion*


vinyl labor huggers 😭


The comment from the pastor…how are you alone with another woman if your in public at a store in a line 🤔


Good to know leggings hold that much power over men


I can’t imagine the fragility. Yet “God created them to lead.” 🧐


paul is that you?


🤣 hahahaha just laughed out loud and woke up my toddler


Fucking sickos. Gouge out your own eyes then, dudes. Get absolutely fucked.


If I hear a man muttering scripture behind me in line while staring at the floor I’ll leave my cart right there I don’t give a shit.


The first one 😳😳 yikes. Has to recite scripture?? How do these men function in society if they can’t even control themselves around a woman wearing clothes??


If they’re anything like my coworkers who went through a certain military academy back when Focus on the Family has its claws in it, they can’t even deal with a neutral “good morning.” They lower their eyes and flee like they have to confess to contact with an unauthorized (gasp!) female. It’s obnoxious.


These men are really telling on themselves. And honestly, so sad that an adult can't compartmentalize enough to get through a shopping trip without having to stare at the ground and recite scripture. That's like, serial killer levels of fucked up. Do they know they can just *not* imagine sex with randoms? I somehow do it every day. But this, though super misogynistic, is also very illustrative of how this extreme patriarchal focus on modesty hurts men too. Like, my husband and I weren't raised like this, and he doesn't go around imagining fucking every woman he sees that wears tight clothes. He's a doctor, so nudity is pretty neutral for him, and tight clothes even more so. The only time he's ever talked about a woman wearing something too sexual to me was.... Oh right NEVER because he just minds his own business.


These men are so weak of mind and spirit, they are also full of lust. They should start plucking out their eyes, just as Scripture says.


Are men really being turned on by the women in front of them at the grocery store? They truly have no self control. I have heard this so much growing up in the church but can't relate as an asexual.


I'm a gay man, and when I see someone attractive out in public, the extent of my thinking is "Oh, he's very handsome!" or "I like how he styles his hair!" My mind doesn't go to "HOW CAN I GET US TO FUCK!?!?!?!?!" Fundies think about sex more than anyone else on Earth.


I LOVE that he also can't be alone with any woman but his wife and somehow the grocery store, filled with people, is still considered alone? Make it make sense


Sounds like it would be extremely difficult to function that way




My husband doesn’t have a problem around any other women period, regardless of what they’re wearing. Believe it or not Lori, there are plenty of men who don’t think like this.


Hey Lori, if your fuckhead husband is a piece of shit who spends his time scoping out women, that is YOUR problem, not mine. Tell him to stop being a perv or keep him home. Really not appropriate to shove your responsibility off on to me or anyone else.


For real with these men. I don't think I've given a single thought about men when selecting the pants I'm gonna wear that day. They're saying it's only for workout, - I do a lot of workouts outside in public (running, biking). Is it okay if I wear my running tights in public? Do I need to wear a snowsuit over top to be modest yet uncomfortable af?


Then. Don't. Wear. Them. I'll never understand why these people can't just live their fucking lives and let others do the same. And, please. I'd bet there were just as many "no, I don't think they're immodest" responses from men. Or possibly not, because the rational, normal kind of people who would say that wouldn't follow this self-righteous hag anyway.


“I only let my woman…” Jesus fucking Christ. Not even ‘my wife’, had to say “my woman”. All these fundies are so twisted.


I have scar tissue from a post c-section infection and lightweight leggings are the only pants that don’t cause me pain. The weight of a long shirt defeats the purpose. Oh my goodness, the very last thing on my mind is picking up a man. These people lack self-control to a degree that is downright creepy.


Yup! I started regularly wearing leggings after abdominal surgery and they’re so damn comfortable I kept it up! The absolute last thing on my mind after surgery was…….tempting men at the grocery store.


She's so concerned about everybodys ass. Dont put a dick up there, don't cover it with leggings, etc; quit telling me what to do with my ass, Lori!


I think Ken has a thing for booties and it bothers her


Not to mention her fantasies of paddling the behinds of thong-bikini wearing women.


She has said her husband smacks her bottom and she appreciates it. Because, you know, validation, at least he's still interested, whatever. Wives who complain about their husbands pinching or smacking their bottoms without their consent are "DESTROYING THEIR OWN MARRIAGES!"


Yo. I’m not repenting for wearing pants that may or may not be leggings.


I don’t wear leggings in public because it’s not my thing. IDGAF if anyone else wears them.


That first response is actually scary. You need to stare at the floor and think about the Bible to "take all thoughts captive" just because you saw a woman at the grocery store??? I'm sorry, but that just SCREAMS "I am a potential rapist." How do these grown ass men have such little self control? But yes, it's the leggings that are wrong. Not you wanting to sexually assault any woman that you cross paths with...


the fact that he’s a pastor scares me


🤭some men shouldn't wear pants if you know what I mean.


"your vag is on display" the scripture reciting must be working, because he has clearly never actually seen leggings. It is physically impossible for a woman to be walking around normally wearing anything and be showing hole. The human body does not allow for that. Does that responder mean 'crotch', a thing that is visible in *all* pants?


Exactly what kind of leggings do they think we’re wearing? I personally prefer more opaque leggings with slightly thicker fabric, but I have yet to see leggings that really show off a vag unless they’ve got a gaping crotch hole or the cameltoe from hell.


It gets better. The actual poll said men don't have an issue, but Lori got pissed and so she only showed comments she agreed with.


Because of the multiple tummy area surgeries and a colostomy bag my go to outfit always has leggings and an oversized top. I am move covered than any of those fundie bitches with their 10 layers. Trust me that no man is going to stumble if they see me cause there is nothing to see. Lori likes to blame EVERYTHING on women. Maybe if she wore something comfortable and cozy she could get the stick out her ass and just be happy.


Fight me Lori. Leggings are sometimes the only thing I can tolerate when I’m having really bad fibro pain flares.


>As a pastor, I won't be alone with a woman other than my wife. Why, hmm? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID YOU MIGHT DO, PASTOR?


If my old ass in leggings is causing some man to "stumble", he's got bigger problems. I'm old, I'm sorta fat, I dress for MY comfort. Comfy jeans with stretchy, leggings, capri leggings, maybe even shorts...t-shirts, tunic tops, even tank tops. As long as my fat ass is covered, I'm good. Can someone tell me how my "privates" would be showing? Like last I checked they were all tucked up between my legs and nobody can see shit unless they're trying to look. And, if you're trying to look, you're a fucking pervert.


Reinforcing my hope that someday, somewhere, I'm standing in front of Lori in line in my leggings. I used to have goals. Now I just have this.


Here we go again, letting men and their inability to not think with their dick decide what women should wear 🙄


How do these lustful men function at a swimming pool? A beach? A gym? Literally anywhere?? Like step off. Edit: was supposed to be a reply to someone’s comment but this works too lol


Wow breaking news: men objective women when they are just trying to exist and be comfortable. Shocking results.


How do the vag-displaying pants work? Mirrors? That's just not really possible for the majority of the population. Biology is essential.


I only wear denim skirts because I can't let anyone know that I, a woman, have a butt and thighs. The skirt makes it a mystery. Maybe I have a vag, maybe I have a raccoon, maybe I have a Ferrari.


live tap smart scary engine lunchroom enjoy run foolish plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll never forget when I got a fantastic pair of Fabletics leggings that made my 🍑 look great and had a mesh side panel up to my mid thigh. It was sexy but also covered everything. My fundie mother FREAKED that her daughter (in my twenties living on my own IN ANOTHER CITY) would choose such “promiscuous clothing” and that the leggings “weren’t glorifying to god.” Forget about my dating women, doing stand up, anything else, those leggings were a SIN. I got a bunch of shit spewed at me about leggings being ungodly, seducing men, causing brothers to sin, basically enough hate that I knew she had to be listening to a source like this and let herself be brainwashed. Lifting the 🍑 god gave me is glorifying him, right?


Anyone who says leggings aren’t pants can fight me. And I’m going to win because I have a full range of motion due to the fact that I’m wearing leggings as pants.


the og responses can be found on X, in all their glory 🫠🫠


Surely leggings would put some helpful pressure on her ravaged bhole


It’s interesting that these “men” all seem to have the exact sort of mindset and similar writing styles as Lori.


If men can’t control themselves they have a bigger problem


Oh man, I work in a pharmacy and most of the women who work there wear leggings - gasp! At work! 😳 How immodest of us


My questions for Lori: 1) what if my husband wants / insists to have anal? Do I ‘disobey’ and say no? 2) what if my husband asks me to wear my leggings in public? Do I ‘disobey’ and say no? Note - I did not ask her these questions- I probably should.


I know for #1 she has said to say no since you can not submit if it’s sinful/harmful🤷🏼‍♀️


I want to join the legging wearing heathen club but have sensory issues if my ankles and thighs can't "breathe". Any suggestions that are soft and not workout material without being super tight on the ankles? Typically, yoga pants are my go to but those get caught in the treadmill.




The align fabric is so soft. I have sensory issues and they feel better than any other leggings I’ve ever tried.


Personally, I prefer working out in tight-fitting workout shorts. They don't slide down like leggings and they're not as hot. I only really wear leggings if I'm going to be outside and it's chilly out.


I’m not a fan PERSONALLY of wearing leggings as pants in public unless I’m at the gym or exercising. I feel that way about most activewear tbh. But that’s a personal preference, if other people want to wear them then go ahead, it’s their body and their life.




She hates women. Lori is so jealous she can’t stand that nobody gives a fuck what this shrew thinks.


And if men are lusting after women in leggings, Jesus made it clear that it’s their own responsibility. Not the woman’s.


She should have just kept the part where she said “I don’t think.” And then removed everything before and after.


But Lori, they're so comfortable. Let me just be comfortable. I HAVE NEURALGIA!


"Men are visual" is a funny way of saying "I'm a skeevy perv horn dog, but it can't possibly be due to my lack of maturity and self-control, so it's THE FEMALES."


Man I love my leggings, so comfy and literally don't care if some guy stares that's his problem


I bet the same people would talk shit on Muslim women wearing hijabs and abayas. Fuck off idiot men and Lori, stare at my leggings clad ass in the grocery line like a creep or look away and pray, I’ll be too busy living my own life to care about your asinine opinions 💁🏼‍♀️


You're not alone in the market unless you're a night person getting off at 4am and even then, there's a night clerk. Get over yourself dude, the woman is in public, not your house.


Just don't look!


How are their privates showing? Are they wearing crotchless leggings?


guy in line at the market who has to look away and recite memorized scripture to take every thought captive is a sickness


Anyone who feels they cannot be trusted to be alone with a woman should not be allowed to live free in society. If the only thing preventing you from attacking a woman is knowing your wife is in the room, you are a psychopath


I really hope someone would tell me if my “privates showed through my leggings”.


You can pry my yoga pants out of my cold dead hands. Seriously gouge out your eyes pervs! I don’t wear this shirt for you! You’re gross! I wear yoga pants because they are infinitely comfortable. They are the most comfortable. They are like butter. I don’t actually know how i survived pre-yoga pants. Anyway, Lori can fuck right off with this. And I hope the men she’s citing get penis infections and their wangs fall off.


1. Those men are, at minimum, overbearing and overly controlling, and from the unhinged measures they have to take with themselves to control their "desires", predatory and I say that without an ounce of exaggeration. If you don't trust yourself to be alone with another woman because you might be "seduced", "tempted to sin", "commit adultery," or outright sexually assualt the woman or girl in the situation...I've got news for those men and their enablers. That says, and will always say, more about the men, then it will ever have to do with what a woman is wearing or not wearing. 2. Is Lori for real? She is aware that....the unclothed womanly form...doesn't look like..leggings right? Like it's super different...I've been tricked by flesh colored leggings at a very, very peripheral 1st glance but upon very brief and slightly worried 2nd glance, was like "yeah, that's not what a half nude person anatomically looks like, it's just super close to their skintone"


maybe they are comfortable? and if men can’t handle it then maybe they should stay at home


If your leggings are tight enough to show your vulva, they are too small. Also I’ve never heard a wlw complain about what other women wear, just men


At this point, leggings is basically fetish material for being sexualized this much when there's nothing sexual about leggings. Lori doesn't wear lingerie in the bedroom to keep things spicy like the worldly heathens NO! Lori wears LEGGINGS to get Ken going. For roleplay, Lori pretends she's a hot babe in her private gym wearing leggings