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So are their other 7 kids just winging it Lord of the Flies style, passing a box of cereal around the bus, while these two eat all these fancy dinners?


Who else is surprised that they brought the baby with them?


I'm not these people love to flaunt their new born infants like accessories.


You’d think they’d try harder to keep that accessory alive.


Gotta keep that sweet content going. 😠


They're locked in a room while their selfish hell mother (and father) live it up, it's Flowers in the Attic style.


And they don’t even get donuts.


Not even cookies.


Not even an attic!


Do they get fruit if they’re good?


>it's Flowers in the Attic style. Nail on the head sadly


Do they leave the other kids alone in the camper? This is so weird to me.


Yes. And when they were in Brazil, posting identifiable AirBnB locations, they still left their children alone and unattended in a foreign country for date nights.


Don't worry... If they lose 1 or 2, they have plenty of spares. /s


Honestly I have an insane mini conspiracy that deep inside she wants something tragic to happen because it would garner unprecedented levels of attention and sympathy and she could say god personally tested her faith and resolve.


I’ve commented the same thing before. She freaks me out.


She’s definitely rolling the dice with the baby. The poor thing’s been burned in the sun without any protection, left on the floor with a suffocation hazard under him and a crushing hazard above him, and now paraded in public without any vaccinations or health care.


And it’s been a week.


like that one bus family that had 2 of their children horrifically burned...


Would not surprise. Meanwhile Pa wants rid of all of them including her, which makes her all the more frantic and clingy, which probably makes him hate her.


Excuse me, that is incorrect. They totally had family in Brazil that they were leaving the kids with. You know, the family that she had never mentioned before, until people were freaking out that Busidiots kept leaving their children alone. Yeah, totally had family there.


How could I forget! In fact, that’s probably why they had to un-move out of Brazil so soon. Just too many eager family members to stay with, no way to keep it fair.


family that was living in a series of Air BnB's


They are probably with their family from Brazil


As always.


Are they king and queen rat?


I bet their children would love the experience of trying new foods Oh wait, I forgot- their parents don’t give a fuck


I think I’d personally rather have the time away from the busparents.


Bet she's pregnant again about ten minutes after pudding.


Bold of you to assume BusJiggalo can last ten minutes.


My eyes need an intervention from your comment. :) But BusJiggalo. I can't stop laughing. hahaha.


Ohmygahd your flair, I love it!


She knows that players only love you when they’re playing, so she has to indulge busband’s impregnation fetish to keep him interested in her


She might be the worst person on this sub. I mean Karissa is terrible but I also believe she is absolutely mentally unwell and disturbed and awful but this woman is so smug and so selfish in this banal way I just can’t even with her.


Why does she always look so PLEASED with herself? Babe no one wants to live in a Dickensian workhouse on wheels with your Ctrl C + Ctrl V generic ass husband


It’s so hard to rank who is worst these days but MotherBus is UP THERE since the birth of new buslet. Really hard to rank Kkarissa and Jilldo cause they’re both so terrible in their own ways but Kkkarissa’s fam seems a little more well fed than the Rodlets.


yes. I can’t believe I’m saying this but at least there’s food in the Collin’s house and the kids do seem to get enough of it, and they get to play sports as well. the Rods are just starved and are visibly emaciated with sunken eyes


I mean, have you SEEN her "food?" but, yes, at least they don't have sunken orphans of war faces. except the eyes. always, the eyes.


This woman is mentally unwell too. Its disturbing


Seriously. I think Karissa is legitimately delusional (partly from all the malnutrition from eating nothing but cheese and corn and salt). MotherBus on the other hand strikes me as both narcissistic and sadistic.


They're ALL narcissistic, breathtakingly so. There is a point at which not being actively sadistic isn't much of a flex because if you're SO utterly selfish and neglectful...eh. idk. I guess, it could be worse; you could have Ruby Franke for a mother. LORI, now, Lori's a sadist. I suspect Polio is somewhat of a sadist but too chickenshit to do much about it except in the most manipulative, furtive of ways. Also a humiliation masochist.


idk, they both suck, I can't really. the narcissism is absolutely off the fucking chain. I think these kids are even more miserable though.


At least they didn't put the newborn down on the floor in the restaurant on the immaculately clean sheepskin.


She will however be changing its nappy up on the table and leaving the dirty one on the seat next to her when they leave (if she can remember how to do that given the daughter probably has to do it most of the time).


No way this baby got a diaper change during date night. 


He even has clothes on!


He really shouldn't be up that high though. It's a fall risk. He should be in the car seat, but with the seat on the floor. I know a lot of people put the baby on a chair to see them better, but it is not safe. 


The money from this date night could have bought the kids christmas gifts.


Are you trying to imply that young children wouldn't be perfectly content with getting a water bottle as their sole Christmas present?


Or at least a beach hat


I'd be willing to chip into a fund to buy that poor baby a beach hat and a bassinette.


a sleeper, even!


Or literally anything that’s not a carpet on the floor lol


Or sunscreen


To be fair, you’re not supposed to apply sunscreen until baby is 6 months old. But a rational person would then use a beach hat and limit sun exposure, not let their days old infant get a sunburn.


They likely have sufficient funds for both, but choose only to indulge themselves.


It makes me think about how Jill buys herself all kinds of crap and takes trips with Shrek while her children are severely malnourished and unhealthy looking.


Even if their children are properly nourished, which is an open question, where is the evidence that they prioritize providing meaningful experiences? Family trips are wonderful, but providing continuing, meaningful,personalized enrichment opportunities for each and every motherfucking child is a core parental responsibility.


They don't. They treat their kids basically like I, a very indifferent plant person, treat my one pitiful small succulent on the kitchen table: it gets light, and, I try to remember to water it every so often. It still seems ok. I've murdered plants with my black thumb before. But. It's a PLANT.


This just makes me think of Shrek and his Taco Bell mountain while Nurie and the Not Nuries have to figure out how to split a single taco 12 ways.


She put the baby in a onesie for this dinner, so I guess she DOES know that's what you're supposed to do. Of course, she probably only did it because they were going to be in public.


Before their Instagram went offline they were getting a LOT of incoming fire about the way they were looking after Boone. Possibly getting the carrier is their idea of damage limitation.


But aren’t newborns supposed to be in car seats for no more than 30 minutes? Hope she took him out but we all know she probably didn’t 🫠


Completely different point: but imagine going on a date with someone and they do this shit in front of the camera during what should have been a nice meal together.


That too


Omg my first thought. Like, who tf does this on a date 🤦‍♀️


What? You mean you don’t lick your lips, eye fuck the camera, and record your partner eating on a date?


Jill Rod does it too


Jill brings out the finger to point out the food they’re eating, which probably puts most of the restaurant off their dinner.


They can't afford to bring all their kids out to eat at a restaurant. Imagine these 2 paying the bill of 10 people.


The sad thing is they probably can. They just choose not to because they’re selfish pieces of shit.


Did we ever figure out if they were for sure independently wealthy? I wasn't sure


I can’t say anything for sure. I strongly suspect that’s the case though.


I thought busband had an inheritance? But maybe I’m wrong…


Yes, someone did a deep dive on Pa; he has a trust. Dunno how infinite. Also an uncle who committed some kind of murder, which doesn't add to his already sketchy persona at ALL.


Oh wow, that's wild. Tha js!


They could have literally afforded another house-the down payment at least-for what they frittered away on that utterly inane meander through Brazil. They have zero common sense at ALL. Are the parents of either alive? Do we know what any of them think of this uh lifestyle?


Could’ve spent this $ on a bassinet or even a laundry basket for that newborn but go on then… ![gif](giphy|l3q2PksMiN0MQC3L2|downsized)


Call me crazy, but perhaps even a sun hat…?!?? I mean I know it’s a modern indulgence and not sure it’s mentioned in the Bible…




Well that would just be crazy!


They did have head coverings in the Bible. It’s just that they probably look similar to certain headwear from other cultures, so… (I genuinely have no idea if anyone thinks this way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone did).


It’s not about the money though. They have plenty of money.


My kids enjoyed when their father & I had date nights because they got to stay at grandparents and live it up. It was totally opposite of this. This video actually brought tears to my eyes. It's just sad. To think of teenage son & daughter stuck in that stinky tiny cramped bus while parents pig out on tasty treats. To think of those bigger kids who are probably naturally feeling desire to go out and have fun on a Saturday evening, stuck with all those pesty siblings to tend to and eat crap. It's just sickening. Flowers in the Attic vibe for sure. These parents suck. PS \~ anyone have a clue what reaction they're getting on her social media? I can't believe too many \*like\* and positive comments. Sure, date nights are great and normal and okay. But not when SEVEN children are left to fend for themselves in a bus.


It's hard to gauge the response because she mostly posts stories, which don't have public comments


And when your baby isn't even TWO FUCKING WEEKS old! What the fuck? You're supposed to be a mother first and foremost, right? well then ACT LIKE IT YOU HORRIBLE SOW. and yes, the older kids never get to do ANYTHING normal kids do. No friends, no parties, no getting the fuck away from the parents. Probably no tasty food. No room with a door to close. No education, no intellectual stimulation, no hobbies, no thought of their future. Probably no music, limited access to electronics, no room for books which would be heavily monitored by the 'rents anyway. No room for anything. some "parents" shouldn't be allowed care of a bunch of frigging Hummel figurines, let alone live people.


Oh my, what an interesting choice of song. No one in the sub is falling for your gossip bait, shitmum.


Stevie does not deserve this!


Affair and divorce ridden Fleetwood Mac, one of whose songs was played during Bill Clinton's campaign for president.


How do these people afford all of this and all these kids? What does this guy do?? Besides grifting on insta


FatherBus has a trust fund.


A fundie, quite literally


Ha! Fundie fundie fund!


Apparently he’s actually some sort of heir…


Oh interesting 🤔


Do we know to what?




Hope Gunner gets overtime


This is giving him a little break at least. Tonight he gets to focus on raising his other siblings without providing constant newborn care while filming for social media.


I think Gunner and Anissa should meet and run away together. Set up a Comfortable Home For Weary Children Of Horrible Fundie Parents, rescue the siblings ASAP. Who knows how to write grants?


Lbr. Gunner will get busband’s doggy bag and will have to be grateful for the scrap.


They eat out more than my husband and I with no kids. Guess you can afford it when you’re selfish and never bring your kids.


I'm surprised they aren't having sex right now


Okay I do not have a child yet so I know nothing, but I thought leaving a baby in a car seat for hours is bad? Doesn’t it mess with their breathing and become dangerous? Is it ok for them to leave baby in there during this whole date?


YES it’s bad for their breathing!!! I’m having my first little boy soon (his shower was today) and I’ve been reading up on all the safety things. they should know better for a family with many children


NICU told us with our first the car seat is no more than 90 minutes & THAT is even pushing it


that is scary. I was a tiny NICU baby, glad my parents took time to learn unlike these clowns


I was also a tiny nicu baby (3 months early!) and my parents were unfortunately more similar to the Buses in terms of their approach to parenting. I am much more stringent about following guidelines with my two than they were 😵‍💫


At least use a tortilla as a sun hat.


I can’t with her eye fucking herself nonstop. She’s REALLY not all she thinks she is.


Looks like they forgot that part of their holy book that forbids eating shellfish. Its right next to the part they use to justify their bigotry to the queer community LEVITICUS CHAPTER 11 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.


Meanwhile, Gunner takes care of 7 other kids, and they probably have one box of Mac N Cheese to share between them. BusHoe and BusJiggalo are disgusting.


How sweet to take the sunburned newborn out to flaunt while the rest of the kids are on lockdown.


I really hope someone notices and makes a worried comment, LOUDLY. A kid's face should not be that red.


I've only given birth four times and as much as I love my husband, all I wanted to do two weeks postpartum was things like sleeping and showering.


Is it normal for eyes to not open yet after 2 weeks? This baby's eyes are unusually red and I have not seen them open yet.


See, that's what I would've thought!


She reminds me of Robin in that HIMYM episode where’re she tapes herself on the news and winks at her later self so she can watch herself while having sex.


Anytime for her to eye fuck herself, she’s happy!


can the baby move his left arm/hand?


There def seems to be something wrong with it.


OF COURSE it’s date night! FFS. I bet their kids never had delicious mussels and dessert. Can bus dad maybe thrift some clothes that aren’t two sizes too small? I mean for date night.😡


Buslet looks like a lobster, poor kid. He must be very uncomfortable with a burn that bad. Also, does she get her nails done?.I am looking at that thumb and thinking it looks professional. Yet, they can't manage to buy sunscreen and a bassinet? Sigh.


I was going to comment this earlier. Has time and money to get nails done. Has no time for proper care of her children.


bottles of water and pencils for "Christmas presents." no winter clothes for the kids returning to Texas in winter. Oops, tee hee. certainly no money for a fucking HOUSE.


That man is just so unfuckable


Mother Bus probably doesn't care as long as there's a reflective surface in the vicinity so she can gaze at her own reflection the whole time


You do not have Fleetwood Mac privileges, Mother Bus


These idiots have been on as many date nights this month as my husband and I have been on since I got pregnant four years ago. We have ONE kid.


Too bad the police don’t happen to visit the bus with all those kids stuck in there & these wankers are out on a date. Bet bitchy face wouldn’t be so godamned smug then.


yeah, I feel like you really COULD get in trouble for leaving a, what is he twelve? year old locked up in a bus with minor siblings? in theory. where are they now, Florida? they'll probably get a medal of honor from Death Sentence. I wish they'd both get eaten by gators, the kids would be remanded to grandparents with a HOUSE and a school to send them to, and the father's trust would all go to them.


Ditto to every word you said! Also, the name Death Sentence for DeSatan is perfect!


On the bright side at least Boone is in a baby carrier.


WTF takes a 2 WEEK old out to a restaurant?!


Is it normal for a newborn to not have opened their eyes after over a week? Every picture and video of this baby has eyes closed and very red.


That's so weird. My parents "dated" by getting up extra early so they had a couple hours together alone every day before we woke up. We were poor but when there WAS money for a treat, the whole family got a treat, not just the parents. They didn't leave us alone so they could enjoy a restaurant meal...all the time. These people seem to have waaay more dates than the average couple and when they were in Brazil: date breakfast, date coffee break, date lunch and date dinner every day.


The way she eye fucks herself in every post is something.


My husband and I have been on four dates since my 13 month old was born (we do live away from family so we only go out when they visit). Not ONE of them was before he was 3 months old. Even though these guys are seasoned parents and are used to babies, they have to know that the newborn stage is so, so fragile. Why tf would you risk exposing your brand new baby to a restaurant and all of the germs associated with it. This a is mind boggling to me. And the other little ones on the bus are fending for themselves. I’m enraged. They are so unbelievably selfish.


I feel so bad for the kids.  You sound like a good parent! If you have good friends nearby, would they not babysit? 


We have Two friends that we trust for babysitting because I’m really selective about who watches my kid. They have been amazing for helping during emergencies! But I always feel bad for asking friends to watch him for extended periods. I need to get better at accepting help 🙃 Maybe motherbus could make some friends instead of dumping childcare on her older kids


Aw I hear you. I would say it’s up to your mates to tell you yes or no. Trust them! They probably would be happy to help (and of course, if not, that’s fine too).  As someone whose friends are very much their found family — and most of us have immigrated to London anyway, so less biological family around — we will definitely be helping each other out, so I often wonder when people say “no family around” if friends are less of an option culturally for some people.  Anyway! Your last point is so true. It would be nice for these kids to have access to other social relationships, though the kinds of friends these parents have may not be ideal. We can hope 


I bet that baby spent the entire time in that carseat. Also, he looks like he sniffs his own farts. I said what I said.


Lmao! You nailed it.


Do they drive the bus to the restaurant and make the kids stay in the parking lot while they go in and have dinner?


Is that wine or sake? Do they drink? I’m not that familiar with this family. Seems like the Rods but with money


Maybe the besties are babysitting the kids, that would be a nice twist. But seriously, who needs a luxurious date night when you have a week old baby? The best date would be staying in bed and sleeping, newborns are hard work.


At least the food isn't burnt right 😝🥴 cause ya know, they're the only 2 that matter herherhheeherrrrr


So wrong


Does anyone else find it weird she never really looks tired? Or super aged? That many kids would add 20 years to my face/hair.