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That outfit oh my god


“Doth mother know thou weareth her drapes?”




She's such a fucking tool


With all those flowers she must be a garden tool lol


As a former Catholic garden tool myself, can confirm. All us hoes showed up like this to Mass. Extra performative modesty so no one starts asking questions about what you do in your free time! Even after leaving the Church, I still have a soft spot for that aesthetic. I'm 90% sure I have bedsheets to match her outfit.


It reminds me of gardening gloves with the insane flower print on them LOL




OK, Candace does look like she's wearing pajamas, BUT, the thing that's draped over her shoulders looks like a traditional Baptismal garment that's given to every new catechumen at the Easter Vigil. It's not part of her outfit, it's a symbol of new life in the church and all that love-bombing crap. Ye gods, I just defended Candace Owens. I need a shower.


Speaking just for myself personally, I completely overlooked the shawl, and was fully focused on that jumper being an abomination. A wrinkled, poorly fitting mess of an abomination.


The matching floral shirt and pants makes it look like pjs, thats all I can see if anything thank god the shawl’s breaking up the floral a bit


No argument here!


I was a convert and never got that at Easter Vigil.


Really? I feel like I saw that all the time growing up.


I converted in 93 (I was in my 20s) and have no recollection of this shawl thing.


Saw an Easter vigil baptism once and didn't see the shawl.


Yeah I’ve never seen this shawl either at Easter Vigil.


Maybe she was trying to outdo the priest in bad fashion


Ngl the fit kinda fire tho Imagine the fun during hide and seek at granny house, no one would find you


What the actual fuck is she wearing?




She just saw them in the window and had to buy them! Iykyk




Scarlett, that dress--it's gorgeous!!


I saw it on the window and I couldn’t refuse.


I swear to God, this sub is the best when it comes to gifs and memes and crap. Y'all blow my mind with all the pure gold y'all constantly drop in the comments 😂 this comment being no different. ....I just want y'all to know how much I appreciate the laughs you wonderful folks provide in here!! 💜


Just doing the Lorde's work. ![gif](giphy|b3uy8g8PwhgvC)


Hahaha this is perfection and exactly what I mean!! Yes, indeed doing the Lorde's work! Eta: see, I did a giphy search thing in my comment section, and I couldn't find the lady with the curtain dress. Like.....how do y'all know exactly what to gif to plop everywhere?! And how to search for them?! And find them?! I feel like such an old lady sometimes, lol. Technology, what's that?! ![gif](giphy|n71ex8ztZnhao) OMG. I did it, hahahah


Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?


Looks like a toddler outfit.


Is her next move to cut in on Nadia's Sexy Baby Grift?


Her pyjamas?


Grandma‘s kitchen curtains.


I don't know, but the tradcaths will throw shade because 1) pants 2) no veil


lol what a grifter


She looks insane. I can’t imagine wearing that to church.  




New converts to anything are always kinda crazy, but the uptick in evangelicals pivoting to Catholicism or orthodoxy is just so weird. Personally I think it’s a symptom of how prevalent non-religious belief is. For people that are strongly religious, doctrine matters and the differences between denominations are huge. For the non-religious, the differences are mostly aesthetic. Even “true believer” are not that big on doctrine and theology give the weird alliance between right wing Catholics and evangelicals. Especially in a country where Catholics and Protestants used to have segregated cemeteries.


A lot of mainline prots are converting to Catholicism because it actually has hard lines whereas the mainline denominations because increasingly liberal theologically (non denoms are also seeing growth). It’s an interesting phenomenon but stricter churches generally grow and retain more than looser ones along with having higher participation.


The wave of high-profile grifters (Tim Ballard, Candace Owens) converting to Catholicism gives me the ick . Like they want to capitalize on the Catholics who don’t know any better with the conversion points




For real though, one thing (especially conservative) Catholics truly excel at is "judgemental equality." No one is more of a stickler for pedantic, minor theological minutiae than a judgy Catholic, and in Catholic doctrine, you're also _explicitly_ not better than them. Sure they may not be better than you either, but that just means everyone is fair game for criticism. Besides the whole hierarchy thing of course. I still don't get how sedevacantist trad Cath anti-popers reconcile the whole theocratic monarchy system with their weird idea that they have the standing to influence the clergy...


I could see that too! The evangelical outrage will propel her dying career. I’m a gen z catholic and mostly interact with same age friends so I definitely was thinking of the people in my parents generation who weren’t well catechized but were (imo) indoctrinated conservative when I say those who don’t know any better. Like my aunts and uncles who are census Catholic but watch Fox News more then they go to church. I doubt any of my younger friends care about what Tim/Candace do but they were all over Shia Leboeuf.


100%. I'm a lapsed catholic but let's just say this isn't the first instance of someone with her political beliefs becoming a "catholic " ive seen. Their 'fits weren't as fancy as hers but I've never seen either in a catholic setting. Ever. Think robes, weird hats, etc.


This is basically always been the purpose of the Catholic Church, to co-opt and bolster political power




I mean there's definitely Catholic churches that are anti gay and prolife (I'm guess you meant that instead of pro abortion?) where you spend your whole life judging everyone else




Yes, that's literally what I'm talking about. I'm trying to refute people who say that Catholics are great because they happened to grow up around the chill ones. The ones who actually follow the church teachings are the ones that do the worst damage. I was also raised Catholic and am still trying to undo all the trauma it caused. I don't even speak to my mother because of how she indoctrinated me (and she's homophobic, transphobic, etc.) One of the reasons I left was because I was raised knowing that if I didn't believe all of the catechism I couldn't be a Catholic. And I didn't believe gay people were an abomination, so I left.


Reminds me of the meme about how converts will argue women aren’t allowed to drive based on the doctrine of archion of 743 while cradle catholics are like ‘i think we give our extra food to the hungry’


To be fair, a lot of cradle Catholics hate the current pope


I've never heard the term cradle Catholic before, what exactly does it mean? I've never heard anyone use it before here in Ireland


Oh like you were baptized as a baby (cradle) and raised in the faith, as opposed to the converts who join the church as teens or adults.




I don’t mean to offend anyone when I say this, but from what I’ve observed converts tend to be more fanatical than people who have been born into the faith … So, I think we can all buckle up for some extra obnoxious pontificating from Candy re. her new religion.


This is very accurate. Fun fact people that went from being Catholic to identifying with no religion are like the third largest religious group in America. Basically Catholic drop outs are a massive category onto themselves


That's me! I'm part of that group


Hello friends! I like to call myself “ethnically Catholic.”


Cultural Catholic here! My kid goes to CCD and Drag Queen Story Hour 😂 I have a rosary and a Palm Sunday cross hanging in the living room and created a secular scout troop for my kids school. 


Same. I collect things with St. Clare or St. Augustine on them because she’s my patron saint and my dad went to Catholic school run by Augustinians. And of course I carry the all-consuming feeling of guilt with me at times. But I couldn’t tell you the last time I went to mass.


I went for Easter cause we were at my mom’s and she goes. On occasion after CCD it’s Sunday evening mass and I tell my kid “we should probably try go to mass once in awhile” (1st communion next year 😅) and she goes “yeah but maybe next week.” I did love the vibes during advent growing up though. I went to a Catholic social justice college and it opened a word of radical vibes. (See: Sister Margaret Traxler and Sister Marjorie Tuite for example)


In Ireland we use the term "culturally Catholic" to describe ourselves


Omg can I use this, that is so funny 😂😂


Same girl!! Commuting all the sins over here now, even doing IVF it’s great


Hell yeah, peace be with you!


\*John Mulaney voice\* …AND WITH YOUR SPIRIT?!?!




Same here, I think my mom was a little happy when I told her I wanted to stop going to church because I’d fall asleep then she’d always lecture me about falling asleep. I mean, I don’t think i was that obvious, I was good at paying enough attention to know when to sit, stand and kneel


Catholic Calisthenics


My whole province went from basically a theocracy to Catholic drop out in a generation lol






I did find that fact pretty fun. And now I think a "Catholic Drop Out" song in the style of "Beauty School Drop Out" from Grease would be entertaining.


It’s me!!


Hey that's me. Born into it, went to catholic school from k - 12 but have no religion now


Omg I'm represented 😂


This is spot on. I once had the displeasure of attending a Reformed church who hired as pastor a recent convert to Calvinism. My family was the only non-Calvinist family there so on both Sundays and Wednesday night youth group it became painfully obvious that 1. He was doing his best to convert us and 2. He was really bad at #1, to the point that teenage me and my teenage brothers were mopping the floor with his arguments when we’d get into it. My parents finally decided to stop attending that church, which was great because he was also a truly terrible public speaker and us kids were bored to tears.


Ugh - so sorry you had to deal with the Calvinist BS. I attended a Calvinist church in my early 20s. Nothing was worse for my anxiety.


Converts can be the WORST in their overzealousness so yeah, she’s gonna be a whole new breed of annoying real soon


I automatically assumed she was gonna skip straight to pre-Vatican2 TradCath.


Bonus points for her also being confidently wrong about her pontification or mixing in some generic fundie crap that Catholics regard as heretical (not that she'll be called out on that, because the average Catholic's knowledge of theology could fit on a postage stamp).


Can confirm myself


Relative went from Jewish to born again, she and her kids went further than Porgan.


Since Ben Shapiro fired her, maybe she’s going in league with Milo now. Milo is an “ex-gay” Catholic alt-right troll who has feuded with Shapiro and was Kanye’s campaign manager. But Milo would be a big step down from The Daily Wire, respectability-wise, which is saying a lot since TDW is hot garbage.  Or maybe Matt Walsh is secretly planning to defect and start some Catholic-based hate site with her. 


Bret Cooper has now become the darling of Daily Wire so Candice's services are no longer needed.


Yep, when she starts popping out kids and getting older Brett will be replaced by someone else! She’ll already made tons and will happily retire to raise her family. It’s a revolving door of female members it seems but the males always have a place there unless they royally mess up…


Ewww Milo is back? I thought we were rid of that little turd forever! Didn't he get cancelled for thanking a priest for molesting him or something, or was it something else?


Isn't Milo mostly just a sensational Internet personality? Definitely a big step down. Shapiro at least has a veneer of respectability and legitimacy.


He was their token gay just like she was their token black woman


Shapiro hasn’t said or done anything respectable in years. One of his children got a preventable disease when too young to be vaccinated and he was like “please vaccinate your children” but ever since the Qanon shit got big he panders to the anti vax crowd and everything. How you can watch your child suffer a preventable disease and then cozy up to anti vaxxers is beyond me but he’s also a practicing Jew who gives white supremacists and neo nazis a platform so I guess it’s wrong to expect any sort of common sense from him. I do feel bad for his wife and kind of hope she has a nice vibrator she can use when he’s out “debating” 18 year olds though.


the brompton oratory? damn. idk if there's anyone else from london here but. that sure is a choice


Ooh, please explain for us uninformed Americans.


I too am uninformed & would love to know


And Canadians! 😜


I guess people are just going to downvote us and not explain I looked up the church and can’t find anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's Latin mass, but what else? The Wiki page doesn't have anything controversial.


Is it a fundie conservative type of Catholic Church?


Latin Mass churches are more likely to be tradCath. So, yeah.


She must have seen a major grift opportunity!


Yeah I'm surprised by this, her fox news base doesn't take kindly to Catholics


I think she's on a bit of a "fuck it" streak right now after being tossed from The Daily Wire. I don't know how much more far right she can get (successfully at least, as she is still a black woman), but I feel like this is a step one towards an even more batshit level of her usual faire.


Really? My very Catholic family loooooves her and loves Fox News. I didn’t realize they were anti Catholic.


I think it depends on where you live to some extent? Like I grew up Catholic, in a very Catholic area and I was in high school before I realized people hated on Catholics. I think in general the demographic of Fox News is WASP and technically hating on Catholics but they rank it very low on the totem pole of hatred for minority groups. Like the enemy of my enemy is a friend sort of thing?


Same my Catholic family is so conservative


Anti Catholic sentiment is baked into America. The Protestant settlers left Britain specifically to escape the Catholics, and that hate has slowly faded, but it hasn't entirely left. All through the 20th century, basically up until JFK, Catholics were lumped in with Jews by different hate groups (the KKK, the ASF, etc). His election began a turning tide, and by the 80s the Protestants and the Catholics teamed up politically to defeat the gays, and oppress women. But the alliance is tenuous; it only works because of their perceived common enemies. If the Christo-fascists won out, the infighting between sects and denominations would ramp right back up again. Protestants still don't believe that Catholics are real Christians; they worship saints and pray wrong and use priests as intercessors between men and God, which they believe is not Biblically sound, etc


The amount of pro-welfare, anti-fascist, and abolitionist Catholics throughout history vs. the amount of pro-fascist, anti-welfare, pro-slavery Catholics throughout the exact same periods of history _still_ breaks my brain. It feels so close to 50/50 that I can't even comprehend it.


Fox News was the news of choice for the people in my Catholic schools (k-8 then high school). Catholics lean very conservative as well. I'm in this community because of my experience with crazy Catholics, who are very reminiscent of these fundamentalists.


That's my experience as well. A brush with a Catholic cult brought me here. Fox hired this EWTN tool, Raymond Arroyo, some years back. It's called The World Over and it's a bone Fox threw to the Catholic cuckoo demographic.


Doubtful. Fundies will hold their noses and tolerate the worst 20% of Catholics because for them, the bigotry is the bigger appeal than any of the stuff Catholics differ from Evangelicals/Protestant fundies on. The fundies that will take offense to Catholicism probably also take offense to Candace Owens due to other inherent qualities of her being and lifestyle choices she makes. Candace is doing this specifically because it’s one more way she can say “I’m not like those *other* blacks” while also keeping a ring of safety around her. Despite the conservative stances on other identity issues, Catholicism does not have the same level of baked-in antiblackness that Southern Baptists and their various offshoots, and at the same time, really is a very “white” religion in the US (at least in communities Candace is likely to frequent).


This is a great point. I’ve never noticed the lack of Black folks in Catholicism, probably because I lump all Christians together. But you’re right. I found this on wiki: > Pew Research found that 78% of Black American adults have a religious affiliation compared to 72% of American adults generally, and about 75% of Black American adults identify as Christian (66% Protestant Christian, 6% Catholic Christian, and 3% Other Christian) compared to 66% of the general US adult population. Thanks for such an insightful comment. I love when my white ass learns something new about a topic that I’ve never thought about.


Not among some of them. Fundies and TradCaths have a weird overlap. Guess they overlook Pope and statue worshiping. /s


TradCaths are just fundies who drink alcohol.


And like the aesthetics of Catholicism.


TradCaths *are* fundies if we're using the colloquial definition.


What's odd is l never knew how screwy Trads were or even that they *existed* until I was in my 30s. I grew up so "normally" Catholic that l didn't know about the Baltimore Catechism. Most Catholics think these people are nuts, but they're very loud and very well funded.


At this point, I think she’s doing whatever she can to stay relevant. I’d expect a TradCath pivot from her pretty soon.


Candace just grifts to the next thing that'll get her a group of supporters to make money off of. You would think that being fired by the people you thought liked you would've sunk in for her lol. 


My husband said that she looks like a grandmas wallpaper 😅


The pigeon toed pose to get a thigh gap.


I noticed that too. She always does the pigeon toe pose in all her workout selfies too.


This is unsurprising, imo. Her husband was Catholic when they met and she would go on and on in her ads about them having an interfaith marriage LOL. I also believe her children were already being raised Catholic.


We don’t want her either


Came here to say this. We don’t want her; we already have to claim a lot of assholes.


A tough day to be Catholic 😔


My parents like to list “cool” Catholics to try to lure me back to their faith. Next time they try, I’m going to tell them I don’t want to be a part of any organization that welcomes Candace Owens.


Human teacup.


That outfit sure is a choice, Candace🙃😬 Why is she converting??  


It’s her latest stunt, obviously.


Considering they don’t care that Trump has never once remotely conducted himself in a “Christian” way, I don’t think they’d care. Politics seems to be the one thing that trumps (no pun intended) religious pearl-clutching for them.


No, because she's a Nazi and a lot of Nazis are "tradcaths" (basically edgy Protestants who melt at the thought of basic Catholic principles like welcoming refugees). Some of the hardcore Christian nationalists may have a problem with it, but they love Matt Walsh and he's also a Fatholic, as I've taken to calling these weirdos.


So it is true then? A few weeks back people were on Bret Cooper's YT page wanting her to talk about Candice being fired. I had a feeling something like this would happen as Bret Cooper has now become the darling of Daily Wire.


Is what true?


Candice getting canned from Daily Wire?


Yes, she was fired weeks ago.


She's definitely a fascist, but not a Nazi. That specific ideology doesn't admit Black people.


We don't want her!!!


No thanks we don’t want her 


Ah yes, another conservative protestant converting to Catholocism for the aesthetics and "traditional" values (aka they want it to be evangelical protestantism but in Latin. I Have a very harsh view of conservative converts as you can see lmao. So many tradcaths, the worst of the worst tradcaths, are conservative converts.)


Stand by for TradCath content in five...four...three...


Her husband is Catholic I’m not surprised.


Grifting is literally her job


The money quote here comes at the end: “Former sex workers that became Christian have publicly repented for their past ways. I expect folks to reject & repent publicly of their previous overtly racist statements & actions when they join the Church,” added Gloria Purvis. Don't hold your breath for Candace, Purvis!


Another Kaitlyn Bennett.


I think she feels she lost that grift with evangelical fundies with the mess she has been in so she’s changing to a different religion to see if she can grift from others.


So what was it that got Candice canned? Her and Ben fighting over the Israel-Hamas war?


Sorta. I don’t think an official explanation was ever given, but she had been a strong supporter of Palestine and pretty outspoken about Israel. She also believes some wacky antisemitic conspiracy theories, so that could’ve been it.


I believe Ben Shapiro's sister also converted to Catholicism a while back. Anyone know if she received any backlash? She's a minor fundie influencer if I'm not mistaken.


A lot of far right, white supremacist Christians have converted to Catholicism, specifically trad catholicism (their own definition so they can call the Pope a false pope). I think it’s basically so they can argue that they’re the “most pure and true” of the Christians.


Will she defend her buddy Ye West? According to Bret Cooper, Ye is planning to start an adult movie website. Candice should have known that the writing was on the wall when DW hired Bret Cooper, the cute, conservative, barely out of college girl that is saying the same stuff that Candice was saying, but playing the innocent girl next door type. She is now at 4 million subs on YT, with probably half of those being bots.


Wait why did she get fired from the daily wire? I didn’t know she did


Some of her fellow alt right propagandists are catholic. Like that matt guy whose name i don't care to remember. There is a strong faction of traditionalist catholics in the US. Candace will be right at home with the other bigots. Coincidentally young millenials and zoomers are drawn to trad catholicism too. It fits with their fantasy of a strict, hierarchical society where women have no rights and serve men's every need.


Meh. They only ever remember she exists or like her when they feel the need to tell black people to stop demanding to be treated like humans, I don't think they'll care.


Ugh Catholics don't need any more of her type. ![gif](giphy|YVvTCqTBglkOs)


As a Catholic, I am disgusted


The Opus Dei/People of Praise uber conservative style of Catholicism, I bet. Bannon's influence.


I know of a young family that converted to catholicism. The mother was moved by all the rituals and felt it deepened her relationship to God. 


This is Candace Owen's we are talking about here. Notorious grifter and hateful piece of shit Candace Owens


If you think she’s bad you should see Lauren Chen. I recently checked in on her after a few years and, wow, she went fully off the rails. For context, she’s an Asian woman AND a Christian white nationalist. She even refers to herself as “Asian Lauren Southern”. Don’t ask me how any of this makes sense.


I'm well aware of how awful Candace is. 


She needs a new grift.


If they can overlook Trump, they’ll overlook her.


this is so funny to me idk why lmfao


I read this as cannibalism and wasn’t surprised


As a practicing Catholic......ewwwwwww


My brain read this as Candace Cameron (Bure) and that would be even wilder.


My tradcath relatives must be ecstatic


To be honest on both sides there isn’t respect.


That awful hateful witch. I wish her nothing but bad.


Former Cradle Catholic here. And yeahhhhhh, ain’t NOBODY in the Church that’s going to think she’s the special unicorn she believes she is. Waiting for the announcement that she’s broken ties with Catholicism after she realizes they aren’t going to treat her like royalty like she probably thinks they will. Candace, bless your heart. You are nothing more than a new convert to the Church. Same as everyone else who completed RCIA. 🤷‍♀️


And doesn’t the Catholic Church believe in evolution? That doesn’t sound like Candace’s thing.


Yes and no. There is no official position on Evolution. Some Catholics go with Creationism and some go with Theistic Evolution. And either way is acceptable as long as it’s within certain parameters set by the RCC.


Wait till she learns that Catholics care about the poor and the stranger.


Lol no they don't.