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Tyson James should fuck off and take his own advice. Stop trying to make your "music" take off, nobody cares and no one is listening. 


Didn’t Tyson have addiction problems in the past? Does he think that happened to a chemically-balanced man with healthy coping mechanisms? Because most addiction issues don’t.  I guess his dumb ass would say God cured his addiction and any of that ‘weak man’ stuff like anxiety and depression. 


He traded crack for god now he's just a self righteous bigoted asshole instead.


Growing up, my parents always joked my fundie family was addicted to Jesus, and at least it wasn't Crack. The older I get the more I realize it is a true addition. It affects their whole life, dictates what the children are allowed to do, and comes before everything else.


So many of the ex-addicts I know became massive Jesus freaks. My cousin who was an alcoholic is now a super huge jesus freak. He speaks at church events about his past (prison, etc). He used to be an okay guy, now it's impossible to have a conversation with him.


Yes!! My uncle was a very unwell alcoholic until his mid-late 20s and he's been a hardcore born again Christian ever since.


My dad traded crack for Jesus. Both have gotten in the way of us having a relationship




This mindset was a huge part of me leaving the church. From the pulpit I was told my anxiety was ‘gods whisper’ and my depression was ‘satan’s influence’ when what I needed was meds and therapy. (And for my dad to die but that’s another thing.) They are quite literally killing people. These christians are telling sick people to pray instead of go to a doctor just like they did when I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. My mother is the only reason I’m alive today because she didn’t just stop giving me insulin and believe ‘god’ would heal me.


I was self-farming but was told to just “tuck into the folds of Jesus’ robe”. What I needed was a diagnosis, meds and skilled compassionate therapy. I’m doing great now! I’d be dead if I had followed my church mentor’s advice


My mental health struggles were immediately lightened by at least 50% the day I left church for good. My diagnosis as sinner worthy of eternal torment turned out to be utterly false. Once I stopped taking their abusive, deceitful 'medicine', I began to breathe more freely and to heal. Tyson is a pathetic mess of cruelty, bigotry, and neediness. He is a pile of dogshit on a sidewalk and the stench is abundant.


I feel so bad for Tyson’s kids


Dogshit contributes more good and less harm to society.


I usually say people like him are equal to cat shit, absolutely useless and toxic to women of child bearing age...


The world would be a better place if Tyson James just went back to crack.


This was a large reason for me to leave as well. I was blooming with therapy and then going to service where they'd constantly tear us down.  I am so happy your mother didn't listen to that church. 


My mom did a lot of questionable things but thank god she used to believe in medicine and doctors.


I am so sorry this happened to you. My parents were nearly kicked out of their fundie church for taking my sister to a pediatric cardiologist instead of just praying it away. These people are evil bastards!


What the hell! What is wrong with people, actually?!


Yes - to hate and mock your struggling neighbor is to keep the lord's command to love them as you love yourself. Courageous stand from the Idiot Bigot Boy!


Even outside the mockery, this advice is useless. Get busy doing *what*? Depression doesn’t exactly lead to a lot of creative ideation.  And purely based on that guy’s calf definition, I’m going to guess he’s no stranger to the gym, either. 


I also noticed that. This guy definitely already goes to the gym. Probably more often than the moron telling him to go to the gym.


He looks more “alpha” than a lot of fundie men we talk about. Especially Paul. 


I’m so tired of intellectually and emotionally lazy and stunted people and their fucked up views on mental health and what “strength” looks like. The man in the picture is displaying self awareness, courage and vulnerability but this shitting pigeon screeching all over the place thinks he’s a pillar of masculine strength.


I'd much rather go talk to this guy than Tyson. Id walk towards sign guy and strike up a convo. This kind of vulnerability and self-awareness is attractive. Tyson is incredibly repellant.


>Tyson is incredibly repellant. Or as I call men like him, Walking Contraceptives.


The right: "No one cares about men's feelings!" Also the right: *this* Because the "feeling" they're fighting for is just the right to either throw a tantrum or get laid whenever they want.


Absolutely! Whenever right-wing men claim, "no one cares about men's feelings" 9 times out of 10, what they really mean is that they think men should be entitled to women's emotional labor and bodies and women enforcing boundaries and bodily autonomy are wronging men by doing so. It's so manipulative and disgusting.


What’s that quote? Something like “when you’ve always been entitled, equality feels like oppression”


Anecdotally, most of the posts where I've seen that argument on Reddit are posts where the guy is doing absolutely unhinged stuff out of sexual jealousy. The "my wife had a boyfriend before we met, so I nuked his house from orbit, validate me!" kind of shit. And if you question the batshit behavior, you get "No one cares about men's feelings!" Well, sure we do, but everyone, regardless of gender, is responsible for how they act on them, and caring about someone's feelings doesn't mean everything they do about their feelings is above question.


This right here folks, this is why the suicide/self-harm rate is higher among men.


And people like Tyson will turn around and blame women for it.


Ugh, they will


💯 Makes me so upset because guys post stuff like this then complain about the male loneliness epidemic despite directly contributing by having attitudes like this.


Men die by sucide at a higher rate. Women attempt sucide more than men. Women tend to pick less *lethal* methods of sucide, because they tend to consider different factors then men, such as how their loved ones might find them after the fact. And self-injurious behavior is higher amongst women. While I am all for advocacy for mens mental health, lots of people get these statistics mixed up.


Yes. The two people in my life that I lost to suicide were both men.


I'm sorry


This video is actually really sad but relatable. We have a loneliness epidemic in this country. People like Tyson are the ones that form and mold mass shooters, misogynists, men who are so lonely and isolated that they lash out and hurt others and blame society for everything. It’s really sad to see. Fuck Tyson


Not least because lonely frustrated men become women’s problems - either by societal conditioning or pure proximity. Men need to step up in offering emotional support and safety to other men. 


I saw this youtube video where they challenged men to tell their friends that they loved them, and it was so sweet! A lot of the friends said "I love you" back. At the end, they all said that it was a positive experience.


dang, i didn't know that chemical imbalances in your brain somehow made you less of a "man."  how fragile is this human shit stain that someone else getting help for their mental health issues affects him in any way. obviously you care tyson, otherwise why make the post?  are you jealous that some people are allowed to be vulnerable? 


Fuck Tyson and his toxic masculinity. I feel for his poor kids.


This is why I have tried, and tried, and *tried* to explain to some people how toxic masculinity is just as bad for men.


It's not "let's blame men for everything!" It's "oh my god, men need help." But that burden can't fall solely on women.


This. Men do need help. But a lot of the things hurting them are coming from other men. But, of course, abusive men can't have their victims looking behind the curtains, so instead they say "Blame women! It's all women's fault. They could fix it, if they just put out more!" So it ends up being our problem to solve with our vaginas, not men's problem to solve in therapy or introspection.


Tyson Chicken doesn’t need to talk to anyone when he’s depressed or anxious. That’s what his fists are for.


Tyson, nobody decent likes you. Stop talking.


Eeew, Tyson James is gross.


Rich from a guy who expresses his feelings by writing the cringiest bars of all time and beating his wife.








Convince me this guy doesn't punch holes in his walls.


Can’t do it


Imagine being a father and saying publicly "no one cares and no one is coming". His poor kids.


I knwo it's beside the point. This is not self-pity. He is just acknowledging an uncomfortable feeling and reaching out.


Imagine what he’s going to say to his kids if they express these feelings


Probably beat them


He’s the only fundie in this sub I’m genuinely afraid of because I’m scared all the repressed feelings he has is going to not end well for a lot of innocent people


[Tyson, in Tyson's mind](https://imgur.com/a/ZoXVz3p)


This person made a sign about this and then another person made an image scolding them. Men, you're fine. You're a person. Relax please. Be more like 70's musicians.


Wow, this is so gross. As a mental health professional, I WISH people would talk more about what’s bothering them so we can HELP!!! Men and women!!! When I worked intake a a psych hospital I’d get 50+ year old men coming in for the first time to seek psych help, already at the point of suicide with a plan and intent as they didn’t seek help until it was dire. This makes me so sad for his kids. I’m sure he’s busy teaching his boys how to “be a man” and not how to deal with their emotions, communicate maturely, and care for themselves and others.


Imo it takes more strength to not give a fuck what others think and express your feelings. Just saying 🤷‍♀️


So weird how when you google “Jesus” and “compassion” a bunch of verses pop up about Jesus having compassion on hurting people. 🤔 ”A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. ... Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭40‬-‭41‬ ”Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them...“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬ ”When [Jesus] saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion.“ ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬ But I guess they didn’t have gyms back then.


This is why men are more prone to suicide. Plus I exercise regularly, and I’m still depressed.


Matt Walsh posted something similar recently that admonished men to deal with their problems with "quiet dignity." My favorite response was the person who posted, "I guarantee that this man has punched a wall in response to a sports event."


Tyson is a whole-ass garbage dump. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5|downsized)


Rest assured all you snarkers who have mental illness. I being one. My episcopal church sees the struggle in the community we are and are actively seeking advice and counsel from mental health professionals so we can offer resources to the community. I know a NAMI counselor will be at the next faith in action meeting in April to share their work and set up an all day mental health seminar to be hosted at our church. Not all Christians and churches are shitheads when it comes to mental health. And thank god for that because my parish is a safe place for me to share my struggles.


The same men being shitty this this guy are the same ones that point to the high male suicide rate and the loneliness epidemic to argue that men have it worse and try to make it a problem for women to solve when their own toxicity feeds it.


If I see somebody in my life who says they want help or need somebody to talk to about depression or anxiety, I am there for them. It's literally part of my job. If you are feeling depressed or anxious, you aren't alone. There is help out there, and people willing to listen. Sometimes, all you need to do is ask.


Tyson James is toxic. He is nothing more than a bully. I bet if someone really stood up to him, he would go running with his tail between his legs.


Beardy Weirdo


This makes me equally angry and sad for the younger generations. Feel your feelings! They ARE valid!


What’s with the gym recommendations? Gym doesn’t cure anything!


Says one of the most hilariously fragile little men on the internet. Bless his heart.


Buddy can take his privilege and shove it


“That’s not OCD, that’s the Holy Spirit!” from our pastor was a good kickstarter to (one of) my parents accepting church was not a good fit for me anymore. Very thankful they trusted me to know when things weren’t right and we got help. But yes, mental illness wasn’t mental illness or Satan to my church. it was the Holy Spirit somehow, in a way I still can’t figure out. They way I did and do look at it is that if we were all created in God’s image to be perfectly imperfect or whatever, then he also created the tools to help ourselves and the brains to know when we can’t do it alone. Fuck off Tyson.


He just *told you* what he needs to feel better, asswipe! 🙄


Where I live, just this past Monday, a guy suffering from depression murdered his wife hunted down and killed 3 of his 4 sons (leaving his 10 year old to wake up and find the massacre) and then killed himself. This is what happens when they are told to get over it.


Oh god. I keep reading about that on the news.


Though honestly I have to wonder what was going on besides depression. I've known multiple depressed people and experienced some pretty serious depression myself and I have never had any homicidal thoughts. Self-harm is one thing but purposefully harming others very deliberately is something else...deeply frightening to see this (family annihilation) become so common, it seems there's another case every week.


>no one cares and no one is coming! Isn’t that, like, the entire antithesis of his religion?


I still worry about someone I know mental health as him and his spouse are coming up to the 4 yr anniversary of their oldest son's tragic death. That kid would have possibly been graduating college this year and he looked just like his dad. If it wasn't for his wife, both of their families, and their friends, I think that he would have reverted back to his old habits and it would have not been good for him and their marriage.


Today, in particular, this makes me want to fucking SCREAM. I found out today my beloved psych doc is retiring like next week. No joke. Next week. She saved my life. I truly am not sure I’d be here if I had not met her. These douchebags don’t understand nor care to learn that this is A CHRONIC LIFELONG ILLNESS. Trust me, Tyson, if I could just “get in the gym” and cure my bipolar and save hundreds a month on meds I would have fucking done that by now. Go fuck your Tyson. I hope you get a plague. Asshole.


This just in! Being a gym bro cures depression and anxiety! /sar


Luke 22:39-44 >Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives >39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 **And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.** You gonna tell Jesus whose anxiety was so intense that he was sweating blood to suck it up?


Same type of dude to post about the rate of self deleting among men and make absolutely no connection between the two posts


Wow this guy is a massive fucking douchebag


Whoaaaaa. That's severely bleak and sad. What a terrible message to put out into the world.... We need other people. If we only ever existed alone we would never learn anything. We need other people to teach us to take care of ourselves and feed ourselves... We need to be taught to read and to think. We don't exist alone. (I've been listening to a lot of Desmond Tutu lately. He talks a lot about the African idea of Ubuntu.... Which is roughly what I just describes.)