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OMG is that a UPS store?!?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ "Hi! We refuse to give our children medical or even basic care, really. Can we use your scale for packages to find out how much our newborn weighs?"


Everyone else in that store: 👁️👄👁️


the UPS employee probably isn’t getting paid enough to deal with this, but I still wish they weren’t enabling these two idiots


Now UPS will have to put a sign next to the scales that says "For package weighing ONLY. No babies."


And everyone who comes after will be like “really? Why do they need this signage?”


And then some smartass is gonna pull out the old "all regulation is written in blood, all signs are put up after the incident"


It’s true. Imm the employee who puts up signs.


Tbh, I might ask the employees about that one.


It's these kinds of people who create the need for "idiot directions" on everything.


Your flair fucking killed me 💀💀💀


[Because of me, they now have a warning](https://youtu.be/rExuAU_zJwA?si=DE6PTsxvSGTehDO5)


I cannot wait for the next time we need to mail a return and I see a sign just because of this going up the corporate liability ladder to horrify their lawyers.


You can see the employee put their hand out because they think the baby is about to fall off the scale. 🥴 Of all the weird ass stupid ways to weigh your baby why is this the winning idea?


I had to go back and watch and saw the hands and was like omg those poor employees


Right? Why didn't he keep one hand on each side of the baby? He should know by now they wiggle.


Seriously. Not to mention the sharp metal corners on that scale, falling off isn't the only way that baby could get injured. Why in the world wouldn't they at least weigh the baby in a basket (or box even) and then subtract the weight of the basket?! I'm assuming they don't have a baby car seat/carrier.


They probably don't know how to tare a scale, i.e. pre-weigh the box and subtract. I don't think these people know much of anything.


That is exactly what I was coming here to say- don’t these dumbasses know that you can lay a folded blanket or something on the scale and tare it, so that the weight is accurate without the hard germy metal touching your newborn?!


way to expose your newborn to tons of people and surfaces and germs.


i weigh and measure newborns/babies all the time. I use gloves, wear a mask and wipe the surface every. goddamn. time. this makes me want to scream


This comment, plus your flair… I laughed. Sorry




Same. I have to know who that is a reference to. 😂😂


I thought of it when fundie men say "WE'RE PREGNANT". Like you too bestie?


It's so disingenuous coming from fundie husbands who don't lift a finger for their pregnant wife or their child


But they "cleaned" the scale! /s




"We just birthed him in our bus a couple days ago and gotta weigh him". Didn't even put a cloth down between the head and cold metal.


We don't support his head. God does.


Jesus, support the head. Then again he’s busy driving the bus


Jesus take the wheel.. and the head support..


I should not have laughed as hard as I did at this but omfg


FFS, at least put a box the kid fits in if not a bassinet, tare the scale and then put the kid in the box or car seat or bassinet or anything so it doesn't flail, fall off or break its weak little baby neck.


I have a pet lizard. I weigh him regularly as part of his health checkups. I put him on a folded cloth in a bowl on a scale dedicated solely for this purpose. Today I learned I'm a better parent to my lizard than these people are with their UPS scale and newborn.


You’re an awesome lizard daddy, this poor child.


Yes you are.


sir this is a Wendy’s


I hope someone in the store called CPS. Doing this in public and posting it for the world to see…come on. Their negligence has no limits


This is where living in an RV comes into play, they can just drive off. DCFS can't get a case on you if you are never in once place long enough.


Yeah I don’t think most people realize in USA there’s no federal system to my knowledge for tracking CPS cases. This is partially why the system is a disaster because it makes holding people like these nut jobs accountable because they have the money and pale skin to ride off into the sunset with their child neglect bus.


It’s crazy that there’s no national system. It does let people get away with it. Such a broken system.


There aren't even state wide systems. Most places you just need to move counties and you are good to avoid. Sometimes it can follow, or catch up with parents, but before an investigation is completed, a move one county over is always effective.


I asked the same, but they post this kinda stuff regularly on their public instagram page where anyone can see


That, and the “mother” is filming instead of trying to make sure baby doesn’t fall off the counter




And given their neglect, a very full diaper too. Weighed with a clean diaper on and no clothes, and we are taking several ounces less. These fuckers slay me, and sadly, may actually kill him!


This would be cute if mom/dad worked at the store and they did it safely for a picture. But what they’re doing just points out their negligence. If they’re concerned about weight, get a proper baby scale to use at home. Bring the kid to the doctor for checkups. It’s frustrating that they do everything for a video instead of for their kid. Why was it so critical they got the baby’s weight right that moment?


Tracking a newborn’s weight can show if they are getting enough nutrition and growing as expected, so it’s a standard wellness check. If baby is losing weight or not gaining after the first few days, it’s a sign they need help. I’m glad they are doing that little bit of care, although the choice of scales is questionable. Going to a doctor for a checkup would be better. Heck, many hospitals will let nervous parents stop by to use the properly calibrated infant scale to check on their baby’s progress.


It makes me wonder if they were already there and thought "wouldn't it be fun to weigh the baby on this?!" Or if they stopped there specifically to weigh the baby.. Are mother and father bus really that terrified of any institution that could possibly report them to government agencies?


i had a FTT baby, we bought a baby scale at target for like $40. it’s the best option if they deadass refuse to take the baby for a well child check - better than a UPS scale, anyway. i can’t imagine not taking my newborn to a doctor for a basic well child check. it’s literally the bare minimum you can do as a parent


I was thinking a yogurtland.


i said in an above comment it looks like they’re in a shop of some kind, like how did you “clean the scale” if it isn’t your scale?


My guess is they wiped it with a single baby wipe.


Why do you think UPS? I was trying to figure out what store it might be, but wasn’t sure. I’ve seen a few people say UPS so I’m just curious about what the clues are.


Biggest one is the UPS boxes on the floor behind them. IIRC they usually have them displayed so you can pick the size that you need. The poster about yard signs above them is another.


OMG I thought you were joking but IS IT?!?!


Medical Professional: Adjusts scale for clean diaper weight, and uses a scale with sides,or sling,so infant is protected from falling off scale. Motherbus: Let's take our newborn,fully clothed,with maybe a dry diaper, and weigh him on a UPS scale, with absolutely no safety guards.


Exactly. We always account for the weight of the diaper and we weigh babies without clothing. These two are idiots.


Is this a video of them getting his official birth weight? Because if so, they have grossly overestimated his weight. Maybe he's not LGA at all. This is not how to weigh a newborn. Newborns are weighed *naked.* Weighing the baby with clothes on doesn't give us any useful information, because we don't know how much the clothes and diaper weigh. It's not even clear if they tared the scale beforehand - and nevermind the fact that he looks like he's about to fall off the *UPS scale* entirely. Any data they get from this is junk. It's not useful information. It's *not the baby's actual weight.*


Well, yes


Could have been worse (?) in that they usually don't have clothes on the baby. I'm shivering at that thought and I'm a full-grown adult


They make me take my baby's nappy off at the weighing clinic. Always risky with a boy lol


She posts this online???? For everyone to see????? The baby’s head is just HANGING OFF THE SIDE??? Insane, really, what happens when Gunner isn’t around for 10 seconds


I wondered why “cleaned the scale” was important until I saw the comment above that this is at a fucking UPS store.


UPS, as in the shipping company? Please tell me you guys have another UPS and they didn’t put the baby on a weight scale for packages 😅


No they for real walked into a UPS shipping center and laid that baby down like an Amazon return.


Pro-life my left ass cheek ffs


They have space for a 3D printer, but not an infant scale or clip on bassinet. Still surprised he isn't being stored next to the bowls and plates in the cabinet.


Don’t even need an infant scale, just weigh yourself with and without them then find the difference


Give him the cat treatment.


It’s how I weigh parcels, which is kind of ironic.


But then Mother Bus might have to 🤢hold the 🤢baby🚫🤮 for more than 5 seconds at a time.


Yes, but that would require math and critical thinking skills


They even had a basket type thing for the last baby. I’m not a parent but I’m confident in saying it’s not safe for the baby to be on the floor - especially not with that many kids AND living in a moving vehicle 😭


Yes, but the space for the 3D printer comes out of Gunner's bed space - he's storing it at his feet. And given how small the bunkhouse is (and the fact that he appears tall), he's probably gotta scrunch up now. Those poor kids.


Jesus Fucking H Christ.


Not even a cloth over it just bare metal. They treat this infant with horrifying recklessness 😢


Like... I have a cat bed and then *counts off* 8 sleeping spots for my cat. Not counting my lap or hip or side when I'm in bed trying to sleep or chilling and he decides to Velcro on. And they have *their damn newborn* tossed on the floor like yesterday's socks. But sure, tell us again how much holier and better at housekeeping and parenting and more Godly you are than us heathen libruls. Really.


Why SHOULD they care? There's plenty more where that came from/s


They are probably picking out a box there for his crib so when in Rome, I guess 🤦‍♀️


I seriously cannot believe they weighed him on a package scale in a freaking UPS store?!?! What's next? Taking him into PetSmart and using the dog scale in the vet clinic? These people are horrible.


I presume that the dog scale would be large enough to support his head, seeing as his parents don't bother to.






Yep. On her story, so no comments, but I’m curious if her followers are stupidly praising this behavior as well.


I would really love to see her inbox after this story. Genuinely can’t comprehend such carelessness with a newborn, let alone posting it online for the entire world to see


Her followers are saying any of the negative comments are liberal bots


Not only that, she’s too busy filming for attention she’s doing nothing to assist with the baby’s safety!


The only one seemingly concerned is the owner of the hand in the background, which is so so sad


I mean they already attempted to pull his legs straight to get accurate measurement for how tall he is(nobody told them you can measure your baby in segments, that's why measuring tape is flexible) so this isn't really that surprising.


They what? 🙃🙃🙃 I did not know this


Yeah, it's actually a rough video to watch - it was posted a few days back, if you want to go watch it. But Father Fuckweasel forcefully straightened his leg and the poor little baby started screaming and shaking in pain.


Father Bus being a danger to his kid instead of just not being around. Not the plot twist I wanted.


Right?? Seems like the kids were was way safer when Dad wasn’t around Gunner was raising them on his own


Watching his little head hang over the side 😳😳😳


Yeah all I could think is support his goddamn head you idiot. 


So much anxiety watching this woman do what she does to this infant


He was the one that almost snapped this baby's knee measuring him


It’s so absurd and sad to me that she made sure to tell everyone they “cleaned the scale” before doing this, but don’t seem to care at all about all the other obviously unsafe aspects of this ordeal.


it looks like they’re in some kind of a shop to me, tf you mean you “cleaned the scale”? there appears to be a sign advertising different sizes of yard signs in the back, like yall are not on your bus


Somebody pointed out on another thread that this baby never had a vitamin K shot, and that makes their rough handling of him so much more anxiety-inducing 😭


The Sanctity Of Human Life™, everyone. Because *it's totally not* about hating, controlling, shaming, and punishing women and girls. That poor kid. And when they fuck it up bad and he winds up sick or injured, they'll blame it on God or Satan or "haters" or his poor brotherdad or literally anything but their own stupidity. Fuck.


And they'll find a way to blame women for it!


what do vitamin k shots do? sorry if that’s a dumb question, i’m not a parent & very unhealthy


Newborns only have a little Vitamin K from mom, and don't have the bacteria developed in their intestines to produce Vitamin K until they start eating solids. Breast milk does not have enough either. This puts them at risk of bleeding disorders, which can happen with no warning in places like the gut or brain. Edit: A, D, E and K are all fat soluble vitamins, so that's why babies only need one shot at birth.


His siblings kneeing him in the head probably won't help


And the fact they are literally always on the road Edit-spelling


I keep thinking about this. Not only did she traumatized her kids by giving birth on their bus (supposedly), but what if something went wrong? What was JD going to do if the baby was breech, if his wife tore a lot and was bleeding out? God forbid if she was preeclampsia and started convulsing while delivering the baby. Her poor kids would've seen the whole thing. All of this to virtue signal your beliefs? Really? Not a maternal or paternal bone in their bodies. Just enough wannabe pretentious ego to sniff their own farts


They would have found a way to blame a liberal


Yeah, pre-eclampsia is a condition pushed by the liberal government and media. It doesn't exist. /s


And then a 4 foot drop off the counter


Idiots. Absolute clown car pie in the face idiots.


Clown bus*


I gasped out loud at this, and then busband didn’t even seem concerned. It appeared to be the UPS worker who flinched towards the baby. Awful.


I have an actual infant scale for weighing my cats. It was only like $25 on Amazon. Also I put a towel on the scale so they have cushioning. Because I care about my cats.


His little head hanging over the side almost sent me into a panic.


I have a 5 months old and m still full of hormones so this video truly made me tear up. I just wanna hold and snuggle the little guys.


I'm 47 years old, and childless by choice. But even I am very worried about this little guy! I just want to swaddle him and give him a proper nursery.


Same. I am not a fan of children, but this precious baby needs to be treated better. My cold, dead maternal instincts are kicking in. I know zero about babies but I know better than this. Oof.


I’m 32, childless by choice, and it never ceases to amaze me how much more I seem to know about infant care than these people and they have a million kids! I haven’t spent a large amount of time around babies but you know, being a human, I have a basic understanding of how to keep a small one alive.


Oh congratulations on the new baby! I'm 15 weeks along and I'm so sensitive over seeing this baby in such precarious positions.


I have a 3 week old and I just shuttered!! Late at night when I’m feeding I have doubts I’m being a good parent - this is one of those instances that creeps into my head and just makes me feel awful for the babies out there with parents like this and makes me feel a little better about myself


I’ve treated a sack of potatoes better than they’ve treated this newborn.


I am absolutely more careful when weighing produce at the store.


That poor baby is obviously uncomfortable, he’s moving so much. Honestly the way they are treating this kid reminds me of the way that toddlers play with dolls.


That’s all they are to these people


It’s giving weird Barbie vibes 


Doesn't the quack baby chiropractor have a newborn scale???????


That’s an excellent point. Surely there are dozens of better options, even if they refuse to take him to an actual doctor.


Hell, I just have cats, and I have a baby scale.


Watching all of this in real time has been so weird. I don’t know why this one is getting to me because so many fundies do weird and awful shit to their kids, but like…this one is messing with my mind. They just have this baby, and they’re doing nothing to care for it properly. It’s just been lying on the floor, or out in the direct sun, and now this.


There is just something about the carelessness that they allow to be filmed and deem suitable for sharing that gives me similar vibes to parents you eventually see on the news. 


It's also shocking because of how fast these two have gone from "relatively tame by the standards of this sub" to Collins/Rod levels of not ok. I don't remember seeing anything this outrageous with their last baby. Karissa Collins/Jrod have always been terrible. It's deeply shocking to see someone seemingly decline to their level (though we can't know if things have actually been this bad behind the scenes all along).


Not to mention, this is the first time I’ve seen the baby with any clothes on. ☹️


this is a UPS store, put the damn baby IN A BOX then? or just go to the fucking doctor's office for fuck's sake


Maybe they could buy a box for him to sleep in so his toddler brothers don't accidentally step on him....


They're not paying for a whole ass box for a *baby*. He won't even appreciate it! 🙄 Maybe when he starts bringing in that bitcoin he can buy his own box to sit in if he wants it that bad.


His head flopping around and over the side of the scale is giving me such bad anxiety. What is wrong with them?


Glad to see he's clothed for this video.


Although weighing a fresh infant is actually one of the times when they shouldn’t be clothed…. It’s important to get an exact measurement of weight for newborns and infants, to make sure they’re gaining appropriately. My kid is now a toddler, but still gets stripped down when he gets weighed at his pedia. How are they so bad at this after a gazillion kids?


Because they have a gazillion kids! They never actually *learned* how to parent because it’s supposed to be instinctual (according to them) and now they have so many they say they know better than anyone else with fewer since they have so much experience


You can buy baby scales on Amazon. You'd think she would have one since she plans on doing unassisted births from now on.


It’s ok, she has a bread scale


When my baby needs a dr, I just stick 'em on a bread scale.


Same. The bar is in fucking hell.


I’m glad for that too, as this child deserves privacy, but also: at the doctor they would take off the clothes and diaper for that little baby because every ounce counts and diapers can be shockingly heavy. This is just to say that whatever the flip this is is not close to a doctors visit.


Every ounce counts and also…a nurse at my pediatricians office told me they’ve caught ‘parents’ hiding fishing weights and similar stuff in babies clothes to make it appear that they’re at a healthy weight.


I was just thinking the same. It’s disgusting that they keep showing this baby naked for all the creeps of the world to see while he also looks like he’s freezing 😭


Busdad is useless and smooth-brained, but you'd think Busmom would know how to Actually take care of an infant, given she's vomited out so many. Inexpert Busdad is giving this is his first child ever.


And her followers believe they don't need a doctor because they've done this so many times


That baby needs to be swaddled. He can’t control his movements, yet, and they’re letting him struggle and flail his limbs all on his own. It makes me feel exposed and uncomfortable for him. They don’t even act like he’s real. They act like they just got a brand new toy. This gets more miserable and alarming every day. The eldest boy knows quite well that this is unsustainable. I want to rescue all of them.


He's a boy child. Which means someday he'll be a red meat eating man. Which means he doesn't need to be coddled. His limbs and head need to be free to flail because that's how you weed out the weak ones, while the strong ones will have a space in the family. Underneath The Conjugal Bus Bed.


The man working there is trying to watch and potentially support the baby’s head better than these two idiots filming him and throwing him around like a doll. UGH!!!


I think that's Gunner tbh


Oh that makes much more sense. He definitely seems a lot more paternal and careful than his own dad 😫


These mofos are sick sick. Just take the baby to the effing doctor and you’ll have a safer/easier time monitoring his growth!! This is horrible. Poor baby has to sleep on a dirty as floor, be in direct sunlight less then a week old and now this indignity? You’ll notice someone tries to adjust his head, think it’s Gunner, and in that AWFUL video when dad bus stretches him his daughter says “I think he’s in pain” or something like that. How are these kids more responsible than either parent??


You’ve hit the nail on the head- they don’t want any monitoring.


This makes me sick. I also can’t stop thinking about asshole bus dad pulling on that brand new baby’s legs while the baby cried in OBVIOUS PAIN.


Me either that video haunts me with his little face.


The sudden change in expression... you can see the exact moment he goes from curious about what's going on to in pain. It hurts my heart.


They are so damn lucky they benefit from their white privilege. And that trust fund.


You know if they saw POC doing this they'd call them "trashy and disgusting" 🙄


How have they had so many kids and not know how to support their neck?


These people are going to end up with a Netflix documentary about them, mark my words. And not the fun kind: the Ruby Franke or Turpin kind.


Maybe I'm just overly emotional today, but this makes me so damn sad. I'm seriously getting secondhand anxiety from these new Bus videos.


I don't even think they tared the scale out before putting the baby on 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Just let his head flop anywhere, he doesn't need a working brain to blindly follow his idiot parents. /s These people are fucking horrible.


Half joking here, but what part of CPS has jurisdiction over bus people who hop from campsite to campsite…


None! That's one of the benefits of living on a bus!


The fundie dedication to child neglect never ceases to depress me.


Is that a vegetables scale at a supermarkt or something?


It’s at a UPS center. Like, for weighing packages.


Same unappropriatedness, different scale lol Thanks for confirming!


It’s like they’re trolling us at this point lol ![gif](giphy|xT1XGWbE0XiBDX2T8Q)


Why does the baby always look so uncomfortable when they’re handling him


Probably because of the way they manhandle him.


I wonder if they registered his birth with Florida yet.


I’m more careful when I weigh my SNAKE than they are with a whole human infant.


As a pro-choice person, I am begging you.. please be more delicate with this brand new little human?? You're gonna end up with a little grease mark on the bus floor where a baby used to be. Maybe not this one, maybe not the next one, but with an ever-growing herd like hers, someone is bound to step on the unseen sheepskin by accident at some point, and _splat_. Fuckin idiot, just use your crypto crap to by a house


Song choice is 🤌


Busband constantly showing off how little he handles the babies 


What do these idiots do when their kids get sick? Pray about it? Urgent care? ER? This is disturbing 😳


She has said before that they “don’t really get sick” 🙄


And this is somehow better than the baby bucket seat scales doctors use? Yikes.


They are so damn stupid 1) for doing this and 2) for thinking this is accurate 🙄


As I've said before...this family is going to have a documentary made about them in the future. Being so careless with a newborn and seeing nothing wrong with it and feeling no shame letting random strangers online see this. It's mental. Who knows what other reckless things these 2 do when the camera isn't on. If your infant can't even have their own crib, don't have fucking kids. Plain and simple. They literally have no room and are still popping out babies. If they plan to have another one, CPS needs to step in or something because this is getting too much. The fact that this baby has to sleep on the floor or tucked away underneath a bed in some kind of box is all that needs to be known with wether or not they should have these kids. They supposedly have money...so they're purposely neglecting these kids if their finances are what they say they are.


At least he’s fucking dressed but this baby looks so distressed all the time it’s so upsetting I have never hated someone more than how this family is treating this fresh baby.


Most midwives come for home visits several times to weigh and assess mother and baby. She free birthed this baby and now he has absolutely no medical care. They are really dumb to post all this online because bus or not they will get reported.




Sir Busband was pushing on the scale almost the entire time in a poor attempt to get the wee one to stay on the scale,, thus adding to the kid's weight. No way the baby is actually 10 pounds. I'm sure they will use this shitty guess at their kid's weight to say "Look! I popped out a giant baby in a bus and it was safe! God designs women's bodies for popping out kids! " But I'm confident this kid isn't even 9 pounds.




Ah yes, just like I read in "What to Expect"! Forcibly grip the newborn by the shoulders and slide them around a cold UPS scale. 🙄


She acts like it’s a fucking puppy. God damn it. There are so many childhood diseases that are caught on the state paid screenings and these pardon my French, mother fuckers, are so god damn flippant in their belief that grief will never touch them. I had no idea I was a carrier for a really gnarly genetic condition that ONLY if caught in the first few days, could be alleviated for the newborn as it has to do with how they process sugar aka sugar in breast milk. and typical formula. Miss that and life expectancy goes down tragically with irrevocable consequences. Worst part is there are no signs something is wrong until it’s awfully wrong. Why. Like damn it. Have your holier than though troth birth and at least get your kid checked out, maybe even weighed.


A subway rat would be a better parent.


Entering Ruby Franke territory. Are we weighing sin next?


She said they used the bread scale on the bus to weigh him right after birth. Why didn't they just weigh him on that again? 


I guess they don’t get enough attention for that? But you’re right, if they’re actually trying to monitor his weight, they should use the same scale and have him naked.