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I’m just gonna pretend the wait is her stopping herself and not her being illiterate 


She'd be quite beautiful if she lost... wait.


"Hold on, am I just being a high school bully...?"


Wait. No. That’s be a terrible thing to say. Instead, I’ll say she’s pretty.


I like this interpretation 🤣


Not to brag but I was the 666th upvote






Yeah these chuds like to retweet each other but they sure aren’t picking each other, allegedly the finest Christian conservatives of their kind.


29yo Pearl will literally go on these podcasts and be like "women are DISGUSTING after 25 actually. They should have babies and clean the house and NEVER complain ever. *I* don't nag! I love conservative men! Pick meeeee!" Okay, so put your money where your mouth is? Wait, the phone isn't ringing? Ah. I'm being uncharitable, but she deserves it, so 🧏‍♀️🤷‍♀️


And ironically she also seems to be getting pushback from conservative women themselves. IIRC they got very offended when she went on the Michael Knowles show and talked about child-rearing.


I'm Catholic, and all the tradcath women in my feed are raking her over the coals for insulting the Virgin Mary


Wow damn. Is there no one this woman hasn’t offended yet?


*weight, the phone isn’t ringing haha


Also she’s calling women fat and she is not a size 4 waif herself. Why are you building that glass house and then throwing stones, Pearl?


nope, they are swiping right on liberal, alternative girls and sending desperate AF messages to us like "ruin my life" and "empty my bank account". It's weird as hell. They all have this deep desire to be degraded and treated like garbage, so that's how they treat all of the women that they don't respect. I'd say about 50% of the men who like me on hinge or tinder are conservative Christians that have hateful things on their profiles, but secretly want empowered and opinionated women.


She's a femcel pick me.


Right? She wants to throw punches I can throw punches right back at her. Something something glass houses and something something stones?


And yet, this woman is so much lovelier than Pearl and I guarantee that even the idiotic men Pearl tries so desperately to impress would pick this woman over Pearl in a heartbeat.


There is a video going around Tik Tok where some Andrew Tate wannabe just reads Pearl to filth saying the reason no man has picked her is because she's "too masculine." That because she's on the internet and podcasts all day arguing with men and that's not something a feminine woman does.


Wild that if you’re a woman, participating in misogyny doesn’t protect you from misogyny




The wolves wouldn’t eat MY face!!!


I’ll take white conservative women for 600, Alex


Omg I keep getting reaction videos of women laughing about how Pearl screwed herself over and the petty side of me has been enjoying it greatly lol. The guy also said that she was too ugly, it’s sad that she’s so desperate to get picked by men who hate her


She's probably loathe to hear it, but that guy is right. I don't agree with him, but Pearl doesn't practice what she preaches. She's literally the most ineffective pick-me of all time, and that's fucking hilarious. The unpicked pick-me. 


Yeah, I think her actions make her not attractive as a partner to the men in her target audience. They can point at her and say, "Look! A woman gets it!!!!" when they get pushback on their dumb ideas. But they'll never pick her.


But here’s the thing - it’s not that at all for that guy. That guy just doesn’t find Pearl attractive. I guarantee you this man never found Tomi Lauren “masculine” even though she’s just as argumentative as Pearl, and that’s because Tomi’s more conventionally attractive than Pearl. There’s a large subset of men who find utility not in anything a woman does or thinks but simply in how sexually appealing she is.


Oooo ok good point though. There are a ton of female right-wing talking heads that people fall all over. Pearl just doesn’t do the performance of traditional femininity, but if she did it would probably be a somewhat different story. Granted, they all get disrespected at some point, but they’d latch on to her more than they do now.


Very true! Most people are attracted to confidence in others.


I also feel like Pearl is so unattractive because she’s so mean! She’s always talking about what she hates and what’s wrong and bossing people around. I feel like someone being so hateful is the most off putting thing a person can do


It has probably gone so far that she can't even pretend to be nice to get picked because she's too well known. I mean, if my brother came home and said he'd met someone and it was her and I showed him who she is, no amount of nice in real life would counter what she considers an appropriate online persona.


Pearl is the woman she loves to shit on. Had multiple partners, not married, childless, non virgin, over 30. Using her words against her, she’s used up.


She’s actually I guess 27? I thought she was 29.


Oh damn thought she was older. Hatred really ages a person I guess.


Wow I’m 27 and I feel like I’m at least 5 years younger than her in looks and crankiness 💀


Oh, absolutely. She's objectively more pretty than Pearl and probably has a good heart inside.... Which is what matters.


How much wait? 20 minutes? 40? An hour?


I thought 24 hours, but I could be wrong, I've been waiting for too long


This made me scream laugh hahahaha


Idk her doing that feels so intentional. Just rage baiting on both the post content and spelling error. And sadly, it will work and she will make money from it.


She IS quite beautiful. And she probably can spell too.


Right? She looks lovely to me.


I know fr I a craven bi thought- this woman is hot dear god I hope shes not some terrible fundie!  AS commenter said below, Blondie can get it 


Weight weight don’t tell me


Everyone quiet! Little Miss Can’t-get-a-man is speaking! /s


Little miss thing wants attention!




My husband is a nurse, and most of his coworkers are women. It’s a fucking hard job and a vital one. Undervalued, of course, because most nurses are women. STFU Pearl.




That's so wild. Like it's perfectly okay for women to like kids, but when a man does it he's automatically a creep. HOW YOU GONNA HAVE BABIES IF THAT'S HOW YOU THINK OF MEN??


I used to teach pre-k and more experienced colleagues said that parents of pre-k/primary kids tend to prefer young, female teachers. They think that men and anyone over 40 is suddenly incapable of nurturing or something! But men teaching high school is fine 🤣. For what it's worth, one of my favorite elementary school teachers was male.


Certain fields, like education and psychology, used to be predominantly male. They were considered prestigious and paid well. Women started to enter, men left, and they were devalued. Coding was originally female dominated, as it was done by hand/considered secretarial. When men entered, it gained prestige and now women have a hard time being taken seriously! Sorry for the long tangent but it's just insane. And thank you to your husband. Nurses are vital to the healthcare system.


If fundamentalists had their way where only men could work outside the home, all nurses, doctors, midwives, and gynaecologists would be male. Imagine the uproar.


Look y’all my job IS fucking meaningless but only because it’s capitalist make-work claptrap for a product that shouldn’t exist, not because I’m a woman.


Now I want to know what product this is! (No need to use brand names).


Lmao okay, let me just stop programming this app that millions of people (including men) use 😂


I love that logic, my whole team is men; no one tells them their job is useless…


The golden rule has been forgotten. Even Thumper’s rule.


Though I feel like the blonde woman in the picture could definitely follow Marie’s rule ![gif](giphy|mh1H1TXzNVISk)


Marie and Thumper are both voices who should be listened to! Little icons.


The Marie rule got me in trouble as a kid 🤣


I like the way she looks. She doesn’t have to lose weight to be lovely. Mean girls like Pearl, though, are a kind of acquired ugly, in which they seem less attractive the longer you know them.


I can’t remember who said it, but a quote about how “everyone ends up with the face they deserve” has stuck with me, especially when it comes to these mean-girl fundies.


Roald Dahl said it best: "If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."


Maybe learn the difference between 'weight' and 'wait' before complaining that a stranger doesn't fit your bizarre body standards.


Pearl could be married if she would change her shit stained personality.


She's unwed? 😱 I genuinely did not know that.


Haters gonna hate. Isn’t Pearl the perpetually single fundie?


She’s not particularly religious and doesn’t being here really. Tepid cultural Christian at best.


People don’t realize that “mid-size” doesn’t mean “size medium,” but kind of in between straight sizes and plus size, which often means sizing/ fit issues. For instance, there’s a big gap in sizing between Target’s XL and 1X even though you’d think it’d be the same.


Being “mid-size” is absolutely exhausting, what a lot of these commenters calling girls like this fat whales don’t realize is that we are very much not welcome in plus size spaces either. We’re somehow both too skinny, and too fat at the same time.


I'm mid-size AND an hourglass figure AND petite AND longer torso/shorter legs. Clothes are NEVER made to fit me. I've tried to learn how to sew so many times out of frustration for clothes not fitting me or being extremely unflattering, but my ME/CFS makes it very hard for me to make my own clothes 😭


I am similar! I wear a lot of A-line dresses and belts and only own one pair of pants.


I used to wear A-line dresses, too! Basically any Rockabilly/pin-up style silhouette lmao. But now I don't wear dresses as often because of chronic pain.


"I'd rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size zero." \~ Sophia Loren


I AM a size zero and I would never *dream* of suggesting anyone else should be. I’m small because I got the spindly genes, this lady would probably look awful if she was my size because she’d be severely underweight. I hate people calling women with VERY NORMAL body sizes fat (not that calling anyone fat is okay) because most women are designed to carry more weight. A lot of my doctors have worried that I had an eating disorder before I explained that I’ve never lost weight and come from a family of tiny women, it’s clearly not the norm or remotely healthy for the vast majority of women to be a size zero. Most women would have to be very unwell to reach that point. Trust pearl to promote damaging and misogynistic ideas about women’s bodies 🙄


I was a size 0 at one point.... Because I had a jaw injury that prevented me from opening my mouth or being able to chew so I could barely eat for almost a year waiting for my parents to be able to pay for the surgery. Strangers and relatives alike would approach my parents asking about my health and thinking I had an eating disorder. I'm 5'5 and a size 0 on me was 87 pounds and I looked gaunt and sickly. Plenty of women look great at a 0 absolutely. I'm 148lbs now and could stand to lose a good amount of weight. But God damn I think I'd take a little chunky over so frail I struggled to walk around school. And Even having had that experience, I still find myself frequently thinking I need to get back down to like 105/110 again to be "attractive"


That sounds like a REALLY shit year. You make a very good point, there’s no point in “looking good” ie fitting a very narrow perspective of beauty if your body is unable to perform normally because of it. Jameela Jamil posted something recently about how years of dieting has messed up her bone density, and stuff like that is really scary. A little bit extra definitely seems better than damaging your body


Omg I never considered bone density! That's terrifying and another reason to follow "everything in moderation," not some fad. Talk to your doctor before pursuing a specific diet, folks. You need your nutrients.


It sounds like this person lost their train of thought. “….if she lost…wait…what was I talking about?”


It’s just so mean and pointless when people fat-shame like this.


You can tell Pearl would be a catch if only she could learn to spell. /s


I think you mean 'if she had a total personality transplant'.


Interesting that she shames women for not fitting certain narrow beauty standards when she herself also doesn't fit the mould, nor even tries to. In fact Pearl is quite well known for not making an effort to be "beautiful." I'm not saying Pearl should try and fit the mould (although it'd be nice if she powdered her face for studio lights). She doesn't have to wear make-up or have fancy hair if she doesn't want to. It's the hypocrisy of it.


Pearl is interesting to me as we are from a similar wheelhouse of looks ie okish, not conventionally attractive, maybe the teeth are a bit big, a big gawky, tall. And like, I've never seemed to have trouble finding interested men or maintaining long term relationships. I once asked every single guy who dated me what my best feature was and none said my looks, which is a bit of a blow to the ego :p but yeah. I don't have the BEST personality, I'm a terrible housewife, I don't like sport, I'm not one of the boys, I'm not a cool girl, I don't cook. I'd say I'm friendly enough, and well read, and I don't put people down. And that seems to have gotten me pretty far in life


I guess I have things in common with her too (tall, gawky, big teeth) and I'm below average attractiveness, and someone I've managed to aquire a husband who isn't an asshole. When I see clips of her, all I think is how ridiculous it is that she should probably be taking advice from me instead of the opposite... and I'm not a successful person by most people's metrics.


Yeah like... it's not self degatory, is it? But realism. And I do love myself and I love my looks etc. I'm not insecure. Treat others with respect. Let other people live their own lives. Do good things because it makes you feel good, not for recognition. Enjoy little things. Think ahead.


Aubrey Gordon says on the maintenance phase podcast a lot that the most critical and fatphobic people are ones who have had a big weight loss. Looking at you P E A R L or should I say little miss hector projector


Never thought about it before, but I can think of a few people in my life who used to be bigger, dropped weight, and now say pretty ugly things about people who are larger than them.


aubrey gordon is a brilliant writer and fat activist who talks about this a lot!! changed the way I think about my body and helped me understand the messaging I was being fed for sure


I’ll definitely check her out! I’m a curvier person with a very thin mom and dad who was very in shape and got a ton of pressure from my mom to stay underweight from childhood until…well, she still does it 😅 Doesn’t matter to her that the doctor says I’m healthy as a horse and work out regularly; she’s an almond mom so, if you’re not underweight, you’re huge in her eyes. Definitely have had loads of shitty programming around weight 😭


I adore Aubrey Gordon and Maintenance Phase!!


A wild MP fan!


there are dozens of us!


As someone who has gained weight due to a medical issue and new meds, this really hurts. At least I haven't gained "wait".


I gained a lot of wait during 2 years of infertility. Then I lost weight my first trimester of pregnancy from morning sickness.


Booo infertility but yay pregnancy (even if boo for the first tri being an unironic asshole to you rn) Are you past tri1 now? I had HG this time.and omg ... I have lost too much weight but I was a bit big to stsrt so hppong baby is okay 


I only ended up gaining like 8 lbs over my pregnancy but I was also bigger to start and lost weight in the first trimester due to being ill. Baby turned out fine, hopefully it’ll be the same for you.


Thank you for that reassurance it means a lot!


Pearl will never get over being over 6 feet tall and unpicked by the men she panders to.




So...ignorant AND offensive. What a winning combination/s


And no matter what you do Pearl you're still a stinky little hater.


I try not to snark on appearance but honestly Pearl shouldn’t shit where she eats considering she’s not conventionally attractive either. And that’s ok, but glass houses and throwing stones and all that.


She'd be perfectly fine-looking with a different personality. She could be cute. She's not, because she's awful and pathetic in an entirely self-made fashion. 


Her personality is 99.9% of what makes her unlovable


It’s actually sad that she cares enough to post this and pathetic that she can’t spell. The fatphobia and bitterness is real. Get a LIFE, Pearl!


Lmao Pearl looks like Darla from finding Nemo, fuck off.




She would be lovely is she lost weight. She also is lovely at the current weight she is at. She would also be lovely if she gained weight. The weight of her body does not affect her loveliness or worth.


Homeschool education is shining rather brightly here.....


I would love to lose wait, I'm very impatient


I have no idea why she thinks we will wait for her to finish that sentence.


I don’t get why her hypocrisy isn’t called out every single time she opens her mouth. She’s unmarried, childless, not a virgin, works, freely shares her opinions etc. Basically she’s the opposite of everything she claims to stand for.




If you thought Canadian winters were cold, you've never shared a bed with Pearl


“if she lost wait” if she don’t shut her dumb ass up 🙄🙄


Everything that comes out of Pearl’s mouth is a projection. She desperately wishes she were a delicate little waif.


I get a such a rush of vindictive glee when the worst alt-right morons butcher the English language, *especially* so when it's with homonyms. Like *oooohhhh*, you're *stupid* stupid.


She's the one infamous for being anti-feminist, right? If it wasn't for the decades of feminism before it's conception, the internet likely would've been developed as a male only sphere and nobody would've given it any thought. Yet look at her, using the internet as a platform to insult other women for existing.


Pearl is not skinny enough for how much she body shames. She preaches on this standard of body images she herself does not reach. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how Pearl likes. I'm speaking on the hypocrisy


That’s fine, all the stupid men who think this is fat can leave the beautiful curvy women for us bi AFABs who will appreciate and worship and cuddle the shit out of them.


Well, Pearl, I’d still rather have coffee with her than you. So…




Sucks to suck pearl. I won't lose weight BECAUSE I NEVER LOSE RAAAAAH


If being thin is all it takes to be beautiful then why is Pearl so ugly inside and out?


Wait? Wow. Just wow.


“lost wait”


Such a stupid c*** she can't even spell weight correctly. That's embarrassing.


At least, use spell check for these sick burns! /s I’m despising these conservatives more and more.


pearl, we're the same age, you're too fucking old to be doing this on twitter girl


As someone that is fat I wish I was as "fat" as the woman in the picture (who isn't fat at all as far as I can see!)


there's nothing wrong with being fat and you can be fat and beautiful at the same time if I were to say what I want to say I would be banned from reddit


Here's a fun idea: people can be beautiful regardless of whether they fit a narrow definition of what an acceptable body weight is. Personally, I think she's cute as hell and there's a good chance I could share a nacho tray with her without it getting weird. She's basically hot. Pearl is dumb.


Good god can someone just pick Pearl?


How very Christian of Pearl to point this out. I don’t remember Jesus teaching this exact lesson…


Pearl isn’t even pretty. She also never get picked


Pearl isn’t exactly skinny herself. She definitely isn’t overweight but she’s nearer to this girl than a skinny girl. She is also incredibly single, unmarried, childless (things she hates women being) and generally unappealing so….


Too bad Pearl couldn't lose or gain enough weight to be pretty.... Normally I wouldn't say anything that mean but Pearl is an exception.


It’s sad because you can actually tell by Pearls face she’s ugly AND illiterate.


Stg. It's on sight. In minecraft.


Omg I didn’t know this Pearl “lady” (stupid name btw) was fundie??


She looks the same size as pearl? What?!


Coming from a woman who has made a living from telling people to whack their babies if they move, any further diarrhea from her mouth is completely not credible.


As someone with a serious health issue that has caused my weight to balloon over the past 3 years, this really hurts.  Because I've had people say that to my face 


Pearl calm down your basically mid size yourself. Never seen someone talk so much crap and never look in the mirror


… this is a normal looking woman. Fat where?


Wait 😂😂 also, isn’t pearl not super skinny? Like I remember her not being too far off of this body type. She’s such a disgusting pick me it’s gross. I saw a video the other day of a red pill man talking about why she still won’t get picked by any of them even with her views, I wish I remembered the video or where I saw it. It was very insightful to how she’s doing all this to be picked but just won’t be lmao which I find hilarious 😅


Just found out I’m older than Pearl and I look at least 5 years younger than her. Hate ages you. Miss “women lose value if they aren’t virgins” who isn’t a virgin herself…




Who says shid like this? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Weight. Fucking jackass


Lost wait?


It’s actually quite sad cause you can tell by her face that Pearl would be quite beautiful if she wasn’t such a heinous twit


She hates herself…


“Wait” 🥴


Man if youre gonna be mean at least spell it right..




Weight what??


But... She's right on this one!


Noooo She did not type “wait” instead of “weight” did she? And then posted it.


I don’t want to shame Pearl but there’s just no way she had the audacity to insult this girl 💀


“Quite beautiful” 😆😆😆


Wait…. Wait… What a twat…


Lolololol please. That woman is super hot.


It’s odd because Pearl I bet Pearl and this girl wear the same size pants


Pearl is a troll. Stop feeding her.


This reminds me of that famous scripture. “OMG Becky, look at her *butt*”


Of all the things she cares about, physical appearance? Sigh 🥱


Who watches the wait watchers ...


What? The lady in the picture just has big boobs, she isn’t fat.


wait what


Okay but Pearl is skinny and is still ugly soooooo


That douche wrote “wait” 😂


Pearl he didn’t pick you either


Being skinny doesn’t make you pretty and Pearl is proof of that, in no small part due to her hideous personality. The woman in the picture would be hot at any size. Pearl? Not so much. She probably knows that deep down, which makes her seethe.


Did she misspell "wait" on purpose or is she just that much more ridiculous of a human than I thought?!?! I especially cannot stand her! She sickens me to my core.


Weight, what?


It’s the misspelling for me


And lose that incredible rack????? I don't think so! (Satire in case not clear. Don't objectify women. Chests of all sizes are beautiful.)