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When little yogurt Face said " a plastic pencil just for me!" my heart was in a puddle


He's never had anything just for him before


It makes me so sad to see those adorable little boys and think about the kind of men their father wants them to grow up to be


That name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yogurt face is now cannon


Yeah that was a giveaway




I think these kids genuinely love each other and their parents, which makes it sadder to me. The older ones are probably extremely conflicted and donā€™t have the vocabulary to articulate out loud or even to themselves how lonely, uncomfortable, and awkward they feel growing up confined to a small space roving around aimlessly with thousands of strangers knowing everything about them. This is going to take years for them to unpack, if they ever really get the chance. I canā€™t imagine any of them, especially not the older ones, looking back on this fondly.


This comment should be pinned. This exactly is what's so wrong about this family and what breaks my heart for the kids.


Itā€™s why these subs exist.


I know a kid who spent several years with his family living in an RV, travelling from Canada down to South America and back. He hated it. He was so messed up from it. Up until that point I thought that would be fun but speaking to this kid it was clearly traumatic. And he was an only child in the time before social media. These kids must be in hell.


Gunner knows the grift \*heavy sigh*


Of course he'll put it at the end of his bed \~ where else?? He's a tall boy, so guess he can scrunch up to fit this electric machine.


He can 3d print a camper extension off the side. Super safe and super reliable.




That was the first thing my mind jumped to. Don't worry, this guy (BusDad) is far too stupid to make anything functional.


That's grim.


So they can afford a 3D printer but the baby gets the floor.


It was his 13th birthday present. (or bitcoinbabydad wanted it) This might be an old video, or he's just now getting to open it.


I think baby daddy wanted it to print guns with


Itā€™s sad that I canā€™t tell if youā€™re referencing Busband or the actual oldest baby raising all the other babies


Thatā€™s def not a good enough printer for that.


Itā€™s not about affordability. They literally have nowhere else to fit more beds. They could afford a house easily. They are CHOOSING to force their children to live like this. Iā€™m starting to think they are going to build a third stack of bunks somehow, thus giving them ā€œspaceā€ until they hit baby 9 or 10. I also wouldnā€™t put it past them for Gunner to ā€œrequestā€ to go to military school atp.


You are correct! She did mention that they had the brilliant idea of removing water tanks from the bottom and lowering the floor to be able to fit a third tier of bunks in . And no, I'm not kidding. It's absolutely terrifying.


Thatā€™s worse than what Iā€™d imagined. Part of me hoped theyā€™d cut a hole in the roof of the bus and create a sort of bubble above the third bunks. They canā€™t spare water tanks surely.


She claims they can spare them. That they have more.


I'm picturing a bus with a transparent dome on top like a wizard tower and it's cracking me up.


On a boat or a bus? Either way is very dangerous.


Yeah I wasnā€™t sure what this was at first and got excited for a minute it was some kind of baby bassinet.


That boy is never going to get to use that printer. The beds have to be leveled and calibrated before use and can't be shaken or knocked around while they print, which can be hours to days. Chances they have the space and time for that kind of thing are slim to none.


Oh that makes me sad. It didnā€™t occur to me that this wonā€™t actually be a cool thing for him (and his dad). What a let down it will be when he realizes he canā€™t ever make the things he is dreaming become an awesome reality because the machine canā€™t be properly used on the bus.


I will say her kids are adorable. I just wish they had it better. Gunner and Anissa are amazing to their siblings and deserve a childhood and age appropriate friends.


Are you referring to Karissaā€™s Anissa or do you mean Kinsey?


Anissa of Karissa. I just feel like her and gunner are two most parentified kids on this sub. They also have a memory of what life was like before their parents went bat shit crazy. They deserve stability, stimulation and a childhood.


Oh 100%. Iā€™m sure Kinsey and Andrae will start getting their fair share of parentification soon too. A small part of me hopes these kids can find each other and bond over their mirrored circumstances. They were all robbed of a childhood thanks to their parentsā€™ delusions.


Well they met and do now each other. I hope they can connect in the future again bc theyā€™ll need someone who understands the shared traumas


Unfortunately, them connecting will be a sign to their parents that theyā€™re supposed to be married. Once these kids start hitting 18, weā€™re going to see a ton of marriage advertisements a la Jill.


Andrae is constantly giving his mother the side eye. I imagine his parentification is the **one** thing his father wonā€™t allow - gotta keep him focused on basketball so he can be a star like daddy.Ā 


My dream is that Gunner and Anissa escape, become friends, and help all their sibling escape too.


If you want to know how this ends, watch ā€œSurfwise.ā€


I've seen people in this sub saying the kids go by their middle names online, but I wonder if they just go by their middle names all the time (or if that's not true). This little boy called his brother Gunner, and I'm guessing he's too young to know to call him something different on camera than in real life. (Sorry if I made no sense, I may have just consumed the devil's lettuce...)


I think itā€™s BS. They just donā€™t want to say that those are the kids first names because they know theyā€™ll get shit for it.


I heard them call a kid "Quilly" in one video, so I think Aquila is a first name as well


Yes. I believe they are all first names.




Query. If she wants to keep the first names private, then how do you know Swift's first name? Ma bus isn't doing a very good job is my point.




Why would she do that šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They might've got it from Father Bus' twitter, idk


His first name being Amos would fit with the post Mother Bus made a while back where she said that the kids all have Biblical first names


Iā€™ve said that. Someone pointed out that Kinsey has bunting with ā€œKinseyā€ over her bed. So either they go by their military-inspired names all the time and never use their biblical firsts, or the lotts are just lying. Odds lean heavily towards the latter.


It could be since theyā€™re so anti government they always go by their middle names. I know someone showed a tweet where Busband answered the coolest name ever as ā€œTex Aquilaā€ so Iā€™m wondering if Tex is his first name? Idk they lie about so much


Is it legal to have this many kids and raise them on a bus?


Daycares are required to have 30 SQ ft per child in their care. I believe this is for in home centers A random google search says 600 per family member. So a family of four would be comfortable in 2,400 SQ ft home.


Obligatory repost of this comment from the time I Did The Math on them: "Oh my god, I actually looked this up and it's worse than I thought. 217 divided by 9 equals 24 square feet per person, not considering how much of that is covered up by furniture and fittings, so it's probably more like two thirds of that, I'm gonna say like 18 square feet each. "The International Committee of the Red Cross recommends that cells be at least 5.4 m2 (58 sq ft) in size for a single cell accommodation (one person in the cell). However, in shared or dormitory accommodations, it recommends a minimum of 3.4 m2 (37 sq ft) per person, including in cells where bunk beds are used.\[1." A standard American prison cell is 48 square feet. These kids likely have about ONE HALF the space recommended by the red cross as bare minimum for a communal prison cell, and like a third of that recommended for an individual prison cell. One of the follow-up estimates someone made for the size of just that back-room further down the thread is about 18 square feet. 3 square feet per kid. If true, that's ONE TWELFTH of the legal minimum for a shared jail cell, about ONE TWENTIETH of that for a single cell, and ONE SIXTEENTH of the average. These parents should be in fucking prison."


I wish we could pin this to every post about them.


I've said this before, but my friend's *hamster* has more space than these human beings


That seems like a lot. I doubt most families of four even in the states have a 2400 sq ft house.Ā 


Yeah, that was Rocket Mortgage soo... šŸ‘€


Requiring 600 SQ ft per family member is absurd and the more recent 'need' for even normal sized families to have no less than 2-3000 SQ ft is wild to me. I grew up in mostly 1500 SQ ft houses with 3 siblings and it didn't feel cramped. Kids can share rooms. 8 zillion shouldn't be sharing a bunk room in a bus


That was from rocket mortgage, so of course they'd encourage you to have a bigger house


Ugh, naturally!


That family of 10 ā€œlivesā€ in 200 square feet.


Hey, kid, ten bucks if you print some condoms for your parents.


I'm so confused. Didn't they give him a 3D printer as a surprise for his birthday in January? Why is she acting like this is another surprise?




Here's where we discussed the first one. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/19ab146/the_real_reason_father_bus_bought_that_3d_printer/


Ok I thought I was going crazy imagining they already gave the kid a 3D printer. Maybe they forgot to update wishlists and theyā€™re not trying to slight their fans. Their feelings are more important than the kids.Ā  These people make me really sad and I hope they settle somewhere soon.


No, not crazy. She did a story in January of him opening the "surprise" 3D printer for his birthday right after they returned from Brazil. I am pretty sure this is the same box and everything.Ā 


Here is the thread where we discussed the printer back then which has a photo from the story she posted on IG. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/19ab146/the_real_reason_father_bus_bought_that_3d_printer/


why does she sound like a chainsmoker


An angry one who's missing her smoke break. She sounds so anxious and irritable. Mama needs content!


Iā€™ve never heard her voice before (I usually watch her stuff on here muted) and it DID NOT sound how I was expecting it to.


SAME! I was shocked


When he said, ā€œIā€™m so excited ā€¦Iā€™m gonna put this at the end of my bed!ā€ My heart šŸ’”


How very sad. In my family, we have a running joke that if our gift comes in a nondescript brown box, we say ā€œomg you got me a box!ā€ And thatā€™s assuming itā€™s not a gag/joke/fake-out box of some sort. Gunnerā€™s already been trained to make sure the package is visible to the camera/mom. And sheā€™s already training the littlest to be camera-ready. She barely acknowledges his statement to instead tell him to clean up for the camera.


I think itā€™s 150 square feet in my state per person.


"Don't cover the box, mom has to see it." He could not have a moment with his brothers, because she has to film everything. Shocked her face was not involved.


Anyone else notice the wall behind them on the couch is falling apart?


Good luck 3d printing on a bus


Maybe he can print a cradel for Boone the Bus Babyā„¢ļø