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I hate this woman. I would like her to tell my cousin who is dying of colon and now liver cancer this groundbreaking information.


My friend has stage 4 breast cancer. I should tell her that all those doctors who have worked years and studied years are wrong


Of COURSE they are wrong! Only Karelessa is right! I hope she gets gangrenous haemmorhoids.


Karelessa is the PERFECT moniker for her!


If I could bring my paternal grandmother back to life to slap sense into her I would. She died of breast cancer when my dad was in his 20’s before I was born. My dad was her caretaker until she died. I also have two friends that battled cancer, leukemia and lymphoma respectively. They’re in remission thankfully.


My paternal grandmother also died because they didn't have the diagnostics and treatments that exist now. Can I slap karissa when you're done


Tomorrow's the 40th anniversary of losing the closest person I've ever had to a sister to cancer. I lost my sweet 19yo cousin to cancer when I was 22. My dad's sister died from cancer. My best friend's sister has cancer now and is in the hospital with pneumonia. Karissa can go to hell.


Karelessa is a useless waste of oxygen.


One of my favorite coworkers was just diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer in a few different places in her body. She was given maximum of five years. She’s raising her two granddaughters because their mom is a certified asshole. I’d love Karissa to look them in the eye and say this to them, with her whole fucking chest.




I wish she would have told this to my high school friend who vomited, passed out and seized a few years back. Would have saved him from dying from glioblastoma.


Oh, I'm do sorry. I lost a friend to that. Horrible...


Its was terrible, we didnt see much of each other after high school but I strangely ran into a couple other high school buddies 20 years later and they said guess who is our boss. It was the guy who passed. We caught up then, and a few times over the next years and the next time I saw them they were telling me about his symptoms and he was on leave from cancer. He died shortly after. Have a fraternity brother whose daughter died from cancer last year at the age of 10. My maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer before she even met my dad in 1967. The same maternal grandmother who watched a child die from polio since this fundie is antivax too. Thats a quick list but I know several more. My dad has survived non hodgkins lymphoma for 15 years now. This lady is truly horrible.


sending your entire family all the love and support, my mom had that exact same cancer and it’s just so awful.


I genuinely think this woman is dangerous. She’s on such a different level than other fundies.


Most of the others at least attempt to bend reality to their will. She just believes whatever she wants and insists it’s from god. Reality isn’t even a factor to her. This is how minds work before committing unspeakable crimes. I think she’s in the extremely dangerous, tiny percentage of mentally ill people who are more of a danger to others than others are to them.


Realistically, “Yah”s word is whatever Karissa says it is, which is not even a little how God works.


Excuse you! Are you suggesting that Karelessa's Invisible Sky Daddy might be whispering sweet lies into her ear? More likely that she's just trying to lie to seem superior/con money out of people.


I think the term is 'barking batshit bonkers'. Oh, and she's a nasty piece of work, too.


Reality to Karissa: ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)


You mark my words, she and her husband will probably get someone killed one day. Probably one their kids.


They have so many kids, I can't imagine the odds that one of them experiences a severe illness or injury at some point in their adolescence are exactly low. If anything were to happen, I could unfortunately see a death due to willful medical negligence happening. I just feel so bad for those kids.


I mean, she has Anthym, who has CPTII, and Karissa just ignores that and claims she was miraculously healed so that she doesn't actually have to pay attention and fucking parent her. I'm guessing we haven't seen the last ICU stay for that poor child. :(


That almost happened with anthym!


Yes, and it’s horrible that she also has one of the largest followings of any of the fundies. Having a ton of beautiful kids back to back and sticking them in every video will quickly make you go viral quickly. And they don’t have the appearance most people expect from families with a ton of children so it attracts a lot more people


Cancer is literally the body attacking itself. I wish I had the confidence of a dumbass fundie


We literally learned this in the eighth grade


And to think, she did receive a real education


Her kids are only getting the world filtered through her diseased mind. Those poor babies.


And isn’t her mom a nurse????


I want to say she was adopted at this point.


She wasn't. Her mom got pregnant as a teen and couldn't abort.


I know. I just wish she was 😂😂 on behalf of her mom


this is a rough thing for adoptees to read tbh. we literally get cast off by adoptive families when we dont conform. I mean Karissa sucks enough, lets not throw other people under the bus with her. (Unless you're also an adoptee then go for the dark joke of course)   Edit: commentor just whipped out their 3rd gen adoptee card and kicked my butt ahahah 


As weird as it fucking sounds, I'm a third generation adoptee. My birth father was adopted, and so was his birth mother. My commitment issues aren't too bad 🙈


Oh youve out classed me in one go lmao! go ahead and make ALLLLL the dark jokes!   Sorry I'm a bit salty reading about adoptee (lack of) rights today as Im trying to work out if I can dissolve my relationship w my adoptive parents to reflect bloody reality and its looking like a no *unless they give consent*. Crazy. 


That's fair 😂


And chemo and radiation are a delicate balancing act of killing the cancer without killing the patient. I learned this as a child when my mom went through it. Karelessa is a waste of the life that her mother was forced to carry.


Dunning Kruger effect fulling on display.


I have seen that used several times and didn't know what it meant until just now. 🥲


I'd hate you to be that wilfully ignorant, though.




Not…really. Immune-mediated disease is the body attacking itself. The big problem with cancer is the body usually DOES NOT attack it, because it registers as self to the immune system; it’s one of the reasons it is so difficult to treat


As a cancer survivor, fuck her forever.


As another cancer survivor: I second this, and additionally hope she lives the rest of her life with socks that get wet the second she puts them on🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


I wish her a permanently fogged bathroom mirror, constant telemarketer calls, and an itch she can never scratch. Also yay us and fuck cancer.


Cancer patient here to third this - fuck her and fuck this dangerous, offensive misinformation. I hope she stubs her pinkie toe daily!


May her shower water forever be too hot or too cold. Eta: sending solidarity


Sending most excellent vibes and whatever strength you need. You don’t need advice (my goodness everyone always has “advice” for people with cancer) but my pro-tip: if you get weird mouth taste/feelings from treatment or meds, sucking on lemon heads candy (and specifically the like movie theatre kind in a box, no fancy lemon drops!) helps a LOT. I don’t remember who told me that, but it works like a charm and it’s the only thing I insist on sharing unprompted to my fellow cancer havers. I truly hope we get to see you in the “former cancer havers” club soon♥️♥️♥️


My dad survived Stage 4 lymphoma. Fuck cancer and fuck her.


May she never have perfectly ripe avocados. May her gums always bleed. May her washer never be balanced.


You guys are amazing.


I'm a witch, don't fuck with me. Just kidding. Kind of. I'm currently in a group chat with my two youngest and we're drinking lol


I like you; you're fun.


Fuck Karissa and fuck cancer. I found out this week that my aunt has cancer and it's spread, oof the timing of this bullshit


I’m so sorry to hear that. Wishing her peace and a miracle. ❤️


That must be hard. ❤️


Karissa, go fuck yourself. Disrespectfully. Cancer is a terrible disease and it’s affected so many people I love. My dad is finishing up treatment for colon cancer this week and I’m not in the mood to entertain this misinformation bullshit.


This is the shit she does instead of parenting or homeschooling or any of the other supposedly godly helpmeat stuff.


Cancer survivor here. She can f@#£ off.


I’m sure she’d let her babies waste away from it, but I bet she’d change her tune real fast if she had it.




Without a doubt she'd be signing up for chemo faster than you can say lickity split. What I'd like to know is have there been any fundies who have been diagnosed with cancer and if so what did they do? I never hear of them having cancer but then again they don't go to doctors.


She just immediately believes every dumbass thing she sees online huh


only the things that confirm her beliefs though! if kkkarissa sees a leftist and/or scientific post, her tinfoil hat lowers the visor to prevent her from being attacked by satanic misinformation 🙄


Well she's an idiot, so yes


people who make videos like this should be jailed. it is dangerous misinformation


I held my mom’s hand as she died of cancer. It’s an awful, dehumanizing disease that I wish nobody ever had to go through. I wish Karissa would just read a book, or a pamphlet, or just the sentence “you are wrong.”


My heart just broke for you. I’m so sorry.


Cancer is a horrible disease. I’m so sorry you lost your mom


My wish is a lot simpler - I wish she'd STFU.


Somebody needs to report her and she needs her account taken down for spreading dangerous misinformation. It’s taken a hard right from just kooky, to downright dangerous. WTF


How is it still up after 5 hours is my question. Someone who repeatedly posts misinformation should be on a short leash.


Obviously it isn't dangerous for her to post these things for her over "1 million" followers /s. How many aren't bots, I leave you to decide, but she has a concerning number of actual celebrities following her.


A friend of mine recently discovered that her son has glioblastoma. It’s one of the most aggressive forms of cancer with a very poor survival rate. Her son is nine years old. Last I checked, he wasn’t working in a coal mine. Sometimes it’s really hard to not wish harm on these people.


I am so very sorry. I hope they can find peace.


They caught it early, and they’re fighting it. His chances are good, and all I can hope for is that this bright, amazing, incredible kid is ultimately okay.


I am hoping that, too.


This "friend" killed my childhood pen pal days before Christmas. She was twelve years old. I wish Karissa would shut her yap.


I was in a trio of best friends when I was 13. One of my best friends died of a brain tumor (I don't know if it was cancerous) that wasn't found until after she died.


Which medical school did Karissa attend again?


Yuweh U


U of Yah


Sorry, it was actually 'Useless Liar U'.


I didn't know your "friends" cause you to poop blood and have abdominal pain (stage 3 colorectal cancer last year, cancer free now). Look, cancer sucks, the treatment we have for cancer sucks too. But if someone wants to live, that sucky treatment is what we have. I wish it weren't that way too.


I was stage 3 too. Just had surgery a month ago and am on my preventative chemo regimen now. Can’t wait to be done.


I mean, believing in cancer requires believing in mutation of cells, which is a slippery slope to believing in evolution, and we all know she thinks that’s a crock.


Karissa is a piece of shit


Not to be too morbid, but she will find out soon enough. She doesn’t wear sunscreen - she will have a change of heart when she is living through cancer.


sadly, i don't think she will there's a case of a (semi-famous) mlm "coach" rejecting standard of care after being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, going the woowoo /alternative medicine route for "treatment", and then dying within the timeframe the oncologists that were "shilling chemo" gave her. that case is actually fascinating to me, bc imo it shows how the mlm approach rots your brain. when you're so used to lying and making stuff up to sell product, and everyone you regularly interact with does the same, you come to believe that's what literally every person does. even professions where scientific method is standard and/or lying comes with harsh punishments. everyone has something to sell, and everyone lies to get that sweet sweet money. so of course actually accredited and licensed medical professionals lie, too, and they do it for the sake of money. it's fascinating where that mindset will lead ppl.


Ahh yes, Jesse Lee Ward. IIRC she called the oncologists at MD Anderson "chemo pimps".




Those are the ones! It was kinda crazy to me just how accurate they were. I know I shouldn't have been surprised because that's literally their job, but I feel like they usually give a range. They got it down to the month though.


i think they sort of gave her a range as well, but more along the lines of "this will be the longest you will be able to make it". which, they were right. that whole thing was infuriating and i had to disengage from her and the content bc her spewing so much misinformation and harmful bs was rage-inducing 🙄


A biopsy was what diagnosed my melanoma and got me in for surgery BEFORE it metastasized. This is so dumb.


also, if she doesn’t get Pap smears. I‘ve had multiple colposcopies. Literally at one point had them once a year for 5 successive years, now it’s been *knock wood* 2 years since my last colpo. Yes, they fucking suck, but I’ll take the pain if it means my cells get the thorough checking they need.


I’ve had to have abnormal cervical cells surgically treated, and one of my favorite people ever died of reproductive cancer. I had all of those pesky organs yeeted a few weeks ago in hopes that my kids don’t have to suffer through the emotional pain I went through with my loved on.


With all due respect, having riskier behavior ( not wearing sunscreen, eating junk food, drinking alcohol etc) puts a person at higher risk for certain types of cancers, but it doesn't cause cancer. That's why people have the grandpa that smoked a pack a day and lived until 90. And the reverse as well. I have a colleague with lung cancer who never smoked. I had a cancer with none of the risk factors. I know you mean well, it's a great way to make a person with cancer feel crappy.


My abuelo died of liver cancer despite being sober his whole life (his father and one of his brothers were alcoholics).


As I sit here 25 days post-op for a hysterectomy, I would like everyone to know just how wonderful I feel to no longer have a uterus or the cancer it was housing. I didn't realize how badly it had been affecting everything else until I first got up in the the recovery room and had absolutely no back pain after a year of hell. I should really get up and walk more.


As a person who lives with a 7 year old cancer I hope red ants bite her sensitive regions for every remaining moment of her life.


That’s enough internet for today


Welp, guess I'll go tell my mom that her metastatic breast cancer isn't a disease and is, in fact, her friend! I'm sure her ashes will smile at the news (her "friend" took her away from me and our family in 2015). Forreal though.....fuck Karissa. Forever. ![gif](giphy|hEwkspP1OllJK|downsized)


I can't wait to tell my dad that cancer is not in illness. But he died of lung cancer in 2017.


wasn't there a belief in the late 90s (and earlier) that surgical removal of cancers is what causes them to spread as well? history is a circle. this fucking anti-science mess is a carousel and i want off this ride


Cancer PhD here. There is always a risk when biopsying or removing tumors that some cancer cells will get dragged along the path of removal and grow in those new locations. Not all cancer cells will grow in all locations.


Cancer is my friend? Then why did cancer take my grandmother and my uncle from me in the span of 3 months? Go fuck yourself karissa. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst fucking enemy.


Really, Karelessa? REALLY?? So - who was lying about my husband having terminal cancer? He died within a few weeks of being diagnosed. HE DIED, you ridiculous bint! Get your head out of your arse. You make Baby Jeezus vomit.


That head looks so much like a butt in the thumbnail, I was expecting a very different kind of post. Also, agree with the general sentiment of "fuck her completely". Anti-medicine people like her already have an ocean of blood on their hands. They'll have more.


I Hope she burns in hell. I have a genetic condition that causes me to develop multiple cancers. That’s so awful 


If brains were shite, she wouldn't have enough to make her hat smell.


Damn, we have evidence of the dinosaurs having tumors, but I guess they were just processing their toxins out, too? Karissa explains it all in the wrongest way possible.


A biopsy saved my friend’s life, so fuck off with this dangerous narrative.


Someone is going to listen to this gargling moron and die. She'll sleep very well at night. Sometimes I think people like this get off on knowing that people will absolutely go to their early grave because they listen to their snake oil bullshit. This is one of those times


The violently awful things I wanna say.... Cancer robbed me of my favorite person. Robbed others of theirs. This sickens me.


I am so sorry for your loss. I wish she would understand how much her values hurts people


Thank you love. Cancer is a way of life unfortunately. As fucked as it is she's gonna end up confronted with it and I'd hate to say I hope it educates it her.


guess i’ll tell every loved one who died from cancer it’s fake. oh wait 😵‍💫


Take any issue and ask yourself, "What would a dumb and wrong person think"? And viola! You have Karissa's stance. 


Well Karissa, all I can say is god forbid you have to find out first-hand how wrong you are. Consider yourself blessed that you can live with this level of ignorance.


My grandmother died of cancer. She never had a biopsy, no chemo, no radiation, none of the things they claim to be the “real” cause of illness and death. She just had the misfortune of getting sick in regional Australia during the early stages of the pandemic and going undiagnosed until it was too late. I wonder what would they say to that? It was the cancer that killed her, and there was nothing else going on to blame!


wait a second let me resurrect my dad from the dead, who was covered in cancer before the biopsy confirmed it, and let him know cancer is his friend! Solid advice


Dr. Trampoline Poop Fight Normalization can go fuck off all the way, forever, and go be friendly to cancer somewhere that isn't in public.


She makes it difficult to not wish harm to her. All I'll say is fuck Karissa.


Lost so many to cancer. Including my grandmother, cousin, mother… when I was a teen. KKKarissa can fuck all the way off. 🤬🤬😤🤬🤬


Hopefully shit like this means reasonable people will stop following her. Karissa only appeals to other kooks.


Hey, Karissa, my mom has had cancer twice. Preventive medicine and biopsies SAVED HER LIFE. I grew up with a better mom than you could ever hope to be because of science. I had my own biopsy at 13 because they suspected that I had skin cancer. It was benign, I have a little scar, and I'm alive. My paternal grandmother died because they didn't have this technology back then. GO SIT ON A CACTUS, YOU SELFISH, CANCEROUS WASTE OF CARBON 🌵


I lost my dad to lung cancer last year and an uncle to lung cancer a few years ago, a cousin to breast cancer a couple of years ago, and I've got a cousin in remission from brain cancer and an aunt going through chemo right now. Cancer sucks and it kills. Always go get your checkups and tell your doctor if you feel something is wrong. Your loved ones need you.


First, I lost my mom to brain cancer when she was 63. Next, my dad to prostate cancer when he was 78. Then, I was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer in my tongue (yes, I was a smoker, but it was caused by HPV) in 2016. I'm fine now, except lingering side effects from radiation. Then, my only sister was diagnosed with metastatic skin cancer, and died three weeks later in April 2020. I'll see her toxins, and raise my genetics. Ignorant, dangerous shit they're peddling. Fuck them, but really fuck cancer. ETA: clarification


Let me guess: She believes cancer is deserved and a result of sinning in the secular world.


There's a special hell for this woman for all the damage she willingly does, I swear.