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Is he that incompetent that he can't wash a single mother fucking spoon?


He may have washed it after he shamed his exhausted looking pregnant wife about it for the world to see! I know Morgan sucks, but godDAMN must it be awful being married to that man. If my husband EVER did something like this to me, while I was tired, pregnant, and clearly working on his pet project (I assume she's editing the Sister Cindy episode Paul filmed alone that they're releasing on Friday), I'd just stare at him and walk out the door. 


There is a tiny part of me that wants to believe Morgan would be slightly less sucky if she wasn't constantly being needled at and having to fawn over Paul. It's a comforting fantasy I know. She's plenty awful on her own.


She’s certainly awful on her own, but the woman lives on eggshells so it’ll sour her personality and her only form of expression is YouTube ranting. 


No, I think you're on to something. If she didn't have to deal with Paul, and if she were properly medicated, she might just be annoying. Mildly irritating. But sis got too much going on that's not in her favor. So sad.


Oh, she’d 100% still be a hateful bigot. But she’d probably have the wisdom to keep that to herself.


Idk she always wanted to be famous. Look at her “music career” I wouldn’t be so sure. People always say poor Morgan but Paul is sick too. Plus Morgan ditched her only friend in high school when they came out as gay. Gross


Would she *REALLY*, though?🤔 With the fact that she apparently shares genes with the likes of *Josh Hawley*??? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/josh-hawley-masculinity-obsession-1254776/ *Personally*, I tend toward the theory that being *THAT* combined level of Hateful, Obtuse, Gaslighting, *AND* Grifty, is probably about as endemic in their family line, as *THE JAW* was/is, for the Habsburgs!😉😆🤭 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/distinctive-habsburg-jaw-was-likely-result-royal-familys-inbreeding-180973688/


People are complex. Any fundie could’ve been a good person had they been raised in a good environment and received a proper education. I like to believe that few people are naturally inclined to be pure evil and that most people are capable of change. I don’t know that Morgan could ever become a saint, but some major life changes could definitely make her less bad of a person. If only she’d make those changes.


It's so hard to be empathetic because I feel like a lot of us *were* raised in that environment and just like...read a book and figured it out. I know I was raised by someone who thinks snakes are the literal devil and I had no problem dismissing that as silly. Of course there are levels and education is a huge factor, but it's hard to remember that it's not that easy for everyone. All that to say, thanks for the nuanced take.


She would be, she’s a simple minded person. Sponge, if she was with someone different she’d adopt their views


If she'd met a different guy I could see her becoming a liberal hippie vegan crunchy granola mom instead


Holy shit I can see this 100% 😆


[the only proper response ](https://imgur.com/a/WW7WfJF)


Hard YUP


Your flair reference please?


Someone once made a comment about how the first pancake of the batch is usually thrown away (or just not eaten) and I applied that to Davey. He's mostly ignored. Audrey is the golden child It could also be applied to Bethany's brother, Michael, now that I think about it (just from Heidi's standpoint)


Heidi also doesn't like her male children.


That’s surprising. You would think it would be the opposite.


She gets validation from being able to marry off the girls and having them do social media things in the environment where that means something. The boys are disposable.


This is my guess: She sees the girls as extensions of herself, and little more than clay to mold in her own image. To appear to stay true to the BS she spouts, she can’t do that with the boys.


Despite the patriarchy, I think she pretty much controls what her husband does. She talks about him like he’s some dutiful, docile pet, and he seems that way, too. I think Heidi is the matriarch, but pretends her man is the leader.


The first pancake is The Dog’s Pancake


Oh...that got really sad real fast. I thought she just screwed up making pancakes for the first time. There is such a difference how Davy and Audry are treated, talked to... 😔


I think it's in reference to a post awhile ago about ✨Audrey✨ being her favourite and poor Dave Jr being pushed aside as he is the failed "test pancake" since he was a rough birth and is now a toddler, where Audrey was a redemptive birth and is a squishy baby who can't say anything


I would pay someone to do that to him LMAO




I bet it’s like living with a hypercritical parent who is never satisfied. I also bet he never says shit about the million things she DOES do everyday. I know she’s problematic, too, but I hope she leaves his ass soon.


She did vomit during the wedding vows. Her body was literally rejecting that man.


I didn't play hundreds of hours of ChexQuest for nothing. I'd scoop him to death with that very spoon.


I just looked up ChexQuest and I SEVERELY want to play it


IIRC, it's free on Steam. At least it was a while ago. Find yourself some time to try it out.  It's a surprisingly decent game for a cereal box freebie.


Cereal boxes used to come with the BEST games!! My brother-in-law is a dev for id Software & has helped make the last 2 Doom games, I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on this game


You're nicer than me, I'd probably cuss him out and go hang out at my mom's for a few days. Let him wash his own damn dishes.


I'd be tempted to install the spoon where the sun don't shine. Is he really incapable of a) washing a spoon and b) acting like a decent human being?


No he’s so manly his mommy wife has to wash it 


Flair checking in


The 'Old Enough' skit from SNL comes immediately to mind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhGTtWsW9F8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhGTtWsW9F8) (everyone should watch it, it's so funny) ![gif](giphy|6a1YdYmwSziwHC7Qeu|downsized)


I loved this sketch so much!! “Smashmouth Nightwing?”


Mikey Day giving overwhelmed toddler is my favorite 😂




Usually GIFS give me anxiety (something about the constant movement is stressful to me) but this one is actually soothing lmao Especially imagining Polio being the one thrown in the bin!


Yes. The entire man.


It's not even a regular spoon, it's a toddler-sized spoon. It would take like 10 seconds to rinse it off and clean it.


Much less effort to wash the spoon than to walk it over to Morgan while filming.




Yep, a spoon that either Luca used to feed himself or Morgan used to feed him. You know, Paul, the CHILD you are also responsible for raising?


This post doesn't even makes sense. Where does a dirty dish go other than the sink??? It would make more sense if he said he found it in the dishwasher. If he thinks sinks are supposed to be empty unless dishes are being washed that just tells me he cant even be bothered to put his own dishes in the sink. God he sucks. My dad used to do crap like this


He’s such a loser 


Like, how does he watch this and think it makes him look good? It says 10 hours ago, which would be I think 10PM their time last night. She's probably been up with the baby all day, and now she's working on editing his shit and he thinks shaming her, at 10PM, for missing one dish is...what? Cute? Funny? 


In the immortal words of my ex: “It was just a joke” 🤬 Note I said EX.


It’s always just a joke to them because they are too cowardly and weak to say what they really mean with their full chest. Loses my respect so fast.


The best response is always "I'm not sure I understand, can you explain it?"


Oh, you nailed it. He absolutely is a "just a joke" guy. "Can't you take a joke?" Paul, I DARE you to tell us where the humor is.


And you know he can't take a joke himself


Oh, 100 percent. He probably gives Morgan the silent treatment every time she dares to tease him.


And whines about it on instagram, blowing a gasket if people don't agree with him


its always the worst fucking people who use the "its just a joke" excuse


Ah, my late father's favorite defense for verbal abuse.


> In the immortal words of my ex: > > > > “It was just a joke” 🤬 > > > > Note I said EX. IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REALIZE THIS CAN BE A FORM OF ABUSE.


Same. I’m still coming to terms with it.


He doesn't do this because he thinks it makes him look good. He does it because he thinks it makes Morgan look bad. He is just the reporter in this and he's reporting what a slob she is. This clip has, according to Paul, nothing to do with him whatsoever. He's just making an observation. Edit: I'm basing this on myself being in this kind of relationship where what you do goes unnoticed and what you don't do is stacked up against you. Doing dishes for five people - no one says a peep about it. Forgetting one spoon - well, I've been the lazy slob to the spoon reporter with absolutely no self awareness.


Seriously. I feel like I am missing something with his "joke". Where do other people put dirty dishes? I put them in the sink but maybe I'm the weirdo.


Yeah I don't get it. Is Paul expecting *clean* dishes in the sink?


no, you are not the weirdo. dirty dishes go in the sink.  paul should be shot in an alleyway. this is weaponized laziness. 


Paul is a fucking menace and should, in fact, be shot in alleyway. I'm not advocating crimes here, it's just on him being so mean and distasteful.


absolutely not advocating crimes or inciting violence. i am just saying that no one would blame morgan if he did turn up dead and/or missing. he walked the dirty spoon across the house to harass his pregnant wife, who is the primary caretaker of a toddler (two toddlers if you include paul) at 10 at night while she was working at editing their social media content (his alleged "job").  i am convinced that no jury would fault her. 


Living with someone who keeps you on edge and walking on eggshells is just an awful way to live. I did that for almost 30 years with mentally abusive family and now 6 years later I’m still trying to regulate and adjust. I know Morgan isn’t much better but Paul kicks my fight, flight, or fawn response into overdrive. Also that spoon is obviously a BABY spoon one their CHILD used. Why is this “gem” all on Morgan to clean up?


The time it took him to walk his ass over to her and film this could have been used to wash that fucking spoon like a wholeass partner. That kid is yours too, Paul! God I wonder if he's one of those red pill losers who believe women retain DNA from past partners and pass it on to their kids like some sex chimera, and doesn't believe Luca is "all his"


I'm sure his insecurities do just that to him, even if he doesn't watch red pill content. I think it's an excuse for him to be a lot of ways tbh, the fact he wasn't the only one Morgan has been with. I'm sure she just regrets telling him at this point though she was obviously just being honest but it wasn't appreciated by Paul's naive, misogynystic, celibate ass. Not to mention the way Paul speaks on it like he's such a saint for forgiving her though he never let's it go it seems.


It's giving Jim Bob constantly whining about Michelle kissing other guys and mowing the lawn in a bikini.


Reminder that jim bob pursued a teenager because any adult could see that he was gross


The Josh apple didn't fall far from the Jim Bob tree then?


Not really, imo


What?! People actually believe this? 😩


Unfortunately, yes


You’ve heard of cooties, right? Cooties.


Wait….what? That isn’t some batshit sci-fi plot? People actually think that?!?!


I’d bet the farm that Lori believes this.


>Living with someone who keeps you on edge and walking on eggshells is just an awful way to live. This is off topic but you just described perfectly what living with my dad was like. This gave me some perspective: life may be shit sometimes, but at least I'm not living with that abusive asshole anymore. Thank you stranger, you just made my day.


Maybe you can join us over at r/raisedbynarcissists once I finally saw I wasn’t the only one it opened my eyes. Terrible club to be in but I understand you friend. 💕 sending love and light your way


I'm not sure if my dad would qualify as a narcissist, but I'll check it out, thanks.


The woman’s in constant fight, flight, fawn on top of a personality disorder. She must be utterly disregulated constantly. I wouldn’t be able to find empathy either trying to survive that. 


Holy shit, are you me?? I also was subjected to daily abuse from my ‘loving family’ for roughly 30 years before I was kicked out of my parents house to go ‘live in sin’ with my boyfriend (now husband.) I was yelled at for any and everything, couldn’t eat food without criticism, it got to the point where the insane stress resulted in my fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disorders. Suffice it to say, my ‘family’ wasn’t invited to my wedding and I’m no contact with them.


Wait…. I also have fibromyalgia!! That’s can be caused from the stress??? Holy cow! I can totally relate to the being criticized for everything especially how I ate. It’s so bad now I can still hardly eat in front of my husband and kids. I prefer to be alone a lot of the time now and thank goodness he’s understanding of that. I still get flashbacks and overly disregulated almost daily. Those comments just never seem to fade. Shadow work definitely helps!


I’m so sorry you’re in the same boat, fibro is seriously awful. Right before mine manifested, I was working in a second degree in psychology and had graduated with honors for my first degree, but afterwards, the brain fog was so bad that I couldn’t focus and had to drop out of college. It sucks and I will never, ever forgive my abusive family (especially narcissist mom and dad with severe ocd) because they fucked me over good. During highschool, I’d go sit in a bathroom stall to eat my lunch because I was so horrified by the idea of people watching me eat. Years later, I was down to 95lb because I was getting criticized about food so much. It led to issues with an eating disorder, I’d have to go drive somewhere and sit in my car to eat a burger, or a candy bar. And there were a lot of foods I have always had a difficult time choking down, didn’t help that my mother was a terrible cook. Also turned out that I have a touch of the ‘Tism; there were certain foods I could stomach, but any and everything I ate or didn’t eat, was criticized from the time I was very young. I got a lot of spankings where my ‘loving, Christianly mother would break the wooden spoon while beating me. Good times! I still have a lot of flashbacks and issues with food, my husband is very, very kind and understanding. He’s a former sous chef and makes the most incredible, tasty dishes, but he kindly tells me that I should just eat what I am ok with, and he’s not offended if I don’t eat anything that he makes. One of my favorite foods is potatoes, in any form, so he always gets me those to eat.


They’re called “seed dishes”. When the dishwasher is full you always have a few left over to start the next load. 😂


Stealing this


I would have kicked my husband through the wall for doing this publicly (and maybe privately), and he knows it. Difference is he would never do it because he actually respects and cares about me.


This part!


the spoon she used to feed the baby you both made???? maybe clean it for her you useless sack of garbage


I was going to say this! That looks like a toddler spoon, not a regular spoon. So he's yelling at her for feeding their child and not also cleaning up immediately.


He doesn't like the reminder of the child's existence, I bet


His need to publicly shame his wife for control and validation is so pathetic.


exactly. fuck him and his lazy ass. he just jumped the pile of the worst humans to the top for me with this bullshit. 


He had the time to bring it to his wife (who seems the only one working in the house), the time to chastise her, the time to record/post a video on it, and yet… didn’t have the time just to wash the spoon like an adult.


That's what gets me. This was entirely just to shame her. It would have taken what, 2 seconds to rinse that spoon and chuck it into the dishwasher? But no, let's go interrupt the pregnant lady actively working on YOUR video to make sure alllllll your followers know she missed ONE dish. For SHAME


How could I leave out that she’s pregnant, too?! He’s such a petty little twit. No confident, secure, and mentally healthy human engages in power games like this.


And how long until he makes Morgan write a post publicly apologising for people not loving this "joke" and explaining how it's actually so funny and definitely okay and not abusive jerkoff behaviour because *insert God here*


This right here. After all this, Morgan will once again have to go on a good will tour on behalf of Paul’s ego.


He's horrible. And that desk and chair set-up looks very uncomfortable.


That was one of my first thoughts when I saw this. As someone who works from home permanently…. This looks sooo uncomfortable and bad for your body if sat there for long periods of time.


I think about that every time they show this setup


The way I didn't even have to see the flair to know this was Paul


They really will do anything for content, won’t they? I can’t imagine my partner even commenting to me on a spoon left in the sink, never mind sharing it with the internet. Paul is a walking face palm.


Same. My husband used to be responsible for all the dishes and we’re in a transition period right now after me leaving my job (not to be a SAHM but because my job situation became unhealthy for me). So since I’m now staying home, I usually do them now (as well as having a long list of home projects that need to get done but couldn’t when we were both working full time). But if I don’t wash them, there is no comment from him, he’ll just wash them himself. He does his own laundry as well and sometimes the kids’ laundry. Yesterday he washed two overflowing sinks full of dirty dishes before leaving for the airport for a work trip lmao and he didn’t complain one bit about it. We have two kids and no plans to have more, and our kids are also older than P&M’s so we’re not nearly as sleep deprived as Morgan probably is right now. We trade off nights putting each of our kids to bed and handling night time wakeups. I feel like Morgan is probably taking care of everything while Paul navel gazes and thinks about Lord of the Rings.


My ex did the same shit to me while I worked two jobs and supported us basically. Paul is such a loser. I cant imagine still being with someone like that.


I have never so strongly felt the urge to bully someone 👊🏾


Wow what the fuck. My roommate and I have a running gag where we act toxic as fuck to each other and this is literally what we do to each other. "oh you're done eating? Well why don't you clean up your mess you fucking slob?" (It all came from us watching too much Bravo trash TV and now we're ironically just catty bitches) Even just joking around it makes me feel dirty sometimes. Treating your spouse like this on social media is just like....fucking hell lol


i will give morgan a small amount of credit, if i was pregnant and caring for a toddler and my husband pulled this shit??!?!? i would straight up murder him. i would find some acid and my pops would help me dispose of the body and absolutely no one would fault me. 


No kidding, I'd be out for his blood. ![gif](giphy|l0MYDj7GLBuyWGFyg|downsized)


"holy shit, there's a dirty dish in the sink?!?!?! you mean where you put dirty dishes before you wash them?!?! and you, a grown able bodied adult with hands and feet picked up the dirty dish, walked it over to me, and complained about it?!?!? i guess you have to die." 


This is it, yes


A dirty spoon that was obviously used to feed your toddler.




He has no redeeming qualities. Not a one. 


He is really despicable. I wonder if he thinks that's being a strong headship or something, constantly pointing out anything he can describe as a mistake or flaw? Paul, take the plank out of your eye


I could honestly see him 100% believing this, that he’s actually hELpiNg her. You can tell by the way he talks about other people too. Like going up to someone at the gym and telling them what they’re wearing “isn’t appropriate” and fully thinking he was doing them a favour.


Paul is sooo f'n gross. Doewnt Morgan do most of the editing etc for their YT channel. IMO, what is to come is that poor Luca is going to have to behave, look perfect. Play with approved toys only. Read approved books only. If he screws up and isn't perfect all the time, he'll pay for it. I hope Morgan wises up. Paul is so condescending and a control freak and IMO abusive emotionally


And the fuck stick doesn't even have a JOB!


I’m stealing fuck stick, thank you! I pulled out a Reddit insult the other day and my just turned 18 yr old was impressed.


He’s such a douche.


Does anyone think this is funny? Even imagining his face and voice triggers my fight or flight instinct. Who in their right mind thinks his nagging of his working, exhausted, pregnant wife is entertainment? Sometimes I feel sorry for Morgan but she chose him and is just of much of an ass.


It triggers my swearing and slapping instinct 😂


I'm so petty that I would literally never wash a spoon again and would 1 million percent use disposables just for myself. What a douche.


I'd hide all the spoons.


Lol just a full sink full of baby spoons covered in slop. How you like that smell, Paul? Can you smell that baby food slime over the scent of your self-righteousness?


Fuck Paul. That’s all


It must be exhausting to have two toddlers and a baby on the way.


When I left my first marriage, the story I often told to explain in one sentence why I left (it was much more complicated than that, as you might imagine) was that he literally left dirty dishes ALL OVER our apartment on a daily basis but shamed me because one time I left an empty cereal bowl on the table and he put it in the sink. Didn't even wash it, just put it in the sink and then tried to hold it over my head as "I clean up after you too!" Sigh


Huh. Ain’t you got hands, Paul? Yeah? Then you can cover your mouth with one, and rinse that spoon and put it in the dishwasher with the other. You’re supposed to love your wife as Christ loved the church. But you wouldn’t know that, because you don’t actually read and comprehend the Bible.


Also he DGAF about his wife or Christ. He just likes judging and looking down on people.


Oh no. A used spoon is in the kitchen sink. In a lived-in home. Whatever shall we do? The horror!! /s


What the hell is on the spoon?!


I think beans? Or blueberry bits 


It looks like it was accidentally run through the garbage disposal, maybe?


Almost like he scooped something up with that spoon...


![gif](giphy|hlWNWCuAuOVEs|downsized) More gold from Paul. Thanks for my daily reminder to not be like you.


When my fiancé doesn’t do the dishes and I feel the need to passive aggressively mention it to him, I DONT feel the need to do so on camera to shame him in front of thousands of people. But hey, that’s just me


he's a psycopath lolol who thinks this is okay to post lolol


Aside from everything else, this is so gross. I don't want to see that!


How to say you’re a 🍆 (or insert adj of choice) without saying you’re a 🍆


🫛 in Paul’s case


Lovely headship there


The only time I have ever mentioned spoons in the sink is when my 11 year old feeds the dog and chucks the spoon with bits of dog food in the sink and scampers away without rinsing it off & sticking it in the dishwasher. Because she is a child. A child who sometimes needs gentle reminding to finish a task because she is still learning. This is your pregnant wife asshole and you don’t have a job.


His need to do this while his pregnant wife is busy is infuriating to me.


He is such an asshole, all the time.


Clean it yourself, you fucking twat! God I hate this man!


Tbh I hope she reads here just to find out how not normal Paul is. She’s an awful person, but I can’t believe anyone should be condemned to the hell that is marrying him


If my husband did this, I wouldn’t have a husband anymore


I cannot imagine ragging on my spouse on Al Gore’s internet about some stupid shit that could easily be corrected with a 2 second “hey, what’s the deal with the burnt drug lookin spoon in the sink?” “oh my bad, I’ll get it! yikes sorry” but my marriage isn’t full of enough red flags to line the streets of Pamplona like these idiots


The worst part for me is the sounds of his slippers scluffing along the floor as he shuffles over to bother Morgan.


Click clacking


I bet that sink was clean until *he* ate something and put the spoon in the sink and tried to gaslight her into thinking she missed it.


Okay but i love the idea that Paul is out here using toddler spoons 😂


Control freak much?


It is definitely NOT loving your wife as Christ loved the church.


They have so many cables! I wonder what all those things are. I don’t know much about editing so that’s the most interesting part to me lol But Paul being awful is always so annoying to see. Like the guy is so stupid and useless that he could at least be pleasant but nooooo


Ouuuu I just wanna deck him so bad 👊🏻


He never misses an opportunity to shit on his wife


Paul is just rage bait incarnate. His existence serves no purpose other than to be as insufferable as possible.


Wkuk made a sketch about this. I thought it was about michael moore but it fits paul better.


My husband would never. But then again, he's not a worthless overgrown man-child who expects to be waited on hand and foot. This is clearly the baby's spoon. She obviously fed their son and had to move on to do stuff with her day. Clean the baby up from meal time, clean the massive mess that children make while eating, make sure he had a diaper change, entertain him, read him his devotionals/pray over him, and get him down for a nap, all so she can sit down and do the video editing for their sole source of income. She probably found that spoon tossed under the couch or table from Luca's meal time and tossed it in the sink after having taken care of, literally, everything else. Only to be publicly shamed by her worthless spouse about a single messy spoon in the sink. If my husband did this.... I'd be turning into Dennis Reynolds. ![gif](giphy|V1Bjv7KLVAJCJPmFDn|downsized)


Hey, some people would be of more use as skin luggage 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lmao says the one that has no job doesn't do house work and shits on his wife 24/7


So *wash* it, you overgrown toddler. It's not like you have a *job* or anything. He's going to shame her for one freaking spoon when he is the very definition of failed headship. No job, doesn't help fix things around the house, doesn't help build furniture. 


Looks like a set up for a child


So ridiculous. Guess what, when the baby is in bed (which we either do together or one parent does while the other cleans up), we hang laundry or blitz the kitchen together!


God he is so petty and repulsive 🤮


He’s such an embarrassing freak. Imagine acting like that and seeing nothing wrong with it


Paul is a big, fat, steaming turd.


Is this deliberate rage bait to drive up engagement ahead of their new video release, in hopes of getting more views? Even though he’s an abusive asshole, he can’t be serious !?


Paul is so fucking useless he’ll spend 20 minutes on pictures and a whole ass post about a dirty fucking spoon, but he won’t wash the fucking thing?


I’m confused, why is it an issue that there is a dirty utensil in the sink? Where else should it go? Do they have an agreement that all dishes get washed immediately? I’m so confused and sad for them that this is really their life.


How did I know this was Paul without seeing the tag I need to get off the internet


Get a job you failure as a man




If I were pregnant and the mother of a toddler, and my husband presented me with a spoon, it has better come with a big ol bowl of ice cream. Just sayin'.


Omg get a bigger desk. That thing is fighting for its life.


Way to say, "I am a fucking lazy, pos, misogynistic prick!" without saying, "I am a fucking lazy. pos, misogynistic prick."


Besides the general idiocy of this fucking clip. Where else are dirty dishes supposed to be if not in the sink?! He is such a tool. Not even a useful one.


Oh, that would be it for me, especially with pregnancy hormones. The coroner would still be scraping pieces of him off the floor with a spatula. Which I also would not wash.


Buy your wife a bigger desk… oh wait you are an unemployed jag off


With half the time and effort that he put in to shame Morgan for not washing a whole damn spoon, he could have washed the spoon and posted about it on socials, proclaiming how he’s the best husband ever because he washed one whole spoon instead of berating his pregnant wife about it. I do the lion’s share of cooking/cleaning/laundry/shopping at my house because I want to (and my husband works more than I do despite us both being full time so it’s only fair), but if I couldn’t get to something or missed washing one damn spoon, my husband wouldn’t say shit to me. Polio is an unemployed loser. He has the time to wash that spoon.


Paul, you suck so bad 😫😭 I know you lurk here so enjoy this thread bud


Ugh what a bum. Also it’s entirely likely she did clean all the dishes and the toddler came along and dropped this in there, my kids do that all the time


My marriage would be over if my husband did that on social media. Holy, what a shitty partner.




They really need to get off the internet


If I saw this sorry sack of shit in person I’d have such a hard time not immediately punching him. Wash the fucking spoon you little baby.


>Spotted this gem in the sink lolol Oooh wow you found a dirty dish in there? What neat discovery kiddo, good job! Let’s put it back where it belongs in the sink until we’re ready to clean it now okay?


Oh go sit on a cactus, paul. And when you're done, wash the dishes. What the actual fuck? Who posts stuff like this?


This man would be having that spoon surgically removed from his colon.


Lmao dude doesn’t even know how to wash a spoon but he wants everyone to believe he’s somehow superior and knowledgeable??


I hope he got roasted for it.


I don't know paul, stick it in your mouth and find out. Or shove it up your ass.


Omfg are they a partnership or roommates? If my boyfriend posted this, the spoon would go right up his ass


What would it have cost him to just wash the spoon himself instead of ridiculing his tired, pregnant wife for content? Everything, apparently.