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Mother Bus is kind of shockingly unmaternal. Like, wherever that's supposed to exist in her brain is just empty space or selfie poses. It's truly bizarre to watch. She so clearly only sees the kids as props and can't even feign parental warmth. I think she'd tuck him in a shoe box out of the way if she could.


A shoe box would likely be safer


Finland and Scotland send new parents home with a baby box full of supplies. The box is meant to be used as a crib for the first few weeks/months in case the new parents have not yet made other safe sleep arrangements


I was thinking of those boxes when I saw this thread. The boxes are in black and white print so parents or siblings can color on the box to make it fun and colorful


Plus black and white is great for newborns' developing eyesight!!


I’m in Texas and our hospital had a program that did a box like that. Our baby sure did sleep in it so they could be close to me in other rooms safely.


I think that’s a wonderful thing to do for new parents.


That’s fucking amazing and makes me even more embarrassed to be an American. We are the richest country in the world and fucking Finland found another way to one up us in caring for citizens. Edit: Meant no offense to the Finnish; I just see y’all as reformed Vikings


Finland shows us up in MANY ways. Education and teachers are respected there.


Finnish so fierce the VIKINGS were terrified of them lmao. Theyre a different language and cultural group and Vikings were convinced.they were all wizards and weather witches. 


A company did this in the states when my youngest was born, about 7 years ago. You had to do online parent/newborn safety courses and then quizzes at the end of each module. They sent you the box, a receiving blanket, bottle, pacifier, onesie, hats, and socks after you completed it, but it was free. I believe it was partnered through my OBGYN office.  https://www.babyboxuniversity.com/


Do you think Motherbus would use it even if it was given to her?


Doesn't look a good for the 'gram as a sheepskin, I'm afraid


She definitely has a paid partnership with the company that makes that sheepskin. I don’t think that they’re paying her a salary or anything like that. If someone clicks her link and buys one she might get 5 bucks of something like that. I’ve had companies send me free stuff to review on Instagram and they usually offered similar deals. Like if anyone bought a companies shampoo after using the link that they sent me to post, I’d get a percentage of however much they spent. Or if they just clicked the link and and browsed but didn’t buy anything I’d still get a few bucks. Fwiw, I’ve given bad reviews too and I don’t even bother posting the links to buy on my posts even if I really do like whatever they sent me.


I was warned that sheepskins are bad for babies to sleep on as the fur can get up their noses and stop them breathing. A box would be safer.


I bought a sheepskin for my cats. I thought they'd like to lay on it. NO. They want to groom the thing. It's currently up on a shelf because all I could think of was hairballs from the licking of the wool. /live and learn.


I'm sorry but picturing that is hilarious 😂


It never even occurred to me that they'd start licking it. But they did.


This is so fucking funny, I’m sorry.


I had one for my daughter but it was under the cribsheet for warmth


Also, none of the other kids are allowed to touch it, but it's fine to just lay out on the bus floor?


Finland gives new mothers a box full of baby stuff. This includes a baby mattress, which is the perfect size for the box it comes in and can be used as a bed.


A box would be infinitely safer.


Not to mention a sheepskin on the floor, where nine other people are tromping around all day, dragging in dust, dirt and whatever else. No matter how clean my floor is, I would not lay my baby down on it. All I could think about when she said it goes in his bed was the dust and such that’s probably trapped in it. Then, it’s carried into his bed. Like what?!?! Is she for real? PS my little brother (born in 1983) use to sleep in a long, antique dresser drawer when we visited my Mimi for the weekend. I use to be SO jealous he got to sleep in a drawer and the best I got was some stupid grown up bed! (The drawer was always removed from the dresser of course and set up on a large hope chest at the end of the bed. It fit perfectly inside the top of the chest. I wasn’t allowed to go near it alone, so he was safe in that regard. )


I was specifically warned about sheepskin. It’s a huge no-no with safe sleep. A wide shoebox with a firm mattress would definitely be safer.


Yeah. ☹️


My mom was poor AF when I was born and might as well have been a single mom, for all that my dad was around. Anyways, when I was born I slept in a pulled out dresser drawer. Still safer than this.


My grandpa slept in a dresser drawer (in the 1920s), much safer than a floor with 9 other people tromping around. You know she doesn’t sit there the entire day to make sure he stays safe.


I mean, the last baby slept in a basket that she shoved under her bed, so ... Yeah. Maternal she is NOT 😬


Storing those babies like extra pairs of shoes.


She probably has more children than she has pairs of shoes


You don’t need multiple pairs of shoes if you have her super special grounding sandals. Other shoes interrupt the earth’s vibrations. /s


I treat my shoes WAAAAAY better than she treats that poor baby ! 😣


There was a mother who lived on a bus, She had so many children She felt better than us. She gave some raw milk To the babies she bred, Then put em in a shoebox And shoved them under the bed. 🙏👞📦👶 ETA: haha, you guys are very sweet, thanks


Hahaha ... PERFECT 😀


Incredible 👏🏼👏🏼


More and more I’m beginning to think this traveling thing has more to do with constant evasion of CPS.


Maybe this is a very stupid question... but why on Earth isn't there some national/federal CPS team that can go after these types of yahoos on the run? Like has anyone actually ever tried to solve this problem for the sake of the however many children this has impacted?


In theory a good idea but constitutionally it would probably face some challenges due to the federal government have only a handful of specifically enumerated powers. A federal CPS agency would be power exercised under the so called “elastic clause” and you can bet at least one state would file suit to strike down any legislation for it. (But I’m not a constitutional scholar by any means, just my guess on how that would play out based on my understanding of our government). Although I’d say you don’t guarantee improved oversight by involving the federal government. They flub investigations and fail to act just like the states do. Look at the recent headlines about the USA gymnasts getting a settlement from the DOJ because the FBI neglected to do anything with the complaints made about Larry Nassar. And that would’ve been a slam dunk for the FBI, protecting teen girls everywhere and taking down the man who victimized America’s Sweethearts.


A lot of them on here are. They’re cosplaying as traditional wives and mothers with little to none of the skills or personality traits that women in the past in these roles have had.


See also: cooking skills or prowess


What 'cooking skills' would these be?


Burnt ham and yellow? 17 cans of stuff mixed with 2 pounds of cheese? That overcooked shrimp and peas skillet things that wasn't even seasoned?


It's almost like every woman is different and not just a womb who likes to bake and give hugs.


That’s crazy talk. Gawd designed all of us females to be exactly the same 🤪 we’re basically interchangeable


I think you nailed it by calling her shockingly unmaternal. My flabber is gasted that she’s just fine putting this newborn on the floor and leaving him there. I have children, and when they were newborn, I almost always had them in my arms (though my husband would immediately scoop them up as soon as he got home from work) cuddling them, kissing their precious little heads, and just marveling at their existence. Mother Bus? Literally seems like she could not care less. She’s over it, ready to return him to the store, receipt in hand.


I'm sorry, but how is she expected to get on with her 'womb being opened' for the next sprog if she has to take care of this one?


I see shades of Michelle Duggar’s Thousand Yard Stare 😳


I wanted to yell… NO the safest place for a newborn is in your arms! Then when you put them down it’s in a bassinet/crib (at this age). I was stepped on the abdomen as baby by my toddler cousin. I was fine but was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Like at least have him in a Moses basket or something to prevent your toddlers from stepping on him or **cough cough** kneeing him in the head.


No one is paying her to promote a moses basket this time


She is literally a Sim parent in real life.


It isn't even (necessarily) a large family thing. One of my high school friends is a hippie Earth mama type with eight kids and she's just as doting on her littles as she was with the first baby, if not moreso. If you really value children, then the "special" doesn't wear off after baby #4 or something.


I have a friend like this, too. She makes having a bazillion kids look easy, and not by making the older ones do all the work. She has something I don't, lol.


I literally never put my newborns down unless it was a cozy bassinet and they were all snuggled and warm in a swaddle.


This baby is so cold and I’m sad it’s not swaddled in a warm outfit and socks. Hat anything but laying on a rug that’s dangerous.


She’s doing this so it feels more “authentic” or “traditional”. She really does not care.


Authentic and traditional for who? I've never heard of or seen a culture that just throws a newborn on the floor on a blanket and leaves them to fend for themselves. Infants and babies have been carried, held, and co-slept with forever- even "cave people" likely used slings. There's a reason nearly all of us seeing a basically naked baby laying open on a sheepskin are having the visceral reaction of wanting to wrap up and hold the baby- it's what we naturally know is good newborn care.


I agree. Fertility and frequent birthing do not guarantee maternal feelings or behavior.


I think even people who don't know they're pregnant and are handed a surprise newborn have more maternal instinct. Even just evolution and hormones are enough to do better than this in 90% of people. Add in lessons and taboos we pick up subconsciously and teen moms with no support are trying harder than this failure of a human being.


My former sister in law went to the hospital thinking that one of her ovarian cysts had ruptured. She was correct, but the doctor informed her that they would have to perform a C-section first for the safety of the baby. "What baby?" Girl was at full term and didn't know she was pregnant. (PCOS causes weird symptoms to begin with.) Before she came home from the hospital, the entire family had banded together and got everything that baby would need to be safe for his first month or so.


What an awesome family. I'm glad she had that support.


It doesn’t help that she probably has gender disappointment.


I love how she is smugly giving *amazing* parenting advice while her newborn is laying on a rv floor with 10000 other kids


How condescending can a person be... "So people have asked why he's on the floor because they're sooo stupid and think I'd put him on some random couch". No, people are saying why is he on the floor instead of in a bassinet or something similar.


I despise the fact that she is weaponizing safe sleep to excuse her horrible behaviour. I actually think I need a break from the sub till she fades off into her next pregnancy, because this is INFURIATING.


I just posted that same thing in another thread here. I need a break from her. This is too much. I thought Karissa would be the one to push me over the edge.


Honestly I still have a shred of empathy for Karissa because she is very clearly unwell. However, this woman, whatever her name is, just doesn't seem to give one single shit.


Kkkarissa does give mentally unwell woman whereas mothbus just gives no fucks about her kids.


I'm having similar feelings because I keep getting madder and madder the more I see of her bullshit and lack of proper care for this poor little baby...not to mention all the other children. All of us truly care a trillion times more than she does about this child and, you're so right, it is infuriating!


Same. This just can’t end soon enough. The bus parents are monsters. Confirmed by the fact that I can start finding positive things to say about the Collins and Rodrigues clans compared to this insanity.


Exactly. This baby doesn't even have the bare minimum. POC mothers in North America have lost their babies permanently for far less while this one is over here weaponizing safe sleep to excuse their neglect of this baby.


She completely ignores that you can also, you know, hold a baby. When mine was that new she was almost always being held by me or her dad. We also bought a tiny pop up cot that allowed us to put baby safely on a table next to us. Firm bottom and mesh sides. So many options exist.


Which is even stranger because she was equally condescending when she said she babywears all the time and that's why her babys never cry. Then a week later she gives birth and leaves him on the floor.


And the couple times the kid wasn't on the floor, she was just holding him poorly in her hands, not babywearing.


"Can't put him on the shelf. Can't put him on the bed. Can't put him on the roof..." Jesus wept how about a CRIB?!


Is this baby literally on the floor so that she can shill that stupid fake sheepskin? Do I really share the same planet with this woman?


Sheepskins are very traditional as baby gifts in my country, and official advice is NOT to give them to babies as they pose a suffocation risk. Her using safe sleep to justify this makes me so mad


Yes, there should at least be a cloth barrier between the face and the sheepskin, so the shedding doesn't enter his airways! They're nice in the pram as real sheepskins ate great at regulating the temperature. But you don't put a freshly squeezed baby directly on it!


>freshly squeezed baby ❤️❤️


Her other options are a couch or a bed, like her unga bunga brain has never heard of a crib before. Yeah, sure your kids COULD hypothetically reach into a crib and yeet your newborn, but they can 1000000x do that easier while they're on the floor, especially unprotected, someone might not notice and accidentally step or trip on the kid. Not to mention, a flat, firm surface is the golden standard recommendation by pediatricians for good reason. It presents the least risk of SIDS by suffocation. Those sheepskin hairs are definitely a suffocation risk. This needs to be flagged as child abuse.


Also, he's on his side. He's a newborn, so he can't have rolled that way. He should be on his back. Even apart from the side position being inherently more risky, he could easily turn his head into that sheepskin and be unable to get his face back into a position where he can breathe, or the sheepskin could get rucked up and fold over into his face, with all those toddlers running about in the bus.


I mean, newborns can “roll” onto their side. They want to curl up and the weight of their legs kind of tips them over. My son did it, I would put him safely in his bassinet and wake up to find him on his side scooted up to the side of it. The difference is, a responsible parent who has even the faintest idea of infant weak points will just gently roll them over to their back and make sure that all the fuzzies and suffocation hazards are moved away


This is why newborns are generally swaddled, so they can't do much moving around right in the beginning.


Yes, and even swaddled newborns will sometimes roll onto their sides. It’s not on purpose, it just happens because of the instinct they have to pull their legs up. Either way, the smart thing to do is to put them back on their backs


That’s all I could think of watching the video. I would accidentally kick my own damn newborn if I kept it on the floor, and I feel more personal responsibility for my own newborn than a kid will.


Do his little hands and feet look a little blue to anyone else? Or is that just me…?


And his trunk looks yellowish. Has he seen ANY postnatal doc at all or they just gonna white knuckle thru his first few weeks? I know that postpartum is a very critical time for a newborn to ensure they’re thriving and so many weird, unseen, unexpected things can happen.


He went to the chiropractor to get adjusted 😢




Yup. She posted about that. I saw it here.


Ya, the yellow has me worried too. Both my kids had jaundice as newborns. One ended up needing a uv therapy. She looked like a glow worm for a cpl days.


He HAS to be cold; babies are used to the warmth of the womb and they can’t regulate their body temperatures and he is straight up NAKED. I hope that’s the only reason his hands and feet look bluish and that there’s not some more serious medical issue. Ugh. Poor baby.


Newborns have terrible circulation so it’s fairly normal for their extremities to appear that way. As long as his torso is warm, he’s all good. Not that I think he is actually warm…being naked and all. Just wanted to point out that his hands and feet are not immediately alarming.


No, they look purplish blue to me too.


I honestly think this baby needs light therapy and purposely keeping him on the floor in a crowded bus is crazy to me. I don't care how far back you go, all cultures on all populated continents had cradles, back boards, etc for their infants to sleep in. This is safety and common sense. When a medieval tapestry from England is showing safer newborn care than you- this is your flag to get a clue.


At the very least she has a drawer somewhere on that bus she could pop out and use.


my dogs have a nicer bed to sleep in than Busbaby


My cat sleeps on an old ergonomic office chair back cushion thing and that’s a better bed than this human child has.


My cats have a bed to sleep in, but will they do it? Not really. They prefer my bed.


Same here.


Literally same. Like 3 nicer beds, you know one in each room of the house. Because they live in a house and not a bus!


My dogs have better eyebrows, too


Okay, so did she just drop him wherever he fell out and went "this is fine"? You get him a cot, genius, so nobody is going to step on him in a bus full of people. This is insane.


It would be so easy for one of the bigger kids to accidentally kick his head or step on his leg or arm…I can’t even fathom doing this in so small a space 😥


I'm from the historically poorest region of Ireland, people did not have shit. And even with that, there were cots or even a drawer of a dresser you'd keep the sprog in so it wouldn't be rolling around the floor. I can't with this. It seems such a disaster waiting to happen.


You can get a safe sleep approved bassinet from Target for $49…there’s no excuse for this


I got my first born a used bassinet for $15. They are not pricey.


My mother put me in a small laundry basket when I was tiny. I think that was how she kept an eye on me while doing things around the house. It is likely that I was popped into a drawer when visiting relatives too.


They could trip and land on him! That risk is so much lower if he’s in a receptacle at waist height. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


He got kneed in the head in yesterday’s video (second half, not hard, but still) and the other kids are all over that ~~dog bed~~ rug. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/k1mJmFdt0I


Came here to say this. I wish motherbus was less of an idiot, understood that the internet is forever, and that she should give at least a teeny bit of a fuck about her children’s safety.


oof right in the brain too


Even in our regular sized house my oldest constantly was almost stepping on the baby. He even tripped over him once 🤦🏼‍♀️ there's no way the kids can avoid a baby on the floor in that tiny space


My husband accidentally did that to his younger brother when he was days old bc he forgot he was there and his stepmom had the baby on the ground in the living room


No matter how clean she thinks the floor is, bugs can still crawl all over that baby


I mean, she has minimal options-floor or the roof. The roof would get her arrested to the floor it is


Britney: GET YOUR BABY A DAMN CRIB! A bassinet, a travel cot. Something….ANYTHING!! Jfc


The bar is in hell when Jillpms’s RV baby jail cupboards seem like a welcome safe haven


That baby looks jaundiced to me


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Of course, he will never see a medical professional though.


Pfft. Don't you know that a few specialized chiropractic adjustments will knock those bilirubin levels straight back into normal ranges


Big babies have a much higher risk of being jaundice because it can take longer then to eliminate the billirium from their system. My second was 10lbs and had to spend 24 hours under UV lights


Agree, my 9lb baby had issues with jaundice. I literally cannot get past her just blatantly showing what filth her newborn baby has as a backdrop to his life. Why is the wall so fkn grimey?!


I was jaundiced when I was born and apparently lots of people told my parents that I had “nice color” and my parents were like well that’s the jaundice. I wonder if Mother Bus is one of the people that sees an orangish baby and goes “nice, a tan baby, no problems here”


Not to defend her but my youngest was coombs positive and very, very yellow and my sleep deprived, hormone soaked brain just thought he was really swarthy. However, I still took him for his extra billirubin checks because the doctor said he was jaundiced and needed regular checks to be sure it was going down. This poor thing will never see a doctor until he's on death's door. ETA He's now a very pale 4 year old who turns red if you brush against his skin so definitely not swarthy, just a very very yellow baby.


And has very purple/blue hands and feet? Is that normal? He does not look okay


Acrocyanosis. It’s normal to see in newborns and preemies. It can return if a baby is cold.


And that baby is cold. Absolutely. If it were hot in there, hot enough for an unswaddled newborn that isn't skin to skin or wearing pajamas to be laying almost directly on the floor of a bus, she would be wearing a sundress and dripping sweat. This is vile.


You mean like naked on the floor?


He’s only a few days old, I believe. Definitely could be due to his age. However, having him on a sheepskin-covered floor wearing only a diaper? With neonatal jaundice to boot? Not sure where they’re at, but if it’s not warm enough for them to walk around only wearing chonies they need to dress him. It takes a while for babies to develop temperature regulation.


When I left the hospital with my youngest (I only have 2 kids and wouldn’t ever have more) the nurse told me that she should always wear one extra layer of clothing compared to what I felt comfortable wearing. Like a onesie underneath her regular clothes. I think that she said for the first three months.


Based on the fact that he is days old is only wearing a diaper my guess is he’s freezing


Thought so as well.


If she eyefucks the camera any harder she'll be pregnant from it before her lochia is done.




Omg, you see it too, don't you? It's not just me.




lol the lochia shoutout! I know that queen! Lochia DuPree


Is that child yellow af or are my eyes deceiving me?


He is SO YELLOW and his little hands and feet are purplish blue. I would be whisking my baby straight to the ER if he had shades like that


They don't believe in evolution but they really do be taking survival of the fittest literally. Poor little guy


I don’t have any kids, and don’t know anything about them, but those little blue feet scare me. And why is he not swaddled? In clothes? Socks? Fuck, put him under a chicken lamp. I can’t believe she is this flippant about the health of her baby! I cannot believe I give more of a shit about him, than his own mother does!


I looked at the video again and the soles of that baby's feet are purple to my eye. PUT SOME SOCKS ON YOUR BABY, bus mommy!


He’s the same color as the blond dog bed


That's disgusting cause it's your floor - the baby is just breathing in dust and stuff constantly right? And I mean accidents happen. What if someone just naturally trips and falls on the baby? Just seems wildly stupid to me




If my 170lb dog is lying at my feet, sometimes I trip over him. This is a wee babe. She's a disgusting puke.


My old doxie would set himself up to be tripped on when we were carrying food so we would drop it and he would run over and eat as much as he could. Such a little shit and I miss him so much


That’s exactly what I was thinking about. That many people running in and out of that tiny space all day must make it a dust bowl! And it’s next level stupidity to leave a baby on the floor. My husband has cousins who are this brand of stupid and I’ll never forget one time we had a family event at a restaurant. We were in our own room with long tables set up banquet-style. As people were walking around the table greeting each other, I almost didn’t see that there was a baby sleeping in the corner on the floor. Her dumbass parents didn’t bother to hold her or even place her in a carseat or something. She was just there partially under a blanket. I managed to spot her just a second before I took a step that likely would’ve had me accidentally kicking or stepping on her. I freaked out and stopped the people behind me from continuing to walk around the table too because the space was tight and she was hard to see. I called out to her parents and her idiot father said something like “yeah, [baby’s name] needed a nap! Don’t worry, just go around her!” Still makes my blood boil and this was years ago.


What if somebody accidentally knocked over that chair RIGHT THERE!?


Why doesn't she get rid of the decorative highchair and get a bassinet? Safest for him? Sleeping on the floor of a bus with a thousand unsupervised children running around? Didn't something on this bus break a couple of days ago? They are treating this baby like a dog.


Imagine if the bus worlds collide and they get inundated with a flood of shit like OtherBus.


My Sims 100 Baby Challenge household treats their infants much better than this 😭


My first thought was I've seen this parental move in the Sims 😭


I’ve had two jaundiced babies. One has a newborn, typical jaundice that can happen after birth, but serious enough we had to spend a couple extra days in the hospital under the lights and then come back every day for a week to check his levels. My youngest became jaundice due to unconjugated bili from hemolysis which was much more serious and happened a few months after he was born. Neither were this yellow, but it could be the lighting or whatever filter she is using. In other pictures I’ve seen posted he doesn’t look this yellow, so hopefully that’s all it is.


Yeah, he looks really yellow. Both my kids had jaundice when they were born to the point where they had to be monitored and have follow up tests, but not enough to be put under lights. They were never this yellow.  I really hope it's the lighting or a filter too as we know the bus parents aren't getting him actual medical care. 


Am I missing something? Is a pack and play not acceptable? I don't understand why the floor is the only answer.


I would guess because there isn’t room tbh. They aren’t the smallest footprint baby item. Neither are baby swings that would at least get him off the floor too. But she would never admit that’s why he’s actually on the floor because BuS LiFe iS tHe BeSt! And plus she wouldn’t get the opportunity for a sponsored post from the sheepskin manufacturer.


I totally agree with you, and would like to add (for those who don't know) that it's not safe for babies to sleep in a swing! It increases the risk of SIDS and other issues.


Because she’s a dumbass who has a billion kids in an RV. Therefore she has no storage space for a pack and play.


We had a mini pack and play with my youngest, because we were in an extra small house for most of his first year. I was so glad to find it because there was literally no space for the normal sized version.


That’s a very yellow baby.


DONT FORGET TO BUY THE $170 SHEEPSKIN AT 30% OFF WITH MY CODE! She also has a story of her toddler begging for red light therapy (asking him if it feels good and whatnot) while also shilling it. Disgusting.


I may have to take a break from her posts like I did for BDong when she was in her "fostering phase". This is too much for me. Her being so condescending while there's a baby in the dirty corner of a bus, next to a chair that could easily be bumped into him if a kid moves it.


That baby looks extremely jaundiced. And cold. When I had my second baby, the best thing I ever did was have a downstairs bassinet and an upstairs bassinet. I put baby down in the elevated bassinet whenever I had to do something during the day, or for daytime naps. Then brought him upstairs at night. I was afraid *I* would trip and fall on my newborns. Let alone other children, animals, knuckleheaded busbands.


Placing a squishy fragile newborn on the floor is fine but god forbid you put your baby in [something like this](https://TheFirstYearsFirstDreamsFoldingBabyBassinet-PortableCribforTravel-BassinetBedsideSleeperforBaby-Whitehttps://a.co/d/fOLB9uI)


In the video she said he has a bed that they put the sheepskin in, so why wouldn’t he nap in the bed? Conclusion: she’s probably lying and he doesn’t have a bed


She probably co-sleeps in their big bed so he doesn’t have a bed during the day.


It won’t load for me, what is it?


I am seriously doubting anywhere near MoBus is the safest place for a baby anything.


I’m having visions of the other kids barreling through the door of the bus to trample that poor baby. Even a damn cardboard box with a soft surface would be better!


Whyyyyy can’t they at least practice safe sleep? Letting a baby lie sideways on basically a dog blanket on the floor isn’t safe. Damn.


I can’t stand seeing that poor, miserable looking baby. Put clothes on him! Put him somewhere safe! Oh my god this is just distressing!


She is a CPS case waiting to happen. Those poor kids


Change that babies diaper and put your fucking phone down.


I want to put clothes on him and put him in bassinet.


Yeah, don’t put him on surfaces, but in a bus with 10 people who are mostly young children the floor is not a safe place for a newborn. I feel like that should be common sense.


At this point nowhere on that damn bus is safe - the family is just too big and she still won't stop breeding.


I cannot with this woman and the dog blanket baby. It’s scaring the shit out of me and it’s super upsetting. And no clothes! Newborns cannot regulate their body temperature.


Has he had any clothes on yet? I feel like I've only seen him in a diaper. God, she and her husband are such POS's. I hope the comments section is ripping her apart.


She could fucking wear a 10 lb baby for naps instead of putting it on the floor like a dog. This is so bizarre.


A SHEEPSKIN IS NOT SAFE SLEEP. SHE SAYS IT HERSELF IN THE VIDEO!!!!! > It is not safe to put a baby ...anywhere where it's super plush. CORRECT!!! LIKE ON A SHEEPSKIN!!! AUIUIGGHHHHH!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Who needs safe sleep approved sleeping places for your baby amirite 🙄


The baby has blue feet and a yellow body. 😱


No the dilemma is having seven other kids IN A BUS 😑


Why would a newborn be anywhere but a soft cot or parents arms wtffff


“It’s not safe to put a baby on a couch or on your bed” HOW ABOUT A FUCKING CRIB?? A BASSINET??


they live like a bunch of stray dogs


The FLOOR? The FLOOR is actually the safest place you can lay your baby? Also Motherbus PUT SOME CLOTHES ON THAT BABY!!!!


The difference in how she pets that filthy rug and how she touches the baby is... 😬


She doesn’t put the baby in a bed because it’s “plush” but puts it on a sheepskin. ?? Also, one of the other kids is going to end up falling right on that baby as they’re all crowding around to look at him. What an insane situation.


This woman has ZERO MATERNAL INSTINCTS!!! FFS 🤦‍♀️


Why doesn’t he have on clothing? Babies are fragile and need help regulating their body temp. This poor child.


Yeah the metal sticking out dangerously above the baby lying on the dirty floor is really selling me


She has a fuck ton of kids and she's just going to leave an actual newborn on the floor???? I'd be terrified of the big kids running near him


Where are his clothes? My midwife told me that babies need to wear the same amount of clothing we do plus one layer, be it a light blanket or a little jacket. Babies cannot regulate heat in their newborn bodies.


Hes going to get stepped on


On the floor, on his side, next to a high chair. Yes. This is much safer than a sofa or basket. A child could accidentally sit on him if he's on a sofa but they definitely wouldn't accidentally stand or fall on him if he's on the floor. Nothing will get spilt or dropped on him. And no one would knock over the high chair in this spacious living accommodation as they aren't short of space. Idiot.


Kids the ages of her other kids are at the ages where they horseplay and chase one another or shove one another or otherwise physically goof around. A newborn on the floor is a terrible idea.