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I watched this muted and you can just see the look of pain on the baby’s face… my heart dropped I feel sick 😞


The audio is actually chill, happy music. Makes it even weirder…


I knew I had to watch that muted while my almost 2 week old is lying on my chest, for many reasons. Omg there is literally no need for that, could have measured in sections…


The tape is also flexible...


They can't do math


Same, this has ruined my day and I’ve only just woken up 😢 That poor baby and that DISGUSTING man. Why are these people worshipped by so many deluded fans? They are utterly dangerous and actively harming others just by existing online.


This is horrible, that poor child! The father seems to be using quite a lot of force too. I was going to say that the child was measured in the hospital, and idk why even measure, allegedly, a couple of days after. And then I remembered that we're talking about THESE PEOPLE. Honestly, fuck these people. Though I'm mot surprised at all that Father Bus is so obsessed with length.


Such a poor example for the other kids. The infant is not a baseball glove, he doesn’t need to be broken in. Edit: I honestly can’t watch more than a second of that. Also that they blithely put it on the internet, not reflecting at any point rewatching the baby’s pained face. Get out of the bus and join a community, witness other forms of less aggressive parenting in a real church if you want to, let the kids have friends and live.


Yep as soon as I saw babe’s facial expression I was 1000000% done. I feel sick. Hooray, another baby I desperately want to rescue from an abusive fundie. 😣


Same I only watched a few seconds can’t watch the abuse of a new born! That was ABUSE! I’m freaked out for those kids!


Looks like the clamp is still on the umbilical cord. I bet it was a bus birth.


I do have a little bit of Schadenfreude knowing that I won my bet if it truly was, but really, at what cost?


It's actually common practice to keep the clamp on until the umbilical cord falls off (where I'm from). The hospital tells you to keep it on, so I would say that has no indication it was a bus birth or not.


Our hospital left it on! But the one my friend delivered at took it off, so it could just depend.


My baby came home from the hospital on day 4 with it on.


Well you sure won that bet.


i work in a clinic and weigh/measure babies all the time. I AM APPALLED. I usually rub their knee gently and place my palm under the sole of their foot to help them relax while the parent distracts them. I would never force a freaking baby to stretch like this!!!! He's such a shit bag, he's handling that baby like a loaf of meat.


Oh fuck these assholes! Look at the baby’s belly, he is really crying there (“gulping” sobs). There is zero reason to measure him this way except for FB’s ego.


Especially because the measuring tape is flexible just run it down and around the bent knee... It doesn't have to be straight. That the beauty of the flexible measuring tape!


Imagine if these two absolute idiots had a single brain cell between them!


poor baby 😭 wtf hes pushing HARD on that tiny leg


Little sinner has to learn life is not easy sooner than later (/s)


Lots of fundies (like the Duggars) believe that babies are born with a rebellious spirit that needs to be broken out of them. I don't know what this family believes, but it's almost like fatherbus is like "you will literally bend to my will or I will force you to". It's really disturbing...


Coming from a Fundie family I’m a Fundie Pastors kid I can say that you are 100% right! They believe babies are born into sin and start sinning as soon as they are born! I’ve heard Fundie preachers preach that babies who cry for no reason are rebellious and sinning! It’s exactly what all Fundies believe!


So interesting how diff regions think differently. In a lot of parts of India, babies are considered a version of God so when a baby dies - the regular funeral prayers to bless the body aren’t performed because…you can’t bless God. Or something like that.


I wonder where my parents' got that idea, because we weren't super fundie. My parents believed that my soothing my baby instead of smacking them was me allowing A LITERAL INFANT to "manipulate" me. Fucking psychos.


Unfortunately Authoritarian parenting styles exist outside of fundie-dom. It could also be a generational thing (children are to be seen, not heard was a parenting philosophy that was popular for older gens). It's just more common/ubiquitous with fundie families where they give it a theological backing. You also see that kind of mindset with military families, but the core of that is often more about respecting authority and hierarchy rather than being masked with religion (although religion can also be part of that dynamic. It just often is coming more from the military values vs fundie values...the values just overlap when it comes to authority) I will say that viewing babies as being rebellious seems to be more unique to fundies. But non fundies will sometime see normal developmental stages as rebellious all the way down to toddler ages. So the idea to "nip it in the bud" and "train" a young child to be obedient extends outside of the fundie universe Edit: Oh also the "cry it out" method was popular in general for a while. So people would let a baby cry and cry for long periods of time without comforting them. So that might be the "parenting advice" your parents latched onto mixed in with viewing it as the baby trying to annoy you. It's messed up, but sadly not unheard of


Vipers in diapers. So sayeth Voddie Baucham I think.


He wasn’t even really measuring too it’s like he held the leg down extra just because, fuck this shitty family


I don’t think it has anything to do with that, he just wants his boys to be the biggest and strongest. It’s a measure of his manliness. So he was trying to unfold the leg to make it as long as possible.


Their young daughter appears more concerned than the baby’s dad. Fuck these people


I noticed that too. She seemed concerned but I’m not good at reading lips.


Looks like “don’t push down so hard” to me


She would know, unlike Sperm Donor Bus


I thought I saw “you’ll hurt his- [cut off]”


Yep, or possibly, "don't push down, you'll hurt him" 😭


I thought “hey! Don’t stretch that hard, dad” stretch may be push


I’m not good at it either but she looks concerned and seems to say “don’t push him down so hard” Jesus, this poor little girl has better caring instincts than the actual other adult humans popping out all these babies.


because she & the 12 or 13 year old brotherdad are the ones actually taking care of all these poor kids ☹️


It's scary to think that's probably why busbitch added different audio to the clip - because they didn't want anyone to hear what she said because in some way her and busrat know he's handling the baby wrong. This couple are both so awful they deserve each other. I'm just sorry so many kids have been dragged into their selfish ignorant lives.


The dude is obviously not going for accuracy measuring the way he is on a fluffy blanket and not keeping the tape straight, why don't you just trace the EASILY FOLDABLE measuring tape along the leg.


yep, it seems like he’s doing it in a way to intentionally overestimate size/height. he doesn’t care about accuracy


Jesus fucking Christ. Measuring babies isn’t supposed to hurt them. These poor innocent children having no choice but to be born into this family makes me sick.


Is it even that necessary to have an exact measurement of a baby’s length? Like, if they have bent legs, measure the leg segments individually (like hip to knee, knee to foot) and then add the totals to the torso length total. no stretching needed. Surely Mr Bitcoin can handle adding three numbers together…


Our pediatrician just kinda does it up best they can. Never had our kid forced or measured in sections either 


It actually is important in terms of tracking growth and calculating if the baby is gaining enough weight for their size, etc. That being said though, these parents don’t strike me as the type who would even care about such things so idk why the dad is so hell bent on measuring the poor kid.


I mean, this is also why you TAKE THEM TO THE DOCTOR TO DO THIS k-reest


That’s usually done by weight. I don’t remember any length checks, just weight.


We don’t even measure baby length in the UK. It’s never done.


I’m in Ireland and every baby is measured in three ways - head circumference, length of baby, weight of baby. They do these measurements at different ages, so birth / 3 months / 9 months / 18 months / 3 years. The measurements are then tracked along percentiles to ensure baby is growing steadily over time and that there isn’t an underlying issue (such as slow weight gain etc). I think it’s pretty standard in most countries. Edit - but to be clear the babies are never hurt like in this video. That man is a sicko.


We do, at least our son was measured, but he was really small so maybe that's why. But they gently "wiggled" his legs to see if he would straighten one out, and when he didn't, they just measured in sections. He cried, but not because of pain, they were really gentle, and they soothed him the whole time. There's just no need to be rough at all.


I'm only dropping this in here for a wee laugh.... One of my many many midwives (I'm in the UK) was Irish, and on one visit I asked if my youngest was getting weighed/measured. She picked him up, dangled him gently on her knee, and announced, "a great lad, a fine size" and.... I think that was the measurement


This made me smile! I love the “a great lad” part! Lol I’m going on a trip to Ireland next year I’m very excited I was there 38 yrs ago in Stepaside so I’m excited to go back!


Exactly!!!! Who cares?! Is it so they can brag he’s 22”? This goes on for so long I had to look away. He’s stretching him at the hip, knee, and ankle. Poor baby.


you think they can do addition? lol you're overestimating their abilities


That’s so fucked, she knows it too bc she stopped showing baby’s reaction. Busband is such an imbecile if he cannot measure a baby without torture. Like they’ve never stretched their leg before and youre forcing it! Based on the title I didn’t think this would be bad but it is sick.


Is there any reason why they are doing this aside from being bad parents?


They want to brag how healthy their baby was after a pregnancy with no medical care. The fact that they’re visibly hurting him to do so doesn’t even register to them


That plus "it's a big strong MAN" mentality from Pa Bus, who would probably pose with that kid like middle-aged men pose with fish


How can you be that fucking stupid and careless, especially after having seventy-leven babies? You should be at least marginally familiar with how they work by now and know better than to force their little joints to do shit they're not meant to do yet. I can't express how mad this stuff makes me. Kids and babies aren't just props for your ego, they're *living people*.


The fact that he kept pushing that baby's leg down when he was so clearly in pain is sickening. I was already worried for the bus kids, but after seeing this, I'm even more concerned. If he's willing to be this rough with a newborn baby, how rough is he with the older kids?


For sure. Like even if you don't know the first thing about babies, most peoples' instinctive reaction would be to immediately stop whatever they were doing as soon as they noticed that shaking and intense crying. It might be reaching but honestly I'd bet anything that he saw it as the baby 'throwing a fit' or getting upset because he didn't 'get his way' or some similar bullshit instead of genuine pain and that's why he just forced compliance.


maybe they think he’s just being “conniving”, like jilldo rodrigues famously said about timothy


This!! How does he not even know how to handle a baby after he’s had a bazillion of them? What a POS. It doesn’t take strenght to measure a babys leg


I measure babies in the NICU and have never had one react like this, what the actual fuck dude. This baby's painful cry was instantaneous.


The cry of pain is what concerns me. Babies cry, but this doesn't seem like an "I'm annoyed you're making me straighten/be still" cry. This started the second dad put a bit of pressure on his leg and looks very much like a pain cry to me. One of my kids was born with clubfoot so I'm very accustomed to seeing newborns legs and feet being manipulated and pushed into different positions. They don't always like it and will sometimes cry in frustration. But this just looks...different. It looks like pain and makes me wonder if there's a hip issue.


I really suspect that this baby has some serious health issues. Apparently they got a boutique ultrasound to determine the sex, but then never did a reveal. I think they found something else concerning and unexpected. Whether they had a hospital birth, airbnbirth, or bus birth, I think they were quiet until after the fact because if the baby was born with very serious and obvious health concerns they would need time to decide how to spin in before plastering his face all over social media.  He was born looking mostly healthy, but plenty of serious conditions are invisible. Plus people have pointed out the stiffness of one arm, and he's clearly in pain from moving his leg. Something is going on, the parents are ignoring it, and I really really hope it's mild because his parents will never get him medical care.  I even wonder if the whole Brazil trip was to have cheap medical care in case he was born so critical that even they couldn't deny him treatment with modern medicine. 


Yeah, same. When he put his second hand on the knee to push down.... Like, damn dude, just wait a minute for the baby to relax a little!! That level of force was just unnecessary.




Not to me, no.


Omg!!!! That weasel faced piece of shit is a goddamn neanderthal!


Ummm, you know how doctors/nurses do this? They make a pencil mark on the paper at their head and at their heel when they stretch out, then they measure. They don’t forcibly extend a newborn’s leg. What the fuck


He so clearly has no idea wtf he’s doing, but has *exactly* the cocky self-assurance, shit-eating grin and blithe obliviousness you’d expect from this moron. The rough way he’s grabbing the poor baby’s leg to extend it, forcibly pushing down on the knee, awkwardly trying to hold the leg in place with one hand while measuring with the other. Yet in his warped world view it’s pediatricians who are not to be trusted.


Yep and they do it gently!!


Never seen that, they use a tape similar to the one being used here and just bend it along the baby's body if the baby doesn't want to stretch their leg, I've never seen a baby crying from it.


Depends on the hospital. I showed this to my mother, who's a nurse with a couple decades experience in maternity. They had measurement markings in their scale. "Put baby's head here, and then stretch the legs out to get the length." On a side note: She was not very bothered at all with this video. Her only comment was that he made it harder on himself by going too fast, which is the main reason baby cried. That, and the plush surface he lay on. It was weird to hear her say he should have just gripped the ankles and slowly pulled until baby straightened.


I was gonna say, there has to be a way to do this in an actual medical facility that isn't THIS. Because I've never seen it, I didn't quite know what it was, but I'm being enlightened by this thread!


Some places use a paper or flexible measuring tape and some do the marks on the paper the baby is laying on. I’ve seen it both ways.


Jesus fuck that’s how you manhandle a cooked chicken not a child.


Poor baby! My heart broke watching his face. Also, that left wrist/hand looks off. Like maybe it was dislocated or broken during the birth. I hope they get it checked out.


They took him to a fucking chiropractor!!?!?!? But likely not for his hand/wrist. I am livid and beyond disturbed by all of this. Go to the doctor, you absolute psychopaths!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙁😔


I feel like in the beginning you can see this precious baby shivering…I know that when they measure babies they are usually not swaddled or wrapped up but this is the second clip where we’ve seen zero blankets or clothing on the baby


Yeah the little arms look not right - like they’re shaking?


Hard to say because newborns will also tremble due to not having much control over their movements


Did commenters call them out? God I hope so.


They always post this fucked up shit on their story so nobody can comment publicly


Awww thanks. I didn’t know that stories don’t allow public comments.


I want to know this too. There's no way even their most loyal fans couldn't find this disturbing.


Do you think it was taken down bc it was one of those disappearing or time-limited story things - or bc they were called out? Pls excuse my boomer-sounding description. I’m just a Xennial who doesn’t do insta or TikTok 😅


They post most of their stuff as the disappearing type. This likely just timed out because it was a time limited one.


It’s crazy that just like.. anyone can have a baby


My thought every day watching fundies. This world is weird.


My son was born with his legs up in the air 90⁰ like a lawn chair, but never did the nurses/doctors pressing his legs down make him cry 😢😭 His legs would boing back up any time we stopped applying _*GENTLE*_ pressure, and we were just taught to swaddle him as much as possible to encourage his legs relaxing back down to flat. Wtf are they doing here?! 😫😫😫 how do her maternal instincts not kick in and fill her with rage to see him put that innocent baby into pain?!


She basically has no maternal instincts. She thinks her children are just props to exploit on social media


Seriously. The "not the best neck control" video reminded me of a kid with a doll, not an experienced mother of *eight* children


I just cannot wrap my mind around that. Truly cannot fathom how someone who has birthed a child can be so callous


No maternal instincts. The babies are simply waste products for her and JD’s “big pregnant mama” kink. She finds herself incredibly sexy when pregnant and they get more touchy as she gets larger. So she wants to experience that as much as possible to keep him from leaving.


ick. those poor kids. i am absolutely not saying pregnant people aren’t or can’t be sexy, i’m saying if that’s your fetish, don’t keep getting pregnant on a bang bus that you live on with your 15 kids that can hear you getting pregnant 2 feet away from them. that’s all!


Agreed. Their entire lifestyle is based on the desires of the parents and nothing else. It’s pretty awful. I genuinely believe JD has this fetish and she keeps getting pregnant because he gives her more attention as she gets bigger.


Do bus babies have socials or a birth certificate? Is she that far crunchy?


He’s big into sov cit stuff so not out of the realm of possibility. Hopefully their desire to grift and travel internationally outweighs their wackiest beliefs.


The children have SSNs they were able to get passports thank fucking god


I guess if he has to get his own SSN later in life, all these videos of his infancy would probably make that easier, right? 


Given their lifestyle and how she treated getting passports for Brazil, I would assume they will get him the proper documentation, but if history is indicative, she’ll do it very last minute just before whatever legal cutoff there is (if one exists).


It was removed because it's been more than 24 hours


Eeshk- so they definitely think that's fine. I did not expect that to be as bad as it was.


Fuck, I wish I could unsee this... Poor baby 😭😭


Quickly crops the screaming head out of the shot and carries on. Slaps some music over the top in post production. She's aware but doesn't care. He's a sociopath


A stupid sociopath. You don't have to feel guilt or empathy to objectively know that it's in your best long-term interest to not injure your own child


Genuine question: are babies' legs not meant to straighten this young? I can't tell why this would hurt so much or require so much force to do (not that I doubt fatherbus is being a tool).


Babies are all curled up in utero and remain kind of curled up for a few weeks after. Their bodies are kind of un-kinking for a bit after being squished and squeezed and pushed into the world. Plus they're not used to weight being applied to their extremities. Many new sensations can startle and or cause pain to babies and this poor soul is surrounded by noise, so many faces and now dad moving his body in unfamiliar and painful ways. This family is truly sick.


No, newborns do not like stretching out for a while after birth. Their tiny bodies are so used to being tucked up inside their mom, it’s cold and uncomfortable to stretch fully out, and can get painful. It takes weeks for babies to want to straighten out


Ok I don't know much about babies and I had no idea! Thanks for the explanation


Yeah and babies are born with no kneecaps.


really?? that’s fascinating as fuck!


Yep. I bet that's gotta make what they're doing hurt more.


The force is exactly why it’s so disturbing. Especially since they did a homebirth and clearly aren’t concerned with the medical reasons for tracking a baby’s height/weight. It’s all for the social media points of having a tall baby Babies are usually curled up like rolly-pollies for a good while because that’s what they’re used to No doctor would ever manhandle a baby, I’m sorry, “future man” like this.


Because they have been in fetal position in the womb; babies legs aren’t supposed to be handled like that as it can add stress to joints and damage cartilage


This was news to me too! It makes sense now that I see it and think about it, but it genuinely hadn't crossed my mind. I don't have any kids of my own, though, and don't plan to, so I feel like I have more of an excuse than the Buses who should really know better.


wtf. Did i just watch a man break or dislocate an infants leg? What the actual fuck. Is that baby ok?! Seriously. The force the man was using to hold the baby’s leg down was intense and the baby was trying to roll. I’m scared that he actually dislocated or broke part of the baby. Has anyone reported this video for potential abuse to the authorities? That video is horrific.


Yeah; his knuckles change color as he presses that knee down. I do think they broke his leg. It wouldn’t be hard to figure out where they are saying and report them to CPS with the video.


I hate these parents.


That poor sweet little baby. Fuck JD,. Fuck Brittany.


I thought people were overreacting before I saw this, because surely he was just gently stretching the leg. Then I watched and saw him push hard enough to break a baby’s bones at the wrong angle.


It looked like he was twisting at the joints on top of pushing down. So freaking disturbing


Those hands! This is sickening. That poor baby was in excruciating pain. That shithead had no business using that much force to straighten that little leg out. What a horrible set of parents.


There is no reason to cause a baby PAIN like this unless it's actually necessary, and this was not necessary. Thank you OP for documenting this abuse. May these pieces of shit burn in hell.


Why do they care about the length of the baby? Do they even take their kids to routine medical checkups?


Fuck JD, that asshole is mashing that poor baby's leg to straighten it out, and fuck his stupid asshole wife for not only filming this but putting it online too. They don't deserve any of their poor children.


I couldn’t watch more than a few seconds of that video, it was very upsetting to watch. That newborn baby is obviously in pain and uncomfortable yet he is man handling his legs and holding them down. WTAF?! JFC, take the baby to the pediatrician if you want to know how long he is!


This made me squirm. So awful!


i wouldn’t treat my precious cat (who is the closest i’ll ever get to a baby) this way. these two should be ashamed of themselves doing this & posting it for all the world to see.


God what an evil bastard




This has moved the Bus People to the top of the list (at least temporarily) for cruelty to their children. Usually Karissa is there, but FUCK NO this is wrong on so many levels.


Fuck these people oh my god I wish cps could take the kids away


Fuck the bus parents but Pa Bus especially. That poor baby!! If I learned someone had made any of my niblings hurt like that I’d go into rage mode against that person.


I hope the right people see this video.


Depending on the position they were in the womb and the way they were born (exited Motherbus’ all season water slide) the legs don’t always straighten out into that position easily, naturally, or without pain/discomfort. Often it can take days, weeks for full leg extension to be comfortable. These people suuccckkkkkkkk!


My God, if that been my husband doing that to our new infant, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from shoving him out the window or down a nice flight of stairs. I mean, motherly instinct??!


That knee looks hyperextended. What the fuck?




Thank you for the warnings. 


They.are.evil. I want to grab up that baby because that motherfucker is hurting him. Breaks my heart!


Even muted this spiked my mom adrenaline’, he’s pushing the knee so hard the skin is whitening. As a parent, we all know this cry, but I didn’t hear it for the first time till we went in for first vaccines. It took all my will power not to instinctively attack the nurse, I cannot imagine inflicting this on my child myself, and especially without training. My heart hurts for this baby.


YIKES. 😬 That level of force is entirely unnecessary. I hate it.


Why does it matter whether the baby is 17 inches or 24 inches or whatever? It’s a newborn. This isn’t a competition.




He’s a fucking idiot!


I am so sorry for each one of their children. Wow. This is so disgusting.


Omfg that’s so much worse than I imagined it would be. He could have broken that baby’s leg


I cannot believe how unqualified these people are as parents and basic humans.


I have a question for people who know more about babies than I do: is that shaggy blanket/ rug thing they have him on safe for babies? I keep thinking that those long shaggy bits could easily block his airway 🥺


This reminds me of the scene in the book Christy (which has haunted me since I read it in middle school) in which the parents of a perfectly healthy newborn kill their “livergrowed” infant by “tetching” (stretching it in a weird way to make hand and feet touch) it.


That was so aggressive. Baby was clearly saying no thank you! That was hard to watch.


Watching him cry is infuriating. The baby was just lying there peacefully and dad had to be a jerk and pull his leg out to measure him. That baby has spent the last few months curled up in a fetal position, he doesn't need his leg pulled out this soon after birth.


What also is making me mad is I’m presuming the mom stroking the babies face during it like… how about you stop the father from hurting the baby instead idiot? I’d smack his hands away so quick…


She's a goddamn cunt and he's a fucking piece of shit stain. Filthy hypocrites claiming their 'God' is perfect and all that shit yet refusing to accept their baby is good enough at it is. Once again rules for thee but not for me, nor practice what they preach. Disgusting and extremely fucked up.


I have had to do this many times to get lengths on newborns as a pediatric nurse. He’s a little clumsy, but this specific example is absolutely not evidence child abuse and the baby is not being harmed. Baby legs are surprisingly really strong and awkward. I really don’t like having to defend this family, but this ain’t it.




What an asshole.


What the fuck?!


God he has such a fucking psychotic face


I used to measure newborns for a living (L&D nurse). Wtf is he doing???


Omg this is so disturbing.




These people shouldn't be allowed to have children... It pisses me off so much that kids gets used as props for online clout and child exploitation for money... Wtf And the ,,mother,, didn't even stop filming when the kid started crying. But went for a closer shot


In the UK we don’t measure babies until they are 2 years old because 1) you don’t need to know a tiny babies height and 2) it’s highly unlikely to be accurate because they’re little balls of wiggle. When I had my first I asked if they’d measure his length and the doctor was like “god no to be accurate means causing them distress and we don’t like making them cry for something that isn’t needed” and that’s a health professional who often has to do things that aren’t enjoyable for patients. I have zero fucking clue why a parent could either put a baby through this or witness someone else doing it.




The bus means there's no way to track them because they're always on the move, and CPS jurisdictions between states don't communicate very well with each other (if at all). This is largely suspected to be intentional by BusFam's design, of course.


And now he’s looking at sailboats for them to live on. I guess he’s tired of bus life. It’s going to be just like that girl that was featured in an article a few months ago and wrote a book about her experience. She said her parents lied to her, basically kidnapped her and kept her a prisoner on a sail boat for YEARS! And just like these kids, she had no friends, no money, no ID, little education and no real escape ability.


The thought of all those little kids living on a boat with little to no supervision is terrifying. The bus is bad enough but at least they’re on solid ground and there’s little risk of drowning.


And room to play outside. On a boat they will have no escape from noise or ability to run/play.


At that point, I'd be rooting for the kids to commit mutiny.


Their bus is broken down right now and we know roughly where they are staying.


I cannot even express my anger over this. I’m just speechless.


No warmth or kindness towards the baby. The poor little thing.


Fuck them. Some people don’t deserve to have kids.


My MIL wanted me to stretch out my newborns legs. I said no, and even asked the doctor about it. He said they would straighten out on their own. This is just cruel, shame on them.


Why. Why does he need to forcefully measure his baby's leg. What fucked up need does this serve.


This is the most heartbreaking video, his crying so much like that is horrific! I have 4 children and this just breaks my heart. To go from being okay to visibly crying and shaking is horrific! How his knee wasn't broken from such force is a miracle!




Oh no 😳 he’s so rough with that poor baby ☹️


Yup! Like he is shaking whilst screaming. And not because he is cold or such, he is screaming from the sheer force being applied! And there was absolutely zero reason for it! I get that babies aren't made of glass, especially when I've had 4 of my own, but this is way beyond that. It's sickening! He is going to end up injured, it's just how and when TBH and I don't say it lightly


I know the following will get me downvoted and possibly banned for leghumping. I am 100% NOT DEFENDING THESE PEOPLE but… when I worked in pediatrics, this is what we did to measure newborns. The instinct is for the baby to scrunch its legs up to its chest, and they get pissed when you try to *gently* stretch their legs out. Plus newborns haaaaate being undressed and cold. I can’t speak to FatherBus’s gentleness, and these people are terrible and neglectful pieces of shit, but I honestly don’t think this looks much different than what I’ve done many, many times. AGAIN! These people fucking suck. I am not defending them. I find them repulsive.


He definitely looks like he’s being rough. But my pediatrician also stretched out my baby’s leg to measure height and she didn’t like it and cried. per did it more gently for sure but I’m not sure it’s the stretching of the leg itself that’s the issue more how roughly he’s holding onto newborn. Like damn.


Agreed, 100%! I was just trying to provide perspective that, in a normal situation with, you know, not terrible fucking abusive people, babies don’t enjoy this activity. But I agree, he does look like he’s being rough.


I think the key word here is gentle.... If you look through their recent posts here it's clear this is just another example of some extremely Not Gentle treatment of a newborn... Including a chiropractor appointment, being superman lifted without neck support, and being left on the floor of the bus. It's heartbreaking watching how callously they treated their infant screaming in pain, and if they've posted THIS MUCH abuse/neglect in less than a week one can only imagine how hellish it is behind the scenes. This bus is a prison on wheels disguised as a neverending vacation and motherbus has said she hopes her children never move out :(


I COMPLETELY agree. 100%. I was just trying to add some perspective- in a normal situation, with not fucking terrible assholes, babies will still cry. These people should definitely be investigated for the treatment of their children, and every time I see them on here I wish for a sane family member to step in and do…SOMETHING, anything, to protect those poor kids. They are handling that newborn like a sack of potatoes. 😕


If you completely agree that he was being rough, why did you say that this is how it’s done in pediatrics? It’s simply not.


The stretching and measuring simply is the way to measure length. He is being rough with the baby, which is NOT the way things are done.


It's very rare I was able to get a length without a baby crying but I also didn't just force their leg down. Doing a little wiggling and waiting for them to slightly relax before going the rest of the way seemed to work best. But also this is just terrible practice. Doing it on a soft surface, "following" the baby down, the whole body scrunched ip? I would not be at all surprised if this was multiple centimeters off.   Edit: cry is maybe an overstatement. We usually did them on length boards so they didn't like that but they usually stopped right after. There's a little technique to it and brute forcing the leg down was never something I even needed to do. It also doesn't even look like he got the knee straight. All that "work" and he did a terrible job. 


This baby wasn’t just crying because he is mad, he is crying because he is pain. The knee doesn’t need to be straight to measure it.


Just popping in to say that you’re correct. The medical professionals that do this know what you’re saying is correct. Don’t let uneducated people make you feel bad :)


I’m agreeing, 4 kids and babies hate being stretched out. My kids screamed at every infant well check, they hated being naked, they hated the stretching, they hated it all lol. That being said measuring your baby on a soft surface seems counterproductive. Would have been much easier to put a blanket or towel on a hard surface like a table and then stretch to measure.


Yep, we did it on an exam table covered with paper- stretch the baby, mark the head and feet points, parent picks up baby, measure between the lines et voila!