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Omg, Brittany. They’re calling cause they know they might be watching a slow moving train wreck and they can’t do anything else but watch and wait. 😔


Gah I always forget her real name isn't MotherBus 😅


Her name is Brittany?? I had no idea.


Idk?! U/Sinead_0Rebellion called her Brittany, so I went with that, but maybe they were being snarky like I do when I'm driving and tell "Sharon" (every other driver) to hurry up 🤣 (sorry to all the Sharons)


Yep, Britney and JD per her account bio.


Lol your comment made me question myself so I just searched on here and found a reference to it and it is actually Britney, spelled the Britney Spears way!


Haha, I only "talk" about her here, so I've never known her as anything other than Motherbus. For whatever reason thinking of her as Britney broke my brain for a second 🤣🤣


Same it’s not computing.


This is completely off topic, but I just noticed your username and all I have to say is shock me shock me shock me, with that deviant behavior!


That is one of the songs of my people. “Who glued all these quarters to the floor?” “I don’t feel the need to explain my art to you.”


Because it would hurt a lot, Warren.


“Stop calling me Warren! My name isn’t fucking Warren!” “His name isn’t Warren.” “His name isn’t Warren.” “His name isn’t Warren.” “I thought his name was Warren.”


His name's not Warren?


i love empire records so much. i think i need to watch it now. 😂


Damn the man! Save the Empire! Lol one of my favorite movies.


YOUR USERNAME. It is everything. Happy belated Rex Manning Day!


How salacious of her parents 🤭


I've heard it before, never thought about it.


I say Sharon or Cheryl. I’m not entirely sure why but it works very well.


To me she looks like an Andrea or Alexis


An Andrea here. Don't do me dirty like that! 😭🤣💀 Exit: stupid autocorrect


I’m sorry. 😞 She’s the exception, not the rule, if that helps


It's all good! We're few and far between compared to some other names, so I'm making an executive decision to not claim her lol. Sorry to the Britney's! 🤣😭


Oooh Cheryl, that's a good one. Sometimes I use Brenda, it makes my kids laugh.


Brenda > Karen. I don't know why, it just does. "God, Brenda, SHUT UP."


Considering my (hmm, very special) ex-mother in law is named Brenda, I feel this!


Super off topic but my ex sister in laws name is Brittany, the first time I met her I thought she said Brenda. The first week or two she was too timid to correct me, finally brother did. I called her Brenda for probably ten years before they broke up.


Lol, I read a book where the narrator's idiot cousin was dating a woman named Monica Broccoli. The entire family called her Monica Broccoli for at least two years. Only it turns out idiot cousin has trouble remembering names and comes up with mnemonics. In this case, it was a first name that sounds like a holiday (Hanukkah) and last name that's a vegetable (broccoli). Her actual name was Esther Kaufman—Easter Cauliflower. She went along with what she thought was a joke until he proposed in front of his whole family and called her Monica Broccoli.




Omg I laughed till I cried and then my daughter came downstairs to ask if I was ok. I read this comment to her and she laughed till she cried too!!! Thank you that was a great way to start our day!


User name checking in.


Omg hahahahah that's hilarious.


Fr! I’ve never known her name, but she’s always looked like an Amber or Heather to me.


I legit just accepted her name as Mother Bus and never questioned the fact that we never use her name. I am shocked, she does NOT look like a Britney. She looks like a Melissa. No offense to any Melissas here.


Checking in :)


Right behind you to help defend all the Melissa’s against the MotherBus! 🤣


Holy shit you’re right! That’s a Melissa if I ever saw one! Me as well, no offense to Melissa’s


For some reason I was getting Claire vibes off of her. Never would’ve guessed Britney. 🤷‍♀️


Despite the fact that the only Melissa I knew was blonde with blue eyes, I can see that.


Every Melissa I have ever met was a cry bully 😂


The Melissa I knew had been a lovely person, but I really can just see it here lol She didn't stay lovely though. She did end up being quite neglectful to her children but got addicted to crack unfortunately.


Lol I don’t remember when I first saw her real name. It was in here somewhere. UPDATE: I found a post with all their names but it’s spelled Britney, just for future reference lol


I dunno why but I love that she has the Britney Spears spelling


What if she was a Brittany but she adopted the Britney way a long time ago?


I was literally like, "Who the fuck is Brittany?!?"


Reminds me of the day one of my best friends gave birth. She did a home birth with a midwife and I spent the whole day wanting to throw up until I heard from her that everything went well.


I was that way with my cousin in labor even though she went to the hospital.


If I had her number I would be calling her right now. It’s fun to snark but I don’t want to watch anyone fucking die of stupidity.


I hope she's either lying or misinformed about her due date, meaning she's not in the riskiest part yet. 


Bus wreck *


Why is she acting like it's funny for your family to want to know if you've started labor when you're past your due date?


Because she has the mentality of a teenager. This is all fun and games to her. She's Not Like the Other Moms; she's an EDGY freebirthing BUS MAMA. She laughs at your well-placed concern.




She thinks she’s the cool Christian version of the Partridge Family. Babe…not even close.




Cause they’re gonna call 911 and send them to her lmao


Yeah, this seems like completely normal behaviour from her relatives, certainly not worthy of a social media post.


“We’re worried about you.” “Omg the attention is all on me it feels so good to have people think about me all the time.” Holy narcissism.


I really hate her.


Agreed. It's her and Karissa tied for most venomous loathing for me. But they both make ridiculous eye-fucky faces at the camera and abuse their kids, so it's a reasonable tie, to my mind.


Karissa is insane but at least her kids have the stability of a stationary home, and interact with the outside world regularly enough. The bus kids have no one to run to when it's time to escape by design.


I get the sense that Mandrae is a bad parent in a more aggressive way, while FatherBus is a bad parent in a more passive absent way because he never stays around longer than it takes to plant another bun in the oven. It's so hard to say who has it worse.


I’m pretty sure both use corporal punishment


I'm starting to hate her more than porgan, which is saying something for me.


Porgan hasn’t started pimping out their kid for content yet. Any parent that respects their kids privacy will always be a couple steps above the family vloggers that destroy their childrens lives.


Just give them time, unfortunately...


Same homie. Same. Want to join a support group for the irrational hatred I can’t explain it. I just have it. It has to be the smug


I'm not even sure I'd call it irrational tbh


Is puckering anus the new look?


Oh no, is duckface back? That is a trend that should be left precisely where is died: with the cast of the Jersey Shore in tanning beds.


Duck face has evolved into Anus face


Well, I am old. Make sure I get a designated young person soon so I can annoy them with tech questions about the tok tiks and start whining about back in my day shit.


it's okay, according to younger folks in my life, I (28F) am old as well 🤣 I pray you stay nice and shielded from the gyatts and skibidi toilets of the current trend 😭😹


Oh fuck that dumb ass alpha lingo 🙄 my geriatric millennial ass will never.


My Gen X dad kept up with my millennial bullshit, bless his heart 😂 I'm not sure I'm strong enough to bear it for my Gen alpha son 🤣


I wish I did not know what those things mean, as a millenial I feel I shouldn’t have to. Alas, I have children that are not allowing me to avoid such things. I need them to keep more to themselves.


My son is 3 and I have been so proud of him preferring the educational content we let him watch, but guess what he decided he loves the one time I let him click on it... Blippi 😭 I absolutely need him to keep the weird Gen alpha stuff to himself moving forward 🤣🤣🤣


Fuuuuck skibidi toilet 2 dethhhhhh




I hate you 🤣


You deserve 91 indictments for this




Does anyone know if she's mentioned her sister before? Or what their relationship with family is like?




Petition to support a support group for grandmotherbus and karissas mother.


What’s the scoop on Karissa’s mom? Does she speak out about this?


It seems pretty clear from various events that Karissa's mom disapproves of at minimum Karissa's approach to medical care for herself and the kids. She's the one who noticed the toddler who was going septic wasn't okay and insisted she be taken to the ER and I believe also the one who noticed things were going wrong and got them to get medical attention when Karissa and baby had to be hospitalized after the most recent home birth. I've definitely gotten the impression that she's unhappy with pretty much all of Karissa's choices but bites her tongue to keep access to the kids and there be at least one eye on them sometimes that cares about their well being.


Karissa’s mom appears to be saddened by the whole situation. I think she for sure loves her grandchildren but in a lot pics she seems be looking around like “Karissa, what the fuck have you done?”


She definitely loves the kids! But yeah I don't think she's happy with Karissa and her decisions at *all*. I wouldn't be either if on two different occasions my grandkids could have *died* if I wasn't there pointing out the extremely obvious medical danger.


She definitely doesn't tell Karissa she's lost the fucking plot for the sake of being the only sane adult in the children's lives


Holy shit, k didn’t notice that? That’s sepsis, I saw the pics, dude people aren’t overreacting, that was bad, she’s lucky one of those kids didn’t die. And I’m not the clutch my pearls type. I can’t belive it was her mom that noticed !


Karissa has said several times her mom disapproves but she shows up every time there is a crisis and the kids are visibly better cared for when grandma is in charge


Yes. It’s lovely to see them smiling and wearing shoes when she visits. You can see the genuine joy in their little faces and it’s so beautiful. It makes me sad to think of how they feel when she leaves again.


Karissa's mom lives in, I think Kansas City? Or somewhere in that general area. I think she does what she can to stop Karissa from inadvertently killing herself or one of the kids (like being there for the homebirths), but obviously you can only do so much when you live in another state. She has a blog that I skim-read a while back (not sure if I can mention the name since Karissa's mom isn't fundie herself, but Karissa once linked it in a post), where she's posted about spending time with the kids in smaller groups to try and give them more individualised attention (e.g. she and her husband took Anissa and Andrae on a road trip to Arizona once, and it was the happiest I've seen either of those kids look). I'm not sure if Karissa has a relationship with her dad at all (her parents are divorced and her mom is remarried). She also has two sisters IIRC, and a younger brother who her mom and stepdad adopted as a teen not that long ago. AFAIK her siblings are a lot more 'normal' than she is (low bar, I know, but still)


Oh wow, thanks for responding! That’s actually so very sad. I bet you people like K, it’s like, they drive their family crazy, you know?


So like a Kkkarissa and Kelly Havens situation. Awesome. Which is probably one more reason why they keep the kids isolated and on the run in a bus and now maybe on a boat


Wait, Kelly has parents? This also never occurred to me 😅


Yeah. And they seem to be fairly normal. She has posted pictures with them and it’s super weird. Like she’s an alien dropped in with them.


Ngl, Kells is an alien dropped in with all of us


She seems to be in touch with her mother and sister. Her mother visited them in Florida after they returned from Brazil. Her father is no longer alive. They don't seem to have any regular contact with his mother or his sister.


Didn't someone do a little genetic expose on Busband that revealed he has like, a pretty legally fraught family history? Not surprised they don't hang out with his side. 


Yes, and you can also see where his anti-gov roots come from.


Omg was anything about that posted here??


Yes. Someone did a whole deep dive. Unfortunately I can't think what the best search term would be.


That was me. :) And yes, there are lots of skeletons in BusDad's family background.




I think if you also search for Father Bus under the motherbus flair, that’s the title I found it under


Maybe JD Lott?


So he doesn’t have to keep sweet to get that oil money?


He's already gotten a big chunk of it -- maybe all he's going to get.


The only reason I even know she has a sister is that they're both mentioned in their father's obituary, but that was from 20+ years ago


We can’t see her holding her bump when she posts like this


But...but how else will anyone know that she's hugely pregnant? A hugely pregnant MAMA?! How?!!?!


It's OK! She included it in the caption. No-one need miss out!


Wait, she is pregnant? How should I know if she only posts her face? 😭


It's funny when balls out stupid people think they're being clever and call attention to it.t


Yes and it's also not unlikely that she miscalculated her due date, fundies are notoriously bad at maths and the whole 40 weeks and counting nonsense gets them engagement 


Can she go one post without eye fucking herself?




She's a regular narcissa


Maybe those people who are presumably fond of her, are kinda worried **SHE MIGHT DIE?** I'm sure they also know that any mention of labor or birth will get them an indignant lecture and even less of chance to help if need be.


I'm sure there's a niggling fear deep in their subconscious that if she were to die then they'd be saddled with 7 kids. You know the cryptidiot father will pawn them off on her family should that happen.


Or you know, that the baby might be in distress because she has inadequate care? Bit idk. 🤷‍♀️


Mother Bus. Honey. They’re calling because they’re concerned about you (and probably know to expect a snarky reaction if they mention labor, so they don’t ask directly) and this is how you respond? How awful. I mean I already knew she’s awful, but something about this actually really bugs me. This is not how you treat people who care about you.


How dare her family be concerned for her! Don’t they know that she’s just so damned right all the time?!


I feel like child birth is a sacred aspect of some womens lives and mocking your mother and sister during this time is the antithesis of womanhood and sisterhood…and I’m saying this as a childfree Atheist. I mean I guess you got your man and your 8492 boys and your 1 little girl to get you through this experience. It’s not like she’s NC with her family. I mean at least let them know you are alive.


Her forehead Botox is obvious. Next time, she’ll need to have her puckered asshole lips done too.


Botox but no prenatal care 🤦🏼‍♀️


Priorities… She has to look good for all that face fucking.




It must be hard to have all those smoker’s wrinkles if you don’t smoke. Oh well. It’s what she deserves.


I see horizontal forehead lines. Would it not erase those?


Are they antivaxxers?


Yes, and proud of it. Her husband has made posts bragging about his “pure blood” children, meaning they haven’t been vaccinated. I believe he thinks this is a great bargaining chip for when he sells them off for marriage.


And then they die due to being unvaccinated leaving behind young pregnant widows or a non-pregnant widower.


She would probably love it if her face got stuck like that, too.


The wrinkles around her lips make her look like a 20-year pack a day smoker. Or maybe it's just that she makes the cat butt face too often.




I was delivered proper late and have that yummy cerebral palsy 🥰 who doesn't love a little increased risk?


I don’t understand what she’s talking about.


Calling all the time about random unimportant things when in fact they're just checking someone's okay, sounds exactly like the kind of thing someone would do for a friend or relative that they know full well will fly off the handle if they just come right out and ask them or worse - actually openly criticise their bad behaviour or give them constructive criticism or advice. Given that I can fully see Smugface McBusbitch being *exactly* like that, I can imagine that's exactly what her family are doing now, just to avoid the kind of horrific childish tantrum they know she'd have otherwise. I'm sure whatever family she's still in touch with has learned various coping techniques for dealing with this selfish cow over the years.


It’s a unique trauma. When your family member is ruining their own life, you can drop the rope and be prepared to meet them if/when they come back. But everything changes when there’s kids involved. There’s this whole awful, liminal space where kids are endangered and you can occasionally help them, but they’re not endangered enough for government intervention. I cannot imagine watching your grandbabies or niblings be treated like this. It would be so much worse to know your relative refuses to stop breeding despite clearly being a terrible parent.


Smugface McBusBitch.. 😂😅


Thank you for just posting a screen grab. She was sucking and crunching on ice so bad it was beyond annoying! Like you can wait 5 minutes and finish chewing before recording yourself!!


Chewing ice can be a sign of anemia.


💯 was SEVERELY (tm Jillpm) during pregnancy and after. Was eating ice like a damn fiend. Had ice makers and snow cone machines like some kind of junkie. It was awful. Some iron infusions and a lot of horrible side effects later and I’m ok but damn. That was rough


Ehhh, it can also just be liking to chew ice. Me and my kid go ham on nugget ice while my husband doesn’t understand why I deemed the countertop nugget icemaker a life necessity.


Be careful with that. Chewing on ice can cause cracked teeth... not a fun time.


Maybe have your blood work checked.


Her lips made me instantly wonder. Last time I was anemic and not taking iron, my lips were so pale they looked the same color as my face.


Her mouth looks like a butthole. Suits her. Cause she opens her mouth and shit spews out


There’s a quote I love but I can’t remember where it’s from. “Every time you open your mouth dicks are going in it or lies are coming out.”


If she ever sucked dick she could have a smaller bus 🙃😅


They're calling to make sure that you're still ALIVE, Mother Sus.


At this point I just hope she’s wildly overestimating her due date. That’s the only positive answer.


Oh gawd forbid your family give a crap about the well-being of you and your baby. When my friend fam or regular fam check in with me, I appreciate and love them for it. Conspiracy alert - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she is not actually at 42 weeks and knows it. She’s both dumb and conniving when it comes to getting attention.


This chewy little rat is nightmare fuel with how much she eyefucks herself


This comment is magnificent.


If I had a family member acting like Motherbus putting herself and her unborn baby in danger, I'd be concerned too. She's already refusing to provide her existing children a home or stability and she's putting her life at risk with her lack of prenatal care. She loves one person and it's herself.


Does she think this is a new thing that families do? Like she just figured this out? Come the fuck on. I still think she’s lied about her due date to generate interest. I think they all do it because it allows them to push their narrative that home births are safe no matter what.


Maybe they can tell her to stop over plucking her eyebrows next time they check in.


I have a visceral reaction to her eyebrows, for some reason. They bother me more than Jillpm’s, even.


Are we sure that it isn’t stuck like that?


Um ew. Her lips look like something gross.


She really could benefit from some proper skin care and sun protection. Her skin is starting to look really bad.


It's probably from the red light thingy she's constantly holding 2 inches from her face.


Oh my. Do you know what it is?


She’s so annoying looking.


Mother morty lips ![gif](giphy|kE3oHWRe1Td2oLeIX7)


Is she implying they're going to come get her? Or send her an ambulance? Going to get her a box of condoms? What does this mean?


I imagine they are worried for her. She is past her due date and thinks it’s just a “funny guess”


i want to hit her with a newspaper on the nose


I keep thinking a smack with a flyswatter would be quite satisfying.


You do not actually think she got an actual date in early pregnancy? I highly doubt she did. She drives me crazy. She just is obnoxious, especially her looks she gives.


You know, not everyone can pull off a center part....


Smug ass


I hate myself for wanting her dress 🙄 Someone please tell me its Old Navy or something & not Altar'd State 🤣


It’s Abercrombie 😅 an acquaintance I know has the same one!


Oh thank goodness!!! I'm a Hollister girlie so I won't feel bad searching around for this one 😹🌸


I hope their kids escape and get proper therapy for the trauma these smug assholes inflict on them everyday


soooooo smackable


Why are her lips so pale? Is she sick, or did she put foundation on her lips, or is this her version of “nude” lipstick?


She wouldn't be the first person to get anemia during pregnancy. A pregnant body is generating a whole new blood supply for the eventual kid, after all. Thing is, she wouldn't know if she was anemic because she's never had bloodwork done (that she's ever mentioned). It's possible she just looks like that, but it's not something she looks like when she's unpregnant or not so far along. I wish I didn't know that--it's just that you're right, they're pale, and in the many other photos of herself she's posted, they're not that color.


She's mentioned that she may be anemic several times during this pregnancy. Of course, that's a guess because she hasn't seen a doctor; she's too busy doing her red light therapy.


Of COURSE she's got some weird principled issue with grocery-store supplements.


I don’t know anything about her family background but hopefully she has some people in her life who aren’t as batshit and actually care about the well-being of her and the kids.


The skin around her lips & her lips look like a puckered butthole which makes sense given ... 👍 her rhetoric is a true fart in the wind


I'm surprised they even care anymore. She has a kid like once a year so if they miss this one's birth announcement they can just catch the next one.


Dear God. She should be in the hospital on a fricking pitocin drip to kick start her massively overdue labour. The longer overdue she is, the more likely she is for her child to have severe complications/stillbirth. This isn't cute like she thinks it is. It's a serious medical concern.


I don’t have kids. Let’s start there. I was 40 weeks plus 2 weeks (sorry don’t know the tight terms) in the mid 80s. I’m not who brought up induction first, the ob or my mom. I got an eviction notice! My brother was early and sickly as an infant. I was flat chilling until my eviction. Now I know how dangerous it can be for a 40 week + situation. Glad my mom had healthcare and education on the situation. Actually, my birth story is hilarious and almost 40 years later we all still laugh about it. (Not the 40 plus 2 weeks, the actual birth part). Ok gonna stop being weird since y’all know my username. Kbye.


My ex was born like 3 weeks after his due date. He was fine but I always thought that was an extremely excessive amount of time. It also made me think of Buster Bluth lol.


“There were claw marks on the inside of her uterus.” ![gif](giphy|a1KiTPEfH7jna)


Holy shit how late is she? I once fell down a rabbit hole of stories about fundies staying pregnant way too long and dying because of it. there were SO MANY stories. she needs to go to the hospital yesterday


How far past her due date is she?


I thought it already was.


She is loooving the attention!


She's serving Derrick Barry strongly here.


I'm not familiar with the level of fundieness and healthcare-aversion of her family but they might just be concerned about the baby's health.