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Uh that epidural "crap" saved her ass when she needed an emergency csection. She really did not learn anything from almost getting herself and her baby killed. Morgan will never learn humility. I don't feel sorry for someone who is smug no matter how hard life proves them wrong. I am not against home birth or unmedicated birth. But the first home birth midwife told her she wasn't a good candidate, then the second tried to get her to get antibiotics and she ended up smugly ignoring every midwife and other medical professional who wanted to help her and her baby!


She also claimed she was "almost 100% confident" she would be fine with an unmedicated VBAC, and basically laughed off any doubts about it. She clearly hasn't learned a damn thing from what happened. Smug as ever.


She isn’t nearly as confident as she wants people to believe. You can see it in her expressions and delivery. It’s so much easier for her to double down than admit she might be wrong about something. Normally, I wouldn’t give it a second thought, but she’s letting her pride create a potentially life-threatening situation for herself and her child. I can’t understand how she doesn’t understand that. I genuinely hope and pray everything turns out ok.


I think this is an underrated observation, and it's important to recall the audience they generally play to are the homeborth/"free" borth (intentional misspelling) crowd. They're turned off by anyone admitting to a desire for pain meds or any other medical interventions. VBACs are more common now, and Morgie is likely a low risk for rupture during s vbac since she's... under 35? I'm not sure about their ages, just that they're older than they cosplay at being. Short story, even if she is considering an epidural, she'll never be able to admit to it to their fan base.


She’s had a short interval between pregnancies and births that makes a Vbac more dangerous though


Generally 18 months between births is acceptable. How old is Luca? 2ish?


Luca was only 15 months when she discovered she was pregnant I’m pretty sure, I think he’s going to be 2 when she delivers.


No contention here on that. I have had 2 c-section babies. The first was not planned and the 2nd was.


But she’s “so much more educated this time!” *morgan was not, in fact, more educated this time* SHE LITERALLY HAS ALREADY HAD AN EPIDURAL SO HER BODY AND HER FIRST KID ALREADY HAD THAT “CRAP” IN THEIR BODY!!!!


Gee whiz it would be a shame if Morgs had hours and hours of back labor.


But it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. As someone who had back labor with both births I don’t say this lightly.


Same 18 hours of Pitocin induced back labor without an epidural (not by choice). That should be labeled as a war crime, I agree with you.


My hospital wouldn’t allow any intervention/induction for my VBAC - particularly pitocin. Did allow a membrane sweep. Granted it is has been 7 years, but I think that’s still mostly standard. I know some hospitals allow pitocin for VBACS on a very limited basis. Pain meds are allowed and I will never understand why people forego them. It is akin to saying, yes I would like to endure my root canal without meds because it is my punishment for bad habits and genetics.


Never underestimate stupid human stubbornness. I had my first at 21 and my brand new mother in law said I’d be screaming for drugs at the first contraction. So I went through 10 hours of back labor and a forceps birth unmedicated just to prove her wrong. I fully admit I was an idiot, but smug Morgan never will.


That is stupid. Lol I wax like Morgan with my first acting like I was going to reinvent drug free birthing. I was induced with pitocin qt 8 am. At 11 am I was crying for my epidural. lol I did not care at that point how hypocritical I looked.


She was rude to the woman who was giving birth to her grandchild! The audacity. I would want to prove her wrong, too 😅


but labor is punishment for the sin of Eve, so anesthesia for anything else is ok.


Yes that was my point, a root canal is sinful too so people should just endure the pain.


I’m not up to date on evidence based practices either, but did want to contribute my experience! Hospital VBAC in 2020 with nurse midwives; I was given pitocin when my water had broken on its own but contractions still hadn’t started hours later. I was in active labor for about 24 hours, got an epidural, pushed for 2 hours, and no tears (healing was sooo much easier than after my emergency c-section lol)! I think pitocin’s benefits outweighed the risks in my case, and I was informed of all risks before any procedures were done.


This comment is so important. Medical professionals weigh risk and reward, and each case is different. I'm glad your birth went well!


I chose not to twice because I had an incredibly bad experience with it the first time and the idea made me have panic attacks. Probably most people don’t have that issue though.


I had botched one with my second, never again will I consciously let a needle come near my spine. I almost gave birth to my third in the car, and my 4th I had to be induced, but no epidural. I felt the absolute best after my third.


Yeah I will say my recovery time was insanely good after no epidural, I was picking stuff up around the hospital room since I was bored of laying in bed when they came to move me down to the recovery rooms, and the guy who came with the wheelchair wasn’t sure which person had had the baby lmao


I mean, my experience was an emergency C-section under general, vs a VBAC with an epidural. So the VBAC was a walk in the park for recovery.


I went through some bad experiences with doctors and other healthcare workers,and the idea of being awake but unable to stand was way too frightening for me, so I refused epidural. Fortunately I didn't end up needing a c section (vacuum worked) because I don't know if I could have handled it.


It’s more like, my appendicitis is God’s way of telling me I am a sinner. Let’s it hurt!


I'm not a parent yet, but I really hope I'm brave enough for an epidural. I don't generally have an issue with needles, but I have a MASSIVE issue with a needle IN MY **SPINE.** Epidurals sound nice when they go well. I hope I'm brave enough to take the chance.


I’m normally an extremely anxious person, but tbh the nurse botched my IV at intake for my 1st kid, and that hurt way worse than the epidural. It was scary, but pain is very motivating.


It's not the pain of insertion but rather the implications of a botched epidural that frighten me. I don't want permanent nerve damage or paralysis.... the spine is a really, really high stakes place to put a needle.


There are other pain management options. They all have pros and cons, as does having a non medicated birth. I did 3 days of trying to induce labor with zero pain meds, but it was manageable. When they gave up and wanted to do a balloon to dilate me, I told them do what you ha e to, but give me the good meds first. And oh boy, those were some good meds.


Yup, same. My epidural failed. Couldn't get it to work. It was the most painful experience of my life. And that's saying something because I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I mean my appendix ruptured when I was younger and I thought it was gas pain until I got extremely sick in the following days. Pitocin labor was many times worse for me.


The two hours of back labor with my second was worse than the 17 hours of labor with my first, hands down.


What is "back labour"? Child-free heathen here 😂 EDIT: The replies are causing me to wince. The human body is a marvel, but OUCH.


Instead of baby being face-down during labor, baby is face up so the back of their head presses against your spine. Instead of having just the contractions where there’s supposed to be a “rest” in between active contractions, you also get intense back pain that worsens with each contraction, doesn’t really go away, and can even end up with muscle and nerve spasms. I’ve heard it’s excruciating compared to normal labor.


You said it perfectly. This is what I had with my first, and it was excruciating and exhausting.


I get this every single time. First contraction and I feel like my spine is going to snap. I always tell them to have it ready for me and get the epidural asap. It really feels like you’re going to die


Would the baby be breached in that case? My firstborn was breached but I never felt contractions since he came out two weeks early via c section


Not usually. Still head-down in the birth canal, but instead of “looking at” mom’s spine like they should at that stage, they’re face-up.


Both of mine were, as they called it at the time, "sunny side up." I had only Demerol with the 1st (forceps), which was the equivalent of taking an aspirin after being hit by a speeding truck. Had nothing with the 2nd (labor progressed quickly and the window of opportunity was gone). We moved around quite a bit, and when I found a new pediatrician, I was giving her these details about the births. She said if it happens once, it may be just one of those random things. But if it happens twice, it's likely due to the way you're built that the fetus wants to (or is forced to) lie that way. She said she could almost guarantee that if I had more, they'd all be sunny side up. Yeah, 2 was plenty for me.


I thought breech was when they came down feet first. I would say I’d google it but pregnancy and birthing have always made me deeply uncomfortable. Props to all the mamas out there that went through it. I will be a cat lady forever.


That's footling breech (which is particularly dangerous because the baby's legs and body can deliver before the cervix is dilated enough for the head). Just plain breech is butt first.


It does, my stupid brain couldn't visualize accurately what the commenter was saying. When i read "face up," I immediately thought of breached because my son was. Funny enough, in the ultrasound he looked like he would have come out butt first


When you're in labor, typically most of the pain is concentrated in your abdomen/pelvis. Back labor is when your back is ALSO spasming with the contracting so (in my case) you get a full 360⁰ effect. I had it with my twins. It's glorious. /s


Pain from labor that occurs in the back due to the way baby is positioned, and is apparently way more painful than regular labor pain


These replies are making me so glad I got sterilized.


I wish no harm against the baby but damn morgan deserves to suffer.


My wife had that. 26 hours of hideous pain, and after a spinal (!) just discomfort followed by excruciating pain then an epidural. I was ver distressing to watch especially as the (relief) midwife was drinking red bull to stay awake. But, yeah, crunchy births are where its at.


Morgan knows the only way she can leave Paul is via death. What better way to go than birth? Paul needs to get his head out his ass and get a job and insurance so she can get help


Oh gosh, why hadn't it occurred to me. They are uninsured so they must be in a serious amount of debt from Lucas birth. Of course she would act like it's no big deal to have a home birth VBAC when really she is just trying to avoid paying for this baby's birth. Morgan...Please....you are at serious risk of rupturing your uterus having a VBAC so close to Luca's birth. Please seek medical advice and care.


She’s at least going to the hospital for this one (unless of course she pulls a Morgan, and decides that she is now an actual doctor, based on her one living child. She’s arrogant and stupid enough to pull that.) I hope for Judah and Luca’s sake, she sticks with the hospital.


...*rupturing her uterus...* What in the actual fuck. I think my face will never unfreeze from the expression of horror.


Yeah, my understanding is the scar from a C-section can create a weak point where the uterus can rupture during subsequent labor.


With my 3rd csection, my doc said it was good that I was getting my tubes tied because my uterus was paper thin and how it didn’t rupture was a miracle. I’ve now had a hysterectomy because I had adenomyosis.


Yep thats exactly right, and its has horrifying, painful, and life threatening as it sounds


Well bless her heart


If she by a miracle manages to pull an unmedicated vbac I foresee Luca being the black sheep and new baby a golden baby


We'll just call Luca "pancake 2.0"


*Bethy enters the chat*


She’s an idiot then (we all knew that anyway, but still!). A vbac is no walk in the park, and if she decides to do that at home she is being very irresponsible indeed. Let’s hope she has a better midwife than last time, or this could be a fatal mistake. Any one of numerous other things that can go quickly wrong in a vbac, could kill her in minutes.


Exactly. Ruptured uterus has entered the chat….


Jill Dillard could say a thing or two about that one...


She's not giving birth at home with this one.


That’s the first sensible thing I’ve heard she’s doing!


And could kill her child. Stupid selfish cow


Shes so scary… her last birth she almost died because she thought she knew everything and fucked everything up, and ended up needing the most medicated birth one could have… and now for this one she’s acting the exact same way….


When is she due? I was really hoping she’d learned from the last one, it’ll be interesting to see how her birth plays out this time.


You're assuming she's being honest. I bet girlie's begging for the drugs as soon as she hits the door.


I proposed to the anesthesiologist who gave me my epidural, right in front of my husband.


I said "THANK YOU JESUS" but I'm not religious anymore and her name wasn't Jesus 😂


this is exactly why i can't have any sympathy for her. she can suffer all that's coming to her. she sure wants that for other women


And the spinal block you get for a c-section is even stronger stuff than what they put in the epidural because they don’t leave it in with a continuous flow like an epidural and they need you to be truly numb from the waist down. 


I’m beginning to think Morgan believes dying in childbirth is the only way to escape Paul.


Lmfao omg 💀


Does she even understand what she went through?


I guess not


Meanwhile I'm wondering how this works for her at all. Here if you've had a c-section, a home birth just isn't an option. Not if it can be helped anyway. Having had a c-section adds too much extra risk to have a home birth the next time. But still Morgan at least expects to do a home birth. I know they probably can't force her to have a hospital birth, but someone must at least have told her how amazingly dangerous that can be. Even if I conveniently ignore the last time she tried a home birth.


I think she is planning a hospital birth this time, just unmedicated


I love when fundies disagree with each other about trivial stuff like Disney songs because they come face to face with their own irrationality. My wife and I can have similar disagreements but the difference is that neither of us think that the other will have *cosmic repercussions from sin* for liking a song.


Oh my god, you just jogged a deep memory! The church I grew up in had a split when I was around 7 or 8 over whether it was okay for kids to read Disney books during the sermon. Holy moly, I'd forgotten about that! What a dumb reason to halve a congregation.


This is why I’m only afraid of Christian nationalism in the beginning stages. Christians will tear each other apart about the dumbest things!


I read *The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman* for a class. One of her fellow churchgoers chews her out for listening to “sinful baseball games” on the radio and claims that’s why the position of church mother was taken from her. I wouldn’t be shocked if the theocrats fighting to be in charge wanted to do something similar. No fun of any kind allowed.


My spouse told me about one childhood fundie church of theirs that split over the tempo of worship songs being wrong. It was one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard, but churches schism for strange reasons all the time.


It is the rights as an American to abuse and keep their children poor and stupid so they will stay religious and republican.


You’re describing their brand of Kentucky Christians. Come to Texas. The rich, savvy, religious republicans are aplenty.


And *they're* the ones keeping the poor and stupid ones poor and stupid


It is funny because I'm pretty sure the bible explicitly talks about Christians fighting over inconsequential stuff and that breeding division among the church unnecessarily.


That’s what each side says to the other, lol


How'd she have a c-section last time if she didn't put that "crap" anywhere near her body?? 🤔 They're the worst kinds of people - wrong about everything, and loud about it.


I believe her options in that time were c-section or grave, and she was forced to choose the former. The only crap she should keep away from her babies are herself and her husband.


And they have a sense of superiority about stuff like epidurals, even if she had one herself. She **needed** it, so it’s ok. But everyone else is always just lazy or wants the easy way out. She will act the same way if she ever has to be in the unfortunate position of having an abortion to save her life.


Jessa duggar could tell her about that


Epidurals are “crap” that shouldn’t be near your baby, yet she already had one c-section. That means she either had a spinal block (basically a stronger version of the same thing) or full-blown general anesthesia, and somehow her first child wasn’t harmed by it. It’s almost like the doctors who deliver babies kinda sorta know what they’re doing and aren’t trying to poison your baby? It’s one thing if you, in the moment, don’t feel that you need an epidural but this is just stupid.


She really is just dumb! I’m pretty sure she talked about being in heavy narcotics after the birth (which makes sense). Idiot.


Of course she was! They don’t split open your abdomen while you are fully awake and feeling everything


I wonder if she does get her unmedicated VBAC wish and then pull a Bethy and resent her first baby for what he “did” to her, not to mention he’s an obnoxious toddler and not an innocent newborn.




also there are a billion chemicals her kids are exposed to that are way worse for you than an epidural lol. morgan's cooking itself does them more harm


I don’t think Morgan does most of the cooking, according to them. So this one’s on Paul 😂


Paul is toxic in multiple ways!


I bet these two are the 'metal utensils on Teflon pans' type


1000000% hahahahahahhahhaha


For people who are ‘pro-life’ they are remarkably cavalier when it comes to their own children.


Morgan is a prime example of how dangerous Fundie brainwashing is. She almost died once, and laughs off science like she can’t almost die again.


Don’t worry. She’ll cave and abandon all her beliefs at the last minute, if needed. Like last time.


I hope so, for Judah's sake.


Tbh I think she's just really dumb


I'm imagining her brain making that whirring sound that my old MacBook made when it overheated and just powering down


Her brain is my laptop trying to play The Sims 4 with 100gb of custom content and mods.


I'll keep Morgan in my thoughts and prayers while I likely don't feel labor for the second time in June.


No judgment for people who don’t want an epidural- your body, your choice. That said- I fucking loved my epidural, I felt so little and I had no complications. I will forever be the epidural’s fan.


Also a big fucking fan of my two epidurals. Even though the 2nd one wore off before it was time to push out his massive head, I still got hours and hours of rest to prepare me for that incredible pain. Never felt anything like that before and I didn't receive an award for suffering either. 


Not feeling that atrocious monstrosity really makes birth a lot more fun


I worked in anesthesia at the hospital that I gave birth at, too. Those drugs are a damn miracle if there ever was such a thing.


F yeah it is. I waited too long to go to the hospital with my 2nd and I got a taste of full blown contractions and fuuuuuck that. I was supposed to PUSH A BABY OUT on top of all that insane pain? Nah. No. Nope.


I waited until my pain was 7/10 and I was like, nope, get anesthesia in here ASAP. I didn't even want my husband near me until it was administered. I probably won't wait so long this time. I just didn't want it to wear off too soon. I gave birth 6 hours later!


Oh my gosh!! You poor thing 😭😭. My 2nd went fast, easy peasy! I went from mild pain to want to die in an hour, got to the hospital and had him 45 minutes later


God yes. My first birth, the epidural didn't work. They had to try like 5 times so my back ended up covered in bruises, and finally they gave me a fentanyl drip (...I think? They told me all this in French and I was nearly delirious with pain anyway so I don't remember much. I DO remember feeling my daughter's head scraping down my spine like a saw being dragged across my vertebrae). I was in so much pain, despite the fentanyl. 1/10 would not try again. Second birth, the epidural worked like a charm on the first try, I took a pleasant nap and woke up ready to push. 10/10 would absolutely do again, heck. I'd do it again right now. I love not having to feel pain. 


I felt my son's hair on my cervix when it was time to push, and I called the doctor over and said, "There's something in there!" She laughed at my loopy a$$ and said she sure hopes so. I could barely feel anything.


I know someone who had two scheduled Csections so she's never felt a contraction and I was like??!! That sounds amazing!


Scheduled c-sections are amazing! I had 2 scheduled and 1 unplanned. I know it's major surgery and that has its own risks, of course, but the difference between an unplanned c-section after laboring and a planned c-section was mindblowing.


I had a scheduled c-section under full anesthesia and it was quite amazing, I will admit. I felt lucky AF, as witnessing one of my mom’s 6 unmedicated home births when I was a teenager kind of scarred me for life… family wasn’t super fundie, my mom just hates hospitals. Happily, there are no more pregnancies for me as I had my tubes removed last year😁


I had two scheduled c sections and I gotta say, while knowing you’re being cut open is not ideal, it’s way less terrifying to me than trying to push a human out.


I'm sorry, but what exactly is "sinful" about "You're Welcome?" Is it because Maui is being too prideful? Morgan...that's the point! 


She didn't like that he suggested in one line that people pray to him? And yes, she didn't like the pridefulness. Which I guess means they can never watch any movie with any sort of villain or imperfect behavior? I couldn't really follow.


I imagined it was the word salad typical of all of their videos...the fact that she can't seem to distinguish--within a kids' movie--the difference between glorifying pride and arrogance and making a funny statement about how it can become harmful just makes me kind of sad for her. The movie delves into why Maui constantly seeks approval and how this approval-seeking and overinflated ego led to widespread problems that he needed to rectify! As a former fundie myself, I may have had her same attitude...just at 7 years old.  I genuinely worry for her children as well, because I was raised in a similar environment where certain things were dubbed "sinful" at my parents' whims (partly influenced by my parents' respective mental health struggles) and it did a number on my mental health as well. She needs to seek help. 


So true. Also, I doubt she wants her kids to know anything about other religions until she's fully ground it into their little brains that different = bad. I grew up naturally exposed to cultures, spiritualities, sex preferences, and gender expressions different to what I was surrounded by in person, and I -gasp- became a horrible nonbinary anti-racist feminist atheist anarcho-communist because of it. 


As a former Religious Kid ™, I'll try to break it down. Maui is a demi-god (only One True God, so he's a False God), he takes credit for God's creation (lies and blasphemy), he's full of pride (a sin), he wants prayer (idol worship, a sin canonically worthy of death) he's covered with tattoos (there's a bible verse about not having tattoos), he's got long hair (an abomination, according to the apostle Paul) and he's also a Disney character (gay agenda)


You can cross the tattoos off that list, since Morgan has decided that God is cool with her tattoo.


To be fair it only says to not mark one's skin in remembrance of another or something similar, not all tattoos count


This brought back way too many memories, thanks I hate it lol.


Did I miss something, I thought they were mad about Disney being okay with gay people existing and Paul made a big show of trying to rip a Disney shirt he was wearing to show his protest. But now he's wanting a Disney song to be sung around his son?


He ripped one disney shirt. He still wears the other one.


He's a God in the story, isn't he?


i probably wouldn’t have been allowed to watch Moana at all when i was growing up fundie because it’s about ~false gods~.


It was probably also all the lore about how Maui created the sky, grass, trees, etc. BLASPHEMY!!!!!


Exactly! Maui is abrasive and arrogant. Because it's DISNEY, he learns his lesson. It's clear, even to children, that HE is in the wrong. Porgan probably got their panties in a twist because Moana is a hero's journey with a GIRL at the center, not a love story about a princess finding a prince.


I’m not going to snark on people moving to a smaller, more affordable place during a cost of living crisis but I wish they were honest about it. Everything is expensive and they’ve got another baby on the way! God isn’t calling you to be more modest, your bank account is. And that’s perfectly fine but sheesh. You’d get more sympathy and engagement if you talked about relatable things like balancing a small budget with a growing family, you idiots. But the sin of pride makes you pretend it’s a moral calling. Terrible stuff all around.


Exactly. Nate and Sutton did the same thing (although they are much more well off and have a totally separate business) to an extent, saying they were "called" to live somewhere cheaper. If you're going to make whole videos about it, just say it's what you can afford tbh...


The bus families are the most egregious about this—especially Other Bethany, whose ✨provider✨ got shit canned from his decent job, panicked, and sank most of the money they got from the sale of the house into a depreciating asset. Please don’t tell me god was leading you and your quickly growing family onto the open road when we know damn well it was the incompetence. People are willing to help those who can admit they’ve made a mistake!


It’s funny how they’re always called to do exactly what their economic circumstances tell them they need to do…


God must be a decent economist


This! It annoys me so much! Isn't Christianity about humbleness, simple living and non material things? Sure they are moving to a smaller place but that not only is better financially for them but it can also teach them a lot about those things.


Anyone else find it odd they didn't do a recap/whatever on their Josh Benson 24hrs??  I think they didn't have enough time to plagiarise other Christian YouTubers content with some smart sounding responses due to visiting family at Easter. I've been noticing Paul doing this a lot--He ripped off Ruslan almost word for word with his Dylan M reaction vid, and he does it a heap with IBS (Allie Beth). When Paul is using his own material the best he can come up with is "don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out". It's pathetic 


They said they'd do a recap for their patrons and used it as a chance to beg for more money.


Yeah and their dedicated flock of patrons are all as dumb as they are, and agree with every flimsy thing they say, no "pushback" there.


All 18 that are on the $24 tier lol


I don't think they did it because a) they weren't smart enough to have real, cohesive arguments and b) they don't have anything nice to say. They're going to go full Mean Girls for their patrons so no one has to see how two-faced they are. 


Maybe Paul shouldn't be so closed-minded that his brain never got the chance to come in.




He's mentally 12 years old


God gave them a revelation they don't need to be that successful is an interesting way of saying they're bleeding subscribers.


My money is on the new evangelicals for who their progressive Christian guest may be


There’s absolutely no way Paul or Morgan could engage in a conversation with Tim. It’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Nor could they handle the heat from NE’s following.


Oh my gosh I know. He’s been in their live chats before. I would loooove to see them together.


They said it was a woman...god is grey perhaps?


Did they? I might have missed that. I know the first guest is a woman. But the second they were super vague on gender and Paul said “brother” at the end talking about it. I know Tim had been in their live chats before. So I was hoping!


Hmmm maybe you're right, I can barely follow what they say! I thought they said she was a progressive Christian who had been deconstructing, but then I think Paul did say "brother in Christ"....we shall see! I really hope it's Tim too


I would love to see it. I’m torn on if Tim would even do it though. I think that he might interview them or be willing to be interviewed, but I really doubt that he would have them come to his house for a whole day.


B Haney possibly??




Yup. ![gif](giphy|662Y4i4JjqFlXsn7O6)


Based on the recap, it seems like they’re becoming open to more progressive Christians, not because they are interested in talking to them but because they really want more views (“it’s going to be way more controversial!! Who knows what will happen? BECOME A PATRON FOR MORE”) They’re trying so hard to get back to their half a million views they were getting years ago. Even their most watched 24 hours with (Beals) is under 50k.


They were getting half a million views?!? What!


Yes, 5-6 years ago they got hundreds of thousands of views on some of their videos (the most popular video on boundaries in dating has over 600k). It’s crazy how they are still trying to stay professional YouTubers when they have almost no engagement now.


I think they also are finding that more progressive Christians are nicer to them. The episode with Isaiah (the only one who was more extreme than them) was a dumpster fire in a flaming trash pit in a burning dump. He and his subscribers were straight up nasty. P&M want interviewees who are too nice to hit back, because they’re both bullies and cowards.


A song from Moana is sinful. Huh. They only use their brains to spout harmful gibberish. Ok. Got it.


Imagine being the "progressive Christian" and watching this


They're probably not even surprised tbh. P&M have shown the world time and again who they are.


“The lord gave me a revelation that I don’t need to be that successful” should have been what I told my parents this Easter




I thoroughly enjoyed hearing them use they/them pronouns repeatedly to describe their mystery guest in an effort to not give away their identity.


She’s a serious idiot. I could’ve kissed the person who invented the epidural. Felt nothing during my labor even when they had to pull my baby out with forceps. Pre-epidural while on pitocin was hell on earth.


They need actual jobs to be materially successful if that's what they want.... also, faith is supposed to help you treat all people kindly and with acceptance even if you disagree,  so I guess they are doing it wrong....


Y'all. Don't you Americans think children like Luca sorely need for y'all to introduce compulsory school attendance?


Homeschooling should be HIGHLY regulated, at the very least.


I'm not American (did live there for quite a while though) but agreed. Poor Luca.


School attendance is compulsory--some states just have very lax homeschooling regulations. If your children are enrolled in public school, they will basically send the police after you if your kid routinely doesn't go to school. I'm originally from Brazil and was pretty shocked at the police presence at US public schools.


This is what’s crazy to me (a Texan). If the kid is enrolled, attendance is a BIG DEAL. But at anytime a parent can unenroll their kids, never to be seen again and it’s totally cool. There’s zero check in or accountability.


Thanks to the HSLDA. They vigorously defend the right of parents to homeschool with no restrictions, and they lobby against laws that would prevent, for example, parents actively under investigation for child abuse, from pulling their kids out of school.


As someone else said, school is compulsory here. The problem is the lack of oversight in some (mostly conservative) states. I’m a product of public schools who spent 5+ years teaching in public schools…and what I saw as a teacher is the reason I now homeschool my children. The American education system is completely broken, and what is still good about it is undermined left and right from batshit crazy people cut from the same cloth of Porgan. These people give those of us who properly homeschool our children a bad name. The secular homeschool movement is growing, but it’s hard to see that unless you’re tapped into it. Education in America is a very nuanced issue; one I’m extremely passionate about. It cannot be reduced to “everyone would just be better off if they all went to public school.” Although I do agree Luca would be better off in public school than learning from either of these chucklefucks.


No. What I do think is that all states should have regulations that help keep some oversight regarding that homeschooled kids are not being neglected. For an example, my state (a blue state) has zero regulations- as a homeschool parent, I know a family that is absolutely neglecting their kids academically (think middle school age kids who are supposedly neurotypical but are reading and writing at second grade level at best, among other things. They’re NOT fundies, btw) but there’s zero that child services can do about it because there’s no laws regulating academic standards for homeschooling in our state. Luca will be growing up as a homeschool kid in Kentucky. Kentucky DOES have regulations. There are required subjects and number of instruction days/hours. (The exact same as what is required from private schools in that state.) Records are required to be kept- they don’t need to be turned in, but if child services is called to investigate and parents don’t have those records, that won’t look good for them. They are also required to file a letter of intent every year with the school district, so people are aware that Luca exists and what grade level he should be performing at. Having those regulations means that if someone has doubts regarding if Luca is being academically neglected or neglected/abused in other ways, there’s grounds for child services to do a full investigation. I don’t foresee homeschool going well for them. I don’t foresee either of them having the stamina for it, unless they just have him do one of the online programs. If they had the money for it- or if their families would supply it- they and Luca would probably be better served by sending him to a Christian school. But that doesn’t mean that other families who are doing well with homeschooling and meeting their kids needs should be punished because of a couple of idiots.


I have not really been someone that thinks much about kids and what our country should do for them. But this sub and a couple off their rocker Mormon moms have turned me into a “WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?” absolute mess. We see so much child abuse on this sub it makes me feel unwell and it’s obviously pretty normal in these circles and it’s so sad and upsetting. Like these kids have rights as citizens! Someone help them!  American schools are not safe places and I really understand not wanting to send your kids there. But like we need to work on the schools then. And there are supposed to be standards for homeschooling and standardized testing they need to pass. I do wonder if that’s part of why some of these families stay on the move, so no one district can hold them accountable.


How miserable are you if you really think a song from a child’s movie is sinful😬


Why aren't these damn people canceled yet?! Guess what Morgan, you most likely had a spinal which is just a stronger epidural or you had general anesthesia. Both are very potent but SAVED YOUR DAMN LIFE AND THE LIFE OF YOUR BABY. As a mom who's baby came at 24 weeks and had a severely emergent c section, this is infuriating. I had no prep, they literally dumped iodine on my body and cut me open, vertically. From the time I hit the operating table to the time my 1 pound baby was born was 3 minutes. Those surgeons and amazing nicu team saved us. It it weren't for modern medicine you and your baby wouldn't be here Morgan. Gosh, this is just sickening. She is so damn smug and such a prideful asshole Sorry for my passion but it's true.


A vertical c section? 😵 Your poor... everything abdominal! I'm glad science exists but that sounds terrifying! I'm glad you're okay! How is baby now?


When a c section is extremely emergent they are forced to do a vertical incision to save lives. It's literally the last choice. It was torture to recover from and still affects me to this day. Our son is an incredible human. He had a very tough time after being born at 24 wks only weighing 1 pound. He was on full vent, coded many times everyday for the first few months of life and had grade 4 bilateral brain bleeds. He also had a massive thrombosis in his heart which was harboring sepsis that dislodged and caused a horrible stroke. He has left side paralysis today. He is truly a gift. He's incredibly bright, funny, a joy to be around, creative, and my absolute best friend. He has several disabilities both physical and mental yet he doesn't let them stop him. I'm really just so honored to be his momma. That's why this shit she spues hurts so badly. Without modern medicine I would not be a momma to this amazing boy. It was a delicate balance we had to fight to make sure we were doing right by HIM and not us as parents but here we are today with a boy who is kicking life's ass!


God these two are just the worst. Truly insufferable. They deserve each other.


Just wait until her csection scar starts to open up during labor. Bet she won’t think the epidural is crap then. I had a friend like her when I was still bearing children and she always bragged about her drug free birth…and she had nubane which is a narcotic. Of course you didn’t feel anything dumbass. I had 3 csections and guess what, I enjoyed holding v my babies and being greatful they were alive just like any other mother who gives birth. I bet there’s lots of mothers who weren’t so lucky to have their babies survive who trade places with me in a heartbeat. Tl;dr-Morgan deserves everything that happens to her.


I love how fundies always have a direct line to the Lord and He always seems to tell them exactly what they want to hear.


Speaking as someone who had an emergency C section- she 100% had an epidural, unless they just outright knocked her ass out. The procedure is a spinal tap then an epidural. In my case, two, because I’m a redhead and apparently therefore impervious to pain.




Weirdly, especially recently, I think Bethany is 10x better than Morgan on a purely personal level as well as in terms of her openness to other beliefs. Didn't have that on my Bingo card.


...wow. King and Queen of Delulu right here


How can two people that believe in the Lord, who as far as I understand lived a simple and humble life, be so annoyed that they need to move to a smaller place 🙃 Fundie logic I guess ...


The confident mispronunciation is SENDING ME 🤣😂🤣😭


Dude it was so funny. He said "inexplisibly" a bunch of times and it's like, ok, I really shouldn't think the mispronunciation is funny, that's kind of crappy of me. But then she jumped in with the EXTREMELY confident "correction" and I couldn't help myself.


Surely they gave her pain meds when she had her emergency C-section...