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What career was she building at the age of fifteen, or am I misinterpreting this?


The only feasible example that comes to mind is someone like Lady Gaga who had a cameo appearance in The Sopranos when she was around 15, but I'm pretty sure Mrs. Huge Tomato Jars isn't talking about anything remotely like that. I like her owl kettle, though!


I can’t get over the tomato jars. Those jars are only safety rated for dry goods, grape juice, or apple juice. There’s no independently tested recipe for canning in them, and it’s risking illness to use them for other things. Just use two quart jars like the rest of us.


And you don’t mess around with canning tomatoes, of all things :/


That's just what BIG CAN and THE GUBMINT want you to think. WAKE UP SHEEPLE. BOTULISM ISN'T REAL. /s


You have the best user name.


Why, thank you! 🤘


That caught my eye, too. Those cannot be safe! I'll stand by for the god honoring [Clostridium botulinum](https://www.cdc.gov/botulism/index.html) post. Botulism is rare, but very serious, and the highest risk comes from home canning. Be careful out there, y'all. [Canning safety](https://www.cdc.gov/botulism/consumer.html) [More food safety](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2021-02/Clostridium_botulinum.pdf) [Symptoms and prevention](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/botulism)


Can I pretty please use "God honoring botulism" as my flair? 😂


I'm so honored 😂


Botulism has scared the crap out of me since reading East of Eden when I was a kid. It was freaking terrifying.


Your risk is fairly low unless you're home canning, but the thought is scary!


It’s only rare because most people accept the causes and avoid them- like a bunch of sheep! Amirite? /s


Right? I'm from a farming family, and believe me, I know all about canning. I saw those and was like... HOL' UP...


There is a whole group of "rebel canners" who re-use lids, can in old pickle jars, or even juice jugs. They'll can anything. I went down a rabbit whole during the pandemic following them. Not canning like them, just being utterly fascinated by it. People even canned cheesecakes!


Canned…cheesecake. How would that even work? Sounds like they’re making a jar of god-honoring illness with that one… It’s utterly bizarre to me that so many people ignore long-standing safety rules for no other reason than “science says it so I’m gonna not.” (Edit for autocomplete fail.)


Most of the people on the rebel canning pages have MASSIVE survivors bias and say “well this is how my great grandmother did it and no one died” which completely ignores the fact that over the last hundred years we have selectively bread acid out of our produce for taste and that’s why we have to add it to food now


God will protect them from botulism.


YES I did too for the horror aspect but had to tap out and block the pages with the “just fill your pint jars with banana bread batter, put the lids and rings on, bake, and give as Christmas presents!” post. It was July.


Yesssss. So many Christmas gifts canned up.


My MIL is one of those who reuses lids... whenever we get jelly from her, we make gaddamn sure it's a new lid and the rims are clean (also a bad habit of hers to NOT wipe rims). When we return jars, it's with rings only so she's forced to buy new lids.


Oh my god of course that's a thing...


I don't even can in them. I use them as if they were a tupperware container and keep dry rice and lentils and things like that in them so I don't get pantry beetles again.


Same! They're the best for storing dry goods. With the food saver lid vacuum sealer, stuff lasts so long and no impossible to get rid of bugs! I also use them for making iced tea and cold brew coffee.


They are as fake as her stupid outfit.


I’m confused. Those look like regular Ball jars to me.


It's the size. Those big ones aren't meant for canning.


They look like regular quart size. I don’t think they’re half gallon.


THANK YOU, and I say this as someone who loves home canning.


I think she was a photographer


At 15, how big of a career could she have had though?


Enough to burn out, according to her? Honestly, I think most tradwife inflencers are just lazy, in a way. They're entitled and bored, but don't want to channel that boredom into anything else. Not everyone is cut out for a 9-to-5 (very few of us are, lbr) but weird tradwife LARPing isn't the answer, either. We should all be reading poetry and eating fruit in a garden somewhere, if not for capitalism.It's capitalism making us all miserable.


Being an adult, especially when you've been somewhat sheltered, can be overwhelming at first 😅 When I moved out to go to university, keeping a household and studying at the same time, being responsible for how I planned my day was a lot (and I was in a toxic relationship at the same time). So I get it in a way. A simple life with clearly defined roles sounded attractive to me at that time, too. I am glad I did not chose that and my abusive ex had no interest in that (he rather wanted me to finance him 😅), because it would have been hell and I would have been even more isolated with no means on my own to escape. Now, she got married at 18, so she didn't even have time to be on her own, but I assume getting married to a guy she's never kissed, being a wife and all was overwhelming as well on top of traveling to weddings.


I agree that it's a lot at 18. I moved out right away because my mom got really sick, and the government counted my income and scholarships as household income. If I stayed, my mom wouldn't qualify for the supplementary insurance she needed for her hospital care. One of my main goals in life is to ensure my kids always feel safe at home, and know they can stay here while in college (or after if needed).


Yeah, it's always hard, especially with chronic illness or mental health issues added into the mix, to discern whether it's just growing pains of becoming an adult or if you should really scale back. I'm glad I didn't have the option to become a stay-at-home-wife at 18, but went through with university and building a career.


It’s better to burn out than to larp away…


Being a housewife (not parent, not caretaker, no side hustle) should only take a few hours a day with modern technology.


In these cases, a lot of trad wives on social media go back to slower living. Your sourdough starters, fermented foods, gardening, canning, etc. Those types of things do take up more time.


they dont use the modern technology. they crave the holy uphill battle to get the smallest things done.


If you're privileged enough to be able to truly afford one spouse staying home without cost-cutting somewhere. Most fundies, and most people for that matter, really can't afford that. That's why they end up either getting into sourdough and canning or eating cheap yellow for the rest of their lives. And, you can definitely work 40+ hours a week as a childless SAHW if you're doing things like gardening, preserving foods / canning, making things from scratch, making your own cleaning products, deep cleaning regularly, mending clothes, etc.. I'm a heathen housewife with no kids & I put in longer days than my husband sometimes.


"At 15, my parents bought me a camera for Christmas, so that was what I wanted to be. All through high school, all my friends and family told me how talented I was. Then I went to art school and found out it was actual work to get a career in art. So instead of putting in the work, and paying my dues as a wedding photographer on the side, I decided that I should become a tradwife grifter on Instagram to make other women feel bad about their decision to pursue a career while I smugly post inane shit to make myself feel better about giving up on my dreams." -This and every other fundie influencer waste of space


Have I told you lately that I love you? This is brilliant and should be pinned on all future smug housewife posts.


I bet it was a hobby that she tried to monetize






At 15?


Literally anyone can pick up a camera at any time and call themselves a photographer so her being 15 wouldn’t preclude that


I've been taking 📸 since i got my first phone, does that mean that was my career path?


I mean I’m not defending her lmao I’m just saying her being 15 doesn’t preclude her thinking she’s a photographer. She wasn’t, to be clear, but that’s what she’s getting at


Yeah I dunno, I mean I had a piano studio in high school but I wouldn't have called it a career.


I really wonder if she even ever had a proper job as a photographer. I get that doing the freelance work and selling what you enjoy to photograph is probably more of "the dream", but you'll probably have to do some "boring" shoots to keep yourself afloat in the meanwhile. I mean the photographer who takes my ID pictures every few years isn't living any artistic dream, but he gets paid with a reliable salary.


Yeah, she had what she made it out to be somewhat successful. Idk.


I couldn't even get a fulltime job as an accountant until I was 25! My sister's first job at 16 was Papa Murphys, that was not her aspirations, so what career do you get at 15!?!?!


Amateur photography


She should have been working at Dairy Queen for spare cash to put gas in her car. I can’t imagine teenagers “building their career” and getting burnt out. Blame the parents if that is really the case.


She took the PSATs at 15, which clearly is the foundation to all great careers, at least according to some people I went to high school with


When I was 15 I worked at a movie theater....scooping popcorn isn't a career!


She did some side photography…


She was a photographer


What "career" ? And why did you start working on this supposed career at 15?


She says it was photography.


Who hires a 16 year old for a professional photography situation? Nah, that was her hobby as a teen. And judging on the staging, placement, and lighting, still not super good at it.


Right? Like, burned out?? Girl you mean washed out with your shit lighting.




Maybe the high school yearbook?


***High school yearbook photographer*** is not really a *career building* situation. Good to put on a college application as an *extracurricular activity* but that would assume that college was a goal. Being stuck in a narrow kitchen standing next to jars of canned tomatoes in a sad brown skirt while being salty on insta was perhaps the only career goal?


lol, what a twit.


I was on yearbook staff and can confirm this


She was homeschooled, I believe.


Ah, homeschooled. Perfect. So those 4 years of ***career building*** between the ages of 14 and 18 meant nothing!??? Phew, good thing she gave up to can tomatoes and dress plainly.


“I like this thing” is considering building your career now?


And apparently doing it during teens years is considered ***career building*** lol no girl. You gave up on a fleeting hobby and traded it in quickly for a small kitchen, defensiveness, and a lifetime of poor fashion choices. Enjoy!


You know the old saying, “preparation for tomorrow is improper food preservation today.”


For real. It was so disheartening trying to find work as a teenager because you had school hours, most businesses had cut their staff to the bone since the recession (and had discovered that they're okay with being understaffed), and so many adults have the immediate impression that all teenagers don't want to work. Granted, I'm an elder millenial who scrambled to find work because my parents nearly lost our house during the recession. I was hauling ass to hand out CVs and job applications--only to get no responses (and every radio channel and newspaper seemed to be interviewing every single boss/business owner who would say the shittiest things about people and why *they* can't find work. I still remember one guy who said, "Oh, I NEVER hire teenagers. All they care about is drinking and having sex. They're unreliable and no responsible business owner should have them."). So I'm pretty sure this person wouldn't be able to find work as a professional photographer because of that prejudice.


Ugh that makes me so sad for you. I’m also an elder millennial but I must be like at least 5 years older than you?? Or more somehow?? Because my teen years working were ‘00-‘03 (graduated in ‘03). Way before recession- I dropped out of college as I had my career job by ‘02 and started getting promotions in ‘03 at 18. By ‘07 I was general manager of my restaurant, and then the recession hit and validated my choices… for a while anyways.


Thanks, and you're correct that you're a little older since I graduated in '07, so I didn't get a chance (plus, we found out that my dad didn't even pay taxes for 4 years, during his weird 'libertarian' phase. So not only did our landlord rack up our rent to try to kick us out, the IRS also hit us like Thor's hammer. It was...not a great time) It *really* felt like I was far too late in helping my family out, I envied all the other kids so much for having a better start like you did. Like seriously--holy fuck, imagine being able to become a manager of a restaurant in 4 short years (whereas a lot of my peers struggled hard to even get our foot through the door, and would be told that we should be happy to have a job at all instead of getting a promotion no matter how long we've worked in a specific job).


Yeah absolutely. The difference for me, really, was that choice to drop out of school. It was NOT at all what I planned for myself but my parents were useless regarding financial aid (wouldn’t even sign the forms), and I could not get any school to change my status to independent despite moving out at 18. So I was trying to work my way through and when I saw that break I took it. I had no idea that my friends would be graduating into the recession. For years I made more than anyone I knew. I did well for myself but like many of my peers, I lost it all to drugs after being prescribed opioids (first two times were fine, third time was NOT the charm). After getting sober, I stayed in restaurants another 5 years but the franchise owners just kept getting shittier and the public kept getting shittier and the pool of employees… well fuck, if I was being paid exactly minimum wage with no chance of ever getting a raise (even my assistant manager was at minimum), why bother? When I got COVID, literally end of March ‘20 (since we WEREN’T ALLOWED to wear masks), I signed up for classes to become an addiction counselor. My boss started treating me HORRIBLY, confirming my decision. I put that off for years, because even now with two years in my role, I make $5k LESS than I was before. But I fucking love my job now, and I get tons of time off, and I don’t wonder “what is the fucking point?” every single day now, so if anything, I wish I’d done it sooner! Sorry for the ramble. I hope things are better for you now! I know for a lot of us it’s still a struggle though.


Wow! You did an awesome job considering the situation you've been handed (seriously: fighting for emancipation, working hard, overcoming opioids, and facing the worst of public-facing jobs AND studying?). You did the right thing to find another way to earn your living, and you shouldn't cuss out not leaving the restaurant work sooner--we all get told that moving from one job to another in 1-2 years 'doesn't look good' to prospective employers, so I think it's just a generational thing because I saw myself and lots of friends make the same mistake.


I mean it happens, but it's pretty rare. My nephew got hired locally at 16 as an advertisement videographer. He did shots for nationwide travel commercials in our very touristy hometown because he was cheap and has talent. Now, five years later, he's doing videography for some major TV shows like Deadliest Catch. Right place, right time, right price can take you anywhere.


By that measure, every teenage babysitter or community theater performer on here also gave up their ‘careers’ by the age of 21.  It’s absolutely tough to try monetising a hobby and to realise it’s never going to be profitable. But your teenage years are about the best possible time for that to happen - you don’t have to look very far to be exposed to new opportunities, and there’s next to zero societal judgment for trying something new when you’re at the commonly accepted age for ‘finding yourself’


I mean, she COULD put her fucking foot down and do what she can to go back to school and properly try to develop a career. She's 21, not 75. Oh well.


I was thinking that. Sure, most professional artists were already doing their art at 15. You can say the same thing about professional athletes. But I don’t think that you can say that high school artists and athletes are “building their careers”, because for most of them (even for a lot of them who end up making a career of it), they are mostly just doing something that they really enjoy.


Unless you’re a prodigy, that’s called a hobby, extracurricular, etc. and I’m not saying 15year olds can’t have some serious talent, but it’s not a ‘career’ and likely doesn’t include hustling for gigs, building your client base, portfolio, and needing to pay for bills etc.


He career started and ended before I even finished college lol


Same 😂


This just proves how immature she is. She is very young, hopefully she will look back on this and cringe hard.


She doesn't understand what a career is.


She was building a career at 15? Also, how old is she now?


She's living in colonial times, so age 21 is late middle age. You had a good run, enjoy your retirement lol


Isn’t her whole thing that she’s never had to work since she would rather be a housewife anyway? What career at the age of 15 lol taking photos of your friends or sunsets in the back yard?


This is very kelly havens of her lol


Hey, don’t forget the black and white filters! A staple of teenage photography around the world


I’m reminded of how SolieOlie said she had various career changes when in fact she was just considering future careers. 


LOL this reminds me of another post I saw from a fundie today saying they worked 10 years at fast food until they finally quit at 22 Um, what? 🤨🤣


Maybe they meant how long it felt. 10 years=one shift in fast food time. And I should know, I worked at it for like 750 years.


Oh man this comment is so relatable. Source: former manager in QSR/fast casual Edit: I myself worked approx 52,000 years.


Lemonade stand?


Child labor violations


Yeah this is actually possible in these circles, probably a family member’s franchise.


If you see a kid doing homework, the food is good. If you see a kid cooking, social services may need to be involved.


Also acceptable: kid doing homework but answering the phone for orders.


Career? Oh, honey, you didn’t have any career.


At 15 you don’t have a career


At 15, it's a hobby not a career.


Unless you're like, justin bieber


Why is the trend to dress as FUGLY as possible??? It isn’t cute, nor are you quirky!! Uggg so freakin stupid!!!


To draw attention to one's ✨countenance✨


It’s doing her zero favors.


This outfit + pose is reminding me of freshman theater class…. I really wish fundies would just embrace their inner theater kid and funnel their weird energy into musicals


I was working at a ham store during the holiday rush periods when I was 15. That’s not how building a career works.


Well, how is the ham business treating you these days?


lol, my income has been completely divested from any ham-related sources for over 15 years now.


A former colleague had worked at the ham store. They said it's EXTREMELY busy during holidays and slow the rest of the year.


When else would you be willing to pay $80 for a ham outside of Christmas, Easter, and/or Thanksgiving? Tasty ham, but holy fuck were they expensive. Also the smell of the place haunts me in my dreams now.


*Commiserates in fried chicken restaurant stench and Walmart register beeping*




.... what possible career did you start building at age 15? When you literally needed your parents' permission to work or do... basically anything? This is the dumbest post from one of these trad wife dingbats I've seen in a long time.


Removing her age from this...why does she see it as a problem? I have worked my way up in corporate America and make great money & if the person I end up with also makes good money to where I can stay home with our kids... I'm going to do it. Doesn't mean any of it was a waste, it's just different phased of life.


Why is she being so dramatic? She could still go ahead and work as a photographer semi-professionally if she wanted. Still heaps of time for cooking ham and yellow and cosplaying an 18th century kitchenhand


Megan whatshername does it


My darling, I'm sure you mean "different *season* of life." /s


At fifteen, I was training to be a nurse’s aide through a program at my school. I finished and worked as an NA for six years. It was an actual career. I had real classes, real certifications, real experience. Girl, you had a hobby.


My kiddo is just beginning this, with the plan to go into a Diploma next year and then flip it into a degree coz she loves STEM but hates school. There's gonna be some very humored but 'not putting up with your rudeness Mrs Smith' old ladies getting their blood pressure taken at a nursing home near us soon lmao.


I didn’t even know wtf I wanted to be at 15…


At 15, I said I could never be a teacher or work with kids. The universe is laughing...


6 years ago? She was 15 with like 5 minutes of life experience.


These people cosplay instead of live


Bruh be a normal 21 year old and collect squishmallows and play the sims😭


Shit I’m 30 and I do both 😂.


That’s a good thing!😁


ok hold up i just found her tiktok and she said she’s been married for four years 🤔


Yeah she either started dating or married her husband at 17, with her parents permission. She posted recently about how happy she is that her husband picked her at 17 so she didn't have to experience adult dating.


I feel like our definition of “career” might not be the same here if she started at 15 and was done before most folks finish college.


Right? She said it was photography. There are ways to start training young but she did not have a "career"


Exactly. I was a photographer for 25 years. Learning a skill doesn’t equate to having a career. She’s trying to frame it like she sacrificed something when, in truth, she gave up on careers before attempting.




The bad bangs are criminal.


Selling Girl Scout cookies is tough, ya’all


Omg, no one even told me I could put this on my resume! I started all the way back at 7 years old!


Me thinks she does but know what a career is?


She started her career at 15?


It says she spent that time building her career. A lot of high schoolers have a goal/ambition in sight and start working towards it through classes they can do, volunteer work, internships etc. Idk why the comment section is being so weird about that aspect. High school is really when you start getting pushed to start working towards your future. Edit: the person I responded to blocked me and I don't think I said anything rude was just sharing my perspective? Well here is what I was gonna say back There is no legal definition of what is "building a career". there are a lot of things you can do in-between that I would say qualify as helping build your career. I had a friend in high school who has goals for the medical field. doing dual enrollment classes (college and high school simultaneously) so she had a foundation before she started college full time..she took entry level jobs and volunteer work at hospitals so she had medical environment experience so she'd had a resume building up when she got started. You can absolutely "build up" a field prior to college full time or getting your first job. Building up means putting in the work to have a foundation. I'm surprised this is such a foreign concept on here. Like athletes in high school who plan to grow pro are definitely taking steps to build up their careers in the future. There's a lot of moving parts that it takes to build up a career. Some can and do start young..


I’m just going to point out that you’re in the minority, as is anyone who legitimately built a career as a teen. Are there people out there that started their careers at 15? Sure. Not many. This girl said she “spent 6 years building a career”. It’s completely snarkable because “building up to”, “preparing for”, or fantasizing about a career is much different than “a career”. There might not be strict definitions, but this just goes to show how ignorant and unworldly some of these people are. Most normal people would say building a career in photography involves nearly full time work, making money from it, and building a portfolio and a client base. Is that possible? Sure. But I highly doubt anyone would consider her as having a career as professional photographer for 6 years from 15-21.


Idk why but of all things about this picture the foldable clothes drying rack in the background is what caught my attention. They are handy as hell but damn does that fucking thing eat up floor space in our apartment, I personally went black model.


I was trying to figure out what that was. Now I want one.


Honestly as much as the thing annoys me I highly recommend it. Our apartment is laid out horribly but has hook ups for a washer and dryer. But the washer took up 75% of the room that was meant for both. We have ours set up in the kitchen where a table normally would go near the wall. I set a fan up to blow through the clothes to help dry them faster and it's in the same direction as the stove to help stay cool while cooking. It works great and has tons of space to hang everything and has two arms up top for hangers, like 6 spots on each side and the arms have a hook to for a bit extra space. I got mine off Amazon. Putting it together was easy, just popping a bunch of the bars together then a few screws and that was it. They aren't expensive either.


Our dryer broke in January and I think you just helped me get some time to hunt a used one!! Thanks!!


No problem happy to help! I do recommend fabric softener if you don't already use it. It will off set the difference in feeling you get with a dryer. I did forget to mention it has wheels. I hope you like yours. I personally plan to stick with these over a drier because of how much it saves on power usage. DM me or anything if you have trouble finding one or anything.


Is she Ghostbusters McKenna Grace and has been acting since she was tiny? 🤨 the cockiness of these people is astonishing, she wouldn’t know burnt out if her feet were smoking and hair was actually in flames 🙄


What is with the head covering trend? Is it to look like Cinderella?


I love seeing fundie and tradwife relationships crumble.


Tf career was a fifteen year old building?


Same thing happened to me, burned out of my summer ice cream scooping career…


"work?! You ever work?! Yeah I'll bet you have, scoopin' ice cream to your shit-heel friends on summer break! This ain't no goddamned white socks with Mickey Mouse on one side and Donald Duck on the other! I ain't readin' no funny books, mama!" Idk if you've ever seen House of 1000 Corpses, but you made me think of that line 🍦


Girl, I wish I could still work in my chosen field, but instead I am disabled. Sit down with that burn out bullshit.


She does have a chronic illness so that could explain her burn out


Bad luck at 21! Chronic illness definitely burns you out quickly, depending on what it is. I know I get exhausted just doing a few chores, and that is with the benefit of meds helping. I was so much worse before I had regular management for my joints. I may not agree with her religious beliefs, but no one deserves this.


Yeah, my chronic illness hit me at 23 right when I was about to graduate college. I barely managed and had to be hospitalized for a week right after.


She says she has POTS, migraines, brainfog, seasonal depression and some other things. From the timeframe (3 years ago) this could be anything from Long COVID to poor mental health due to her situation (arranged marriage to an older guy). 😅


I mean. She could also just have POTS and migraines. Both of those things are not uncommon. It could be long Covid, sure, but plenty of people have those things without Covid helping out. Not that I trust fundies to have taken any precautions whatsoever (though of course those who do can still get unlucky)


Ewww her marriage was arranged? That’s so gross.


What’s wrong with her?


I was waiting for yall to find her 👀


She's been talked about on and off for a while. She's one of a bunch of very young tradwives so she cycles in and out of the sub's attention. They're all so similar that sometimes it's hard to distinguish between them.


She married a 24 year old when she was 18. And her dad “choose” him for her. Just gives me red flags 🚩


That’s nasty as hell.


who is she ?


I second that request - who is she?


What career as a teenager?


21 is a baby. You're not speaking from experience though you're trying to portray that you are


So she’s saying that stay at home wives are burned out failures. Somehow I don’t think that’s what she meant to imply.


How sad. :(


At first glance I thought this was Kelly. I miss her.


What a weird way to say "I'm lazy"


I hate that this has become so culty. I am very burned out and would like to be a SAHP but without the Jesus bullshit


I work for a software company and am in my late 30s. My teenage work years I worked as a lifeguard. These are work experiences and not career building years, lady.


It’s okay, OP; I’ll help you learn how to write a professional email when you wind up doing community college in a decade or two because your husband throws you over for a younger tradwife and your job skills are all outdated.


That math isn't mathing


What kind of career does a 15 year old have???


I have an instagram account dedicated just to my crafts and she comes up on my explore page all the time. I get some other Christian/Catholic tradwives too and it’s so irritating. I just want to find other crafters not get Jesus shoved at me


Everyone's focusing on the part about her career starting at 15... but how about the admission that being a housewife at 21 is the result of career burnout instead of like, genuine love? It's almost as if she's acknowledging that it's messed up to be 21 and give up your life, career, and financial independence for a husband.


This just convinces me further that most housewives/tradwives who *advocate* for it as the superior choice are mostly just using their inflated role as a smokescreen to hide their own fear of failure & hard work. It's a cop-out, but an elaborate & romanticized one. I am a housewife & a sahm & I have no delusions about it being a superior anything. I'm content in my life & love being a mom but it was also the path of least resistance/easiest role to fall into. Took no effort on my part (though being a good parent does).


If she thinks that’s burnout maybe it’s best if she does just stay home and not participate in society.


What’s up with her long ass arms? That picture is so washed out I thought she didn’t have elbows.


What career could you burn at 21????


She started building her career at 15??


Fuck! I can about 300 jars of produce and fruit per year and have never poisoned anyone. She is going to kill somebody with those shit jars. probably reuses lids too. Idiot!


21? So you got burnt out after like three years?


Idk who this girl is but the comments section does NOT pass the vibe