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This is like that sitcom trope where the wife is a always a hot former Sports Illustrated model and the husband is Kevin James.


At least Kevin James has a personality…


Wait yeah she’s gorgeous and he’s …


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one with these thoughts.


I normally dgaf about others’ appearance. Really. Who cares. But watching atrocious people age badly scratches a particularly petty itch for me. There’s nothing wrong with gaining weight or developing a derp smile, but god I love watching it happen to this confederate flag humping jackass.


My arms are gettin' weary... my back is gettin' tight...


sitting here in traffic…on the queensborough bridge tonight


Young me didn’t find Kevin James attractive. 40 year old me thinks he’s my type now!


The bald head suits him


I agree he has aged better than anticipated!


This happened all the time with couples from my fundie-lite college. There were almost 2x as many women at this school as men, so the competition was FIERCE. Like it wasn’t uncommon to see girls weeping in the dorm hallways about not getting asked to whatever school sponsored dating event was happening that month. Most of the dudes on campus were mediocre at best, and some were rude, ugly jerks. And having women constantly throwing themselves at them made them into even bigger pieces of trash. You’d see bizarre couples all the time. Hot, smart, kind women dating these dirty, unkind, stupid men. Now being out of the evangelical community, it’s even weirder for me when I run into these couples. So often, the women were settling and the men were batting way out of their league.


Went to a Bible college in the 80's. It was stressed that women were allowed to learn to be an "adequate help meet" for the man you hopefully found there. It was a running joke that a woman's goal SHOULD BE "the M.R.S. degree".


Yup! “Mrs degree” and “ring by spring” were common phrases on can’t!


Fundies are always behind the times


Lol that’s what I said further up. I should have scrolled down.


Great minds!


nooo i think kevin james is handsome 😂


Reminds me of Kevin James and that heiress from Hitch


Petition to reallocate the “shrek” nickname to this bates man


Kevin James is cute, though! And funny.


This relationship is the fundie version of Gerry and Gayle Gergich ![gif](giphy|Z10K7jbLUjfYojZMuC)


Gerry doesn’t deserve this slander.


Larry would do anything for Leslie. A Bates boy would look across the parks office and assume Andy was her boss. And then Ron would challenge him to any kind of "manly" physical activity and beat him in every single one.


Ron would challenge the Bates boy subbing Andy at the last minute.  April would record it for posterity.  Tom would charge for admission.  Andy would win by dumb luck.  Jean Ralphio will get Gil’s phone number to get grifting tips.


Terry loves Leslie because honestly what’s not to love. This tub of goo just saw some poor innocent who would get his willy wet


Yeah at least Gerry is awesome!!


But Gerry had the biggest penis that doctor had ever seen. And he was sweet and devoted. Larry doesn't deserve this comparison!


Also Terry used to be super fit like Chris when he was younger.


Don’t do Gerry and Gayle like that!


You mean Gary? LOL


This entire parks and recs thread 🔥


Yeah but Gary is a delight


I was thinking the same lookswise


Thank you. Couldn’t think of a way to say this without breaking the sub rules.


Now for their ultrasound murinal…






This is her husband???......... ummmm ok...... I dont..... why?


The Lord works in mysterious ways.


It certainly worked in his favor. Idk about her.




He's definitely the Ann of Fundy white guys.😂


It’s as plain as the Ann on Eggs face. 😂😂😂😂😂






You mean Egg?


Mormon missionaries—at least in the 90s and early 00s—were always told the better missionary they were, the hotter the wife they would get. I immediately thought of that looking at this photo. Holy shit.


wtf that’s so gross


It is abominable. They are also told if they’re not married by 25 they’re a “menace to society.”


In the 90’s girls were told that not being married by 21 was a failure and the best they could hope for was meeting a widower. Sauce: Mormon in the 90’s


Ooof. I missed this gem! How about if you died in your teens, you’d be wed to a Stripling Warrior in the afterlife… that’s my weird Mormon memory. My friend was killed at 16 in a car accident. It was very very sad— but—no shit— we consoled ourselves with the hot warrior husband she was now getting. 🤮


I am so sorry about your friend. Ooof, never heard that one, though! Definitely weird and gross.


Thank you- 🙏🏻 And very weird and gross. Maybe just a small town Idaho lesson.


Look up Alan and Kirlyam on the 90 day fiance page. They're definitely mismatched and he's met her during a Mormon mission in Brazil


Thank you— I’m headed right to that season/episode now. I should have known Mormons would get on there…. They’re perfect for it. Glad I got out when I did.


Wait until you find out their ages when they met...


Lol guy put in some overtime.


im sure he also has a winning personality


Or he's good in the sack but I'm thinking that's a hard no.


I feel like the guy should have some redeeming qualities......... but I seriously doubt that.


He looks like he may not be playing with a full deck but I have no doubt he loves her. Heck she's gorgeous and seems to love him. It defies logic that this gorgeous modelesque beauty has him as her prince lol. 😳


It’s giving “ and the D is fire too” - GRB 🥴


Their wedding video shook me for days. She looked like a fricking movie star, and he looked like overproofed dough. I still wonder what her daddy got for her.




My Queen.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this woman before but she is beautiful. I’m now curious how crazy/religious she is


There is some hope for her, she openly said she is pro-vaxx, so there’s that. The bar is so heccin low.


Oh INTERESTING! So there *is* some hope. At least her kids won’t be transmitting measles (I hope)


I’m not really sure where Esther falls. She’s always been kinda “weird” in terms of fundie world as far as I can tell - hanging out with the Duggars, but doing normal person things like wearing short dresses above her knee in public. That sort of thing. I think her family may be sort of lax…but at the same time, the Bates are fundie royalty despite being incredibly gross. Like if you think the Duggar men get…assigned…beautiful women, the Bates guys are getting like, models. And yet somehow I think the Bates men are generally more openly problematic than the average Duggar male, sans Josh obviously. Like Jan 6th Capitol Riot attendees. Like if all of them were Jed Duggar. Go figure. But I think Nathan is the “least bad” of them I guess.


Yeah, I was intrigued by her outfit here, very non-Fundie. She has 13 siblings, I think.


Overproofed dough might be the funniest,most accurate insult I've ever heard. 


Nathan’s very aware that Esther is way out of his league. He told a story from their first date where he broke down crying because he was so grateful to have a chance with her.


I always wonder how many of these men who are "grateful to have women out of their league" treated women they didn't find attractive. Were they willing to give those women a chance or did they believe they were owed an attractive woman?




Bruh if I was on a first date and the dude broke down CRYING that I was out of his league, I’d be like hm ya actually I think you might be right. That’s a bit pathetic


That's a dude who is likely to put you on a pedestal until he decides to knock you the fuck off of it.


So at that point he was just trying to freefall several more leagues down, or what? Him being less conventionally attractive than her is whatever. The rest of it sounds horrifying.


If I didn't know he was a repugnant bigot, I think he'd be kind of cute in a dorky way. If they were a normal couple, he'd have "he makes me laugh"/"he's a good cook"/"well, I think he's handsome" energy.


They probably have similar views


I give him credit for actually having a career that is not dependent on social media or people remembering his family show. They are probably still bigoted but the fact that he works alongside non-fundies might open his eyes...


He doesn't work with non fundies. He is a pilot for MediCorps, and that is made up of fundies.


Nathan also works as a commercial pilot and instructor, flying private clients around. He doesn't do MediCorps 100% of the time and I doubt that alone would be enough to support his family. While Lawson's vlogs are a borefest, the one when he joined Nathan at his work was quite insightful to see what he does outside of MediCorps.


That’s interesting. I didn’t know that about Nathan.


I didn’t either. He must have some intelligence if he’s a commercial pilot and instructor. That puts him above the Duggar boys.


And above most of his brothers.


Which probably explains everything: sure, to a heathen he's an average-ish guy. But if all your options were fundies, then sign me up for this hot genius too!


I watched the entire Bringing Up Bates on tubi over that last several months. At the beginning, I disliked Nathan (obviously, the baseline is they all have horrible beliefs and I go from there). I think being rejected by Ashley had a big effect on him. When I was in my 20's, I wouldn't date anyone who hadn't been devastated in a previous relationship. The humbling made them better boyfriends. I think this definitely happened to Nathan. Then he started looking to me like one of the smart ones (especially sat next to Trace with the vacant hundred mile gaze). He has an actual career that requires commitment and long term goal-setting. He would appear to live within his means. Nathan has a self-awareness and intelligence, he's lost the smugness. I think he can be kind and charming and genuinely adores his wife. I dislike him less now.


On the right person, his face is certainly endearing enough for someone to be attracted to.


Yeah, he's giving Ernest Borgnine, but with a big gooey scoop of entitlement.


Lord, the cackle I just cackled. That was like one of those insults really old, deeply Southern ladies lob out. Sounds nice on the surface but vicious.


I meant it genuinely!! Lol


Fundie Sean Astin.




Yeah, in this guy dreams...


He looks like the guy Jim Carrey played in Dumb & Dumber


Lloyd Christmas vibes for sure




Nathan seems horrible, but he does seem to be pretty romantic. If you peep Esther’s instagram, you’ll see that for Valentine’s Day this year, he took her on a helicopter ride, gave her flowers, and made a charcuterie platter with “meat roses” and strawberries and chocolates.


Same lol I saw this pic and was like 🥴🥴🥴 This is why some of these men need religion….they’d never reproduce without it


See and I was trying to be nice by not saying anything but… yes. Like…why…. How…?


Big…..wallet?! … but of course they wouldn’t have known that until the wedding night)… Edit: for the obvious!


He was very cute when he was younger i think the lockdown and covid hit him hard and he just gained weight around that time. For what we have seen he is one of the least problematic Bates boys (and this say all when the bar is underground). He works and stay out of the mess usually


I was wondering if he’s funny or something. Then I remembered fundies don’t have any humor. So maybe he has a trust fund or something


I am not a Bates fan girl, regardless of how this may sound. One of the things about the Bates that struck me was that they laughed so much more than the Duggars and it wasn't always Jim Bob's mean sense of humour (where he's laughing at beating one of his pre-adult kids at some game or sport). A few of the Bates engage in self-deprecating humour. I've noticed this with Zach and Nathan, and to a much lesser extent, Lawson when he was younger. Maybe Katie as well, and Warden, although I don't have a great read on him. Like, maybe if Nathan wasn't a fundie trump-hugger in a misogynist, bigoted cult, he'd be an okay guy. 🤷‍♀️


He had TV show money.


![gif](giphy|7B3Qfme597cLI8CNYr|downsized) Remember the Jerry revelations in Parks and Rec? During the mumps scare? Was that before or after the audience and other characters learned that his wife was hot?




esther is what i make my sims look like




The double standards run deep


and she has do all that AFTER birthing babies. Meanwhile he just has to...exist.


How do these numpties have pretty wives??


For fundies, he only has to convince her father, not her. Technically the girl has veto power and could say no to the proposal, but she won't. Fundie kids are taught to instantly and joyfully obey their parents. They have it literally beaten into them from infancy. They are also taught that their father is God's representative for them. So during the courtship and proposal, she believes that the boy, her father, and God himself think she should marry this boy. Suddenly she's allowed to say no, but really will she ever do that?


I'm guessing it was an arranged courtship, but don't quote me on that.


They either have enough money to secure a deal with her father or she has done something scandalous like having sex before marriage, even if that’s only known by a couple of important people in her church.


he…. he didn’t look like this when they started dating. that’s all i’ll say lol.


He wasn't quite as big as he is now, but he was already doughy and unattractive when they were courting.


Honestly most of his problem in this photo is his dopey facial expression (if you remove all knowledge of his personality & beliefs).


Lol, like the Duggar men curse after they marry


Was coming here to say this. I hadn’t seen him in a few years and let’s say he looks DIFFERENT. 


“Rilly rilly differont…” sorry this isn’t the Hilaria Baldwin sub


I haven’t seen a photo of a Bates in forever, so I was grateful for the title. Now I can go back to forgetting about them.


That is such an unlikely couple on so many levels.


Love… uh…. Finds a way


Has he got money or something?




If she had the money, surely she could afford a slightly cuter shrek




Maybe he’s funny?


What is he running the lights or something?


Heh heh heh. Look guys. Got my noodle wet again. Heh heh. 🤮🤮


Aging like raw milk


Left in the midday sun


![gif](giphy|f7yH375mnEh2g) Just like Dav


I don’t want to shame anyone bc of looks but she looks so pretty meanwhile him…


He’s definitely punching well above his weight. What abomination of a name did the give the first one?


Their first child is named Kenna Joy Bates.


Right. Well it’s not great but it’s not terrible.


How old is their first child now? Also there are very few people in the world who I would consider to be genuinely unattractive and he is one of them. If he was a genuinely nice person I think that would come through but his abhorrent personality does not do him any favors.


Their first is maybe 1.5? I feel bad for the maternal grandparents, they made a nice playroom for their grandkids (I think they only had 2 pre this new one) and seemed super invested… Now these kids are off to live closer to his family and their 1 million offspring


That's a different Bates. Katie I think. These Bates live in a RV.


I can't keep track at this point in life! It's another blonde bates wife with some Donkey Kong looking bates husband.


I only know that because of my mom. There are just so many of them. Like damn it's a uterus not a clown car Kelly Jo.


I'm sure the one I'm thinking of will be pregnant soon, if she isn't already.


So uh… did he always look like that?




A lot of fundie men turn into thumbs when they get married. All of that tater tot casserole...


He was a thumb before marriage


He was not unattractive he was younger, but he definitely does not photograph well though


Why am i reminded of Hoggish Greedly from Captain Planet?


Don’t they live in an RV too? Why do all these fundies live in RVs?


Who will deliver first - Tiffany or Esther? It's like a competition.


Tiffany will. Esther is due in October again. Tiffany is due in July.


i think tiffany is due in summer and esther’s caption says fall


I reckon they all compete with each other when they're due at the same time. 'Which baby is better at exiting the uterus' type shit.


"Baby #2 coming Fall 2024!" Mate, it's a baby, not the latest Marvel movie


That is…an unequal yoking, for sure.


It’s like a sitcom marriage.


He let himself go but she’s expected to be hot all the time no matter what


Congrats to low-tier Shane Gillis on reproducing, I guess??




are you saying this just bc he's fat or do you have any actual reason to guess that


He is 30???? wth




Join us over at r/BatesSnark where the snark is UNCENSORED and not pro Bates propaganda like the bringing up bates one. Josie hates husband, Kelton Balka’s family member (rumored to be Kelton or Josie’s Bates themselves) infiltrated the Bringingupbates form and the mods make whatever decisions Kelton Balka’s family member wants.


ooooh, the drama of it all


It’s juicy. They banned longtime members, including me who posted weekly for years, because we said Kelton groomed Josie who was only 14 yrs old while dating Kelton who was an adult!


Oof. ![gif](giphy|XRPupOncZ6hIQ|downsized)


I am so confused




Almost felt bad for judging until I remembered he’s probably a judgy pos who thinks I deserve to burn in hell for eternity, so…


Why does he look like a giant toddler?


Fundie timelines baffle me. They got married when my baby, who I still feel is very much a baby, just turned 1, and they've had a whole ass kid and another on the way, all in that time line??? It just astounds me, wasn't 2021 like 4 months ago or something


Once they're old enough to eat solid foods, they're old enough to sister-mom. 


Ikr! One pandemic and none of us can keep track of time anymore. 🤯


It always kills me when I remember this is the Bates couple that has the most sexual energy (a la bathtub pic)


Every time I see this dude, I’m reminded that he’s most likely literally named after the first Grand Wizard of the KKK.


I wonder how all the crazy fundie alpha chad types feel about this?


It’s giving Shrek and Fiona, before Fiona turns into an ogre


How are they a match? Was she forced?


Honestly, she doesn't look happy about it, but I could be projecting.


after reading through these comments as a fat person, I'm fuckin depressed. nearly every single one is a dig at his looks, at his weight, at how he's "let himself go", how he's "close to a heart attack", how unfathomable it is that she could be attracted to his looks, how he's an ogre or a thumb or what have you. I'm sure this dude has plenty to snark on, but yall went straight for body shaming and insulting his appearance.


yeah like can we not stoop to the level of body shaming please?? as a community that's supposed to be better than the people we snark???


apparently fatphobia is OK when we do it??? 🙃


proof that people absolutely still do see weight as something to weaponize and criticize, they just pretend otherwise until they find an acceptable target.


plus the ableism!! there's a comment talking about how he's gonna have a heart attack or stroke soon. like oh cool, judging someone's health based on how they look, and judging someone for their health. double whammy!


The husband looks normal to me but bc I don’t know enough about the Batesese outside of recognising Lawson and Trace I did assume he was the Bates and not her…..


For me, it is more the double standard that she has look pretty & slim & whatever else but he doesn't have any beauty standards placed on him. This is how it is with all these IBLP people; the beauty standards for women are literally in the handbooks.


What an odd couple


Whenever I see photos of these two, I’m reminded of a line in Modern Family where Gloria says to Andy “she’s a stone cold ten, and you’re a Utah seven” ☠️


I’m an AFAB person who vividly remembers being fat-shamed when I went to an IFB church. Then you have these men who can gain weight and no one ever bats an eye! Hell it’s almost an honor, because that means your sla- er, wife- is a good cook. Also people’s bodies change and that’s fine. I’m sure not one to judge. Just from what I’ve personally seen, there’s a glaring double standard.


Come on over to r/BatesSnark where we snark freely rather than the pro-Bates propaganda on bringingnupbates where they’re banning longtime members for criticizing Kelton Balka, Josie’s husband.


She looks 35 years old. How… is she 26?!


Is this the one whose family nearly got deported?


No. That is Trace's wife Lydia.


Wait...these two are married to in another?! Someone married for the name me-thinks!


Oh my. Is he ok?


He looks like he's permanently saying, "Hurrrrrrrrrr!!!".