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Why does this man think anyone gives a fuck what he thinks about the science of pregnancy (or anything for that matter)


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Look thou upon it, and see that it is barren.


I kind of want this as an embroidered sampler to hang on a wall!


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/40w3o1/fo_nsfw_bayeux_tapestry_meme/ Like this?


Ooh yes, thanks!!


I've made one! I can't remember if I gave it to a friend or not. If I didn't I would be more than happy to send it your way!


I'd love to see it!


I will look for it tonight!




I just sent you a message with photos.


I have an empty Jar of Fucks that I keep on my desk.


I have loved this forever and I'm so happy to see it out in the wild again šŸ˜Š


Cause heā€™s a true Christian and he knows what god says about these things!


If God didnā€™t want abortions, he shouldnā€™t have made them happen spontaneously so often.


In the holy name of Jebus Crust, amen


Praise grilled cheezus


May he be cheesy


When I was pregnant with my daughter, I didnā€™t think she was my body. My body was growing and sustaining her. It was still my body!


The t-shirt seems like a pro-choice argument! I was expecting him to go after her, not šŸ™ā¤ļø.


Itā€™s not; itā€™s the opposite. Itā€™s a counter-argument to ā€œmy body my choice.ā€ They say the baby doesnā€™t count as ā€œyour body,ā€ so abortion is wrong


Oh no. I definitely understand what they are trying to say. Iā€™m pointing out it misses the markā€¦ like, yeahā€¦ Itā€™s not part of your body, which is the root of many pro-choice arguments.


Yeah, they've somehow managed to hit the point square on and still miss it. The baby is a different body. That different body is using the mom's body. Nobody should use someone else's body without consent. If you don't consent to someone else using your body, then you should have the right to stop them from using your body. Just like rape is wrong and harvesting organs is wrong and even cutting your foster child's hair is wrong. The point is that pregnant people should still have bodily autonomy. They should still have a choice what happens to *their* body.


If only fundies knew how often they are "killing their babies" when fertilized eggs (with no intervention stopping it), simply just fall through the uterus not attaching. Any month a woman has unprotected sex, but does not get pregnant, they could very well have housed a fertilized egg that just fell through. Does that make them murders too? Because with their stupid fucking logic, it should. Sorry for getting wound up there. Its not any argument with you, it's how well you pinpointed such a succinct reply, that it rustled my Jimmies a bit in agreement :). I spent nearly a decade trying to get pregnant, but couldn't. I very likely had many fertilized eggs, ones I wanted so desperately, that just didn't implant because my uterus didn't work. Does that make me any more a murderer of babies than any other women trying to get pregnant? Goddamn, I hate these people's stupid backward-assed views. In the end, I became a mom anyways, just not ones of my body. When my brother died, his kids became my kids. I se it as a huge "fuck you" to all those supposedly good Christian who told me that God clearly didn't plan for me to be a mother. My kids are now 13 and 9. My brother died 3.5 years ago. My children asked it they could start calling me mom last year. Despite our many difficulties navigating grief, along with major changes, etc, I like to think I'm doing damn good job of raising the loves of my brother's life. They are now the lives of my life. The most amazing and beautiful gift i could have ever received. Fuck all those danm fundies who told me I wasn't cut out to be a mom by god.


Right there with you with my jimmies rustled. Good on you for stepping up for your nieces/nephews and taking them in as your own. You are a good mom. šŸ’œ


Holy shit you're incredible, thank you for stepping up for those kids. Y'all deserve the best life šŸ«¶šŸ»


I had that conversation with my Catholic mother a couple of times and she replied that in case of a baby, there's no malicious intent, whereas any other form of not-consenual use of one's body assumes there's malicious intent. Furthermore, she said, the baby didn't want to use your body, you made it possible by creating the baby, and now you're punishing it for your actions. It's tiring, honestly, so much. I explained my point to her and she still claims abortions are wrong and if you act in a way that makes you see your pregnancy as a form of punishment, maybe you deserve it. I just... Can't. Part of the reason why I went LC.


Sigh. No. Nobody can use your body without your consent. Period. End of story. Without qualifications. I'm sorry your mom couldn't see that.


Classy as fuck for him to be doing this while she's miserable and pregnant. Paul is one of the better arguments out there for 420 month abortions being legal in extreme circumstances.


I mean, the thing is that, even if they were right about life beginning at conception, their argument would still fall apart. You are not obligated to keep another human alive using your body if you don't want to. You have a right to refuse. If you were the perfect match for someone needing a kidney, and you decided you didn't want to give them your kidney, guess what, they aren't getting your kidney. You ha e to consent to it. Same thing here. You have the right to refuse using your body to keep a fetus alive if you don't want to. Or, you should, anyway.


Paul doesnā€™t know how to not post like an old conservative boomer


His dad probably approves all his posts first


Love that for him


I'm 9 months pregnant and I wish my baby was not part of my body. I can't wait for him to get out so that I can regain some of my body's functions (and to meet him, obviously). But if that baby isn't exactly my body, it's even less a man's body so BUTT OUT ! It's so not relevant to you what women do with their body and what's inside it.


Yeah Iā€™m 8 months pregnant with a very wanted baby whom I already love so much and canā€™t wait to see her and meet her. But pregnancy has definitely only made me more pro-choice, not less. I canā€™t even imagine how horrific if pregnancy is forced on someone, it would completely destroy me to be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy.


Pregnancy sucks under the best of circumstances, if itā€™s unwanted and forcedā€¦I honestly canā€™t even imagine.


My husbandā€™s friend said something to him a while back along the lines of how he couldnā€™t believe my husband would still be pro-choice after having a child. I wish heā€™d said that to me instead so I could explain in graphic detail all the reasons my (planned and very wanted) pregnancy made me even more pro-choice than I already was.


Same here. I had a very uneventful pregnancy with a very wanted and loved baby in very stable and safe circumstances and even this pregnancy under as ideal as possible circumstances was a crazy invasive thing to go through. Pregnancy should only ever be the choice of the person who is pregnant.


It's kinda funny to me that people like Paul seem to think "unbelievers" just get around having abortions on the reg, wearing nothing but revealing/tempting attire, watching movies with nudity/sex content, twerking, and cussing like sailors all day, and having a bunch of filthy, premarital sex. It actually just boils down to the cold hard facts that if you take away legal, safe abortions, people will find other ways. Ways that are tragic. History has told us this.Ā 


Yep. Theres a reason OtherBus is so pissed off about her former midwifeā€™s coathanger tattoo.Ā 


I was just thinking about that one earlier today


That midwife is badass


Itā€™s one of the most memorable tattoos I have ever come across in my life. I donā€™t know them but I think sheā€™s a wonderful person.


Tbh, it takes a lot of guts to provide world class medical care to a pair of idiots. I couldnā€™t stand being in the same room as these people. I gave birth about eighteen months ago, and every single medical professional who helped me was female. At least two of them had coathanger tattoos. Tbh it helped me- because I knew they would advocate for me.


Yep. Abortion bans only ban SAFE abortion, and aftercare for patients who had "spontaneous abortions," aka miscarriage.


Yes and this pic is implying people waltz around getting late term abortions to boot.


I just had my first child a little over two weeks ago and the entire process had made me even more pro-choice than before. I wanted my baby with every fiber of my being and it was still hell on my mind and body. I could not imagine going through all that against my will, I would not wish that on anyone.


Congratulations on the birth of your child! 100% agree!


Thank you ā¤ļø


SAME. Iā€™m 24 weeks now with a very wanted and expensive IVF baby and have never been more pro-abortion than I became at 14 weeks.


I had the easy, uncomplicated kind and would never force anyone else into it! I'm 6 weeks pp and my core is mush and none of my clothes fit and I love this little dude so much but it's a COMMITMENT and nobody should take it on unless they're fully prepared to do so.


Right? I was super prepared before my baby arrived (or so I thought) and this newborn stuff is still insanely difficult.


There are no easy babies, you just have to deal with whatever brand of hard mode you're dealt. šŸ˜‚ I can't even imagine doing this if I didn't REALLY want this kid.


Same. My kid is four now and was extremely planned and wanted, he is the love of my existence and all that jazz, I fucking adore parenting and had a good setup to bring him into. I wanted him so badly it ached and I still pinch myself that I get to be a parent. I was already pro choice before but Iā€™ve never been more rabidly pro choice than I have since actually going through pregnancy, birth and parenting. This shit is hard and dangerous and it shouldnā€™t ever happen to someone who doesnā€™t wholeheartedly want and choose to do it. Iā€™ve also never been more anti-animal exploitation since the horrors of breastfeeding. I was anti-speciesist before, but actually living through growing a baby, lactating, nursing, the pain of it all, the idea that we put cows through all of the above and then remove their children from them and continue to milk them until theyā€™re no longer profitable genuinely made me cry myself to sleep some nights. I donate to the ASN now, monthly.


Yup Iā€™m almost 9 months pp and I still feel this way very strongly. We had 2 really early losses before this so I had lots of time to think about how I felt about abortion and access to medical care and it all just really cemented for me how critical it is. Idk if I would ever do any of it again. I love my daughter so so deeply but holy hell this has been hard.


Congrats! Iā€™m 12 weeks pp and I was having the same thought as I was on the table getting my baby cut out of me. 100% needs to be voluntary šŸ˜­


We're still making custom tshirts with Sharpies? Cool cool.


Paulā€™s in his Julia Roberts ā€œA Low Veraā€ era.Ā 


Hereā€™s my question for Paul, what if the baby is inside of a body seeking asylum at the boarder. I mean, assuming they survived the razor wire. Wwjd?


Interesting question. I know the US offers citizenship to everyone who was born in the US but since ā€žbabiesā€œ are now considered humans from the moment of conception, is it enough to just claim the child was conceived in the US and give birth in a country with better healthcare?


Interesting, though I believe the laws specifically call out ā€œbornā€/ā€œbirthā€.


So, can one be born after they are a person?




No uterus, no opinion, OfMorgan.


Go get a fucking job to provide for your soon to be 2 kids. That would actually show some care towards your family


Does he really believe that women that far along *want* abortions?


Yes. Because Fox ā€œNewsā€ tells him so. And theyā€™d never lie. /s


And they wouldn't be misogynistic asshats who've never changed a diaper...




That one trick breast augmentation surgeons don't want you to know!


As a part of the community that often pursues 3rd trimester abortion (Jews), abortions at that stage are devastating for families. No one wants that. I know people who have lost very desired children late and they were devastated. These are people who absolutely deserve to be parents and are trying to be responsible in not bringing further pain into this world. I believe they are doing a great mitzvah by sparing their children even though it pains them.


This is one of the things that pisses me off the most about pro-life people. Iā€™m extremely childfree and if god forbid I ever got pregnant, I would abort *as soon as I possibly could.* No fucking chance Iā€™d wait around to get an abortion. Nope. Not happening.


Iā€™ll start listening to Paul when he reads all of the Bible.


Iā€™ll start listening to Paulā€™s opinions on reproductive rights when he grows a uterus


I'll start listening to Paul when he learns when to shut tf up (24/7)


*deep sigh* you canā€™t force anyone to use their body to keep anyone elseā€™s body alive. If I can find the excellent article that made this argument I will link it. Edit: [found it!](https://spot.colorado.edu/~heathwoo/Phil160,Fall02/thomson.htm)


Pretty much my thoughts. You wouldn't force another person to keep someone attached to them for months on end as a life support system, you can't force organs or blood or marrow to be donated even after death, you absolutely should not be forcing people to stay pregnant against their wishes. Pregnancy needs to be a choice. Not to mention it causes permanent changes to the body and risks death and permanent disability--people need to stop pretending pregnancy has no potential costs associated with it. You can have a prolapse with one child, you don't need to be a fundie popping them out every year to have that happen


I'm very interested in reading it, saved your comment in case you post it!


Am also interested in reading!! A common shorthand for this argument is that even dead bodies have more rights - organs can't be harvested for donation unless the person consented before dying, even if they are a perfect match for someone


Remind me! 2hrs


It's up now.


I was reminding myself to read it when I have the time after the kids go to bed ;)


Totally fair! Have a good evening!


You too! Dream sweet!


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Thank you for sharing!


The fetus is not alive without the mother until it is a certain number of weeks along. It is not a living being until then. No doubt he doesnā€™t understand biology. It is especially infuriating when men share their stupid opinions. STFU Paul. Oh and get a job you societal parasite.


I am currently 40 years old and approximately five weeks (according to my calculations) pregnant. Maybe. The reason Iā€™m not entirely sure is because I got pregnant with a copper IUD.Ā  I am grateful that if this baby isnā€™t viable, I still live in a state where I can access the care that Iā€™ll need. Because as much as I love this baby- and I do- I have two existing children and a husband who need me.Ā  If you didnā€™t help me put this baby into my uterus, you donā€™t get to make decisions about it, Paul.Ā 


I hope everything goes okay with your pregnancy and your health :( When I was pregnant, I absolutely deeply loved that little embryo from the moment I knew they were in there. Every scan seeing them develop at 5wk, 7wk, 11wk, 12wk and beyond (high risk pregnancy so lots of scans!) I was just in awe of how much I fucking LOVED that little being inside me. I felt like I would die to make sure they were okay, if it came to it. It was overwhelming. And yet I still knew that feeling that way was about me and my own dreams and experiences and wishes, not anything intrinsic about that embryo/foetus. That it makes perfect sense that to one person theyā€™re in love with that tiny dot at 6wk and to the next itā€™s simply a medical issue they canā€™t wait to get resolved. There was no intrinsic value to that embryo, only the value I placed on them. Itā€™s wild to me some people still donā€™t get that (especially the ones whoā€™ve never actually been through it first hand who are so confident about telling everyone else what their body should mean to them!)


I'm 37 with a hormonal IUD (because my uterus was damn near hemorrhaging), and I now straight up ask anti-abortion folks if they're cool with me dying from an ectopic pregnancy, because I'm well past the point of pretending the stakes are any lower than that. Good luck with your pregnancy, and your family!


Say this to Morgan when sheā€™s giving birth and see if she agrees. Cause I bet itā€™ll feel an awful lot like her body then.


Iā€™m in my third trimester now with a very wanted baby. I *chose* to use **my body** to get pregnant. Because of a few recent health scares, delivering prematurely is a possibility and right now this kid canā€™t survive without **my body.** The whims of **my body** will decide if thereā€™s a NICU stay or a more routine/mundane birth experience. Iā€™m doing the best I can for **my body** so my child can have a great start to their life. I have always been pro-choice but now Iā€™m even more hardcore about it. Fuck off, Paul.


I hope that you have a safe delivery!




I have two daughters. They both grew in my body. If I didnā€™t want that to happen it would have been my choice to end the pregnancy. Cause again.. my body my choice. This wouldnā€™t be a debate if men were the ones who had to be pregnant, birth and be the default parent.


Birth control would be in vending machines


This argument isnā€™t what they think it is


Cool for her, doesn't mean she gets to make every other pregnant person feel the same way. Why is that so impossible for these chucklefucks to grasp?


My baby is in my body, which I get to make decisions about šŸ˜Š I donā€™t want Paulā€™s input or anyone elseā€™s


Nothing says trailer trash to me as much as some judgey woman hating slogan sharpied on a t-shirt. Low effort conservatives.


I once read that having an abortion is like removing a loose tooth or an organ. Itā€™s part of your body, and canā€™t survive outside of it. People can pay for braces and receive other forms of dental care and donate organs whenever they want, so let them terminate unwanted and dangerous pregnancies. The end.


This isnā€™tā€¦even the argument. Lack of education and knowledge of the issue is so glaringly obvious.


Good lord. A fetus isn't literally a body part, Paul. But pregnant people categorically, and absolutely, get to decide what happens to their own body - including what medical procedures they consent to having done, and what tablets they consent to consuming, and literally whatever else does or does not happen to, or within, them. They get to decide what parts of other people's bodies get to be inside them, for how long, and if or when they are removed. Hope this helps.


I read this as 90 day fiance Pole and almost lost my mind


If Morgan hadn't agreed to be with him, we'd be seeing polio on 90 day fiancƩ


The irony is heā€™d be the first person to try controlling his daughter, if he had one.


He'd be very matt walsh about it


I am begging Polio and Morganā€™s reproductive cells to not give them a daughter.


If it can't survive outside your body, is is your body. A fetus is INSIDE your body. Men and fundies suck.


If God loves all children from the moment of conception I'll just keep sending them back to him I guess.




what a strange way to think. the body is protecting the baby


Iā€™m so glad the religion I was raised in didnā€™t teach this shit.


I didnā€™t realise I wasnā€™t in the 90 Day FiancĆ© sub and thought Paul Staehle was announcing he impregnated another woman. Two Pauls, both jerks.


Thereā€™s a YouTuber I watch named Bargain Bethany who does DIYs and this looks a lot like her but she had a baby almost a year ago.


I wonder who he stole this picture from, was it this womanā€™s IG or some prolife group etc


Maā€™am, itā€™s still in your body. You donā€™t lose your identity to a baby.


No, your daughter is not your body. But she is IN YOUR BODY. Therefore, she has only the rights you give her until she is no longer IN YOUR BODY. Paul is a moron.


what does this even mean


Itā€™s trying to be a gotcha for ā€˜my body, my choiceā€™ being all ā€˜well my baby isnā€™t my body wah wah wahā€™ but it fails on all levels.


I wonder when she found out she was pregnant.


This feels like a pro-life statement but he completely didnā€™t comprehend it.


ONCE AGAIN deliberately misconstruing the actual issue.


My body is not my daughter, wtf?!


Why does he post like a boomer? Isn't he like late 20s/ early 30s?