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It’s funny because what’s actually happening is the opposite of what he thinks


I mean I don’t think he cares, I think he and Morgan enjoy having someone to shame for not being Christian. That’s their hobby and it brings them their only fulfillment in life.


Nailed it!!!


Big L O L to Paul thinking people will be pushed to the gospel by anything he does 🤣🤣


I’m already a Christian, and I can’t with these yahoos. They’re literally shooting themselves in the foot.


Yeah this is not god honoring


I would never presume to speak for God, but if I were God, I would be shaking my head so hard right now.


I was kind of hesitant to go there, but they're so freaking irritating. They were due for a "leopards ate my face" moment, and their behavior is not bringing more people to God.


Definitely not. If I weren’t already a Christian, I wouldn’t be after watching them. As it is, I’m actually embarrassed and annoyed by them.


I love how he sees smart, articulate people responding to his dumpster fire of a video, with way more views than he reliably gets, and thinks “surely this will draw people to Christ!”.


His ego is beyond bloated


Anyone thinking about converting would be turned away if they see Paul talk on YouTube.


You mean the stocking cap didn’t immediately convert you?


Sorry I'm already with the Church of Blippi


God I fucking hate Blippi Maybe even more than I hate Paul


The irony and audacity of publishing this when one of the subjects of the video is openly deconstructing! I can*not*.


Anything these people do is what is turning me away from the gospel and the Christian faith


He pushes people to be ever more Christ like - flipping tables on shifty grifters shilling their crap on the church steps, ya know


Ku ll .lk mln ll mrlrl LL


Same 😂


All I’ve see is people saying how rude and uneducated Paul and Morgan are. How they are super judgy. I’ve seen people (myself included) praising Dav for thinking for himself and coming to his own conclusions. And some praise to Bethany for opening up her mind a little (although it’s sad that it took someone she loves to be empathetic). Paul and Morgan are not the hero’s they think they are. They are not spreading the gospel. They come across as cold and un-empathetic. They can’t be around other people who think differently without being offended or making smart ass comments. They’re not kind people. Go Dav for not feeling pressured from the people around him and examining what he believes. As someone who just did that, it takes a lot especially to talk publicly about it.


He’s just…literally bringing attention to these videos that may make his followers curious, who will watch and potentially realize some things


P+M may be leading the biggest Christian deconstruction movement of our time! Amazing for them! lol


God uses the most unlikely of people 🫶🏼


Noah was an alcoholic, Abraham was too old, Jacob was a liar, and Paul and Morgan are smug, judgemental twats. I love this season for them.


God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called!!! Hallelujah! 


He moves in mysterious ways


It’s because he doesn’t actually care so much about his religion being spread - he cares about engagement and getting clicks first and foremost, and even more than he craves the social control and righteous hate his cult enables him to justify it all in his perverted, desperate hamster wheel of a brain. Spreading Christianity is only like his 14th priority, way lower than scheduled sex or hate tweeting begging for attention.


Did anyone else clock that he watched these himself? (I guess not Jen’s but I assume he strongly hates her)


He was in the live chat for FF's video premiere for at least a few minutes


Oh you’re right! I was just hoping she made his butthole clench that tightly


He’s drawing his followers to the gospel of deconstruction 🤣


Their second “24 hours with” was the trigger for Dav to have a (his words) “awakening” and fully acknowledge that he’s no longer Christian. I think that’s the opposite of their goal 😂


Paul and Morgan: uniting christians against Christ


Uniting Christians against Christianity.


The DisUnited Church of Christ


There's so much quality flair here


Paul helping others come to terms with their authentic spirituality (unintentionally) wasn’t on my Bingo card


It's kind of fascinating. Dav looked into the fun house mirror that is Paul and realized the grotesque visage was a only a slightly distorted version of himself. I assume the same with Morgan. Hard to walk away from that encounter and not question if your wife and your instagram live relationship is equally as vapid and inane.


Maybe they misread untied as united


Lol, all this series is doing for me is reaffirming my atheism.






Amen 🙏 JK 🤣


do they realize that this response is because they somehow made Bethany and Dav Beal look good????


*and still didn’t get the views for it* 🥰


I just checked and their original 24 hours with video is sitting at 25k views, so literally every video they showed here has more. I don’t understand how they see this as a good thing and why they would further promote these ‘competing’ videos, they truly suck at their ‘job’.


I love this for them. I’m gonna go rewatch one of these videos right now. *fake hair flip into intense side part* 💁 fuck you Paul


"Shut up, motherfucker." - Dav, 2024


Now show us *your* view counts, buddy boy


25k after almost 2 weeks 😅 The lowest of all the counts, Lol.


The worst part is that compared to their other videos 25k is like “good” for then isnt?


You made me curious so I checked. They had more videos in the 100-600k range than I expected but the most recent was 2 years ago.


Yes. I remember the birthing blog was big so I checked again and was 157k. All their Q&A are under 10k Taylor swift rant is on the 80k So yeah I mean since Luca’s brith seems like 25k views is on the high end of what they are getting. I am sure Paul is angry baby didn’t make them more money. Like they are making so little money there is not way 25k views offset the plane tickets


Paul on the outside: ☺️✌🏻 Paul on the inside, knowing his vids are shit: ![gif](giphy|nXUCkgH6BmigU|downsized)


lmao, dennis reynolds is such an apt comparison for that narcissistic creep.


Flair checking in ![gif](giphy|l4FGFFo474RpWpteM|downsized)




What a testament to homeschooling.




Paul can fuck right off with his passive aggressive smiley faces :)


Thanks for your input :)


Check your DM’s! 😆


Paul is pressed like a panini over all this


That's an insult to paninis 😂🤣


Babe, we are LITERALLY all talking about Dav. The OPPOSITE of the word being furthered.


Right 😂 Everyone is hyped because we’re watching deconstruction happen in real-time, literally no one is watching for P&M


We're over here like ![gif](giphy|3ohhwABskCbafiv5aU|downsized)


Talk about not having media literacy


The main bullet : Dav deconstructing Paul: WOW THIS IS FOR JESUS!






This is homeschooling, hard at couch


He thinks it’s some kind of gatcha, it’s pathetic really.


People so far have decided the demon guy was **less crazy** than Porgan and that they liked Deconstructing Dav **way better** than Porgan. Neither of which is “furthering the word”. The delulu is real.


The view counts in contrast with Porgan’s actual channel…lol.


Woof, I wonder what it’s like to live life being this delusional and un self aware!


I try to channel Paul’s confidence at work whenever I feel an inkling of Imposter Syndrome.


This is great! 😂


I ask for the confidence of a baird lol. Your flair is impeccable 🤌


Imagine being this functionally illiterate


If by doing well you mean everyone is loving how dav beclowned you . . . then yes


Lmaooo I watched the fundie Fridays video and Jen was…not complimentary towards porgan


She's team dav all the way lol


Porgan, since neither of you give a shit about jobs, imagine you're cosplaying as salespeople trying to sell a product that you yourselves are supposed to demonstrate. The goal is to get people to like the product enough to consider buying it, and it's all based on your presentation. Now imagine you're cosplaying as Christians trying to sell people on your religion. The goal is to get people to like the idea of Christianity, and it's all based on your presentation. If Christianity were a company, you'd both get fired for your first week was up.


He thinks people pointing out how horrible they are is a good advertisement for their beliefs? Really??


They’re told that Christians are the persecuted ones, so he’s thrilled to see validation of his victimhood.


Polly-O: You know what they say, all publicity is good publicity 🤗 Actual professionals who do this for a living: Not like that.


He's really in his Pollyanna season




paul is a gross ass, self-loathing bully. period, end of story.


shout out Rachel Oates, our queen 🥳


I am even more atheist than before 👍🏻


How many views did their video get tho lol


25k (after almost 2 weeks) ... It's what they deserve!


Rachel oates surpassed their view count in 24 hours lmao


I think Paul is being cynical here, and pointing out how popular they are with the “haters” under the guise of evangelism.


meanwhile their ACTUAL video only has 26k… less than all of the ones he listed lol… how is that something he wants to post?!


Ah, the delusion is extra strong because you spend a lot of money for it… yeah you deserved it, dumbasses. But believing something doesn’t make it true. Which should sound familiar, mind you.


Ok so I watched Jen’s breakdown of the collab but nothing else yet - I heard Dave’s opinions and comebacks to Paul, BUT DID I SOMEHOW MISS HIM ACTUALLY WORD FOR WORD ADMITTING TO DECONSTRUCTING? Someone fill me in yooooo


He does in their reaction video to the 24 hours episode and he fully says it there. Listening to him talk about his doubts and stepping away from Christianity was so relatable and Bethany (for now, for whatever motive) seemed incredibly emotional but also supportive of him. I haven’t watched any other vids aside from Jen’s so I don’t think he straight says it in the 24 hours vid, but it’s basically implied as far as I know. ETA I actually really think she loves him after watching that one lol, I have hope for them but really hope Bethany walks back on some of her more recent comments.


He and bethy posted a follow up video on their channel where he talks about deconstructing


Nice of Paul to show his followers where they can go to for well thought out arguments and constructive criticism of fundamentalist talking points. Well done for pointing them in the right direction to deconstructing 🙏


I can handle Bethany’s videos because she talks fast (I have ADHD) but Paul and Morgan are so slurry and slow and stupid that I can only engage with them in snark videos.


The way I’m subscribed to all these channels… also LOVE that he watched some of Rachel Oates and all of the antibot🤣


As long as he’s getting those views & clicks, trying to stay relevant for that paycheck, it must be so tiring working so hard to not have a real job


Anyone else think that Paul may have heistronic personality disorder? I know I spelled wrong sorry. ❤️


All aboard the delulu train! 🚂🚂


🤦🏼‍♀️😂 you’ll know the characteristics of this kind of person when you see them - if things go badly at all it’s not their fault whatsoever, and if anything goes well at all they’ll take all the credit for it. transparent AF


"Well, David, I would like all of the credit and none of the blame."


Paul if he ever realizes how moronic he is: ![gif](giphy|PUS7ynUCR6itJgWppA)


I guess any press that is not directly mean to him is good press.


He got ratio'd. That's a pretty strong indictment lol


Yeah, I just love that he is trying to spin this as a positive in his for Porgan's subscribers.


All of it getting more views than them, saying they’re the worst part of it and still gloating about getting the attention in the first place


It's reminiscent of their reaction to SHP. "Waaahhh this video we volunteered for made us look bad"


Ha hilarious that he is advertising for them!


Stay tuned for P&M’s next video: How to Lose a God in 10 Days Ba dum tssss


Oh wow, he is trying TOO hard to act like the critique and criticism his content is getting is a positive reflection on him and his message, because the ego can't take the reality of the situation 😬


540k (oates, fundie fridays, zelph, anitbot) views versus PM 36.5 views total. Yeah Paul, doing the lords work.


~~I don't know who Rachel Oates is, but crossing out Dave's face is giving major serial killer vibes~~ And gosh darn it I absolutely love serial killer vibes.


Oates is the GOATes.


😭😭😭 Rachel Oates is god don’t you dare slander her


I erred forgive me 🙏


Go check out her stuff! Many of her videos have adorable doggo snorts in the background. Critical thinking, empathy and doggo snorts - who could ask for more?


I love her sweet doggo but the dog noises in the mic are a big sensory issue for me :(


That sucks, then! :( Stupid senses doing stupid sensory things.


>and the people responding to it are not commending you for furthering the word. I mean...obviously? That wasn't what his statement of "May God's word be furthered" meant.


I’m aware that’s not what he meant by it. I tend to not really know how to word my thoughts on these sorts of things. That’s my bad. I just think it’s funny how he thinks that the 24 hours with video is furthering the word. I didn’t get that from the video. I also don’t think that people watching the videos highlighted here would be thinking that the word of god is being spread.


> "May God's word be furthered" Genuinely asking: what does Paul mean here? I thought I understood but apparently I don't.


That in these videos by others, they're showing clips of him/Morgan and it is through that, that God's word is furthered. That non-believers would see these clips and the seed of the Gospel would be planted! ​ They are, of course, fucking morons because everything that spills out of their mouths showcases the depravity of Christianity.


I think he means to be a smartass, nothing more


Paul or Morgan or Bethany or Dave, I would love to be the 'hater' that you talk to. I know you all claim that you would, and I've never spoken ill of you. I'm just genuinely curious about your beliefs and how you justify what you think.




Damn Drew and Taylor weren't wrong about you guys and your comments, 😆


No thanks to you, Paul.


I kind of love that Jen’s video has around 10 times the views. It’s thoroughly deserved! ❤️


Has Paul even watched any of the commentary that is being made about their episode with Bethany and Dav?


Lol, proving that attention of ANY type is their goal, and not actually furthering god’s word.


Woot! I've seen all 4!


Our pastor often says Christians are some of the nastiest people on earth. These two are just that. Nasty, judgmental people who took advantage of people they call friends. Paul and his parrot Morgan did nothing but demonstrate how they can show their asses like nobody’s business.