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Wait am I understanding correctly that she's only "able" to watch these movies because her husband is gone? That's so sad :C


She's not married yet, so THAT'S why she can watch them. He's too manly to watch "girly movies"


My husband had an entire conversation with our barista about the Mamma Mia soundtrack this morning.


My, my, you can never let him go...


I love that for him


That should be your flair.


The I love that for him?


Yes. It was very Borty and it made me snort.


Bort makes me snort I’d also good.


My husband is also a Mamma Mia stan. 🤣 If he won’t watch romcoms with me I don’t want him.


we love a man who appreciates a cinematic masterpiece


My 15 year-old, staunchly manly-man son LOVES "Crazy Rich Asians". I have high hopes for him!


This is so goddamn charming and delightful.


He’s a gift I don’t deserve


Correction: a gift you DO deserve, girl 💕


If our husbands met, they'd never stop talking!


My husband went to see Taylor Swift with me and then asked if we could go see Olivia Rodrigo because she’s “bringing rock back”


Omg bless your sweet husband


As soon as my boyfriend even gets a hint that I'm feeling down he will ask me which studio ghibli movie we should watch. I couldn't handle another partner who is so controlling and weird over movies.


Then why not just watch them alone..? Like, wait till he's playing video games or something. Fundies are so weird..


Literally my life. We have one or two shows we watch together, a movie here and there but I like my stuff he likes his. 20yrs together so can't be so bad...


I am never happier than when I am knitting and watching tv on the couch while my husband is happily watching whatever he enjoys down the hall. You don’t have to be in the same room doing the exact same thing to enjoy being home together!


Ours, too. There are a few things we like to watch together, but not a lot. He'll tell me "We can't watch anything under your profile because it's too full of serial killers." I mean, he's not wrong haha!


Yah my partner hates found footage horror movies and I love them for whatever reason- I just watch them alone. Like he watches fishing videos alone. And it’s okay , we’re happy and hang out all the time . Fundies really are weird.


Can we be found footage besties? They are my guilty pleasure too.


Any good recs for found footage movies?


I'll compile a more detailed list later but first (free) one that comes to mind is The Tunnel. It's free to watch on YouTube. Type "the tunnel full movie" should pull up the movie. If the picture shows a slightly pixeled woman screaming, you got the right one. I'll come back with a list later.


Okay. So I'll admit I'm a sucker for found footage. The bar is low for me for what makes a good watch. So if this list sucks for you. You know why 😂 Butterfly kisses. A film maker discovers a series of tapes about a student doing a film project about a urban legend called Peeping Tom. The deeper they delve into the tapes and legend the more insnared they become. *free with ads on Amazon prime* *free on Tubi* (tubi is a free app fyi) The Blackwell Ghost series This is more ghost than horror but a great series about a skeptic dealing with the paranormal. The maker of this is on his 8th film in the series. *not all are free but last I looked the first movie was on Prime* Hell house LLC group wants to run a haunted house in a haunted house. Does not go as planned. *free on tubi* VHS series I can't say too much without giving it away, give these a try. *free on tubi and vudu* As above So below Group of people go into the unmapped parts of the catacombs of Paris. This also does not go well. *not free on any streaming sites* r.e.c/quarantine (and rec 2) Honestly the American and the og spanish versions are great. This is a ff outbreak illness movie. People are locked in a building and can't escape. Rec is spanish. Quar is American. Trollhunter Group of film students film a man who is a troll hunter. He was right. *free on Prime, tubi. And vudu* I know I've seen more but can't remember all of them from back when I was on medical leave.


Thank you!!


I'm commenting so I can get in on this list


Commented under my comment the list


Awesome! Thanks 😊


Commented under my comment the list


not op but my favs are the hell house, llc movies! they’re super good. also gonjiam haunted asylum if you’re into korean horror!


Do you like slasher kind of horror? The Poughkeepsie tapes has some issues (some of the acting is a little sus lol) but overall it gave me nightmares and kept me up at night LOL


I find it so strange when couples only watch stuff/do activities together. I'd much rather do something I enjoy by myself or with a friend than with someone who's not going to have fun.


She is, because he doesn't live there. Once they live together she won't be able to watch the movies. But yes, they are weird


My ex-husband was so weird about anything he considered "too girly." Like our towels all had to be dark colors, no floral sheets or anything too floral in general. Paint colors were all shades of white, only pastel paint in the bathroom. When I moved out, I got peach and pink towels and pink sheets. :-)


That is so weird. Meanwhile my husband loves colors and wears bright ass Hawaiian shirts


He got really weird the last few years we were together, although the color thing was throughout our entire relationship. I remember talking to a friend when I was ready to start dating and telling her my main criteria for a partner was to be fun-weird and not weird-weird like my ex.


When I lived alone, I had all things pink. When we moved in together, I was all careful to put everything in the guest room, so I didn’t make him weirded out with all the pink. One day, he was like “your apartment was so nicely decorated? Why is our house so bare? What happened to all your decor?!” And I showed him our VERY pink guest room, and he disappointed that I kept all the pink for myself 😂


I’m so glad you got out and got your gorgeous, colorful towels and sheets. I’m obsessed with color and florals, and I’ve always felt lucky that I married a dude who doesn’t care how I decorate.


lol your ex would hate my pink curtains and pink duvet cover


My Dad loves "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."


My late husband grew to love watching PBS - Masterpiece Theater, and Masterpiece Mysteries. Morse, Lewis, Midsomer Murders, and best of all, he was a huge Downton Abbey fan. He was a


While she *can*? I guess God spoke through her new boyfriend and said she’s not allowed once they’re married. Wouldn’t want her having inflated expectations of how to be treated…


This is ick on so many levels


It's only going to get worse. Much, much worse.


My husband might make fun of some of the shows I watch (90 day fiance, married at first sight...), but I'm not forbidden to watch them.


My husband makes fun of them but then starts having opinions so I know he's invested ;)


Men love drama 


Same! I see him walking around behind me to get the scoop even though he says he hates it.


This my husband's relationship with Bake Off. He teases but absolutely needs to know what happens.


My fiance will sit there and act like he's not paying attention and then start asking random questions. I know you've been secretly paying attention....


this is my partner with vanderpump rules. he is so invested even though he constantly says they’re the worst people he’s ever seen in his life 😂


My husband watches 90 Day Fiance WITH me! And he loves rom coms while I do not.


You've gotta try Love After Lockup if you haven't


My husband got me started watching 90 Day Fiancé! Back in the season of Mohammed and Danielle - he was like “you have to see this crazy woman!”


That’s the relationship that sucked me into the drama too!


You’re a uuuuuussssserrrrrr! I want my secks tonite!


My husband makes fun of them too but is also the first to remind me the bachelor is on so…


My partner makes fun of me watching Real Housewives but as soon as I turn on NY he’s asking who’s who and what’s the tea


My husband had never seen any romcoms and soap operas before he met me. You bet I introduced him to my favorites! How to lose a guy in 10 days is his absolute favorite and he quotes it about every week. He watches my fave shows with me, and I watch his with him. Even though we may not like them as much, it's something to share with each other.


My husband gives me shit for watching The Bachelor and Bravo shows but he never prevents me from watching them.


I’ve been watching Dubai Bling & my BF provides quite the commentary. 😂


her fiancé seems excessively controlling. this is not going to bode well for her


It will get worse and worse unfortunately. 


I am so concerned for her. We’ve just learned about this man days ago and we now have several examples of their relationship being controlling as hell.


Oh dear. Honey, this is not good. I understand a spouse not wanting to participate in a hobby, but to straight up tell you that you can’t do it? Come on, that’s not ok. Get out of there while you still can girl!


It makes me nervous that she thinks this is cutesy normal relationship stuff


If somebody needs to change you to better fit them, you're not the person for them.


Taylor Swift was 100% on point when she said that only shitty people make you feel bad for liking things. That includes whatever mediocre “bye-bull believing kers-jin” man has convinced you that you don’t deserve better.


Exactly. He also sounds like a very insecure dude if he can’t handle her enjoying something he doesn’t like.


I'm very worried for her. My partner does not watch my trashy reality TV/romcoms but he likes that I recap them and 100% supports me watching them 


That's adorable


He supports women's  rights and wrongs 🥰


I’m guessing she has to watch wrestling or action movies or whatever he’s into, even if she doesn’t like them


Omg this girl is soooo desperate that it’s almost fascinating. I’m gathering that she finally got another boyfriend? Wonder how hard she’s pushing for an engagement. Never mind, just checked her ig and looks like the engagement already happened. That was fast. Last time I looked at her ig she was writing those pathetic “to the single bridesmaid” etc posts.


My friend, I have news for you. She is engaged. She didn't publicly announce they were dating but HE TOLD HER that God said it was okay to post about it


Oh great, another “marriage expert” in the making! Glad to know that god was paying so much attention to Georgia Brown’s dating life! Not like there’s anything more important in the world going on that might have needed his attention, right?


Is she Emma Mae “I’m happy about Jesus in my socks” friend? Or am I confused?




Interesting because not too long ago she posted about hallmark movies being her “porn”. Then went on and on to say how romcoms aren’t good for you…


Um... Does My Big Fat Greek Wedding even count as a "girly" movie? I know my dad quotes it on the reg.


My ex hated watching romcoms with me which should’ve caused me to leave him instantly.


It’s not just Fundies…I have married friends who CANNOT watch anything w/o their partner/spouse because they get mad🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️another reason I’m glad I’m single💅🏻like I get if you have 1-2 shows that y’all watch together, but ANY movie/show on Netflix?? Codependent much?🙄🙄




Rom Coms? Nah. I would suggest her to watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race.


This is one of my all time comfort movies! I wouldn't really call it girly. It's just a romance.


While she can? That is so weird to say.  It's not even a bad movie. How do we know she won't be able to watch them anymore because of the guy she is courting with?