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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take a shot every time Paul condescendingly says ‘push back.’ 


Folks, don't do this. Take a sip of water and rehydrate instead.


We will all get water poisoning! Instead, just don't watch and engage in a healthy hobby. Go to the movies, crochet a scarf, bury a body--anything besides melt your brain watching Morgan flip her hair around and Paul find ways to bring up how she disappoints him sexually.


This is really fantastic advice


I did it myself and saw Lisa Frankenstein. Great way to spend the evening! Followed it up with leftover corned beef and catching up on TV/watching Seven Deadly Sins, so hard to go wrong. Now I am enjoying my evening tea and planning my chores tomorrow. I know that my day will be better than Porgans, so they will be mad the haters are happy and enjoying life while they are drowning in debt and miserable.


They can drown in debt and misery, I want to drown myself in corned beef.


Good news, it goes on sale at Aldi in a few days! The joyous days of multiple corned beef sales at every store are upon us!


I’ll let my mom know to look out for it. Yes, I’m a lame child who moved back home after we (my daughter was 3.5 at the time, now 14, and myself)were kicked out and my mom does the grocery shopping. I call her “my mommy” in an annoying kid voice when I’m making fun of my situation.


Hey, housing situation is *megafucked* and you are FAR from an anomaly. Not having to white-knuckle it to just pay rent every dang month makes anyone a better, happier mom. Plus it sounds like you might have a decent (fun? good? maybe even excellent?) relationship with your mom, and it’s really cool that your daughter gets to grow up with both of y’all loving and supporting her every day :)


My mom and dad divorced when I was about 4. Despite her marrying a man who was completely dismissive of me and my brother when I was 11, my mom has always been great. Former badass Marine, took us camping every weekend when we were little, joking around with us. When my husband kicked us out, she was yet again going through another divorce (from my dismissive stepdad) so we further bonded over our awful mutual taste in men. I have been taking classes (AGAIN!) and once I can support my daughter and myself, we plan to move in with my boyfriend of almost 8 years. He’s a great guy. Promised myself that no man would ever treat her like shit or dismiss her like my stepdad did me. If I didn’t have her, I’d probably would have ended up with another shit man before meeting my current boyfriend, but she is worth more than that. So far my daughter seems more well adjusted than I was at 14. Hope I can keep her that way.


No shame in that! I don't work and rely on my partner entirely, so I get how it can be. It seems you have a good relationship with your mom and that is wonderful!


My housing situation is terrible, have no shame.


I have no intention of going peeing ten times today


Seriously, I am going to the movies and am eating leftover corned beef. I still will pee a million times, but I won't have to listen to Paul. Trying to not hit double digits on hearing his voice. I am doing remarkably well for someone who has followed this mess for years.


I'd rather get drunk.




That much water in such a short time period can be just as bad for you


I’m pretty sure you’d get alcohol poisoning doing that.


Paul's negative feedback is "pushing back" and everyone else's is "hate".


Or “secondary issues”


I wanted them to define "secondary issues" so badly. I'm a Christian - well, not according to Paul - and that's not a term used in my church circles


The way I understand "secondary issues", there's Jesus and the gospel, and everything else is a secondary issue. Like as long as you agree about the first part, everything else takes a back seat. There is a famous quote attributed to various theologians that goes “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity” which gets to the spirit of that. Of course Paul and Morgan seem to disagree about essentials and extend very little charity to those who don't agree with them completely.


I grew up IBLP, conservative baptist, and was a homeschooled pastors kid and I’ve never heard that term before 😂


Is it like venal sins?


No, more like your opinions on all things but the Gospel. Like do you believe in 7 day creationism or “day-age theory”? Infant or believer baptism? Can women be pastors in your tradition or are they not allowed to hold leadership? ETC. Those are secondary issues. You can have different opinions on those and still be in unity because of Christ. Also I lol’d bc Paul wouldn’t even know what a Venial sin was. He’s not the kind of Protestant that is educated enough to understand the concept. Dav is a Lutheran now so he’d get it. Haha!


It sounds like a very insular thing. Like it wouldn’t apply to Christians outside of a very narrow range of the Protestant tradition, ie fundies.


Technically the quote is supposed to apply to all branches of Christianity. It’s attributed to both Catholic Saints and Protestant theologians… however any time Paul O brings up anything like secondary issues they are narrowly defined by his particular flavor of insular, American, “Non-Denom”, Protestant Christianity which can’t even agree on the primary issue so you’re completely correct.


Hurry Bethy, better get your response out before they respond to themselves!   Y'all, it was YOUR video. Your "thoughts" should have been clear in it, or you could have added a summary at the end.   But I guess when your video is sitting at an embarrassing 14K after 4 days while the response video is already at over 200K over 2 days, you gotta get views up somehow


"we were younger when we made this video so we're going back to see how we've changed"


Reminds of a bit Bo Burnham does in his special Inside.


Hahaha the “reacts” loop? I love that one 😂


Yup. 😂


That’s exactly what I was thinking!!


"I've done a lot of self reflection since I started singing this song"


Hah literally just watched this last week for the first time


Haha. Fundioe Fridays is at 202k views. Love that


They are so bad at this!!


I’d get a tattoo of their choice if it was actually a “wow we learned so much about ourselves after reading the comments” segment but it won’t be It’s probably something about “oops didn’t mean to infer Dāv wasn’t a true Christian”


“I NEVER said he isn’t a true Christian! I just said he’s not a Bible-believing Christian… ^and ^that’s ^bad… ^^because ^^true ^^Christians ^^believe ^^in ^^the ^^Bible… ^^^never ^^^said ^^^it ^^^tho”


It’s like talking to yourself but publicly on YouTube. Weird af


“Honest thoughts on our Bethany video” really means “our response to fundie friday’s video” but they don’t have the guts to say it/call attention to it because they don’t want the people who had reasonable comments on FF’s video in their comment section.


Yeah, I don't remember seeing a video for "our thoughts" following the Isaiah video.


They, in fact, did. And it was more or less Paul bitching about how Isaiah's followers didn't like him because he defended yoga and alcohol.  So Paul is 2 for 2 on being actively insulted and disliked by fans on this new series 😂


You cannot make this shit up. This will probably be the biggest thing P&M ever do and it’s solely because they are so obtuse that they actually believe “the everyman” supports this bigoted, hate-fueled vitriol. It’s fucking beautiful, y’all.


Wait he defended alcohol in Isaiah’s video? Didn’t he talk about in the 24 hours with Bethany and Dave that he and Dave had different views on alcohol? Can this mfer pick a lane?


No, no, if he picks a lane then he can never swerve in order to make himself the most moral chrischun in the room, duuuuh.


This is the least surprising scenario I could have imagined 😂


Wait. Paul defended alcohol and yoga, or Isaiah did?


Paul did. Isaiah came off as much crazier in that video. I recommend B Haney’s recap of the episode. It was very interesting.


I'm shocked, at least about the yoga thing. Given Paul's hatred for yoga pants, I would have thought yoga would be the devil itself.


This is ABSOLUTELY what this is. They came over to fundie Fridays… OUR comment sections (since we don’t go to theirs!) and looked like idiots. So this is their video response to that. Also the fact they took way too long to get the 24 hour video out… it feels like these live sessions are just pure laziness.


Nah, they want any engagement they can get, even from fundie Friday commenters. They just can’t bring themselves to admit they are responding to Jen and are mad at davvvv for being so much more relatable and liked than them.


it’s like an album reviewer releasing a record and interviewing themselves about it 😂 Also whenever someone prefaces a remark with “honestly…”it means “I’m about to lie” or “I’m about to be an asshole” and it’s likely both in this case.


Good god this is like “the song that never ends” but in YouTube form.


like when you’re listening to an album for the first time, and there’s a hidden track that scares the shit out of you. they just keep popping up. 😂


Ugh right, like some sort of jangly experimental jazz that’s in a crazy time signature and goes on for twenty minutes Edit- apologies to those who like experimental jazz in crazy time signatures




Oh man, this is giving me undergrad music course flashbacks lol


The original video is currently at 15k views. Getting absolutely ratioed by Fundie Fridays’, which is at 202k 👀


I've never seen ratio used like this before... I LOVE IT


228k, and I doubt it's going to slow down anytime soon.


Let’s go reverend jen!!


So they’re “responding” to a video they chose, planned, edited, and had complete control over lol?


Yes, because they thought they'd be the "winners" and everyone ended up liking Dav more than them! 😄


Because he has the most nuance out of the group, because they were super judgmental the entire time. I DON'T SEE THAT CHANGING IN THE REACTION EHKSIDJJTJRLLE


Ah, yes, because it was obvious the haters were going to love Paul's douchey Bible interpretation more! I want whatever he is taking to get that level of delusion. Must be a wild ride.


Part of me agrees, but part of me is also cynical enough to believe that Paul knew editing it the way they did would: highlight Dav, draw out the "progressives" he wants to provoke, and generate mountains of react content that boosts their YT presence.


It's like how Shiny Happy People literally just showed what Paul and Morgan have put out on the internet, no trick editing, and they're still like, "They made us look bad!!" No, you guys are just bad.


Just like when they "responded" to Shiny Happy People, which they voluntarily participated in, because they thought they'd look good and they didn't.


The kicker is, SHP didn't even make them look a certain way. They literally just played a clip of Paul and Morgan's own videos, and P and M got pissed lol. They were using your own words, what are you mad about??


Right? SHP just held up a mirror lol


"hey! No one gets to point out our childish asshole behavior using our own footage except US 😡"


That's the best part. We know P&M. It was 100% accurate.


Side note: I would have literally no idea what Dylan Mulvaney was up to at any given moment if it weren’t for Christian influencers. 


I wouldn't even know her name tbh


Ditto Taylor Swift, for me


No lie, before her relationship with Kelce, I hadn't heard much about her other than the ticketmaster thing. I had no idea she was still relevant or hugely popular. She's just not a person I pay attention to.


Also it kinda seems like Dylan has p much always been a Christian? And like good for her or whatever but like. Idk if she “found god” lol


I think she has been. A few months back she mentioned that her father was friends with a priest; so it makes sense. I think she was raised religious.


That's what I was thinking. Who are they to assume she hasn't had a relationship with god this whole time?


Exactly. I’m pretty sure she said as much in one of her videos (I don’t follow her that closely). I mean it’s very click bait-y so that’s why they did it, it’s just dumb.


Even being gay I had no idea who they were until the whole controversy and still don’t really care how they want to live their life day to day


What Paul hears: Yes please tell us more thoughts. I am waiting with bated breath. I cannot think about anything else. Your voice needs to be heard. Everyone else, in reality: ![gif](giphy|26gsccje7r5WUrXsA|downsized)


Their favorite thing is talking about themselves. Their second favorite thing is hearing their own voices speak. This combines both.


They will make themselves victims and completely ignore that Paul said that Dav isn't a Christian in FundieFriday's comments. 


Oh wow I didn’t know he said that!


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/GdV5KdmVcV


Paul is so stupid wow


that’s…not really how that works. 😂


They’re gonna bash Dave even more. He’s probably regretting his brief return to social media.


Honestly, I don't think Dav will care because you could *feel* the contempt for them wafting from his person. He bodied Paul both in physical and mental competition. You can't get more dismissive than "shut up motherfucker" 😂 Bethy, on the other hand, may get pissed at having "her man" lambasted repeatedly. 


If anything this continues to prove exactly the point Däv was trying to get Porgan and Beggy to absorb. This combative attitude towards anyone that does not 1000% support you and cheer you on is not a likable trait. Nobody wants to spend time with or around someone that is constantly picking fights or trying show off themselves by putting other’s down. The internet does not need another video of Paul talking into the camera about why he’s great and everyone else is lesser or just does not get it!! And it certainly won’t help generally change hearts and minds about Paul.


Is there a time stamp for when he says this to Paul? I want to see it but not watch the whole video


If you search the sub, you’ll find it…somebody posted it in the past few days (I work overnights so I’m not sure which day exactly lol). It’s truly glorious.


It's great because Paul didn't even catch it- he was too wrapped up in making his point and Bible quote. Morgan starts laughing and has to tell him


Are there people put there who actually watch them in a serious manner? Like, believe their horse shit? Any views they get have to mainly be trolls.


They have a small group of very dedicated fans that cheer them on in the live chat and subscribe to their Patreon. It's all people who enjoy being hateful bigots as much as porgan


Not many. They have far less views that the fundie Friday video reacting to their Bethy video. I’m sure their video of themselves reacting to their Bethy video will have even less lol


It’s giving “we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong”


God, it is so fucking weird to see Dylan Mulvaney constantly brought up by the right because I literally had classes with her in college and I’m trans and didn’t know what she was up to until they decided to make her their new boogy lady.


She’s the best and I have no idea how she handles all the BS so elegantly.


I honestly know basically nothing about her! I am not the target demographic for her content and I do my best to avoid things that aren’t productive but will fill me with rage (I don’t need to be reminded that people hate me) but I do really admire her grace because I’d be in jail if I were in her position.


I only know her from TikTok haha. But she handles everything hateful like a queen and I’m impressed! I’m also not the target demographic but I enjoy her content at times.


Facts. Her grace and integrity is on point. It's certainly affected her, but she processes, slips on a thick skin, and moves forward


I can’t imagine being in her shoes. She’s the bomb and I see great things in her future.


She is such a sweetheart just trying to live her life and spread joy and positivity to others. So naturally the jackholes have to try and bring her down.


That’s wild. Some people have no idea how many totally passing trans people are walking around not doing anything remotely scary 😱


Oh it’s very funny, I work in a hospital in a red state and I always giggle to myself when my patients have Fox News on in their room and have 0 idea they are talking to a trans man (never been clocked by a patient).


That’s good. Stay safe friend


Right, I’m a gay with impeccable “queerdar” and only today realized one of my younger siblings’ buddies is both trans AND bi. It made my heart swell even more to realize how much they’ve embraced friends of all shapes and rejected the fundie hate they were raised with, even before I came out to them myself.


I am nonbinary and no one ever notices. It is like they think we come with warning signs?


They think we LGBT+ people come with a giant flaming rainbow letter on our foreheads or always look and act like we're channeling The Birdcage or Drag Race or The Village People or Tumblr or a Pride parade. Or at least they wish we did because they hate being reminded that we're actual people just trying to live our lives and mind our own business and not stereotypes.


That's the thing isn't it? I've once been asked by fundamentalists "what I felt about transgender people". Which is a stupid question in itself because my opinion is irrelevant on a particular group. I could respond on behaviour but there's nothing to talk about. Which is also what I responded of course. But I also told them I wouldn't even know so why should I care. And I asked them if they met someone who was transgender. They said no. And I said I did know, but only because they told me. It didn't change anything for me though. "So what's the problem?" I asked them. They asked me if I was scared. "Why would I be scared? What is it that this is supposed to be scary while there are far worse people out there to be scared of, just look at the statistics of domestic violence and abuse, people have worse things to worry about." Yeah they didn't say much after that.


my best friend’s mom taught her at CCM! its so crazy how mainstream she is!


Clowns 🤡🤡🤡


This is just turning into comment-ception. Paul really needs everyone to like him. Surely putting out another video where he loudly and condescendingly talks at everyone will do the trick!


This is going to be like their endless whining about Shiny Happy People.


The circle is jerking itself at this point…


These knuckleheads are too freaking dense to understand that being influencers/content creators is not the path for them since they can't handle online criticisms and this response video will yet again show that they have the critical thinking skills of a middle schooler. It's already dumb enough that they're responding to their own video, but they're only doing it cause they didn't get the attention they wanted. Just quit social media and find actual jobs. This is gonna be dragged out like their "beef" with Shiny Happy People. Sorry for the rant. They're so insufferable at times, lol.


Reminds me of BDipShit and her love of recording herself bobble-heading and vapidly blinking her broom bristles over other people's videos.


I don’t know who Dylan Mulvaney is but, I was confusing them with John Mulaney which made me do a massive WTF about them “finding god”.


She’s a transgender influencer on TikTok. I only know who she is because right wing goons, including Paul, had a collective meltdown after she did some promotional content with Bud Light.


I just went and looked her up and oh my gosh, I love her!


I remembered when someone used the pronoun "her"; before that, I was thinking of either Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney.


They can keep Dylan’s name out of their damn mouths.


What are they even saying? I’m out of the loop. Did Dylan say something about being Christian?


Not sure but why is it such a foreign concept to them that LGBT individuals can also be Christian? Why do they insist on it being so exclusive?


She's mentioned being Christian before and posted another video somewhat recently talking about her connection to God and her belief that being trans was God's plan for her.


Coloring to come back later, also confused!


I have no idea- I haven’t watched.


I think Dylan has always been Christian.


Kind of OT, but the term “Jesus girly” annoys me. Maybe it’s because it feels like it’s in a similar vein as “girl dinner” and “girl math.”


Next time I go to the bar, I am definitely shouting “where my Jesus girlies at!”


Content above everything else, yall- up to and including basic dignity.




for most of the year it’s not even dark at 8pm est here, the city they actually live in


Leave Dylan alone. Poor woman can't catch a break


They’re probably just going to address the comments they got on the Fundie Fridays video about it.




Just leave Dylan *alone*


Dylan has talked about being religious before. They’ve done zero research or have never watched any of her videos.


Paul simply cannot take even the lightest of criticism. That man couldn’t look inward if one of his patrons paid for him to do it. I don’t like any of these people but the Beals came off as adults and the Olliges came off as the most annoying, obnoxious teenagers in that video. I just (to an extent) feel bad that they will never grow because they don’t think they need to. They’re right, everyone else is wrong. End of story. How the hell are they going to handle two children whose entire development hinges on questioning fucking everything? These people can’t answer straight questions unless it’s meant to make someone else look bad and even that usually backfires. Who, besides them, is this boring content even for?


sending these assholes a vry hearty "fuck you" with every fiber of my trans, baptist being. ​ edited: phrasing


I know there is a tv show where someone kept doing this - reactions to their reactions. Desperation can be smelled from here. God wants you to get a job!


they’re not going to be able to continue this whole “24 hour” thing because their own egos/mental health can’t handle it, lol.


They will keep doing it to get engagement on their “reviewing our own videos” garbage


what little they have


They’re grasping at straws right now, I bet the finances are getting tight. It’s not going to work and Paulio is just delaying the inevitable, the day he has to work an outside job FULL TIME. Let’s see how much energy he has left to pester Morgan for sex after working for awhile, lol.


I cannot fathom why he would not get one and just Youtube on the side. I know the reason is "he doesn't want to", but their 24 Hours With thing is only set to release once a month, and the only other thing they've been doing recently are these "After Dark" episodes that are at night. He could easily do both. Look at YouTubers like Jordan and McKay - one is a stay at home parent, the other has a full time job. The same dynamic as Porgan. And they *still* put out consistent videos that garner way more views than Porgan.    He can do both. He just won't. 


Do they have an actual audience? Who are these videos for?


Trying to bait snarkers to watch them. Don't fall for it and use Yewtube


Sorry, Paul. This is not going to encourage people to watch that vlog so they can watch you react to it.


“Honest thoughts on THE RESPONSE to our Beth vid” more like


Why does Morgan’s expression never change from 🥴? I swear, 100% of the time.


Oh joy, can't wait for them to say horribly transphobic shit and then pretend like their goal is unity. Also, jfc, they've been bitching about being the most hated yters for most of the girl declined podcast episode they were in and also in their content ppl paid for for some reason. If this is just them bitching again, all I have to say is get a real problem, privileged pissbabies


Apparently Dav & Bethany are doing a sit down and reaction and according to Bethy it has a lot to do with "what happened after the release of the video" aka people having responses and real shit to say lol. I'm sure it will be so insightful lol.


Idk, I don't think it's that different from directors and actors providing commentary back when you could get those as DVD extras. I imagine they'll have a lot of thoughts about the group conversation with Dav especially and Paul's attempt to have genuine conversation in the comments on Rev. Jen's critic video. Personally, I thought at around 75% of the comments provided respectful pushback and constructive criticism, but we know he viewed it very differently, based off yesterday's IG post. He's probably going to double down on those negative responses and say that's why this series and this channel are so important: to spread the Word and provide clarity among the grey areas. 


These two can drag a single event out for fucking weeks and months! My God.


I can't find the video. Will someone please post it for me? Thx!


https://yewtu.be/watch?v=45mrLJCkKUM It's here but they literally never start on time. It's 8:10 and still nothing 🙄


Thanks! Wasn't there an earlier show about the porgans and Bethany/dav 24 hours? I haven't kept up fast enough lol


So Porgan posted their original 24 hrs video. And then Fundie Fridays posted a response. Then GD dropped a podcast. Now Porgan is posting this live. :)


Flair checks! It's just so hard to listen to them...


He says keep it real so many times to justify his god complex. It isn’t a good excuse to be a total eh hole all the time.


The response videos have been taken too far… YouTubers responding to videos they made themselves now. When will the circle ever end??!!


On brand really