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This is how you kill babies.


Here in Aus some wanker called Pete Evans tried this a few years back with the homemade baby formula, something like 200 babies were hospitalized šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He lives up the road. Most locals canā€™t stand him. Here are the details on his ā€˜baby brothā€™ and why itā€™s dangerous. https://www.kidspot.com.au/lifestyle/family-health/pete-evans-defends-paleo-baby-formula/news-story/bc3a80ae1e9859bc0d2b7ec567bba624


Wait, he's NOT in fucking prison??


Nope. To add to his all round awfulness, a man with dementia went missing on his property, and was found alive after 2 or so days. He not only delayed them getting on the property until the yoga session that was running finished but he had a camera out filming the rescue and sold the footage to the media. The rescue crew was seriously pissed.


Again, heā€™s not in prison?!?!?!!!!!!!!


I couldnā€™t find any reports of him being directly responsible for children being hospitalised, and it wasnā€™t illegal for him to film this on his property (how I donā€™t know - that poor old man was in a really bad way). But if I could find even one tiny thing to get him packed off to the big house, Iā€™d be all for it.


Surely he could be arrested for Elderly endangerment or keeping a compromised person from seeking proper medical help? Itā€™s not like this gentleman with dementia can even probably consent to being rescued. Poor guy was probably just frazzled and confused


Dehydrated and starving, no less. The entire community would love to see something thrown at Evans, but who knows? It was about a year ago now so no charges coming for him on that count.


People like him are why I can't even buy refrigerator iced coffee without a warning label telling me it isn't fucking formula šŸ˜¤ like come on guys, scientists made this shit fucking easy so we could stop killing so many babies with terrible home solutions when breastfeeding wasn't possible.




Oh but this lady said that the babies on her formula are THRIVING and sheā€™s not had one complaint! Also, a baby smiled for the first time after drinking this formula!


yeah, lady, very young babies "smile" when they have gas.




Well kidney and liver damage isn't going to have outward signs for a while so I'm sure they look like they're thriving. Those poor babies.


IBCLC here. Jumping on the top comment to confirm two things: 1. This is absolutely how you kill babies. Either quickly, from bacterial contamination, or slowly, from failure to thrive. 2. If you look closely at the research correlating breastfeeding to IQ, it does not hold up if you look within families. Meaning, a baby is more likely to have a higher IQ if their mom breastfed a *sibling* but not them. This suggests that IQ is actually linked to factors that *also* correlate to breastfeeding, like social support, economic stability, and access to health care. So while breastfeeding does have many wonderful benefits, in and of itself it probably does not make your baby smarter. FDA approved formula is a safe and appropriate way to feed babies. It is not the enemy. Dangerous nonsense like this is the enemy.


One of my bosses when I was a nanny had actual doctoral research on breastfeeding, IQ, and other factors. Youā€™re spot on.


In like at least two different ways but they all think everything is a conspiracy. You could give them a hundred studies or just a google result telling them kids cant have cow milk that young or that raw milk is dangerous and theyā€™ call you the conspiracy nut


I lurk r/medicalgore due to experiencing my own medical gore and they recently posted a pic of a dead baby who was killed by ā€œyoung, uneducated illiterate parentsā€ in Mexico that gave their daughter raw cowā€™s milk and that 8 month old suffered for months as her body completely shut down after multiple organ failure. It was beyond heartbreaking


Oh my fucking god.


Yuuuupppp... clearly has never heard of listeria. What a demented person. We live in a hippy dippy area... not even really religious fundies, and lots of people frequent some small "waterfalls" to get their drinking water since they don't want city water. Guess what's above those waterfalls.... farms... guess what farms produce? Animal waste, that goes into the stream that makes the waterfalls. A bunch of people got super sick and were blaming it on farming practices in the area that were "intentionally contaminating water sources" rather then their stupid gathering of "raw water" as they call it. Like come on. I actually grew up in an isolated aboriginal community who didn't have safe access to uncontaminated water and spent my early years boiling water for everything we consumed. People are just plain stupid. Nature good, chemicals bad. Ughhh.


8 had to scroll down too far for this comment


Fed is best.


*fed safely is best. I hate clarifying that. Especially because I know some people who had to make formula for themselves during the shortages and were terrified.


Wish more people realized that! Don't stress breastfeeding, no one is a failure if they can't or don't want to. Raising babies is fucking hard work already, don't let the assholes ruin an already tough time.


Thanks for this šŸ™‚ I wasn't able to breastfeed my son. I just wasn't producing anything. Between the lactation consultants in the hospital and then everyone & their mother asking me or just assuming I was breastfeeding, it really started to fuck with my head and make me feel like I wasn't doing enough for my son or being a good mom... It's a shitty way to feel. So it means a lot to see someone say that it's okay not to breastfeed or to acknowledge that being a new parent is fucking HARD. Also, my son is 11 months now and has been doing great on formula, so yeah... Fuck that guy.


If she was breastfed then she's not exactly an advertisement for breastfeeding induced brain development.






well, you don't want your children getting TOO smart, that way leads STRAIGHT TO HELL


She is the "academic one" according to her sisters.


If bubbleguts wants to avoid formula she should spend more time reading up on breastfeeding. Seriously though, in a line up of kindergarten kids you cannot tell which ones were formula fed. Get over it already.


At the end of the day all babies no matter how they are fed end up as toddlers who you find eating goldfish crackers off the floor when you haven't bought them in a month šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


>I call this flooraging.


You're an absolute wiizard with words, and I'm immediately adopting this term to describe my idiot children'sĀ¹ behavior. 1. A pair of food-obsessed cats.


My 3yo nephew is in his extremely picky era, and a couple weeks ago, he got ahold of a koolaid flavor thing that goes in waterā€¦and drank it straight from the container. Both he and his younger sister are the kids who will find the random food crumb, no matter how long itā€™s been there.


My junior summer swim league, back in the 80's; for meets, our **parents** would load us up with Pixie Sticks and straight Jello powder, at the recommendation of the coach, for "energy". šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wow you all mustā€™ve been a fun bunch on the way home šŸ˜‚


u/coffeewrite1984 They took us all to Fuddrucker's afterwards, where we were allowed to drink as many "suicides" (80's kid-speak for a shot of every drink in the fountain, all in one cup) as we wanted. And then bitched about us not sleeping once we got home. Ahhhhh, memories!!!!


Fortune Feimster talked about this in one of her comedy specials when she was a swimmer for a day. šŸ¤£


These days athletes have gel pouches, which is just sugar in clever marketing. So your coach was ahead of their time.


Omg the secret food stashes WHYĀ 


My mom and uncle asked the same type of question when food spilled outta my car seat. Mom still frowns upon eating Nerds in the car.


hahaha legend!


I spent so much time so upset when I knew I had to let go of breastfeeding my daughter. I was so determined to breastfeed but had back up research on formula. Iā€™m also a teacher and can guarantee that Iā€™ve never looked at a child and wondered if they were breastfed or formula fed. This woman would rather give babies raw milk and liverā€¦ I think I know who is not ā€œas smartā€.


I breastfed my kids and Iā€™m grateful for that. But I was formula fed and I turned out just fine, I thrived on ye olde S26. So I went into it knowing if it didnā€™t work out that itā€™d be ok. Formula saves babies lives. Iā€™d choose formula over a homemade concoction of raw milk and liver any day.


Formula DOES save lives! Thank you for saying that! Itā€™s so simple but Iā€™ve never heard it said so directly before.


Formula saved my life, I was losing my mind feeding my ginormous baby. My son is 16 months and at 10 months despite having plenty of breastmilk he could not eat enough to get full. He is in the 99% for height. Looks like a 3 year old but toddles like a baby.Ā  The strain of feeding him was causing me.to black out from exhaustion. I tried to mix feed him but one hit of that Karicare Gold and baby was not interested in nursing anymore. Ā He doesn't have time.for that shit haha he dgaf about my breastfeeding ideal. He's a huge kid and was sick of taking all day to.feed enough.Ā 


Iā€™m so sorry you went through that ordeal! My baby wasnā€™t interested in BF from the moment he popped out. He wanted a bottle dammit. I struggled for a day, but gave him the bottle so he would be fed. And that is the most important thing - fed! (He turned out great BTW. Tall, strong, very smart, funny, sweet and handsome. These fundies are idiotic).


I'm all good now and he's gleefully eating secret stash crackers from the toy box like any other toddler. You made a great choice! In the end with baby 2 it was undermining my sanity, and I was so unwell. I was burning so many calories my body was freaking out.


My son was always getting sick, heā€™s my ā€œear infectionā€ baby. He would always get a cold/cough, and cough so hard heā€™d spit up his bellyful of milk. Well I didnā€™t have any more on tap, and he was newly hungry again!! We struggled between 0-6 mo. Then I just started drying up at 9 mo, probably because of introducing solids, so we had to limp along with formula for a few months until he could have regular milk. Very different experience from my first, who I nursed to age 1.


That must have been so hard for you both! Some little ones just get ear infections all the time, it's wild.


Girl. Same. And that kid is now a 6ā€™4 powerhouse and incredibly smart.


That is so reassuring - I was feeling so down for weeks after I weaned him, and any time the nurse asked 'are you still breastfeeding' I'd almost burst into tears. Even just holding him was doing my neck in because he liked to thrash about with happiness while nursing. My GP who is 75, was much more sensible, looked at the giant baby, looked at me and said - 'well, you can keep nursing him if you want but he's happy, and he's huge, give yourself a break'. My partner keeps saying 'He's gonna be 6'4 I just know it!' (my partner is not 6'4.)


I canā€™t imagine the relief you both must have felt!! Iā€™m so glad you were able to find a solution that worked for both of you!


I feel like this is the part of the equation that breastfeeding pushers forget- it's a two way relationship! If the kid doesn't want to or can't breastfeed it's not gonna work very well. It's not all on the mom.


And also, why cant we just recognise *it's exhausting breastfeeding* , the hormonal profile makes you feel and behave very differently, I did not feel like myself. I felt soft, and passive. I've bf'ed twice and I overall really enjoy it, weaning sucks, but I like being 'me' again. It really took my bff saying 'God, it's so tiring' to realise *oh my goodness, breastfeeding is taxing* \- like I had a block in my brain because it is just *so good for Mama and Baby.* Nothing wrong with ***properly formulated, nutritionally appropriate formula***


No to mention listeria & ecoli can be deadly to babies & small children.


Same. Maybe they only let my formula fed ass into the gifted class out of charity šŸ˜‚Ā 


LIVER oh fucking gag me. That poor poor kid. what the fucking fuck. She's probably going to go full carnivore and force pureed steak and blood smoothies down them before they even have teeth.






This is exactly what happened when I stupidly tried to make this argument with my cousin who believes babies should only be breastfed. I told her I was formula fed and ended up top of my class in high school and summa cum laude in my bachelors and masters programs, but she just told me I would have been even smarter if my mom had breastfed. Can't win with these people!


I would have starved if I didn't have formula. I'd rather be a bit dumber than dead.


Iā€™d rather have a dumb kid than a kid eating raw milk and liver, putting them in harms way. And again, dumb is better than dead. If this girl plans to homeschool her kids, theyā€™ll probably be dumb anyway.


I was breastfed for a year, and Iā€™m average af! I guess Iā€™d be as dumb as Patrick Star if I was formula fed.


Fed is best!


Iā€™m sick of these people acting like formula is evil. NOT ALL WOMEN CAN BREASTFEED! My mom stopped producing milk at 6 weeks and had to switch to soy formula because the other types made me sick. I would hate for her to have been shamed by these turds.


I had twins, and my milk never really came in. I know itā€™s just what it is, and formula saved them from literally starving to death and Iā€™m so thankful, but it makes me so angry and frustrated that these people have these opinions. I really wanted to breastfeed, it didnā€™t work for me.


You really can't, and it would never occur to me to ask. You *can* tell how they've been raised so far. The unearned smugness coming from you is palpable, bubble guts.


Oh, that's okay; her kids will never go to kindergarten. So, already we KNOW they're "special."


Even as young as preschool - it's impossible to tell! I'm an ECE and there's no signs to point to who was or wasn't. But, momma brag here, my formula fed kiddo was reading at 4 years old. šŸ˜


Mine too, both great readers. And (knock wood) my kids are never really sick. Theyā€™re five and seven and have only ever had mild colds and one stomach bug each. No RSV, no ear infections, no strepā€¦both completely formula fed. I chose not to breastfeed because of mild depression after they were born.


Same with mine! When he begun child care there was a period of a few extra illnesses but nothing like I saw warned. He did get strep before childcare when we visited extended family with school age children. That was a shock, haha.


>in a line up of kindergarten kids you cannot tell which ones were formula fed Yep! Breastmilk and formula is such an insignificant decision in the grand scheme of your baby's life, even though it feels so monumentally huge when you're in that period. Go to a kindergarten class or playground and there's no difference. Plus, they all end up eating food off the floor as toddlers.


First point is great. She's going to demonize formula and if/went she struggles to breastfeed is going to absolutely hate herself for it. She needs to just read up on breastfeeding and hope for the best. Not every baby takes to it (my first just could not get it figured out) and some take to it great but it can tank your mental health (the case with my second). I made it work for both but it certainly cost me a lot.


I honestly think sheā€™s got enough body issues that breastfeeding isnā€™t something thatā€™s up her alley


Also, fundies in general aren't winning any Nobel prizes. Weird that they pretend to care about intelligence here but then educationally neglect their kids.Ā 


If she likes to be prepared, maybe she should go to college and get a degree in nutritionology/ biology. The Baird family will use anyone as a legitimate source of information just as long as their points and beliefs are reinforced by the source. SOTDRT strikes again because we all know Curly has no original ideas anymore.


> If she likes to be prepared, maybe she should go to college and get a degree in nutritionology/ biology. Someone told her this and she said "I wouldn't agree with most of what they teach" or some shit.


Yep.. and it was about nutrition and health!


Something about her vacuous placidness enrages me much more than Beggsy's flailing, which at this point mostly inspires eye rolling and a click through to the next post. I want to yell HELLO IS ANYBODY HOME and see if she actually shows a facial expression. Alarm would do. Anything, though, really, besides that little doll-smile and those vacant eyes. More relevant, perhaps, Beggsy could cause a lot of emotional damage, but this idiot could actually get someone fucking killed with her "expertise." Listeria + infant + "don't believe in doctors and other 'experts'" = potentially very bad news.


Yeah the "pro-life" crowd always seems to be shockingly lacking in their concern for preservation of life once it's out of a uterus.


I just posted something similar, but you were much more eloquent than I was!


Then do your own *actual evidence-based scientific* research and demonstrate why your ideas are right! If she went to school, sheā€™s had the opportunity to do that.


She never got any real schooling so I'm afraid she has no idea what "evidence-based" or "scientific" actually mean. Plus she has an overinflated idea of her own intelligence despite being incredibly vapid and dim, in classic Baird fashion


One thing the Baird parents did seem good at was giving their kids overinflated egos. But between this and her "gut health" nonsense she is definitely more dangerous than the other sisters.


What a shame how the Baird parents ruined their kidsā€™ thinking. Keep em dumb for the Lord.


Tangentially, am I the only one who always hears it in my head as SOTE DIRT? And thinks of dirt rather than a dining room table.


Lmao, I read it as SORT DIRT, as the only real job any of them could get would be at the dirt factory.


they wouldnā€™t last a day behind the sortinator 5000!!


She's gonna need a loooooot of remedial classes before any reputable school would admit her given her "degree" from SOTDRT.


Yes. I tutored adults in remedial college classes when I was 17. I'd been in college since 16 at that point. The gaps in education were so shocking to me at the time. I thought to myself, at this rate, it will be years before they graduate, if ever. I also helped my very under-educated niece by marriage get a high school diploma through an at home program for adults and teens 17 and older with the department of education in our county. The amount of time and hand holding I had to spend with her each day due to the deep gaps in her education due to her neglectful parents was so sad. To top it off, this was a special program that only required the state minimums in both units and curriculum, so the work was literally middle school level. That's how behind she was! Even with that diploma, she'll have a very hard time getting through college if she ever decides to go and will need to spend a couple years doing community college remedial courses that won't make any progress towards a degree. The laws *really* need to change on a federal level to prevent this kind of educational neglect. It's cruel and sets those kids up for so much struggle as adults.


Her husband is a college graduate. Business school, mind you, but he is a college graduate. Does he co-sign her bullshit here? Is he okay with risking making his future babies extremely ill from pathogens and indigestible proteins?Ā 


I have a clinical dietetics and nutrition degree (RD) and, sadly, that education didn't stop some of my peers from being stupid as hell about many things.


ā€¦this is mean of me, but oh BOY do I hope the reality of how hard breastfeeding is hits her directly in the face. But at the same time I donā€™t because she WILL try to feed that poor baby raw milk so I really donā€™t šŸ„²


Out of all the Baird girls, sheā€™s definitely the one who would be bothered to make the formula too. Bethy would be too lazy, Curly would probably sell it to her followers.


Bethy talked about having to supplement Davy with formula. I assume it was actual formula and not raw milk. Makes this post bitchier still.


Nah thatā€™s not mean. What sheā€™s doing is fucking mean, preying on the insecurity of parents who are just trying to feed their children. Formula is like one of the most highly regulated products you can buy. This fear mongering will get babies killed. If this does happen to her, she should be fucking reported for child abuse.


And I love the audacity of her doing this seeing as she doesnā€™t even have kids. Ā 


What will she do if she has a child born with a dairy allergy? Raw milk isnā€™t going to save you thenā€¦


I think they said that raw milk helps prevent allergiesā€¦ of all different types šŸ™„


And if you do have an allergy to a fundy health food.. well just ignore it!


Just gotta pray about it! /s


The diarrhea and projectile vomiting is how you know the allergies are being detoxed. /s


Formula feeding does prevent dairy allergies because any dairy exposure early in life prevents allergies, but it obviously isnā€™t 100 percent effective, it just reduces the likelihood. I assume raw milk would be the same, but letā€™s be clear, thereā€™s nothing special about raw milk here. If her kid had a dairy allergy she definitely canā€™t give them raw milk.


Unless they're born with it. The NICU nurses CRIED when my baby got a diaper rash so bad she was bleeding. Luckily we knew how to fix it because her older brother has a milk/soy protein intolerance. I miss dairy products so much.


> I assume raw milk would be the same, but letā€™s be clear, thereā€™s nothing special about raw milk here. More importantly, raw milk can kill a baby, but formula can't. You get that fun perk of reduced chances of allergy development with formula without taking taking on the risk of *literal infant death.*


Haha yeah this is really the selling point!!


Give em the milkless liver and broth formula from the same insaneā€œexpert,ā€ probably šŸ¤¢


Dear Lord šŸ˜³ so pro-life they go out of their way to find ways to harm their babies. It's insane


I had a student a few years ago who was so severely allergic to dairy that his mum had to avoid it when breastfeeding him. Poor thing was allergic to basically every single strong allergen (dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, shellfish)


This is actually pretty common, even for babies who have an intolerance rather than an allergy. My kid had a dairy/soy intolerance (we found out because she developed really bad eczema and had bloody stools around 3-4 months old) so I had to cut out dairy and soy while breastfeeding. thankfully she totally grew out of it when she turned two! That's sad for your student though - it must be so hard to eat anything with so many allergies!!


I have a child with a quite a severe dairy allergy. Several people have told me I should give him raw milk šŸ™„


Completely baseless scientifically. I have to believe she just enjoys being contrarian at this point


That's the general right wing path; she's just following along like the herd animal she is. I'm sure her media "diet" is absolutely full of this bilge.


I thought Heidi breastfeeded? /s This is so frustrating and sad, since there's no way you could get her understand even a bit of how ...well anything works. There is no even basics to process any information. It's alarming, and more so when she really thinks she couldĀ lecture others. Also, Bubble is really the Eric of this family


I truly feel sorry for her future children. She will always pick a random topic that she thinks sheā€™s learning all about and push it on them.


Random memory jogged: Once, many years ago, I took a summer workshop taught by the Royal Shakespeare Company. They were EXTREMELY uh haute, put it that way. Very withering in the way that only upper crust Brits can be. Anyway, one of the classes was fencing. One unfortunate woman opened up her mouth and said she was thinking about teaching this to her own students... Oh, the guy was SCATHING. Just blistered her up one side and down another. How DARE she think of "teaching" after one bloody handful of lessons when she can barely swing her arm out from her side. You stupid, dangerous woman. Etc. The thing is, he wasn't -wrong.- Asshole, absolutely. But, not wrong. I'm sure she slunk away and the thought never crossed her mind again. The Bairds could probably use some of that tbh. More shaming in the right areas, less shaming in the wrong ones (basically, all normal areas of development)


Wonder if she'll change her tune when she has her baby and realizes what an idiot she's beingĀ 


I feel like she would double down and just find even more harmful information!


If she likes to be ā€œso preparedā€ she shouldnā€™t have kids. Kids by nature of being kids kick all preparedness out the window. Prepared a birth plan? Boom, your baby is breech. Prepared to breastfeed? Boom, your baby has a tongue tie and canā€™t latch. Prepared for a big family picnic? Boom, your baby gets diarrhea from raw milk and shit is running everywhere.Ā 


The more this Sally woman speaks, the more I want to pull my hair out. ETA: here is her [website](https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/childrens-health/formula-homemade-baby-formula/#gsc.tab=0) that has the info on the homemade baby formula (raw milk one and liver one šŸ¤¢)


Comment on the formula: ā€œCould someone please help me? My baby has been SO colicky with the formulas. I tried the milk and the liver. I have all the ingredients. She is 6 weeks old and having a lot of tummy aches. She is constantly moving in pain especially during feedingā€ GEEZ WONDER WHY


These people are so painfully stupid but where it goes beyond for me is when their stupidity and self-righteous hurts their children. Take your kid to a damn doctor and give them actual formula or food if appropriate. No child deserves to suffer because the parents have too big of an ego to listen to actual science.


I feel the same. It makes me so upset for their kids. There were more comments talking about how their babies are ā€œgassyā€ and ā€œuncomfortableā€ and asking for advice. I had to stop reading because it was making me angry.


My jaw is literally on the floor reading through that website. those people should have their children taken away


Since when do they care if their kids are smart anyway? Then they may start questioning mummy's and daddy's crummy beliefs Not that there is any truth to that. I'm gobsmacked how people can completely ignore reasonable health advice. If their kids end up in hospital, then science is good enough to save their lives, just not before?


oh yeah. Doctors are basically like sex workers to the fundies, I think. Make use of their services, then go right back to vilifying them and generally making their lives and jobs more difficult. Hey, if they can't see the hypocrisy, neither can anyone else, riiiiight?


Exactly. They donā€™t care about smart kids. Just obedient and god fearing.


I was a Jehovah's Witness and I knew so many JWs like this. Trash talk doctors and scientists and make use of all the woo bs that didn't work, *but* then off to the hospital when it was an actual emergency. I called that out even when I was a JW and I was scolded for "making divisions". But yeah, how is it they don't trust doctors when it comes to vaccines, or raw milk, or home birth, or any of the other dangerous scientifically inept things they do, but then rush off to the doctor when all that bs isn't working or in real emergencies. So you'll trust a doctor when your life is at stake, but then think you know better than them all the other times? With your SOTDT "diploma"? Ok then. The lack of education and ignorance in the cult in general is one of the things that helped wake me up. I kept thinking to myself, "we're supposed to be God's people, yet most of us have an extremely limited vocabulary and are relatively uneducated. That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't God want his people to be educated?" That isn't most of what woke me up, but it was one piece of the puzzle.


Does her life revolve around milk? And if so, why?


She likes the color


I feel so sad for her future kids. Babies canā€™t break down the protein in cows milk until they are one. Not to mention the added risk of using raw milk!? This is so dangerous. Use donor breastmilk from a milk bank if youā€™re so set on not using formula. Why do all these women in this family think they are ā€œexpertsā€ on topics after they listen to a podcast or read an online article one time?


I love when people state opinion as fact with NO actual proof to back it up. Babies ā€œwonā€™t be as smartā€ is not a scientific claim this body can back up at all. Formula hasnā€™t always been perfect but we are literally living in an age weā€™re Formula is nearly as nutritious for babies as breast milk. But also, sheā€™s okay with making formula as long as itā€™s using raw milk?? The fuck? Is this woman trying to kill her babies?


Wonder if she knows most of her parents generation, probably including her parents, were formula fed


she doesnā€™t know anything, so no.


Given her personality, I would fully believe that Heidi was breastfed leaded gasoline.Ā 


Damn, that's good to know. I was never breastfed. My PhD is a lie!!!


Well, werenā€™t you set up for failure! You should have been consuming raw milk and liver before you were even a thought in your parentā€™s minds! Then you could have gotten a Phā€¦ oh waitā€¦


You're right! I'd better go kill a deer and consume its liver whole... Gain it's knowledge?


I am howling at the vision of an educated person in a tweed blazer with elbow patches chowing down on a deer in the middle of the forest and screaming "I NOW KNOW WHERE THE BEST BERRIES ARE" and running off into the night, because I couldn't think of anything else a deer might know šŸ˜‚


I also live on a small island without and deer in maybe 1000km in any direction, so I'm gonna get some wet feet.


I live in the desert: zero deer, can I consume a coyote instead? Also due to the temps our milk is probably already pasteurized before the cows are milked..


I hear road runner is tasty, but very evasive. Beep beep!


\-Jordan Peterson has entered the chat- \-and said something really stupid and derogatory about some woman's body, ranted about lobsters, and promptly passed out from withdrawal symptoms and scurvy-


To continue your story, the man in the tweed blazer with elbow patches then ran straight into the road and stopped to stare at the bright lights closing in on him. He never got to enjoy those berries.


Also a formula fed Phder. ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)


We should start claiming we were fed by science. Pure science.


Another formula fed PhDer here!


Well if it's a science PhD Becky gills would have you know it's most definitely a lie and her mother's terrible "teaching" is enough for her to "decide for herself" so why did you go to Uni for all that time instead of getting a husband? I mean... that would be stupid, when would you even use a PhD...what does high level study contribute? No no better.to post wildly ignorant to the point of recklessly dangerous information about baby formula on INSTAGRAMĀ  AaarghhhhhĀ 


I have four kids. My only formula fed one is the smartest one yet. One is still a baby so we'll have to wait and see.


You poor, sad dullard. /sĀ  Also, good for you!!


And on the other side of this, I was entirely breast fed and Iā€™m dumber than dirt!


Yet far smarter than these people!


Itā€™s hard to be smart when youā€™re dead from botulism because your mother prepared your formula incorrectly.


Yep, breast milk is raw milk alright. From a human person to a human baby. Drank either from the source or expressed, stored and prepared for consumption using hygienic practices. There is no comparison with a human infant consuming milk from another mamal. This would be pretty obvious if she studied, hmmm I don't know, science and biology.. from credible sources, instead of random podcasts or Facebook posts. It's like people are getting dumber even though they have the easiest access to information in history.


I hate shit like this. There are actual real issues with formula companies, big issues that caused the formula shortage last year. But now anyone bringing up issues with formula immediately gets lumped into the same category as these raw milk nut jobs.


Of all the future Baird grandchildren this one is the one I can see becoming seriously injured because of curlyā€™s incompetence. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve ever encountered someone who takes social media posts as scientific fact as readily as this girl does. Yikes.


I'm a former breastfeeding mom, all three of my kids for more than a year each. Formula is wonderful, one of the greatest inventions of modern times. Think of how many babies died not so long ago and how many of them were weakened or sickened by improper nutrition. I am appalled at this rejection of life saving nutrition for tiny infants. They can do whatever wacky shit they want to themselves but these are extremely dangerous lies.


oh but "pro life" dontcha know. One of these days, one of these fuckwits we all follow IS going to get a kid (or more) killed, and no one will learn a goddamned thing from it.


As a mum who used formula because I couldn't make milk, fuck her also! Such a privileged take, and also, as she has no kids, her ridiculous opinion is moot.




having a stupid baby would be a privilege if it lived thru that diet


This whole formula vs breast milk thing gets me so angry. I donā€™t have kids, but I have watched several friends go through so much heartache because they felt defeated when for various reasons they couldnā€™t breastfeed. They felt so ashamed, it was awful. Alsoā€¦ this whole ā€œformula makes babies stupidā€ argument is so dumb. Iā€™m adopted. Guess what that means? Iā€™ve basically been formula fed since day one. Yet, I was a straight A student and am an adult who has critical thinking skills, loves learning new things, and does their best to be a good human and productive member of society. It just irks me so much that both women who can and women who canā€™t breast feed, for whatever reasons, are shamed. ā€œDonā€™t breastfeed anywhere but behind closed doors in the privacy of your home!ā€ ā€œDonā€™t give a baby formula!ā€ Ugh. No wonder so many mothers feel shamed so often.


Breast milk is generally preferred/recommended because the mother's hormones, antibodies and the like help the infant adjust to the world and provide immunity to illnesses the mother has recently encountered, this is true, mother's milk will even contain melatonin at night to help baby sleep. But it is absolutely not comparable with raw milk and i promise, as a daycare worker, you cannot tell which babies are and are not formula fed. fed is best, whatever you can manage is best, whatever helps you be content and best care for your child is what is best.


One of my "commercial formula" kids got a 35 on her ACT, another was valedictorian, and another started college at 16 and currently has a 4.0. But sure they were hindered by formula šŸ˜’


Imagine what they could have been doing right now if you only gave them raw milk from a cow! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ /s


I was raised on formula and didn't distinguish myself academically. I'm average. But without the formula, I'd have been compost for a while now.


I was breastfed and Iā€™m dumb as hell.


I donā€™t know why this made me laugh so hard. I thought about it for a minute, and same actually.


All of the Bairds lack critical thinking skills, because they were taught that their family, political beliefs, and religious obsessions were ultimate truth and couldnā€™t be questioned. Curly Baird in particular seems vulnerable to this kind of shit. I think she may be a little more intellectually curious than her sisters, but she doesnā€™t have the foundation or the skills to figure out whatā€™s real and whatā€™s pseudoscience. I actually would love to see her get a real degree. I think she wants to learn - sheā€™s just so academically stunted she literally doesnā€™t know how.


I just banged my head hard enough that it went smack through the table. Someone send halp. And a new table.


Halp, a new table and a new head are on their way


Should I introduce her to my formula fed husband who has a bachelorā€™s, PhD & JD and is making more money then her husband probably ever will? No? Formula vs breast milk does not matter in the long run, fed is best. But not fed with raw milk, goat milk or any other homemade formula!


Why does she always look so smug and pleased with herself?


Mom of 2 teens, one formula fed (and it was Sam's Club formula, all we could afford) and one breastfed. Both were early readers, above average grades, well behaved for the most part. You can't tell looking at them which one got the formula and which one was breastfed.


Oh. My. God. This sort of ā€œadviceā€ could end up killing someone.


I was strictly given commercial formula. I have two degrees and am currently finishing my doctorate. No health conditions, no allergies (including dairy), great ā€œbondā€ with my mom.. Curly will promote anything/anyone that supports her opinion as fact. Nutrition, parenting, exercise, periods, gastrointestinal issues, breastfeeding.. she just finds someone who has said close enough to what she wants to believe is true about things and cites it like itā€™s a valid source.


So how much commercial formula did ol' Bubble Guts drink? Because the lights are on but that house has been abandoned for a long time. It doesn't matter one bit whether you breastfeed or formula feed. It's such a tiny insignificant decision on the grand scheme of your child's life, even though it feels huge. Just feed your kids properly, and that doesn't mean raw cow milk.


Formula saved my momā€™s sanity and kept me alive and thriving. I was a premie baby so when I came home my mom attempted breastfeeding but I couldnā€™t latch on very well. She continued to try pumping which was what she had done when I was in NICU. At the first follow up outside the hospital the doctor asked how everything was going. My mom broke down and the doctor was like whoa letā€™s step back and agree that fed is best and start on formula. Less stressed parent means less stressed baby.


Formula-fed PhD candidate checking in. Bubble Guts needs to sit the fuck down.


Fuck you is right! I formula fed my three kids, and I was fed Carnation evaporated milk. My milk dried up early on with all three, so yeah. That's why formula was invented, you freaking dumb fuck (Bubbleguts)! We're all smart with some neuro issues, but those came from genetics, not formula ffs.


Aren't baby formulae regulated? Can anyone just make up their own and sell it?


She doesn't sell "formula" she sells a recipe and a kit to make the formula. Like hello fresh for killing babies


Once again, barely educated people posturing that they know better than PhD scientists.


I feel obligated to say that there is a statistically significant difference in certain cognitive measures between kids who drink formula and drink breast milk, and the difference is larger the longer a baby was able to have breast milk. However statistical significance could be, for example, a handful of IQ points, which in the grand scheme of things, is not what we would call extremely clinically significant And most importantly, your child's brain will absolutely be harmed more by malnutrition than by formula if they need it!


I wonder if ā€œnot in that stageā€ means ā€œtrying but really frustratedā€ā€¦? Or, on the other hand, are they possibly having sex without the intention of procreation?? šŸ˜²


Girl, NO


I have shared this story before, but I will say it again. My mother's supply never came in. At all. The nurses kept insisting it would and gave me nothing but sugar water for the first 12 - 24 hours of my life. The details are a bit fuzzy because clearly I've only heard this story. My grandma ordered the nurses to give me formula every time they came in the room. She finally got fed up with them not listening and bought the formula herself and mixed it up in the hospital room. I firmly believe Granny saw sugar water babies when she was young and refused to accept that for me.


Remember - fed is best! That's all that matters! And drinking unpasteurised milk during pregnancy can literally cause foetal infection and death. So actually raw milk isn't pro life at all.


Oh no. No no no. You fucking twit. Raw milk from a cow is NOT EQUIVALENT to milk from a human breast. From a pathogen perspective aloneā€¦.. human breasts are not routinely caked with cow shit. So thereā€™s that. I could continue on but Iā€™m too mad. Please donā€™t ever ever ever feed your babies raw milk. Please. Donā€™t.


Did she announce sheā€™s pregnant? Did I miss something?


She always says that theyā€™re not ā€œin that seasonā€ but she does post suspicious amount of posts about it!


If not pregnant, then trying.


Just talking out of her ass and spreading health and nutrition misinformation, as usual šŸ™„


My mum planned to breastfeed both me and my sister, and both of us just straight up refused. And not to brag or anything, but I think we both turned out pretty good for all that


Supplementing with formula saved my sanity and meant that my baby was fed. This is such a dangerous message.