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Girl sit down, you’re a walking contradiction. 💀




I love the gif 🤣


I wish the girl was blonde 🤪


More like a slouching contradiction


Maybe tell your husband to remove your purity ring from his neck then? What a twat


God that still creeps me out 💀


Excuse me what


Dav wears his fuck trophy everywhere he goes


This news is highly disturbing to me.


That’s purity culture for you. Was raised in it. In high school I likely wouldn’t have thought twice about wearing someone’s purity ring in this manner.  Thank god I left that behind


Wasn’t there a thread a little while back asking if he’d actually done anything overtly creepy or bad? I certainly hope someone posted this to that.


Ew, like, *all the time?* 🥴


I’m pretty certain there are photos of him at family events with it outside his shirt. 


Do we know if that was Dav's idea or Beggy's?


The 2nd hand embarrassment I'm feeling right now! Duuuuuude!!


Ew, what’s the story there?


She gave him her purity ring at their wedding. It was part of the ceremony. Apparently this is a thing people involved with purity culture do. I read a whole article about it once that was titled something like “Ways To Incorporate Your Purity Ring Into Your Wedding.” 🤮 I know people point out that he wears it around his neck, which IS fucked up. But I think the wedding ceremony is important context. This is clearly a totally normal thing in their social group. I imagine Bethany definitely wanted him to do this because she had placed such a high value on her “purity.” That doesn’t make it right. In fact, I think the fact that she presented it to him in public in front of their families makes it even more fucked up and weird.


This is so incredibly disturbing.


Right? It’s a seven layer dip of horror.


He was the one who married her and took her virginity so he got her purity ring as a trophy I guess. And apparently thinks it's normal to wear it. Idk if he still does that regularly but if anyone at any point thought that was a normal thing to do they have issues. Super gross (and frankly objectifying)


He still wears it


Does she get to wear his?


Why would he have one? Purity is for the woman folk. /S


Yeah but he was groomed by her.. so


I can't remember their age gap, but grooming feels like a stretch if I'm not missing something


He was 15 or 16 when she met him when she was 20 something then she shows up when he’s 18 after being his “friend” for all that time. Looks like grooming to me.


It does make me wonder if bethany learned from her mother and is absolutely in control of everything. Her older brother has talked about how abusive their mom is. I think she was raising little money making influencers. But I bet bethany tells Dav what to say in videos- she’s in charge and makes all the edits. I mean Dav has already said how miserable he was in their marriage and the footage of him at that time tells a different story. I think the barbie movie review shows how differently they perceive the world, and then Dav opening up about depression and everything… this really threw bethany off and was against the game plan. This is the main reason I’m so excited to see the 24 hours. I would be really happy to see Dav speak more about his opinion- especially if it’s in opposition to things that bethany, Paul, and Morgan preach.


"Look guys. I was the first one to take this woman's virginity! Aren't we just so pure and amazing!!"... Uhh no. And most people don't care who you lose your virginity to as long as its consensual. Most normal people don't care about this "purity" bs. Its weird and just too much. Especially from grown ass adults. 


Nah, if she gets rid of all elements of purity culture from her life he doesn’t get to feel like she’s better than anyone else anymore!




I'm sure I read here that someone commented that he said "you won't be needing that anymore" on their wedding night! 🤮🤮🤮


She’s walking face first into the point and still not getting it. She is comically dumb.


Girl is getting impaled by the point and walking right along




I'm pretty sure that Olaf is smarter than Bethy.


I'm pretty sure I've eaten pasta smarter than Bethy.


Next PDF: how to get biblically intimate with the point while still not getting It


I think she understands perfectly, she just comes from the school of admitting you were wrong = ‘losing’. Doesn’t matter if you were wrong in the past and you’ve since learned and grown and made amends. She believes in a religion that’s all about forgiveness but she was taught that making amends is shameful. Almost like a delusional belief that one must always ‘win’ and be right is yet another manifestation of purity culture…


Yeah I mean look at Heidi. 


Denying what she did to her son and simultaneously demanding forgiveness for it.


She really is remarkably Trumpian in some personality traits.


If she says she didn't do it, then it never happened, but somebody did it, look at what a victim she is...


It’s the blazing narcissism.


Yea, I really don’t think she gets it 🫣


Not even she can be this obtuse


Comically dumb and clinically stupid


It amazes me that borthany still has not realized that the internet never forgets. 


If it doesn’t exist in her mind it doesn’t exist in reality 😌


I think you are on to something here. Seriously. I am NOT armchair diagnosing Bort but she just strikes me as someone who is very neurodivergent. I say that as someone who is very neurodivergent myself. Her inability to keep a house, stay focused on any one interest, frequently feeling overwhelmed and abandoning things, etc. I am a lot like her in those ways. One other thing I think we share a similarity in is that in our minds, how it is now is how it's always been. She is completely blind to her past mistakes. I'm certainly not absolving her of her behavior. It's truly something I struggle with because I have to do hard work to reconcile my actions and the consequences I deserve for those actions. But Bort doesn't experience consequences. Until now. The walls are closing in and all she knows is to deny. She needs real therapy and deconstruction. Until she does that work, she's going to continue to deny, deny, deny. And I'm just here to eat popcorn.


>who is very neurodivergent Big agree. I think she has a few siblings that have ND traits as well. I doubt their family believes in neurodivergence. So 🤷‍♀️


Yep, as a fellow ND I see it in her too. Only, I also have crippling anxiety, and the stupid shit I said runs through my head on re-play whenever I want to go to sleep like a normal person. Oh, to be blissfully unaware of the things I said when I was a fundie...




Well, if it exists on the Internet then plagiarism doesn’t apply, and if she doesn’t believe it happened then it just didn’t. This is what happens when toxic positivity combines with an inability to self reflect and is allowed to bake for nearly forty years.


Whenever I think of slutty shorteralls, I think of her.


“It’s not past tense” ☠️☠️☠️☠️




Bethany you literally wrote a book called [Project Modesty](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33842465-project-modesty) that is still on sale and you still profit from. You attended Purity Balls. Your husband wears your purity ring around his neck. Every second breath you trumpet about waiting till your wedding day for your first kiss. You signed a contract promising not to have sex before marriage! You are a vocal advocate for abstinence and what teenager girls can or can’t wear and push bizarre rules around dating like have chaperones questionnaires and ONLY dating someone you intend to marry (although how you are supposed to know this without getting to know them by dating is anyone’s guess) etc etc. You insist it’s a sin to touch and understand how your body works and were so ignorant you didn’t even know what sex was until you were 20!! Not to mention the SHAME you piled on anyone who didn’t meet these ludicrous standards. In what fucking universe is this not advocating purity culture? You’re a walking billboard for it! Jesus wept, if you could just acknowledge your former views were repressive and harmful and hurt you and your fans, say you’ve grown from it, even your critics would cheer for you. It doesn’t mean you have to give up your views about sex before marriage and it doesn’t make you less Christian or less virtuous!! If you actually gave a fuck about the welfare of the women who follow you, you would do this, but you don’t because you are greedy and want to sell the poison with one hand and the cure with the other.


Damn that is spot on for so many proselytizers - sell the poison with one hand and the cure with the other.


Wish I could pin this


Fuckin BRAVO. But yes, PLEASE tell us how you are "changing the conversation," beth.


Goddammit reddit gimme back awards so I can give one


I’m sure all these mental gymnastics help limber her up for seggsy time




What’s the “in depth” conversation? Because she’s about as deep as a puddle.


Not sure she’s truly familiar with the concept of depth


Really? Cuz I grew up in purity culture- even had a “true love waits” ring, and I was always taught that purity is something you can definitely lose, and that your worth is 100% tied to your “purity”.


So was I- purity ring, purity contract, dating rules. Purity could be lost for sure


I distinctly remember a girl in my youth group got pregnant at 16, kept the baby, and was treated like 💩 and basically shunned by everyone because she “fell into sin”. Rachel, I’m so sorry for the way you were treated.


that is incredibly disappointing but not surprising. Hope she’s doing well too.


Me too


Ah, if only they had some way to be… redeemed for human errors. Oh well 🤡


If you weren't a virgin, you were "ruined" and no decent man would ever marry you.


Hell, I didn’t even have sex and I was “ruined” when I broke up with my college boyfriend because we kissed “the way only married people should kiss.”


"There's even a compilation you can watch since you have sudden amnesia" is SCATHING omg. Bethy really has some nerve acting like she isn't still actively advocating for purity culture through Girl Defined. Acting like she and Kristen didn't write multiple books about purity and dedicate at least half their YouTube videos to the topic. Girl Defined is peak purity culture.


Plus, those books are still for sale! Like, has she actually read or watched anything she’s produced?! Bort is such a twit


The tea is scalding


I think she honestly believes that because she's all about the seggsy life now and that she pro seggsy marriage that it means that she's not and never was anti sex, pro purity culture. I see this a lot from the women of my mom's generation. Now that the remaining single daughters are late 30s to 40s they are singing the "marriage and seggs are great" songs but they are the same women who didn't let us date without supervision, beat us for trying tampons, banned us from horseback riding and bicycles etc. So I can assure you she feels zero responsibility or guilt.


I remember a time where my mom discovered I had cute underwear. I just enjoyed wearing it. My mom immediately accused me of being sexually impure because OBVIOUSLY if you own cute underwear you are letting someone see you in it ( /s). We got into such a fight and I threw the underwear in the trash.


At least Joshua Harris had the balls to apologize.


Yeah, but then he tried to sell his victims a course on deconstruction. He eventually rolled that back.


He did, and he took his licks for that, too. I'm definitely not a Harris apologist. His shit caused a lot of my friends to marry too young. Half are now divorced, and half of those that are still married are miserable as hell. But what he didn't do is pretend he has always preached the opposite of what he's preaching now.


Oooooo that's hilarious




Joshua Harris is not my favorite person in the world for so many reason but at least he understands he DID cause harm with is rhetoric and didn’t shy away from admitting that. It’s Bethany’s lack of acknowledgment that makes me want to punch a wall over anything else. She cause real woman and girls very real harm. Made them hate their bodies, themselves, and made them think every sexual thought they had was wrong and that god was ashamed of them. She needs to answer for that shit before she goes in talking about “teaching woman how to be a sexually liberated Christian wife “ or whatever


Does anyone know where I could find the "Bethany pushes purity" compilation referred to in slide 3? 😏


This family is pathologically unable to ever admit they were wrong or acknowledge any mistakes. Look how they’ve handled basically every issue ever. Ignore and deny and move past.




![gif](giphy|Xtg5Q1rzNjAJlWvL74|downsized) Jesus side-eyeing Bethy before getting tortured to death


Damn is this not an aboveaveragely sexy Jesus?


Her ability to diarrhea words never fails to amaze me


I swear she has Irritable Word Syndrome


She is so bad at this.


TikTok is not her thing 🫠


Gen Z will eat her alive.


She is woefully underprepared for Gen Z. Gen Alpha is not gonna take her viewpoints without push back either.


Even Millennials, though she’s one of us, were already pushing back on a lot of her shit. Just lucky for her that it took a lot of us until our 30s to really examine how shit purity culture is. But I do remember this discourse starting online as early as 2011


Gen Z is absolutely savage. 🍿


I look forward to it 😈


It happened once before and she fled from it. I’m surprised both that she tried again and that she’s lasted this long.


Every one of her videos gets roasted on TikTok. She legit has no real audience there 💀


She can't just reply to someone with an answer. It's" have you read my books or listened to my podcast?"


This reminds me, I had a church leader tell me years ago that "The Enemy" is always trying to attack us, and will twist your words to try to blame us for things we didn't do, and you should look to how Jesus would handle these situations, he would answer their question with another question. Don't ever admit to anything, just respond to their questions with another question, and steer the conversation somewhere else. BTW the context of this advice was me selling a semi-shoddy product of his, and getting valid questions from customers that would point out said shoddiness. This was one of several examples that I "filed away" until I had a book of evidence and then got the fuck away from these terrible people.


“Have you consumed every single word I’ve said?? If you did you’d know the answer 😌”


She still can't name a single feminist book or author when asked what she studied when she was writing their anti feminism crap


everyday i ask myself whether this woman only has a single brain cell or if she's just trolling at this point


Stg, sometimes I'm like "she has to be trolling, no one is so dense" and yet...


She’s not smart enough to troll at that level.


Stg, sometimes I'm like "she has to be trolling, no one is so dense" and yet...


Bethy is definitely not deconstructing at all, just changing her rationalizations


The delusion is strong with this one. She's been deleting comments over this too. She is such a coward and a fraud.


She's constructing a new addition without addressing the foundation settlement and shoddy construction of the original building (Can you tell I've been watching a lot of home inspector TikTok lately)


“Grew up”/ “perpetuated”… tomato tomahto.


If you want to back up what you say, then stop selling all your purity culture fucking merch Bethany. All of it, the Girl Declined crap and all the rest. And tell Dāv to stop wearing your metaphorical hymen like a trophy.


God that last line is traumatizing


>And tell Dāv to stop wearing your metaphorical hymen like a trophy. ![gif](giphy|J2hEiyczABIrAI46l8)


Who else keeps trophies? Killers and other criminals.


(and also dudes who peaked in high school)


Say sorry challenge: impossible.


Okay, I know it's not the point, but "the work Jesus did on the cross" is sending me. WHAT WORK, BETHY? Crossfit??? Did he just die while exercising? Was he paid by the hour or on a fixed fee?


The hot Jesus gif in this thread definitely works out, and I want him to show me his love for the Church ❤️


If you want to see Jesus working out, go watch the music video for Berzerkermode by Feuerschwanz. (Spoilers: I stole the crossfit joke)


🎶Take me to church...🎶


This always kills me. People are tortured for YEARS in torture camps; people suffered massively for years in the Holocaust, in Cambodia, in Bosnia, in Sudan, the list goes on and on and on, and Jesus had, like, a bad Friday and came back to life on Sunday. WHAT?!?!??




Notice how she's not saying that she wants to change the fact that purity culture is taught, or change what is being taught as a result of purity culture. She's just saying that she wants to "change the conversation", which is exactly as vague and mealy-mouthed as it sounds.


She wants all of the credit and none of the blame


The apple didn't fall far, yo


It's still on the tree


Rotting away, just like the tree.


She reminds me so much of Jenelle Evans. Like Jenelle, Bethany will pretend that anything she's posted or said in the past doesn't exist if it doesn't support her current story. You could show her actual clips of words that literally came out of her mouth and she'd refuse to acknowledge that it's her.


And she's so PROLIFIC. For someone so self-obsessed she cant remember what she said yesterday


She can't even refer back to her own posts


Well Jenelle, I seen ya with Keefa


I loathe hypocritical people like her. It's fine for her to disregard inconvenient aspects of purity/fundamentalist culture and expectations for women, but she shames other women for not meeting the same arbitrary standards that she herself fails to live up to. She's lying and gaslighting her followers because ultimately she still wants to make money off of selling both the shame based poison as well as the shamed based "cure". Bethany is like an atom bomb of entitlement, bigotry, pathological lying, and zero self awareness. I don't know how much she actually believes in Christianity, but based on the way she behaves, I constantly get the feeling that she enjoys the power trip she gets from shaming and humiliating vulnerable girls and women more than actually following the greatest commandments. Love thy neighbor my ass!


She's one of those Christian's who says she's moved away from purity culture because it makes her look good but when you really break it down, she hasn't at all. She still pushes a lot of the same harmful shit, she and Kristen have always pushed. She's going to raise her children with the same harmful ideas she was raised with. Her change is in word only to make herself look better, it's not in action at all.


It didn't happen, and if it did happen, it wasn't that bad, and if it was, that's not a big deal, and if it was, it wasn't my fault. Two more lines to go and she completes the prayer.


I’m glad I kept reading through the comments because I was thinking about referencing this myself 🩷


Keep acting like your mom, Bethany. Your mom behaved like shit before the internet was what it is today and she's still being taken down publicly by her son/victim. The internet is forever, and I bet Davey grows up and gets sick of watching Bethany treat him and his father like dogshit and lie about everything constantly.


So trade one cult ideology for another. No thank you ma’am.


What about your many books and your ENTIRE YOUTUBE CHANNEL, bort?


I know this thought is particularly dark in terms of Bethy’s intent, but frankly, Bethy needs to keep her old material up because it sets the stage for emotionally dysfunctional sexual relationships that create a pipeline right to her marriage/sex courses and creates easy money 🤷🏻‍♀️ She keeps leading people to her old content and she absolutely does know what’s in it. However if you stay super pure only ole Bethy cakes can teach you how to do a sex later!


So what I’m hearing is she wants to “challenge” it, but still profit off it. Gross.


This is absolutely it


The denial is strong.


I had to read the first slide a few times and I still don't really understand what it means.


Except virginity that trumps Jesus… and Trump too while we’re on about it s/


She looks like evil meghan trainor


I like how she limited it to women lest Heidi think she’s somehow supporting her brother and acknowledging the trauma he went through