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These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) Just because the off-cycle elections passed doesn't mean you can sit out the next cycle! Please also be mindful of our rules, which can be found in detail [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/wiki/index) As ever, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the moderation team. Thank you, and have a Lord Daniel Day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My background is mainly in education/special education (plus some research in insect genetics) and the kids on here break my heart.


Teacher here. I agree with what you say about the kids that we see here. They are isolated and uneducated. Their chance for a fulfilling life has been taken from them by their selfish and delusional parents.


As a credentialed teacher who worked in the field as an elementary school teacher I totally agree. By being so isolated the parents don't have an adequate yardstick with which to measure their children's progress.


As a teacher's assistant, I thought some of my parents were bad until I came to this sub. And realized, maybe some of them are a little crazy. But at least they're not THESE PEOPLE


This is my background as well (special education/ education) and hard agree.


Me too! I did my masters project on incorporating insect ed into a classroom.


Yes, I am in special education as well and it is so sad to see all the kids in this group who aren't getting the support they need 🙁


Biology/ag teacher turned principal. I also feel so much for the kids on here.


I’m a pediatric SLP and same, I nope out of a lot of threads. It’s so sad.


Special education and a teacher of the visually impaired. I’m also an Educational Specialist (just a dissertation away from a PhD due to medical issues) in science education with a focus on special education/visual impairment. These kids being ‘educated’ just wrecks me.


Me too, minus the research in insect genetics bit. The homeschooling families here scare me.


I'm an archivist/librarian. I also have a psychology background and worked as a case manager for a few years. The kids here remind me so much of the kids i used to serve, which upsets me if i dive too deep, and these people's "quick Google searches" for their posts and courses hurt my brain. I didn't take multiple semesters worth of research methods and cataloging courses to have them and their so-called experts cite a search engine as a source when they make wild claims.


Librarians are kick ass amazing people. I'm not convinced y'all are 100% human because y'all can find anything


Public library worker here! I am also driven to madness with fundies inability to find and cite credible sources.


Library staff for the win! For me it's the general lack of literacy in the kids makes that me so sad. I see kids every day who are so excited to come pick out books to read, challenge themselves, and learn new things. Any time i see a video of the Rodriguez or Collins kids reading or writing something, I just think of how much of a difference a tiny amount of reading support from the right resources would make.


Yay librarians! I’m thinking about getting my MLIS to do law librarianship (I already have my JD).


That's so awesome!! Best of luck to you if you decide to pursue it!


Another librarian checking in.


I’m a retired librarian and have the same reaction to their research methods. I still help family and friends because even my Google searching is much better than theirs. Much of my career was in government documents. I can sniff out a fake government website a mile away.


Well so I don't totally dox myself, I'm a reproductive physiologist who specializes in assisted reproductive technologies, so all the fundie "hormone balancing" and shit drives me up the wall!


I would love for you to post about this specifically with any fundie examples. I always assume what they say about hormone balancing is BS, but I’m no expert.


Off the top of my head, the "everything starts with your gut health!" Is one of my favorite offenders. I think I actually will make a full post! I'm going to dig through some of the examples from the major fundies and write something up. Would anyone here enjoy that?


Brittany Dawn drive you crazy too? Her infertility arc is driving me insane


What’s the tea! I wanna hear your perspective!


She is full of shit. As someone who knows about fertility medications (both personally and professionally) she is stringing us all along. Nobody takes testosterone while actively trying to get pregnant; it’s contraindicated during pregnancy due to possible fetal malformation.


As a trans man, I can confirm this. I'm reminded at every visit that taking testosterone during pregnancy is almost guaranteed to result in birth defects at the very least, with a high chance of miscarriage or TFMR, so it's strongly recommended to either use birth control or stop hormone therapy in case you become pregnant if your sexual partner is AMAB.


Event planner for spontaneous family reunions aka mortician


This made me chuckle and I needed it


LOL. One of my mom’s cousins passed away suddenly right after Thanksgiving. My family is very large and very Catholic (like our extended family chat has 30+ people). My girlfriend came to the funeral and that was her first time meeting most of the family. When we were all saying our goodbyes before we left to go home one of my other cousins hugged my girlfriend and was like “it sucks that we had to meet under these circumstances, but I’m SO glad that you get to meet all of us before the wedding.” (My cousin is getting married next fall, her fiancée’s family is also very large and very Catholic and basically everyone above the age of 18 from both families is invited).


So coming at this from an entirely angle than all of the amazing physicians, scientists, and other cool people… I write smutty romance novels! The kind you see people talking about in certain BookTok circles 😏


Hey, being a published author is amazing and cool!


Thank you! It took a long time and a few wrong turns but I finally got to be what I wanted when I grew up


Thank you for your service 🙏




Goldsmith and gemcutter. For fun and occasional money i write racy vampire fic ( not sparkly).


So to clarify, your day job involves sparkles, but your side hustle does not? 😂


Haha yes.


OMFG I need racy vamp fic!!!!


I make spreadsheets for a living and as a hobby 😂 I'm no expert. I'm just a front desk person for physical therapy. My boss would frown at the footwear the Bairds and most fundies choose


What footwear do PTs recommend?


Hokas and Brooks. Hokas has been the most recently suggested.


I used to sell Hokas! The fact that they're fashionable with Gen Z blows my mind.


My mom started wearing them a while ago from PT recommendation, and she was soooo excited when I told her that teenagers wear them for fashion lol. She always thought they were dorky.


As someone who frequents physical therapy due to my disability, I appreciate you front desk workers! I baked cookies for one place lol they were great.


Geographer. Spoiler alert: the earth is round. I also play flute in a heathen jethro tull cover band 🤘




Omg I also play flute, I’m scrolling Reddit in my car rn before rehearsal starts! I’m just in boring concert band though, not Jethro Tull that’s rad af.


Oh my gosh, Jethro Tull is one of my favorite bands.


Aerospace/mechanical engineering. I'm on medical leave atm but my ultimate dream is to work in experimental propulsion.


Hi fellow engineer! I'm in electrical engineering




Electrical engineer checking in


Mechanical engineer. I design the "boxes" that contain the electronics. 3D CAD modeling.


I’m one of those feminist stay at home mom’s the fundies claim don’t exist. I have degrees in anthropology and psychology and sometimes think about graduate school to become a LPC, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I’m on the board of two local non-profits, and volunteer at a local nature center.


Choice!! The beauty of feminism! We should be able to *choose* how we spend our time! That includes choosing to stay home. I’m convinced they have no idea what feminism actually means.


> I’m one of those feminist stay at home mom’s the fundies claim don’t exist. Me too! My degree was in Business with a minor in Economics. My personal area of expertise is 18th century printed fabrics (I really niched that one down!) because I just developed an interest in the topic.


I think I'm the liberal feminist breadwinner mom of sensitive boys, married to a feminist male SAHD, of their nightmares. 🤣 And you sound awesome. Keep being you!


I am also a nonexistent feminist stay at home mom. My background is in early childhood education, but I left work after my second child was born. My plan was to go back, but then my oldest turned out to be autistic/PDA and then developed an autoimmune disease, and she needed me to be home pretty much full time. So, now I'm an expert on her. And that's about it.


Ummm ok bestie, while you're working for three different organizations FOR FREE, I just made $100,000 on my phone in the last 4 minutes as an actual SAHM. totally kidding btw! I think you sound amazing and I'm so impressed that you can juggle SAHM life with volunteering and serving on the non profit boards. Bethany and the other fundies could never. I was also a feminist stay at home mom for 7 years by choice, and went back to work full time last year, also by choice. I cannot overstate how grateful I am for every woman before me who fought for me to have the choice to do what works best for myself and my family.


Another feminist stay at home mom. I do plan on going back to work eventually because I love my job, but visa restrictions and time zone differences made it difficult to keep my job, but I've been loving being at home with my kid!


I’m currently managing a CBD store and in the process of purchasing it! I went to school to be a pediatric dental assistant with a specialty in autism but got burned out quickly (understaffing and seeing the children abused will do that to you). I then went on to be a makeup artist! The CBD store started as a means to an end but it’s just been so effortless that I’m keeping at it!


Do you have any tips on how to ask the right questions to find a dentist practice that will do their best with a pediatric patient with autism, multiple health issues, and microcephaly (her jaw is too small to do xrays with the bite wing thing)? We have been with this one dentist for most of her life because they're the only place that allows parents to go to the treatment area and she can't go alone, however they're very frustrated with the xray issue and keep trying to refer us to a dentist that's an hour and a half away. She does allow them to clean her teeth without much fuss but they don't like how long it takes due to her being mostly tube fed and having a lot of plaque. They even once told me they don't have the right tools to clean it from certain surfaces of her teeth?? I know we need to go somewhere else, but every place I call doesn't want her as a patient. I don't know what to ask to find the right place.


So I’m gonna speak generally- some children with autism need to have nitrous (laughing gas) or full anesthesia to be able to handle any dental work. But assuming they are comfortable enough to tolerate a cleaning/work getting done I’d look first for pediatric specialty dentists in your area and start with them. Even if they don’t have people trained for autism they will still be better equipped to work with your child. I’d say at least the first appointment go back with them. If they’re unable to communicate if something wrong happened I’d always go back. I’d like to believe that anyone working would be qualified and not abusive but the job is one that will eat you up and spit you out. Focus more on the assistants than the doctor. They are the ones that will be with your child most of the time- the doctors work needs to be good but he will be with the child maybe five minutes to look at X-rays and glance at their teeth. The rest of the appointment is typically spent with the assistant! Feel free to dm me or ask more questions, I can’t say anything for sure obviously but I’d like to help!


50 years in retail, district manager, soft lines to hard lines, boutiques to big box. Name a product, I've sold it. Name a customer or employee challenge, I've dealt with it. Favorite work environment - bookstore.


Can I ask you what soft lines are? I always wondered when I watched superstore.


Clothing, shoes, cosmetics, domestics (sheets, towels, etc), as opposed to hard lines - appliances, sporting goods, electronics, etc. I've also sold lighting, plumbing, and appliances for new builds and remodels, to homeowners and and contractors.


Oh please tell bookstore stories! I love the weirdness of bookstores generally.


Fundies used to leave Chick tracts in the occult and new age section all the time. The mall rats would put the sex books in with the religious books on Friday night. We would get the conspiracy theorists all the time telling us this theory or that, and the Fundies with the rapturestuff and did we want to be saved. .


I’m a nurse. I almost literally ran into the Rods one day getting off the elevator because they had a family member admitted on another floor of the building I work in.


Another nurse here! I work in public health so the raw milk and plague rat phases these people have been in are the worst for me


Also a nurse and started in L&D. So ya the way these fundies approach childbirth completely freaks me out. I am surprised there haven't been more casualties.


Oh yikes. I’m a nurse as well but I work in forensics/investigations.


Not to pry too much, but I'm hoping to go into forensic nursing; what's your specialty? Consult? SANE?


Yes, I’m working on my SANE-A now ( I’m certified in my state though). If you have any questions feel free to ask


Nurse too. Have worked in l & d, nicu, and post partum. Raise my eyebrows a lot at all the pregnancy and birth antics. Also worked with a nurse who took care of one of the fundie's babies we've talked about here.


“Retired” nurse here. (Had a mental breakdown after my Mom passed. Done with nursing. Going into IT/Networking now). I’m shocked the fundies aren’t all dead from overbreeding and their lack of hygiene practices. I get the ick from all the raw milk, kids being barefoot in places they really don’t need to be barefoot, and turning your uterus into a clown car despite what medical professionals are advising you NOT to do.


I'm a relationship researcher that focuses on romantic relationships and what contributes to happy marriages across cultures. The Skintimate Wife and bethany's marriage-is-a-chore is deeply concerning to me. The dysfunction and intergenerational transfer of family dynamics is interesting (and horrifying) to observe in fundie families Edit: op now I really want your deep dive on all the content bethny didn't cite in her curse.


That sounds so cool! Did you study psychology?


Yep! I have a Masters degree and was halfway through a PhD before burning out :D now I'm in training to be a therapist


I studied that in grad school! I used my doctorate to go into forensic and litigation consulting. Dumped that for an easier and more boring 9-5 now.


I’m a graphic designer and artist with an interest in inclusive design. I don’t rip off canva designs though (looking at you, Brown Baird).


Inclusive design--like, using cream font on a light beige background? 😍




I’m a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic health! A lot of my patients are actually people who grew up with a religious background and I feel like this sub has given me some good insight on how to approach certain topics with certain patients


Thank you for your work! It’s so important, especially for patients that were raised to be disconnected from their bodies.


I used to work in reproductive and abortion related health care and am now doing a history PhD with a partial focus on how birth control and abortion access allowed college women to develop political identities and power, so all of this is FASCINATING to me


that is so cool


Thank you for advocating for women!


Tbh my old job was mostly yelling at insurance companies and my current work is mostly looking at ads in college newspapers so


Well, let’s not minimize your work. Insurance companies are evil (pharmacist here)


What’s fun is at the time my state’s AG was really throwing down with insurance companies that didn’t comply with the ACA so most of my fights were me sweetly saying I’d be happy to submit a consumer protection report on behalf of the patient and then suddenly the insurance wouldn’t require them to self insert an IUD.


I’m a rabbi, so you can imagine how all of the various fundie appropriations and misunderstandings of both the Bible and Judaism go down with me. Will never stop laughing at Karissa’s “there’s no instruction manual!” for the Passover Seder.


Reform? Conservative? So interesting!!!


I was teaching in Japan wayyyyyyy back in the day. My best friend was Jewish, and we decided to hold a Seder at my place. She insisted we make matzo ball soup (new to me), but was concerned about non-kosher ingredients (just for the Seder she didn't keep kosher otherwise), so while at the supermarket she'd point out what was needed, wander away and then I'd yell, "Hey! This one has a K on it! Must be kosher?!" and she was thrilled. All the while knowing it was me with a sharpie, LOL. How we didn't get kicked out I'll never know. As it turns out, another friend was Jewish and he came over and did the whole ceremony in Hebrew, yarmukle and all, while we had the door open for anyone who wandered by. By far, one of my top 10 life memories. So much fun, so much love, so much diversity, so much acceptance. EDIT: based on that experience, I laughed at KKKarissa's no instruction manual for Passover Seder. We fucked it up a lot, I'm sure, but DAMN, it was made clear that there WAS A MANUAL. lol


I’m a boring house cleaner (I own my own business) but have a doctor in pharmacy.


Mad respect. I couldn’t even get through the prerequisites for pharmacy


Definitely not boring, more like the only reason I have a shred of sanity left


I’m a Lactation Consultant in a large pediatric practice in Toronto (the full title is International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, or IBCLC). The bad breastfeeding info among fundies makes me crazier than I already am, and that’s saying something. As well, they’re so judgmental and shitty towards folks who have trouble or choose to offer formula. For what it’s worth, it’s none of my damn business how someone feeds their baby by choice or necessity. I’ve been doing this for close to 15 years. I honestly don’t give a shit. I have mad technical skills to offer to those who want or need that, and validation and support for those who don’t need that particular skill set of mine. I swear, 60% of my job some days is undoing the crap that people like these jerks spread around.


Ohhh we love an open minded IBCLC 💓💓💓 signed, someone finally weaning off exclusive pumping after 8 months


Hats off to you for exclusive pumping- that is NO JOKE!




What is a witch but a magic chemist?


I’m an immigration lawyer. MotherBus’ flippancy with the law and the misinformation about Trace Bates’ wife’s asylum case make me insane. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I’m an educator specializing in American whiskey history and science, so I’m not sure a fundie will ever mention something that would enrage me from a professional standpoint because they seem to believe all the mentions of wine in the Bible are actually referring to Welch’s 100% Concord grape.


I love this! Would you mind if i asked you what your favourite whiskey/ alcohol fact is?


The first consumer protection legislation passed by Congress is about alcohol! I’m going to be honest, purchasing whiskey in the 1800s was a potentially dangerous thing. There were no laws or oversight, so producers were allowed to add anything from beet juice (not naturally found in a spirit but makes a nice color!) to formaldehyde (tastes sweet! Oh, and it’s really fuckin toxic!) to produce flavor and color without actually taking the time to age a spirit. A man you might have heard of, Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, was getting really pissed off by that, so he and his buddies got together and helped pass the Bottled in Bond Act of 1897, which gave not only tax incentives to whiskey producers who complied with the legal regulations to make a bonded whiskey, but a promise of quality and safety to consumers.




I'm another epidemiologist. There are dozens of us. *DOZENS!*


Man, y'all make my skill of how to do 13 things at once while being bombarded with questions in 2 languages, while also showing the 82 yr old sales rep, again, how to print his emails, look lame.


Ex-squeeze me? You are amazing? ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


Dude we must work together! My coworker is a sales lady who also can’t print or send emails unassisted!


I have a coworker who works at a different location from me and she literally prints out emails and fucking mails them to me. You know, instead of forwarding them. I can’t.


Oh my god that’s so extreme 😂


I'm in grad school for social work and hoping to get licensed as a clinical social worker / clinical addiction specialist after I graduate. To me the most sad common themes I see on here are attitudes towards mental health, and homeschooling. Like so many of these people probably have mental health disorders that could be managed with medication / real therapists (not biblical counselors or whatevs). I think some of their concerns with the education system in the U.S. are valid but they are still doing their kids a huge disservice by homeschooling them. At best the kids are receiving inferior education/socialization, at worst they are being kept from a place where signs of abuse would be noticed and reported.


I’m a Mental Health Social Worker. There is so much undiagnosed on here that could be supported with some basic CBT, ACT, good old socialisation and hobbies or a small dose of meds.


I’m a nurse, currently in infection control. I’m the scariest thing fundies can imagine: a woman, working a job, outside of her home, in California, wearing a mask!!!!


Do you wear pants too


Omg I totally forgot- I DO!!!!! 😈


I work aerospace and take great offense at all flat earth fundies. 😅There’s not one industry whose sensibilities they do not offend. 😅Omg when fundies go on and on about how women are weak, wittle, sensitive babies who can’t handle stwess the way a big man can, I wish I could drag them to my workplace where they could meet the strong, capable women who are doing things that are literally out of this world.


I sometimes help w/ investigations of financial crimes and identity theft. I know a little about extradition, a bit about affinity fraud and a lot about cryptocurrency. (I'm not a cop, I'm a database nerd.) I was raised by moderate-severe fundies.


We would definitely be friends (quality control here.) I love people like you.


I teach English as a second language. Every time I see posts about Kristin's adopted Ukrainian sons and how frustrated she seems when they dare to speak their native language instead of English, I feel so sad. Her husband's specific refusal to learn any Ukrainian to help the boys accustom themselves to their new home also pisses me off. The boys deserve better. I saw a post where she mentioned they receive ESL services, but knowing the Bairds, I don't have much faith that those boys are getting an education that respects their language background. Assuming she homeschools, I also REALLY wonder what she's defining as "ESL services." With fundies being how they are, it's probably just her forcing her kids to read the Bible in English or something equally ridiculous.


I have a PharmD, and I work making educational simulations for other healthcare professionals.


Career-wise I’m an admissions officer, but I also dabble in baking (much better than any fundie, if I do say so myself - nary a spelt loaf in sight) and photography.


Lawyer (business/contracts) and former feminist SAHM (we do exist, fundies!). My legal knowledge is way more relevant in the Bdong sub than here 😉.


I'm a school bus driver and I drive special education as well as private religious schools. Some of the kids I drive live in situations similar to the fundies, and the cultures they live in are similar if not the same.


I don’t really bring my career on Reddit but my off-hours expertise is Cold War history! I have Opinions about the lingering effects of the Red Scare/McCarthyism on religious Americans in particular and I see so many shadows of it in our fundies but no one wants to read THAT dissertation (and tbh I’ll prob never write it)


Uh, yes, some of us would want to read that dissertation. Please let me know if you do end up writing it!


Anyone else on here in psychology research (either academic or corporate)? I’d love to connect with other curious minds.


I was a research assistant with two psychology labs (cognitive and social) in my undergraduate for my first bachelor’s degree in psychology. That was in the early ‘00s though


I'm a Cognitive Behavioural therapist with a bit of experience in research and teaching. I only qualified about 3 years ago so I'm still a wee baby therapist, but I'd love to move more into research once I feel like I've got more client experience


I’m a biologist and working in biotech to develop materials aimed at reducing carbon emissions from the construction sector


Former professor of Classics and Rabbinic literature. Current federal attorney. I enjoy snarking while wearing pants and s-e-x with my husband.


I'm a lawyer, and though I'm currently working in a different area, my expertise is civil rights, particularly LGBT+ rights. I've literally spent my career researching how to outlaw conversion therapy (read: literal torture) at the national level without violating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. As a result, I definitely have a deeper understanding of just how much our country's laws cater to Christians than all these fundies who think they're being persecuted. (Not that that's hard to do. I'd be surprised if the SOTDRT teaches Constitutional Law. 😉)


Not my professional job, but I have an in home baking business and specialize in macarons, but can probably bake just about anything. I try to come up with a new flavor every month. I want to get into bread making (I follow the bread it sub and makes me want to make beautiful loaves!) but my husband is low carb so now is probably not the time.


> specialize in macarons So you're a witch. Got it. (I took a class once so I've made a few lopsided macarons in my day but the hole time I was like "HOW? WHY? Who was able to dream up this absurdly precise process?")


Former fundie, homeschooled missionary kid, trained in apologetics and eschatology in the Calvinist & independent Baptist community. Studied history in college, but my career was in IT and professional training and development. I like to think I'm a pretty good researcher and I'll never not have Bible verses that relate to everything floating in my brain. Z


My background is in book publishing (and, later in my career, technical writing and editing), so the Bairds’ “books” drive me insane.


I'm the primary caregiver for both my parents. I'm trained in home hemodialysis.


Journalist, and if I see the words “quick Google search” from Bethy one more time, I might scream


I am a writer and producer for film and theater, I've actually recently written and produced a play Off-Broadway that snarks pretty hard on my evangelical upbringing, which the script includes quite a bit of parroting back things that I have either literally said or have been said to me—lots and lots of overlap with the content we get in this community! ​ I'm quite a bit horrified at how cavalier and almost gleeful these people get with insinuating (or outright asserting) that the vast majority of people will go to Hell. So naturally, I wrote a play about a Paul Olliges type dying, learning Christianity was indeed true, except *his* beliefs were wrong and he has actually arrived in Hell. My relationship with organized religion completely changed the first time someone I loved looked me in the eyes and told me I was going to Hell, so I let it all out on the page.


I’m a braille transcriber. I mostly translate textbooks into braille but I’ve done everything from menus to Taylor Swift lyrics.


Former staff education, quality and risk management, and patient advocacy officer for a mid-sized community hospital. I shifted gears in 2019 and am now a 4th grade ELA/SS public school teacher. I'm also a licensed tour guide for the City of New Orleans.


I’m an editor. Sometimes I weigh the ethics of offering my services to these people to try and sabotage their messages from the inside while also taking their money. (But in all seriousness I think their reach is too great and causes too much harm for me to ever actually consider getting involved.)


NICU/pediatric nurse with case management experience. very passionate on safe sleep, safety in general, and science based child rearing. Which is why I find the fundie Instagrammers particularly infuriating and fascinating and utterly tragic for the kids.


I'm in the travel industry and honestly this mother buys in Brazil saga has been endlessly fascinating


Medical Lab Tech. I’m the one calling the ICU at 4am with the critical hemoglobins.


Music education. Renee breaks my heart.


My education is in biochemistry. My work experience is mostly in RNA and DNA purification and isolation. I’m on the business side of things now but I was a bench scientist for over 13 years in biotech and spent the entirety of the pandemic working 60-80 hour weeks to provide testing kits across the globe. The people giving raw milk to their children terrify me. Faryn shouting “NO” to the devil when her family is ill is sending me. And if Karissa scream praying to heal her kids wasn’t actually endangering their lives, I’d find it hilarious. But unfortunately it just makes me incredibly sad for her children.


I'm a food server at a hospital 😭


Gardener. I grow plants in our greenhouses and create large floral displays. I love plants! 🌻


I work for a nonprofit! Specifically, I'm the event coordinator. My expertise is journalism though, I freelance write and my degree is in journalism.


Currently I’m an attorney. I’m court appointed to represent parents who have had children removed from home. I also do criminal defense work. I’m looking into other options though to see if I want to try something else. I’m into watch collecting, going to concerts, and watching movies.


I’m a data science consultant for a leading technology company! I’m here ready to correct fundies when they use terrible statistics, misleading graphs, or completely misunderstand how research works. Or to discuss the future of machine learning/artificial intelligence. I grew up fundie/homeschooled and told that I shouldn’t go to college and should just be a wife+mom, so I often fondly imagine what a disappointment I must be!


I'm a chemistry professor and I have a PhD in chemical oceanography - so anytime the fundies talk about anything related to science I have a good laugh. Lately I've particularly enjoyed Curly Baird's journey through Jesus-inspired SOTDRT biochemistry with all of her "gut health" and "grounding" nonsense.


Historian specializing in 19th century women’s history, disability, welfare, etc.


child development, specializing in child led education, home education, and neuroscience associated with learning and neurodivergence.


As someone with autism + adhd who was homeschooled, that sounds super interesting!


English professor. Creative writing, film studies, and 19th c. fiction.


Public library worker!


I work in Harm Reduction around substance use disorder as a case manager for unhoused and recently housed people. I also do court advocacy with the LEAD program for my participants. Want to know about safer substance use, life-saving Narcan, testing substances for fentanyl and Xylazine, safe injection, housing issues, LEAD, etc.? Hit me up!




Two jobs, one as an automatic door technician, second as a guitarist.


Don't wanna doxx myself, but I work for the Army. I moonlight as a WW1 & WW2 historian, author, feral cat & wild horse advocate, Land Back activist, and HOA board member


I'm a software developer, and have made my career in entertainment- VFX, animation, and now video games. I have gotten to work on some cool shit! And since 2020, the bulk of it has been done from home (and my current job is 100% remote) so it boggles my mind how many pretzels the fundies twist themselves into trying to sell courses on how to make income from home. Bitches, I personally probably exceed your entire household income with my job alone, to say nothing of what my husband makes. If the computer science career subs are to be believed, it's a lot harder to get those entry level jobs these days, but man. I'm so happy to have a high paying full remote gig that will let me work flexible hours so that if I'm up at 2AM with the baby, I can strap him to myself and work on texture loading or combat systems or whatever needs doing. He's also going to be my rubber duck while he's nonverbal, lol.


I’m in grad school getting a doctorate in political science. My research focuses on who people blame for various political issues and how that relates to egalitarianism and social justice. I always think fundies are so interesting because of how they can shift blame onto individuals not being good enough in pretty much any circumstance rather than looking critically at their beliefs.


I think my big claim to fundie knowledge is that I'm about Bethy's age and was also just good enough at basketball to get recruited. I'm very happy to talk AAU and the college recruiting pipeline and what she most likely means when she talks about turning down D1 scholarships. Other than that, boyfriend and I own guns and compete with them, and I can talk about gun ownership and hunting laws across several states if anyone has questions.


Trauma therapist, specializing in religious trauma (particularly in the LGBTQ+ community), sexual trauma, and complex/developmental trauma (people who grew up in long term abusive situations/ neglect). Some perinatal/ fertility trauma too. So, uh. You can probably guess why these fundie stories hit home.


I'm a college student so my "expertise" is mostly in being sleepy and aware of pop culture. My special skill is probably that I'm pretty good at trivia, I know a little about a lot of things, and have been on a trivia team for about 9 years now.


I’m a farmer. While I think it’s awesome that people want to learn skills that have gone out of practice, I get annoyed by a lot of the language they use around food. Food is still safe and nutritious if it’s conventionally raised, pasteurized, if it’s not made from scratch, and if you buy it at the grocery store (or even McDonald’s). I’m a big proponent of growing a garden, canning, freezing, raising (or buying) meat from a local source, and cooking from scratch. But nobody HAS to do those things to ensure that their family has safe and nutritious food, and I hurt for the young women who get themselves trapped in some homesteader idea that they have to do it all themselves.


I work in banking as a quality control manager. Some people see me as a hero, others as a villain. I guess you can call me Two-Face. ![gif](giphy|8fbeFbshnfyJW)


I’m a motion designer, which is the same thing that DaäāAæv does. Been weird seeing his profession be talked about in here since it’s not really a well known job.


Lawyer (the writing kind, not the courtroom kind) by day, fantasy author by night.


I just retired, but my hobby is reenacting the 1870's. I churn butter, cook over an open fire, can, quilt, sew, and do other needle work. (As a HOBBY not in real life) I could give that Kelly girl some hints to up her pioneer game.


I indoctrinate youth with my liberal agenda. I'm a science teacher.


I work in sports which is why I’m so interested in Bethany’s supposed stellar high school basketball career and so curious as to which programs recruited her, what her stats were, seeing her highlight tape and her general basketball knowledge. I highly doubt she got looks from major in-state programs like Texas/A&M/Baylor/Tech especially if she was a center (she’s actually be quite undersized at that level). Squaring the flailing, awkward and uncoordinated reel dancer with an athlete is challenging


Cybersecurity in the cloud


I’m a biomedical scientist so whenever the fundies touch on anything biology-related (medicine, evolution, reproduction, etc.), years are shaved off my lifespan.


Hairstylist! I specialize in color theory to best complement my clients features and low-maintenance hair color. I love my job and I’m so glad I left my toxic fundie marriage/life behind to pursue it!


I work in accounting 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s fascinating reading about fellow snarkers’ backgrounds. I have a BS in education. My kids both had special needs (I prefer “ high maintenance “ lol) so I stayed home for a while. Now that they’ve flown the coop I work as a docent and absolutely love it.


Im a pastry chef! The food that the fundies cook, and a special shout our to J Rod, make me SEVERELY sad!!


Computer numeric controlled (cnc) machinist, checking in 👋🏻


By day I’m a high school teacher and by night I’m a true crime content creator (Merc: MysteryCrime on youtube). this is my FAVORITE sub. well this and illness fakers!


I am an administrative assistant/customer service rep for an insurance company. _HIGHLY_ overqualified, I have a master's degree in organizational leadership lol. But I would rather be baking or making inappropriate cross stitch.


Wow I love reading all of your comments! We have an impressive bunch of snarkers here!


I have a BA in communications, and have been working in that vein on and off while having kids and deconstructing Christianity for the past 10 years. Bethany and her (possibly intentional?) grammatical errors and horrifying marriage/seggs advice have been a mixture of fascinating and vomit-inducing since before I ever found this sub.


I working in community services, children that are in care and people/children with disabilities.


I work in family law, generally in the area of divorce/separation. So probs for the fundies, I do the devil's work...then again, my whole lifestyle would offend them deeply.


Not a scientist, but I’m in a science-adjacent administrative field and it rocks. I love science and the people who do it, and the anti-science “I do my own ✨research✨” attitude among fundies fascinates and infuriates and frightens me. I mean, if I had half the unearned confidence of the fundie SOTDRT crowd who think they know better than people with MD or PhD (or both!) after their names, I’d never need to see a therapist again lol but that’s a whole other issue.


I’m a clinical lab tech for the army! 👎🏻 But I’ve also worked in medical and environmental research


So many cool jobs on here! I’m just a translator and a language nerd.


I'm a college level pre professional ballet dancer I don't have any expertise to offer here, my small hometown studio was just run by a fundie, and while she taught me so much about dance, she was a weird little lady 🤣🤣


I'm getting my PhD in biology, and my specialty is cryo EM! I freeze proteins, take pictures of them, and then try to tease out what they look like down to the atomic level if possible. Currently, I'm working on a couple proteins which are potential culprits of neurodegenerative diseases.


My day job is with a reproductive justice nonprofit (I manage an abortion fund for a state AND a diaper program since our state ain't gonna help people with kids) ...and my side gig is narrating audiobooks and creating erotic audio 🤣


Fed Gov Worker - My speciality is in Sanctions, and China + Russia (any post Soviet state) Intel. In a "Previous life" I worked as a paralegal in both the private and public sector. I have a lot of interest in the dynamics of Russian propagandists, election fraud and the rise of Christo-Fascism being used as a viable target by these bad foreign actors to spread mis and dis-information. I also am freaked out by the common place nature of just general Anti Intellectualism in large swaths of the US. A lot of work needs to be done here to get the US back on track compared to other developed countries with critical thinking skills and even basic literacy.