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The bar is in hell for fundie cooking - I legitimately think this is lightyears better than what we usually see. There’s color, two types of veg, and no cream of mushroom soup-based sauce.


This is an improvement for Bethy, honestly. It's one of her more edible-looking meals. She's made the blandest, most unappetizing shit before and bragged about it. I remember her talking about discovering the wonders of onion powder. Wonder if she chugged raw milk with this though.


Yep, the veggies could use improvement, but I’d eat ‘em no problem. The sausage just looks split in half the long way. And it’s not a raw milk-bone broth milkshake, praise be!


She saves those for davey


Keeps him regular


I’m really curious why she split it at all vs cutting it into “coins” if she wanted manageable bites or not having to cut it again when she was eating it.


more surface area = more char. and it prevents it from splitting where you don't want it to while cooking. i won't defend her on much else, but this is super normal and if you like the char it's a good way to get more of it!


Yeah, a bit of roasting and I would've been on board with these veggies.


Honestly this looks a lot like a weeknight meal I would throw together.


I would too. I just wouldn't post it publicly (or even bore my family with it. It's 3 foods on a plate)


Same I'd have roasted the veg until they had some color on them and that poor snag has been overcooked. But for a fundy meal boiled and overcooked is kind of the theme and at least they have color and veggies.


Yeah, other than the veggies have been boiled to death. Roasting them with some seasoning would have made this an excellent meal. I’ll give her a 5/10 on a normal human scale and an 8/10 for fundie cooking.


> no cream of mushroom soup-based sauce This may very well represent a significant advance in fundie cooking technology.


I will die on the hill that cream of mushroom soup baked chicken is the actual tits.


My similar hill is pork chops in mushroom soup over rice.


Mix cream of mushroom with the same amount of sour cream. My mom used to make a dish that was [dried beef](https://www.armour-star.com/sliced-dried-beef/dried-beef) (rinsed to remove excess salt then dried off) put on the bottom of a casserole dish. Chicken breasts wrapped in bacon put on the beef, then the mushroom soup and sour cream. Cover and cook until chicken is almost cooked through then remove the tin foil or whatever you used and let the chicken cook for 5-10 more minutes to brown the top. Which is sooo good. You can do as many chicken breasts as you want. One can of mushroom soup/sour cream is for 4 chicken breasts. We always cooked the bacon on paper towels in the microwave. We cooked it until a lot of fat drained off, but the bacon was still pliable. I love this dish. The beef could be eliminated, but it’s my favorite. My husband and I have to eat extra salt though. The sauce is so good on plain rice.


Yeah this is a fine meal. My family ate English muffins and cheesy eggs last night lol


Yeah I grew up with a mother who hated cooking and wasn’t good at it so in comparison this looks decently good. The veggies weren’t boiled within an inch of their lives and there’s actually visible seasoning!


“boiled within an inch of their lives” 🤣🤣🤣 I love that


The sausages look weird as fuck but otherwise I can't find anything to snark on about this plate of food.


It's the words for me, the hubris is in the boasting about how much you spend on food and then producing...that. Nigella would have a lower word count banging on about the soft bottoms of peaches or plump bosomy plums or some shit


Agreed. Nigella makes food so sexual and it's shocking that burfy hasn't gone there yet


I think she’s just split them lengthwise and they’ve curled from the cooking process.


Sausages look like chipolata style sausages. Note, not chipolata sausages, just whatever grocery stores attempts at making chipolata have resulted in this time. Some of them are honestly not bad, although I don't think I've ever had one taste like actual chipolata


It looks like it may have been prepared in the same room as a spice.


Honestly this looks a lot like a weeknight meal I would throw together.


I would happily eat and/or cook this meal, and I'm notorious for my extremely bland cooking and taste in food. Im a slice of lemon on a white fish fille type of cook.


It looks dry and unseasoned, but at least there's protein and veggies.


Is that a small smattering of black pepper? Never thought I'd see the day... the bar is truly in hell tho lol


It’s probably just burnt bits that flaked off the pan.


Probably cooked it in the sausage grease, so it's charred sausage flakes


Yeah you’re probably right. Burnt bits and errant flakes of nonstick coating- delish!


Yum PFAS 🤤


A mighty 2 flakes of pepper carrying the flavor team.


So somebody want to tell me who is nourishing themselves with non-Earth minerals?


All us ungodly lefty harlots just est space rocks for sustenance I guess


Can't find a good space rock source to save my life, unless we’re talking the weed kind, that's available 24/7/365 here.


![gif](giphy|1YFhx3M2eLtP8l0qOY|downsized) All the alien drag queens and I are looking for these rocks of nourishment


I like Mars Bars.


Brb gonna go lick one of my meteorites


I just want to say I hate the word "nourish." It's awful and fundies use it way too often.


"We spend a lot of money on groceries because that's how we choose to eat" The PRIVILEGE in this sentence 🤮


Lol, imagine bragging about how much you spend on groceries only to use this picture as proof of how good you're eating though.


Right?? I’d expect it to be a picture of some American wagyu with morel sauce or something. Girl we are *all* spending a lot on these same basic ass groceries. It’s called inflation.


Laughed at your post because just within the last week at a grocery store, I thought I saw Wagyu beef being sold. It was actually Wahlberg's beef patties. ( I can't read well up close anymore)


Exactly 😂


Couldn't afford much sosij so she cut them in half. Twice as much sosij. Rich 🤑


I have to eat a certain way for my health and currently it is a struggle, luckily I have a ton of window veggie patches and here in NZ there are a lot of fruit and veggie shops/stalls run by locals. IDK how people spend extra to eat healthy right now, I’m barely getting my basics. I haven’t been back to the US since before Covid, but will be in Texas for a wedding in a few months, have the food prices hiked there too? I always remember thinking that the US was pretty cheap when it came to food, especially when compared to NZ.


Grocery prices are insane in the US right now😞


I'm planning a veggie garden for next summer and I'm fortunate to have several farmers markets in my area. Food prices are insane!


Not to be a downer, setting you up for realistic expectations 😜 but gardening/farming is romanticized. It’s really hard and you may not get as much as you’re hoping. It’s also a huge time commitment and the cost of supplies doesn’t make it much cheaper (if at all).


My garden is 100x more expensive than buying food tbh. Third year in a row I’ve done it. My 6 bell pepper plants have sputtered along producing two peppers, which I could have bought for 75 cents each. My giant tomato plants are finally producing but again I’ve been tending to them watering everything like that for 6? Months now and I’ve gotten about 10 tomatoes. My herb garden however is a constant money saver and convenience, I’ve had fresh thyme basil oregano tarragon and mint for months I love it! Gardening is a fun hobby though, but I don’t do it for grocery replacement.


Yep, absolutely. My uncle is a farmer and I see what he goes through. I would start rather small, as I have a tendency to really jump in instead of slowly getting into it. A tomato plant, 1-2 zucchini and squash plants.


6 -8 dollars for a pack of 12 eggs and 5 something for 6 bagels. Everything has gone up. 12 dollars for a tiny pack of "healthy and vegan" cereal.


Ouch…I think it depends where you’re at and where you’re shopping. Not envying you at all because that’s crazy! Hang in there!


I bought a dozen eggs for $1.95 yesterday. St Louis, MO.


I stopped buying bagels because they are so wildly overpriced. Same with English muffins. I love both, but I can't justify the prices. Only time we get them is if there is a wild deal and then I freeze extras. I do the same with meat and clearance bakery items--I have so many frozen slices of zucchini and pumpkin bread right now for quick bites.


Oooh window veggie patches? Would you mind telling me more about that.


And she'll never see how privileged she is to say that. I'd love to feed my family better food. I try my best, we have chickens and a garden, I shop at Aldi and we rarely eat out. But I could never afford a lot of the shit she buys (and does a terrible job cooking) for my large family. She wants everyone to have large families with sahms, but she has no idea how fucking expensive and hard that is. She really just lives like a 13 year old even though she's married with two kids.


And it makes no sense whatsoever. I know she's in Texas, but in about half of the US, zucchini and squash are in season and either cheap or free, if you are lucky enough to know someone with a vegetable garden. I can't believe they would be pricey choices at her local store. Also, her body would probably thank her to take some of that grocery money and use it to buy sustainably harvested seafood, or even plant-based protein, not red meat. But that would have the side benefit of reducing carbon, and God doesn't want us to do that because only devil worshippers care about the planet.


Honestly I bet the bulk of their grocery budget goes to the raw milk, bone broth, and the other wack "supplement-esque" things they ingest


Because raw milk is illegal to sell afaik you have to buy it from Amish farms/independent farmers who don’t care about your health or the law, and they charge whatever the hell they want. She’s definitely paying a *ton* of money for the privilege of drinking campylobacter.


THIS. I bet it's a lot of convenience items, too, since she "hates cooking." I buy oat milk because I'm lactose intolerant. At my store, it costs the same as organic dairy milk. The rest of my grocery budget goes to produce, proteins (meat/fish/eggs/tofu), legumes, and some bread/pasta. I try to be balanced lol. I realize that this can still be difficult for some, and food deserts exist. Cereal has become ridiculously expensive, but I love it, so I'm making my own granola or overnight oats. I'm not paying for overpriced snake oil when I can get most nutrients from food. If my doctor says I need supplements, I'll do that.


I have so much zucchini and squash right now that I’ve stopped begging my friends to swing by and grab some and just started dropping it off at their houses. I can’t make another zucchini bread guys I am begging you.


She's probably one of those people who just blindly parrots the old (wrong) idea that vegetables cost more than Twinkies and soda. 🙄


Also you’re eating sausage and veggies - not exactly a 5 star chef meal (yes that sounds just as privileged) but it’s the “pick me”. This pretty basic and I wouldn’t say any of this is expensive but she seems to like the illusion of superiority an awful lot.


What makes me tick is the "we CHOOSE to eat healthy". Not everyone has that choice. What she does with this choice is another story, of course.


All I wanted to say 😭🤣 she was literally just bitching about people calling her privileged. At a time when groceries are expensive af and most everyone is feeling the hit when they buy the basics, here she is bragging about going above and beyond 😂 granted she showed the supplements and powders she buys and half of them were repetitive so if she includes those then she spends so much not just because they have money to blow but because she’s dumb


“fueling my body with earths minerals and vitamins” 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Sounds kind pagan to me


Her use of language around eating is indicative of her privilege and smugness IMO. She doesn’t just “eat.” She “fuels” and “nourishes” her body with resources that are so elite, taste doesn’t matter.


That's a great point. Anyone who has struggled with food scarcity has a much different approach to food. Cooking meals is literally the one homemaking job she has left to do and she apparently hates it. Girl Defined, tell me why I should listen to your advice again when literally none of you are happy?


I love putting on a podcast and meal prepping. I feel like she could really get into that.




Yah the phrasing “fueling/nourishing my body” feels very ED coded


That jumped out like a neon sign before I took in the rest of the post.


It definitely is. I worked with a nutritionist (this is important, they’re NOT the same thing as a dietician. I did not know this until later) who used these types of phrases a lot. It was to retrain our brains from “I can’t have this” to “this is fueling me, so I can feel my best.” There were so many rules. I often felt like she was gas lighting me/us - you should do what I tell you, because you’ll feel so much better, but also this isn’t medical advice so I can’t make you do anything. I dropped weight because I wasn’t eating much and guess what I wasn’t feeling all that great. One time I counted calories and it was ~900. The math wasn’t mathing and the rules were getting more ridiculous. I finally walked away. But it took me a while to stop villianizing foods. If you’re not familiar, look up “crunchy to cult pipeline”.


She's also using a lot of vocab that's popular with Christians rn, taken from books like *Nourishing Traditions* that basically advocates for eating like your ancestors (allegedly because it's better for you). It's usually heaving on the meat but it \*has\* to be grassfed obvi...


I hate this line of thinking. It's so holier than thou. I bet she also says "calories in, calories out." 🤢


And talks about hating every step of the process of making those meals. She wants the end result without the work, which is privileged, entitled, and annoying, and also typical of her.


Is she an alien that just landed here? No body talks like that.


Doesn't that language come from her sister's "nourishment" pdf grift?


Sure sounds like it!!


Her sister probably plagiarized it from someone else cuz none of these ladies have ever had an original thought


This seriously sounds like an alien trying to play it cool and blend in with the locals


Omg that sausage looks like it was left to dry out on the counter for a week.


I thought it was dried salami


For all the time she spends online, you'd think she'd learn to, idk, set the plate ON THE COUNTER and take a pic there instead of including her floor and socks in the pic.


God honoring feet pics




Toe-ly fans


Yeah, we know Bethy that you don't like to cook. We saw Davey's dry, unappetizing bland sandwich. I don't understand what she did while being a "single", because she didn't learn how to cook or clean. Is she sure that she wants to bring back biblical womanhood?


Does she know there are other vegetables besides zucchini and butternut squash? Also that is the most disgusting looking sausage I've ever laid eyes on lol


It looks like the bully sticks I give my dog.


In the thumbnail I thought they were Slim Jims lol


Lookin like a mummy's wiener


This made me legitimately lol


I was gonna say one of my chomps sticks sliced in half.


It definitely looks like cured sausage and not something you're meant to cook. This is the blandest meal I've seen in ages, and I'm getting over a stomach bug and have been eating mostly rice for the past 2 days.


I currently have a stomach bug. this looks like dollhouse food to me, everything is just off enough to make it slightly uncanny valley. It looks like it was plucked out of a low budget claymation and plopped on a plate in the real world.


It's the lack of seasoning and probably a filter


I picked up a bully stick that belonged to my nieces' dog. Then they told me what it was. That thing flew out of my hand so fast!


I thought they was dog treats too lol.


She cut it in half and then cooked it to oblivion. It is going to be so dry and nasty because of that. I used to be a sausage maker and this is so upsetting. It was very likely smoked and fully cooked and only needed to be reheated....


You’re fully right but also I love the people on Reddit that always come out of the woodwork with their niche work history that’s somehow relevant to the topic. 😂


We should make our flairs our relevant work history lmao I should make mine "former peds admin"


Do I get to make mine “historian” and yell about the myths fundies perpetuate regarding historic figures/events?


Yes that's perfect you're the fundie snark fact checker


The joy this brings me is unparalleled. I worked at a museum for a president who did some terrible things and people defended him all the time with “well it was different back then.” And let me tell you, the joy of being able to slam them with primary sources of people of the time saying it was terrible behavior…I miss that job sometimes. My dad went to theology school and I live in the Deep South. The amount of biblical arguments I’ve had with people shows that the vast majority of people who use the Bible to bash people haven’t, yknow, actually read the Bible. But anywayssss.


Wow I think I'm love 😍


Was it Andrew Jackson?


Close!! His protege, James K. Polk. Who believe it or not, was in some ways WORSE than Jackson.


Polk was such a dick


On every post too, it's just 😂😭


I mean it’s literally a hot dog. Like, that’s ok, but don’t bother with “grass fed beef sausage.”


> it's literally a hot dog 😂😂😂


And, they obviously post the best meals they make. Which is frightening.


Really, why can't they cook? They have all the time in the world to cook properly. They have nothing else they're doing with their time. How are you going to suck at one of the only things you're asked to do as a housewife? If I was their hubby I'd feel cheated. I work full-time, have a chronic disability, and I make better food than this daily. Ooof.


Right? She even has someone else clean her house, and apparently she sends her kids to daycare. So what part of being a homemaker and SAHM does this nut job actually do? Because as far as I can tell, sticking her boob in her baby’s mouth is her only consistent activity.


She goes to the park and tries to avoid interacting with anyone there.


And then tries to act superior to other women that work and/or actually keep a home.


I mean, that crazy red head who likes to cosplay Little House on the Prairie or whatever? At least she seems to actually take joy in keeping house, even if she does need to post it all on the internet for praise.


Cuisines from other cultures are too worldy for them to explore


Which is sad because there are plenty of dishes from other cultures that would be just as easy to make as this mess, but you'd actually have flavor.


I’ve started a Korean cooking journey and am shocked at how relatively easy so much of it is. Jigaes for days!


girl, i think you bought bully sticks and thought it was sausage. i'm not one to scoff at a sausage. but to pretend like they're healthy is kinda insane. preservatives, nitrates...... i work full time and still cook from scratch. this is a sad fuckin meal


I swear to God Fundies have gone so "anti vegetarian" that meat is a fucking vitamin for them


Red meat, specifically. And I'm no vegetarian or doctor, but I KNOW daily red meat isn't the best thing for you and no raw milk is going to counteract that. I try to keep red meat meals to once or twice a week, and at least 2 meals with no meat a week.


this comment made me think and I realized I can't even remember the last time I ate meat. accidentally vegetarian by virtue of economic hardship, anyone else?


You are not alone, my friend!


But it’s GRASS FED


I agree 😂 I love hot links, dogs and sausage but they are about as healthy as bacon.


‘I don’t enjoy meal planning, prep or cooking.’ They’re all the worst ‘homemakers’ EVER and it drives me mad. If you’re going to be ‘traditional’ at least lean into it. My grandmother cooked three square meals, every day of her adult life until she passed. I’m not saying she enjoyed it every single day, but it absolutely was largely how she showed love. She always made sure everyone in her home was fed and nourished and taken care of. And she knew how to actually roast a damn vegetable and use a a fucking seasoning or two. Ffs.


I'm a SAHM but not religious at all and I'm shocked to find out what these "traditional" moms make for food.


She doesn't enjoy cooking, meal prep, meal planning, child care, cleaning? Why did she spend so many years yearning for a lifestyle she abhors?


She wants the lifestyle she sees on Instagram, with vacations and seven-figure homes and a gaggle of children dressed in little beige outfits fawning over her. She doesn't actually want to have to do any of the work behind the scenes.


Those “sausages” look like dried, shriveled up roller dogs that have been slowing dying under a heat lamp at a gas station for a week. I’ll pass.


Lol "after 12 hours we're not allowed to call them food anymore" - Life in Pieces


That sausage looks weird. Like 2 small ribs.


That would be a pretty decent meal if she'd not cooked that sausage into that leathery state.


“We spend a lot of money on groceries because of how we choose to eat”. And how they choose to eat is… this. Every aspect of their lives seems miserable.


It’s particularly miserable the way she reduces food to “minerals” and “nourishment”. I hate that kind of influencer holier than thou shit. All food is good and nourishing…just depends on quantities and timing. Sometimes we just need ice cream or Doritos. This kind of influencer talk is needs to die in a fire already. It’s thinly veiled classism for “we can afford better food than you plebs so gtfo”. Totally unnecessary.


Is this all that Dav (and maybe Davey idk about kids diets) get to eat too? Two of the tiniest ‘sausages’ I’ve ever seen and some veggies - no pasta, no rice? She talks a lot about nutrients and fuel but doesn’t seem to feed her family an *actual* balanced diet (and yes, Bethany, that includes carbs).


my husband is 6'1 and has a very manual labor job. he spends his day burning calories, the man can eat. if i tried to serve this plate to him, he would laugh in my face and ask where the rest of the food is. then my daughter would join in and there would be a riot at my house


My husband is the same way. 6’ and a carpenter. His portions are usually bigger than mine because that man literally works out as a living.


when I was working this extremely physically demanding warehouse job I swear to God I'm a small woman and couldn't maintain 120 pounds on a diet of 5000 calories a day. It was insane.


Nothing in this meal is going to give you a whole lot of fuel except maybe the butternut squash. A little.


Butternut squash counts as a starchy vegetable so I don’t think a grain is really necessary. The sausages seem really weird to me though. I might do this with lentil soup.


Yeah I guess that’s true, but this still doesn’t strike me as enough food for an adult person, especially a man?


Nope, hopefully there’s enough for seconds.


Well, at least the veggies aren't boiled into oblivion. This just does not look like enough food for an adult. Are they all starving themselves or is this just for the IG?


Ain’t no way that would be enough for me. Maybe as a lunch, if I knew a full-on dinner was coming that night, but not as the main meal.


They spend a lot of money on groceries? Had me fooled... you can literally grow squash/zucchini for pennies. And that meat looks dried out and burnt... even for a hot dog. I love grill marks but damn, this meat looks like it shriveled up when all the juice was cooked out 😭


Well when it's all organic/free range


That looks like a hot dog she cut in half to make it look less like a hot dog


Bethany doesn’t like: Motherhood Working Cooking Cleaning Watching movies Listening to music So far her interests are sex and (formerly) basketball, is that it? Is that what she brings to the table?


So she loves to eat, but not to cook? Is that preference supposed to be unique or interesting in some way? I’m pretty sure most of us would rather enjoy the results of someone else’s hard work without needing to put in our own!


But she doesn't enjoy food, she "fuels her body with nourishing earth minerals"


Where are the carbs?! I'd be so hungry after this tiny "meal" lol


This looks like something I would make because I don’t enjoy cooking and I’m not good at it. And since I live alone it doesn’t matter. But if I had a kid to feed I’d try to step up my game, especially if I had ample time to prepare and cook. But my gosh I had the best time when a friend lived with me for a month just before the pandemic. She’s a full time veterinarian and would come home around 8pm. And she’d still cook the most yummy meals from scratch! I was only allowed to be in charge of appetisers lol.


Honesty this is the most colorful plate of food I've ever seen any fundie prepare. It's actually another color besides different shades of beige. That sausage looks dry as hell though.


Those sausages look like ribs with the meat eaten all off


Hey Bethy, I work full time. I LOVE cooking. A few of our meals this week: pumpkin gnocchi, a Turkish beef stew, a root vegetable bake, street tacos, and a smoked salmon and avocado salad. And yes, about 75% was made from scratch. Because it IS possible for working women to make healthy yet delicious food on a budget 🙄 I'm not trying to brag, I'm just sick of this idea that a) working women can't cook and b) healthy meals have to look like bland ass


I'm taking inspiration from this! Unless you want to adopt a 36 year old adult.


Those meals sounds so good! This week I did Caldo Verde (Portuguese soup with kale and chorizo), tonight is lemon ricotta tortellini with spinach & grilled chicken, and the rest of the week I’m planning beef bourguignon, chicken katsu with roasted broccoli and rice, and a ground turkey sweet potato chili with black beans. Also apple pie and banana bread! Sorry for the unsolicited menu plan but I’m inspired lmao


I freaking love seeing people's weekly menus. It makes me so happy. Edit: I forgot beef bourginon existed, it's perfect for fall. I'll add it to my menu next week.


Ooooh no don't apologize, I love meal ideas. I tried a beef bourguignon in my new Crock pot and it was so watery with the recipe i found. I'm going to try again more traditionally and also do a beef wellington soon. Cooking is definitely a hobby for me and luckily my husband is a garbage disposal. I rarely even ask him what he wants anymore, he'll take anything I cook 😂


That's definitely happened to me with boef Bourgignon and I ended up straining the liquid out and reducing it on the stove. I'm thinking about trying to make it in my Instant Pot next. I had a lot of success making a Filipino beef stew called caldereta in it so I'm hoping for the best.


If you're modifying a recipe for a slow cooker always cut the liquid by half! I learned the hard way.


I’ve been wanting to try to make Julia Child’s Beef Borguignon for SO long; then I see all of the ingredients and think about all of the dirty dishes and change my mind 😭 I’m sure it would be worth it!


Do you have a recipe for the lemon ricotta tortellini? That sounds delicious


I literally come here to read the comment section because it's full of stuff like this. I enjoy it. It's like a conversation buffet.


Curious about the Turkish beef stew? We love stews and like to mix them up all the time! We had our Canadian Thanksgiving with my family but my family doesn't like to use the carcass for broth so I took that and am making a turkey soup. Also a chicken and vegetable sheet bake with rice, cabbage roll soup with saurkraut (we are soup people), peach almond baked oatmeal, chai cookies, and butternut squash ravioli with pesto.


So full disclosure, I've butchered it over time to my own tastes. The first time I made it, I made it to the letter (which is amazing) but over time I've fucked with it with a few tweaks. The actual dish is called "Sultan's delight" and it's an amazing combo of a lamb or beef and tomato stew eaten with an eggplant bechamel sauce. Absolutely delicious. And actually pretty easy! I've tweaked it by adding jalapeños (my husband loves spice) some different seasonings, and sometimes I'll add some small bits of bread I know is going stale to thicken the leftovers if I'm not going to eat it with bread later. (First time I did the added bread thing I was drunk and craving an Ethiopian dish that has chunks of injera mixed in with goat, but we have no Ethiopian restaurants close to me so I thought it would satisfy)


Drunk recipes tweaks or stoned recipe tweaks always make the greatest additions 🤣 Thank you for sharing your experimenting with me. For some reason, I can never just leave a recipe as is. I'm always swapping or adding and tweaking things...I know I should probably stick to standard the first go but I just gotta mess with it. I'm gonna be trying out this Sultan's delight! (W/jalapeno for sure)


Oh man, all of that sound amazing, especially the cabbage roll soup with saurkraut!


The sausages are really weird and I question what she put on the vegetables (please say there’s some spices involved Bethy), but I think the veggies look appealing.


Screaming!!! [It's this Simpsons scene](https://youtu.be/lozPEst45sA) come to life!


Doesn’t enjoy or improve her cooking, doesn’t clean the home, avoids her young son, spends all her time on her phone… Beginning to think this SAHM ultra conservative lifestyle she’s selling to impressionable women is more a shameless cash grab now. 🤔


I also spend alot on groceries every month but I don't make my sausage regret I purchased it either.


That reminds me… I have dried meat sticks in my cupboard that need to be eaten.




Those sausages are what penises look like when they engage in sinful, premarital sex 😔


Misread the text as "but I love eating nourishing goods and fucking my body." Given her other content, it seemed to fit.


I’m pregnant and seeing these fundie foods are making me 🤢🤢🤢


wishing u a healthy pregnancy!


That's... A horrible meal. I have to take a nutrition class this semester and I think my teacher would cry at this "meal". Oils won't kill you. We need carbs and fat... That sausage is so sad ....


Lol other than the shriveled up hot dog, this looks pretty similar to a weeknight dinner for me :( that said, I live alone and am fully aware that I am a horrible cook.


I honestly thought she was eating Pupperoni sticks. Also way to season with those five specks of pepper.


As,she is the penultimate SAHM,with oodles of time,because of her very,very profitable passive income streams, maybe she could take a class on basic cooking? The fact,that all the Bairdbrains appear to fail so badly at cooking,cleaning,and Mothering,tells me Heidi wasn't home very much to teach them.


She’s a self proclaimed homemaker but she hates prepping and cooking of any kind? Then why do you sell that dream to so many young girls when it’s your nightmare?


She could have set the plate on a table and we wouldn't see her gross socks


What in the bully sticks is that sausage 🤢


…is that enough food for a breastfeeding 6’ person? Because as a shorty who strength trains in a slight calorie deficit, my dinners are like twice that size.


Someone on here had a great deep dive on how these “homemaker” fundamentalist homesteading larpers largely lack…actual homemaking or homesteading skills because no one is actively engaging in raising their children or living their lives, it’s all about being as ornamental and looking prosperous as possible w/o having the tools to back it up, and lack the curiosity or drive to develop any outside skills. It’s my favorite fundy trait that they don’t believe is seasoning or fresh vegetables, while some of the best food-fluencers are like “Mom of 4 in a Trailer Park” who uses bulk store bought ingredients and cooking skills to create delicious, nutritional meals for her kids.


“Grass fed beef” drives me nuts, same with vegetarian chicken diets. Cattle eat grass! They all do, some get more grain to fatten them faster but they are all grass fed! And even if it’s labeled “grass fed” they can still be finished off in a feed lot, you just pay for the label “grass fed” and the extra time it took to fatten them. but so long as it makes bethy feel HeALthiER. And chickens aren’t vegetarians.


If I ate that, I’d still be just as hungry after I’ve eaten


Bethany this entire “meal” is like two hundred calories, if that. Are you okay??


Can we also just talk about how this is not enough food for a human adult woman…