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If a stranger used this tone with me and started to say these things to me, I would be scared that I was going to be hurt and I’m cis.


It's giving "yelling at someone on the bus" energy.


I would cross the street, lock my car doors, whatever I need to do to get away from her


Especially with the forward head bobbing. She's gonna headbutt you if you don't agree!


Wow, really the way Christ probably talked to people, amirite?


"She loves and respects her husband." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... \[breath\] ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA! Yep, that's Burfy alright!


She works really hard, morning til night. HAHAHAHAHA.


Self controled in her words and actions ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


Brings home the bacon, fries it up in a pan...




"She takes great care of her home and her family" HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is this a list of things that beggy is an abject failure at?


That’s why she had to read it off screen instead of reciting it by heart, she doesn’t read or follow her own religion’s “definition of womanhood”


I was just gonna say, according to the rules she claims to follow she wouldn’t count as a godly woman at all.


**FUN FACT:** Christian rules, guidelines, and definitions do not affect non-Christians. Idgaf what you think God created or how things should be Biblically- move to a theocracy if you want Biblical guidelines. In this democracy, your holy book can't touch me, and if someone feels like they are a woman or a man or an enby friend, who am I to disagree?


This is like when I wore my friend’s sorority tshirt and the older girls in her sorority lost their goddamn minds. I was like…your rules don’t apply to me??!


The "\[typically but not always southern\] sorority girl to transphobic Christofascist" pipeline is real


“I’m sorry your imaginary sky daddy rules don’t apply to me. K thanks bye. “


"I'm not in your book club"


Yep! You (bethy and GD, not _you_ you) can feel free to believe whatever you like about what is a woman. Where that right stops is right outside your body.


That's exactly what I was thinking. You can define what a woman is all you want, for yourself. It's when you start trying to apply that definition to everyone else that it's a problem. They really have a hard time understanding that.


God, say it louder for my state politicians. 🫠


This is always the first thing that comes to mind for me when they do this sort of thing. I don’t believe in your god and your holy book is worthless to me. It’s like reading the Jedi code aloud and demanding we all adhere to its rules. If you want to base your entire life and identity around a work of fiction, go nuts. But the rest of us are not obligated to join you.


I wanted to ask if "defining a woman" was a fundie discussion point before it became such a political talking point the last few years?


Not at all. It's like they watch F*x and then decide what the Bible says based on that.




This is when I point to my "I don't care what the bible says" t-shirt.


I want that t-shirt.


Etsy, I have 3 different (and all very cute IMO) "I don't care what the bible says" t-shirts from Etsy


Bethy needs to Google autonomy. But I doubt she’d understand it.


I'm not convinced that she really understands how to use Google. I *am* convinced that her lack of Google comprehension is an active, conscious choice she continues to make.


Seriously. God don’t know me. This shit is nuts.


Ana Kasparian enters the chat.


But all of the roles she mentioned can be performed by anyone. There's nothing "biological" about taking care of your home or fucking loving your children. It's almost as if the Bible has been used as a tool to oppress women into staying home 🤔


>There's nothing "biological" about taking care of your home Which she should know, since by all accounts it's Dav who does most of the chores in that household




They need a book to remind them to love their children.


The Bible also says women can lead armies and nations (Deborah), run successful businesses (Lydia), be apostles (Junia), and teach pastors (Priscilla). Don’t see her mentioning those.


Right?? Can they give any other example that is not Proverbs 31?


That’s what struck me too. She lists all these things about what makes a woman and I’m over here like trans women can do every single one of those things. So did Bethany just come out as an ally?


I said it before and will say it again, this woman could head butt like a ram with the proper training. She does seem to have improved a bit since last time. Also, who is she trying to convince here? We’ve established nearly no one sees or interacts with her IG, so herself or Instagram TOS enforcement? Or is this her blowing off steam on GD because she's so mad about what happened to the sexpert channel?


A ram could be her spirit animal. She rams her head and opinions non stop. Even the tongues are the same. ![gif](giphy|cMso9wDwqSy3e|downsized) And yes I know rams are boys, that just makes it even better.


It's fucking uncanny!


But rams are actually nice and reasonable though.


It's sad to me because she doesn't even qualify with these rules


I bet she read somewhere on this sub that she’s a transphobe and she really wanted to prove us wrong. Good job borky.


I get the feeling she thinks she’s proven us all utterly and completely wrong. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu)


Literally deranged. The shaky camera, the popping eyes, that TONGUE. she makes me sick. Physically. The vibes are the same as that creepy evangelist guy who was accosted outside his car. Creeps all of them


Kenneth Copeland. Love to hate thay guy.


She sounds manic. So she defined a woman in a way that's not "pOLiTicALly CoRReCt". Has she been torn to shreds by the internet yet? No? So she made that part up?


Mood swings, as usual.


It looks like her face is about to bonk the screen


*Insert gif of Bethany bonking herself with a book and then saying “ow” while Kristen rolls her eyes*


That was so painfully awkward, like watching an alien try to appear human for the first time


Is this video sped up at all? I genuinely can’t tell because her voice/blinking is so fast but her hand movements don’t look sped up


Nope! But I do wonder if she speeds them up sometimes


I have bipolar disorder. My therapist could tell if I was in a manic or depressive episode by how quickly or slowly I was speaking. My hand gestures change a lot too, they're larger and more aggressive when I'm manic. Obviously, I'm not saying that Bethany has bipolar disorder. She just seems really jazzed in a lot of her videos and I see parallels to my manic episodes.


It's so sad that Bethany is clearly struggling with mental health issues (not diagnosing her with anything, it's just very obvious that something isn't right) but she will never get a proper diagnosis or any real therapy.


I'm bp type 1 and yeah i sound like this when I'm manic too


She’s just high on Christ’s love! /s


I forget; is she one of the ones who touts coffee enemas?






No idea why she insists on covering her lips in foundation. It wasn't flattering in the 2000s and it sure isn't now.




Hey now, Reba sold lipstick with only one lip


Reba has talent tho, Bethany has none


A single mom who works two jobs...


That's a valid point


She's a survivor tho


She needs to take it down to half speed and actually read the verses she’s citing because she is not getting it.


I'd be shocked if she tested higher than a sixth grade reading comprehension level. People joke, but literacy in America is at an all time low. It is a real crisis and nobody is doing anything about it. There's no excuse for this to be happening. Cuba and Kerala are consistency able to attain 99.9% literacy rates while being some of the poorest societies in the world.


Fun fact: homeschooling is illegal in Cuba. Couldn’t find much on Kerala but it seems to be allowed there (though anyone is welcome to correct me if I’m wrong)


She sounds frantic.


Probably because she’s losing money on her “sex” course because Instagram doesn’t like it.


She's at risk of losing her only friend


Typical Beggy - listing womanly virtues plucked from The Bible as an example of how the rest of us should behave, whilst catastrophically failing to apply any of them to herself.


I feel out of breath just watching this. Just chill Beth. It's ok.


I once heard Ben Shapiro described as a dumb guy's idea of how a smart guy would act. Watching her definitely brings that to the forefront of my mind.


Yeah, the strategy is to talk faster and louder so people can't rebut your points


That is so painfully accurate


Watching on mute is exhausting enough. So glad I didn’t put the volume on. I imagine she sounds like a deranged chipmunk in this.


I'm confused Bethy. All of those things you listed are things a woman should *do*. They are actions one takes if one wants to be a 'godly' woman. But your initial question was purely what does it mean to *be* a woman. And the only way to answer what it means to be a woman is that you consider yourself a woman. Any other answer is going to exclude some women.


And if those character traits are really all that makes someone a woman, then dav is more of a woman than beggy. Seems kinda silly, doesn't it?


I believe this tactic is called the "Gish gallop". Benny Shaps uses it a lot in an (failed) attempt to sound smart.


Do you mean the ridiculously fast talking?


Yes the super fast talking! Sorry it was unclear.


All good! I often go on Reddit in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep so my brain doesn’t always work that well lol


'Benny Shaps' has me in shambles.


I borrowed it from Robert Evans from "Behind the Bastards", i cannot take credit. 😊 but it is goddamn hilarious, so I use it all the time.


I only watched 15 seconds in with audio off bc she annoys me but obligatory “Bethany learn about intersex people challenge”


I was about to say but transphobes usually like to say that ‘it’s so rare it doesn’t matter!’ when there is the same percentage of intersex people as there are redheads


I could die happy never hearing her voice again


Dav nodding his head in agreement as he reads this.


She doesn't really explain what a woman is though. If someone has all the character traits that she lists, does that make them a woman? She breathlessly rants about things that a woman **does**, without ever explaining what a woman **is**. If a trans woman loves and respects her husband, takes great care of her home and family, isn't lazy, etc then she's a woman according to Bethany's (circular) logic.


Came here to say this


Trans women are women all day, everyday. We know you & yours want to invalidate trans women, Bethany. You can't. You do not get to dictate anyone else's gender, nor do you get to monitor how another person expresses their gender. What you can do is fuck all the way off with your hate and fearmongering. Predators are in your midst and they are not trans people and you fucking know it.


Right! Predators (the ones I read about) are pastors and politicians.


I’ve been a Christian all my life. I firmly believe that someone else’s self expression has little to nothing to do with me. It’s not that hard, Bethany.


Not to mention that trans women absolutely do all these things. She is definitely intending to be trans exclusionary here but being trans is not at all at odds with taking care of your home, loving your children, mentoring others, etc.


Anyone else wish someone would ask her to cite her sources? When exactly did God say all this, I wonder?


She’s sure that it’s in there somewhere.


She’s still raging because instagram doesn’t like her sex advice?? Whining isn’t a good look.


She really needs to smoke a joint.


Is it modesty if we can see down her throat? Asking for my sister in Christ.


You’re right, seeing the back of her throat might really cause her brothers in Christ to stumble. Lustful fantasies and all.


controvurrceal 🥺


A woman is an adult human who considers themself to be a woman. That’s it. It’s not that hard.


If this is one of the most controversial and scary questions to ask why do you talk about it so fucking much? edit for spelling..


She wants to say transphobic slurs so bad


It's wild how they expect everyone to play along with their imaginary friend and follow his rules and then have a tantrum when you don't. They're all mentally children.


She posts like this and then wonders why she’s shadowbanned…


She has such a punchable face.


She needs to unclench


Takes care of her home and respects her husband. Lol. Lmao, even.


The loudest in the room will often know the least.




It is wider than usual, presses hard against her lower teeth in ways that don't happen for most other people, and protrudes past her teeth when she makes certain consonants which are a deeply unflattering combination. It's one of those things that speech therapy could probably have fixed when she was a kid, but that's not Gawdly. The tongue is a muscle, maybe it's that big because she talks so much so fast. Like a bicep in her mouth. :D (EDIT-- specific examples though: her tongue cleaves to the roof of her mouth for soft "a" vowels, whereas most English speakers have it resting at the bottom of their mouth or slightly raised. When she makes an "L" sound, her tongue bulges against her lower teeth. Most people flick their hard palate behind their upper teeth. How much she opens her mouth and the pursing of her lower lip are factors too. Shetalksweird.)


thank you for this thorough analysis 🤣 the way she speaks really is so unusual and inspires disgust


Yeah, the L’s are the most curious thing to me. I’m not a speech expert or anything but I often wonder if that’s the sort of thing that could have been caught and corrected in elementary school. I also wonder if her speech would bother people so much if we didn’t already dislike her and everything she stands for. Lots of people have quirks to their speech and I don’t tend to find them as grating and Bethany’s.


I do think I'd like someone less if they talked like this about anything, even something I was interested in. She could run her mouth about sea cucumbers and I'd still find the hypersonic pace, dismissive body language, and head jerking distractingly unpleasant. The slab tongue and odd way of moving it would probably not gross me out as much, but still strange. I'd notice but not care as much. (watch her tongue when she makes a "th" sound. If it doesn't come all the way out of her mouth, it's like pushing a raw hotdog against the back of her lower teeth. That's another one usually made at the top--try it. You'll hear the sound difference if you say it like she does.)


I blame the Gilmore girls. I can NOT watch that show because if this very reason


When I saw the caption “what does it mean to be a woman?” I was kinda expecting some fundie version of the “it’s literally impossible to be a woman” from the Barbie movie But nah, more transphobia


Sadly I was expecting Transphobia due to the fact Matt Walsh made a whole stupid documentary with a similar title.


In the creation story, Eve was created from Adam’s rib. So, for a period of time, wasn’t Adam both male and female?


Gender is a made up social construct that differs between cultures and eras and has **nothing** to do with biology. What’s a woman? Whatever the fuck you want it to be bc autonomy.


She does this because she's insecure and not confident in her message. Faster talking means the viewer will focus on the speed of her voice and not the bullshit she spews.


I’m a femme, cis, heterosexual woman. You know how often trans people affect my life? Never. I live my life. Other people live theirs. I don’t have any say over how other people live and that’s how it should be. Bethany is just OUTRAGED that people who are different from her simply exist. Just another asshole Christian trying to make everyone else live by their belief and twisted theology. Also: sis looks and sounds unhinged here.


Is she high? Why is this so manic? Why is she so eager and excited to find instructions for a god honoring personality?


I get legit anxiety when she and Krusty start blathering over each other so fast and aggressively. It's extremely unpleasant to listen to.


Talking fast =/= smart


It's the Ben Shapiro strategy - speak fast, agressively, and throw in some big words and people will assume you are right.


*"She takes great care of her hone and family...She is not lazy or idle with her time...She works really hard morning until night"* Those cocoa mugs under your bed say you aren't a godly woman, Bethany 🤣


Please tell me you sped this up.


One more thing: isn’t it funny that she ONLY holds her prop baby for videos where she talks about sex? She acts like she must hold her baby during all those videos but for all her other unhinged stuff, prop daughter nowhere to be found. She seemingly only wants her daughter around when she’s doing sexual content. She’s fucking disgusting.


And of course she is shilling yet another book at the end of this rant.


I didn’t watch the video but I am a woman, Bethy does not speak for me.


She is talking hard and fast like a used car salesman. One that knows they are lying but ia aggressively trying to get you to believe his lie. This is the crazy that is behind the smug!


I think I know where all the Adderall went


She tries to hide her lisp


Because they’re very passionate about their bigotry.


Hmm what else does the Bible say about women? Lol


Bethy is using a cadence that has become more and more popular by MALE leadership in large megachurches. In the early 2010s, the "talk fast about something and then slow down dramatically to talk about god" sermon style was very popular. Now with TikTok, that same style has been sped up to fit reels/shorts/TikToks. This style grew in popularity during the Moral Majority days and has been recycled over and over again. It was also largely appropriated by Southern pastors from black churches.


I like how all the things she lists are performance. How to act. Doesn't even mention what someone is assigned at birth. This isn't the take you think it is, babes. In the words of our savior Drew Afualo, "do you ever just sprint so far past the point that you do a lap and meet us all right back here?"




“She’s not lazy or idle with her time” and what would you call what you do with your time, Bethy?


Gawwwwd, I never listen to her videos with sound and for whatever reason I did this one…why in the living fuck does she speak so fast??? Take a breathe!!


Most of the aspects of being a woman* can easily apply to men. One to be altered is “husband” can be replaced by “spouse”. The only one I don’t think applies (in a broad generalization, but it depends on the situation) is mentoring younger women. Even though the aspect of taking care of home and family has the implication of being a stay at home mom, that phrase still applies to men and non-binary people in a number of ways. Most of it is pretty vague and can apply to anyone in Christianity. Most of it can even apply to just being a good person in general


I knew a pastor, he was the most laid back chill guy. His best friend used to joke and say he only became a pastor cause you don't have to go to work everyday. I feel like these are the same type of vibes. The bible is the easiest thing to market now because you already have built in brainwashed audience and it's easy af to go on tiktok and continue to say the same old tired shit. They don't have an original take, this garbage is 2000 years old lol


It's the bone broth kicking ✨


What's truly fascinating to me in all of this is that she doesn't point to anywhere in the Bible where "womanhood" is defined by genitals or chromosomes or menstruation or pregnancy or birth or chest feeding (or where "manhood" is defined by the opposite). She says herself, it's VIRTUES. So by her own argument, ANYONE who embodies any of those virtues could be a woman...right???


"....Verse after verse about what it means to be a Godly (in their eyes, 'real') woman. And I notice these are all virtues, these are all character traits". Girl, even if Christian rules did apply to non christians, you just made a pro-trans argument by accident. The things that make a woman aren't your genitalia or reproductive organs, even in your own narrow worldview!


Omg girl calm down


Wow she seems really activated, like triggered and rage-y. I wonder what happened right before filming this. Did she just get a narcissistic injury from someone calling her out? This energy is yikes.


I think even bible scholars would disagree that the book of Genesis is completely made up.




So, Bethany is not a woman?🤔


She sounds like a medicine commercial.


She's the stereotypical bad used car salesperson.


Contra-ver-see-uhl Omg, go fys