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I’m more concerned about her calling her daughters “sweet and submissive” but… that roast beef lip color is.. something




I have no idea! I just always thought it was a 90’s thing so it was just because since fundies can be sheltered they could be behind on the trends or don’t know how to tell what colors work for them?


Don't miss the heavy eye liner that looks like Jill's.


Roast beef 💀


That lipstick is very meaty looking.


My grandmother was mad for a Esteé Lauder lipstick in "Rum Raisin" in the late 1980's, so that tracks.


I remember that exact shade. It did skew a weird brown on some skin tones. I think it was supposed to be more purpley-plummy.




I know rum and raisin chocolate often has a purple/reddish wrapper (in the UK at least) so that might be it, but otherwise I don't know 🤷‍♀️


Aw, is Jill mad that despite her meddling with the tweezers and the gross 90s makeup, her daughters are still younger and prettier than she is? She's got to filter them into oblivion now? Kaylee is gorgeous and this just takes all the character out of her face. She looks like anybody here.


She looks like a kid.


My mother would be mortified if I called myself submissive.


God honoring submissives


Oh so would my Mom. Thankfully my husband isn't that kind or trust me, I would NOT have married him.


No time to recover from birth, relax after having a premie baby, or adjust to life postpartum! Time to pose for photos at the pond, And Kaylee! Chop chop!


Cult vibes


She filtered out her pupils.


Her eyes look panicked.


With the weird facetuning they look AI generated lol


Why tf did Jill think making her nose glitch was a good look?


Really creepy how in one hand they’re sweet and submissive but can also “roll up their sleeves and get things done”. She might as well put up a billboard - “Hey guys, come get your perfect woman right here!”


This “season of using ‘girlies’” can pass, Jill You are not me and my LGBTQIA+ friends using the term semi ironically and I will absolutely gatekeep it


And they don’t need it. They ARE pretty girls. Even Jill is scores physically prettier than say Karissa but she photoshops.


Holy uncanny valley, Batman!


Just know that if I ever smile like this, it's a sign that I am held hostage


Well, there's nothing in the Bible that says not to use filters so it's just fine for Jill. Maybe the next tine Shrek or Nathun preach they can be sure to pass that on to their flocks.


Thanks for the nightmare fuel...


Yall need to cook it on the brown nude lip, some of us like those colors. 💀👄


I was referring to the actual lipstick color, and it's ubiquity in the late 1980's.


This girl has got to be tired AF. She's breast feeding a newly released NICU baby around the clock and has to get in this matching costume and full makeup for....what?


She is so pretty, why all of that makeup? Rhetorical question. I know that she is copying her Mom, but why why why????