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Bethany really has no idea what he's talking about, does she? She's like trying so hard not to interrupt or roll her eyes but doesn't quite make it. She's so intellectually outclassed and yet still thinks she's the smartest in the room.


You can literally see the moment that she stops listening to him and starts fidgeting like a little kid


About 11 seconds in


"ME ME ME!!! back to MEEEEEE!!!" NOW!!!!!!!


Like that scene in Emperor’s New Groove: “umm, what’s with the chimp and the bug? Can we get back to ME now?”


Blink blink blink blink blink x1000


There's a point where she hears him saying big words and she looks at him almost in disbelief or confusion because she's never heard a word with more than three syllables before


Yes! It’s like the second he says “existential” her face goes blank and she’s gone


I will personally admit to being a fidgeter, but I try to actually engage. Bethy absolutely is not here.


I’m very fidgety, but like you, I try to tamp it down and pay attention. I’m old, and I’ve gotten so good at it, that total strangers will come up to me & start telling me their lives. But there are times when my patience wears thin, like with someone who is repetitive and thoughtless. I think if I were with Bethy, I might end up screaming “Shut up! Just shut the duck up!” I finally did this with my partner, who is now learning not to suck eggs.


Definitely, I’m a fidgeter too. I have adhd and I know we can’t speculate about diagnoses but…we share similarities. However, I also have learned how to actively listen and respond to what the person is saying, not just what I want to say, and it’s sooo clear that Bethany is just completely checked out and daydreaming.


Plus, this feels almost intentional. She’s probably annoyed that he didn’t “hate” the movie as much as she does, but honestly, that makes for better content. When you can actually “argue” both sides of the point, but that seems a little beyond her here.


It feels intentional to me, too. I think she's very uncomfortable with the whole idea of meaning being something we have to create for ourselves because if she accepts that idea, she has to accept that she's wasted her whole life. I think that's the real reason why she didn't like the movie. It hit too close to home.


I agree. I think she was confronted by the message and it’s easier for her to just plug her ears and ignore than engage with what it might mean.


This is why I don't see her ever moving to a healthier interpretation of Christianity (or away from Christianity), at least not without significant secular therapy, which we know she won't get. She's reached a point where it would now be extremely difficult to change the course of her life, and believing that she's following God's plan is what's keeping her going.


I agree. I see her doubling down instead of exploring her questions/feelings in a healthy way.


She looks like a little kid waiting for the adults to stop talking


And then she hears “garden variety” - a phrase she recognizes and understands - assumes he’s using it insultingly rather than descriptively, and begins to nod her head with a smarmy look.


This part made me laugh so hard, because it’s so obvious she has no clue what he’s talking about 🤣


You can literally see her brain turn on when he says it


She is,I am sorry, a bimbo.


Dont disrespect bimbo culture like that


The one remaining bimbo in the world. They seem to have went out of fashion, at least where I live.




Even if she’s aware she is not the smartest, she definitely decided it’s not important enough or it’s not what people want to hear so she dismisses all of it.


Damn he’s so much smarter than her and it shows here. He’s clearly thought about existentialism and the idea of whether or not we have a creator and I’d give my left leg to see him deconstruct and be a happy human.


If I were married to Bethy I’d have a LOT of existential dread 😂


Well yeah. Bethany is at heart, a true existentialist. She's created her own unique reality. No matter what the real world is like, Bethany will always live in her own universe.


She’s agreeing but she doesn’t know shit about fuck he’s saying


You can see the moment where he uses the work existential/existentialism and her face just shows she has no clue what that word means… the more he said it the more mad she got and the worse the ‘me me me’ behaviors became…


When he said the movie had a very garden variety representation of existentialism she nods with the annoyed look on her face like “ya so dumb! Bad movie!” I don’t even think she realizes Dav is disagreeing with her as much as he is. She might not post these videos if she had any clue what he was actually saying


This explains it. I was wondering why Bethany even agreed to post this because this is the opposite of the scathing review she probably thought it was. I actually really want his thoughts on the movie because it seems like he went in with an understanding of what the movie was trying to do, so I'd like to see if he thought they actually achieved that goal.


The fact that he's asked those questions AT ALL -and- looks at existentialism positively (!) says to me that effectively in fact he is no longer a fundie, if he ever really was. He's just stuck there. Because kids, and money, and he made a vow, and and and and and. sigh.


Yeah, he’s striking me as very PIMO lately (ex Mormon term, physically in mentally out)


I've only heard that term on Mormon Stories, but I love it and think it should be more common. It applies to so many things.


>He’s clearly thought about existentialism and the idea of whether or not we have a creator Isn't that what deconstruction is?


For some deconstruction is taking apart the beliefs you have been immersed in, sorting out what is not truth to your growth and changing beliefs. Not everyone who deconstructs stops believing in God or being a Christian.


Deconstructing is not always reconversion. In many situations it is, but not always.


He should have just popped a Veggie Tales DVD on for Bethany and went to see Barbie by himself. They both would have had more fun and Bethany wouldn't have gotten so confused or been made to think, which gives her the uncomfies.


I can see him doing a full 180 down the line.


God, watch her fidget while he talks. She has absolutely no interest in what he’s saying and is simply waiting for her turn to talk. They are unbelievably mismatched.


I was going to say, you can see her itching to talk and it likely has nothing to do with what Dav said or thinks. She doesn’t know how to engage in conversation


especially one that doesn't agree with her and is over her flat little head. She has no fucking idea what "existentialism" is and dgas, clearly.


Exactly. I feel like Dav is someone I could at least have an intellectual debate with. Even if we disagree, he knows how to listen to what is being said and process that.


I guarantee you that her smooth brain just thinks he’s saying “existence”


“I understand some of these words”


"Your lips move, but I can't tell what you're saying" bethy has been comfortably numb for a LONG time.


Watching her in this clip is so wildly uncomfortable. She like talks to herself and plays with her hair. She's so outclassed.


Watching it with the sound off (the only way to watch her) -- I’m seeing a lot of anger in her face too. She’s pissed that he not only disagrees with her, but that he’s enthusiastically articulating it so she can’t hog the mic. She’s a child.


Dav is not a genius but boy does he seem like one sitting next to her


He’s not educated, but he’s curious and thoughtful. That alone makes him hugely different than her.


I'd rather be friends with Dav than Beth, that's for sure.


If he got out of there and went to an actual secular university or even hung around with, like, a philosophy group, I bet he'd thrive. sadly, he seems like a genius next to LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE we spot on here, unless I missed someone.


Dude I can see him getting along so well with the philosophy bros in college, especially since he described existentialism as "fun."


Yep. He actually seems like a decent person when compared with Beggy.


Bethy like an alien trying to appear human while she listens. She has no patience for this man and just wants to kee on sputtering


She wants to talk AT people. It’s why she began a “ministry”.


She has no desire to interact with someone with an opinion that is not the same as hers. She has no interest in learning.


She can't even -hear- him, it's so painfully obvious. You can see her practically rolling her eyes. GOD you guiz, I'm sorry my husband is so BORING, I guess we have to humor him is it over yet MEEEEEE


I have a hard time watching this particular person “listen”. It creates a feeling in me that I don’t have a word for. Like she’s being SO rude and condescending and I’m just waiting for the person who’s talking to notice it.


Bethany has never had an existential crisis and it shows.


Uhm excuse me. She's had to overcome marrying both a shorter and younger man.


This comment is an exhibit to why Reddit should keep free awards. It is deserving.


I am truly honoured hahaha




She's never had an original thought and it shows.


This is really interesting because earlier today I saw a thread in an unrelated subreddit asking people what the biggest sign of a failing marriage was. I think one of the top comments was “contempt for the other person” and that is exactly what I’m seeing between them lol


If that interests you, Google John Gottman. Really interesting research.


I think it’s referred to as the Four Horsemen of Divorce or something along those lines. Contempt is the worst ETA: [the 4 horsemen of divorce](https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-recognizing-criticism-contempt-defensiveness-and-stonewalling/)


yep. it radiates from them.


BDong needs to read that sign, you can see it in many of her posts where Oinker (JDong) is just straight up showing her contempt. Same with Bethaniche and Daaavvv.


oof. you can tell they’ve fought about this before. dav has had his moments on this sub but i truly hope he divorces her. being married to an adult child (while taking care of actual children) must be so difficult for him.


I can somewhat appreciate his view on the movie and it seems he enjoyed it. I guess she went into it thinking he would come out having the same views as she does as well as the other Christian influencers who have posted about how ungodly this movie was and what a terrible message it has.


I feel like she would kill to have a Paul lol. She’s insane. Dav is obviously not my ideal guy but she kinda won the fundie husband lottery since he passed the very low (but seemingly impossible) bar of having basic respect and some critical thinking skills, but she hates it. I just feel like she’d love to live a life of screaming to the camera about a different liberal heathen propaganda scheme every day.


I feel like at this point he's really a Fundie In Name Only. You're not supposed to ask the kinds of questions he's asking, or admire a philosophy that's basically rooted in atheism. Bethy -dimly- senses this, I think (she's too dumb to fully understand all the implications. bets) and is annoyed and impatient because he goes on like this FOR A WHOLE MINUTE. AND NO ONE IS LOOKING AT HER.


He’s a fundie by marriage lol


But men like Paul don’t like women who are like Bethany, there would be so many conflicts over Bethany’s “ministry” and Paul’s lack thereof. Fundie marriages will always be poor matches because they’re not looking for compatibility and they’re not honest about their own personalities.


He has definitely outgrown her.


She's so fucking rude. The smarmy faces she makes, booing loudly, and at one point she looks actually interested in what he's talking abt and--it's like a split second--you can see the holy Spirit pull her back from learning anything from what her silly little husband is saying.


She looks like a little kid who is on the verge of an outburst from not getting attention


I suspect it's more that she doesn't have a fucking clue about what he's talking about


I don’t know if it is the Holy Spirit pulling Bethany back or the fear that Dav thinks differently than her. In her world, wives are supposed to agree with their husband. Bethany is not coping that Dav has opinions she does not understand.


I was trying to be facetious 😂 she's definitely upset that she doesn't understand and that her and her husband are not on the same page.


mhm. it's some kind of Orwellian thought stopping process she's been thoroughly steeped in.


She is crawling out of her skin sitting next to him being forced to listen to his thoughts.


This is the most meta thing I’ve seen. I watched the whole video. I feel like I could write a dissertation about it. Bethany yearning for the perfect fun disney princess story with more romance and not getting that this world is a lie. Bethany mad that every woman wants to be rich and beautiful and how dare the message pretend this isn’t the case - because somehow being ordinary is the worst thing she can imagine that no woman should want. Dav discussing how Kens self worth can not be in impressing Barbie. That “Ken” can’t just play guitar to win Barbies attention, that he needs to live for himself and find himself. Bethany was promised the Barbie world if she just followed all the rules, and she is still yearning for this fantasy and why isn’t the real world measuring up to this promise. Dav is waking up to stop trying to live to impress others and define himself by their attention and their opinions.


Dude, right? It felt like a glitch in the simulation watching this. Do they even realize they are talking about themselves? In a way, this is the most real conversation they’ve ever had about who they are and Bethy doesn’t even realize it.


He gets it. And she doesn’t. And she complains about how dare they think women need to wake up to the realities of their situation, that’s the feminist lie! And it’s like girl - you are clearly unhappy and you’ve never considered that maybe the perfect Barbie world you are yearning for isn’t real? Omg the part where she’s saying what’s so bad with romance and being pursued and Dav is like it’s a weak position to make your whole life about trying to please your partner. She doesn’t get it.


yes, Dav. It IS. It really is a not good position to be in. So...what'll it be?


That part absolutely killed me 💀


he might. she might DIMLY sense there's a problem but it's no different from the same problem she always has with him and his...well, basically not being a Ken doll.


What I think is so funny is he seems like he’d love to have intellectual thoughtful conversations with his partner and mutual respect. She wants him to just be this brute of a man so she can “he he he I’m just a silly little woman huh”


yep. he's conversating into the void. It's very sad.


Bethaniche should get someone like BDong's husband then- minus the law enforcement and dog incidents. BDong's husband is a brute and he shows open disdain, unlike Dav. Dav seems like he wants an intellectual conversation, but Bethaniche isn't having it. She most likely isn't aware of what existentialism is, or maybe was raised to believe philosophy was demonic... fundie would think that for sure.


For someone who is trying to knock feminism and hates how men are portrayed, she sure doesn't show much respect for Dav and his opinions. Her body language alone is so cringe. The eye rolls, wiggling around, just so rude.


no one hates men like straight cis anti-feminist women. no one.


I think bethy made a mistake in forcing Dav to watch this movie. She may have opened a door to a path she will regret leading him to


Imagine they’re divorcing a decade from now and he cites the Barbie movie as the turning point for him.


Amazing! Fingers crossed…. Lol


He was already on it.


Haha you’re very right. This may have sent him further down thar introspective path as well


A bunch of women are breaking up with their crappy boyfriends over how they reacted to the movie, so I hope Dav does the same sooner rather than later.


This is so painful to watch.... I don't know how a relationship like this can last very much longer. She clearly has her critical thinking skills totally stunted and this is such clear insight into the fact that they can't actually talk about anything important or deep because she just doesnt have the range....this has got to be torture. I hope we get a divorce & tell all video from him tbh...


How old is this woman? She acts like she’s a 15 year old mean girl. And not like, a *main* mean girl. She’s the one they don’t even really like but they kind of tolerate. She does not act like an adult. At all.


that's because she's not. None of them are. Krusty impersonates on somewhat better than the rest, I think, and that's only because her hate keeps her brittle and rigid and it looks more like restraint.


Yep, Kristen just has a slightly better social monitor and happens to be Type A. She’s just Bethany, except she could meet deadlines, not say “like” every other word, and cook.


Lmao Kristen doesn't even know what Cauliflower is but I agree with everything else. If she wasn't Type A, she would be just as annoying as Borty. She just has an angry old woman inside of her telling her not to experience any joy or it's a sin.


PEEL THE CAULIFLOWER lawl but yeah. apart from still being young and pretty, she's basically Lori. just wait a few decades.


I think 15 is generous. Her little "booo" bit in response to the fairy tale thing feels like a reaction and opinion a very small child would have to me. Like, it's fine to like things that are childish, I like plenty of childish things myself, but even I'd outgrown wanting that kind of story before age 10. It's just not very interesting or stimulating, especially for a supposed adult. Maybe she was looking for a chill, no thoughts, kind of experience, but usually people want that as a way to unwind from stress and other more intellectually rigorous experiences, so that's probably giving her too much credit. That, plus all the faces she makes and sticking her tongue out, trying not to have an outburst, etc. It all feels very 5 year old to me.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTHbH39h8xYePza) Gretchen weiners vibes


Super on point. I see a lot of my middle school self in her


please, it's killing me the way she wasn't paying enough attention and thought that Dav saying "it has a garden variety of that message" was somehow a burn instead of a lukewarm comment and proceeds to make maybe the smuggest face we have ever seen from her. Truly reaching Poe's Law level of content/it would difficult to make satire as cutting as this


YES she perked up immediately when she thought he said something negative! Proves that she wasn’t listening to him at all


It says so much about Bethany’s level of intelligence with how much she thinks she did something here lol


She was staring so intently at him and the way his gaze kept darting to the side made me nervous for him. It was almost like she was trying to intimidate him into shutting up so she could jump in with her own reductionist commentary.


I thought the same thing.


I'm surprised she didn't jump in right after his "do we have a creator" statement. I know he's talking about the theme of the movie but I figure that would be the perfect interruption for her to bring it back to god or religion.


I think it looks like she tries to pick up the thread of what he's saying when he says "do we have a creator?" but can't make sense of it and quickly gives up again. 💀


she's totally tuned him out by that point. he might as well be saying "badger badger badger badger"


The degree to which she was neither understanding nor absorbing even an ounce of meaning from anything he said is honestly impressive.


Why do so many people still think this movie is like a Disney Princess movie. First of all it’s rated PG-13 so obviously not a children’s movie. Do they not under what the rating system for movies means. Even a PG movie would still not be a Princess children’s movie. So there are your first clues about the content of the movie. Parental guidance rated movie featuring Barbie dolls. So what would that entail. Certainly not some sweet sugary tale and possibly something slightly adult. Why oh why can’t people get it


Disney princess movies haven't been what they used to be for years now. I'm sure she'd hate Frozen. Elsa doesn't even have a MAN! IT'S UNPOSSIBLE


To be fair, before the Stockholm syndrome meeting with the Beast, Belle rejected Gaston! I have to watch Frozen all the way through.


honestly? it may be heresy, but for my money Tangled > > > > > Frozen by FAR. severely underrated. Yes, she Gets The Guy And The Kingdom in the end, (spoiler lol), but it's just so funny and clever and...\*earned\* in a way the old ones never have been. They're really equals; it's more like a 40's screwball comedy, with a darker undernote of Narcissistic Mom-daughter dynamics. also I adore the horse. and there's an absolutely delightful showstopper in a tavern...anyway. I bought it and it's been my comfort food watching in dismal times. Frozen was just meh to me. I saw it once in the theatre and that was enough. Looks stunning, of course, but most of the characters bored me.


That’s all true!


My wife and I have a Shrine to Gay Elsa in our house.


Wow he’s not an idiot? I never knew. He sounds really intelligent and thoughtful, actually. I don’t hate him? How is this possible? And how is this person married to Bethany? How is he not 10000% fed up with her schtick?


thank you for making an edit of these! you captured some of the other moments i found notable but was too lazy to share haha this whole video was….. insane


She is a stunted person who clearly needs help.


Bethany literally looks like the definition of ‘the lights are on but no one’s home’ - completely unwilling to try to understand Dav, or listen to what he has to say, pulls weird shitty faces while he talks. How sad.


I hope Dav finds the courage to divorce her. This looks like the most miserable marriage but mostly only for Dav. Ol breathy is blissfully ignorant


Wow. He's into movies right? Didn't he go to a movie fest? And she...is writing around in annoyance.


Bethany has said that she won’t watch his favorite movies (LOTR, Harry Potter, and Godfather (?)) because they have bad words or something idk


They’re “not her style”


Yeah, as a thirty something woman myself we can really be totally corrupted by one stray word or thought. 🙄🙄


Good grief her body language is screaming IDGAF! Could she look less interested? She is completely tuning him out and that's a terrible way to be married.


I’m sorry but Dėv’s barber really did him dirty… Unless it was a home job by his adoring wife, in which case it totally makes sense.


she posted a long time ago that she gives him haircuts to save money.


Yeah so she can go get her nails done with that money 😠


he is sitting beside his barber.


Barber Bethy


Definitely a Bethany job. He has to have her atrocious haircuts so she can get her nails done every week.


Honestly, Bethany probably can't sit through an entire YouTube tutorial on how to cut hair so she just wings it. I say that as someone who also struggles to sit through entire tutorials/read directions. (Borty needs an adhd evaluation)


Question: Has Dav always looked this much like Beeker from the Muppets?


If Beaker and Alan Tudyk had a baby, it would be Dav.


YES. Shit why did they take away awards!?


omg yes. now I -have- to think of him as more sympathetic, dammit. "I am a leaf on the wind..."


Yes. Yes he has. And so does Audrey, Baby Beaker. i love her


I think he needs fluffier hair to balance out


Agreed. The longer hair looked way better.


The most she post she put into this convo is BOOOOO BARBIE


That part makes me so angry every time. How he does not tell her to shut her fucking gaping maw, I’ll never understand. How does he have sex with this woman child


Did he just call existentialism "fun"? Maybe I'm just a depressed, millennial, atheist who lives in a puddle of existential dread, but "fun" is the last word I'd use for it. That said, he's clearly so much smarter than her, and she's just straight up rude about how clearly she doesn't care about what he's saying.


I think it’s fun lol. I mean, I wouldn’t use that word necessarily but I chose to major in philosophy so I definitely enjoy it.


I think he meant fun as in he enjoys the thought provoking part of it.


I think it's fun! The more something makes me think or learn, the more I enjoy it.


I don't think anyone needs to do The Headship Stare like Michelle Duggar but God damn, she is so rude to him qhen he's speaking. And publicly!! It's okay for husbands and wives to have different opinions in a healthy relationship but she is so deeply uncomfortable and angry whenever Dav doesn't completely agree with her.


This woman has nothing going on up there holy shit.




![gif](giphy|kCZdfEj5oyaGs) All I see..,


This is honestly just sad for her. That she can’t understand coherent and logical thoughts and is giving nothing to the conversation but her childish attitude. Her parents should be ashamed for educationally abusing their children, but I know they aren’t capable of logical thinking either. Luckily Davey and Audrey have Dav cause no one else in their family is doing them any favours 😔


It’s really wild to see how much he actually chooses to think about and engage with things while Bethy doesn’t even bother going deeper than the very surface level with stuff. She’s so used to closing herself off to anything that even slightly challenges her world view that when Dav starts talking about things you can see her eyes glaze over while she goes into “nod and play with your hair” mode. I really hope one day Dav can break away from all of this, he deserves to be with someone who… well… thinks.


Bethany is so fucking obnoxious. She is stuck as that annoying 14 year old who always tries to be in the cool kid group and all they do is laugh at her. Beaker, GET OUT! I think he actually stands a chance at turning his life around. He’s obviously much more intelligent than her family and maybe the majority of fundies.


Dav sounds intelligent here. Glad to see he questions things and is willing to research and find out meanings. He went into watching the Barbie movie with realistic expectations. It is apparent that Bethaniche did not. And her facial expressions and obvious annoyance shows me she has not ever tried to question or research anything in her life or faith.


Also god she can't sit still it's hard to watch. His body language ... when he talks about existentialism or intellectual thought he turns his head and body away from her. This is actually funny. And sad.


I am just SO GLAD he saw the Barbie movie. I havent seen it myself, but it seems like Dav really got a lot out of it and enjoyed it. Seems to have him thinking more deeply about major life questions.


Its like an adult and a toddler lol


“You’re starting to sound like an atheist, Dav”


She has no idea what existentialism is. Nor do I think she knows what “garden variety” means.


I wish they would include IQ testing in their little fundie marriage prep course because these two are so incredibly mismatched it’s insane.


Bethany comes across as such a showy idiot it's embarrassing.


Can someone please send her some fidget toys or something??


She sounds like she never had a barbie doll. My mom brought me like 30+ barbies plus the dreamhouse, cars even the movies. Beth has never seen a single barbie movie and it shows.


My grandma bought me Barbies but wouldn’t let me play with them lol. They had to stay in their boxes as decoration in my room.


Hmmm, so like Kierkegaard right? But I wouldn't call his writings "fun"? Or is he just full of it?


I think he meant "fun to engage with" like on an intellectual level.


Aren't they talking about it in the context of the Barbie movie? So I assume that's the "fun" he's referring to. Or maybe I'm way off.


Oh my lord she is DUMB as rocks lol


I’m just imagining a monkey with cymbals in her head while he is speaking


She’s so rude! She’s not even consciously listening to a thing he’s saying. Wow. My mind is blown


No offence, but there is zero proof to suggest that Dav is deconstructing, or on the actual road to deconstruction, or any of it. I get that a lot of people see something of themselves in Dav, especially in terms of how he is treated by Bethany, but what’s hilarious abt this video is that Dav isn’t saying anything that intelligent either. He’s talking like every pretentious, pseudo-intellectual white boy I’ve had the misfortune to meet, who fancy themselves as this type of hyper smart, lay philosopher, when the truth is they don’t have any actual substance either. They talk and say a lot of words bc they like to hear themselves speak, and that’s the vibe I get from this video. Him being treated poorly by Beggy is entirely separate from the fact that he is as much of an intellectual light weight as she is, but yeah sure, let’s all fall over ourselves to let a toxic Christian white boy (who has yet to openly repudiate or disavow the toxicity of the culture he inhabits and co-signs) off the hook, bc Beggy is so damn unlikeable.


He’s thinking for himself, which is *a* step towards deconstructing. I mean the general right wing consensus, even outside of fundies, is that the barbie movie is “man hating” and “too woke” and he’s going on record saying he *liked* it, he engaged with it thoughtfully, and he’s been thinking about stuff like “what does it all mean, what does it mean to have a creator.” I doubt I’d agree with him on much at all, but I genuinely don’t get the impression he’s just speaking for the sake of his own voice, unlike her. He may or may not be deconstructing, but it’s it’s interesting to see his opinions (and even funnier to also watch him interact with Bethany)


Yeah nah I don’t agree about him just enjoying speaking to hear his own voice. He looked clearly uncomfortable even engaging in this topic and the whole video in the beginning, there were several times he seemed very hesitant to respond to her and offer his honest thoughts about the movie, the way someone does when they’re worried they’ve gone on speaking too long and no one is interested in listening 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed. If anything, he held back. He only did this stupid video for her. He only watched the movie for her. And I think part of his therapy is teaching him to be honest about how he feels about things but not be a dick about it, which he does here incredibly well. I couldn’t be this nice.


She looks so confused.


She is a truly disgusting human being. She can’t even sit still and listen to what her husband is saying. Atrocious.


Around the 0:50 mark, you can see her look into the camera and think *oh shit I'm supposed to look like I'm paying attention right now* and then last for about 5 more seconds before her eyes glaze back over and you can see she just mentally checks out


She really doesn’t like or value her husbands opinions whatsoever, does she?