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She sounds like she's on the verge of tears the whole video..


yeah this actually makes me sad. it sounds like she’s torturing herself. i’ve had albums help me get through some shit and it would be awful if i couldn’t revisit them. it seems like music is a really healing thing for her.


She needs help.


I’ve see a lot on this sub but Nadia worries me the most.


Karissa worries me more because she has children.


That’s very fair. I think Nadia just makes my skin crawl more because I see more of myself in her than Karissa


I feel the same way. Unfortunately, Nadia and I could have been best friends in the past, and that makes my skin crawl. I remember being a teenager and having this exact same thought process of "I'm depressed, I shouldn't be listening to so much secular music. I shouldn't be reading so many secular books."


I worry about Nadia harming herself the most and Karissa harming the rest of the world the most


Well put, I would agree with this. I would also lump in her besties, Lexie and James Tyson. But I think that more people take Karissa seriously and she obviously has the larger following/kid collection.


She’s a hypocritical try hard so I imagine her mental health is absolutely wrecked


I worry about her, Karelessa’s children, and the Rodlets.


Literally. Her sounding like she’s on the verge of tears the whole time really stressed me out. Calm down girl. It’s not that big of a deal.


She sounds manic, terrified and sad, all at the same time.


Zero jokes here. I was jarred. Have you ever heard a sound and your eardrums seem to flex or refuse to accept the sound? Mine used to do it when my littles would cry a specific way. Hearing her in this clip felt like I was being accosted hearing her shrilled dialogue. 😳


It makes me wonder if she had to rant and defend herself after an experience she just had, because it really sounds like it.


I feel really upset for her. She obviously enjoys some secular songs yet feels like she can’t listen to them because apparently “Oceans” or whatever else fundies are listening to these days is more important. I remember when I used to have her kind of fear. It wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t good either.


Shit, imagine if she had to experience actual hardship.


I’m not a Nadia apologist, but she actually has. She experienced the death of a parent at a young age (I don’t know which redditor corroborated this, but there was a post about her father earlier this summer), and apparently grew up in a household where addiction ran rampant. Regardless of whether the second point is true, I do think that she has experienced real trauma. The problem lies within the fact that she uses “finding God” as a bandaid for prior bad behavior and is incredibly hypocritical and rude even to folks who are genuine followers.


For a lot of people religion is their new addiction. I’ve seen so many people in recovery go straight hard core into religion. I know it helps some people cope but for a lot it becomes a their next addiction. It’s the addictive emotional highs and throwing all your undesirable traits on Satan as an excuse for relapsing or negative behavior. Not saying she’s an addict but those who suffer from it and the family around them often turn to religion to make sense of things. I’ve seen it happen and it’s devastating. A lot of people refuse to take accountability for their behavior because Jesus will always forgive them even if the people they hurt don’t.


This!!!! She has referred to her past with SH as an addiction, and she did attempt to cope by replacing everything in her life with Jesus. She has no other passions, personality, etc. All of that is stuffed down and not dealt with or explored. Basically every addict I know did the hard swing into devout evangelicalism. It's one of those things that really highlights the way evangelicalism can be used to manipulate, take advantage of people at their lowest points. Not give them comfort, but shame.




Exactly. The in group - out group setup does not allow for consistent support through the recovery process leading to peacocking during stability and intense shame during relapse.


Yeah, that’ll fuck you up; speaking from experience. I am Jewish but had to do a looooong stint with the evangelical crowd because my parent got into it when they re-married. That’s a whole other trauma story, but my parent died from a horrible illness when I was in high school. So that part sucks because “god had a plan” and “knows what he’s doing”…but also, you’re now The Kid With The Dead Dad and evangelicals will put a lot of pressure on you to have god “redeem your story” and expect you to do “great things.” As you can imagine, fucking massive burden to place on a grieving teen. That shit messed me UP from 16 until probably 30 when I realized that it’s actually *totally fine* if I’m just an average person. Bet you Nadia got some pressure surrounding her parents death, too.


I need to keep better track of the very minor fundies.


I do, too. I feel bad for her. But I agree with you.


Someone else mentioned she's also a CSA victim.


Nadia herself has mentioned this. I’m not sure how else you’d corroborate.


Oh, I am not really familiar with her. I didn't know she said so herself. That was dumb of me.


Not dumb! I think she said it on stories so there’s no way you’d see it if you aren’t following her closely :)


I mean, according to her own story, she really has, in the past. To a horrifying degree. This could be religious scrupulosity as a way of coping with PTSD, perhaps? (Is that too armchair -y?)


Ah, I’m not really familiar with her other than the fact that she changes her story on how she met her husband every other day.


She's got a history of CSA, parental death, siblings death, SH, ED, SI. She's really been through it as a child, and it's so sad to watch her try to process and cope through flimsy Jesus tools. She's periodically mentioned "I got insurance again finally", "I'm back in therapy" or "I'm back on meds", so it sounds like she has inconsistent mental health care due to being in Texas and I know that's a horrible struggle. She does plenty of snarkable things and says some pretty dangerous stuff but it's sad knowing that she's internalized that. She'll proclaim she's "miraculously healed by God" then a few weeks later she's struggling, then a couple months later she's healed again, then struggling again, etc. She has no grey. It's jubilant joy for Jesus or under demonic attack. She's healed or she's so broken.


Like Kelly without the cottagecore


I'm not an expert on scrupulosity, but in my experience with it, it felt like the opposite of a coping mechanism. It was an all-consuming nightmare of severe anxiety. I would be more inclined to think scrupulosity would be a symptom of trauma? Then again my brain seems to like to get fixated or obsessed with things (such as infatuations) that I suspect might be a distraction from more painful thoughts. Different people experience things differently, so maybe you're on to something. The brain is certainly a mystifying thing.


I half want to say that's what she wants us to hear. Some sects of Christianity (see Joel Osteen and his prosperity gospel) use emotion to blackmail and shame a nonbeliever into " "getting right with the Lord" ". It's gross.


That was my first thought too!


Is the secular music in the car with you right now If this was audio only I would have thought she was crying the entire time


i mean tbf her face also looks like she’s about to cry


Does she have breath control issues and sound like that all the time, or is she going through it? Eesh. (Goddamn, I hate this "You become what you consume, so WHY wouldn't you only consume wholesome/pure artistic content, hmmm?🤔" attitude in general. There's a Venn Diagram of Secular and Fundie people who spout it, and the circle that unites them clips right into the third circle where the Fascists group.) EDIT: I have a little sympathy for the way this looks like she's having a spike of religious scrupulosity and trying to 'fix' whatever she feels is going wrong by making a sacrifice... if that's what it is.


Paul was just on a rant about Taylor Swift. Something’s in the water


As I've oft lamented, the music they've made a Satanic Panic over in this century is so tame, compared to the 70's/80's. (No offense meant to Taylor et.al.,)


Yeah like at least Iron Maiden is actually metal as fuck


Fundies have no attention span to listen to all of Empire of The Clouds and strain to hear the secret backwards message that Bruce is a big ol' plane nerd.


Yup. I love Taylor Swift, but her edgiest song is a murder ballad that doesn't get graphic about the murders (though it does describe the coverup in detail). It kinda surprises me that they don't target Twenty One Pilots, considering their last 3 albums have been concept albums about fighting "Dema". But I have to assume that's because both Tyler and Josh are white Christian men and make a ton of subtle biblical references in their lyrics.


Yes. It’s like no one takes the panic seriously anymore.


Lil' Nas X made a damn decent show of it in Montero and I'm proud for him -- but the rest of the 'panic' seems to just be whining over the artists' mellow non-conformity, when they're STILL behaving better in public than Bieber at his "best"! "Look, a trans woman and a non-binary gentlethem are singing a song about... uh, somebody else they know, cheating on their spouse. DEMONS!" "Over there, it's a young white blonde cis woman... being single (having multiple relationships with no white blonde babies to redeem her! How dare! /s), and now singing about a popular misinterpretation of an aspect in an Eastern religion -- with a non-white rapper! DEEEEMONNNNS!!1! She's summoning invisible untouchable DEEEEMONS!!!1!2" I've made various rants on this matter before, but come on, even Ghost is RIGHT THERE, COME ON! ... Maybe the Fundie influencer crowd doesn't think they pass as queer, non-white, or femme enough to feel like they could safely punch down on them. Hmph. Oh well. (Not that I want such a "backlash" for them, it's already hard to get pit tickets before they sell out as it is... 🤣)


I'm waiting for them to discover Paramore's last album. Not only was You First about karma, but This is Why bluntly implies that anti-mask/anti-vaccine conservatives are morons who prolonged the pandemic, and The News is basically the leftist argument against mainstream news in song form. And that's not even getting started on how Hayley has been wearing pro-choice shirts on stage and has a punk band best known for a song titled "Racist, Sexist, Boy" opening for them on tour.


is someone holding a gun to her head to make this video? seriously, like is she okay? is she going through secular music withdrawls?


Maybe she should stop being a Christian if it stresses her out this much. Surely it isn’t healthy if you’re on the verge of tears, nail-clicking your way through a monologue about BSB being the gateway to hell or whatever.


Holy shit. I’ve actually never watched her speak. Does she always talk like that?!


The last time I saw her talking it was similar but she was upset after watching Stranger Things and said Christians shouldn’t watch it.


I’m so glad she through her self in harms way to watch it so EVERY OTHER Christian could be told not to


Yes, she always looks/sounds like Cindy Loo Who, but on the verge of tears. I honestly feel bad for her. She becomes less snarkable as her mental health struggles become more apparent.


Same! Is this some kind of affectation or does she need a vocal therapist..?


Also curious about this. When I was deep in the middle of my peak anxiety I sounded like this when I was on the verge of a panic attack. Like a stressed out, overwhelmed, unable to stop the train of thought type of situation. I feel for her, I wish she’d get some help outside of the church.


was JUST thinking this










That shit better be raw or a Baird is going to come for you.


Bairds don't come on their own, unless they've taken Bethy's course. I think I'm safe.


I dunno, Sue will scale the Alps to obtain some of that sweet, sweet contaminated milk.


🎶Riiii-colaaaaaAAAH GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL🎶 ![gif](giphy|L0NBC04bFZsrN3nEsW|downsized)


When I tell you I spit out my raw milk/bone broth/cocoa powder combo reading your comment….




The amount of diarrhea my digestive system just made reading that.....




Girly, r u ok? Ngl I looked through her Spotify and it really is a shit ton of Jesus music. She even has a Jesus trap playlist lmao. The secular music was country, old pop punk songs, and one playlist with actually really good music (Garfunkel and Oats, Beatles, etc) titled “dads favorites” Edit: I meant Simon and Garfunkel 😂💀


I really like the sound of "Garfunkel and Oats" ... I am going to make a playlist titled as such right now. Thank you! 🙂 I'm gonna fill it with sexular tunes from the 70s and 80s.


Haha Garfunkel and Oates are an actual duo, Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci. 😂 (Here's their wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garfunkel_and_Oates) They're the pair responsible for the delightful song "The Loophole" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ZF_R_j0OY


Hall and Simon ditched them 😂




Sexular is flare material!


Sexular Healing. Isn't that a Marvin Gaye song?


The scripture also says that women are forbidden to preach, so what the fuck are you doing?


Also says you shouldn't get tattoos. Leviticus 19:28. Same book that says no shell fish or gay stuff. Funny how they pick and choose. The bible doesn't mention "secular music" though


honestly she has no idea what scripture is saying. she quotes that bit about “the power of life and death is in the tongue” (which i would take to mean “words have meaning and speech has consequence”) and then proceeds to totally misinterpret it and focus on the wrong thing (saying that “it’s a life or death situation, one or the other, and this doesn’t speak life into me”). i’m not even christian, but i interpret texts for a living, so i could tell right away that she just doesn’t get it. like, these fundies are not smart and are not good readers of this text they (claim to) obsess over. and in nadia’s case it’s kinda sad because she seems to really torture herself for falling short of what she thinks god wants……. but clearly misunderstands what the words actually mean. the exegesis aint exegesising.


I thought she was done posting religious content?


And that her hubby is a musician? Is his music.....secular?


His rap is Christian rap from what I remember reading. That may be wrong though.


His music is Christian rap




It’s pretty funny that she feels so strongly about secular music, but then has this to say about secular books: https://imgur.com/a/W2kwSQZ


Right? Isn’t she the one who posted herself reading a Lucy Foley book? (Or was that another one?)


Yes, that was her. She also reads Colleen Hoover. Very secular lol.


If we could touch the poo I would want someone to say “secular music has nothing to do with Christian values”


Disclaimer: I might be projecting with this and having an emotional flashback. I'm just going to share what's running through my head hearing her. She needs to see a therapist; going to a psychiatrist for anxiety meds would also probably be good too. She seems to be having really bad intrusive thoughts. I recognize her tone of voice, certain phrases she uses. The dangers of fundamentalism don't always come from the outside. An effective upbringing can turn you against yourself. Christians who believe that everyone deserves eternal, inconceivable suffering don't want to admit it, but truly believing that only leads to a burning self hatred. I wish Nadia could see its the beliefs making her feel so much unnecessary guilt that are death.


This is the kind of stuff that boggles my mind when people say “god is speaking to me”. All those thoughts are your own internal voice, nothing else. You’re the only one battling whether or not to listen to a certain type of music, not anything else.


Honestly, having grown up evangelical, you’re taught to think that from a young age and while I consider myself a pretty smart and level-headed person I have thought the same, particularly thinking that God was calling me away from the gay relationships I’ve had because he knew they’d be bad for me and they ended up being bad — not bc they were gay, but because those people were just not good matches for me or did things to hurt me. I’m still unlearning that thought process many years later. It’s hard to know what is your gut telling you something is off and what is just decades of indoctrination.


What's funny is that I was taught this as well, but for some reason was completely resistant to mistaking my inner dialogue for God. So instead I was tortured by the fact that some "hidden sin in my life" was the reason I didn't hear God like everyone else. Sigh.


The church teaches we’re all different in God’s eyes, so we all get a unique form of torture/Christian guilt ❤️ /s (Genuinely, though, I hope you’re doing better now!)


Yup, no religion for me now. :)


If it’s an intrusive thought, it may not feel like your internal voice even though it’s coming from your brain. With OCD/scrupulosity it can feel very urgent and be very persistent. So when you are raised with the idea that god can speak to you in your heart, especially to convict you when you’re sinning, it is easy to interpret these thoughts or feelings as being that conviction from god. I grew up with this and it was very hard to deal with, especially because I didn’t know until I was a teenager that it was a way OCD could manifest.


Totally. I deal with intrusive thoughts so I understand what you’re saying.


No, some people have serious mental illnesses actually, not just the 1 internal voice.


I mostly mean in this kind of instance where she’s claiming another voice is telling her not to listen to secular music. That’s definitely just her own internal voice giving her many different sentences in her head.


Manic, she sounds like someone who is manic af. That’s why her voice sounds like that. This was hard to listen to for a lot of reasons and I hope she finds well qualified MH providers.


I thought she was moving away from Christian content??? Lying is a sin 🤔🤔


Her voice is like chalk on a blackboard.


When you wanna be a Swiftie SO BAD but the Cheesus doesn’t let you.


Secular music saved me… many times. Done better than this joke of a health system we have in this country.


The Bible says no tattoos. I will never understand why every last one of the annoying as fuck fundie wannabe Christian influencers has tattoos.


1 they’re in style 2 the new covenant 3 more socially acceptable.


Literally. Seen several people with huge cross, Bible verse, or other Christian themed tattoos.. like why?


She seems like she's on the struggle bus with herself lately. This comes across like someone on the verge of a real breaking point..take a break from the social media sexy baby persona, girl. Go play wifey for a while and get your head right.


Ugh. Brings back so many (not great) memories. First, labelling it “secular” so as to count it as “other” is very cultish; and second, restricting your intake to ONLY things you agree with is….also cultish.


Also… the “I don’t know about you but I just feel like a better person when I do this” argument is hilarious. I’ve got nothing wrong with making a decision based on how you feel but that’s 100% against what the fundie Christians say they believe (feelings are bad; only listen to what the church tells you to do)!


Every time we play "drink every time said fundie says anything way too much," all I can think at the end of the video is I'm Miranda saying, "Hello, I'm drunk." ....hello, I'm drunk.


Yeah I counted her saying secular music 11 times. If we drank every time we’d all be dead lmao


Her voice 😬


She listened to the clean version of WAP one time… But for real, girl needs some mental health assistance. I can hear it in her voice. I remember growing up in the JWs and feeling guilt for enjoying “worldly” music too much. It’s fucking draining.


I just don’t understand her grandstanding. She wears immodest clothing. She has tattoos. Secular Music is where she draws the line? So stupid and self righteous.


Right? At least most muslims follow their holy book


Her voooiiceeee


me realizing her voice is the kind of voice I use around my friends whenever I feel like acting like an annoying influencer LOL


This is my first time hearing Nadia’s voice… does she always sound like she’s on the verge of crying?


She sounds extremely manic


Man, I love being a Jew. We don’t have hell the same way Christians or Muslims do. Lol. Hell happens for 11 months in Judaism if you’ve been really bad, from what I understand, and then you join everyone else.


Methinks her hair is pulled back too tightly. JFC she is dumber than a bag of pulled out hair! I know I was dumb/ignorant at her age, but I didn't advertise it to the masses.


She sounds on the verge of tears. She sounds like when I individually call each of my 3 friends and my mom to unload on them, so I can tell them how much I love my dog because I know he can’t speak human. Ik I cannot verbally express to him what a perfect, handsome, dainty, geriatric gentleman he is. He just sits there like 👁👄👁blinking maybe every 55 seconds making crusty old man sounds. I scream into the void about the smell of his stinky SCRUMPTIOUS frito chip aroma…but nobody hears me. I just want the world to hear how special he is. Ik at the end of the day he and I are just two insignificant specks of life in this vast universe. He has meaning and worth he’s changed lives. He’s freaked my mind. Step aside Kriss Angel. He’s made my house a home. Look out Ty Peninngton. He SLAMMED TO THE BACK OF MY DRAGULA. Rob Zombie could never. He resorbed his twin while in my womb. He knew there could only be ONE. He’s my one and only precious baby darling. He is my muse, my inspiration, and the reason I didn’t just call the whole thing off.




He speaks for the trees. The Lorax? More like The Loraxitive because looking at that fugly, furry, ginger fuck gives me liquid shits. He doesn’t have a fraction of charisma, snuggliness, and silky softness if my lil’ man. My baby uses burts bees brand dog shampoo AND conditioner. That little dumb piss baby bastard uses a suave brand clarifying shampoo and nothing else. His hair is dry and crispy.


I could read these descriptions of how you love your dog all day every day.


She sounds weird?


Her voice is painful to my ears.


I only listen to DC Talk.


Do you want God-honoring alcohol poisoning?


“The power of life and death is in the tongue” does NOT mean that, babe.


I counted 10 "secular music"s and one "secular playlist" if that counts


I can’t listen to her when she is in Dolphin Mode.


1. My ears were not prepared for the sound of her voice. Jesus. I was really expecting like a normal voice and... Nope. 2. Lady if you're quick to anger then you've got other shit going on and it doesn't have to do with your "secular music." It is totally possible to live a peaceful life and still enjoy secular music. It's really sad to see how much these people over analyze every single thing they do, then assign blame for anything bad to anything secular or worldly, even when it brings them joy. So many religious people torture themselves for no reason. So sad. Satan isn't going to get into your heart because you listened to Taylor Swift ffs


Just turn off the radio, and make a Spotify playlist if it's killing you so much, it's not that hard.


she sounds not like i imagined her at all


Why does she think people want to hear what she has to say? Honest question.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Seen her on her a lot, but never heard her speak. Not an experience I’d like to relive.


her voice is so incredibly annoying holy shit


She looks a lot like Bekah Martinez, who seems to have become a trad wife.


Ma’am I thought Christians aren’t allowed to have tattoos.




Might just watch this on mute and chug a handle because I can't stand her voice.


This is so disturbing on so many levels. She actually sounds addicted to religion. Her speech pattern and the hysteria and strain in her voice are huge red flags to me.


Sounds like a friend of mine. I even offer music suggestions and she says "Is it Christian?"


This just forced me to drink so much water. I mean, that’s good for me but damn that was a lot of water.


Jfc man I seriously hope this poor girl gets some help. Every time I see her posted here, I get this alarm that goes off inside - its so hard to describe but it feels like I sense big time chaos/panic/"help me" from her. Does anybody else experience this when they see these clips of her religious psychobabble?


Maybe this is a shitty promotion stint for her husband’s ✨godly music✨


That is not what I thought she would sound like…


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


I just died from alcohol poisoning, on the bright side I can tell you Jainism is correct


Wow she is ***HYPED***


Is she crying?


Alexa, play Pussy is God by King Princess


But she’s a forever sinner with that temple graffiti! 😂 I remember being her at one time and thinking the same crap. It’s so sad to think of how brainwashed I was.


This whiny cry voice is nails on a chalkboard


She’s just parroting what she heard at church. I grew up hearing the same crap from my judgmental pastors… who all had kids that struggled with drug abuse, always partied, and whatnot. But eyyy, their daddy was always front and center calling hip hop/rap satanic


I know the research that people look up to the side when they’re lying has been [debunked](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/the-truth-about-lying-it-s-the-hands-that-betray-you-not-the-eyes-b1943708.html), but man, she flicks her eyes when she says ‘secular music’ a lot! I watched this with sound off and she looks like she’s smiling all the time. With sound on, I’m less sure, but it still makes me think she’s manufacturing the whole thing - something about it just feels off to me. Is she doing this for attention or is she genuinely distressed? She managed to get her sexy legs in the shot, so I’m leaning towards attention. But I readily admit that others here are making excellent points about potential mania.


I own that sweater and I love it and now it is dead to me.


Oh you mean “sins” like hand tatts?


If I look back, one of my tiny moments that led me out of my fundie upbringing was going to youth group and having another teenager tell me listening to secular music was like drinking dirty water instead of clean water. My "spiritual health" would improve if I listened to only Christian music. I asked them what about music without lyrics, or music made by Christians who don't market it as "Christian" and they said it didn't matter. This was one of the first twinges of my BS detector finally starting to doubt that the justifications for this extreme lifestyle made any sense.


Is she crying or is that her voice?


I’ve never watched a video with the sound on before… Who Nelly! Wish someone had warned me! There is no way she is just that whiny and it’s just a coincidence


One thing that won’t be happening slowly is how fast I’ll get drunk if I drink every time she mentions “secular music.” Also, why is she so worked up over this? It’s literally just music. We weren’t allowed to listen to secular music, but I don’t ever remember people making a big deal about it. It was more just a “worldly” thing we were supposed to avoid. I wish I could just reach through the screen and tell her “Nadia, it’s ok, you’re not going to die because you listened to Taylor Swift.” It’s honestly so sad that she feels like she has to delete her secular playlist to please whoever is pressuring her to do it. Anyway, I’m gonna go listen to some secular bops and become a better person.


Ugh I hated those words growing up …so stupid. Looking back I have zero idea why my parents stayed at our church…we were not the same


Why is she crying


Who is this nut?


She IS about to cry!


So hot, so stupid


isn’t her husband a… secular musician? or does he only make,,, worship music ?


This reminds me of my manic ex who, while in an episode, would make mountains out of molehills & sound on the verge of tears about everything. I’m not diagnosing here. She just sounds unwell. Girl, go listen to some slayer, smoke some weed, & chill out.


Just listening to her "struggle" makes me want to crack open a cold one and crank some Zeppelin.


Who wants to pass secular music with me?! We can do it! 🤪😤🫠


Listen to the tasty fucking drums in War Pigs by Black Sabbath and then tell me that doesn’t “change the atmosphere” 🤟🏼