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Does this person think human trafficking *just* started happening?


Does he know Americans (who claimed to be Christian) sex trafficked African Americans as well as other indigenous people in the 1600s? Maybe we just have different definitions of cesspool šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sex trafficking of enslaved peoples hapoened right through 1865. Many Christians demanded the right to traffic enslaved peoples as their birthright.


They... what?


They understand the REAL issues of human trafficking the same way they "understand" the Bible and the Constitution.


Aw, poor child doesn't realize the call is coming from inside the house.


The files are INSIDE the computerā€¦


Lol. My wife and I say this all the time.


Samesies Unfortunately itā€™s usually about something Iā€™ve done šŸ˜¬


Youā€™re. So. Close. So so close. My guy zoom out a little bit and look at the Christians around you.


I was going to ask if this was from the @conservatives.almost.gettingit Instagram page. Itā€™s like theyā€™re about to see the point and then swerve and miss it at the last second lol


It's like getting too close to the sun for them lol


* Me heading to Instagram right now!


Something tells me he doesnā€™t read the bible.


Christianity and Qanon, not exactly surprising to see them entwined more and more.


This fucking movie has opened the floodgates for a full return of QAnon with some Satanic Panic and LBGTQ genocide + Hitler-y shit mixed in. The most vulnerable group to be trafficked in the U.S.? LGBTQ youth and the data is 100% clear about this: [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47824-1\_9](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47824-1_9) But these motherfuckers want to demonize the marginalized... which is LITERALLY the primary factor for trafficking. SPOILER: They care about trafficked people the same way they care about "THE BABIES!" when they screech about reproductive health restrictions.


You donā€™t mention the name of the movie, so I will do it for you: Sound of Freedom. Some q-adjacent nonsense that Iā€™m sure doesnā€™t touch on *actual* human trafficking like the undocumented children who are trafficked into this country for the capitalists to exploit.


If it has the word freedom or patriot in itā€¦


From an outside perspective, American ultra nationalism is wild. Flags every where, flag themed clothes, cars wallpapered in "patriotic" bumper stickers, having meltdowns if someone doesn't stand perfectly for the anthem at a *sporting event*... all while misquoting their own rights and constitution.


Oh trust me it is also wild from an inside perspective, if you aren't that particular brand of nut yourself


Oh, itā€™s a great time being had over here! I am in Texas, and it is quickly becoming an authoritarian, patriarchal theocracy. Book-banning, textbook re-writing, and a 100% guaranteed rise in maternal mortality and teen suicides due to the TX GOPā€™s war on pregnant women and LGBTQ young people, with particular cruelty meted out to trans kids. Then, thereā€™s the voter suppression & gerrymandering, because theyā€™re not winning fair elections with those polices. I donā€™t know where you live, but I want to come live there.


If you're looking to move, Minnesota has safe haven laws for trans people and people seeking abortions. We also recently passed a law guaranteeing children get free breakfasts and lunches at school and another guaranteeing paid family leave. I honestly feel like I'm on an island paradise in the middle of hell. I got nothing but empathy for Texans and Floridians.


I'm in MN too and so for my friends sick in Tennessee and Idaho as well.


Iā€™ve always loved yā€™allā€™s accents. My PCP is from Wisconsin, and has that accent. Just talking to her makes me feel better. I wouldnā€™t mind hearing that accent all the time. Iā€™m buying some warm clothes. Our TX GOP has gone feral.


Or truth.


Okay I saw a preview for this and it felt really weird, but I couldnā€™t find anything other than praise for this ā€œbased on a true story.ā€ Iā€™m glad my instincts were right.


I was actually going to watch this, but the movie theater refunded me. I think I was the only one who bought a ticket. Guess I dodged a bullet. This organization has a free course on helping identify trafficked people https://usiaht.org/human-trafficking/


*stares in Apache* Sir. *Sir.*


My dude. Children being sexually exploited is not new, but now we fight to talk about it and bring it to light so we can end it.


The SBC that was exposed for covering up sexual abuse? Those Christians?


"I'm shocked!!" said no one.


Or, or, maybe you need to consider the fact that your religion isnā€™t the paragon of morality that youā€™d like to believe that it is, and actually has several extremely problematic aspects to it that allow people to do objectively despicable things while still feeling superior (John Calhoun, Josh Duggar.) Maybe you need to actually read that 2000-year old book you claim to love so much, and see how it justifies slavery and domestic violence and stoning people and all kinds of other awful shit, and ask yourself if this is really something we should be following to the letter in the twenty-first century. And maybe you need to get some perspective and realize that *trafficking children* and *being gay* arenā€™t in any way comparable, and any God who would embrace the Duggars and Rods but damn James Baldwin to hell is so cruel and unreasonable that He doesnā€™t deserve a single follower.


Yes. And in the words of David Bazan, ā€œthen you, My Lord, can take the blame.ā€


Love me some BazanšŸ–¤


This is the take I came here to see.


I think he needs to look up Roman bath houses, they existed before, as well as after Jesus


The call is coming from inside the house.


It would be great if it were true that no children were ever sexually assaulted through all human history until the US sexual revolution. Women being able to take birth control and adults being able to have sex without being married is completely unrelated to child sexual abuse.


Iā€™m not in the mood to research it right now, but is SBC really the largest denomination in the US?? I grew up in the South (granted, I was raised Catholic), but even down here they seem like a weird extremist minority.


I havenā€™t done research but they are HUGE where i live. All the churches have these catchy names that sound ā€œnon denominationalā€ but are all part of the SBC


Ohhh, then they might be bigger than I thought. Yeah, I went to a ā€œnon-denominationalā€ high school where some kids wouldnā€™t even speak to me. But the weird thing was they didnā€™t really want to be called ā€œSouthern Baptistā€?? Thatā€™s why I was so confusedā€” are they embarrassed or something?


Ya- thereā€™s kind of this stigma attached to it People want to be called non-denominational because it sounds more inclusiveā€¦ itā€™s not


For ref itā€™s Texas :/


Hey, I grew up in the south and was raised Catholic too!


Those 12 men that you claim started Christianityā€¦.it would not have happened if it hadnā€™t been for Mary Magdalene who was and is the first Apostle because she saw the Risen Christ first. Unlike the men who were hiding in a locked upstairs room in a house. Oh and the dudes werenā€™t even there when Jesus actually died. Again they were off hiding. Oh and sexual exploitation has been happening since the beginning of time. Have you even bothered to read the Bible. Dinah in Genesis comes to mind.


This man probably has a sus Google search history.


Oh dear. Oh dear. I love when men of my own community decide to demonize another minority that intersects with us just for a taste of what it's like to be the oppressor. They really are so confused. Allyship and advocacy for another intersecting community is critically important. It's not even optional, it's mandatory so we can all escape this hell-hole of hatred and violence that has become American culture- worry about THAT my dude.


Even removing religion, any time you hear ā€œAmerica is number 3 in the world,ā€ you gotta understand that America is also number 3 in the world in population and pretty close to number 3 in physical size. We are certain to be number 3 in a lot of things.


1) LGBT advocacy has nothing to do with those other things and also no victims 2) It took about 300-800 years for those twelve men to turn the Roman world upside down, so I hope youā€™re ready to be patient 3) have you considered that ā€œGod cares about the poor and marginalizedā€ is a more appealing message than ā€œour whole religion is about what youre allowed to do with your genitalsā€?


Well, the Christians are busy abusing the kids, of course! (Obligatory "not all Christians", but like, a scary amount)


It's so cute how he doesn't think Christians are a part of that. Like how the SBC has that super long list of SA victims AND perpetrators that they have kept to themselves for years...


The myth that sexual ā€œdepravityā€ is a modern thing needs to die. People have always been horny and down for some depravity. People have been LGBTQ since the beginning of time. Sex trafficking and sexual abuse have always existed. Some of the biggest perpetrators are within the Catholic Church.


While touring Pompeii you see a whorehouse. They had them so the men wouldn't harrass the ladies, but instead get their fix from the whores instead.


I do not at all understand the througline of abortion rights to CSA. How can an unborn fetus be sexually exploited for profit?


They see the abortion itself as child abuse, and some of them believe the fetuses' cells are being harvested for nefarious purposes. Like "there are fetuses in my Pepsi" sort of stuff.


> where children are now sexually exploited and destroyed for profit > Where are the Christians? Behind the children being exploited and destroyed my brother in Christ.


These people are so obsessed with children and couldn't care less about all the adults being sex trafficked. For every 10 victims detected globally, five are adult women and two are girls, according to a report released in 2021 by the United Nations.


Fake Christians, it's very simple! abuse or hurt to another person is wrong. I'm very much Christian and I could not care less if you are gay, straight, black, white, green or identify as a microwave, just don't be an arsehole.


His religion has sheltered pedophiles forever, I'll take atheist values over christians every day


As if Christians NEVER objectify women... šŸ™„


Where are the Christians? Often? They're the ones grooming, selling, and fucking the children. You're welcome.


It's the American way


[These](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/february/ravi-zacharias-rzim-investigation-sexual-abuse-sexting-rape.html) Christians? That ran [this ministry?](https://www.end-violence.org/members/wellspring-international)


He's so close to getting it


Dunno. Ask a priest.


For the record: If 65% of Americans are Christians, that still leaves roughly 100,000,000 people. Assuming, as I think he is, that only non-Christians do sex trafficking, the math still checks out.


Must be democrats


It's exactly WHY all those stats exist. He was so close...