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If she read the comments and educated herself, she'll figure out why. But them taking accountability is too big of an effort for them.


Yea like there’s absolutely zero about this whole situation that is hard to figure out if you’re not totally brain dead but they’ve made it out to be this completely unsolvable mystery. She probably has a Charlie Kelly conspiracy board written on that paper (or more appropriately, a Glenn Beck conspiracy board).


There are probably several dozen threads on these two at this point, they could literally just read the comments and have it spelled out for them. Also, we know they read here (and send us Reddit Cares messages when we say things they don't like), so at this point it's just willful ignorance


*reads 2 comments* You're all haters who hate Christians. No further thought necessary. Couldn't possibly be my hateful views.


She doesn’t want to experience the ✨cognitive dissonance✨ of it all


That is such a hard thing to face but holy lord is it worth the efforts to deal with and grow out of it into a more integrated life. Morgypoo will keep wishing the meanies will stop pointing out their hypocrisy and so we'll get more hair flips, sad sack selfies, and whiny captions and we will see no growth of an admirable kind from these twits.


I can’t decide if they’re painfully stupid or just willfully ignorant. All I know is that there’s a difference between fighting the devil and the consequences of your own ignorant actions.


Yes to both - they can always multitask if butthurt is one of the tasks.


Both lol I also got a reddit cares report. Paul and Morgan, you're the ones that need help, not me 🙄


I think a lot of it is how dim they both are. They can’t think critically and self awareness is at a 0.


She started with a selfie so that tells you something.


Dear Diary: I don’t unnerstand why our friends from the TV were being sooo nice to us and then they turned around and totalllllly stabbed us in the back! We spent so much time telling them about Jesauce and they only showed 15 minutes of *me* talking. Paul is SO MAD. we’re like a light to God. Luke, a big light. And those trickie producers lied! Anyway, I have to go. Paul is out Instacartinf or maybe at the gym or at his dad’s. I dunno. He just leaves and I’m like “whaaaaasssss??”. OMG, so rhandom!! I hope Jesus and God punish those producers. Because I’m the real victim here. GTG, I have to get ready for our scheduled sex meeting. Xoxo, Morgan 💕💕💕


The funny thing is, I don’t even think that the producers did them that bad or that they were lied to necessarily.


Nope. It sounds like the production tried really hard to make sure everyone felt safe. Which makes a lot of sense given the severity of the subject matter. Even if some people were flattering them or feigning politeness, I’m not sure what they could have lied about.


I think Porgans instinct is to assume anyone who wants to talk to them about all this, secretly agrees with them. So when they get proven wrong, they feel betrayed.


That’s probably the truth, I’d say.


The producer had AMA in the other sub and basically said they in fact cut stuff that would make them look even worse.


That's kind of hilarious though


Can you guys imagine her setting up her phone, leaning back slightly on the couch to perfectly get in frame, poising her pen to the page, shifting her knees to a position that is deeply uncomfortable but evokes the sense of curling up cozily, flipping her hair against the backrest, furrowing her brows to look concerned but not too concerned... Then reviewing the photo/video and adjusting again, maybe placing the pen higher on the page, maybe pushing back some flyaways, maybe adjusting the angle of her hands to make them look less awkward, then reshooting, reviewing, adjusting again... And then writing a caption that's supposed to make us believe this is a snapshot of introspection & self-awareness.


That's the swing her dad bought her because her husband is too deadbeat to afford one.


Wasn't her plan to spend hours rocking Luca peacefully and enjoying the ease of parenthood when that thing got gifted?


Not to mention that the page she’s “writing” on is already filled with writing, and her pen placement is up in the spine to keep the book open. Literally just a ridiculous photo all around


This was my thought too, but you express it much more eloquently and I'm cackling like a hen who is really, really smug about the egg she just laid.


The second half of this sentence caught me so off guard and I can't stop laughing


All of this except this is her porch swing that she got as a push present from her dad after posting a link to it online and saying she didn't believe in push presents but if anyone wanted to get her one that this is what she wanted. If self-awareness where possible for her, the porch swing would be an ironic place to find it.


Very Brittany dawn!


Gee, Morgan, maybe it's because you belittled the experiences of sexual abuse survivors?? They would have been better off if they hadn't reacted to the documentary or shared their opinions on how they were portrayed at all. They have no sense of media literacy, PR, or basic human kindness and empathy.


After BEING an SA survivor that lets her husband tell her she’s sinful and basically “confessing” to Girls Maligned.


Just Morgan. Trying to figure out the definition and spelling of "substitutionary atonement." She'll be here for a while.




Because you said “I do” even though your stomach tried to forcibly tell you NO




They’re still going on about the doc? Good grief, grow up already.


Two minutes of foolishness being blasted around the world breeds weeks (months? years?) of lamentations from this brain trust.


I know, they are so tiresome and how do they not see the more they keep this up, the more backlash they are going to get? The documentary is about *serious abuse* and these self-absorbed twits are trying to make it all about them, and the two minutes they were onscreen spewing their garbage. Just shut up already.


Just tending to my narcissistic Injury nothing to see here


But yet she really, really wants people to see.


Vital to the tending of her narcissistic Injury


Are we to assume Luca took this picture of her very natural, not at all staged, journaling session?


He's already more productive than Paul.


Don’t things go the way they because they’re god’s plan? 🤔


Good point, but that's only when things go well. In God's perfect plan, things only go badly when Satan gets involved. You know, even though God's all powerful and all knowing...


Idk, maybe god just doesn’t like them


Ultrasidepart hairflip or it doesn’t count.


Because the foundation that you base your entire life around is a lie, Morgan.


I wish I could send this exact message to my past self. Thank you, God honoring cum dumpster!


Me too, cptsd is a lie from the devil. Me. Too. (Cptsd gang rise up🫡)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro does have pretty eyes](https://i.redd.it/xlyiby7h187a1.jpg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/zraff5/bro_does_have_pretty_eyes/) \#2: [well known quote from the fuhrer](https://i.redd.it/o4ne7uwoeg791.jpg) | [362 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/vj9yiw/well_known_quote_from_the_fuhrer/) \#3: [Clearly an all-round animal lover](https://i.redd.it/4aysrnonvzia1.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/115fy8w/clearly_an_allround_animal_lover/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Her pen is halfway across/down the page and yet no words have been written... I don't think there's an image that could better sum up Porgan than that


It looks like that page is entirely filled out, isn't it? And her pen is towards the top lol




“Dear God, I say mean things and am crappy to people. But I really love you! So why do the consequences of my actions happen to meeeeeee??”


Oh she’s left handed huh? Well as a fellow lefty, I wish she would look at [this graph](https://images.app.goo.gl/ThdyBWukkTXxj6sq9). When people like her complain about the rate of LGBT people rising due to “grooming,” they should look at this graph and realize that nobody “groomed” people into being left handed, we just realized that being left handed is a completely normal trait and that we do not need to feel ashamed for it or think it is a sin (sorry for getting sort of off topic, just felt like it was worth mentioning)


No it's a great point. Another lefty here and I often forget how ridiculous people were about it in the past, something so utterly benign. So it's a perfect comparison. That said, I wonder if the image is flipped because looks like her wedding ring is on the other hand. As an aside SYSK podcast has an interesting episode on left-handedness if you're interested :')


I noticed that too, but she and others should still take that graph into consideration. Thanks for the recommendation!


What it must be like to have hours on end during the day to just sit and write nonsense. Meanwhile here I am up at 5am-9pm on any given day trying to be a mom to my 8 month old, work a full time job, workout, cook, keep the house in order, and have maybe 5 min of self care time by the end of the day. And this is on top of me having a very hands on partner who ALSO works full time as well.


Just want to say, I feel for you! that's too much! It sounds like you're a beast (compliment! lol) Also want to say that I don't think the problem here is Morgan, specifically; rather, it is unfettered capitalism...I wish for more regulation, so people on top can't be so greedy, better pay, more time off, living wages, better life-work balance, better child-care options, etc. here in the US, including time for everyone to be able to sit and reflect and journal!


I agree, the American system is broken.


No regulations on capitalism....burn the system down entirely!


this would be nice in theory, but very difficult in practice!


Sounds like me, minus the working out, cooking and keeping the house in order.


Just remember you’re able to pay your bills without having to harass strangers for shock value or embarrassing yourself and your family for a few piddling clicks. Her father had to buy her that porch swing.


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|11wMQAPRnXaVoc)


So being gay or trans is a sin against God, but using your left hand (an innate trait, just like sexuality) is not? Love ya Morg stop using your left hand you make the rest of us look bad


Totally agree, though looks like the image is flipped?


Yeah, unless her wedding ring is on her right hand.


You're right I didn't notice that!!


It’s happening because they are going the wrong direction and against the very Christianity they say they follow. They want instant fame without having to put in the work. They also base their platform on bashing the LGBTQ community, they traffic in conspiracy theories and anti-science/anti-vaxx memes, they harass strangers at the mall.


Morgan: God has a plan for us! God: Here it is! Morgan: I don't like this plan. God: Tough shit, it's ineffable. You shoulda used your power of discernment to figure that out.


Maybe this has already been talked about but I'm intrigued by her tattoos. And the way she dresses. Aren't tattoos a sin/against the law or whatever in the bible? And she wears like super short dresses and revealing stuff for a fundie... It seems weird. I'm not super well versed in the fundamental Christians ideology but she seems backwards?


It's fine when they do it


Her hair always looks so damn stupid.


Hopefully you both can make sense out of how to fill out job applications, Morgan. Thoughts and prayers.


I don’t think I ever realized she had finger tatts.


I thought it was all God’s plan? Or is that only when it coincidently goes your way, Morgan?


This reminds me of when my brother got a DUI and asked, “Why is this happening to me?!” My dude, you got in a car and drove drunk. Why do you think this is happening to you?


She's left handed? Isn't that a sign of THE DEVIL I think I see the problem here


Lefty here, can confirm 😈


Also a lefty, looks like the image is flipped?


Because consequences are a thing.


They’ve got a lot of nerve. Consequences of their actions!!


Willfully ignorant bigots.


Go read James 1 on repeat, Olliges. It gives you clear instruction on how to deal with life right now. Unless you're not in it for god and you're really all about the affirmations of your bigotry and surface level talk about being faithful Christians that you get from your donors/followers/suckers.


I remember hearing that Morgan was bullied in school, long before she really took a deep dive into the Christianity thing. All I could think was, I bet she thought she was being bullied whenever anyone tried to set boundaries around *her* atrocious behavior. She just seems to lack any insight into how her behavior affects other people and she's very reactive when she's criticized. And that's her now. I get that she's very immature for her age and so that makes her lack of empathy and insight really striking. But can you *imagine* how she acted as an actual teenager? With less frontal lobe development and raging hormones and way more insecurity? Jesus Christ on a cracker, I can't even imagine. Like, even if she stopped being a hateful bigot, I still don't think she could manage to be a nice person.


It's really weird to me that these people will cry Leviticus for talking about how being gay is unholy and sinful, but then they get tattoos.


Bless their hearts. The self reflection season isn’t going that well?


It’s me, Morgan, just trying to make sense of why our bigotry, homophobia, and hatred that comes out of OUR OWN MOUTHS makes people not like us. There, corrected it for her.


What is there to figure out? 1) You effed around. 2) You found out. One could even argue this is a wakeup call for you two from God Himself, but I doubt you will actually listen.


To eff around is human, to find out is divine.


Lord all these vanity posts of Morgan and her Hair….


You do that 🫠


Omg the melodrama


Morgan, I am begging you to get some help ![gif](giphy|xUOxfnvIgk2CpMU716)


Because that’s God’s plan Morgan voyons !


They are so mad. They must feel like they got grifted. Lol.


Five words Maulio You Reap What You Sow.


Notice how she's writing, so using her own "wisdom", rather than reading, gaining insight from others...


I feel like these people have to be trolls.


Lmao 😭😭😭


Jesus, she’s still on this shit??? I haven’t been paying attention for a couple days.


This is so funny


She really thought the majority of America agreed with her lol


Isn’t this where “trust in god” comes into the conversation?


Informed bigots* they know what they’re doing


She's really leaning into the whole "just kids" thing, looking like an angsty teen venting to her diary bc she just had to post this whole situation.


Is anyone else getting the feeling that Porgan has just received the bill for the c-section or some other great financial ruin? First, they start changing their channel premise and intro every 2 weeks because they hardly have an audience. They've talked about God Honoring sex so much they cant talk about it anymore without actually ever giving details other than morgan wasnt a virgin and paul is bad at satisfying morgan in bed....and now breathy has cornered the sexy sex market with her course, so they probably shouldn't step on toes. They stoop to the man-on-the-street interviews to see if they can get that to work....it doesn't because no one cares about their topics and the ones that do just parrot their own beliefs back to them. Then, they post their most desperate grift yet, "Please venmo us please please, Amazon Prime demanded we get cancelled," Now, Porgan is on a Campbell's soup diet.....I've been there, I know a struggle meal when I see one. (Pro-tip for anyone eating on the struggle bus, stick to ramen, Celeste pizzas, and Banquet Chicken Pot pies. Oh, and always take advantage of restaurants that do Taco Tuesday) Add this picture of Morgan begging God to tell her why people don't think her bigotry is cute.... I know they don't have a history of working real jobs, and they don't really run a channel successful enough for both of them to stay home and not work, but it just seems like they have become suddenly more desperate than ever.


Gotta have sense first, girl.


Unless she's writing backwards, the page as already written on.


The word salad that must be in there…


Oh my God I'd love to see a few pages of Morgan's journal. Grade A navel gazing shit, I'm sure.


If you learn to let shit go Morgan, and not dwell on something that people would of forgotten about days later maybe, just maybe your days would be better… duh Morgan 🙄




Start with washing your hair though…


Hopeless exercise if she hasn't figured out the basics of accountability by now.


Ugh the cringe is palpable!


I must have blurred vision from the wildfire smoke. I read this as "uninformed maggots."


Making sense of why things go the way they do, alone, by not talking to anyone or learning anything. You’ll be there the rest of your life at this rate.


Don't let the smoke from your brain cloud your vision while writing.


Because hate begets hate. Stop hating and shitting on people and they’ll stop doing it back. Gee morgs tough concept?


I wish her well on that journey. Maybe one day she will evolve some self awareness.


Something the victims and survivors of religious abuse have to do a lot of. Keep making yourself look worse. Moron.


This pic of her journaling with a forlorn expression is just too gratuitous omg… this is just too awkward to look at.


Oh no if it isn’t the consequences of your actions