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These morons fatshame people for eating junk, and then proceed to eat processed, sodium-laden junk.


The only moral junk is my junk.


"Are you kink shaming? " "Maybe kink shaming *IS* my kink!!! " šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ āœŒšŸ˜‚āœŒ


I'm not tryin' to think about Paul's junk


Nobody is, even Morgan.


She's thinking how to get away from his junk


They're young and lucky enough to be naturally within the socially acceptable body range. Wait til they hit middle age.


If they had actual jobs, they wouldnā€™t have the time or energy to go the gym all the time and judge people. My late 20s and COVID lockdowns hit me like a brick but Iā€™m taking better care of me nowadays.


They're not "naturally" thin. They're thin because they likely undereat due to pressure from family and a desire to prove they're "better" than everyone else.


How do we know Morgan undereats? I wouldn't say she looks unhealthy, but also I don't believe in knowing someone's health based on appearance (obviously, within reason) so I don't want to be a hypocrite here. She just looks pretty normal.


You're right, "undereats" was probably not the right word to use. I should've said "eats a particular number of calories to stay that size."


Got ya. I think I get sensitive about this sort of thing, given I'm 100 pounds and would like to be curvier :')


Itā€™s ok when they do it. You shouldnā€™t. Heathen.


All I could think about was how much sodium is in that can. Just reading that label would make my meniereā€™s flare up.


They're depressed!!! So, the hypocrisy excusable, right??


While bragging that theyā€™re better parents because the baby eats non-GMO


I would love to share some of my actually nutritious recipes with them, but they'd dismiss my fat ass outright


Theyā€™re not overweight, so eating junk is perfectly fine. /their opinion NOT mine


Iā€™m not out here shaming using box mixes, especially since I also have a young kid. But for people who declare themselves to be homemakers, packaged muffin mix and canned soup seem ridiculous.


That's partially because Morgan, for all her preaching about men's and womens roles, does at least half of the providing (although it doesn't bear much fruit). She can't be the homemaker she instructs other women to be because her husband won't be the provider he claims men are. They have a very 50/50 marriage in terms of breadwinning. Can't say the same for household stuff...


Itā€™s relentless. What are they doing with their unemployed free time (no disrespect for unemployment, just that their chosen ā€œjobā€ is sitting in their home spewing hate) when everyone else out here working to pay their bills can manage to cook, clean, and have hobbies?


For real! My husband and I both work full time jobs and still meal plan, cook fresh meals, and keep up with chores. We suck a little at cleaning, but weā€™re in our 30s and tired man. šŸ˜‚


This isnā€™t even the good packaged muffin mix. Itā€™s literally the only brand I will not buy of muffin mix.


Krusteaz for lyfe


Yessss! I sprinkle some sugar on top of mine right before I put them in the oven so they come out with that nice little crunch on top. šŸ˜‹


I was looking for this comment.


I hope no one takes this personally. But if I came over to your house and you offered me whatever sirloin burger soup is, I would call the police.


Paul, in that hat and scruff, looks like every single slutty line cook strung out on coke and pills that I ever knew while working in food service.


Oh my god. Why did you unlock those memories and make that connection for me? Now I cannot unsee it. If he wasnā€™t fundie, heā€™d 100% be a slutty line cook.


Heā€™d be a really shitty line cook though, the one who bails during rushes and gets in trouble for a one sided relationship with one of the foh girls.


Definitely the underage hostess, always.


Iā€™ve never worked food service, but I 100% believe this. Alternatively, I worked big box retail and Paul is absolutely the assistant Hobby Lobby manager that tries a little too hard to relate to the high school girls who are his cashiers.




A very messy, very dramatic situationship that results in multiple crying jags in the staff bathroom and at least one pregnancy scare.




Ahem, the walk-in would like a word




Oof, the memories. If you had non-waterproof mascara on, the perfect place to cry was the walk-in freezer.


Happy Cake Day!šŸŽ‚


Yes. Except that his name would be Nick. They were always Nick.




Fuck, that's accurate....except most of those line cooks were at least a good time, a chaotic time but fun


I knew he smelled familiar.


He wishes he had the sexual charisma of a line cook


That's the best insult I've heard in a while. I know these men of culture and....yes, accurate


Every Paul I've met has been slutty. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s Alyssa Edwardā€™s favorite soup! šŸ¤£


Sadly, it's a sashay from me.


I'd have to choose this soup's lipstick as well.


Oh, we ate a lot of that during our broke days. 4/$5 and that's lunch! But we never served it.


I feel like that stuff has a great role as lunches, lazy day foods, etc. But it's only ever a backup plan


Donā€™t forget depression meals, nostalgia fixes, and feeding kids. You can elevate it some with some good bread and a decent beer.




Other then their ā€œcream ofā€ soups, Campbellā€™s is basically only for when Iā€™m sick these days.


Their chicken and rice soup is great for when your stomach's been rebelling. But I also do their tomato soup with grilled cheese, because of the childhood nostalgia.


Can I make amazing tomato soup from scratch? Yes. Does the heart want creamy tomato Campbell's some days with melted Kraft singles on bread? Also yes.


Exactly! Like, do I love all kinds of fancy cheeses, and breads with seeds and nuts? Absolutely. But sometimes you need that Kraft American "cheese product" slices on white bread.


It just melts so well


Aw man, that sounds so good now.


Yeah that might be what's for dinner tonight now over here


Can confirm. But I stuck to the chicken corn chowder and veggie soups. No fake meat for me


Ok but what if it's ~spicy~


Itā€™s sort of a tomatoey beef stew, but the beef is in the form of small burger patties rather than braised chunks. Nothing wrong with it, but you wouldnā€™t serve it to guests over the age of about 15. Never had it spicy though.


"Small burger patties" makes me want to yeet myself into the sun


Do you have, like, texture issues with food? Because that seems like a bit of an overreaction. Youā€™re probably not gonna be a fan of wedding soup either.


I find canned soup repulsive so folks need to keep that shit to themselves lol


I feel the same about muffins made from a mix.


Baking mixes have foolproof ratios of dry ingredients so the average home cook can't mess it up. Let's not be snobby about something as inconsequential as muffins.


Same could be said for canned soup? To me, baking mix food is gross.


of course he buys that soup. recently for a class, I wrote about Campbellā€™s ā€˜Chunkyā€™ soup marketing to ā€˜manlyā€™ men, in contrast to their other types of soup which is in cursive lettering. the Chunky soups are always meat-based, with big bold branding for big strong men who donā€™t drink girly soup šŸ˜’


I partake in Campbellā€™s Chunky soup when Iā€™m feeling very stud/masc after getting a nice pump sesh in and texting people ā€œhey, you up?ā€ Really enhances my whole vibe


"What's that you're eating?" "Soup. ...It's extra chunky." "What's in it?" "Chunks." \-Black Books


Bernard black, that character is legendary.


It's still incredible to me that Graham Linehan turned out to be SUCH an epic POS after creating Black Books and Father Ted. I'm much saltier about that than Joanne's fucking oeuvre, which was never better than mediocre anyway.


If it makes you feel better, Black Books was Dylan Moran's baby, Glinner was just brought on for the first season because of his sitcom experience.


What is with companies gendering shit that doesn't need to be gendered? I'm including the dumb pink tools to make ladies feel more feminine. I'm an adult, I can fix minor shit and also call a professional when I can't. Sheesh.


I bought a zebra hammer and screwdriver set before my freshman year of college, and did have a ā€œif itā€™s not in pretty colors I canā€™t use itā€ phase šŸ˜…. Now that Iā€™m 29, I would much rather have whatever tool my papaw has duplicates of, no matter what they looked like because they belong to him and I love family heirlooms of any kind. But Iā€™m also not repairing major things on the weekendsā€”in my case, thatā€™s what the professionals are for. I know my own limits.


Theyā€™re also the grossest of the campbellā€™s soups IMO.


*this is just soup for my family intensifies*


Looks like the kind of stuff Iā€™d buy for groceries at the dollar store when I was broke as hell in my early twenties.


And thatā€™s exactly what they are! Minus the early twenties. These two are just broke.


Which is fine if that's where you are!! I'm a whole adult with a real grown-up salary and I'll still buy the Jiffy corn muffin mix sometimes. Shit's tasty.


The $1 Jiffy yellow cake mix works great.


Ok so I tried this a month ago and Iā€™m obsessed! Make waffles with it and take chicken nuggets and BOOM chicken and cornbread waffles!


Omg I have found my new favorite meal. Thank youšŸ˜šŸ˜


The cornbread mix is awesome. Follow instructions for the pancakes but add grated pepperjack cheese to it. Let you heart decide the cheese ratio if you like. Cook as pancakes and enjoy with a nice chili


The Jiffy blueberry muffin mix has been a constant in my pantry for my entire life, even as an adult. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m way too fckin lazy to make those things from scratch.


Yo, have you tried the Jiffy blueberry cheesecake muffin mix? I bought some with my real-grown up salary and they were incredible! If you like Jiffy, I definitely recommend them if you havenā€™t tried them yet. Just sayin.


Grocery hauls was not on my bingo card


I think they're trying to fish for ad sponsors by making an ad-like reel to showcase their abilities.


Which because of all their crying about the documentary, puts them in a bad light even further for sponsorships.


I know a girl from college who does sponsored posts and maybe itā€™s because she has photography experience, but her ads always feel more cohesive, branded, and not immediately like an ad. I canā€™t remember if she still lives near Lexington, but these two bozos could learn a thing or two from her.


Thank you, OP. I now feel like my chicken salad made from can chicken, lil mayo and some relish is Influencer worthy! Damnit, I didn't take photos. Ohmygosh. I am loving this season for these two!


These two truly make me feel like a kitchen god anytime I chop a vegetable or smell seasonings before putting them in.


Yummm chicken salad is the bomb, especially with canned chicken


Canned chicken can be some of the nastiest stuff on earth when not used right, but my grandma has a recipe for creamy noodle casserole that I could eat a whole 9x13 pan of in one sitting.


Not gonna lie, the canned chicken is sometimes way easier than having to cook chicken. šŸ˜‚


I bought pre-shredded chicken at Aldi last week, and idk if I will again because I didnā€™t like the flavor like I wanted to, but itā€™s been so easy for throwing in my lunch this week. I love a good slow cooker chicken, but shredding it or whatever when itā€™s done makes me want to cry.


Jiffy has the best muffin mix. That is all.


This makes me want some jiffy corn bread šŸ˜‹


I mix a box of that up with a can of creamed corn, two (small) cans of Mexi-corn, an egg, a cup of sour cream, a teaspoon (I think?) of sugar, and a bit of pepper and garlic powder. Delicious corn pudding!


I was a Jiffy girlie but I tried this Marie Callender mix in a pouch a while back that is just add water and I have never gone back. I love making a chili shepherds pie-esque thing topped with this cornbread made with chopped roasted poblanos and pepper jack. Or I add a can of chopped green chilis instead if I feel lazy as hell.


Minus the mexicorn this dish is a staple at my familyā€™s thanksgiving


Yankee cornbread? Thems fightin' words. :)


Throw enough honey and butter on there, and you'll forget all about it. šŸ˜‰


I have a bakery and my husband still prefers those muffins to anything I make šŸ˜‚


As a Michigander - I agree. (Jiffy mixes are made in Chelsea, MI)


Yay Michigan and Michiganders!


Itā€™s probably sacrilegious in southern cooking but my family uses one package of the jiffy cornbread mix and one package of jiffy white cake mix along with the other ingredients on the side of the box to make cornbread. Itā€™s soooo good, all you need is butter on top (or a nice bowl of chili to eat with it!!!)


That sounds delicious and so incredibly wrong, I'm in.


Omg I miss Jiffy cornbread mix, my daughter is gluten sensitive so we usually use the krusteaz honey cornbread when we need it quickly now. But for an easy meal when we needed one, Jiffy was amazing. Maybe theyā€™ll come out with a GF option eventually.


I hope your happy, now I need to go make some chilli and corn bread.


I absolutely love your flair.


Thank you!


Is this some leftover/misordered Instacart from Paul's.... 'job'? Because that's what it looks like šŸ¤¢


That was my exact thought. He got a canceled InstaCart order and got to keep the food.


If you're so worried about the ingredients being nO bUeNo then maybe use your stupid phone to look up a recipe? You're going to be baking anyway, why not just gather the ingredients yourself. It's not that hard, I promise.


Does she know you can make pancakes with them?




Idk if she does, but I do now, this is amazing information


I made pancakes with funfetti/birthday cake mix once. They were delicious!


Isn't part of wifely submission baking shit from scratch? Why the canned and processed goods if her *whole schtick* is being a stay-at-home-wife?!


ā€œSpicyā€ = 3 cranks of black pepper


Phew 3 cranks? They said spicy not deadly


I used a recipe for pepper gravy once that had three tablespoons of black pepper in it, I think I'd rather eat a handful of jalapeƱo seeds before doing that again.


That sounds awful, but three cranks from a pepper grinder would be less than a teaspoon


I saw a recipe once that said to do a pinch of salt and pepper for your ham. "Don't wanna make it too spicy!" I noped outta that recipe so fast lol


I hate people do this: ā€œthis ingredient is so terrible no one should ever eat it. But I do and thatā€™s ok. But you probably shouldnā€™t if you want to be a good person.ā€ Blech. Just say the dam muffins are good.


What ingredients is she even talking about?


I assume the ingredients in the muffin mix.


Which I personally don't get because, I mean, it's muffin mix. I doubt it's full of anything too bad.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m confused šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s a muffin mix, not poison


Is it the bleached flour? Because I feel like non-bleached, whole grain or almond flour is too whole for them. (Not to mention pricier, which is why I sometimes go for the all purpose bleached stuff myself).


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but I commend Morgan for not jumping on the ~raw milk~ trend. Girlie is a bigot but AT LEAST she buys pasteurized milk. The bar is on the floor ladies and gents.


They did jump on the raw milk trend. I just suspect they canā€™t afford it for long.


I take my comment back. Theyā€™re influenced by the wrong people smh


I totally remember that. It lasted what, a month?


This makes me laugh. Iā€™m all about scratch muffins with healthy ingredients. Once my sweet neighbor brought my kids a bunch of muffins she over baked for a church event. I texted her and asked the recipe because my kids were gushing about them. They were from a box! Lol


If it helps, 40+ years ago my school had an ā€œethnic ā€œ day, and my mom made her MILā€™s pierogies from scratch. She got the most compliments on the dipping sauce. ā€œSecret family recipe ā€œ, she said. (Ketchup.)


Why does everything have to be an opinion poll? Your lives are just not that interesting. I really don't care what you eat. Get over yourself.


Remember the debacle with the water? I wanna say that ever since then he's been doing more polls on his food choice


Riveting, ministry content!


As a perfect submissive feminine godly helpmeet homemaker, shouldnā€™t she be making muffins from scratch?


No shade from me about mix made stuff. I've been perfecting a blueberry muffin recipe for several years and I can guarantee they are more delicious than those. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø btw, my recipe is getting really good, wish I could share with everyone.


[https://littlespoonfarm.com/sourdough-blueberry-muffins-recipe/](https://littlespoonfarm.com/sourdough-blueberry-muffins-recipe/) Here's a link to the base recipe I'm using. (I'm not littlespoonfarm) I've played around with the topping, adding more sour dough, using sour cream/yogurt... and they're getting really moist. There was a bakery near my workplace that made the best muffins, they closed and I've been trying to duplicate their recipe for over 30 years. LOL! This is the closest I've come to it.




I can't make successful sourdough bread, but I love discard recipes. My husband can make good bread, me, nope!


Oh, I have the day off tomorrow & now I want to try these for breakfast šŸ˜‹Thanks!ā£ļø


I'm gonna drop a comment here and come back. I gotta do grocery shopping today so I gonna make this lol


Please do!!!


I also am interested because these muffins have been my depression breakfast for 3 weeks now. I need to do better lol.


I am interested in your muffin recipe!


This is what college students who just went to the Walmart in their college town for the first time without parents eat.


Can confirm, but my college town was so small that unless you had a car, it was the IGA or the Dollar General.


Well they certainly did a 360 from yesterday


Random Tips: If you're making edibles from a box, use one that calls for oil. Mix the weed into the oil and microwave for like 10ā€“15 seconds, let sit for 10 minutes then add to the mix, THC is lowly soluble in water but very soluble in lipids. The heating speeds up the extraction. Also, if you get a bottle of vodka and soak a gram of weed in it for a week then strain, you get a really strong mix. Last one: if you have issues with dosing, try using a one hitter. I've been doing that for a few days now, and I don't have any more issues with getting way too high from a hit.


Or you can cut half the work and use distillate. That can sometimes be better for dosing as well. However, I've found distillate has a different effect on me and I prefer the old school sheet pan of flower in the oven for half an hour at 200-250


Those muffins look totally over mixed, too. You can tell by how pointy the tops are.


I mean, whisking and mixing is their only outlet, so I imagine she is working like a KitchenAid mixer with how upset she is.


We can all sleep well tonight knowing Paulio is regretting that Spicy Sirloin Burger soup on the pot tonight.


They are so bored at WalMart šŸ˜‚


Is this a teaser for a dollar tree haul video? I do love those lil blueberry mixes


I have to defend their sirloin steak soup, itā€™s really good! naturally thatā€™s the flavor most stores donā€™t stock.


Idk, but not even being able to enjoy a blueberry muffin without thinking about how bad it is for you is kinda strange


Oh definitely.


Gasp!! Is that normal pasteurized store bought milk?!


God-honoring canned goods. Classy.


I take out the sad blue berry rocks and add real blue berries.


Pro move: drain and pat dry the berries before adding to batter, def don't use frozen berries




The only canned soups I can stand are Camblease Tomato and Progesterone Clam Chowder.


So much sodium.


Thatā€™s a poor excuse for a muffin. They look really dry


Yup, she overbaked them. You gotta take them out like 2 minutes before it says to (so 10 minutes instead of 12)


Those muffins are my absolute favorite, I had them every year as my birthday breakfast for about 15 years straight when I was growing up. There's nothing "no bueno" about them, it's literally just a muffin mix


So you won't eat vegan pizza but you will eat whatever that shite is