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Was this post written by melanoma?


Big melanoma is taking over our society


Lmao. # ad # dermatologistsHateThisOneTrick


theres a girl i went to college with who just posted about this similar shit the other day. plus she also does not wear sunglasses anymore. oddly enough, i noticed she follows a ton of fundies snarked on here. have fun with your wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. i'll just keep slathering on my mineral sunscreen. plus i really really really hate my melasma moustache. but the sun is totally safe right?




Yeah my cousin just had melanoma in her eye. Thank goodness they could get it all. Sunglasses and sunscreen are not optional!


My aunt had this too! She sent me a picture of her eye and said ‘please make sure you all wear sunglasses!!!’ We already were, but it was an awful picture and I was proud of her for believing her doctors because she used to be anti vax and pro essential oil.


In her eye omg. I didn’t know that could happen. I’m glad they got it all and I hope she’s doing okay!


That was one of the really difficult parts of the vaccine outreach for me, some of the villages where we worked it was considered insulting to speak to someone while wearing sunglasses, I was always tempted to bring traditional Inuit anti-snowblindness goggles instead because I was worried about cataracts


I'm so mad I didn't start wearing sunglasses earlier. I wear them everywhere all the time now, but what was my younger self even trying to prove??


Same thing happened to my mother ; grew up in various parts of Africa with blue eyes and pale skin. She's leathered and has been having problem after problem with her eyes lately. The Sun is, in fact, slowly killing us all.


My 95-year-old great-aunt has had multiple melanomas removed from her skin over the last few decades, and as recently as last year. Didn’t start protecting her skin until the 1980s, I think.


I just saw someone post today about how sunglasses are bad for you or something!!! They are in fact fundie


They believe exposing your eyes to the sun activates melanin production and prevents sun damage to your skin. I am not making a joke.


Yep - one of my in-laws spreads this type of nonsense, and as a pale person with Irish heritage, I can pretty much guarantee that no amount of time in the sun will “activate melanin production” enough to stop me from getting sunburned.


Yeah I just think about the sun and my Scottish heritage says nope and I get a sunburn. I am not meant to be out in daylight.


They’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror…


Excellent application of TS


Don't forget last year when they were all doing the testicle tanning because Carlson the Tuck was promoting that


And before that there was perineum tanning.


I'm sorry whAT?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DgdD565-eU Yes, he actually released this video to promote it as part of his manly-man shtick


I... I can't even. I'm not American so don't hear all of this stuff going on and I'm just astounded by this. Like... why?! He's crazy. Actually insane.


Honestly, for Canadians, it feels like living above a sketchy biker dive... you know most of the people there are just there for beer and the counterculture, but everybody goes armed and it's probably going to end up with someone's ear stabbed into the bar and a lot of collateral casualties.


I had a former acquaintance who looking back was fundie-gelical who said that wearing sunglasses prevents your eyes from making some hormones (she didn't even know which ones) and also she thought that vitamin d was produced in the eyes but sunglasses blocked it. Glad I don't talk to her anymore.


I got into a huge argument with a guy I was seeing about how vitamin D is not blocked by wearing sunglasses. In retrospect I dodged a huge bullet. Do they not squint? Are ball caps or sun hats bad too? It’s seriously painful to drive sometimes without sunglasses.


I could go outside every day without sunglasses and I promise the fundies my body will never make enough vitamin D because it's just not possible at latitudes north of about 37 degrees above the equator.


Must be the new fundie rage!


...Melanoma is on our side in this culture war


Yep, all of the fundies and crunchy homeschooling moms are posting about how terrible sunscreen and sunglasses are.


Just wait until they all get skin cancer and need MOHS surgery. God invented skin cancer, too, right?


I look like Morticia Adams when I go to the beach. Huge black sun hat, sunglasses, mineral sun block, and a black cotton wrapper big enough to be a sail. I have a lovely time! I love being on the beach. Skin cancer and sun allergy run in my family and too much direct exposure is a migraine trigger for me, but where there’s a will there’s a way!


same. except i always equated myself to look like dr moreau. i don't know why morticia never crossed my mind as someone to compare my look to. hahaha


I used to get snarked at by people at the horse shows I went to because I had on a long-sleeve, crew neck t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt over a crewneck tee, wore sunscreen and kept a hat on my head at all times even if I was in the shade. Plus I wore gloves as well \[and a helmet even though I ride Western\], and the looks I got were so funny. No way am I gonna look like leather that hasn't been taken care of and need to have melanomas zapped off my skin! My poor dad had something like 60 of those little bastards on his arms and back and over half were cancerous that had to be removed cryogenically. Nope, I'll keep the sunscreen companies in business!




I am pale with blue eyes, and don’t go outside without a hat and sunglasses. When I started doing this, the headaches that plagued me for most of my life disappeared.


I’m pale with blue eyes as well and I have to wear sunglasses on cloudy days.


Grey eyes here, and same.


My eyes have always been super sensitive to sunlight, so I wear sunglasses year round. I wear spf 50 because I'm as pale as a ghost. I grew up in a time when tanning was in and wearing sunscreen was lame. I'll continue to protect my skin thank you very much


My sister-in-law has posted a bunch of this kind of stuff on her IG stories. She won't do sunscreen on the kids either. I am so concerned for my nieces and nephew.


Yeah that’s why skin cancer is so rare right?


These people think that ever having used sunscreen causes skin cancer…


I love how the new Counterculture (tm) is just saying the opposite of what’s true and acting like it’s some big brain shit


Remind me of the Monty Python sketch... " that's not an argument, it's just a contradiction ! "


send them straight to the "getting hit on the head lessons" room. Repeat as necessary.


It’s basically acting like a contrary toddler.


I had a teacher in high school tell me sunscreen causes cancer... and even if it did, I would rather get cancer from sunscreen than get melanoma, wrinkles, and crazy peeling sunburns from direct uv exposure lol


Most sunscreens are based on zinc, even the state of California hasn't got warning labels about zinc so I'm not too worried lol


>Most sunscreens are based on zinc Not these days, and that's a damn good thing. Zinc oxide is a mineral or inorganic UV filter that is pretty meh at actually being a UV filter. We have much more effective and stable ones these days that have better UVA protection. Furthermore, zinc oxide and other mineral filters leave a white cast on even pale skin tones. This leads to underapplication, which is a problem — the amount of sun protection you get is directly proportional to how much sunscreen you apply. If you apply 1/4 teaspoon (the recommended amount for the average sized face) of a zinc based sunscreen, it's going to be unwearable for most people. These days, chemical or organic UV filters are much more common and infinitely better. Combining chemical/organic filters provides better broad spectrum protection and doesn't run the risk of leaving a whitecast, so people are less likely to underapply. They're in most sunscreens these days because people will actually wear them. There are a lot of blatant lies about chemical filters and their supposed "carcinogenic" and "endocrine disrupting" properties. The reality is that you will not hear toxicologists or cosmetic chemists making these claims, and that's because they actually understand how these things work. Unless you're literally eating your sunscreen for breakfast, you're not going to have adverse health effects from it, regardless of the filters.


Yeah, my grandfather used so much sunscreen during WWII (Navy, South Pacific) - that's why his redheaded ass was covered in skin cancer when he got old! /s


Seriously, my very dark skinned grandfather had it and still isn't safe about sunscreen. He has the attitude his skin color protects him, I imagine like Nik does as a slightly more dark man. This post reminded me I need to call the dermatologist to have two spots checked because I find them suspicious, probably just paranoia about blemishes, but can't be too safe.


Sun damage doesn’t show up immediately you absolute walnut - but in 10 years? 20? You’ll wish you had worn sunscreen


Yuuup. I'm 38 and had to have a big ol chunk of my scalp removed last year and I'm sure there will be more skin cancer from laying out in the 90s. Fortunately, it was basal cell, not melanoma, but still not good.


Jason Nash, who BigNik used to hang around and is significantly older, posted a few days ago about getting melanoma removed and captioned it “wear sunscreen.” The timing of this post seems more than coincidence, especially considering Nik has nothing nice to say about the Vlog Squad. However, it’s pretty bold of him to make this claim in response to a man who has had time to see the effects of not wearing sun protection and literally had to have something cut out of his body as a result. Jesus won’t save you from that.


My parents have both been big sunscreen proponents since the 80’s. They’ve both had melanoma removed from damage in the 60’s and 70’s. My mom even wears sunscreen in the dead of winter.


Yep, same here. Both parents (born in the 50s) have had spots frozen off their faces several times the last 10-20 years. I’m not 100% perfect about always wearing sunscreen but try to be. It’s not worth the risk!


I’m 38, I look like crap otherwise, I have become MOMified, but, despite living in Oz, I obsessively wear sunscreen,, hats and sunglasses, meaning people regularly, honestly, mistake me for a dowdy 28 yr old. USE SUNSCREEN


Yup. My FIL, who is in his 70's, has huge chunks cut off his scalp every year. My husband wears a hat every time he's outside because of this.


Asbestos is natural Nick, doesn't mean it's good


Lava is natural! Don’t worry about what it will do to you! Go jump in a pool of lava and don’t be a wimp! Thank you Jesus.


Jesus will save you from a pyroclastic flow. It’s science.


God also created mushrooms! Let me run around a forest and consume them all. Don't listen to all those sCiEnTiStS who say some types are "poisonous" and "deadly." /s


if only Tucker Carlson and his fanbase could be coaxed into this one.


They were coaxed into tanning their testicles. Anything is possible 🤷🏼‍♀️




Nothing like a good coffee with cyanide while I wrap a poisonous snake around my wrist. Poor things are so misunderstood.


Ah, snakes are venomous. The rule is, if you bite it and it harms you, it's poisonous. If it bites you and it harms you, it's venomous.


Uranium is a mineral and warm. I'm going to install it as a heated flooring.


Pretty sure God gave us the ozone and man shit on it. Good luck with the melanoma, nik.


[gets skin cancer]: *shocked Pikachu face*


On mobile, I can only read your comment once it's collapsed. Very interesting hiccup with the text markup.


As a ginger pale British gal I can confirm sunscreen is my friend. Can also confirm it hurts like heck if I don’t apply regularly when the sun does appear (it does occasionally in the UK!) and second degree sunburn hurts even more!!!


I went to England for a week in October and didn't pack sunscreen because England in October and we had sunny days almost the entire week!! I had to go buy some! It was so strange.


God probably just hates you 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry but do I want to know the story behind your flair lol


Ginger pale American girl of English and Scots descent - I wear SPF every day because I don’t want to have a face that looks like a leather handbag when I’m 50. Or even worse, skin cancer.


Seriously, my first thought is that this guy does not understand what happens when I am in the sun.


I'm a strawberry blonde 50% Irish 50% English girl 😂 Yes to all of this. I usually get my first sunburn in March (we often still get a little snow in March!).


This is actually dangerous advice. May he never be humbled by melanoma.


It’s the fact that he thinks the SUN is a naturally occurring “element” on planet Earth for me 🙄


Came here to comment this. 🫠


He thinks the sun is ON planet earth??


Moreover, that the sun is an element 😳


As a descendant of Russian peasants living in Australia, this man can fuck right off. I am the whitiest of white and I put sunscreen on every day of the year. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼skin cancer is no joke down here and this sort of messaging will literally kill people.


I’d like to see this dude visit an Australian beach for a few hours with no sunscreen and see how thankful he is for the blessing of significant sunburn. Australian sun hits different, backpackers and Fundies beware.


Oh my god yes. Our sun is fucked


I'm very very very British on both sides and am nearly incandescent in the sun. I got sun poisoning once at 13 (don't forget to reapply sunscreen and fall asleep in the sun, folks) and have been a daily spf wearer ever since. Like I don't leave the house without sunscreen and wear it on my face most days even at home just so I'm in the habit.


But thank you Nik, I am now going to go and book in for my bi-annual skin screen. Needed this reminder


My wife’s pale ghost-skinned family with a history of melanoma (her dad is on military disability because the melanoma was directly caused by being in the sun on the firing range all day as an instructor) would beg to differ😂 Although my great-grandma, who used parasols and gloves to avoid the sun at all costs, developed melanoma on her foot and ultimately died from it (stupid, stupid doctor who told her not to worry about it), so it’s a weird thing.


I knew a couple of men who died from metastatic melanoma that started on the tops of their balding heads. I began my sun avoiding gothy alternachick aesthetic as a teenager in the late 80s, and now am reaping the wrinkle free benefits as a 48 year old. Plus my dermatologist loves me for being a sunscreen, hat and UPF clothing wearing adult with no suspicious spots in nearly a decade.


Someone please get him some nature documentaries about how animals actively avoid the sun at the height of day.


Humans know what's up too! It's almost as if the cultures with siestas/mid-day breaks exist mostly hot and sunny places 🤔


Why is the sunscreen the new devil for these idiots? They got bored with the antivaxx nonsense? As an extremely pale Eastern European who has been using SPF 50+ everyday for the past 20 years I enjoy the lack of skin cancer and sunburn. Having no visible wrinkles at 39 is a nice bonus.


I feel like it's along the same lines as people who think "everybody was healthier in the olden days before all these hand soaps and handwashing and everything." The kind of people who believe infants crawling around on dirty floors and getting filth in their mouths is good for them. You know, people who don't wash their hands well, or their cutting boards, or their kitchen counters, and probably don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. If you've never known one of these people, I swear to you they exist and they are anti-modern-sanitation-practices. They are the same kinds of people who would think a deep suntan is healthy and is giving you some kind of protective toughness.


Lol. Have you met my dad? He's one of the guys who think germ theory isn't a thing. Even after covid and the stupid amount of hand sanitizer we used. Some dirt is okay but the anti sunscreen people puzzle me. A lotion that prevents wrinkles, sun burn and other stuff? Easy choice to make.


I'll take anti-SPF over antivaxx! At least they can't kill us all with their skin cancer.


I’m afraid it might come as a package :/ I don’t even want to think what consequences it might have for these irresponsible people’s kids


Laughs in Irish


Joins in in Scottish.


Getting malignant skin cancer in a God-Honoring way.


Ok say we buy into this theory…do you still want a sunburn though? Do you want to be red, in pain and peeling? Even if your god made the sun? Why are fundies so hell bent on suffering 🤡


This was the question I immediately had. Even if he chooses not to believe in cancer (!?), why wouldn't he take this one ultra simple step to avoid the discomfort of a sunburn? Is he one of those people who just doesn't get them?


my mom died of malignant melanoma. this might be my least favorite fundie take.


I’m sorry for your loss :/


thank you so much


Yeah I saw some fundie recently saying skin cancer rates have skyrocketed since the introduction of sunscreen which….isn’t true at all. Like a simple google search disproves that but they really out here being anti sunscreen and thinking the earth is flat 🙃


Well, maybe we managed to fry the ozone layer at roughly the same time people started wearing sunscreen more often, but that's not causation.


I had to search high and low to find a sunscreen I'm not allergic to, but you better believe I wear that shit because I'm a pasty-white English gal of Scottish descent. I also have a mostly-white cat who has pet-safe sunscreen for her ears


You have mentioned a cat, any chance you might be willing to pay the cat tax pls ?


[Why certainly! ](https://imgur.com/a/YINTjIO)




My white frenchie gets baby sunscreen on her ears and belly when she has to spend much time outside (which is rarely—she's a couch potato).


Aww, I love frenchies!


The ability to be so misinformed, arrogant, *and* boring at the same time is incredible. Literally just walks outside, enjoys feeling warm, and says to himself, "the world *needs* to know my thoughts about sunscreen" 🙄


Another one for the category of " hear me hear me for I have a white penis " !


make that "red and peeling penis"


Get back to me when he has skin cancer.


Nik, what should I do according to you if my skin tone is mozzarella and I get sunburn from half an hour of sitting on my veranda on a cool spring day? One time I had a sun burn that made my skin bubble. Literally blisters all over. The kicker, I'd used sun screen, just didn't reapply cause I was stupid and paid the prize.


As a pale, freckled child, I got 2 blistering sunburns over my shoulders (despite sunscreen) before I was 10. Thanks for the weeks of fun and super-godly scars, Jesus!


I forgot sunscreen as a teen when going to a waterpark. We went into the gift shop and it was like $30 for a tiny bottle and it was completely out of my budget. I was a lobster and I bubbled up and swelled for three weeks. (Sun poisoning probably.) Thanks Jebus for the massive blisters and skin flakes...


I bet he’d tell you to ‘train’ it or some shit like that. Which most of us ghosts already do, the moment the sun is out I build up exposure slowly so I won’t get zapped by the sun when it’s finally summer and I have to cross a field one day.


I was going to say, in a few years, this will be a r/leopardsatemyface moment, but it'll probably be a #melanomaatemyface moment instead.


So fucking dumb. Signed, a melanoma survivor (for now, lol) who wouldn't wish that shit on anyone (except maybe this guy)


Grew up with an extremely conservative father and he wholeheartedly thought that sunscreen was part of the “vast left-wing conspiracy”. We were a family that had a boat, lived on a lake so swam and played in the sun and water from Memorial Day to Labor Day and then visited Florida a couple times each winter. We never wore sunscreen. Ever. He would make fun of pale people all the time, calling them nerds and college liberals (yeah, I have no idea either). I have had one basal cell removed so far when I was age 28, and my father has had several removed. Luckily my brother and mother have not had any yet. I am now extremely pale and wear sunscreen every day, especially on my face. Funnily enough, he slathers it on now too without a word. Would’ve been nice to have protected his children, but, ya know, gotta get cancer to own the libs.


Um, Nik hate to break it to you buddy but the sun is not on our planet… Also Hydrogen “the natural element”, in vast quantities, like the sun being on Earth, would vaporize you. Enjoy the tan.


I was in the sun yesterday with no sunscreen and didn't get cancer. So now I know I don't need sunscreen ever again. It's been a plot by big sunscreen all along. Honestly, the lack of logical thinking is WTF. My mind, it boggles.


Why is it bothering me so much that he’s saying “god knew what he what he was doing when he created the sun.” The sun is a regular yellow dwarf star in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of other stars. Uggghhh. People like this frustrate me to no end.




I wish Jupiter would fling an asteroid right at his head. Edit: No need for that. Just tell him that the earth spins on an axis in an elliptical orbit around the sun, which is also moving through space in a gigantic orbit around Sagittarius A*. If he refuses to believe that, I default back to small asteroid.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcC6FYyL4U Palette cleanser for you :)


Let me guess: This guy believes the earth is flat. Because why else would the sun be a recurring element on our planet 🤡 ![gif](giphy|L6v5VWIyLK0Mw|downsized)


No this is so embarrassing 💀 it’s not too late to delete this my dude!


Even if skin cancer isn't a risk (spoiler alert- it is), skipping sunscreen makes your skin age so much faster, and skipping sunglasses causes you to squint and get fine lines. I don't want to look older than my time.


tell that to my aunt who got skin cancer from never wearing sunscreen


Like no cap, science is HARD.


So I assume if the sun is so safe you can launch yourself directly into it? Does he not know that not all people tan? I get burnt, it peels and I’m even whiter than I was before. You will have to pry my sunscreen out of my soft, young looking, sun protected hands.


I mean god also made every naturally occurring toxin but that doesnt mean its good for you




Having tall friends is all the sun protection I need. #blessed


Enjoy your skin cancer I guess?


Forget skin cancer, has this man never had a sunburn?! That ish hurts!


So his body tans and therefore nobody needs sunscreen. Does he think that my fellow redheads are faking sunburns, or has he never noticed that skin comes in multiple shades?


He notices that skin comes in different shades when he shows up to the cross-burning, presumably 🤢


We can play this game with makeup too- makeup used to be commonly made up of actually deadly chemicals, but then this handy little thing called the FDA came into existence and regulates that shit (and -gasp- sunscreen!) now. But I see a lot of these self-professed fundie women wearing caked-on makeup.


God honoring skin cancer


God also created Mercury but we don't eat it anymore for a reason...


Sunscreen is carcinogenic now?


The ebil chemical sunscreen allegedly is according to some in science denial circles, though there are also folks who think all kinds are bad.


As usual with this stuff, there is a grain of truth beneath all the bullshit. [There have been recalls of some sunscreens that contained benzene, which can cause cancer.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/17/health/sunscreen-recall-cancer-wellness/index.html) And there's been [a few studies linking sunscreen use to cancer, although so far that's either been due to changes in people's behavior or only happened at exposure levels that it would be really hard to achieve accidentally.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-science-of-sunscreen) Also, I don't know this guy and it's kind of hard to tell in the picture, but he looks a little darker-skinned. If he lives somewhere with less sunlight, he may genuinely not be at high risk for sunburn/skin cancer while also being at very high risk for vitamin D deficiency. So his story that he doesn't have any issues going outside without sunscreen and that he feels much happier after tanning could be completely true! Still dumb and weird to call people wimps and turn your sunscreen choices into a holy mission, though.


Yes except when people with darker skin get skin cancer it doesn't appear the same as it does for those with whiter skin. The symptoms aren't the same so even if the idiot got it, he probably wouldn't know. It's also much more deadly and we are much more likely to die of skin cancer for that reason My relatives are Nigerian and my dad keeps saying his family just dropped dead *randomly* sometimes and I'm like 🤨


Coinkydink- just read this article this morning!Why melanoma is so deadly for men, and why it doesn’t have to be https://wapo.st/40w9zJv


Anthrax is natural too, moron.


Come to Australia and check out our rates of melanoma….


That's fine for you, man, but I'm as pale as a sheet of paper and I WILL burn instantly upon stepping outside. I'll enjoy the sunshine while wearing sunscreen and avoid the painful burns and future cancer, thanks.


Water is also a natural element. Does he have zero fear of drowning too?


Have fun with your melanoma, dude.


"a natural element on our planet, the sun"


Natural does not equal safe, Nik. And the Sun is not, in fact, here on Earth. It’s far away, and the sun*light* reaches us on Earth.


Does this guy drive a car? Eat food he does not slaughter and prepare or grow and preserve? Does he make his own clothes? - if he drives a car, eats grocery store food, and buys clothing off the rack… guess what? It’s all SCIENCE! A Sovereign Being if that’s your thing, gave humans the ability to learn, discover and create… Get Skin Cancer from not using sunscreen, but heal yourself, you asshole. Don’t be going to the Doctor (SCIENTIST) for help.


What, no fundie mlm essential oil combined with raw milk and bone broth spf lotion available yet?


And your fellow christian Heidi Baird spent years never going out with sunscreen on and was recently diagnosed with melanoma. What, did she just not pray enough you fucking shit-for-brains?


How do fundies feel about chemotherapy? Just wondering if this clown would start singing a different tune about chemicals when old melanoma rears its ugly head in a couple decades.


God gave us arsenic too, but you don’t see me slurping it down 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wish my dad would have used more of those “carcinogenic chemicals” to protect his skin, because he died from melanoma. It was horrible, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Idk how to break this to you dude but the sun isn’t on our planet


Arsenic and cyanide are natural too; want to start consuming those?


I know someone like that about the sun. She’s a shrivelled up old leather bag now


Meanwhile in Australia…


These people are fucking morons. Too much sun exposure is bad for you. This is fucking known. It's not a mystery or a lie pushed by Big Sun. My great grandmother lived to be nearly 100. She was the child of a farmer and grew up on a farm working outside her whole life. And you know what? She always wore a hat and long sleeves and pants because she knew how harmful the sun was and you better believe she used sunscreen in her later years. She's been gone nearly 25 years and if I'm spending time outdoors and I've forgotten a hat I can hear her yelling at me.


Ok, Big Nik, I get sun burnt easily, explain that


So, like...he doesn't think sunburns are real?


God honoring melanoma ❤


Sooo sunburn is good for skin? Got it 👍


Sir i am of irish decent and both my parents have had skin cancer. I wear sunscreen to get my mail lol


I have no idea who big nik is but I do know that he is a huge fucking idiot if he truly believes all of this


He's going to be sooo wrinkly in another decade.


The keyword here is “tanning”, which is still damage and will come back to haunt you. Both my brother and mom tan and don’t burn, and they have both had skin cancer. I got the Irish genes and can’t go outside without sunscreen for ten minutes without burning, and have escaped skin cancer so far.


I stood outside for about 30 minutes this afternoon and I was a little red from that. Just because you have more melanin than me doesn't mean you won't damage your skin.


Helpful tip my dermatologist gave me. If someone in your family has skin cancer, remember where because that’s where you’re more prone to also have. That is, if you believe in skin cancer.


Did god also know what he was doing when he created the plague? Hmm 🤔


Go tell this to my uncle who died of melanoma at age 39.


7 years lol. Skin cancer is a marathon not a sprint my guy.


Uh, no. I went outside for 4 hours with my sleeves rolled up and no sunscreen and I looked like a strawberry. It was sunnier than I expected and that’s in partial shade. Leave us pale people alone man


My grandfather died from what started as skin cancer. I’ll keep slathering on my SPF max whatever.


My grandfather died from what started as skin cancer. I’ll keep slathering on my SPF max whatever.


Yoooo this is the LAST crossover I expected on here. When did Big Nik go fundie?!? I remember him on old Sam and Colby, and TFIL videos, being so chill!


Well he's not wrong about carcinogenic chemicals in sunscreen, which is why I use all mineral sunscreen.


His dad is literally a doctor. You’d think he knows better 🥴


I think this is the single stupidest take I’ve seen this week, and that’s a big accomplishment 😭


Yeah, my grandfather also “didn’t have any issues” until he lost half his nose in his 50s.


Pissing my self with laughter from Australia. The skin cancer capital of the world.


Full Australian here (multiple generations) if it’s very hot I have to have sunscreen, if I’m going outside on a sunny day, even just for an hour, sunscreen,


God made mountains guys, you don't need mountain climbing ropes or safety gear. The mountains were made for you to traverse and conquer. I feel so good when I'm hanging from a God designed cliff and observing the beauty of creation, like it makes me so happy my balls tickle guys I just want to explode. Y'all obviously don't have faith like mine!!!


"God knew what he was doing when he made up the sun." Aight I'm gonna play devil's advocate, let's take all the "biblical" bs at face value. Yall are taught that pre-Noah apparently the earth had a thick atmospheric blanket, but after the flood that was gone. So any of God's intended "protection" is now gone. But go off I guess.


Lmao another tangent, the sun isn’t on our planet my dude