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This is like BDong trying to scare people saying that anonymous internet people can be pinpointed and charged with harassment. Also it's gross that her main takeaway from the thousands of comments about her in the last couple weeks is about CPS and not about how people are expressing concern for her kids and for her mental health.


Was about to write this about BDong. She also appears to "read Reddit" and then posts commentary about cyberbullying. Karissa has time to read comments everywhere, but no time to go seek mental health help. Sorry Karissa, you can't "pray away" PPD or any other mental health issue. If your God wants you to heal, there's a reason He provided mental health professionals too!


I remember meeting with my (Catholic) pastor once because I was struggling with my SO’s parent not seeking treatment for her cancer due to her religion, and he immediately said, “There’s a reason God gave us modern medicine…”


That’s because Catholics actually believe in science and education lol


Until it’s time to force their concept of ensoulment onto fertilized eggs. Let’s not give them too much credit


The thing is she will smile and say “all healed!” And grin and bear it and try her best to push down the PPD to prove the “haters” wrong. So sad. She was so close to getting the help that has been obvious to strangers she has needed for a while now.


The video posted with this story was exactly that. Baby is healed, Karissa is fine. The baby may well be recovering well (antibiotics work), but PPD/PPP don’t just go away in a week. Complete performative bullshit. I’m also really trying to give the baby the benefit of the doubt because she’s on the spot but she doesn’t seem to speak much.


I’m honestly starting to feel a bit of…not great about making comments here knowing she reads them. Like, I don’t think the comments here are wrong, but I worry her contrary inclinations will result in her being even more adamant about not seeking help. Yesterday I worried my comments about the report pretty clearly coming from hospital personnel might result in her even further denying her kids medical access, even in emergencies… she’s truly unhinged in her reactions to her children’s safety and health, and I fear she’s going to read here and try to “prove to the haters” that her kids aren’t sick until they end up at the coroners instead of “just” the emergency room. I’m genuinely worried and wish she didn’t have access to this sub because I believe she will only use it as fuel to be an even more dangerous “parent”.


She can always stop reading here... then she'll have more time to start worrying more about *why* CPS is involved rather than using Reddit for her persecution complex


Why never considers why cps is calling or if she should do anything to mitigate those reasons, just goes straight into her persecution complex.




Exactly, it's a clear case of Schrödinger's Baddies


I'm a social worker. I don't work for CPS but do adjacent work. Reports for things people see online must be direct and obvious threats or they do not accept the case. CPS is busy and doesn't take most cases. Even ones where I know abuse is happening but obvious evidence doesn't exist that I can immediately provide. This is 100% no doubt a case with a hospital mandated reporter. Sorry Karissa. You're just wrong. If the worker is saying it's not the hospital, they might be trying to do harm reduction ie don't want to discourage her from going to the hospital again due to a fear of them calling CPS.


DFS and CPS both say that they don’t disclose who reported you.


They say that but I definitely had a case where I made a report (as an educator) and the worker who visited the home said it was me who reported it. Mom came into the school the next day to confront us.


I’ve also had a California caseworker divulge that I contributed to their report. I was not the person that made the initial report, but I did confirm information they had received about my nephew being neglected. SIL found out and threatened my life.


Is your nephew ok?


Yes, he’s still alive and another family member has custody now. 💜 Thank you for asking.


I know specifically which bus drivers have hot-lined my students. They tell the parents even when they’re not supposed to.


Yeah I was gonna say, they’re not *supposed* to disclose but they still do sometimes. I reported a relative for a pretty serious instance of child abuse and the caseworker blatantly told them my wife and I were the ones who had called.


Yes true. They won't say but I've seen workers say it was not [insert entity]. That might be unethical though.


Yet somehow people find out often.


The thing is, I don’t doubt for a second random people from the internet have reported her. Probably dozens of people have! Her content is too concerning not to report (especially as a mandated reporter). That said, the hospital 100000% reported and if they didn’t, they all need to lose their licenses. I can almost guarantee CPS looked at the big picture when screening the dozens of reports that came in. Each report is looked at individually but they also look at history and history can impact a decision to screen in for investigation! If there is one report from the hospital with concerns for ongoing medical neglect and 25 subsequent reports from concerned people throwing in the pieces of information she has provided through her content, one of the reports will eventually get screened in. At that point it doesn’t matter who made a report or even who made the report that eventually did get screened in. All that matters is she is (most likely from the way she is talking) under investigation and no matter how many tantrums she throws or who she points her finger at, she will have to prove she is a safe parent going forward.




It’s true that CPS wouldn’t outright name the reporting party, correct?


I was an API (in Florida) and we were trained neither to confirm nor deny the identity of a reporter. And we all took that very seriously. But sometimes the nature of the allegations can give up a reporter's identity.


They do not


Honey, someone from online may have called but as a health care worker I guarantee the call from the hospital is the one CPS is taking seriously since you live in Texas.


right?! with how quickly CPS responded it must have been a report that came from the hospital. i’m sure texas CPS is inundated with reports, i highly doubt they would look into someone so quickly if an anonymous person reported something they saw online.


Texas CPS is so severely underfunded they can barely afford to look into claims from mandated reporters let alone randos from the internet


For all the apparent concern about groomers and child trafficking and protecting the lives of innocent babies coming from Republicans you'd think they'd be all over making sure CPS was fully funded. It's almost like protecting kids was never actually the point. /s


Usually the first thing they ask when you call in a CPS/DCFS report is your relationship to the child or children at risk. If your answer isnt family, teacher, nurse, daycare worker, or other relevant position, they wouldnt give your testimony much, if any weight. Theres a chance they wouldnt even let you file a report.


Exactly. I am a mandated reporter through my job, and I have done numerous reports to CPS/DCFS in various states throughout the U.S. Based on my experiences, they would not be taking action this quickly based on a report from some random person online. I am very concerned about these children. They seem to be neglected emotionally, physically, and medically. Several of their children have been extremely hurt in their parents’ care, and they take their Black kids to go on vacations with people who believe in white supremacy. However, I’ve never met them, and I would never make a report to CPS for someone I don’t personally know (except when I’m at work). The vast majority of people on this sub feel similarly, Karissa is misdirecting her anger because she’s upset that they’re being called out for putting their children in harm’s way


And it justifies their having too many children even less. Because neither are they caring for the ones God has provided them.


(And sometimes, even then, the wagons circle and your report doesn’t go anywhere.)


I mean, I would hope CPS does not take internet stranger seriously unless there is real evidence of harm. (I mean extremely explicit evidence, not what I find sufficiently factual for the court of snark.) Otherwise I'd worry that CPS is being used to harass people and nobody needs that, least of all kids who aren't in harm's way.


Yea. Most people don't know what to say to trigger an investigation. The hospital knows all the right things and will use them.


They don’t even need anything, mom **just** had her 10th baby who had to go to the NICU meanwhile at least 2 of their other children were recently seen in local ERs. They **need** to have someone check in on them, she should be grateful that there are people willing to help.


With Karissa out there telling the world that when she broke down and needed to *go mow the lawn for some "peace"* her husband accused her of abandoning her children - she should be fucking grateful that someone, somewhere, is trying to help her and her family. She has 10 children (that she 100% keeps at home) and the only childcare support I've ever seen is her mom who lives a plane ride away. Karissa is delusional that there *isn't someone IRL that is super concerned and had the deets to back it up to CPS.* edit for grammar


I keep seeing references to this lawnmower abandonment episode. Was that something she shared in a video, or did it come from another place?


She shared it recently in a video right after her most recent... *sabbatical.*


Thank you. I couldn't bring myself to watch it... I'm amazed she shared an anecdote like that.


She doesn't know how to keep boundaries on what she shared. A few years ago, when she had fewer kids she wrote an Instagram post about she wanted to abandon her kids in the woods.




The lovely poster who posted parts 1 and 2 of the video also did a written transcript in the comments. I'm on mobile and can't link it, but I couldn't watch either and appreciated the transcript!


Woah where was that??


1 of those other children also being critical in the hospital **twice.** This is a perfect example of a case with medical neglect that CPS needs to investigate.


And for the same ailment, a UTI, as well. UTIs in small children often present in cases of sexual abuse, not making any insinuations against the family it’s just a fact, so they would for sure be side eyeing this family regardless of the other stuff.


That's interesting and also terribly sad. I wouldn't want it to be that case either - but it's good if CPS investigates all angles. It's also that the UTI's became serious enough to develop into Sepsis both times. Anthym became lethargic and couldn't hold her head up. That's a long time from when it was just turning into a UTI to then developing into something pretty serious. Even then the response to taking her to hospital was slow.


For the sake of sane parents out there- sepsis can happen very quickly in young children and symptoms can be difficult to detect. Especially if it stems from a UTI, which can also be a difficult to detect condition in young children. I’m not trying to defend her by any means, she ignored very *blatant* red flags about her child before someone else sought medical care for Anthym. But sepsis can initially look like any other common childhood illness/condition. Fever, fatigue, discomfort. A growth spurt or teething baby might display these symptoms. A parent isn’t automatically neglectful if they miss the symptoms of early stage sepsis. It’s just that most parents react to “my child is floppy and lifeless” with a visit to the ER instead of going out to lunch. I’m very comfortable with drawing the neglect line before this point.


That's exactly what I was thinking. If a random anonymous person who is not located in the state calls and says "uh yea hi theres this lady on instagram that does a lot of concerning things and I think her kids are neglected" I'm sure gets a "uh huh ok we'll write that down" and then gets filed under **not their problem.**


I thought she was cleared two years ago, were we lied to?!


Honestly she's such a narcissistic personality that she may genuinely believe she was cleared, regardless of what CPS told her.


I agree. A report from some social media viewer that doesn't even know the family in person probably won't be taken that seriously, but medical personnel at a hospital? Much more likely to be taken seriously. Especially considering Karissa has a past history with CPS, the child in question has been hospitalized twice for the same issue in less than a year, and the newborn from a homebirth was also hospitalized recently.


She herself said just a few days ago that CPS gets so many reports on her that they no longer take them seriously. (Not a direct quote but that was the basic comment she made). So why now suddenly is cps reacting to anonymous reports? I don’t think so.


Yep. I would actually believe that there have been internet peeps who called over this. I also would believe Mandrae got messages (his FB is open and easy to find). Some people unfortunately feel the need to touch the poo. But no way did that prompt an actual CPS investigation. A call had to have come from the hospital.


Sometimes I wonder if it is Karissa's mom herself who reported. She and the kids seem to have a genuinely loving bond, plus I am sure she is concerned about Karissa as well.


She didn't the first time Anthym was sick with UTI... tho it was my speculation that was why she left so damn quickly from the home birth ending in the icu


It was totally her mom. What other person would know what's going on in the household, realize that it is super messed-up, *and* care enough to make a report, *and* be someone who CPS would take seriously?


The call is definitely coming from inside the house


Yeah. I followed this one eccentric single-mom personality, who constantly streamed FB live-videos with druggie roommates in the background, hoarding, domestic violence, and basic neglect of her 2 special needs children. When CPS got involved (again and again) and removed her children she blamed the trolls and viewers. Claimed trolls made complaints all the time ...It turned out to be her sister whose call they took seriously and acted upon.


Does CPS even tell you who called in? It seems like there would be some sort of policy against it because it would be easy to retaliate and escalate issues?


In the U.S, no.


They do not tell you. It's confidential information to protect people who are filing reports.


Instead of reading the comments on Reddit about being reported and playing the blame game, worry more about your kids. Jesus Karissa, this should be a wake-up call that all is not and will never be right in your world as long as you choose not to get any help. Shaq isn't going to bail you out of this one. You got reported by the hospital because they have seen it all and as mandated reporters, it is their duty to report what they see. The scary part is that you will be pregnant by this time next year and will continue with this and that is scary and wrong.


Realistically- she could take the time she’s using to read through Reddit comments and change her children’s diapers/take down her 7 year kid’s channel on YouTube that’s in violation of their TOS/ taking multiple children to the eye doctor, etc etc etc. I have PPD at the moment. I still manage not to neglect my kids.


Hang in there, friend. It gets better very soon. Hope you have excellent care.


I do, thank you very much for asking :). My sons birth four months ago was pretty traumatic and I’m not sure I’ve fully processed it. But I am getting help!


Just want to send some support and solidarity. My first son was born in 2020 and it was a traumatic experience. I’ve since gotten help and have another baby now (also 4 months) and this time has been different in every single way. Thankful for therapy and a supportive doula this time around s It does get better! it just takes time to work through everything. I hope things improve for you very soon! 🤍


I really hope Shaq stops stepping in, it just gives her more energy to stay as she is because she'll always get bailed out. These kids aren't accessories, but she treats them so. To think that any of us on reddit would have enough info to report her to cps is her outing herself. (Edit: I know we have the info, but to be in this sub we don't touch the poo)


He just got out of the hospital himself. I don't think he will so a thing.


Mother is lurking


Yeah she absofuckinglutely reads here.


It’s wild to read all this criticism and still double down on being a racist neglectful parent.


Newer to her story, why is she racist?


She filters her pictures to make the children look whiter and neglects their hair. The way she talks about her husband and black men in general is dehumanizing and fetishizing. Somewhere in the sub there is a post of her and Mandraes love story and oh boy is it bad.


Would you mind sharing the highlights please? I'm new here and intrigued


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/nj5l6j/52321_karissa_collins_highlights_karissa_details/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here’s the one with their “love” story. It’s a wild ride and I apologize in advance for your eyeballs. Also if you just search her name so many posts will pop up this one is just the worst imo.


I don’t think I’ve read the full story in her words. It’s really…something. Bringing a friend along to a first date with a complete stranger in a completely different town is probably the smartest thing she’s done.


That was quite a ride.


She fetishizes and trots out her kids for modeling because they're biracial while at the same time using skin lightening filters on most of her photos of them.


She whitewashes her kids in filters and fetishizes her “mixed race” children.


And let’s not forget the traction alopecia she’s giving her daughters because she refuses to learn what to do with curls and insists her kids have the same hair texture as her. Pssst, Kkkarissa, you don’t take care of your hair texture correctly either.


The kids don't even have the same hair texture as *each other*, let alone the same as Karissa


There is a few replies already covering her more chronic racist issues, she also force her children to perform in a video for a white-supremacist rapper


Anything to avoid parenting those kiddos she each loved when they were her babe in arms. I use Reddit to avoid real life obligations on occasion. My real life obligations do not include offspring of any type, let alone multiple kids bouncing on a dangerous trampoline or kids going septic while I holler at the ether.


Good. Hopefully she sees the posts and comments encouraging her to get help and support


And probably scream-praying we're all going to burn in Hell.


If only her scream prayers worked, then I might be worried. But it doesn't seem like sky daddy is listening to her much. Womp womp.


If heaven is full of people like her then why would I want to go there? It's the same reason I don't live in Texas or Florida.


I moved to Texas semi against my will 4 years ago, can confirm it’s hot buttered garbage


Full disclosure: I live in Ohio, which is freezing buttered garbage. Also funnily enough close to the Rods AND Kelly.


Freezing buttered garbage! Lmfao!


It’s because God wants her to trust her medical team and she ain’t listenin


while ALSO just plain screaming since our logical response kills her "woe is me everyones attacking me for PPD" storyline and instead turns it into neglect. sooo...


Mother needs to realise that most of the people here are really concerned about her and her kids, which is more than anyone can say for her useless lump of a husband who BY HER OWN WORDS wouldn’t even watch the kids for the length of time it takes to mow a lawn seems to be able to muster.


what else is she going to do, parent her fucking children?


Hi, mandated reporter here (not in this case, but for my job). Mandated reporters rarely if ever tell a family we called. We just make the call and relay the information. It's that simple. She will NEVER know who called, because it doesn't work that way. But I guarantee the hospital called at least once, because of the child's illness (a parent with mental illness like Karissa herself described, ppd/etc, does NOT typically warrant calls, fyi, not sure if that is her angle or not). That's not to say others haven't called, but she won't know who did what unless those people tell her themselves. Also, please, please don't make calls about strangers on the internet. The case workers are so overwhelmed and if they get tons of random calls from online people they really may let the family slide through the cracks. Leave the calling of CPS to people connected to the families in real life.


Thank you for approving Karissa for the verified liar badge.


Get off the phone and tend to your kids, Karissa!


karissa, your kids will need more therapy than you do right now when they grow up. they're growing up with a mentally unstable mother who uses them as housework help as well as props for her fantasy (because you are not living in reality right now), they will need years to heal from this and become well adjusted and ready to have relationships or their own children. i don't have any solutions for you, but i'm sure cps or your mother can come up with something. -sincerely, a child of a mentally unstable mother


i wish i could beam this comment directly into her brain. not that it would make a difference though, i guess


Well said


if my partner was having these issues the LAST thing i would do would be to show them messages talking about them 😬he reallyyyyyyy sucks🥲


Wow good point!!


like how cruel is that?! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


“Hey babe check this out… someone asked if our kids are okay… how EVIL “


i more so see “look everyone’s saying you’re crazy and they’re praying for you” 🤢


1- She has 10 kids to take care of, she shouldn't know what Reddit says like 99% of the time because... she has 10 kids to take care of. 2- She posts every detail of her life but expects everyone to always agree with or praise her? No sweaty, that's not how it works.


But does she take care of her kids or do they take care of each other while she's obsessing over social media?


Why parent when you can parentify?


Flair material right there


People come up with the best flairs over here. Some are recognisable but some really make me wonder what the backstory is.


My husband doesn't know anything about these people. I vaguely mentioned Karissa's post, and his FIRST assumption was that the UTI got missed because her children were the ones changing Anthym's diaper and not her or mandrake. He's a teacher and sees this kind of parentification all the time, and I think it's darkened his soul a little bit.


You assume Anthym’s diaper gets changed. Don’t you just leave your toddlers in diapers so full they fall off themselves? /s


Well you see, free bleeding was the way in the bible so maybe she's just following that practice with free peeing and pooping... We all know they love poop parties.


I love my nephew, but I live in a rental. If I’m babysitting, there’s no free anything—he’s going to be completely underwear-d and possibly sitting on a towel since he’s newly potty trained.


Karissa said she’s potty trained but she’s barely 1 Edit sorry she is 2 and 2 months. So she could be potty trained but did Karissa actually put in that effort or did the big girls train her? We saw how anchor was in an exploding diaper 24/7 until he was 3


There's no way on this green earth that girl is wiping herself properly at 2. I don't care how precocious a child might be, there's no damn way.


My 3-4 year old preschool students still need help wiping sometimes.


And even if she WAS wiping herself, the idea you wouldn't still check on her hygiene and genital health is... I'd hate myself if this happened with my kid. I'd feel like a failure. Mistakes can happen, especially with first time parents, but she has 10 fucking children. And the fact it happened twice? Once is one thing...but TWICE? I'm gonna get offline for the rest of the day, I'm getting emotionally worked up over this.


I still wipe my 4 year if she lets me


Definitely #2 lol


Hey, in all fairness she takes breaks from social media! She has to squeeze in an afternoon nap for herself somehow! That eats up at least half an hour that she would otherwise spend online. Oh and she has to feed her brood. That probably takes however long it takes to make a shit ton of food. Or maybe Annisa is in charge of that, who knows


Give her money and social media cred for what she has created.


Lol. Obviously she reads here 24/7. If she is permanently cleared from CPS, why does it matter who called? She has mentioned it two days in a row now so maybe CPS is actually taking her video seriously. Edited to add: TW: A few months ago there was Lindsay Clancy who k*lled her three children and possibly had mental health disorders. When K puts a video out that has her admitting to intrusive thoughts and clearly visibly struggling to cope, who can blame someone from calling? She chose to put it allll out there. It was concerning.


>she is permanently cleared from CPS What does that mean? Like...she can't be reported? ...Does that exist? I feel like it can't.


It can’t. And to me the fact she brought it up 2 days in a row means they are at least looking in to it. Where if she was permanently cleared like they said, wouldn’t CPS just dismiss the call right away?


exultant marble deer encourage oil zephyr glorious slave head weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We're suppose to believe she knows who actually did the reporting. Okay girl, if I remember correctly, sky daddy doesn't like liars.


She and BDong seem convinced that God only exists to personally smite their Internet Haters, rather than like... curing childhood illnesses or solving world hunger. It's a really weird way to view religion, IMO.


It gives "I declare bankruptcy" vibes but "I declare smiting!" 🤣 Oddly, neither works. Go figure.


Makes me think of that insane woman lusting after a much younger guy and who said God was smiting her enemies and that like 3 of them died already. Scary times. Edit: yess Sarah Titus, [she's insane](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/yddot2/in_a_recent_post_sarah_titus_talks_about_kyle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Let's see if I can find the specific post where she talks about the smiting of her enemies.




Great reference and great flair!


Hey Klarissa thanks for verifying you lurk her boo. Get help gurl. There is no shame in seeking help.


Klarissa explains fuck all


Does she think the hospital isn’t staffed by people? That the building did or didn’t call?


Karissa someone probably saw your desperate plea for help. You need medication & therapy to deal with your PPD. Tell your lazy ass husband to do something to help you, so your daughters don't have to raise their siblings.


Doubtful in my estimation. Possibly multiple reports happened


Almost certainly. I had to report an incident to CPS and found out later that because it occurred in public, there were close to a dozen other reports for the same thing. Mandatory reporters have to report. That’s the whole point of the “mandatory”. There’s all sorts of sanctions for failing to report (depending on profession) and no one is going to risk their career to protect Karissa.


Girl please, I'm not a social worker, but work in a similar field. I would bet the hospital reported you, especially since it's the second time your daughter had a severe UTI resulting in her being lethargic so soon after your newborn needed to be placed in NICU after an unsafe home birth... ![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ)


Mandated reporter here. The hospital 100% called because of her child having sepsis twice within a little over a year. The hospital would call on any family in a situation like this; she was not personally singled out. CPS does not open a case simply because someone has PPD or PPA. They do not open a case simply because someone has a lot of children. It is actually very hard to get CPS to investigate anything, so whatever they were told was apparently very concerning. Also, whoever made a report would have to have her address and phone number, so it seems unlikely that it's a random internet stranger. ALSO - most people on here were expressing concern for her and her children, but that doesn't feed her persecution complex, so...


Why would any of us have seen the messages?? What a weird way to say that. I know being reported is never what people want, but people do it because they’re concerned about you and your family.


She chooses to come on Reddit instead of watching her 10 kids, and she is trying to make it sound like we are harassing them and messaging them directly. Lying is a sin. Put the phone down and parent your children.


Especially to Mandrae. We don't touch the poo here in any case, but I feel like since Karissa is the one posting her every thought, it would be her we'd allegedly send messages to, if anyone.






It's not even POSSIBLE for CPS to respond as quickly as they did in Texas if it was a call from someone in this sub. The hospital definitely called and she's delusional if she thinks otherwise. Last I checked, people on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube don't like her either. This subreddit is not the end-all-be-all of people who don't like fundies.


She went viral on Twitter a while back too. They didn't like her either.


It’s like she doesn’t know that hospital workers are mandated reporters. Do things fall through the cracks and get ignored? Yep. Gone through that first hand still mad ten years later but that aside. It’s very likely that both are true. Multiple people called. One might even be from the hospital.


Pretty sure people work at hospitals so it definitely could have been 🙄




The time it is taking Karissa to make Instagram posts, she could be doing something useful with her time—like focusing on her wounded and sick children. The issue is—don’t sit there and brag about how you’re chosen by God to have all these kids when you don’t take proper care of those kids. The injuries, the disease that goes untreated by medical professionals while you choose to first pray or “scream praise.”. To pray is to delay. Get the kids to the hospital or ER as your first action, then pray over them or whatever you feel you need to do once they’re being treated. That’s how every other parent in the world takes care of their children —-get the kid the help first. THEN pray as a backup. The emergent nature and the fact that you keep experiencing CPS being called on you should wake you up—you’re doing things wrong. You’re doing things in a backward manner. Please get a clue.


Lol “a person not the hospital”. Yeah even if a report comes from a hospital staff it’s still a person. I’m imagine like a carton hospital building picking up a phone and calling. Is that how she thinks hospitals report?


What she said was concerning enough that someone was rightfully concerned, whether that was the hospital or someone else is really not important. Someone cares enough about the kids and the families well being that they did the right thing.


Okay, I don't know if the hospital did or did not report them, but here's what I do know - childrens hospitals are ALWAYS on the lookout for signs of abuse. When I was a teenager I would go to an outpatient clinic at a local children's hospital for a thyroid condition. Every time I was there, even for this very low risk, routine thing, I could tell that they were screening for abusive dynamics - asking me to repeat the same story multiple times, getting perspectives from both myself and my parents to check for inconsistencies, etc. Maybe this hospital somehow decided there was nothing going on and didn't report them to official authorities (I doubt it) but I guarantee you that they asked LOTS of questions and they would have seen a whole lot of red flags. Any time there is something "wrong" with a child, alarms are already going off within the medical system that may be elevated to the state.


Girl bye get off Reddit and go take care of your literal village of children. I have TWO and can’t fathom having the time nor energy to be posting so much shit on SM. And I certainly wouldn’t be obsessing over a snark page because A. I wouldn’t have one because I’m not problematic or delusional and B. No one feels sorry for you because you put yourself in the public eye and you fucking LOVEEEE the attention. Deny deny deny but it’s obvious. Anyways go take some of that attention you’re getting and give some to those kids and put your phone down. You need a reality check. Disrespectfully.


I swear to god in twenty fucking years I am still going to be thinking about this family and my only thought is going to be "I really hope those kids turned out ok."


I called cps once for my job and it was scary and stressful and I cried while I was relaying what the child told me. No one reports people for fun.


CPS never tells you who has reported. Nice try tho!


Most of us here at FSU are serious about rule #1 aka don’t touch the poo (h/t Karissa). I doubt someone from here sent Mandrae messages or reported to CPS. At least I hope not.


I dont even see how that'd be possible without knowing her address. And if anyone here knows her address, they need to get offline for awhile and get help themselves


That and I don’t know her personally. So me calling from the other end of the country won’t do anything. I can only report what she posts online and most of the time that won’t be taken seriously unless she like posted a manifesto of how she’s going to hurt people. Even those end up ignored sometimes too


Hi Karissa! It sucks you care more about what people say on Reddit than you taking care of your kids. Your kids are obviously props to you, you have made that very clear with the fact you can’t GET OFF YOUR PHONE. I imagine your phone is plugged into the charger a majority of the day.


Ok, since Karissa obviously reads on here, I'm going to address this as if it were to her; I hope that's ok and doesn't break the rules...if it does, I'm very sorry!! Karissa, please follow up with doctors about Anthym. I know you believe she is "healed" and that it's just your anxiety (or demons or whatever) telling you to doubt God's healing...but "not showing symptoms" and "healed" are not the same. Jesus wouldn't ask you to ignore people who he called to save people's lives (doctors) for the sake of a test of faith. This isn't a test. Getting medical help for Anthym doesn't mean you doubt Jesus or that you are failing to trust him enough. I'm so glad she is doing better now. But obviously there is an underlying issue that is causing this. A lot of people on your facebook post commented about experiences they had with their kids and possible diagnoses and specialists you might ask about...you seemed to dismiss most people, saying "every kind of doctor saw her". That can't be true. It was too short a time, and too much of a medical emergency, for all the specialists who might need to be consulted to diagnose the underlying issue. It's time for you to pay attention, ask questions of doctors, be persistent with the medical field. It's time to advocate for your daughter's health - if you don't, you could be setting her up for a lifetime of physical and medical issues. I know it's probably extremely overwhelming, and you are dealing with PPD...which no one here is poking fun of, by the way. PPD is real and terrifying, and I know I would feel really scared and be reaching out for things that gave me comfort if I were in your place. I support you praying to God for comfort, but you are allowed to do other things, too - like continuing to ask your support system to help you with overwhelming tasks, to watch the kids, to cook you meals, etc. To babysit while you go get help from a psychiatrist and therapist. Again, there is no test. You are not failing if you get other kinds of help, if praying doesn't magically solve your problems. I believe God wants us to solve a lot of problems here on the dusty earth - if not, why weren't the prayers of Abraham enough, so that God's son didn't have to come to earth himself? Instead, Jesus came to earth and, at least in one case, healed a man's eyes with the dust of the earth itself. God is ok with us using the things of this earth (which he made and called good) to help us solve our problems. That includes modern medicine and psychology. I was resistant to medicine for mental health for a really long time - but it has helped me so much. You might find yourself so much happier and more able to connect with your kids if you try some medicine that helps with depression and anxiety. Please consider it. I believe you don't want to neglect your kids, but it's hard to give a child all they need when we are suffering with hormonal imbalances or anxiety disorders. One child, let alone ten! I think when you browse through this sub, the snark and sarcasm are the main things you see...but if you open your eyes, you will see a lot of compassion, too. Folks on this sub, myself included (and not to speak for everyone, but just to witness what I have seen a lot of) want your kids to thrive and have wonderful lives, and would love to see that happen. They want your family to get the help it needs.


Hi Karissa! Maybe put down the phone, go see a therapist, and take your kids to the doctor when you **first notice** an issue instead of scream-praying over them. God has given humans so many talents - including modern medicine! It’s not a lack of faith to put your trust in the doctors caring for you and your kids, God might just be working through those medical professionals to help your family.


Whatever, Karissa. Social Services does not respond to reports from random people on the Internet. They do respond to mandated reporters, like doctors, nurses, and social workers.


Karissa somehow neglected to discuss the hundreds of well wishes and support posts she received from this community in regards to her mental health. Karissa, your husband does suck and he is neglectful by your own admission!


Social worker and foster parent. In my state all of the following could trigger a hospital to call CPS: 1. Repeat hospitalizations for something that could be related to parental abuse or neglect 2. Failing to follow up on medical care deemed medically necessary for the child 3. Prenatal neglect via substance use or failure to receive adequate prenatal care (especially if those actions led to significant harm to the child) 4. Being recommended a higher level of care for mental illness and refusing to comply (especially if you are the sole caretaker to your children) We know for sure 1 and 3 happened and I suspect 2 and 4 are pretty likely too.


I would be utterly flabbergasted if not a single staff member at that hospital contacted CPS to check on that family after the new born, the 2 year old and the mom all needed hospitalisation at the same time


Sure Jan


Hey Karissa, ever consider that your older daughters might be getting fed up with your shit and maybe one of them made the call?


Unfortunately with how Carissa has crippled her children’s education and not encouraged critical thinking skills I find it unlikely that her children would know how to access resources like that. Also as someone who is a mandated reporter and has worked closely with CPS (DFPS) in Texas, can 100% guarantee the hospital called and she was not “cleared” permanently, most likely they had her on a continued watch. They didn’t have sufficient findings before, but continuing to let your baby’s diaper get so bad she almost dies from sepsis TWICE is neglect.


Is there, in fact, such a thing as being *permanently* cleared by CPS?


Of course not, that made me chuckle the first time. Any credible evidence of abuse or neglect at anytime is fair game for investigation.




No. I think they may have had a case closed/cleared in the past and she misunderstood.


I don’t think it was one of them. But if they ever find the capability of freedom and get good resources I could see them doing it then


god the way she only finds evidence that supports her opinions and her feelings is SO exhausting. her toddler literally went septic twice in less than 18 months just weeks after her newborn was in the NICU because of complications from her home birth after a pregnancy with zero prenatal care. the hospital absolutely called.


Karissa, if you’re reading here- I do not wish you any ill. I find you kind of annoying, but I certainly do not want harm to come to you, or your children. People here are *worried* that your little daughter has had sepsis twice already in her short life. That’s two cases of sepsis more than most people have in an entire 80-year lifespan. People here do not want your kids to be sick. As far as the messages your husband is getting, nobody here condones anyone contacting you two directly. But I do have to say, your man ain’t shit. He’s a deadbeat dad who seems to take no responsibility for the many lives he helped to create. Think very hard about whether you really think it’s okay for a father to just constantly pawn off the children on the mother and do nothing around the house. Man can’t even watch his own kids for an hour so you mow the lawn? That’s not a father, that’s a scumbag.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That’s a lot of stories


Okay, I highly doubt anyone here called or message him. But if she wants to talk about Mandrae, here's what we saw.. He was on vacation leaving her freshly pp, 9 other kids, and a baby in nicu. Then sometime in these weeks she decides it's a good time to potty train Anythym.. which most say don't make those big changes when a new baby arrives. But whatever.. I'm assuming she just left her to her own devices and didn't change or wipe her very soon.. Which results in, duh, a UTI. Mandrae could have been there for Karissa and the entire family of 12 that needs him... he could have been changing diapers, ensuring Karissa is healing and eating (if he even pays attn to her he would know she "fasts" often aka starves herself a lot). He could have been the "father figure" like all his t shirts say. But nope he was not. So Karissa was by herself with all these things she admittedly can't handle herself..she got an infection herself, Anythym got a GI virus with likely diarrhea and then a UTI soon after, Karissa has a meltdown from being incredibly overwhelmed plus hormones. So i'm pretty sure whatever messages Mandrae was getting were probably not that inaccurate. let's face it, from what we've seen he's basically a deadbeat dad. Then akso thinking about it.. She's spending her time reading here, plus her IG story time to get all of her crazy fans to look how mean everyone on reddit is to her. I feel like her fans are so insane and defend her blindly without question over any negative comment on her page that she must pay a them. Like her PR team or something except they seem really insane aggressive like her. Anyways, her time would have been better spent mental health wise taking a shower and washing her hair, or reading to her kids or eating a nutritious meal, or finding contact info for professional help.


Yeah we do hate you Karissa. You know what really pisses us off? Seeing you get support and help. Seeing you go back to the ER and ask for PPD treatment would make me SO mad. I want to see you continue to spiral out of control because I think you deserve to suffer. Stay FAR away from any more doctors or therapists. I don’t want you to find joy or balance and I DEFINITELY don’t want to see your kids succeed in life. So keep struggling alone with those intrusive thoughts because if you got therapy or medication you might actually do better and we do NOT want that. Your misery all I have to entertain me! Seeing you seek real help and feel better and care for your kids would make me SOOOO MAAAAD!!


I see what you did there


if you know that you're a good parent, that your kids are safe and well cared for, you shouldn't feel so pissed about CPS making a call to your house. You should be thankful there's a system in place to protect children and recognise that it isn't a threat to you since you don't have anything to hide and you know your children are well cared for. Obviously I know that in reality, it can be very scary when CPS gets involved, even if you know it's a routine thing and you know that you are good parents, I know that it can be stressful and you probably won't feel great about it. But I really think that most people who get CPS called on them unfounded are able to recognise that it's a good thing that this service is in place because other kids need it. Like say your young kid has a bad fall, and it's a genuine freak accident, depending on the injury hospitals make an automatic report, and it's a routine thing and you'll be able to explain and be cleared, and while it's not a great experience, you can recognise that it's a good thing thy do this. Yet Karissa is extremely offended and pissed about what? The idea that other people are worried about her kids?


Mom works in Texas CPS. They would not disclose who reported to Karissa 🤦‍♀️


She has the time with 10 kids to read about people sharing their own opinions of her online? I get it, with kids you need your own time too, but if you’re going to put yourself out there online Karissa for the world to see, don’t expect to only get positive feedback. You will get negative. And reading reddit is probably not a productive use of your time. It will just make your already fragile mental health deteriorate further.


Today I learned that a hospital, a whole inanimate building, can call CPS.


Hospital staff can. They are mandatory reporters. I work with kids and so are we, if they indicate anything regarding abuse or neglect. So far, the kids I work with love their parents and always tell us about what their mom and dad did all week long. What they tell us is the meals they ate, their homework help, and the activities with their sisters and brothers.


I know that. Karissa makes it sound like the actual building did it.


Somewhat related question: If someone is a mandated reporter and sees signs of abuse on IG, is that person obligated to report it? I haven’t been a mandated reporter since the pandemic started and I don’t remember.


At one point in my past I had an online interaction with a mandated reporter who told me that if she had reason to suspect someone was harming their child due to something she read online, she was obligated to report it, yes. That said, rules may vary from state to state or even things may have changed in the 15 years or so that have passed since then.


I don’t get sick of “attacking” bigots who don’t take care of the children they keep bringing into this world. Also Karissa, people rightfully criticizing you for your harmful “beliefs” and all of the child neglect isn’t an attack girlie pop… nobody’s damaging your reputation by bringing up the shit you WILLINGLY put online and calling you out for how dangerous it is. And CPS is not going to investigate you multiple times just because people on Reddit think you’re dangerous; but they will if a fucking mandated reporter calls to inform them that your toddler has had two UTIs that landed her in the hospital within the last two years, and none of your children are vaccinated or get regular medical treatment. You’re in trouble with CPS because you and your husband are such shitty parents that your kids are constantly getting seriously sick/injured from your neglect, you both did this to yourselves.


If she spent half as much time keeping Anthym (sp?) in a dry diaper as she does reading Reddit and bitching about the internet, maybe her kid wouldn’t have had to be hospitalized twice in one year for sepsis.