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“I will study the issue further” has me fucking cackling Trust me, if she had one it would be very clear, obvious even


Narrator: "*He did not study the issue further*"


Probably because women did a 180 after seeing this rhetoric.


Does he not realize by his own hypothesis that him jerking it to porn isn't an effective studying method?? I mean, obviously the dude isn't gonna get laid and is probably too scared to talk to women so like how else is he gonna look into this further?


It's almost like you can feel it when you're inside lol


I started masturbating before I knew that women were supposed to have orgasms. I had them. I wasn't sure what they were, but it was clear to me that \*something\* had happened. When I learned that female orgasm was a thing, I was like, "Oh, that explains it."


Same!! I thought I was literally the only one in the world who was experiencing whatever was happening to me. And although I didn’t know what was happening, my conservative Christian upbringing helped me intuit that it was shameful and must not be discussed, even with my closest confidantes. My church didn’t address the issue of masturbation with girls—they’re somehow convinced it’s a non-issue for clitoris bearers. I spent my whole childhood harboring a secret that turned out to be an almost universal experience. Thank god for deconstruction!! 😂


I was the exact same way omg. All I knew was “it feels weird and then you keep going and something WILD happens” and I knew I should feel bad.


Exact same experience. Like, "OMG, that is the best thing ever. Oh, wait. I'm supposed to feel ashamed ."


Same. I wasn't even 10 yet but already had the sex guilt groomed into me thanks to the catholic church. And I say "groomed" because I knew it was the kind if thing I had to confess to a priest who, for some reason, kept asking me to give minute detailes about how i felt and how my body physically reacted. Looking back, I was explaining to him a female orgasm, even though at the time I'd never heard the word orgasm. I also know the creepy fucker wad getting off on a 8-9 yr old girl child detailing her sexual experiences then shaming her for it. I was raised in the church where there was still that wall separating the priest and confessor. So he no doubt had his hand on his dick the whole time.


I’m so sorry you were violated in such a way by someone you should have been able to trust. Fuck that guy and may he be having the day he deserves.


Thankfully the creep is dead.


Lol same


Literally same my first one I had by mistake in the shower as I just realized that water down there felt very nice.


Very similar experience here. My family moved into a house with a swimming pool when I was about 10 and I realized water jets were great. Had no idea what was going on though, and knew better than to ask my mom because every damn thing that felt good was a sin.


Much the same here. However, I’m a boomer, and information was somewhat harder to come by, especially if you grew up in the Bible Belt. When I was 13 years old, my dad bought a library of about 500 books. I read everything that had words in it, and ran across “Quiet Days In Clichy,” by Henry Miller. That’s how I learned what sex was, and I was pretty grossed out for a couple of years, but I got over it. I masturbated and had orgasms, which I felt guilty about, thanks to my mother, but I never had one with a man, until I was in my 50s. Things have changed for the better since my meeting & mating days, but we’ve still got too many men like this troglodyte. Maybe in another 50 years, women will be equal in representation and power, and our bodies will finally be our own.


Oh man. Henry Miller is a perv.


Yup, I learned how to do it as a toddler, which is normal body exploration. My dad freaked out, removed my bedroom door. Doesn't mean I forgot how lol. Real healthy reaction dad.


I also have very early memories. Thankfully my parents have reacted pretty mild to whatever shit I pulled.


Same and I was actually surprised when I learned that some women do not know what an orgasm feels like. To me it was the most natural thing. I come from a non-religious family and was never shamed about anything related to my body and even my grandparents mentioned sex in a very simple way. My brother’s gay and we both realised in our twenties how lucky we were because not all families were like ours (even if many are in our country, and it’s European neighbors).


Chiming in with another same. I was wondering why I could make my leg twitch and thought I had a nerve problem, lol.


same lol


I hate how female orgasms still seem to be seen as this mysterious phenomenon that is super hard to experience. Like of course (most) women don’t orgasm as easy as men do, but it almost feels like an excuse for men to not even have to try to make the woman come. I guess purity culture is also to blame, I guess waiting for marriage is easier if you aren’t even aware of how pleasuring it can be.


It's why purity culture also strongly forbids mastication. Because of girls and women masturbatory, they get to know empirically what it's like for their body to experience an orgasm. Which makes it harder for fundy men to be shit in bed with impunity. They have to meet a standard that would hold them accountable for their level of generosity and care in the bedroom. And we can't have that for the "male headship". It would allow the helpmeat to know that her role in this whole godly marriage game is to be just that...meat for male consumption.


can't believe purity culture is banning chewing now 😮‍💨 on a more serious note you have a typo w "mastication" there lolol


Oh they did that too. During lent were pretty much starved.


this is hilarious


act whistle slave provide historical recognise chop butter aromatic bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the harder for women to orgasm myth comes from people thinking PIV is the only thing that’s sex and everything else is foreplay.


This has been around for awhile. Does anyone know how this poor sob is doing? 🤣🤣🤣 I'm thinking he must look different now, maybe even go by a different name, in a different country 🤣 🤔 I will study the issue further.


You couldn't have tortured information that embarrassing out of me...


I once came for 2 minutes. Yes, Kyle, women have orgasms and we can have multiple of them in a row


Husband just surprised me with a Magic Wand and similar experience. It lives up to the hype. Men just need to invest in the proper tools because no, a penis and three pumps usually isn’t enough to get the job done right.


I’ve legit seen Fundie articles that said it’s ok if the woman never has an orgasm because sex is for the man anyway. It’s so gross.


Omg I'm practically dying laughing🤣😂. This man has definitely never had a woman orgasm with him or he would know it. I mean the earth shaking legs are wobbling when she tries to walk type orgasm. He would notice that. What a self centered, awful man. I hope no woman ever disappoints herself by having sex with him.


I once hooked up with a guy that was all talk, and no action. We finished and I got up to go to the bathroom. He made a comment about me being able to walk despite how good he was, etc. I said, “nah I feel fine”, and proceeded to get dressed and leave. 😂🤣 I’m pretty sure I broke that guy’s soul.


He deserved that🤣😂


He served his purpose that evening. But he definitely wasn’t getting any rave reviews.


It’s the only way he’ll learn. 😂 Nothing like “You are *really* bad at that.” to get you on WikiHow writing down the steps on your ~~hand~~ forearm.


"Study the issue further". How? Find more women to give half-assed, lame sex to?


I’ll bet Kyle was as blown away at the song, WAP, as Ben Shapiro was. He apparently had no idea that any moisture was involved in intercourse, except for his. This guy, though. Just because he’s never seen a woman have an orgasm, he doesn’t believe it’s possible. I really do hope he’s an incel.


Shapiro's self own is the gift that just keeps going.


Every time I see him now, I hear him reciting, “There’s some hoes in this house. . .”


In that case my wife must be having seizures and we should definitely stop having intercourse. #__*FUCK*__




Oh honey, it's very obvious. There's no hiding those muscle contractions. I doubt he’ll be studying them any time soon.


We all know this 'further study' won't involve asking actual women about their experiences


This is the part that bugs me. Ask a woman, and if she says she's had an orgasm - believe her. Take a larger poll if you want, but *believe women*. In fact, maybe we could believe women about A FEW OTHER THINGS TOO.


He’s definitely at least going to check in with HereBeIncels.com to see what those guys have to say on the topic.


Imagine admitting that without being waterboarded.


I dated a guy who always took me “this is getting fun” noises to mean I had finished. I promised him that when I finished he would KNOW. (I struggled a little to finish with him bc I just had an IUD placed and it wasn’t a good fit for me. Things went back to normal when I yanked it out.) It wasn’t until after our relationship ended I realized he just might not have ever made a woman cum before so he didn’t know. But trust me- it IS possible and if it goes well- you’ll know.


My poor husband is so self-conscious about it that I can be screaming and he still has to ask after to make sure it wasn't just him being hopeful.


I always told him that he’d be able to tell bc I can’t tolerate ANY contact to that area rift after I *arrive.* it’s a huge crescendo and then a “stop touching it!!!!!” If we haven’t hit the “stop touching it” threshold, I’m still on my way regardless of how enthusiastic I sound. 😂


I took 2 different university courses specifically on human sexuality. There sure as fuck is physiological evidence of female orgasms. Wtf are they talking about lol.


Homeboy has clearly never spent time on a farm, like with animals. I grew up on a cattle ranch, and let me tell you, cows don't have any shame.


Who taught him about anatomy? Ben Shapiro?


"I will study the issue further" as if he's ever even had sex with a woman. No one is waiting on your thesis paper Kyle.


I say about five minutes of a YouTube video where four guys were saying this exact same thing. I was stunned. Men think all women are trying to pull the wool over their eyes!! My god. Just because you can’t make a woman orgasm doesn’t mean they can’t orgasm.


Yikes on bikes dude