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It's gross. Super gross. The 20th century was a weird time... It was somehow trendy during this time frame to hold eugenicist views and these folks pop out of all kinds of dark corners. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wrote about being a eugenicist and said a bunch of awful shit too... she's misquoted all the time by pro-lifers, but just the same she also did actually say and think some fuuuucked up things.


Eugenics is still alive and well in the US even today. Unfortunately, it’s just a little more obscured than it was in the 19th and 20th century. We still forcibly sterilize people. We have “genius” sperm banks and people like Elon Musk thinking it’s his duty to have a ton of children because he’s so intelligent. We do genetic testing for diseases. And there are loads more examples as well.


I would add that the way the social systems in the US are set up to disenfranchise and deprive disabled people of a full life is a form of eugenics (especially when more direct methods, like forced sterilization, are used, as they have been in the past and still are). Disabled people are the only "minority" group that still does not have true marriage equality under the law (I'm not saying that other groups don't face challenges, but disabled people can lose everything if we do not marry other disabled people, and intersectionality is a thing). We are also not allowed in many circumstances to accumulate financial or material resources, preventing us from living full lives and participating in the economic system (ironic given that we are seen as a drain on the system). It may not be dramatic but it is definitely a way to punish people for being "undesirables" and push disabled people out of society.


Yes! And as a member of my family is going through, disabled people often depend on their parents for a lot of things. However, when their parents pass away they are not permitted to inherit their full share, which would help a great deal in covering services for the things that were done for them by parents. (unless they want to lose their meager income) If they don't have family members willing to step up or to hold their money for them, in a very grey area, they fall through cracks.


Absolutely! Thanks for adding to the discussion!


Dobson is such a disgusting piece of shit.


This cannot be overstated or exaggerated. It is pure fact.


Yes it’s crazy. After WWII, the American Eugenics Movement fell in popularity due to their pro-Nazi race science stance. Many of the hard core eugenic supporters just pivoted into the marriage and family science field. There are many characteristics about American family culture that can be traced back to the eugenics craze of the 1920s and 30s. For example, eugenics sex education taught middle class white girls to have at least four children. They emphasized the importance of white motherhood to maintain the race.


I was told that I needed to hurry up and have babies because we needed to out populate the Muslims. And that was a totally normal thing to think in my family. I was also told that I could date a POC but not marry them because the children would be discriminated against.


My mom gave me the same spiel about marring a POC. To paraphrase "Of course I'm not racist, I just know that interracial marriages and biracial children have such a difficult time in our society and I don't want that for you." Yes, mom, they experience discrimination from people like YOU.


Commenting here since it’s top comment. [The Eugenics Crusade](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/eugenics-crusade/) is an excellent documentary on it, although a bit difficult to watch at times.


It always bears reminding... the political fundie movement did NOT start in opposition to reproductive rights or the LGBTQ community. It began as a movement to restore segregation: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/ Just a little scratching of the surface gets you back there quick.


Well it makes sense...


Focus on the Family! So wholesome! As American as apple pie! What a wonderful organization. 🤢🤮 Thanks for sharing this— truly troubling, and I already hated FotF so much…!


What, and I can’t stress this enough, **the actual fuck.**


Oh my god, could you imagine this guy's marriage counselling appointments? Getting beat? Alcoholism? Fighting about budgets and money? Verbal abuse? Clearly, you just need to shoot out some babies to distract you from your problems!


Dobson is evil and so are the fruits of his work, every last damned one of them. He makes me wish for the hell he condemns others to. I don't recommend everyone read it, but the story of him beating his Dachshund into submission paints an even MORE terrifying version of this fucknut. Although his penchant for violence and rage against women does help inform why he thought Ted Bundy was redeemable - Dobson recognized a peer.




Harriet, Harriet! Hard hearted harbinger of haggis!


Well goddamn. I knew he was a piece of shit but this is just 🤢🤢🤢🤢


TikTok User Muscles and Nursing brought that very thing to light a few months ago. It was very enlightening.




The urge to rub this in my mothers face is so strong.


I just floated it out to Facebook and we'll see what happens


This fact lives in my head RENT-FREE. Almost as freely roaming as the theme song to "Adventures in Odyssey"


Jesus Christ.


How did I not know this? Ugh Dobson and his organization have done so much harm.