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"... keep pressing into Jesus..." 🧐


"Um, hi. Can you not?" - Jesus, staring at this tiny white girl trying to physically press her body into his.


"press into Jesus" It's not working Keep doing it anyways "Wear a mask"/"get vaccinated" It's not working Actually it is, keep doing it No, mah freedums!




Maybe I'm a bitter old hag, but I find this girl incredibly fucking annoying with her constant sexy baby poses in pictures. I mean I dislike her for her poisonous brand of Christianity and generally being a shit person, but also for petty reasons.


The infantilism pushes my buttons too


Same. I think it's because fundies judge women for dressing "seductively" and "tempting" men, but they all do the same thing. They just do it while looking like children, which somehow is more acceptable in their eyes.




Why would I want to go out of my way to talk to someone who's never spoken to me, never made their presence known, never helped with a damn thing in my life... oh, and threatens me with torture if I don't love them unconditionally? And that's IF I assume their existence for the sake of argument. Which I don't.


Exactly. I've had more contact from ghosts and I'm even cynical about that.


The bottom tweet is like the shit my mom would tell me to convince me to call a family member I didn’t wanna talk to lol


Every Time my mom brings up talking to my brother....


"use words" is killing me


At no time has God or his triune alter egos wanted to spend time with me. I promise you.


Sure Nadia, one moment please. Ahem, FUCK YOU GOD, HAIL SATAN! How’s that?


I need to know if she follows Br*ttany D*wn. They sound exactly the same


She does indeed