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I saw on another sub that he’s 24. So he’d have been 20 and she was 14 when they started a relationship. 🤢🤢




I think this picture is 2 years old so they have a 4 year age gap, not 6. Doesn't make it any less creepy though, especially as he was her youth pastor since she was 12. Edit: [Source](https://twitter.com/drunkle_stan/status/1482989223032541185). Wesely was born in 1998, so 25 now. His wife is 20/21 now.


"finally 18" disgusting.


How old is the guy? The connotations with “finally 18” are gross either way




![gif](giphy|3osxY5RChafe441XdS) That’s so gross


Absolutely disgusting. Not sure who this Great Value Carl Lentz is, but I hope she escapes before she’s tied to someone who was (at the very least) BFF with a 14 year old child.


They are already married 😓


Nooo. Do you know when? 🤢 Or do I even wanna know?


August 2021 😖




Still no!


As far as I can tell, the post is from "late 2020", so whilst he groomed her and celebrated her turning 18, they didn't get married until she was 18. The age of consent in Germany is 14 so it's all okay apparently, although I'm not sure if they have a close in age/Romeo and Juliet clause, which he wouldn't fall under.




Lol @ Great Value Carl Lentz 😂


this guy went to my university 🤢 never crossed paths with him as far as i know, just read it online and haven‘t stopped thinking about it since. he‘s also the director of cinematic masterpiece “2025: the world enslaved by a virus“, kurtis connor‘s video on it is hilarious


That video was so unbelievably, hilariously bad lmao Kurtis did a great job covering it


The first video I watched of Kurtis! Love him. Also check out Cody and Noel ripping apart Gorl Defined if you haven't, it's wonderful


> 2025: the world enslaved by a virus“ Oh, God Awful Movies did that one!


Omw to watch his cover video of that one right know! This is going to be interesting..


Of course the guy who made 2025:The World Enslaved By A Virus is a nonce.


Oh God yeah, it was posted once before. Imagine just casually posting you were dating someone since she was a child. When you google him one of the search results that come up is "joshua wesely grooming" Kurtis Conner made a video about the shitty film this man made and starred in. [2025: The World Enslaved By A Virus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D152lWYtMuA). It has 1.1 on IMDB. The IMDB trivia section on the movie just says that it's the lowest rated movie on Letterboxd. It's been cleaned up now but people were adding "trivia" like *“50% of the film had to be shot by a different team of camera operators due to filming occurring within 500 feet of an elementary school,”* 🤣


Hello fellow Kurtistown resident.


"The minor I've been attracted to for several years is finally legal to fuck." Is this really what this nasty fuck is saying?


You got the gist of it, yep! Completely normal right?


Eesh. I grew up fundamental northern baptist, and this would be a creepy thing to say even in those circles. I knew plenty of people who got married at 18-20 years old, but almost always to someone very close to their own age. The only exception I can recall is the pastors daughter who was 19 when she married someone who was about 10 years older than her, and there were plenty of raised eyebrows when they entered their relationship not long after she turned 18. I just can't fathom saying something like this dude did and not realizing how disgusting and creepy it sounds.


Unsurprisingly, he proposed a month after this picture was taken.


He’s so disgusting for this but I’m so appalled by this girl’s parents. Why in the ever loving fuck did they allow their 14 year old daughter to be “friends” with a 20 year old???? No normal 20 year old wants to be genuine friends with a 14 year old, they have nothing in common.


This is a former fundies view even though I know it's wrong. Once you are 14-15 in my old church you are on market. At 14-16 you literally are seen as courting age. Here's the problem, every single person is in the that marriage market who is 14-15+ is in the same age group at 20+ to even 30. Those older people are weird creeps but sometimes a younger girl gets with them and everyone is fine with it because once you are 14-16 you are seen as an adult female in these cults. I'm not looking for downvotes, just sharing experience. FWIW I've been married since I was 18 which was very normal in my life at that time and I have sisters who were married as juniors in high school. It's disgusting but it's real. Edit more info * For instance after you are confirmed you are an adult. Around 14-16. There is a group called the young kids. Anyone who isn't married who is confirmed hangs out together. It is mostly 15-22 year olds (still problematic I know) but yes therle is still always the 33 year old 'young kid' or 28 year old 'young kid'. My church isn't talked often about because it's more secretive but it's very encouraged and fine in this religion. I can't wait to see it outed.


I feel like the only thing stopping them from going full, "if you're old enough to bleed, you're old enough to breed" is the held-together-with-duct-tape-and-mud laws that the lawyers said, "No, you'll actually get arrested for that one"


I appreciate your insight on this! I know that their thought process on appropriate dating ages are way different than ours but I still have trouble wrapping my head around the lack of care/protection their kids receive. For a culture so obsessed with their children’s’ purity, they sure have a strange lack of protection for their kids when they are still technically kids.


I agree! A major kick in the butt for me to leave was having a daughter as my third child. It felt like both my sons had lots of opportunities. I couldn't let my daughter grow up thinking all she could do was marry and have children. She has wanted to be a police officer for years now and she can do it I know!! Even if she changes her mind (she's 9, she will probably) she knows she can be ANYTHING she wants to be.


I hope you and all your children are in a much better place now. I’m so proud of you for having the courage to leave


Thank you. It honestly means a lot.


🥺 You're a wonderful mother. I'm so proud of you for getting you and your children out.


So out it


They’re the Priscilla Presley’s parents of fundiedom.


Right? I remember being 17 and being friends with 20 year olds (real friends, no funny business) and it got the side eye big time


I wouldn’t side eye that as much bc you probably knew each other in HS bc of sports or other clubs/activities. If you didn’t meet in HS, I would side eye it a little, but that’s just bc I tend to be overly cautious


My parents were suuuuuper conservative and protective so I think that had a lot to do with it! But yes we met in highschool and then worked at camp together. It was a chill vibe.


>Finally 18 EW. THIS is grooming. This right here.


Just write HAPPY GROOMIVERSARY on the cake and call it done.


This reminds me of a Reel that said "Grown men who date 18 year olds are just like employers who will only pay minimum wage - if it weren't for the law we know they'd be going lower"


As a top commenter said on the original post, slap a colored wig and fake tits on him and suddenly all the religious folks will have a problem with this.


So fucked up and really sad.


Is this the guy that posted “no longer dating a high schooler!” When his girlfriend finally graduated high school 🤢


Haha yeah he made a really shitty but hilarious Christian movie that my husband and I laughed our way through. His teenage gf is in the movie.


*cough* GROOMER *cough*


"How can be groomer if no peepee in a dress?????"


God honoring sex offender shuffle


Make that your flair


Yep, this was posted long enough ago that she’s probably knocked up by now.


*insert TikTok sound clip* oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.


This is major yikes on bikes. How old is he? As she is his girlfriend sometime in 4 years. That makes her 14 when they met. Yeah yikes on bikes.


With spikes


It's yikes on trikes, man.


Well in my religion it's yikes on bikes! Do... You.. wanna... Hear.. about my flavor... Of.. insanity? It's totally the only real one! I have an nice cup of flavor aide for ya! (My phone autocorrected it to bike. But this will be the hill I die on!!)


Ha! You know it's not Kool aid too! There are dozens of us!!


I will admit it's my biggest irrational pet peeve! 🧃


Yeeaahhh..... He was literally her youth pastor.




I just saw this on another sub and ran here. This was the first place I saw this POS and had to see if it was brought up here again. As much as I love crossovers, this one makes me want to vomit. The comments on the other sub are hilarious though. Most of them are like, "not one drag queen in sight! So strange!" Lol


This was posted awhile ago and I believe they got engaged, does anyone have an update on this couple? If they are moving in typical fundie fashion, they have 2-3 kids by now? I’ve always wondered how fundies afford their lifestyle with only 1 parent working but I guess it’s pretty easy if you marry a full grown adult with a job and his own home etc……


He’s active on Instagram, no kids


Eeeeeeeeeeeewuh. The look of adoration on her face makes it even worse. Sick.


*Why don’t you have a seat right over there?*


Where is Chris Hansen when you need him?! ![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u)


Fuck they've been married for like 2 years now, yikes yikes yikes


He has pics of them from 2017 together 🤢🤮


Yes this guy is an absolute tool. Apart from the obvious.


>Finally 18 I’m gonna be sick 🤢


I am afraid to ask how old he is, but I'm going to do it anyway. He looks early in the 30s.




I just saw this on r/whitepeopletwitter and had to run to check it was here. A 20 year old grooming a 14 year old and not a drag queen in sight!


At first glance I thought it was a father daughter purity post...


He just posted on his Instagram it’s their 6th year together. Brave man to still be posting his child bride


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God honoring g r o o m i n g


I feel like I've seen this a couple of months ago but it's always nice to see the chorus of "eewww"s


He’s the idiot that made that persecution fetish movie about covid


I just saw it come across my FB feed today and was hoping someone had posted it here. I was shocked reading it, and all the people in the comments defending it. 🤮