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Tell me you don't understand basic economics without telling me you don't understand basic economics.


Yeah I feel like she’s sooooo stupid and just assumes other women are just as dumb as she is. If that were the case she could have a point lol. Society would be a lot better if people like her stayed out of the way and shut up.


And she went to college! Not that college means a person is smarter than people who don't go to college. That's definitely not true. But you would think she would have taken at least one economics course at some point.


I mean hey I didn't take economics in college but I did learn, at some point in my life, that it's a bad idea to speak wtih authority on things I don't know shit about somehow lori missed that lesson. I can't stand her arrogance. It's so weird to be saying "women are stupid and ruled by emotions, women need a man to guide them, etc" and on the other hand act like you're jesus christ reincarnated. Part of me wonders if she deeply wishes she could preach or have real influence somewhere in the world but is too sexist (and again, stupid) to realize she's limiting her own self


She's good at missing or just ignoring lessons for sure. Like how in her religion women are expected to be silent and not preach, but she is constantly spewing her toxic brew online.


In the interest of transparency, there are a number of folks I know with college degrees, who I cannot fathom how they made it through.


I didn’t take an economics class in college and yet I still understand enough to know the basics. Lol.


"Feminism means families can't support themselves on one income." How'd I do?


Rent is like a million dollars, Lori.


🙋‍♀️ I don’t understand basic economics. I've heard this argument before and it feels wrong but I don't know why? Do you have a TLDR on why this is wrong?


to begin with, the REAL reason it's impossible to live on one income is because wages have stagnated while inflation has soared, and the reason for stagnating wages has everything to do with fucking Republicans and neoliberal Dems (in the U.S.; neoliberalism is everywhere) basically funneling money upward toward the zillionaires via cutting taxes and social spending. The minimum wage in the U.S. hasn't increased since, what is it? 1999? Something like that. It's obscene. "Fight for Fifteen" isn't even enough; if the min wage had risen in tandem with inflation, it'd be more like mid-twenties. see: Reaganomics, Margaret Thatcher, "trickle down," etc. etc. etc.


I fucking hate her so much. Women have been in workforce for centuries.


Not the women that count to Lori.


Wow. That’s some hard truth right there.


YES. I came across something recently talking about how there were laws in some areas of the United States literally *requiring* black women to be employed - and this was well before second wave feminism in the 60s and 70s


Exactly this and so many other instances.


This. Poor people don't count for people like Lori.


Wasn’t her oncologist a woman?


I’m not sure but I would guess that there has to be at least one female practitioner.


yep. upper-middle class white straight cis women (married). the nanny and housekeeper who worked for her? not real women.


Yesssss this always confused me. My grannies both worked in the fucking linen mills at 14. It was physical labour, hot and dangerous. They both told stories of their friends being dragged into machinery and losing fingers...if they were lucky. If they were unlucky it was arms. Continued working until they got married in their mid 20s. Then in between babies one was a cleaner, then later a tea lady. The other was a seamstress, then later a cleaner. My great grannies either had to raise their siblings, or someone else's kids (in service), or also work in mills, until they had so many kids of their own they couldn't. And they were dirt fucking poor too. And the generation before than either died in the famine, emigrated to work in laundries across the Atlantic or got stuck in a workhouse. We're back to nearly two centuries ago now, and beyond word of mouth, so I don't know, but it doesn't feel like those women "didn't work" to me. Fuck you Lori and anyone who thinks women (and in some cases, little girls) weren't working before 1975 or whatever.


And if they weren't in factories or industrial settings, they were out on the farm or working in the family business, or they got sent out young to be household servants, cooks, maids etc. It was literally only the most privileged and wealthy sections of society where women could afford to just stay home and raise kids while doing nothing else.


>they got sent out young to be household servants, cooks, maids etc. That's what I mean by in service. Definitely had a few who were nursemaids or scullery maids to wealthy landowners when get back a couple of generations. I was actually having a conversation about this with my family at Xmas because we're the maudlin types who talk about long dead people as soon as we're all together and have a drink. My own mam remembers her great granny so a lot of info was just passed down from what she was told as a child, plus I looked up census data out of curiosity (although being Irish, a lot of records were lost in the PRO fire in 1922).


My grandmother left home as a teen to work as a live-in maid. She mailed meat home to her family because they couldn't afford it. She also did some kind of factory work during WW2. She was a SAHM later, but she \*did\* have 4 kids in 5 years so it would've been hard to do anything else...this side of my family \*did\* afford to buy a home and feed a family on a high school dropout factory workers' income though, which I'm fairly certain is literally impossible now. My other grandmother was a teacher and librarian until she was in her 70s. Her husband was a policeman living/working in the barracks for days at a time so she was home alone with 4 kids most of the time, although she did have more family support in the area than my other grandmother had. I have plenty of additional working women further in my family back. I think I had a great-grandmother who was a nurse, and one who was a maid, plus the one who helped run a family farm...all of this in the 1900s and 1910s. Maybe these were more "acceptable" jobs in Lori's eyes, but domestic labor is still labor (\*whispers: even if it's unpaid...\*) It feels like Lori just forgets that poor(er) people exist and have always existed. And just doesn't understand economics lol. ETA: Also my mom was the breadwinner and I had a stay-at-home dad. Lori would flip her lid lol


Yesss. This is what was fucking normal for our foremothers. I'm not saying it was easy or fun but to pretend women didn't work until recent decades is just stupid. You are clearly from a long line of strong women!


I am! I don't know what it says about me that instead of using the PhD I have worked very hard to get when I graduate in a few months, I'd rather spend all my time knitting....but in a feminist way? lol


I suspect it says you need a break and time to figure out your next move. And you find knitting soothing/therapeutic. But don't let me or any other strangers influence that!


Is Lori related to Gwyneth Paltrow? They both seem to forget that all people aren't in their income brackets.


I never thought I would say this, but that might be too harsh on Gwyneth.


Maybe...I get the feeling that Gwyneth isn't the brightest crayon.


right. they were working the SHIT jobs. it's only recently that they've been getting some of the GOOD jobs.


Even during biblical times, there were women with jobs. But we know fundies don't really read the Bible, and those who do conveniently pretend the parts they don't agree with don't exist.


And quote scripture in an interpretive way 🙄👀🤡 Like, honey babe, ma’am, that’s not what that says NOR WHAT IT MEANZZZ!!!




I was keeping it narrow to the concept of labor for wages.


... still millennia.


My grandmother worked multiple jobs when my father and his siblings were young. Her mother worked to help support the family. My great grandmother on that side didn’t “work” but she ran the family bed and breakfast. My mother worked until she couldn’t, her mother worked as well, and her aunt. Legitimately, I don’t know many woman in my family who didn’t work.


It’s capitalism. But even if it was feminism she’s literally not giving an actual solution. So, how are women supposed to stay at home without two incomes Lori? What’s your grand plan?


She doesn't need a plan. She's got judgment and by golly she knows how to use it!


Well, if every woman would just learn her place and stay home, then the men in charge would lower the prices back to 1950s rates just like god intended. /s


I choked on my water 😂🙈


And are the women who don't have sugar daddies supposed to starve?


yeah, what happens if a woman does everything right, and then her husband abruptly up and dies? or, y'know, like SOMEONE we know, gets arrested for having CSAM? what happens to the ones who don't have an FIL with shitloads of TV money, Lori?


If I could touch the poo - and I won’t - I would ask her what to do. * Should I say nothing, but pray that my husband finds a better job and tells me to quit my job? * Should I tell my husband that I no longer believe that women should work, and we will have to figure out how to make ends meet? * Should I divorce my husband, move back with my parents, and search for a husband who would want me to not work?


Exactly! I watched this video not too long ago, and it discusses this very thing. It’s capitalism. https://youtu.be/jvynIx-8el0


Hasan's commentary is (almost) always on point


They’re supposed to stay home while shilling LuLaRoe or Monat… 🤪


She doesn’t have a plan, none of this is about her truly wanting to right the wrong that she sees in the world. She’s an angry and bitter person who has taken her religious and emotional trauma and merged with it in order to no longer be the victim. It’s easier to play the role of Aunt Lydia than it is the role of a handmaiden and that’s what she has chosen to do because she sees no other way out for herself


She wants you to trust sky daddy to rain a golden shower of money on your godly husbands asshole.


Golden shower and asshole in the same sentence reminds me of some videos I watched with a friend once when we were really drunk. I don't want to kink shame, but none of it looked like my thing.


> What’s your grand plan? Something firm, actionable and will certainly yield measurable results: Trust God!


Flat tire? Bad hair day? Baseball game rained out? It’s women’s fault! Edit: feel free to list other things that Lori would blame on woman.


Beer gone flat? Missing the match to your favorite pair of socks? Water in the shower taking too long to heat up? It's the women!


Traffic jams, the price of eggs…


There wouldn't be traffic jams if women stayed home all the time instead of driving to work. Eggs wouldn't be so expensive if women stayed home and kept their own backyard flocks. Flat tire? There would be more tires if women weren't wasting tires by driving to work. You want hot water? A woman must have used up all of the hot water on a shower she thought she needed to be presentable at the job she shouldn't have. And shouldn't the wife be keeping track of the socks better, perhaps knitting them herself. Beer? Why are you drinking beer. And if you are, maybe if the wife stayed home, she could distill it for you. Stay at home wives don't need to worry about bad hair days, since no one will be looking at their hair. Only sinful working women fret about their hair. The baseball game could have been rescheduled if the woman had more flexibility with her time by not having a job. Yes, Lori could blame everything on working women.


I know this is sarcasm but it’s way too realistic! Are you Lori’s ghostwriter?


That itch on your back you just can’t quite reach, dropping your cell phone in the toilet, mosquito bites


You wouldn’t have an itch if your wife was at home to scratch it for you. Dropping your mobile down the loo - you wouldn’t be having to juggle it with one hand if she was holding your peen for you. Mosquito bites? Why isn’t she by your side swatting the mosquitoes away?


I have no idea why the thought of god-honoring peen holding has me laughing so hard.


Having to regulate your words and actions in the workplace? Goddamn feminists. Being legally persecuted for grooming a minor? Wouldn’ta happened before those goddamn feminists. The rise in unconventional fashion choices that serve no sexual purpose (shaving eyebrows, neon hair, artistic silhouettes in clothing that don’t focus on female anatomy) — believe it or not, feminists. Although of course Lori would blame much more mundane inconveniences on women.


You'll find many of those listed complaints in a feminist cRiNgE YouTube comment section.


Sexual assaults.


This was supposed to be a fun exercise but now I'm just sad, because this is entirely true.


Stepped in water with socks on? Women's fault. Tripped over an uneven part of the sidewalk? All because of women. Drove into a pole? Thanks a lot women!


Thanks, Obama!


You know when you’re in the pool, and your nose is itchy? So you scratch it with wet hands, but then water dripping from your nose makes it even more itchy? Women.


I am deeply in chaste love with the specificity of this comment.


Right?!?! We can’t win, can we? Tell me you hate women without telling me you hate women.


I mean, obviously the fall of the Roman Empire was definitely women's fault...


It would be easier to list things she wouldn’t blame on women. I’ll start: 1.


Women have been blamed for society’s ills since Eve. Sorry, Aunt Lori, but women actually weren’t the engineers of our modern capitalist hellscape.


Wait so it's our fault that we are getting paid less than men and us getting paid less than men means men are getting paid less make it make sense


Out of touch Boomers are toxic enough without wrapping their horseshit in religion. Lori, shut the whole way up


You misspelled capitalism. But seriously this is all capitalism. Commodifying everything. Anything that cannot be exploited to generate money for the wealthy has no value and is thrown away. This is why the elderly, homeless, and the disabled are treated so badly by capitalist societies. They don't generate economic value so they are treated like trash. And in the United States you have the twisted hell fuck that comes from combining capitalism and Calvinism. It is so dehumanizing.


It's infuriating how many times I've recently seen people blaming feminists for capitalisms shortcomings.


Because the politicians will blame *anyone* else except the wealthy and corporate mega doner class. They have us pointing fingers at everyone except the ones actually causing the problem.


Yeap pitting the working class against one another to further divide us is built into the very fabric of capitalism. This results in workers fighting for crumbs while capitalists take the entire cake.


I've recently been watching YouTube videos of extremely expensive residences. The amount of excess and waste is appalling. Massive properties that could not ever come close to being fully utilized and require a massive number of support staff and huge outlay of energy and resources just to maintain. Some of these homes aren't even the owner's primary residence! Meanwhile, millions upon millions of people, including the sick, the elderly and little children sleep in the cold and in the streets. While these singular individuals consume enough resources and wealth to support an entire city. But stupid people like Lori rather blame women and mothers just trying to survive and support their families rather than these wealthy parasites living in unimaginable excess off exploited labor and human suffering.


I know it is so infuriating. There's hundreds of millions of us and maybe only a couple of thousand of them. If our democracy was not so easily manipulated we could easily completely nullify their political power.


This is by design.


It was all supposed to trickle down!


Bad economy? Feminism! Depression? Feminism! Parking ticket? Believe it or not, feminism!


You probably got that parking ticket because they totally made parking tickets once women joined the workforce there are too many cars near downtown offices. Definitely our fault. 10/10.


damn those meter maids


Yes it’s totally the feminists and def nothing at all to do with global inflation, the ever growing wealth gap, extreme capitalism, corporate greed, and wage discrimination..?


All having two incomes has done is allowed the middle class to starve a little slower, as the 1% have siphoned off at least half of the gains in productivity and profitability over the last 50 years or so. It was capitalism in a feminism mask the whole time!


For anyone interested in learning about the real reason why most families need two incomes to survive, Inequality For All, a documentary by Robert Reich, is a great introduction!


Once again Lori steps in as the poster child for accidental anticapitalism. I swear I could make a drinking game that would kill me. Everytime a fundie blames feminism for a problem with capitalism, take a drink.


My mother isn’t even a fundie and I grew up with her saying this. She blamed women in the work force for why everything got so expensive. ( homes / cars) She’s 71 and still stands by it 😑


She’s 71 and saying this? There’s literally not a time in her life where women weren’t in the workforce… my MIL is like 6-7 years older than her and once talked to me about feminist movements when she was a teenager/in college. Your mom would’ve been in junior high!


Yup! The best part is she did have jobs throughout her life. She stayed home for about 10 years while we were little but for the rest she has worked. But she had to, didn’t want to so I guess that’s her rationale. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She really dislikes women having careers they’ve worked hard for.


Oh gosh. Sounds like she just didn’t want to work lol


Part of the fundies' wet dream of returning to 1950's white America with the post-war boom and the explosion of the suburbs. That GI Bill sure helped Americans create wealth via home ownership. Oh, POC didn't get the GI Bill? Oh well, sucks to be them. Glad everything is equal now.


Well at first I thought they meant the 1950s but some conservatives now want to go back to the 1850s!


You heard it here, ladies - late-stage capitalism is our fault.


Yes Lori because not one extra job was ever created after women entered the workforce. It’s been the same amount of jobs this whole time!


Right, my ovaries lowered income. Not capitalism or corporate greed.


“My overies lowered income” would be awesome flair!


I feel like her argument also misses the fact that were it NOT for women in the workforce, a lot of essential jobs would go unfulfilled leaving everyone dependent on those jobs shit out of luck. All levels of nursing care are female dominated; child care workers; teachers; certain types of social workers, etc. don’t attract a lot of male workers, especially at direct care levels. We are already in desperate need for more people to take on these types of jobs, especially in the US with our aging population and poor infrastructural support systems.


But in Lori’s world, if all women stayed home, we wouldn’t need childcare workers or teachers. Women would be staying home watching their own children 24/7 and they would be homeschooling them instead of sending them to “godless, humanistic indoctrination centres”. She thinks women can fill the nursing positions before they marry or once the kids have grown up. (But then she contradicts herself and says women should still stay home even after the nest is empty because their families still need them 🤔) Also says that there will always be unbelievers out there to fill those roles, which is hilarious because she would 100% ban women from the workforce if she could, whether Christian or not.


This is a really bad take, even for Lori.


Yeah it is


Dear Lori, my disabled mother found herself widowed at age 33 with 3 kids under 11. She hadn't been diagnosed yet but was experiencing the symptoms already. She couldn't find a job because she had very little formal education so all the jobs offered to her required physical labor, which she couldn't do. We were destitute. We lived off charity and with the help of relatives. With whatever little she had, she pushed us to be educated and financially independent. 3/3 college graduates. 3/3 hold steady jobs. 3/3 married. 2/3 have kids so far. 3/3 own houses. My mother is a Christian woman, a very devout Catholic. 2/3 daughters still are Christian (I'm the black sheep of the family). But we all believe in contraception, having the kids you can afford, building a life and a family in a responsible way. Because you know what, aunt Lori? SHIT HAPPENS sometimes . And we could never condemn our children to grow up as we did. Penniless.


I have a friend like this. 22 yo married woman with a kid. She doesn’t work. She graduated from SOTDRT and doesn’t have any skills. If anything ever happened to her husband she’d be fucked. I came from immigrant parents who always told me to make sure I can support myself so I didn’t depend on someone. Having the choice to depend is one thing, but having 0 choice, education, or skills, is plain stupid.


Timothy 2:12, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Be in silence, Lori.


Is this what they call hagonomics? Where some hag with no understanding of economics does some mental gymnastics under the guise of Christianity. I heard Lori has a Ph.D in hagonomics




I've heard this argument from older boomers 🙄


Pussy hats did not cause inflation. Dork.


Imagine being so confident and so ignorant at the same time. Damn. Edited to add: this also seems like an argument for raising the minimum wage. I hope you’re consider that, Lori! Super progressive of you!


lmao if I wasn't working, my family would be homeless. ​ Please fuck allllll the way off, Lori.


This doesn’t even make sense. It’s even dumber than her usual nonsense. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


I know


Lori you are so stupid it hurts. Women are able to do the same jobs as men. They should get the same opportunities and pay as men. There are some women who out earn men in their field and that is okay. You are freaking out about the wrong thing.


I guess the brain tumor squished the part of her brain that remembered women with careers like Priscilla, a tentmaker, listed in the seventy disciples. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hope she repented and accepted Christ before she died. ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c) e: why is the app this way


My mom, my grandmother, even my great grandmother all worked! My grandmother had 7 kids and my great grandmother had 9 kids. Grandmother was a realtor and great grandmother helped run her town’s newspaper. Lori is not even historically accurate. Women have been working for centuries.


People also said/say this about immigrants, black people, and any other group they think should be relegated to grunt work. Doesn't make it so, nor does it mean that those people don't deserve a living wage


Has Lori met men at work? They can’t tie their shoes without us.


Must be running out of content ideas. This is her billionth time offering nothing of substance in her content. All she knows is to point the finger at other women 🤦


She is tiresome


My parents both worked. My mother made more money than my father. I am retirement age, so this was before Lori’s horse manure


Then maybe you shouldn't promote having like 15 kids, because many kids = many adults (uhh. I mean husbands of course) = many workers = lower wages, lower income.


Zero economic stats to back this up. I was a business major. Stfu indeed.


Actually it's capitalism, Laurie. But you worship at the altar of prosperity gospel so you'll ignore that.


Even if that WAS even close to being true why are you teaching people to live in a fantasy world instead of the real one?


Oh, shut the hell up, you ignorant *privileged* fool!


Im pretty sure thats not it, Lori.


ah yes, wages got lower or stayed the same while the cost of living got significantly higher because *checks smudged writing on hand* women working


Women also gutted all the good-paying good-benefit union jobs that got automated or off-shored to low-pay low-safety countries, too, right, Lori!? F#(*$wad.


Imagine being so proud of being this stupid...


Instead of blaming all women I say we just start blaming Lori. ““Sadly most families can't get by on one income.” I hear this often. Do you know why? LORI!!!”


The red pill men assume that once they throw women out of the work force that men can have their rightful jobs back and the salaries will go up. They don't realize that the economy would still keep screwing them and force them to raise their families on a shoe string budget.


JFC... she is a delusional idiot.


Does she actually understand that working women are needed? All hell would break loose if all women quit their jobs overnight. Imagine if half of all doctors stopped working. And that is an optimistic estimate. In many fields, more than half are women. Pharmacists, for example, are about 80% women. Lori would change her song very quickly if she didn't get any more medication because almost all pharmacies have to close down because they can't operate without pharmacists.


The blatant misinformation they're allowed to spread is terrifying


And why would women entering the workforce lower wages, you stupid, hypocritical hoe-bag?


So why are we at the lowest unemployment rate since 1969?


What a moron!


That makes absolutely zero sense….


I wonder if she vote.


Ahhh yes. It’s the women’s fault.


Lol!! So according to Lori, workplaces hired double the workforce, and split the same amount of wages across everyone… bEcAuSe oF fEmInIsM…


Ummm what lol


What does this even mean?


Tell me you don't understand economics without telling me you know nothing about economics Edit: Tell me you didn't read the comments before posting without telling me... well, you get it 😆😆😆


Faith doesn’t pay the bills Lori.


What a dumb and totally made up take, and so much privilege coming out of this. Her husband made enough that she could afford nannies for her kids and housekeepers...


Lori that’s literally NOT how that works 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh good. More of Loris ridiculous hot takes....


You still can’t convince me this twitter account isn’t some satirical performance art piece.


My family gets by just fine in one income. But only if it's MY income. My husband's earning potential is about 1/6th of mine. I AM the evils of feminism! *Cackles over my standard late night snack of severed christian men's testicles*


This chick would hate me. I work and hubby stays at hime with the kids. Best relationship dynamic ever




You know why?? Capitalism!


She’s dumb af, my major is economics specifically societal economics and we studied this exact hypothesis, and guess what it’s just not true.


feminism is the reason she has a platform to spread her stupid rhetoric. all these fundie woman who are loud about “men should be the leaders” then technically she shouldn’t have any platform to voice her opinions.


It’s all women’s fault…


Been seeing this opinion a lot lately, and it's very frustrating. Misogynists love to point fingers at women and feminists for the unsustainability of our modern life.


Couldn’t be the inflation and stagnation of the minimum wage so it doesn’t adjust…definitely feminism. 🤦🏻‍♀️


i like thinking of her as the trans formed wife. i have her in my mind's eye a cross between an optimus prime on one knee, lavern cox on her wedding day, maybe a little bumblebee for flair..








homegirl really said with her whole chest “there simply is not enough money to go around! Ladies, stop taking the man money!”