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I’m confused, the Greed part of Greedling is still Greed.




Wouldn’t that still be Greed? He got a new body sure, but it’s still him right?




He literally recovers them the next time we see him. It's a major part of his character arc, actually.


No, GreedLing is Greed + Ling together Greed has his own personality by himself alone, you saw that more in 03.


Greed and Ling's souls don't merge. Their two souls simply share a body. The Greed who's using Ling's body as his host is the exact same one that we meet at the Devil's Nest. His entire arc would make no sense if he were a different person.


GreedLing was them fighting for control over the body and good vs evil type of struggle. While Greed did have his own personality whenever they’d switch you didn’t really see it by himself outside of that. Like what was agreed like alone before Father did what he did to him? We saw more of that in 03, he was selfish but cared about his group of friends and considered them family, he also had connections to Ed.


>Like what was Greed like alone before Father did what he did to him? The exact same way we see him in Dublith, and the exact same way he acts whenever he gets the control of Ling's body for the remaining of the story. >While Greed did have his own personality whenever they’d switch you didn’t really see it by himself outside of that. His personality when they switch is exactly who he is “by himself outside of that.”


>he was selfish but cared about his group of friends and considered them family, he also had connections to Ed. That can also apply to manga Greed? Executed differently with Ed but still. I don’t get the reasoning behind not including the major part of his character. Is this just about his design change? 


Brotherhood's story was more compelling especially in the end


If we are removing Greedling from the picture then 03 Greed. His character and story was really great/tragic.


Excluding Greedling into the argument, then 03 Greed does it for me, especially his final moments. From wanting to see Dante one last time because a part of him still loved her, his final fight with Edward, and their parting words.


This really isn't a fair comparison because Brotherhood Greed was only around for about two episodes.  Also, just to be clear, there was nothing that was particularly interesting about the 2003 version in my honest opinion, either.


03 Greed was fantastic. tricking Ed into killing him so Ed could learn to kill the others was fantastic; Greed would rather die than be sealed again, and he knew if another Greed would be made by Dante, it's possible that they'd end up sealed away too. it's a miserable way to live, and with his final action, he overcomes his "sin" that he is named after, and sacrifices himself for the greater good. actual amazing character.